Salt & Pepper
Afton Pepper & Frederic Salt (w/ Vic Vinegar)
- vs -
"The" Tristan Slater & Famine of the Vile Tag Team
Optional: Vic Vinegar may do a single 500 word RP
Jason Rayne
- vs -
Miss Michelle
- vs -
"Box Office" Brian O'Haire Triple Threat
The Arm Collectors
Hanari Carnes & Steve Justice
- vs -
MDK & Bill Blakk Tag Team
Finn Kuhn
- vs -
Kieran Overton
- vs -
Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Michael McBride Fatal Four Way
Zane Norrison & Elias York
- vs -
The Sugay Sisters Tag Team
Winners will receive a future Tag Title shot
The 5'2 Mafia
Sarah Lacklan & Kenzi Grey
- vs - Sick Cunts
Noah Jackson & Fuzz Tag Team
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Jenny Myst Tables Match
The winner is the first to put their opponent through a table
Salt & Pepper
Afton Pepper & Frederic Salt (w/ Vic Vinegar)
- vs -
"The" Tristan Slater & Famine of the Vile Tag Team
The opening riff of "Heaven Is A Place On Earth" starts blasting over the sound system as the fans come alive. At the 20 second mark Afton Pepper dances his way out from the back as rainbow confetti starts shooting out of small cannons lining the entry way. Pepper slaps hands with his fans and even kisses a baby or two before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope. He dances in the center of the ring for a few seconds before ending his routine with a split just as the song ends.
Frederick Salt and Vic Vinegar follow Pepper to the ring.
Famine makes his way down to the ring as the crowd goes insane for the hall of famer.
The Tristan Slater steps out to the top of the stage, a shit eating grin on his face as he makes his way down the ramp with his manager Rage. Slater is wearing a "Table Scraps" tee shirt, and points at it repeatedly as the British fans boo him all the way to the ring. Tristan peels the shirt off as he climbs the ring steps and hurls it into the crowd, then laughs as it's promptly hurled back. Rage makes his way to his usual managerial position, and Tristan lounges in the corner awaiting Lux's arrival. John Cable follows The Tristan Slater.
The bell rings.
Afton Pepper starts in the ring first for his team, while The Tristan Slater starts for his.
Afton walks up to Slater and starts mocking him.
Suddenly Slater unleashes with a flurry of rights and lefts, before following up, with a German Suplex. He then gets to his feet first and helps Pepper back to his feet, and then whips him into the ropes. He comes flying back and Slater hits him with a running knee. Pepper is in trouble
"Afton is in trouble from the get go,"
Slater lines him up for the GLORIOUS PILE DRIVER a.k.a Flip Pile Driver, and nails it. He goes for a cover.
Slater gets up off of his cover of Pepper, and grabs him.
"What did he do that for? He could have won there and then."
Slater throws Pepper back into the corner where a shocked looking Frederic Salt is. Slater yells at Salt to make the tag, and he goes over to Famine of the Vile and tags him in.
Famine quickly gets through the ropes, and as Salt taps the fallen Pepper who is lying in a heap, he tries to make it into the ring, only for Famine to pounce upon him with big boot to the side of the temple. Salt slumps to the floor.
Famine laughs at just how easy this match is.
"This is way too easy for both Slater and Famine,"
"Salt and Pepper promised so much but delivered very little,"
Famine grabs Salt, and executes a stalling suplex. He then sets up Salt for THE DEVIL'S SPIKE, a.k.a Suplex into a DDT. And nails it.
He then grabs an injured looking Salt and drags him towards the nearest corner. He places him on the top turnbuckle, and goes up after him.
THEN THE HELLSEEKER a.k.a R.K.O from the top turnbuckle.
"Surely it's over now,"
"Remind me not to look for one of those Hellseekers any time soon,"
Famine walks over to Slater, and tags him in. Together they walk over to the fallen Salt, and place both their feet on his chest.
Salt and Pepper's manager Vic Vinegar looks on in disbelief, and worriedly.
Jason Rayne
- vs -
Miss Michelle
- vs -
"Box Office" Brian O'Haire Triple Threat
'The Game' by Motorhead hits the sound system and Jason Rayne makes his way to the ring.
In a very preppy and upbeat tone, "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful" is shouted over the p.a. system before the infamous "Queen of the Reich" by Queensryche plays over the sound system. The fans immediately stand to their feet and begin cheering as Miss Michelle's newly designed entrance video plays on the big screen. Miss Michelle walks out from the back and she kicks her right leg up as she slides her hands through her dark reddish hair. She shakes her head and starts strutting down the ramp as she's saying, "it’s time to get back what is my." Miss Michelle makes her way over to the ring apron and lifts herself up using the ropes. She kicks her feet against the apron and flips her hair back before diving under the third rope entering the ring, but pausing over the second. She wiggles her ass as she briefly closes her eyes and licks her lips. She steps over the second rope and jots over to the far corner, climbing to the second rope, and blowing a kiss to the cheering crowd before hopping off the second rope. She turns around and stares up at the entrance ramp as she glares at the curtains. Her theme comes to an end as the fans continue to cheer, but Miss Michelle is slightly stretching her arms against the ropes as she waits for her opponent.
'Love Changes Everything' by Climie Fisher hits the sound system and Brian makes his way to the ring.
"Up next, a three-way with the returning, and rather quite lovely, Miss Michelle, and two new guys...."
"She's attached PC."
"I know, and I just don't see what she sees in that dude."
"About two more feet?"
"I'm going to HR."
“Love Changes Everything” by Climie Fisher hits and Brian O'Haire struts his way to the ring. And that's it.
"You'd think a guy with a movie gimmick would have more of an entrance."
In a very preppy and upbeat tone, "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful" is shouted over the p.a. system before the infamous "Queen of the Reich" by Queensryche plays over the sound system. The fans immediately stand to their feet and begin cheering as Miss Michelle's newly designed entrance video plays on the big screen. Miss Michelle walks out from the back and she kicks her right leg up as she slides her hands through her dark reddish hair. She shakes her head and starts strutting down the ramp as she's saying, "it’s time to get back what is my." Miss Michelle makes her way over to the ring apron and lifts herself up using the ropes. She kicks her feet against the apron and flips her hair back before diving under the third rope entering the ring, but pausing over the second. She wiggles her ass as she briefly closes her eyes and licks her lips. She steps over the second rope and jots over to the far corner, climbing to the second rope, and blowing a kiss to the cheering crowd before hopping off the second rope. She turns around and stares up at the entrance ramp as she glares at the curtains. Her theme comes to an end as the fans continue to cheer, but Miss Michelle is slightly stretching her arms against the ropes as she waits for her opponent.
"interesting factoid, she was the first holder of the now-defunct Bombshell Championship."
“The Game” by Motorhead hits and Jason Rayne walks out looking determined.
"Seriously, did Theo cut the entrance budget or something??"
With all three competitors in the ring, the bell sounds and the action gets underway! Jason Rayne immediately goes for Miss Michelle, looking to lock up with the smaller competitor, but Michelle has him scouted and drop toe holds him. Brian O'Haire seizes the opportunity and then drops a big knee drop on Rayne before bouncing back up for an answer to a slap from Miss Michelle, blocking the strike, booting her in the stomach and nailing her with a big t-bone suplex!
"Michelle picking up some frequent flyer miles with that one!"
O'Haire then picks Rayne up, but Rayne surprises him with a jawbreaker followed by a big time lariat. Rayne then hefts Brian up and drops him with a big time sit out spinebuster! He covers!
By this point, Michelle gets back in the fray, launching herself at Rayne with a dropkick to his face then puts him in the corner. Then, wheeling around on Brian as he slowly gets up, she plants him with a dropkick as well before looking back at Rayne. She dives at him, shoulder checking him in the stomach and then grabbing him about the head and running bulldogging him to the center of the ring! Michelle covers!
Rayne grabs a big helping of Michelle's hair as he gets up and brutally tosses her into the corner, but before he can capitalize The Box Office surprises him with a neckbreaker, which he then follows up with a fist drop to Rayne's skull. Michelle makes her way out of the corner and catches O'Haire with a punch to the jaw, followed by a splash on Rayne. She makes another cover.
"Michelle not having much luck putting the big man away yet."
Rayne gets vertical and Michelle steps in for a Reverse Russian Legsweep, but he overpowers her, grabs her by the hair and snap mares her down to the canvas. But then, Rayne turns about just to catch the full force of a belly to back suplex from Box Office! Brian forces Rayne up and whips him into the corner, followed up by a big time lariat that rocks the fellow newcomer! But then, Miss Michelle sneaks up behind Brian and rolls him up!
3...NO! She almost had him but not quite enough!
Brian and Michelle get vertical, and Brian jacks Michelle's jaw with a huge right hand! He then irish whips her into the opposite corner and runs at her, but Michelle dodges out of the way and Brian eats nothing but turnbuckle. Rayne then ambushes Michelle from behind, clotheslining her to the canvas before attacking Brian, lighting him up with a series of welt producing chest chops and then a SNAKE BUSTER (sit out face buster). He covers!
"A fraction of a second away on that one!"
Suddenly, before Rayne can even get up, Michelle lands a devastating bicycle kick to Rayne's skull!
"She needs to cover, but it looks like Brian O'Haire is stirring!"
Miss Michelle covers!
Brian O'Haire is gaining his bearings!
He gets up!
But falls short of breaking the pin!!!
WINNER - MISS MICHELLE! (via pinfall)
The camera cuts backstage where we see VV casually walking down a hallway with her dented 24/7 case in hand, and a cocky grin plastered on her face. Various backstage workers look on as she walks past. All of them obviously judging her for her new found attitude. Suddenly Steve Sayors burst into the scene with a microphone in hand. VV notices him, but continues to walk down the hall as Steve Sayors tags along beside her.
”Ms. Valenteen! The other day on Anarchy, you brutally attacked Sarah Lacklan and challenged her for a shot at the Anarchy title at Relen...”
VV throws her hand out and pie faces Sayors who takes the hint and buggers off. VV continues on her way for a moment before something or someone off camera seems to startle her. That cocky grin quickly melts away, leaving behind a look of dread in its place as her boyfriend Corey walks into view blocking her path.
”Vita, we need to talk.”
All of that swagger from before is gone now as VV struggles to so much as look Corey in the eyes.
”Can we do this later?”
”Do what? I’d just like some time to talk to my girlfriend and I don’t know, maybe find out why she’s seemingly gone out of her way to avoid me for the past few weeks.”
VV looks away from him in shame, but doesn’t say a word.
”Listen, I realize something isn’t right with you, but I care about you, and whatever you’re going through, I’m here to help, but you have to talk to me…”
She is still looking away from Corey as closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Corey picks up on the fact that she is fighting back some strong emotions and feels like he may be reaching her, so he continues.
”The other night, the way that you attacked Sarah, that’s not like you. Whatever’s going on, please, let's figure it out together.”
What Corey didn’t realize is that the emotions that she was trying to fight back had nothing to do with her feelings for him, but everything to do with her anger at the idea that she needs _help_. VV explodes as she loses her temper and before you know it, She’s right in Corey’s face shouting like a mad woman.
”You think that I need YOU!?! Oh yeah, that’ll be the day when I need some gender bending psychopath to solve MY problems! Besides…”
VV violently shoved her 24/7 case into Corey's face. He stared at the indention of Sarah Lacklan's face in the metal case for a moment before she pulled it away.
”Do I look like I need your help!?! Everything that I need, I can get for myself, just like how I'm going to get the Anarchy belt off the waist of that “Marketing Moron” Sarah Lacklan! So why don’t you do us all a favor and just get lost!?!”
Corey is genuinely shocked by the outburst and in turn just stands there as VV shoves him to the side and marches past.
”Oh, and for the record, I’m NOT your girlfriend!”
VV continues down the hall as the camera pans back to Corey. He watches her go, and then, in a state of shock, backs up to the wall and slides down it. Lux appears to him then, her face pinched with worry. Of course, the camera cannot see her, but it's clear that Corey isn't just talking to himself. Corey, I'm so sorry....I..... Suddenly, Corey balls up his fist and starts smashing it into the wall. Lux winces as she experiences the physical pain of the body they share. Please stop. You're hurting us. She chides him gently. Corey does stop, and he looks at his balled up fist, which is already starting to develop a bruise.
Take the wheel. He utters the words simply, and without feeling.
Corey, I'm going to need you to talk to me. I know you're hurting.
Just take over. You have a big match to prepare for. I need to be alone now anyway.
Lux looks pensive, but finally she nods her heads and reintroduces herself into their shared mind. Corey's eyes flutter for a moment as he cedes control. Lux stands up then, still looking deeply worried as she makes her way off camera.
The Arm Collectors
Hanari Carnes & Steve Justice
- vs -
MDK & Bill Blakk Tag Team
"Danza Kuduro" hits and Hanari Carnes spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. Instead of walking down the aisle, he waits on the ramp as his music stops.
"New Noise" by Refused starts playing as the arena lights dim. A spotlight illuminates the aisle and Steve Justice emerges from the back wearing a red satin robe with the hood up. He looks at Hanari and they both nod, walking down the aisle together.
"Charlie Big Potatoe" by Skunk Anansie plays and MDK makes his way to the ring.
Bill Blakk's music hits and he heads to the ring.
"The team of Justice and Carnes was sort of a random pairing, but has worked out thus far."
"Well have to see if they can continue to work well together and advance to the next round."
Steve Justice let's Hanari start in the ring against Bill Blakk, as the referee calls for the bell.
Handrail and Blakk lock up in the center, but Bill quickly shoves Carnes to the mat, who does a backwards tumble, quickly getting to his feet. Bill Blakk motions for him to come at him, which Carnes obliges. As Blakk reaches out for his opponent, Hanari ducks under his arms and slips behind him. He attempts a German Suplex, but can't lift Bill Blakk who elbows Carnes, before shoving him back to the mat. Hanari pops back up and charges at Blakk, only to be met with a powerful Clothesline.
"Bill Blakk takes Hanari's head off with that move!"
"Hanari probably doesn't know what country he's in right now!"
Bill Blakk drags his opponent over to his corner before tagging M.D.K. Blakk hits a Scoop Slam on Carnes, before his partner follows it up with an Elbow Drop, covering as Bill climbs to the outside.
M.D.K. brings Hanari to his feet and attempts a Back Drop, but Carnes flips over onto his feet. He turns and delivers a punch to Bill Blakk on the outside, before turning back to M.D.K. who goes to grab Hanari, who rolls under his arms, before hitting a Superkick to his opponent. Being smart, Hanari drags M.D.K. over to his corner, before making a tag to Steve Justice.
"Hanari managed to escape a bad situation and turn it into a good one!"
Steve Justice lifts M.D.K. up as Hanari climbs to the second rope. Carnes jumps off and delivers a Lou Thesz Press while Justice hits a Spinebuster at the same time. Hanari climbs to the outside as Steve covers.
"Good awareness by M.D.K.'s partner to keep them in it."
Blakk doesn't immediately go to the outside, instead lifting Steve Justice up above his head. Justice manages to wiggle out, slipping behind Bill who turns around and is met with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex, which Blakk rolls to the outside afterward. The distraction allows M.D.K. to take advantage, as he approaches Justice and surprises him with a Sidewalk Slam, hooking the leg.
"Hanari showed alot of faith in his partner by not interfering."
"It paid off this time, might not the next."
M.D.K. whips Steve Justice over to his corner. Steve bounces off the turnbuckles, chest first, and backs up towards his opponent. M.D.K. then hits a Backbreaker, before getting up and tagging his partner who just climbed onto the apron. As Bill Blakk comes in, his partner brings Justice up and holds him from behind. Blakk goes to deliver a Clothesline, but Justice ducks and he hits M.D.K. instead. Bill looks at what he's done, as his partner rolls out, before turning and getting hit with a European Uppercut that sends him falling backwards. He bounces off the ropes and back to Steve, who lifts him up in Death Valley Driver position.
"He could be going for the Justice Buster!"
"That could very well finish the match!"
Justice brings Blakk down onto the mat, before covering him.
Just as the announcers called, M.D.K. managed to get up in time to help keep his team in the match. Steve Justice gets up, bringing Bill Blakk with him. He walks over and tries to tag Hanari, but Blakk uses all he's got left to whip Justice back to his corner. Steve tries to walk away, but M.D.K., who's back on the apron, grabs his arm, keeping him there. This allows Bill Blakk to charge at the corner and deliver a devastating Splash to Justice from behind.
"Excellent teamwork from Blakk and M.D.K."
As Justice falls to the mat, Blakk tags M.D.K. before climbing out for a much needed breather. M.D.K. picks Steve Justice onto his shoulders and brings him down for a Samoan Drop. He immediately gets up and brings Justice with him, delivering a Vertical Suplex as soon as they reached their feet.
"What a great strategy, M.D.K. keeping on him to prevent him from catching wind."
M.D.K. brings Justice up, once more, only for him to start fighting back. Steve delivers several rights at the ribs of his opponent, before hitting the J-Trigger out of nowhere, causing M.D.K. to drop to the mat.
"What a shot! This may be the opening 'The Arm Collectors' need."
Both men begin crawling for their respective corners, as the fans begin to cheer. M.D.K. tags Bill Blakk, who tries to hurry in before Steve can reach Hanari, but it's too late! Justice tags Carnes, who meets Blakk at the apron with a shoulder to the gut, before climbing in. Hanari uses all of his strength to lift Bill Blakk up for a moment, before bringing him down for an Atomic Drop. M.D.K. attacks Carnes from behind, but Steve Justice gets up and throws him out of the ring, before following him.
"This match is a bunch of mayhem right now!"
"The ref needs to get regain control."
Hanari kicks Blakk in the leg, dropping him to a knee. He then hits with a Punta Cana Kick!, before locking in a Cross Arm Breaker, as Bill struggles to break free.
"Hanari locks in his Viva la Republic! submission hold."
"If M.D.K. doesn't save his partner, this match could be over!"
Bill Blakk can't break free, and Steve Justice grabs M.D.K. as he tries to crawl in. Left with no other choice, Blakk taps out.
"These two have made quite the team!"
"Yes, but as they keep advancing, the competition is only going to get more fierce."
The two celebrate briefly before exiting. MDK leaves shaking his head, Blakk lies on the mat in defeat.
Suddenly, Progenies of the Great Apocalypse begins to play.
"What the hell? It’s Famine! Famine of the Vile is making his way out here!"
"His match is over, why is he out here?"
"I guess we’re about to find out."
Blakk looks on, wondering why The Demon King is out here. Famine then gets in the ring and walks toward Bill Blakk whom he proceeds to kick in the gut and plants him with the Devil’s Spike!
Famine then gets up and walks over to ask for a mic.
"He seems focused tonight that’s for sure!"
"And when he’s focused it spells trouble for anyone who gets in his way."
Famine: So XX is this Sunday and I’m going head to head with a man who I know very well. That man is none other than Trent Gein! Hi Butcher! It’s been a long fucking time hasn’t it?! Here we are all these years later and it feels like old times again. You, me, blood and destruction! I gotta tell you Butcher, it’s just like old time and I’m getting a little excited about getting back into the ring with you. No, this isn’t going to be some wonderful reunion where you and I get in the ring, hug or shake hands or some shit. This is going to be bloody! It’s going to be hardcore. It’s going to be the stuff of legends because you and I both know that when we’re in that ring, nothing holds us back.
And that’s the problem. You see Butcher you and I both know each other very well and we know what we’re capable of. So this First Blood match bullshit isn’t going to cut it. No! It’s too easy. Too simple. No, no, no a match between you and I HAS to be so much more. It has to be something that will be talked about even after you and I are dead and gone. So I’m telling those corporate clowns in the back right now. Fuck your First Blood match! I want this to happen in the one place built for a match between you and I. I want this match to take place in the Devil’s Playground! No rules, no limits just you me, a steel cage and all the weapons you can handle.
Let’s see if you’ve still got it Trent! Let’s see if the Butcher if Plainsfield is still that same sick son of a bitch I faced long ago. Let’s see if you’re still the same demented fuck you used to be. Because if you’re not, you’re going to step into my house but you’ll be carried out when it’s over!
Famine then drops the mic and walks over to pick up (name) who is slowly getting to his feet. Famine then drops him again with the Nail in the Coffin!
"Jesus! I don’t even wanna know what this guy is capable of when he’s out of control!"
"Trust me when I tell you, you’re going to find out at XX what that’s like. I hope you bring a bucket."
"What for?"
"To vomit. You’re not going to have the stomach for what you’re going to witness with the rest of us."
Finn Kuhn
- vs -
Kieran Overton
- vs -
Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Michael McBride Fatal Four Way
"Wait, we're getting word that there's something going on backstage. Apparently someone was attacked? Please stand by as we attempt to get a camera on the situation."
"A backstage attack on a wrestling show? Color me surprised."
"I'm getting word that we have a camera on the scene."
We cut backstage where we find VV laid out on the floor unconscious. Various trainers and such were knelt down checking on her.
"From what we're being told she was just found like this and we have no word on who the assailant may have been."
"My money is on Lux or Sarah Lacklan!"
EMTs arrived to the location and began checking on VV as the camera feed cut back to ringside.
"Whoever is behind this attack couldn't have picked a worse time as VV is set to be in action next!"
"By the looks of things, this may have just became a triple threat!"
The starting riffs of Rise Against's Savior shakes through the arena, getting the crowd pumped up for the upcoming match. As the main guitar riff finally starts to kick in, the Kaiser himself, Finn Kühn walks out from behind the curtains, a smug a look as ever as he scans through the crowd and in the ring. Many members of the crowd lob boos at Finn with only a few scattered cheers at most. After his brief surmise of the situation, Finn walks down to the ring, hands locked together behind his back with his attention firmly placed at the match at hand.
Finn gets up on the apron before dusting his boots off. After showing the proper respect to the mat it deserves, Finn heads in, determined and ready to walk away with a W.
Finn gets up on the apron before dusting his boots off. After showing the proper respect to the mat it deserves, Finn heads in, determined and ready to walk away with a W.
Beast by Puppy plays over the sound system as there's massive amount of boos when Kieran Overton walks out as he screams on top of his lungs with his hands in the air on top of the ramp, wearing shorts, shirt, gloves and boots before walking down as he ignores each one of the fans before he goes up the steps and goes over the top rope and places his hand on his left arm, basically not giving a damn about them before he turns to anger, while he goes to sit in the corner, waiting for his opponent to come to the ring.
Michael McBride walks down the ramp and straight to the ring, where he gets inside and waits for the bell.
The opening riffs of “Vicious” begin to play as the crowd begins to boo. The song continues to play for a moment with no sign of VV.
"I don't think she's coming out."
"She looked to be in pretty bad shape. It seems that the advertised Fatal Fourway will now be contested as a Triple Threat!"
Before the bell had finished ringing, Finn Kuhn and Michael McBride rushed out of their corners, straight at one another. They met in the middle of the ring with simultaneous, vicious forearm strikes and immediately began trading blows back and forth. Every shot seemed harder than the last, and neither man was willing to give an inch.
The two were so wrapped up fighting one another, that they seemed to have forgotten about the third competitor in the match, newcomer Kieran Overton, who had just watched thus far. Kieran smirked and charged straight into the fight. McBride and Kuhn looked up just in time to be leveled by a double clothesline! McBride pushed up fast, but was off balance and nearly out on his feet. Kieran grabbed ahold of him and violently whipped him into the turnbuckle! McBride crashed hard into the corner and slunk down, propped up only by his arms being draped over the top rope. Kieran charged toward him, full steam ahead, and leaped into the air, crashing his full weight into the corner and sandwiching McBride into the turnbuckles.
Kieran didn’t miss a beat as he charged out of the corner towards Finn who had managed to pull himself up to one knee. McBride face planted into the mat behind him as Kieran hoisted Finn up and slammed him to the mat with a devastating powerbomb! Kieran let out a mighty roar as he stomped around the ring. Noticing that McBride still had some life left to him, Kieran grabbed him up and stuffed his head between his legs. Kieran called his shot before finishing off McBride with The Destructive Driver!
Kieran wasn’t finished yet though as he turned his attention over to Finn Kuhn. Kieran kicked him over to his belly and stepped over him. Now with a foot at each side, Kieran leaned down and grabbed Finn's head. It looked like he was setting up for the camel clutch, but something distracted him.
Kieran dropped Finn and marched over to the ropes as Vita Valenteen’s music hit.
”Is VV really going to try and compete tonight?”
”It doesn’t seem like a wise move, especially considering the destruction that Kieran Overton has brought to the ring tonight!”
Suddenly VV limped out to the stage holding the back of her head and looking dreadful. She slowly limped down the ramp as the official guided Kieran Overton to back away from the ropes.
”Say what you want about her recent attitude, but VV is proving tonight that she is still a fighter who won’t back down, no matter the odds.”
VV slowly limped up the steps and down the apron. She hesitated to enter the ring until the official came over and held the ropes open to assist her into the ring. Once inside of the ring, the official checked on her and asked if she was sure that she was okay to compete. She nodded yes which caused Kieran to laugh at the idea of this injured little girl thinking that she had a chance against him. The official backed away and signaled that the match was back on. Kieran smirked as he slowly stalked towards VV. VV started to limp towards him as well, refusing to back down. Kieran moved in and grabbed a fist full of her hair, causing VV to scream out and pull at his hand, trying to break his grip. The official was quick to get involved and warned Kieran to release her hair, but VV used this as a distraction and managed to deliver a swift kick to the balls without the official noticing! Kieran immediately released his grip and stumbled back doubled over as VV suddenly showed no sign of injury as she leapt over the ropes to the apron.
”What the!?!”
VV springboarded off of the ropes and connected with a dropkick square to the jaw of Kieran Overton!
Kieran was rocked by the kick, but he wasn’t out. He struggled to get back to his feet, but VV was there to grab him up and shove his head between her legs. VV looked out to the booing crowd before calling her next move.
”Holy shit!”
VV grabbed one of Kierans legs and rolled up his body for the pin!
Mcbride breaks the pin!
"Michael McBride makes the save just in the nick of time!"
McBride continues to hammer down on the back of VV's skull as Overton gets to his feet. Overton looks over to McBride and VV going at it, then over to Finn Kuhn who's still down and an easy target. He grabs Finn and powers him up into the Camel Clutch as VV begins to turn the tides on McBride! The official slides in to check on Finn.
"somebody better make a move quick because I don't think Finn can survive the clutch for long!"
Step up Enziguri by VV takes McBride down. She turn her attention to the action happening between Finn Kuhn and Kieran Overton, and she takes off across the ring!
WINNER - KIERAN OVERTON! (via submission)
"Overton did it in his debut! What win!"
Vita dives in from behind and clobbers Kieran in the back of the skull and stomps down hard on Kieran's head!
And again!
Before grabbing her 24/7 briefcase and rolling out of the ring.
"What a cheap and petty thing to do! If Overton saw that coming he would have eat Vita for breakfast!"
"Well, he didn't. So ha!"
Zane Norrison & Elias York
- vs -
The Sugay Sisters Tag Team
Winners will receive a future Tag Title shot
"Surfin Dead" by The Cramps hits the sound system and Zane Norrison makes his way to the ring.
Elias emerges with a clever smirk in place upon his face. He casts his gaze onto the crowd and descends towards the ring. Acknowledging the fans as he passes them by, he climbs into the ring and after he enters the squared circle, he does a bow. In a very dramatic and upstanding fashion. Like only a character of stage would perform. After which he takes his position in the ring and awaits his opponent.
The Sugay sisters make their way to the ring.
Tala shoves Zane, and Zane shoves back, then it turns into full on slug fest until Tala is on the ropes. Zane gets pushes off by the ref, and Tala cheap shot him in the chin. Tala then locks up Zane with a collar elbow, and Hair-Pull Mat Slam on Zane. Zane gets on his feet and retaliate with biting her in the forehead, and breaks it off. He Headbutts her, and whips her into the ropes and connects with a Roundhouse Kick and covers her.
Jaslene Breaks it up
Elias gets heated and tries to go into the ring, but the ref held him back. Jaslene and Tala then lift up Zane and Jaslene Bitched Slap as Tala connected with a Back Rake on Zane. Jaslene gets back into her corner, and Tala drags Zane to her corner, and tags in Jaslene. The both whip Zane to the ropes and hit a double Catching Hip Toss and Wishbone combo on Zane. Jaslene then covers Zane.
Elias immediately breaks it up by punting Jaslene in her head, and Zane rolls up to his feet. He stomps on Jaslene head, and lift her up and takes her to the corner. He goes to the other side of the ring, and charges to the corner to hit a Enzuigiri. Jaslene falls on the mat, and drags her to his corner. Zane tags in Elias, and Zane lifts Jaslene in a Tree of Woe and Zane Whips Elias twice to the corner with a Dropkick to the midsection.
Elias taunts to the crowd, and locks in a chinlock on Jaslene. As he locks it in, Jaslene arm gets raised by the ref, then Elias transitions it to the ground. Jaslene puts her foot on the bottom rope, Elias breaks the hold. Elias picks up Jaslene and does an Armdrag, and applies pressure on her arm. Jaslene powers out of it, and pulls his hair until he goes near the ropes. She whips him to the ropes, and connects with a Drop-down Facebuster. She tags in Tala, and she gives Elias the finger on the mat.
She goes to Zane’s side, and flaunts her assets on Zane, which he takes offense and tries to punch her. Tala then side swipes him until Elias rolls her up past her butt cheeks for the cover…
Tala then rolls to the outside, fixing her trunks as Jaslene tries to console her. Elias then pulls out a wand and turns himself invisible, he then goes to Zane to tag in and instruct him to get in the ring. Zane and Elias hits a double plancha on the Sugay Sisters on the outside. Elias then spooks Jaslene, as Zane drags Tala back into the ring. Zane then places Tala’s throat in the middle rope to strangle, and breaks it up after the four count. As Tala is coughing up a lung, an invisible Elias bring a weapon in the ring.
As Jaslene tries to enter, the ref holds her back. Zane lifts up Tala, and hits a We Walk Among You while Elias assisted it. As the ref turns his back Elias becomes visible again, and goes to his corner, as Zane covers Tala…
As Tala kickout she reaches to Jaslene, but Zane drags her away from her. He then hits a dead lift German Suplex on Tala, he hits another one, but by the third attempt, she mule kick Zane. As Zane is feeling the mule kick, Tala then goes to the top rope and hits a Leg Lariat on Zane. She then does a Cartwheel into a Leg Drop on Zane. Tala then attempts a mounded punch, but Zane strikes back. Tala breaks his nose, and Zane goes into ZOMBIE RAGE!.
Zane then powers out the mounded position into his own, and pounds her in. Zane then tries to do a Kimura Lock on Tala, but Jaslene puts her foot on the bottom rope. Zane screams like a banshee as he ignores the ref’s count break the hold. Elias then breaks it off, causing Zane and Elias to have a confrontation. The ref intervenes and instructed both to keep it together.
By the time Zane clams himself down, he gets hit with a…
Tala bridges Zane in the German Suplex…
The two separate from each other and Tala charges Zane who dodges out of the way in just in time. Their partners rush one another and begin to brawl, seeing the end is near.
Tala rebounds off the ropes and...
Zane covers!
The 5'2 Mafia
Sarah Lacklan & Kenzi Grey
- vs - Sick Cunts
Noah Jackson & Fuzz Tag Team
The lights flicker in the arena as “Burn” by The Cure begins to play. Kenzi and Sarah Selena Lacklan walk out together. The sound of a screeching hawk is heard throughout the arena as the two execute their signature fist bump. An explosion of pyro erupts as the pair head down to the ring together.
FuZz simply walks down to the ring, paying the fans no mind, and slides into the ring. He goes to the corner, and gives everyone a middle finger. Then leans on the ropes as he wait for his partner…
Noah Jackson runs onto the ramp with a burst of energy, taunting to the crowds. He walks towards the ring going to high five fans before faking out and giving them a dab like a dick. He rolls into the ring and rests in his corner.
The bell rings, and Noah Jackson persuades Fuzz he will go first, and Sarah who is protecting her wife Kenzi because of her knee, will automatically go first for Team 5'2" Mafia. Although Noah points at Kenzi and yells at her to get in the ring and show them that her knee is okay in order to participate. She does not, and Sarah just stands ready.
"Noah talking smack already,"
"When isn't he not talking smack?"
"Yeah that's true."
Sarah all of a sudden walks right up to Noah. Noah stands his ground and looks serious all of a sudden. But then bursts out laughing as Sarah just stands facing him trying to intimidate him. Sarah doesn't like to be laughed at, and quickly slaps Noah. Noah steps back a couple of steps, and feels his face. Sarah just smiles at him.
Without warning Noah lunges at Sarah, catches her in a headlock and whips her towards the ropes, she comes back, ducks under an attempted lariat, stands up, but Noah has already guessed that she was going to do that, and hits her with enzuiguri, and takes her down to the canvas.
"Quick start here,"
"Noah is taking control,"
Noah gets up and points at Kenzi, and then points down at Sarah and yells at her that if she doesn't get involve then this match will be over quickly. Noah pulls Sarah by the hair, and drags her into his corner and tags Fuzz into the action, and before he leaves the ring, delivers an elbow to Sarah's back, which makes her drops to her knees.
Fuzz is now in the ring, and he too taunts Kenzi, before focusing back on Sarah. He helps her to her feet, and then sets her up for the Tornado DDT, and executes it well.
"I'm looking at Kenzi, she's so worried about her wife. But the question is, if things come to the worse how is her knee going to hold up?"
"She can't think like that, if she wants to be champion again, she needs to forget about her knee,"
Fuzz back up to his feet, and helps Sarah back to hers, and then he whips her across the far corner, and she goes really hard into the corner, and her back hits it hard. Fuzz sizes her up, and runs at her, and tries to deliver a Running Corner Big Boot, but at the very last second, Kenzi pulls Sarah out of the way, and Fuzz ends up connecting his leg with the corner posts, and down he goes.
This makes Noah angry, and he tries to get into the ring, only for the referee to stop him, and he shouts expletives at Kenzi. And then he tells the referee to do his job by sorting out Kenzi being out of her corner.
"Great thinking by Kenzi there,"
"She has her uses,"
Fuzz slowly gets back to his feet, and feels his right leg. He looks to see where Sarah is. She is outside the ring now, trying to get some distance, and he yells at the referee to start the 10 count. The referee has been distracted by Noah telling him a thing or two, and the poor referee is confused.
Fuzz goes storming up to the referee, and yells at Noah to stop with the drama, and he has the situation sorted. Noah, shakes his head, and gets out of the ring, while the referee walks over to the girls corner and starts the 10 count.
Fuzz is licking his lips as Sarah checks to see where he is.
Sarah rolls into the ring, and almost instantly Fuzz is on to her, and starts landing lefts and rights elbows onto her back. She just can't cut a break.
Fuzz then stops and looks back at Kenzi who has climbed back into her corner. He walks towards her delivering some heinous remarks.
"This isn't a good move by Fuzz, he needs to stay on Sarah,"
"Agreed. Kenzi isn't the issue for him, Sarah is,"
Fuzz turns back around, and gets a shock to see Sarah, who is in pain, jump back to her feet, and deliver a Spinning Heel Kick, that connects with Fuzz and makes him stumble backwards..... right into Kenzi's corner,. and Kenzi hits him with a back Elbow, and Fuzz stumbles forwards clutching not just his face because of the kick by Sarah, but also the back of his head because of the Elbow.
This infuriates Noah again, who attempts to get into the ring, but the referee is pushing him back. Talk about double standards.
"Talk about double standards. The girls are getting away with so much more,"
"It's only double standards because they are allowing the referee to force the issue, Noah just needs to calm down."
Sarah heads towards a dazed Fuzz. She tries to deliver a couple of Palm Strikes, but amazingly Fuzz blocks them. He then hits her with a knee to the gut, which makes her bend over, and Fuzz grabs her and send her running into the other side of the ring into the corner. She hits it hard, and he walks over to Noah and tags him into the match again.
Noah isn't happy but he is finally back in the match, and he climbs into the ring, and looks towards the downed Sarah, who is trying to get to her feet. He takes off at a canter and then launches himself at her and hits her with a Baseball Slide. Sarah stumbles backwards into the corner, Noah follows up with a Eye Rake, but because the referee is busy telling Fuzz to get out of the ring, he never sees it it. So Noah does a 2nd eye rake and a 3rd eye rake.and it looks like Sarah is blinded temporary.
"Noah knows how to do the dirty stuff, That's not double standards is it HHL?"
"I guess not."
Noah quickly grabs Sarah and executes a Snap Suplex, and then goes for a quick cover.
The referee has finished dealing with Fuzz who has gotten out of the ring, and goes for the count.
Kick out.
Sarah just kicks out.
Noah gets up, and helps Sarah back to her feet, he sends her into his corner by back raking her.
Noah follows, but instead quickly tags Fuzz back in. Fuzz walks up to Sarah, and drops her to the canvas with an arm take down, and tries to work on her arm. But from out of nowhere Kenzi hits Fuzz with ONE HIT WONDER, a.k.a SUPER GIRL PUNCH. Fuzz goes toppling off of Sarah, and Kenzi grabs Sarah and pulls her back to the corner.
Noah is now back in the ring once again hurtling expletives not only at the girls but at the referee for allowing this. The referee yells at Noah to get out of the ring, and if he doesn't like it, then start acting within the rules, because he's the one that's causing all the issues for constantly trying to get into the ring, and making him (the ref) give him attention.
"He has a point,"
"Well and truly."
Fuzz is back up on his feet, unsteadily of course. After getting hit in the face, then in the back of his head and now to the side of the head, it is a wonder he is still standing. Sarah is back up, being comforted by Kenzi. They are discussing something. Fuzz shakes his head and hears Noah yelling at him to get him into the action. He ignores him, and Fuzz walks unsteadily towards Sarah.
But Sarah stands strong, and stands straight, and lifts up her leg, as if she's attempting the Crane Move, a throwback to the 80's movie Karate Kid. She stands perfectly still. Fuzz sees this, and starts laughing. He gets too close for his own good, and Sarah delivers the kick, but it just misses Fuzz's nose by mere inches, and he takes a step back in shock.
Then suddenly Kenzi taps her hand on the back of Sarah, and leaps frog herself over her into the ring, and hits Fuzz with a SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT. And down goes Fuzz. Kenzi suddenly goes down too, grabbing her knee.
"Whose stupid idea was it for Kenzi to do that?"
"It looked good at the time,"
Sarah tries to quickly rush over to Kenzi, but the referee now is in her face telling her to get out of the ring as that was a clear tag by Kenzi, and he wants Sarah out. Sarah looks worriedly beyond the referee to Kenzi, but has to do what she is told.
Kenzi gets back to her feet, but suddenly Fuzz launches himself at her, and takes her down. And has enough energy for a quick cover.
Kick out.
Fuzz is up on his feet quick smart, and foot stomps Kenzi's knee who cries out instantly. Fuzz grabs her, and pulls her towards his corner, and tags Noah in. Noah back into the match. Noah puts Kenzi in a headlock, and starts yelling at her. Telling her what he thinks of her. Then he delivers a Snap mere followed quickly by a kick to Kenzi's knee.
He pulls Kenzi to her feet, and delivers a DOUBLE KNEE FACEBUSTER which only makes things worse for Kenzi. Noah goes for the cover.
SPRINGBOARD BACK KICK by Sarah who has found her way into the ring, and has hit Noah hard with the move. The referee is up from the attempted 3 count and is yelling at Sarah to get out of the ring, but pandemonium ensues when Fuzz enters the ring, and takes her down from behind with a leg chop take down.
Fuzz gets up laughing, as does Noah who is trying to recover from the kick. Sarah is down on her haunches from the leg chop, and she looks down at Kenzi, who gives her a wink.
Sarah gets up and stands in front of the still on the floor Kenzi, and starts yelling at both Noah and Fuzz. All four competitors get in each others faces and throw punches over the ref in between them trying to maintain order. The referee is trying to get the situation under control but the chaos continues as they all share loud, obnoxious words. The ref threatens to throw out the match and the four calm down; Noah begins to go to the apron as Fuzz stays in the ring and the 5'2 mafia begin to walk back to theirs.
"Wait... Wasn't Noah, legal?"
"No, he went to the apron. Who cares!? GET THE MATCH GOING IDIOTS!"
Noah and Fuzz rush to move toward Sarah, when suddenly Sarah hears Kenzi yell, 'Now', and she drops to her knees. Kenzi flips herself up onto her feet, and uses Sarah's back as a springboard and delivers one mighty fine looking SHOTGUN DROP KICK on both Fuzz and Noah. They both stumble backwards towards the ropes and Sarah jumps to her attention and together with Kenzi starts running at both Noah and Fuzz, and hits them with a jointly effort DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE to send Noah and Fuzz flying over the ropes and out of the ring.
The referee starts yelling at the Girls to get back to their corner. Which they oblige, and as soon as they make the corner, Kenzi tags Sarah to make her legal.
Meanwhile on the outside, both the boys have dropped like a sack of potatoes to the outside of the ring. and the referee has turned his attention on them. He starts the 10 count.
"Surely not?"
"Surely the match isn't going to end in a count out?"
Noah stumbles to his feet and goes towards the apron but stops.
Fuzz holds the back of his neck from a bad landing and struggles to get up.
Noah grabs Fuzz's arm and lifts him to his feet!
Noah pushes Fuzz back into the ring just before 10!
Jackson starts to get into the ring but Lacklan lays him back down with a running kick to the temple!
Noah falls to the outside and Lacklan follows to add insult to injury!
In the ring; Fuzz holds his neck facing off with Kenzi. Fuzz gets in close and nails Grey with a forearm, he tries to follow up but Kenzi quickly jabs an elbow into the back of Fuzz's neck!
Fuzz falls to his knees!
On the outside, Lacklan grabs Noah's hair but he counters with a deadly eye poke!
The two begin to brawl, throwing punches and kicks until Jackson takes advantage. Grabbing the back of Lacklan's head and taking her to the barrier!
Kenzi takes a few steps back as Fuzz is on all fours.
Kenzi covers!
Noah slams Lacklan's forehead against the barricade and drops her.
Noah turns and rushes the ring!
Noah falls on the outside and looks to a gleeful Lacklan holding his foot before her eyes close and her face falls to the ground.
Kenzi lifts herself to her knees with her arms raised as the 5'2 theme plays.
Suddenly go to the x-tron where a familiar voice speaks without being seen.
First came the shoe situation
Then came the clothes
I then easily accounted for Dumb and Dumber
And then came the situation in London where
You literally stunk in front of the World.
And you still continue to avoid what I
Want from you.
Well after tonight you have left me with
Little choice but to make a statement that you will
Find hard to avoid."
Sarah, along with Kenzi walked to the ropes, to take more of an interest and then the Hooded Man appeared on the x-tron. He didn't seem to be in the stadium, but outside in the open.
To be honest with you
I'm really glad that Kenzi is with you
Otherwise this would have been way
Harder to do but again
Your continious decision to run away
From me would had been on you.
NOTE: OOC: (I know it doesn't look egg shaped but please imagine it is)
The Hooded Man panned the camera around to see a house fully engulf on fire. Both Sarah and Kenzi both looked shocked to recognize who's house it was. It was theirs.
"What a nasty fire this looks like. I wonder who's house is this?
I don't need to wonder because I know who it belongs to.. Right Sarah? Right Kenzi?
You had your chance Sarah. I'll give you another one. Talk to me one on one in public and I'll stop all of this craziness.
You can't prove it was me who lit this fire Sarah, but I was in the right place at the right time,
The ball is in your court now."
And just like that the Hooded Man walks off, with the camera still pointing at the house fire, and the two girls looked shocked still in the ring.
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Jenny Myst Tables Match
The winner is the first to put their opponent through a table
GUITAR! White light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from the ring posts illuminating the vertical Illuminatus Iron Cross banners (white field, blue cross,) hanging from the lighting rigging above each corner of the ring. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Dolly Waters, Revolution Prime hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement. The Xtreme title slung over his shoulder
Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in blue and white colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.
GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose with the Xtreme title held high. Once all four corner are done, he hops back to the outside and takes selfies with fans at ringside. Mostly kids and teens.
Jenny enters the arena when the Drums hit for the first time in her entrance music, Around the 20 second mark. She is usually taunting the fans or pretending to give high fives and the pulling away at the last moment with a sarcastic smirk and an eye roll. When she gets to the ring:
"We're moments away from this Tables Match."
"For anyone who doesn't know, the object of this match is to put your opponent through a table. First-person who does this, wins."
The ref checks to make sure both wrestlers are ready to go. Jenny Myst reaches into her underwear as the ref calls for the bell.
Thad Duke quickly heads for Myst, going for a tie-up but is met with a shot of pepper spray to the eyes, causing him to fall to the mat grasping his face.
"Oh wow, Jenny Myst mists Duke with the pepper spray hidden in her outfit!"
"No disqualifications, seems like a smart move."
Jenny Myst wastes no time rolling out of the ring and grabbing a table from ringside. As she does this, Duke rolls to the hands and knees and begins feeling around. Myst slides the table under the bottom rope, but Thaddeus manages to grab hold, despite being blinded. Jenny tries to push the table, but Thad prevents this and gives a much harder shove towards his opponent. The force pushes Myst backwards, sending her back first hard against the barricade.
"Duke using his ring awareness to buy him some time."
"Gonna be hard to throw Jenny through a table without vision, though."
Luckily for Thad, his hoodie is in the corner and he's able to find it. He uses it to wipe the pepper spray from his eyes, as Jenny Myst begins to stir. Duke pulls the table in the ring and leans it against the corner, as Myst climbs onto the apron. Thaddeus walks over to Jenny, who pulls down on Duke's head as she falls to her feet on the outside. She then reaches under the ring and pulls a table out, before setting it up near the barricade.
"Myst getting a second table set up."
"The more there are around, the better the chance someone goes through one."
"Could win her the match, or come back to bite her."
Jenny Myst slides into the ring and goes to bring Duke to his feet, before whipping him to the ropes. On the rebound, Myst gets caught with a surprise Flying Forearm that knocks her down. Thad quickly pops up and quickly picks Myst up. He hits her with a Vertical Suplex, but doesn't let go, instead bringing her back up and nailing another one. After doing so, he does one more before standing up and assessing the situation. He picks Myst up and goes to whip her towards the corner with the table set up in it. Jenny thinks quick on her feet, jump up before she hits the table, straddling it on the second rope. She quickly climbs to the top and jumps backwards off of it, connecting with a Body Splash to Thad Duke as he made his way over.
"And Jenny Myst goes flying, crash landing into Thaddeus Duke!!!"
"Yes, but she'll have to get him up and through a table if she wants to win."
Jenny brings Thad up and sets him up for a Vertical Suplex, her back towards the table. As she attempts to do the move, Duke blocks it with his leg. She tries again, but he manages to grab onto the rope to prevent her. Thad delivers a knee to Myst's gut, before throwing her to the opposite corner. As he follows her over, she bounces off the turnbuckles and is met with a hard, Double A style Spine buster to the mat. Duke rolls to the outside of the ring and grabs another table at ringside, sliding it in.
"Apparently the one in the corner wasn't good enough."
"It's a Tables Match, HHL, the more the merrier!"
Thaddeus follows the table in, gets up, and sets it up as Jenny Myst starts to pull herself up with the ropes. Duke goes over and grabs her, before whipping her to the ropes opposite where the table is. Jenny catches herself on the ropes. Thad runs over to her, but is met with an elbow to the face. Jenny Myst then grabs him by the air and goes out onto the apron, with Duke's body hanging halfway out.
"What does Jenny Myst have in mind?"
"Whatever it is, it can't be good........ for Duke, at least."
Jenny Myst attempts her Pink Perfection Twist of Fate, but Thad pulls himself back in before she can hit it. He then hits Jenny with his Better Than You kick, which sends Myst flying off the apron and through the table that was set up on the outside earlier.
Winner: Thaddeus Duke
After the commercial break, we see a tired and sweaty Thaddeus Duke walking back to his locker when he is stopped by Atticus Black.
ATTICUS BLACK: Mr. Duke, good to see you. You're not too injured are you?
THADDEUS DUKE: I've had worse.
He says with a smile, Atticus chuckles.
ATTICUS BLACK: Good to hear. I'll need you to look your best when you accept the Television title next Savage!
Duke looks to Black with wide eyes in a sort of shock. Atticus Black smiles and claps Duke's shoulder.
ATTICUS BLACK: Suprise! I always thought you took what it had to be a great champion here and tonight just reinforced that. You'll be crowned TV champion next Savage and have your first defence at Relentless.
Duke goes to speak but Atticus hushes him.
ATTICUS BLACK: No need to thank me! Just get some rest and erm, maybe a shower.
Atticus gives a nod as Duke stands frozen with a grin.
"The Punisher Theme" by Tyler Bates plays on the Sound System and James Raven and Robert "The Omega" Main head to the ring.
The lights dim and all the screens in the arena become a wall of green code. As the opening scream of “We Appreciate Power” is heard, the code starts to slowly twist and bend into the outline of a woman's face, interspersed with shots of Lux in action ruining people's shit with brutal kicks and strikes. Lux appears at the top of the ramp, looking determined and ignoring the crowd. She runs into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rolling to her feet like a little goddamn ninja. The lights all turn back on and she's mean mugging her opponent or staring up the ramp and waiting for them.
Centurion makes his way to the ring.
TIG: Ladies and Gentleman the following is a tag team match for the Tag Team AND Universal title!"
The crowd cheer.
TIG: Introducing first, the challengers. At a combined weight of 352 pounds! LUX and CEEEEEEEENNNNNNNTTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURIIIIIIIIIIOOOONNNNNNN!!!
The pair show respect to the crowd.
TIG: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 452 pounds! They are the XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! James Raven and UNIVERSAL CHAMPION Robert Main...
Raven holds his hands high as Main gives a nod.
The ref struggles to take all three titles from Apex and shows them off to the camera.
James Raven and Lux start in the ring.
I'm excited to see this match.
Excited to see Centurion again, I bet.
I will hit you.
Anyway, the Tag AND Universal titles are all on the line. We could leave here with two new title holders!
And Lux, the clever devil, grabbing a member of Apex Prophecy for his own. MIND GAMES!
Four of THE best wrestlers ever to grace the XWF are in one ring, this is going to be a blast.
Raven and Lux begin to circle one another, the younger Lux doing hops from side to side in a boxing stance as the experienced Raven keeps his body in a hunch, grounded whilst glaring at Lux. Lux lunges with a palm strike but Raven stands back as her palm stays still inches from Raven's chest. James grabs Lux's forearm and goes in close with a spinning back elbow, still in the hold he tosses Lux to the mat with a judo throw gets Lux into a seated position, Raven then quickly takes advantage with a low dropkick to the back of Lux's spine with a small pop from the crowd.
The two get to their feet around the same time, Lux clutching her back the two face off. Raven charges with a clothesline but Lux ducks under; Raven rebounds off the ropes goes low but Lux leapfrogs over Raven! James returns once more charging Lux's back but Lux nails Raven with a gorgeous Pele Kick! Raven crumples to the canvas and Lux kips up and places the sole of her boot on the back of Raven's head and begins to grind before tearing it away.
Raven holds the back of his skull and reels in pain while getting to his feet. The two standoff, Main cheers on his partner as Centurion looks more stoic.
Lux throws a shin kick and hits her target, she follows up with two quick consecutive kicks to Raven's thigh and ribs. She spins around and launches up for a flying roundhouse but Raven catches the leg under his arm and Lux falls to the mat. Raven wraps both hands around Lux's leg he then places a foot on Lux's bicep and pulls hard!
Raven is trying to pull Lux's leg clean off!
You must be pulling my leg! Get it, Heather?
A thud is heard from the announcer's desk followed by a pained ow from Pip.
Lux cries out in agony in the center of the ring. Centurion gets a foot on the middle rope and leans into the ring, encouraging and debating whether to enter. Raven keeps the hold locked in tight as the ref gets close Lux looking for the verbal tap.
But instincts take over, Lux with impressive flexibility, lowers her free leg and throws it up, nailing Raven in the nose with her heel!
James drops Lux's limb and falls back covering his beautiful face. Lux rolls to her feet with a slight limp and runs to Raven and bowls him over with a dropkick to the midsection! Raven crashes against the turnbuckle and falls, shaking the cobwebs.
Lux should have aimed for the other corner.
As Robert Main tags himself in and enters the ropes. Main and Lux stare at each other as the crowd go fucking berzerk.
We're going to get a teaser of their upcoming title match and the crowd love it!
Lux takes a deep breath and gets into a fighting stance. Main thumbs his nose and cracks a smile holding his arms wide for Lux to strike. The two standoff for a few seconds as the crowd get bloodthirsty, Lux hops forward and throws a right jab towards Main which is side-stepped. Main thrusts his shoulder against Lux and knocks the smaller wrestler away much to Main's amusement. Lux growls to herself and lunges forward again; Main goes low to grab but Lux slides on her back and throws a stiff punch into the Universal Champ's throat.
"He's not laughing anymore."
Lux throws her legs up and wraps them around Main's neck before hurling Main over herself and slamming the champ to the canvas. Lux tumbles back and mounts Main and fires off heavy left and rights to Main's dome. Rattled Main takes heavy damage before roaring into Lux's face and retaliates with a headbutt! Lux is sent back in a daze and Main pushes Lux's legs forward and holds down in a cover.
Cent gets a leg through the ropes but Lux just kicks out!
Main brings Lux to her feet and wraps an arm around her neck and gives it a wrench. He then lefts Lux off her feet and slams her back down on her spine and follows with an Omega Sault!
But eats the canvas as Lux rolls and jumps to her corner!
"Cent's in!"
And the crowd pop.
Cent slowly walks to a kneeling Main and offers a hand to help him up which Main accepts, the two give a knowing look before unleashing blow after blow on one another!
"Woah! I thought we might get more of what we saw when Cent went against Ned Kaye but these two are going all out!"
"The Tag titles and the Universal title are on the line! Cent wants those prizes and Main understands and maybe respects that."
"That was actually quite smart, Pip."
"Either that or it's DISSENSION!"
Heather sighs as the action in the ring doesn't slow down. Centurion whips Main against the ropes and on the rebound bowls him over with a knee to the gut. Main reels in pain as Cent grabs a handful of hair and pulls The Omega to his feet before dropping him back down with a Saito Suplex! Centurion than quickly transitions into...
James Raven begins to enter as Cent keeps the hold locked in tight.
Lux is still regaining her bearings on the apron but charges into the ring.
Only to meet Raven!
James Raven leaps up and throws both legs into Lux's sternum barreling her through the ropes!
Raven turns to see Main flat on the ground in agony and Cent's fist slamming towards Raven's temple!
"Smart move."
Raven hangs his arm over the apron, dazed from the strike and Cent frowns before rushing and nailing a clothesline, sending Raven hurdling over the top rope.
Centurion turns his attention back to Main who is getting up holding his leg.
Centurion rushes The Omega with a knee to the face!
Main drops to the mat, a trickle of blood pouring from his brow.
Centurion lifts the dazed champion up.
Centurion positions Main.
"This is it! New champs, baby!"
Cent's looking for the 1000 MILE SLAM!
Elbow to the side of Cent's head followed with a belly to belly suplex!
Cent is hurled to other side of the ring.
On the outside Raven shakes the cobwebs and starts to go back to the apron but Lux charges and smashes Raven's head between her knee and the apron!
Raven collapses to the outside and Lux steps over him to climb up.
Main stands tall as Cent wobbles to his feet, after a bad landing on the crown of his head. Lux gets to her corner and extends her hand, Cent looks and rushes the corner as does Main to interfere.
Cent gets an inch away!
Before Lux is torn from the apron!
Cent falls flat and hits the mat seeing Lux being tossed to the outside with a German Suplex from James Raven!
Main stops short to Centurion.
Cent looks up and charges glancing Main with a strike.
But Main retaliates, grabbing Centurion and hurling his body into the turnbuckles with an exploder suplex!
Lux tries to get to her feet but Raven with everything he can give forces Lux back and away, throwing knees and hooks against Lux.
Main grabs the prone body of Centurion away from the corner and looks him in the eyes.
"Sorry, brother."
Raven looks back hearing the count and smiles to himself.
Distracted however, Lux takes advantage!
But can't get there in time!
The main event has just ended and the lights have turned out down at ringside so it looks like the show is coming to an end. It's been an exciting Savage Saturday Night but.... What the hell???
Suddenly, the lights go out in the arena and the entire crowd is now surrounded in darkness. At first, it seems like some kind of technical glitch but then after it persists for well over five minutes, you can certainly tell that the atmosphere inside the room changes. A smaller portion of the crowd growing more and more anxious by the second and then the crowd starts to act more uneasily and out of whack.
A woman screams in the background that echoes through the arena. Followed by a baby crying which leads to more women joining in the screaming and eventually complete pandemonium as a riot starts to ensue...
The X-tron ignites with a message beaming over amongst the crowd. Most of them now settle down to see what it has to say....
Holy shit!
It crashes through the arena and smashes directly into the ring, wiping out half the crowd while the rest flee in complete terror as fire and brimstone begin flailing all over the place. Chaos ensues as both Robert Main and James Raven stumble to their feet looking increadibly worn out after their match and a bit shell shocked after the devastating crash.
From off of the pirate ship whose mast is slammed directly into one of the ring posts. High up over 666 feet in the air is non-other than
the 24/7 BRIEFCASE HOLDER.....
The demon dicked defiler rises from his crows' nest high above the ring and announces to the crowd.
Unknown Soldier: "Ahoy maties!!! I come for me treasure! Quick Gilmour! Get the gay one first!"
Peter Gilmour emerges from the bottom of the ship through a hole in its broadside which was perfectly the size for Peter to step through to leap out and onto the ring. Catching James Raven completely off guard with a ....
Both Soldier and Gilly are both decked out in full pirate gear from head to foot. Soldier wielding a giant pirate sword and flailing it in the air like a damned mad man!
Soldier reaches into the crow's nest and pulls out two briefcases?? One of the cases is shiny and flashy and glowing gold while the other one is grey and looks rather beat up. A referee comes from out of the back, looking confused and is cautiously making his way to the ring due to all the commotion. Soldier tosses down the first briefcase. It completely consists of a shitty solid grey color scheme with the saying "FUCK YOU SCULLY! spray-painted on the outside of it.
The referee investigates the case and waves it off as not valuable. Soldier then throws down the glowing gold case, and after careful inspection of this briefcase by the referee, it is confirmed that Soldier is allowed to cash in at this time!!!
Soldier way up in the sky now measures with his fingers a box putting Robert Main right in the middle of it. He swan dives off the top of the fucking crow's nest.
Soldier does exactly 666 somersaults in mid-air before he reaches Robert Main and....
Soldier covers Robert Main for the pin...
666 666 666 UNKNOWN SOLDIER 666 666 666
Unknown Soldier: "Shiver me timbers Petey! Fetch me the treasure chest and so I can put me grand treasure away for safe keepin! No pathetic little punks are going to take possession of MY PRIZE you fuckin' little pussies!!"
Peter Gilmour begins trotting back into the pirate ship, and after a few minutes inside, comes back up and drops in the center of the ring a very large and very old treasure chest. Looks like it might have come off a real 17th century pirate ship.
Soldier opens the chest to reveal the XWF Xtreme title is inside. He now moves to add the Universal Championship for safekeeping as well, but doesn't see the title belt anywhere. Realizing Chris Page still has possession of the physical belt, Soldier snaps his fingers and produces a magic marker (SATANIC RED) from his pocket as well as a receipt for his last fast food purchase (666 McRibs), and scribbles "IOU one (1) Universal Title Belt" on the back of it, then tosses the paper into the chest.
Unknown Soldier: "Let us make haste Peter! We've got plenty of stealing, raping, and pillaging yet to do!! I've walked in and stolen the top two championships in the XWF in two weeks. Nothing more you people can do but get down on your knees and.................."
Peter Gilmour: "Suck my......"
Unknown Soldier: "No Peter, not this time. This time we honor the one who gave us the power and the strength to enact our evil deeds of dismay today. Listen here XWF. Every single last fucking one of you! Need to get down on your mother fuckin' knees and.......
Hail SATAN!"
Soldier slings the treasure chest over his shoulder and makes his way back onto the boat and up into the crow's nest. His super-secret and solidly shut and locked tightly treasure chest, with both the top two championships in the XWF inside of it (sort of)! Perched directly next to him and being kept close guard by the new Universal Champion himself. Peter is closely behind him as they make their way back onto the ghostly pirate ship and begin floating away, back through the arena and up out into the sky.
The crowd still in a complete warzone of pandemonium and absolute chaos as pieces of the steel arena come tumbling down on top of them. The pair of bloodthirsty pirates off to cause more mischief and thievery by escaping through the dark midnight skies. The speaker on the sound system breaks down and only repeats on echo over and over again the very last words that Unknown Soldier spoke... As if a record player constantly skipping...
Fans awestruck just stand looking amongst themselves after witnessing what just happened. The show begins to fade.
Big D walks out from the back and down the aisle.
"This is a surprise, Big D wasn't scheduled to be here tonight."
"And without his music playing, you gotta wonder if anyone in the back expected him out here, either."
Big D quickly climbs in the ring, wasting no time walking over and grabbing a mic.
Big D: "I've had it up to HERE with this bullshit! I've been thinking long and hard since Leap of Faith and it finally hit me: XWF doesn't have it's priorities any straighter than WWF OR NWF!!!"
"What the hell is Big D going on about?"
"I don't think anyone ever knows."
Big D: "Ever since I arrived, I've witnessed the most unbalanced system of rewarding people I think I've EVER seen!...... Seriously, look at the facts, people. We have Chris Page about to Main Event his third pay-per-view IN A ROW, and for what?! Because he vowed to destroy this very company? Because he stole something he hadn't earned and Main decided to reward his bad behavior with another title shot?!?! You've got someone like me waiting in the back for another shot, since Main never even pinned me, and yet I have to sit back and watch as someone less proven than myself gets yet another shot. It's rookie Ned getting a gift all over again!"
"I mean, D might have SOME points there."
[/white]"He could maybe deliver it less psychotic sounding, though."[/white]
Big D: "Hell, Lux gave up their TV Title for a legal shot and even SHE has to wait because of Chris Page! And don't even get me started on that belt, what a joke for them to just hand it out to the winner of a match full of people who deserve it even less than Page deserves his Universal Title shot! If Atticus was smart, he would've handed ME the TV Title as an apology for the bullshit reward I got at Leap of Faith, despite risking my life for this fucking company! You'd think they would've at least given me and Mastermind some sort of mid-card title shots for our efforts, but NOPE! We get stuck fighting each other, again, just to become Number One contender to a belt anyone can win with an attack backstage!!!! Not to mention, Steve Justice got handed a shot at that same belt after only ONE match!"
Big D begins to pace back and forth in the ring, breathing heavily as he does.
Big D: "I see exactly what this company thinks of its workhorses, I understand now what needs to be done to make a statement and get some fucking respect!........"
Big D lifts up his shirt, revealing a pair of Bolt cutters tucked into his pants. He pulls them out and walks over to the ropes, as the fans gasp in shock.
"What is he doing?"
"I'm assuming helping the ring crew take down the ring?"
Without another word, Big D takes the bolt cutters to the top rope and cuts it, causing the rope to collapse on itself. He then kneels down and does the same thing to the second rope, as Atticus Black walks onto the ramp with a mic in hand.
Atticus: "Big D, knock this nonsense off! You're an adult, why don't you come to my office and we can discuss your position within the company?"
Big D(shaking his head): "The time for talk is over, Atticus. I've seen how you guys reward bad behavior so here's my best Chris Page impression!"
Big D turns his attention back to the bottom rope and begins cutting it as Atticus gets angrier.
Atticus: "Dammit, that's enough! Security, stop that man from destroying company property!"
Upon Atticus's request, Little Feather runs out followed by 3 more security guards. Big D turns and meets Little Feather in the center of the ring, nailing him over the head with the bolt cutters. Feather instantly goes down as blood flows from his head. Two of the other guards are met with a Double Clothesline, before D dropkicks the last one off the apron before they can even climb in. Big D picks up his mic and looks over towards Atticus, who looks stunned.
Big D: "It's gonna take more than a few lame ass security guards to stop me!"
Big D jumps to the outside and looks towards the apron itself. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a lighter, causing the fans to roar with excitement.
Atticus: "Big D, let's not do anything stupid!"
Big D: "The only people doing anything stupid is XWF management, holding me back in favor of people wanting to put this place out of business! Well, I'll just create my own push, then!"
Without hesitation, Big D lights one side of the ring apron on fire to the delight of the hardcore fans in attendance. He then walks to another side and sets it ablaze, as well, as the Savage GM watches on in horror.
"I think Big D's officially lost his mind!"
"You might be right, Pip, he's acting like a man with nothing else to lose."
Big D goes to light another side on fire, only to see a member of the ringside crew use an extinguisher to put out the flames on one of the other sides. D walks over to them and begins to scream in their face, causing them to fall over and crawl backwards with fear.
"Now he's intimidating the safety crew! He's only trying to keep us and the fans safe!"
"Big D doesn't care...."
Big D kicks the person, who curls up into a ball. He then turns and sees the announce team of PC and PC, before slowly approaching them.
"..........what the hell is he doing?"
"I don't know, but that look in his eyes is frightening!"
Big D goes up to PC and grabs her by the hair.
"Big D, stop! She's done nothing to you!"
Pip slams down his headset and slaps at D's hand, yelling at him in protest. Big D let's go of Heather, instead turning towards Pip and grabbing him by the shirt. He then lifts the tiny announcer up and tosses him over the table, sending him plummeting underneath the ring skirt, completely out. Big D then grabs Heather by the hair, again.
"Please....... I know you're frustrated........ please, don't hurt me......"
Before Big D can do anything, a small group of random wrestlers consisting of Lux, Barney Green, and Ned Kaye, run down the aisle. Big D doesn't notice then as he corners PC, only to be surprised by Ned Kaye grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. Lux gives Big D a shove as Barney Green helps PC up and leads her away from the madman. Lux scolds Big D before helping Barney check on Pip, as Ned Kaye tries to talk some sense into D. Big D shakes his head at Kaye, before flicking him off and walking away. He heads up the aisle, surveying the carnage he's caused, before walking past Atticus, who does NOT look pleased. Big D gives him a finger if his own, while laughing, before heading to the back as the show comes to a close.
A very special thanks to all those that helped on this show
Vita Valenteen
John Black
The GM Team
And thank you to all those that RPed this week.
Savage has seen a lot more attention as of late and I'm very grateful. Thank you for all the opt-ins, the segments, RPs and matches written. It is highly appreciated, you're lovely individuals. Hope you enjoyed the show.
Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-10-2019)
I demand to see the brackets in their true form! There is no way the that fucking arm collectors should be moving on. The fact that two teams that had a bye were facing each other doesn't make any fucking sense.
OOC: Congrats guys, best of luck.
Banner Made By: @reinventiongfx
The following 2 users Like Shawn Warstein's post:2 users Like Shawn Warstein's post Noah Jackson (09-01-2019), Theo Pryce (09-01-2019)
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
XWF Roster Page
Joined: Sun Mar 17 2019
Posts: 313
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Hates Received: 21 in 19 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 21 in 19 posts
68 X-Bux: ✘50,000
The following 3 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:3 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Ned Kaye (09-01-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-01-2019), Unknown Soldier (09-01-2019)
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post (09-01-2019), Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-10-2019), Unknown Soldier (09-01-2019)
(09-01-2019, 03:39 PM)Fuzz Said: I demand to see the brackets in their true form! There is no way the that fucking arm collectors should be moving on. The fact that two teams that had a bye were facing each other doesn't make any fucking sense.
You sound upset! I've got to be honest, I'm pretty surprised you guys lost today, for several reasons actually... but I think it's clear to everyone who the weak link was and always will be. HAHAHA!
The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-10-2019)
It's always so refreshing to see how quickly Gilmour can hop back on that dick so that he can ride it towards vicarious success one more time. Gilmour and Soldier together again. All is right with the world.
Fuzz why are you such a basic bitch? I mean you must be a woman because no one that would dare call themselves a man would piss and moan as much as you do over perceived injustices.
But since you asked, there are no brackets, we never said there were brackets. You just assumed there was. The way we determine the matches is that I put pictures of all of the teams on the floor and then I get my friend John Madison really drunk. Once he's to the point of being totally annihilated I have him puke all over the floor. The first two teams whose faces are covered in vomit are then paired off to face each other. Rinse and repeat until all teams are assigned. And then sometimes I let him keep going because after all, he's doing it in Vinnie's house and who am I to stop a friend from having a good time?
He locked himself in my basement and hasn't stopped screaming about aliens trying to harvest his brains for, like, DAYS. Is he okay? Can you please take him to a doctor?
The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Theo Pryce (09-01-2019)
We tried taking him to a Doctor. Or a Vet I don't remember. Samuels was in charge of that. But whenever we tried Madison kept saying something about how his insurance coverage lapsed in 1998. If you want I can call animal control for you. He loves riding around in the back of those trucks.
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Unknown Soldier appears perched on top of his crow's nest at the peak of his pirate ship being driven by Peter Gilmour. He's got an eye patch over his left eye that says "Hate Me Now" on it.
Unknown Soldier: "Ahoy ya scurvy land lovers! I be the new Universal Champion. I mean, we've already seen Main beat some shitty wrestler like 666 times already so how much more boring can that get, huh folks? It's about time someone stirred the pot and made this place fucking interesting! Let's face it my little SATAN! loving sadomasochists, just as BigD pointed out at the end of the show here tonight, and the lot of us have the same sentiment I do believe, that SOMEBODY had to make this interesting and SOMEBODY had to put a stop to this terrible little shindig that these two have been playing for far too long.
The rematch after rematch between these two and their factions is annoying. Do we just keep putting on the same song and dance until some shitty wrestler finally gives up and we hand him a participation trophy? Oh wait! We already did that by letting him parade around with some silly piece of plastic and metal and let him play pretend like a seven-year-old girl and her dollhouse! Maybe I'll give Dolly Waters a call and you two can have a fucking play date. Seriously, how many times do we have to see that same boring story where somebody physically steals a title belt, rather than win it, and acts like that's something unique and fucking clever and new! Maybe that shit was cool and interesting in some shitty fed that you used to run, but I think I speak for everyone when I say it's certainly run its fucking course and we're all fucking sick of it! Stay tuned to SATAN! vision and you'll be seeing a lot more interesting, clever, and unique things the new UNIVERSAL CHAMPION will be doing. It certainly won't be some rip-off story that a certain 'PUNK' has done before in the past.
In a matter of two weeks, I was able to ACTUALLY STEAL the Universal title by pinning Robert Main, you know, something that some shitty wrestler can't do to actually hold the title of 'Universal Champion' because he'd rather steal a piece of tin foil out of a man's pocket! If some shitty wrestler wants to parade around the XWF with some silly little meaningless piece of silver that's on him to continue looking foolish. As if I wanted that gay looking silver and shiny trinket anyways tainted by the likes of Robert's Main and some shitty wrestlers cunt juice all over it. Stay tuned folks, because Peter and I will be designing the most EPIC, BAD ASS, DEMONIC, SADISTIC, WICKED, SINISTER, MANIACAL, Universal title belt that the XWF has ever seen. Since, you know, I AM the actual fucking Universal Champion and not someone playing pretend. Quick Peter! Fetch me the crayons, scissors, and Elmers glue! It will be a symbol for all to be feared for my entire 666-year reign as the Universal champion. A symbol.... of the actual new UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!!! The true symbol of fear for all forever!
Fuck Robert Main!
Fuck Apex Prophecy!
Fuck overplayed stolen title stories from 2013 that are only interesting in some shitty fed!
If you agree, then give me a Hail SATAN! just the same as Shane and Peter!
Go on, give it a try...
Hail SATAN!"
XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1
1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless
The following 1 user Likes Unknown Soldier's post:1 user Likes Unknown Soldier's post Theo Pryce (09-01-2019)
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post Unknown Soldier (09-01-2019)
Sebastian Duke
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Tue Jan 01 2013
Posts: 924
Likes Given: 55
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Hates Given: 5
Hates Received: 1 in 1 posts
Hates Given: 5
Hates Received: 1 in 1 posts
9 X-Bux: ✘50,000
The following 4 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:4 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post (09-01-2019), Sebastian Duke (09-01-2019), Unknown Soldier (09-01-2019), Zane Norrison (09-01-2019)
u can call me and soldier the real sky pirates now :P
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post Theo Pryce (09-01-2019)
The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Theo Pryce (09-01-2019)
Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Peter Fn Gilmour (09-01-2019)
(09-01-2019, 06:03 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: *Butt Pirates
Soldier shakes his pirate sword in Vinnie's general direction.
Unknown Soldier: "I got something right here I can shove up your butt in search for more booty!"
XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1
1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless
The following 2 users Like Unknown Soldier's post:2 users Like Unknown Soldier's post Peter Fn Gilmour (09-02-2019), Zane Norrison (09-01-2019)