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X-treme Wrestling Federation
Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 108,226
Threads: 32,831
Members: 1,149
Posts per day: 6.9
Threads per day: 2.09
Members per day: 0.07
Posts per member: 94.19
Replies per thread: 2.3
Newest Member:Emmanuelle
Members who have posted: 96.69%
Today's top poster: FaceTheDoll (1 posts)
Most popular forum: Out Of Character (OOC) Board (31,933 posts, 4,244 threads)

Most Popular…
Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
The Commissioner's Office (243 replies)
Costume Party (183 replies)
The General Manager Game (159 replies)
Tag Team Championship (136 replies)
TRADES! Who will get traded? (136 replies)
Halls and Lollypops (Open for anyone) (133 replies)
Taking requests. (126 replies)
I Believe..... (113 replies)
The Shitty Thread (112 replies)
Corrupt a Wish! (112 replies)
Rebellion Rising (110 replies)
Halloween Costume Party #2 (110 replies)
VINNIE FUCKIN' LANE! (106 replies)
The Lounge! (General Chat/Rambling) (101 replies)
Crap banners: RESURGENCE (100 replies)
Fuck You Gilmour (97 replies)
nWo vs. WCW: The Mafia Game (94 replies)
You Want My Help? (93 replies)
The Caliban went down to Dallas (93 replies)
SSGL (92 replies)
Trigger Happy (92 replies)
Do you want a banner/signature? (91 replies)
An Issue (90 replies)
Sigs upon request (87 replies)
2013 XWF Awards? (86 replies)
Future Trios Title Defense! (85 replies)
Peter Gilmour (84 replies)
Merchandise for Thunderbolt X (83 replies)
#1 thing that pisses you off (80 replies)
Ladies and Gentlemen... (80 replies)
Fun Facts: Did You Know (79 replies)
Official War Games Trash Talk Thread (79 replies)
The LIVE drawing of the Lethal Lottery Captains! (all welcome to reply) (79 replies)
Round 1 Draft Picks! (replies/comments welcome from all) (79 replies)
Pose For Atty (78 replies)
Post Thursday Warfare (77 replies)
7/13 European Title Match (77 replies)
~Special Reward!~ (76 replies)
Hey Morbid, you fucked up. (72 replies)
Sal Clinic is Now Open (71 replies)
Conquered (71 replies)
TITLE TALK (69 replies)
Open season boys! (68 replies)
we should have a new European champ (68 replies)
Hey [you] (68 replies)
Guest Commentators! (68 replies)
Warfare Results: 1.12.22 (66 replies)
Condemning Rebel (66 replies)
Coming Home... (Radio) (65 replies)
... And here we are! (65 replies)
WaD's Odds: Wednesday Night Warfare (65 replies)
parsh a batman? (65 replies)
Dinner in Paris (Shove It contestants) (64 replies)
SAVAGE OVERFLOW (64 replies)
I want [you] (64 replies)
Just so you know (64 replies)
Hero X-Treme 7.9 and... (64 replies)
The Champ is Queer! (63 replies)
A new life (Ally/David) (63 replies)
Other Accounts (63 replies)
Hey Satty (63 replies)
TV Title Shot - Convince me. (for the special June 15th Shove It) (62 replies)
We The People! (62 replies)
Jesus Christ, Caroline! What happened?! (62 replies)
The Pest and his proclamation (62 replies)
The Rot (62 replies)
The Heyman Rankings: Post 1/21 Savage (61 replies)
John Madison declares herself MANAGER of The Black Circle! (61 replies)
Here Comes Santa Doc! (60 replies)
John Lewis' Press Conference (60 replies)
Warfare HOTLIST (60 replies)
War Games LIVE IN CHARACTER Reaction Thread (60 replies)
Kandi... Let me rape you! (59 replies)
Something you all need to understand (59 replies)
Why did you choose the pic base/wrestler you did? (58 replies)
Where do we stand? (58 replies)
Dangerous Alliance, M.E has a new plan. (58 replies)
WWE Summerslam Discussion (57 replies)
Will You Join in Its Crusade? (57 replies)
Romeo Management Inc (57 replies)
A Doctor, a preacher, and a rabbi walk into a bar (57 replies)
Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight (57 replies)
Heyman Needs a Luca Title Defense to keep Madness on the Air. Ergo, Convince Me (56 replies)
P 9: Crimson Knights Make a Connection (56 replies)
Savage Results: 7.17.21 (56 replies)
Monday Night Madness - 9/30/2013 - Part 2 (56 replies)
Spin the wheel! (56 replies)
Monday Night Madness - 8/5/2013 (56 replies)
Announcing Alias First Title Defense (55 replies)
E-Fed Pet Peeves (55 replies)
Let me introduce myself (55 replies)
PETER GILMOUR! (54 replies)
RUBY (54 replies)
The First Victim (54 replies)
Gator made me do this. (54 replies)
NFL Fans... (53 replies)
Kliq!Pack up your bags! (53 replies)
Costume Party (118,991 views)
The Commissioner's Office (88,428 views)
Tag Team Championship (86,909 views)
TRADES! Who will get traded? (80,746 views)
Rebellion Rising (74,295 views)
Halloween Costume Party #2 (73,795 views)
Halls and Lollypops (Open for anyone) (72,459 views)
7/13 European Title Match (64,532 views)
Something you all need to understand (60,399 views)
An Issue (56,988 views)
Hey Morbid, you fucked up. (56,058 views)
The LIVE drawing of the Lethal Lottery Captains! (all welcome to reply) (55,829 views)
Round 1 Draft Picks! (replies/comments welcome from all) (54,459 views)
Post Thursday Warfare (53,067 views)
Fuck You Gilmour (52,559 views)
The end is the best part of any story (52,443 views)
Peter Gilmour (51,470 views)
Future Trios Title Defense! (50,856 views)
~Special Reward!~ (49,459 views)
Condemning Rebel (49,426 views)
Dinner in Paris (Shove It contestants) (49,302 views)
The Caliban went down to Dallas (49,283 views)
Open season boys! (48,747 views)
Ladies and Gentlemen... (47,966 views)
Jesus Christ, Caroline! What happened?! (46,621 views)
The Rot (45,806 views)
Hey Satty (45,544 views)
I Believe..... (45,490 views)
Will You Join in Its Crusade? (45,325 views)
Warfare 1/8/14 - part 2 (changes in the air?) (45,143 views)
The Pest and his proclamation (44,907 views)
The General Manager Game (44,555 views)
Crap banners: RESURGENCE (43,011 views)
You Want My Help? (42,946 views)
VINNIE FUCKIN' LANE! (42,941 views)
XWF: Classic Hall of Legends! (42,909 views)
P 9: Crimson Knights Make a Connection (42,313 views)
Custom easy codes [codes] for you guys to use. We also take requests for custom code! (42,262 views)
parsh a batman? (42,199 views)
Monday Night Madness - 9/30/2013 - Part 2 (41,968 views)
Gilmour! (40,955 views)
Let me introduce myself (40,905 views)
Monday Night Madness - 10/7/2013 (39,647 views)
TV Title Shot - Convince me. (for the special June 15th Shove It) (39,627 views)
Guest Commentators! (39,556 views)
Care to cast your vote and weigh in on true love? (39,307 views)
Round TWO Draft Picks! (replies/comments welcome from all) (39,252 views)
John Madison declares herself MANAGER of The Black Circle! (39,214 views)
Conquered (39,207 views)
... And here we are! (39,152 views)
Dangerous Alliance, M.E has a new plan. (38,981 views)
Pose For Atty (38,950 views)
The Champ is Queer! (38,547 views)
The Lounge! (General Chat/Rambling) (38,193 views)
I want [you] (37,906 views)
Heyman Needs a Luca Title Defense to keep Madness on the Air. Ergo, Convince Me (37,863 views)
Monday Night Madness - 8/5/2013 (37,813 views)
ThunderBowl I: #1 Contender's Match (37,767 views)
we should have a new European champ (37,408 views)
XWF99.COM WPW One Night Only PPV (37,268 views)
We The People! (37,179 views)
Wednesday Night Warfare November 12, 2014 (36,732 views)
Trigger Happy (36,249 views)
Taking requests. (36,021 views)
Do you want a banner/signature? (36,014 views)
Releasing Hell (35,270 views)
Wednesday Night Warfare 2/24 (34,925 views)
Kandi... Let me rape you! (34,736 views)
A new life (Ally/David) (34,379 views)
@Austin2690XWF (34,291 views)
The New Ark of the Covenant Champion Is... (34,105 views)
Kliq!Pack up your bags! (33,930 views)
Coming Home... (Radio) (33,795 views)
Halloween Masquerade Ball 2013 (33,702 views)
The Shitty Thread (33,360 views)
Satoko -vs- Aerial Knight (33,055 views)
Title Match at the big pay per view extravaganza? Me thinks so (32,498 views)
Green Delivers Cryptic Message To XWF (32,425 views)
The Heyman Rankings: Post 1/21 Savage (32,240 views)
[you] Hey I'd like your attention. I'm talking to you [you] (32,208 views)
Best Friends(?) (31,945 views)
A couple of 'Dear John' letters (31,444 views)
Warfare HOTLIST (30,959 views)
Peter is afraid of me (30,711 views)
Sigs upon request (30,601 views)
2013 XWF Awards? (30,255 views)
PETER GILMOUR! (30,190 views)
SAVAGE Saturday Night 7/15/17 (30,064 views)
Corrupt a Wish! (30,015 views)
High Stakes II: Segment 11 (30,004 views)
And on the 6th day the King Decreed... (29,918 views)
Hero X-Treme 7.9 and... (29,684 views)
Hey [you] honey you're sweet and bubble yum (29,662 views)
Where do we stand? (29,602 views)
The Tigris Corporation Wants You! (29,594 views)
Lethal Warfare! FULL SHOW 10/27/2013 (29,503 views)
The Mortality Solution, part 3 (29,458 views)
Under Protest (29,095 views)