- vs -
Brian Storm
- vs -
Kieran Overton
- vs -
Shawn Wylde Standard Four Corners Match - One Fall
Savage Rules
Comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob pipe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start.
Marf walks to the ring. No big deal. Just another day at the office. No reason to make a whole thing out of it you know? Cool as a cucumber, that’s Marf Swaysons. Look at him. Tall. Handsome. He looks like someone, but you’re not quite sure who. Could be another Hemsworth or he could be the guy painting shingles down the street. That’s how much of an everyman Marf is, you know? Just a regular Joe. A regular Marf.
Beast by Puppy plays over the sound system as there's massive amount of boos when Kieran Overton walks out as he screams on top of his lungs with his hands in the air on top of the ramp, wearing shorts, shirt, gloves and boots before walking down as he ignores each one of the fans before he goes up the steps and goes over the top rope and places his hand on his left arm, basically not giving a damn about them before he turns to anger, while he goes to sit in the corner, waiting for his opponent to come to the ring.
Shawn tumbles into the ring from the rafters using a white curtain dancing technique and once landed he runs to the corner, climbs the ropes, raises both fists in the air, and shouts Woooh!
At the sound of the bell, Keiran Overton gets right to work by charging Shawn Wylde and sending him flying over the ropes with a massive clothesline. Wylde hits the back of his head hard against the guard rail after he lands, and it looks to have rung his bell pretty good.
Meanwhile, Marf and Brian Storm go hand to hand across the ring, and it doesn’t take long for Storm to get caught with a looping hook, and he drops.
PIP: “Storm hitting the deck like a washed up slam dunk champion against a YouTuber, Heather!”
HHL: “He dropped faster than the gavel in a Pennsylvania courtroom with Rudy Giuliani as a plaintiff.”
Marf looks to follow up but Overton is right there with a raging bull of a charging headbutt. Marf is sent flopping into a corner, and Keiran turns his focus to Storm, dropping a heavy standing senton onto Brian Storm and then looking for a quick cover!
Marf breaks it up with a baseball slide to Overton, and when Keiran rolls through Marf drills him with a running knee right to the clavicle!
PIP: “Overton just went from hero to zero faster than the post-Brady Patriots!”
HHL: “I haven’t seen a swing like that since I went to Eyes Wide Shut!”
PIP: “...”
HHL: “...”
PIP: “...”
HHL: “... don’t judge.”
Marf Swaysons pulls Brian Storm up from the canvas and hooks him… To the Dark Room! Storm is caught in the fisherman’s suplex, and Marf holds on with a bridge!
Shawn Wylde with a springboard Arachnophobia breaks up the pin!
Wylde grabs his ribs and winces, but slides onto Marf and hooks a leg!
Overton drags Wylde off of Marf!
Keiran Overton drills a jumping elbow drop into the back of Wylde’s head, then wraps an arm around his chin and leans back with a deep bulldog choke. Wylde struggles, and he manages to squirm his body enough that he rolls Overton over onto his shoulders!
Kickout by Overton!
Brian Storm tackles Shawn Wylde as Wylde gets to his feet, and he starts pummeling him with punches… but Wylde changes the momentum by rolling over onto Storm and now it’s Storm once again on defense.
From behind, Kieran Overton snares Wylde in a full Nelson - he then pulls him straight up and sends him crashing tailbone-first back to the mat with a sitout atomic drop. Overton stands and shouts a roar out to all his Monstimals, but he’s dumped from the ring when Marf clubs him in the back with an ax handle.
Marf spies Storm getting to his feet and destroys him with a bicycle kick. He then turns to spins on Wylde and grabs him, swinging him to the mat with a big overhead belly to belly suplex.
PIP: “Marf should go for a cover here, but it looks like he wants to add a little more…”
Marf sets Wylde up with his head between his legs, looking for The Sway! Shawn Wylde jumps and rolls up his body, essentially putting himself into powerbomb position instead, and hooks Marf’s head - he flips him over hard with a hurricanrana!
HHL: “Shawn Wylde still has a lot of match left in him by the looks of it, Pip!”
PIP: “That the kind of stamina you look for at Eyes Wide Shut, Heather?”
HHL: “...”
PIP: “...”
HHL: “... stop it.”
Wylde finds Storm as he struggles to his feet and he runs up his body, ringing his bell with a step-up enzuigiri. Storm stumbles and Wylde grabs his head, then runs up the turnbuckles before spinning around and dropping Storm with a big tornado DDT!
Kieran Overton gets back in the ring and runs at Wylde for a meathook clothesline, but Wylde rolls in a backward somersault, grabbing Overton’s ankle on the way in a modified drop toe hold. Overton lands on his face and Wylde rolls through, trapping Kieran’s legs in the Spider’s Web submission! Overton has nowhere to go and Wylde has the hold on deep!
PIP: “Marf came out of absolutely nowhere and caught Wylde with that flipping piledriver, Heather!”
HHL: “I have no idea how that was physically possible!”
Marf finds a limping Kieran Overton and hooks him in a suplex… he holds him vertical for a second or two before dropping him hard in a brainbuster.
Marf sees him coming and spears him, and the chair clatters to the mat. Marf grabs it and sets it into a seated position, then he pulls Storm towards a corner, climbing up after setting Storm onto the top.
Marf pulls Storm to his feet on the top, and he bear hugs him… then he leaps from the top with Storm in his arms and drives him right through that chair!
The chair is snapped in half and Marf drapes an arm over Storm!
Overton to break it up!
PIP: “Overton just a split second too slow, and this one is over, Heather!”
”Ladies and Gentleman the opening contest for HIGH STAKES is scheduled for one fall and held under XTREME rules, and is for the XWF XTREME CHAMPIONSHIP!”
”Introducing first, he is the challenger… DICK POWERS”
The beat kicks in and I Invented Sex echoes through the arena, the crowd cheers and parties! Balloons and streamers fall from the ceiling as Dick Powers saunters onto the ramp with a rose between his teeth and bounces his head smiling followed by his manager Riley Reed who smiles nodding his head to the rhythm. Dick drops to his knees and opens his arms wide, flaunting what he's got to the crowd as his pyro goes off behind him. He hops to his feet clapping, dancing and high fiving fans on his way to the ring. He jogs up the steps and climbs the top turnbuckle singing along to his theme as he poses to his adoring fans.
” And introducing his opponent….”
”He is the NEW XWF Xtreme Champion, REGGIE ESTRADA!!
The smoke fills up with red on the stage, as the arena lights flickers. Then once we see "The Rebellious One" on the X-Tron, then we hear the voice of Bone Thugs and Reggie walks down to song. Then we see him with walking down the ramp, and stop at the camera gives it the finger. Then he rolls into the ring, and goes to the top rope and poses. Then he jumps down, and chills on the corner as his theme cuts off.
” Do not adjust your television sets because yes, just a few short days ago Reggie Estrada captured the Xtreme Title from Robert Main via the twenty-four-seven rule that being Xtreme Champion carries with it.”
” It rocked the entire foundation of this match, Dick Powers has been preparing for Main and not Estrada… while Estrada was preparing for just a battle royale appearance but now find himself defending the Xtreme Title.”
Powers and Estrada reach center ring where they look to lock up. Powers tries to leverage Reggie back only to see Estrada snap off an armdrag take over. Both men pop back up to their feet, Powers charges towards Estrada who side steps Powers sending Dick bouncing off the ropes ducking under a clothesline attempt from Estrada that sends Powers bouncing off the near side where Estrada spins around where he looks to deliver a tilt-a-whirl back breaker attempt that Powers counters with a spinning hurrincanranna! Both men are once again quickly back to a vertical base where Estrada rushes forward and into a drop toe hold by Powers! Powers pops back up to his feet where he catches Estrada with a jumping Leg Drop Bulldog! Powers quickly makes the cover hooking the near leg.
Estrada kicks out of the near fall. Powers locks in a rear chin lock without batting an eyelash. The referee is in position as he starts asking Estrada to surrender, he refuses.
” Dick Powers is in firm control over Estrada in the opening moments.”
Estrada starts working his way back to his feet where he turns into the side headlock before hoisting Powers up in the air and driving him down into the mat with a side suplex that sends Powers rolling out to the floor under the bottom rope. Reggie reaches his feet where he bounces off the far side gaining a full head of steam where he delivers a diving suicide dive through the top and middle ropes connecting to Powers and sending Dick crashing back into the security railing.
Estrada reaches under the ring pulling out a Kendo Stick!
Estrada stands back to a vertical base where he measures Powers who stands up and turns around where he walks into a baseball like swing to the ribs of the challenger that doubles him over for Estrada who laces Powers across the back with a sicken shot. Powers staggers away from Estrada who starts making the move after Powers who cuts around the ring and catches Estrada coming around the ring with a Superkick!
” Estrada might have lost a few teeth after that one!”
Powers reaches down picking Estrada up off the floor before sending him crashing right shoulder first off the ring post. From their Powers goes under the ring pulling a Steel chair before throwing it in the ring. His attention goes back towards Estrada who is picked up off the floor before Powers drives him backwards into the ring apron lower back first.
Powers tosses Estrada into the ring under the bottom rope. He slides into the ring after the Xtreme Champion. Powers gets to a vertical base as we see Estrada crawling towards the steel chair. Powers leaps over Reggie stomping down on the chair as Estrada reaches out of it. Dick picks up the steel chair and uses it as an elbow as he drives it across the back of Estrada!
Powers rolls Reggie over placing the chair on top of the champion! Dick charges towards the ropes where he springboards off the middle rope with a moonsault only to see Reggie get his knees up with the chair driving it into the ribs of Powers!
” Estrada able to get the knees up driving the chair into the ribs of Powers!”
Estrada works his way back to his feet where he sizes Powers up and as Dick reaches his feet he turns around into an Exploder Suplex from the Xtreme Champion! Reggie scurries into the cover hooking the near leg of the challenger.
Powers kicks out of the near fall. Reggie gets to both knees before stepping back up to his feet. He reaches down picking the challenger up where he drives him back into a neutral corner with a shoulder block. Estrada lays in several shoulders to the midsection of Powers before he hoist him up to a seated position on the top turnbuckle.
Estrada nails Powers with an open palm thrust to the face before he steps up to the middle turnbuckle followed by stepping up to the top rope where he looks snitch Powers up for a Suplerplex! Powers manages to slide off the turnbuckle where he brings Estrada out of the corner with a Running Powerbomb from the corner!
Powers is the first to reach his feet where he staggers towards the steel chair , Powers takes the chair before stepping out to the ring apron where he makes his way towards the nearest set of turnbuckles and starts to make the climb back up to the top turnbuckle!
” Dick is going back to the high rent district!”
Powers stands up on the top turnbuckle before leaping off the top rope driving the chair into Estrada with a flying elbow chair drop! The crowd pops huge as Powers is quick to make the cover!
Estrada pops a shoulder up off the mat to a collective gasp from the crowd. Powers steps back up to his feet where he picks the chair back up off the mat.
” Powers is sizing up for a knock out shot!”
Estrada rolls over to his chest where he starts pushing himself up to his feet. Powers comes forward swinging for the fences that Estrada manages to duck out of the way sending Powers spinning in a complete circle where he’s caught with an RKO out of nowhere!
” FUCK OFF ME by Estrada!”
Both men lay on the mat as the referee is powerless to make any kind of count. Several seconds pass before Estrada is able to crawl into the cover!
Powers kicks out of the near fall!!
” Near fall for the Champion!”
Reggie Estrada starts to get back to his feet where he reaches down picking up Powers. Estrada rocks the challenger with a hard right hand, he lands a second and then a third before Estrada bounces off the ropes gaining a full head of steam where he swings with a wild right that Powers blocks! Powers drives a knee to the midsection of Estrada that doubles him over where he lands the DICK DOG on to Estrada!
Dick Powers stands to his feet where the throws up an index finger in the air before pointing towards a neutral corner.
” Powers could be setting up for some Sack Tapping!”
Powers drags the Champion towards the corner before putting him in a seated positon against the buckles. Dick Powers backs up across the ring into the opposite set of buckles. Powers points down at Estrada before running full speed across ring before leaping towards Estrada with a Bronco Buster, Estrada throws his foot up and into the dick of Dick! Powers clutches at his dick as we see Estrada pull himself up to his feet where he sizes up Powers who is getting back to his feet where he eats a boot to the midsection followed by a Stunner! Estrada makes the cover hooking the near leg.
” Reggie Estrada’s luck continues as he knocks off Dick Powers to retain the Xtreme Title. Now he moves forward to the High Stakes Battle Royale later on tonight, can he leave Tombstone as the Universal Champion and the Xtreme Champion?
” We’re going to find out later tonight.”
The scene cuts to the refurbished interior of one of the historic buildings, XWF interviewer extraordinaire Steve Sayors is sitting on a wooden stool, and sitting across from him is the returning nobody, Alias!
SAYORS: “Ladies and gentlemen, here in Tombstone, Arizona, I have made a special effort to get an opportunity to sit down with a returning roster member who hasn’t competed in an XWF ring in 10 years – Alias. Thanks for joining me, Mr. Alias.”
ALIAS: “You’re very welcome, Mr. Sayors.”
SAYORS: “Now, from what I understand, there has been somebody pretending to be me who tried to interview you. I’m very sorry about that.”
ALIAS: “You didn’t do it. I’m just glad I get a bit of honesty now.”
SAYORS: “Speaking of honesty, you’ve come in guns blazing on the words front, and have targeted some of the top talent in XWF today. Do you honestly believe that you can compete at that top tier level after not having wrestled a match in 10 years?”
ALIAS: “Who said I didn’t wrestle a match?”
SAYORS: “Uh… I think you did.”
ALIAS: “Right… umm… I guess that makes sense.”
SAYORS: “So do you want to answer the question?”
ALIAS: “Oh… sure… I mean, why couldn’t I compete? In my head, I guess I kind of flip the question. Is this really the top tier?”
SAYORS: “What do you mean?”
ALIAS: “I mean what makes the others in this match the top tier?”
SAYORS: “Well Chris Page is in the Hall of Legends…”
ALIAS: “So is Default. But he shouldn’t be.”
SAYORS: “Thaddeus Duke won Star of the Month recently…”
ALIAS: “Against what competition? That’s some circular reasoning right there.”
SAYORS: “Corey Smith is a former Universal Champion…”
ALIAS: “Is he though? Or did he win it as someone else? I mean… who hasn’t done that? Twice even?”
Sayors pauses, trying to figure out the man across from him.
SAYORS: “I don’t really follow. But that’s okay! It’s great to hear some confidence from you returning to the ring. There’s quite a bit of excitement over your return. I’m sure a lot of people are interested in knowing what your future will consist of. Are you sticking around after tonight, regardless of the result? If so, what show will you be competing on?”
ALIAS: “I think this whole ordeal has opened my eyes to a whole new world of lost puppies, Steve. As such… I think there’s a lot more work to be done.”
SAYORS: “So that’s a yes?”
ALIAS: “It’s a yes.”
SAYORS: “That’s amazing! And the show?”
ALIAS: “It’s a yes.”
SAYORS: “Umm… okay. I guess we’ll just take the ‘yes’. It’ll be interesting to see if you can have a little more impact on history this time.”
ALIAS: “What do you mean?”
SAYORS: “Well you don’t exactly carry the fanfare of say, Shawn Warstein or Lee Stone returning. I mean… you’ve had what, 10 matches? If that?”
ALIAS: “Numbers can lie, and liars use numbers.”
SAYORS: “Umm… that doesn’t make any sense. All I’m saying is that your most notable match was a Triple Threat cage match against Chasm and James Raven and it didn’t exactly go your way.”
ALIAS: “Chasm’s the one that lost.”
Sayors senses the anger behind that statement, but his journalistic integrity kicks in.
SAYORS: “Well… sure… but Raven’s the one that won.”
ALIAS: “Is he here?”
SAYORS: “Who?”
ALIAS: “Jimmy-Jam the Raven-Man.”
SAYORS: “James Raven? No. He’s not here. His girlfriend, Betsy Granger is though.”
Alias springs to his feet and immediately looks panicked. He flits about the room.
ALIAS: “No no no no no no no no no no no no no no… the HORROR!”
Over and over Alias repeats himself. Sayors’s eyes widen. Alias is screaming now and Sayors gets up from his chair.
SAYORS: “Hey, hey, it’s okay Alias, calm down.”
ALIAS: “Why? Why?’ WHY?!?!?”
Frantically, Alias dives through an open window at the back of the room and disappears. Sayors is left staring at the camera in the room.
SAYORS: “I guess that’s the interview over.”
The scene fades.
Match #2
- vs -
Nathaniel Idenhaus Texas Bull Rope Match
Savage Rules
Centurion makes his way out from the back and enters the ring.
Darkness fills the arena and all you can see... is the gleam of Nathaniel's eyes - cold, fearless, terrifying and glowing silver. Like the very bullet that could kill him. Smoke filters and shifts, all around and from somewhere unseen, a howl is heard, distinct and very wolf like, it is followed by a growl and Nathaniel descends the ramp. Slowly the lights return but he is unfazed, focused solely on the ring as he marches forward. Climbing the steel steps, Nathaniel takes his place within the ring.
Referee Chaz Bobo finishes checking over the competitors and handing them their respective ends of the bullrope. Both men stare coldly into each other's eyes, unfazed and unwilling to make a move.
Pip: Sheesh… talk about being able to cut the tension in the air.
HHL: It seems neither man wants to give up an inch here…
Both men slowly walk to the center of the ring, the bullrope slowly falling to the ground as the cowbell in the middle makes a doink. Finally, without another moment of hesitation…
HHL: Collar-and-elbow tie-up!
Pip: Both men trying to assert their dominance! But it looks like Nate is overpowering Cent!
HHL: I’m not surprised! Centurion is giving up over half a foot and thirty-plus pounds to Idenhaus!
Indeed, Nate is forcing Cent into the corner… but Centurion manages to turn it around and force Nate into the corner at the last second! Centurion looks to set up for a move, but a quick forearm by Nate cuts off that plan, sending Centurion doubling back from the sheer strength advantage on display.
Nate then wastes no time, taking Centurion by the sides and THROWING HIM into the corner! The cowbell starts ringing wildly as his back recoils in pain, but he has no time to recover as Nate goes to work with punches and blows! Upstairs, downstairs! Rights, lefts! Jabs, crosses, hooks and uppercuts! Each blow is landing with precision as Cent is forced to cover up!
HHL: Nathaniel showing his vicious side as he isn’t letting up one bit! Centurion is already out of sorts here!
Pip: Cent knew what he was getting himself into! If he’s half the legend they say he is, then he can get himself out of this!
Nate finally lets up from his assault… only to plant a boot across the neck of Cent! He starts squeezing his boot on Cent’s neck, looking to choke him out!
HHL: AAAAAAAAAAH! Cent might not be able to hold up against this offense! No doubt his airways are going to be squeezed close if this keeps up!
Pip: Oooooh! Right in the family jewels!
Nate clutches his little Idenhausers, feet wiggling as he’s on his knees after Centurion nailed him with a MASSIVE cowbell shot right between the legs!
HHL: Not exactly the most honorable of strategies… but it’s all legal! What’s done is done!
Centurion nods, getting back on the assault. He gives Nate a dropkick, planting him onto the ground as the cowbell starts dinging and clanging again. He tugs on the rope now, bringing Nate over to the corner. He sits him against the corner before backing up… BICYCLE KNEE INCOMING-
Centurion’s knee crashes into the turnbuckle! He yelps in pain, clutching at it as he tries punching it to put some feeling back into it. He starts to stand gingerly…
...only to eat a cowbell-assisted chop block by Idenhaus!
Pip: Aaaaaaaaaand now he’s got a target painted on his knee.
HHL: This is quickly going from bad to worse for Cent! I don’t think he can hold out long against this kind of pressure!
Centurion pulls himself using the ropes, leaving Nate to stalk him. Centurion turns around looking to throw a European Uppercut, but Idenhaus ducks underneath and goes behind! He tugs on the bullrope, bringing Cent around-
Centurion is writhing in pain as the Calf Crusher is locked in, but the pain is only beginning for him! Nate takes the bullrope, bringing it around Cent’s leg and beginning to pull on it using it!
Centurion is biting his hand to numb the pain! He’s able to crawl to the ropes, but there are no rope breaks! He’s stuck in the hold! Cent grabs a length of the long rope attached to his wrist and throws it around Idnhaus’s neck and pulls him down and through the ring ropes!
Nate grabs the ropes on his way through and holds himself in the ring, but Centurion manages to pull him hard back into the ring and flat on his back! Centurion drops a knee across the face and neck of Nate and goes for a quick cover!
Centurion wastes no time and chokes up on the rope. He wraps it a few times around his fist and starts landing stiff jabs to the skull of Idenhaus! One after another until the official gets in Centurion’s face who plants one more then backs off. Nate’s forehead is red and bruised. He crawls towards the corner, but Centurion pulls back on the rope causing Nate to fall and lose his balance but gets right back up and gets to the corner. Centurion pulls on the rope again but Nate hangs onto the corner. He charges out and clotheslines Centurion down to the mat! Catching his breath, he circles around as he gathers up the loose bullrope. Nate starts wrapping the rope around Centurion’s neck!
HHL: Oh this can’t be good!
Centurion fights to get to his feet… While holding the rope with one hand and lifting Idenhaus in the air with this other Centurion pulls off a 1000 MILE SLAM!!! Cent catches his breath… He crawls over top and pulls back a leg!!
Centurion gets to his feet and takes the rope off of his wrist. He leans against the ropes and rubs his wrist, which has a considerable amount of rope burn on it. He looks into the crowd and soaks up the response from the crowd, but is quickly taken out from behind by Nathaniel!
HHL: Come on now, the match is over!
Nathaniel drags Centurion into the middle of the ring and nails him with a DDT. He then stands back up and looks down at Centurion. As the crowd boos, he looks around in an attempt to cause more destruction. Suddenly, the crowd starts to go nuts! Nathaniel looks out into the crowd, confused, before turning around...
Pip: Where did she come from?!
Ruby picks Nathaniel back up and tosses him out of the ring before turning back to Centurion. Centurion slowly gets to his feet, and Ruby helps him up. Centurion looks a bit dazed as he surveys the ring, only to see Ruby standing in front of him. Ruby smiles as she checks some of the wounds on Centurion's face. Centurion smiles back....
The crowd erupts so loud that it almost causes an earthquake in Texas.
Pip: This may be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life.
Match #3
Shooting Star # 1 Contenders Match
- vs -
- vs -
Atara Themis Triple Threat - One Fall
Savage Rules
Pip: And its time now for the #1 contenders match for the Shooting Star title!
Heather: Yessir! These three ladies are going to get a shot at the pinnacle of female entertainment, and you know their going to bring their all!
Pip: I think the odds on favorite here has to be Atara, she is the one with the experience. But these two new comers have a lot of potential. This is going to be one hell of a cat fight!
Heather: And it seems like every day we have new ladies signing contracts to XWF. This division is promising and these three ladies have a chance to be at the top of----
Heather is cut off by pink and white strobe lights.
The crowd cheers as the shooting star champion makes her way out onto the ramp.
Pip: Well, it looks like we are going to have company.
Heather: The Queen and current XWF Shooting Star Champion is coming out here. She has a match later to defend her belt, but you gotta think she wants to scout the competition!
Jenny walks around the ring and to the announce table. She takes a seat next to Heather, and puts on a headset.
Heather: We are joined here by the Queen, and the Shooting Star Champion Jenny Myst! How are ya, champ?!
There is a little bit of static as Jenny gets the headset situated, then she responds.
Jenny: "I am Perfection, as usual Heather."
Pip: And I assume you've come out here to see who you're potentially going to be facing next for the title, should you retain?
Jenny: "Well, first of all, I AM going to retain. Secondly, yes, I have heard a lot of buzz about these two new comers and I want to see them in person. They will have their work cut out for them against Atara, though. Trust me, I know."
Just as Jenny finishes her sentence the arena is consumed by the opening rif of The Pretty Wreckless's hit, "Hit Me Like A Man".
Smoke billows...Green pyro flashes off and on with Halocen coming out of the smoke, tongue out hands raised high. Throwing down her hands the pyro flashes higher and little green explosions pop down the ramp. She runs to the ring full speed, sliding under the bottom rope. She drops to her knees tongue out leaning all the way back pumping her fist. Jumping up she runs to the turnbuckle mounting it, tongue out devil horns high in the air!!
Heather: Interesting character this Halocen is.
Pip: Yes, lots of talent but still trying to get off the blocks here in the XWF
Jenny: "Blue hair, Green Hair, Cum Covered Hair, these ladies have all three!"
Lights fade, her music hits, blue & green pyros shoot off, she comes out, stands and looks over the crowd with a condescending look. Smirks, then makes her way down the ramp. She slides under the bottom rope quickly, then runs over to the opposite ropes jumping up on them usually to trash talk the crowd.
Heather: Lycana. Queen, what is your opinion of her?
Jenny: "I don't have one. This is my first time seeing her, but I am excited to see what she brings to the table. MY table."
Hello Doves appears briefly on screens over the arena in pink accompanied by Atara's voice saying the same over the arena PA right before her theme hits the speakers. The crowd pops like crazy. Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose, Atara emerges from the back taking spot at centerstage right before the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.
Jenny: "Ugh, she's so dramatic."
Pip: Shhh....I am trying to enjoy this entrance! Listen to this crowd, this is unbelieveable!
Grunge walking to the ringsteps, Atara stops at the top and posturesconce more for the fans before going to the middle of the apron where she blows yet another kiss to the camera before entering the ring. Her and Jenny lock eyes for a few tense moments before Atara grins and flips her hair, turning away from the announce table.
The bell rings and the three women circle. Lycana and Halocen look at each other, Atara signals to bring it on to both. They both look at her, then both attack. The two bright haired women jump Atara. Atara fires back on both as all three women trade blows.
Pip: Here we go!
Atara is able to back Lycana off her with a few hard shots when Halocen clubs her in the back of the head. Atara drops to all fours and Halocen kicks her hard in the side. Atara rolls over, holding her ribs as Lycana comes out of the corner with a flying forearm. This takes Halocen down, but she pops right back up. Lycana comes off the ropes again, and goes for a clothesline, but Halocen ducks. Bouncing off the ropes on the rebound they meet in the middle. Halocen goes for a clothesline this time, and Lycana ducks. Halocen turns and goes for a back kick, Lycana ducks and Atara, out of nowhere, chick-kicks Lycana in the face. She goes down and Atara and Halocen stare at each other for a moment.
Atara signals for Halocen to bring it and she does. Those two tie up and Atara backs her into a corner.
Pip: Lotta action here early on.
Lycana is back up. Atara chops Halocen twice across the chest, but doesn't see Lycana climbing onto the top rope.
Atara whips Halocen into the far corner. But as she turns around, Lycana comes of the top.
Tilt a whirl headscissors takedown!!!
Lycana pops up and gets a boot to the face from Halocen. Halocen comes off the ropes and drops and elbow on Atara.
She covers.
Kickout by Themis.
Heather: It is going to take a lot more than that to keep Atara Themis down!
Jenny: Unfortunately, you're correct.
Lycana is back up again. Halocen hammers a forearm shot down onto Atara as Lycana grabs her by her green hair. Spinning her around she hits a facebuster on Halocen.
Stepping over Halocen, she goes after Atara but the verteran has her scouted.
Gedo Clutch!
Rolls over, Lycana's shoulders on the mat.
The blue haired challenger pops out at the last second.
Both are back up. Atara grabs her.
Gannosuke Clutch!
Lycana pops out again!
Halocen is back up and comes off the ropes with a knee to the side of the head to Lycana and a DDT on Atara!!!!!
Heather: Fast paced action so far! These ladies are flying around the ring!
Pip: They all want a shot at that gold you covet so much, Queen!
Jenny: "Mmmmhmmm".
Halocen picks Lycana up by the hair and lifts her up. The much bigger lady has her above her head, and drops her with a powerbomb.
She yells something at her, then turns towards Jenny at the table. She makes the belt symbol around her waist.
Jenny: "Psssht".
Atara is back up and is sizing Halocen up. Halocen turns around.
Judgement of Paris!!!!!
The jumping bicycle knee to the face and Halocen is flat on her back.
Atara hooks the leg.
The crowd chants along with the refs count.
3----NO Lycana breaks it up at the last moment.
Pip: That was extremely close. Atara the savvy veteran almost stole this one
Lycana and Atara share some shots, and Atara finds herself in the corner. Lycana delivers a kick to the head which slumps Atara a little. Running from the other side of the ring she hits a handspring back elbow.
She turns around into a sleeper from Halocen. Halocen has it locked in tight. Lycana goes to one knee. She has her fading, using her much bigger size as an advantage. Atara isn't down for long, though, as she comes exploding out of the corner. She hits the jumping bicycle knee to the face of Halocen, knocking her backwards towards the ropes. She falls over the top and to the outside. Lycana, who isn't fully out, is coughing and holding her throat.
Pip: This is where Atara can take over here. She has the momentum at the moment, and she has to capitalize.
Heather: We've seen it before. Atara can take a match over.
Jenny: "Mmhmmmm".
Atara grabs Lycana.
German Suplex
But she has the hands locked.
German Suplex
German Suplex
German Suplex
German Suplex
German Suplex
Lycana is half silly as the last German has a bridge pin on it.
3---NO, Halocen breaks it up with a kick to the face.
Pip: Back and forth we go. We can't seem to crown a winner here.
Jenny: "Did you say crown, Pip?"
Lycana rolls over holding her back. Atara ducks a swing from Halocen, getting behind her.
German Suplex!
German Suplex!
German Suplex
German Suplex
German Suplex
German Suplex
German Suplex
Heather: Wow.
Atara gets up and wipes her mouth. She has a crazed look in her eye. She stares at Jenny.
Jenny: "Who does she think she's staring at? I'll slap that smirk right off her face."
Atara smiles and turns around. Both women are down but stirring. Using the ropes to lift themselves up .Atara grabs Lycana.
Overhead Belly to Belly
She grabs Halocen, whipping her off the ropes and delivering a Powerslam.
Pip: This could be you, Queen. That back of yours....Atara is taunting you right now, sending you a message!
Jenny is grilling the ring but says nothing.
Grabbing Lycana by the hair she whips her into the corner. She brings Lycana up to the top rope. Looking at Jenny, Atara waves.
Her lip curls as she goes for the pin. Hooking the leg.
HALOCEN BREAKS IT UP. Atara slaps the mat. She pops up and stands eye to eye with the green haired newcomer.
The two exhange words, when Halocen chops Atara across the chest. Atara chops her back.
Chop from Halocen.
Chop from Atara.
Chop from Halocen.
Chop from Atara.
Halocen goes for another chop, but Atara grabs her by the arm, whips her off the ropes. She goes for the Judgement in Paris, Halocen ducks. Atara comes off the ropes on the other side.....
Lament of Adonis!!!
ATilt-a-Whirl Fujiwara Armbar. She's got it locked in tight.
Pip: She's got it locked in! Center ring! Halocen is in trouble here!
Atara wrenches harder. Halocen cries out, reaching for the ropes.
She pulls tighter, Halocen squeals.
Heather: She's gonna dislocate that shoulder! There is no shame in giving this up, she's fought hard here but Atara has a dangerous move locked in!
Jenny stares intently on whats going on in the ring.
Lycana see's the situation also, and grabs the ref. She spins the ref around and begins to complain about her knee, acting like she's injured. As she has the refs attention, Halocen taps out.
But the ref doesn't see it.
Atara breaks the hold as Halocen rolls away, holding her arm, tears in her eyes.
Atara walks over and spins the ref back, saying Halocen tapped. The ref shrugs, claiming he didn't see it.
Atara shoves the ref aside and gets in the face of Lycana. Lycana shoves her. Atara shoves her back. Lycana swings, Atara ducks and slides behind.
Atara is on fire. Halocen is trying to get up.
Atara waits her for her to get up. Holding her arm, the guts of Halocen show as she chargers Atara. Atara ducks, grabbing her.....
The Titanomachy!
Northern Lights float over into Second Northern Lights with a bridge pin!
The crowd counts along.
Pip: She did it! Atara Themis is the number one contender for that belt, Jenny!
Jenny stands up as Atara has her hand raised in the center of the ring.
Atara rolls out of the ring and walks over to the announce table. She makes the belt symbol at Jenny.
Myst throws her head set off.
Pip: Lotta history here between these two! This is gonna explode!
Jenny and Atara are face to face. Just when it looks like they are gonna come to blows, Jenny smiles and walks past. She waves goodbye as she walks away. Atara is staring at Myst as she backs up the ramp. Jenny blows a kiss.
Pip: So Atara is the number one contender! But will it be versus Jenny Myst! We'll find out later! Watch a dominating performance from Aphrodite Incarnate!
Match #4
TV Title # 1 Contenders Match
Azrael Erebus
- vs -
Broken Oswald Autem
- vs -
Jim Jimson Triple Threat - One Fall
Savage Rules
Tig O’Bitties: “The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL, and will determine the number one contender to the XWF Television Title!”
The fans cheer. Somewhere in the distance, a gunshot goes off. Hopefully no one was hurt.
Tig O’Bitties: “Introducing first…from Victoria, Australia… Jim Jimson!”
Jim comes out looking pretty angry at the theme music. He’s got a sign saying "Kill all Dolphins" people come out with him handing out Dolphin Rape Awareness Month, pamphlets, making sure that people know, just how evil dolphins are.
Tig O’Bitties: “And his opponent…from… somewhere? Azrael Erebus!”
Azrael walks out and basks in the adoration of fans, as always with a clever smirk upon his handsome face. Then he bolts to the ring. Just jets at high speed and when he reaches it, vaults upward and flips into the ring. Landing on his feet with a satisfied smile. He does a little dance, winks and takes his appropriate place within the squared circle.
Tig O’Bitties: “And their opponent…from… Chicago… representing B.O.B…’Big Money’ Oswald!”
As this happens, Oswald starts coming up from the center of the stage, green smoke billowing from where he is emerging. He walks out with an ornate cane, with images of skulls in gold and silver, as money falls from the rafters. The money having faces of himself. He walks forward with his cane, not even really needing it, simply using it as a prop just to show his "status" to the world. His hair tied into a tight bun laid against the back of his skull. He flips his cane in his hand, holding the base and swinging the topper from left to right as the crowd chants "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " The topper of the cane is shown to reveal a platinum skull with horns literally made of onyx attached to the forehead of it. As he walks to the steps he smirks and says to the crowd ""You've got it! SING IT LOUD! SING IT PROUD!" They continue to chant MAY-HEM, B. O. B. until he gets in the ring. Once to his corner, he takes off all of the top portion of his suit, from jacket to dress shirt leaving only his pants, including his tie before placing full attention onto his opponent.
The three competitors stand facing one another in the ring as Tig exits and takes a seat near the timekeeper’s table.
Referee Virginia Hymen calls for the bell and Nipsy sounds it off!
Right off the bat, Oswald looks to use his big beefiness to his advantage - he sticks his arms out to his side and spins like Zangief after you hit all three punches in Street Fighter II. Jimson is demolished and he flops to the mat, but Erebus can probably see into the future or something, which is honestly not very fair. He ducks and leaps onto Ozzie’s back, hooking his arms in a crucifix and dragging him down into a crucifix bomb.
Jimson thinks about getting up but sees Azrael just flinging Big Money around as if he were nothing, and he decides to play possum and stay on the mat instead.
PIP: “Big Money getting annihilated early here, Heather.”
HHL: “Yep - not much else to say. He’s getting outclassed in every conceivable manner!”
Azrael wiggles his nose and transports himself and Money into a bubble above the ring where they are sat on either side of a chessboard. Ozzie moves a single pawn and then Azrael checkmates him.
A moment later, Erebus breaks Oswald’s ankles on a metaphysical basketball court, then drains a three from downtown.
PIP: “Every. Possible. Manner.”
They reappear in the ring, and Azrael slams Oswald onto his midsection, shaking the ring ropes. Then, Azrael takes the shape of a bear! It’s a callback, folks!
You’d think Oswald, being roughly the size of your average bear, would fare well here - especially since Azrael chose to be a cub. You’d be wrong. Oswald gets Revenanted.
Soon, Oswald is spread eagled, his legs out wide. Azrael could do aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanything he wanted to that ass. Anything at all. Imagine if this was a prison? You’d have a full-on “Edward Norton getting christened as Sweet Boy” moment.
What happens instead is difficult to describe. You see, Azrael is a transdimensional alien being. As such, he wields a lot of power over reality. It’s weird.
Anyway, Azrael turns into a ghost and then sends his non-corporeal self right up Money’s anus. Yup. He haunts his rectum. He’s just up IN there, man. Oswald jumps up to his feet, but it’s clear from his eyes that this isn’t Oswald. This is Oswald possessed by the ass ghost of Azrael Erebus. It’s like a Big Money skin suit for Erebus. Like Azrael’s spirit is wearing a Money Oswald Gundam.
Azrael inside of Oswald picks up Jimson and flings him onto a corner of the ring. Jimson is audibly sobbing and covering his backside. He has dedicated his entire life to not getting raped by dolphins - he never once thought a ghost alien inside of a muscleman would be what finally popped his butt cherry.
Azrael hesitates. He’s a pacifist, after all. Bet you didn’t know THAT. He doesn’t want to just kick Jimson while he’s down without any sort of a fight! He needs Jimson to be a WARRIOR!
Azrael turns Jimson into a dolphin.
Jimson just kind of lays there, flopping around and squeaking in that way that dolphins do.
PIP: “Well, it took longer than usual, but this XWF show has completely lost the plot.”
HHL: “Do you think you feel a ghost inside you when he jumps up into your colon like that, Pip? Would it be like bad gas?”
Seeing Jimson the Dolphin just flailing and slowly drying out, Azrael thinks of something new. He snaps Oswald’s fingers and suddenly Jimson (still a dolphin) grows arms and legs! Big ones! BLACK ones!
Jimson yells in dolphin as Oswald and then takes a gander at his massive new arm muscles. A burst of water spurts from his blowhole in excitement, and then he pummels Money haunted face! Oswald falls to the mat laughing - though it’s probably Azrael laughing, since he doesn’t have to deal with the broken orbital socket later.
Jimson jumps on top of Big Money’s ass-haunted body and starts whaling on him (get it?) with his new bodybuilder arms. Money keeps laughing as his face is swollen and purpled by the massive African American fists protruding from the giant porpoise that began this match as a balding white man.
PIP: “Wait, Oswald’s got a giant cork!”
HHL: “Well I assume so, Pip, I mean, I’ve never seen him naked, but, proportionally…”
PIP: “No Heather! A CORK! Oswald just slammed a fat cork into Jimson’s new blowhole! Jimson can’t breathe!”
HHL: “Is that how dolphins work, though?”
PIP: “He can’t breathe!”
Jimson’s blue dolphin body turns a little bluer as he tries to reach up and around his own giant sea mammal head. His biceps are just TOO massive, though! He can’t bend his arms properly. Massive muscles are a curse that I know all too well.
Jimson rolls off onto his side as the ghost of Azrael Erebus flies out of Oswald’s mouth like a genie coming out of a rubbed magic lamp. He’s even got those silky hammer pants on. He sounds nothing like Robin Williams, though.
Azrael: “Thanks for doing the heavy lifting, Jim.”
Jimson is then suddenly his old self again, though gasping for air. Azrael takes his solid form again and pins the beaten and bloodied Oswald.
Winner by Pinfall - Azrael Erebus
PIP: “Hey, didn’t Azrael lose all those powers?”
HHL: “NOW you ask? I’m sitting here wondering where the cork ended up…”
The camera opens on Alias half-skipping down a dusty path, whistling away with his hands in his pockets. He’s a lot calmer than earlier in the night. When suddenly… it’s Betsy Granger!
Betsy turns a corner and starts walking on the path straight towards Alias! Lucky for him, her attention is completely on the phone in her hand, and she hasn’t yet noticed him. He takes this opportunity to dive roll behind a solid wooden fence, and slink towards a nearby building. Trying the door handle, he finds it’s not locked, so he opens it and he creeps inside. He quietly moves through the building, turning a corner, and then…
ATARA: “Excuse you!”
Alias leaps out of his socks, not having expected Atara Themis to be in the building half dressed. Atara quickly makes sure she’s covered up, and then turns to confront the intruder.
ATARA: “έχεις χάσει τα αυγά και τα καλάθια σου”
ALIAS: “Uh… umm… uh… I… what?”
Alias stammers, not able to get his words out.
ATARA: “Have you lost your eggs and baskets!”
Alias awkwardly looks around for an exit.
ATARA: “You brick! You don't have to come creeping like some debauchee. Watch the tape like everyone else!”
ALIAS: “I mean… that’s not technically what happened.”
ATARA: “Then why are you here?”
ALIAS: “I’m fleeing from certain death.”
Alias blurts his response out, leaving Atara to stare blankly at him.
ALIAS: “Do you mind if I…”
Alias uncomfortably begins his statement but doesn’t finish it as he gingerly brushes past Atara, careful not to touch her. He makes his away across the room to a window on the other side of the building and jimmies it open.
ATARA: “You’re going out the window?”
ALIAS: “Well I can’t go out the way I came in, there’s a monster out there.”
Atara looks pissed. With the window open, Alias sits in the window frame – his bottom hanging out of the building. [/color]
ALIAS: “Hey… uh… since I’ve accidentally become a perv anyway, I don’t suppose you know where Corey Smith is getting dressed, do you?”
ATARA: “Get. Out.”
ALIAS: “Yes, ma’am!”
Alias rolls backwards out of the window and disappears. Atara storms across the room and slams the window shut so that he can’t get back in.
ATARA: “I swear this company just keeps getting weirder and weirder…”
The scene fades.
Match # 5
Hart Title # 1 Contenders Match
Thunder Knuckles
- vs -
Peter Gilmour
- vs -
Felix Jones Triple Threat - One Fall
Warfare Rules
Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.
The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see fire emiting from the ramp after a bell tolls a few times. We then hear "SUCK MY DICK" blast from the PA and the crows begins to go ape shit. "FUCK EVERYBODY" by Steel Panther begins to kick in as res strobe lights and lasers hit the stage. We see Peter Gilmour and his demon assassin Valerie Sky appear on the stage. They look around as Peter bobs his head to the music. As soon as the chorus kicks in we see Peter start singing into the camera saying, "EVERYBODY CAN SUCK MY DICK!" They head to the ring and then get in normally. Peter then throws his hands up in an "X" pose as fire and fireworks go off above the ring in the same manner. Peter looks at Valerie and smiles wickedly as they look at the stage waiting for their next victim.
Felix Jones walks out to the ring and joins the party.
The three men give quick glances at one another as they tread the ring, the crowd rowdy exchanging chants for each man. Gilmour is the first to strike, he rushes Jones who ducks under a lariat and The King of Xtreme falls into the ropes, Felix keeps his momentum in the sprint and Thunder Knuckles sees an opening and knocks Felix down with a superkick which rocks his jaw; Gilly pushes himself from the ropes and blindsides TK with a Yakuza kick! Knuckles falls to the mat and rolls back as Gilmour switches his attention to Felix on the ground and goes for a stomp but Jones twists his body and hits Gilmour with a sweep and Peter falls on his ass. All three men stand back up around the same time and standoff once more; they size one another up and take a few steps back.
HHL: “No man is sure what move to make, each have got equal hits in early on and they’re looking for a weak link.”
PC: “It’s looking like a Mexican standoff at the moment, just need one of these competitors to pull the trigger.”
The crowds roars after the explosive start to the match! Each man surveys the other two, cautiously approaching each other again. Clearly the most ready to get the match truly rolling, Fenix lunges forward TK for a waist lock, quickly slipping behind him, connecting his wrists and holding Knuckles in place! Gilly runs in for a clothesline and smashes his forearm against TK's neck, forcing Felix and TK to be launched back into the ropes ricocheting the two men back towards Gilmour! Peter prepares and strikes them both with a spinning heel kick, causing Felix's hold to finally break and TK to fall to the side, rolling out of harms way. As Gilly goes to lift Felix by his hair, Jones thinks quick and goes for the low blow!
His fist connects with Peter's crotch, but he's unfazed! Gilmour puts his hands to the side of his hips and gives an intimidating grin as Felix looks on in a confused disbelief! To the amazement and horror of everyone, Gilly begins to lift Felix using only his Super Dick! He repeatedly slams Felix into the ground like Bam-Bam using the strength of his junk alone!
PC: "Heather, is this... are we really seeing this?"
HHL: "I think it's best not to give it much thought, Pip."
Just as he's about to smack Jones into the ground again, Thunder Knuckles locks in the full nelson from behind Gilmour, summoning all of his strength to pick up Peter as Peter's Super Dick still has Felix Jones lifted! TK DOES IT! He hits the full nelson slam, bringing the two men flat with their backs to the mat! TK moves over Gilmour, grabbing his legs to lock in a painful sharpshooter! Peter cries out in pain, seeing Felix Jones prone and drags himself over Felix for a pin while still in the sharpshooter!
Peter tries to capitalize on the force of the kickout to help escape the hold TK has on him, but Felix catches his arm and locks in an inverted armbar! The pain is unbearable, but the two with their holds deeply locked on him glance at one another! Who will win if they get Gilly to tap? They reluctantly drop their holds, Peter weakly rolling out of the ring for some distance after the extreme contortion of his body. Felix and TK stare each other down, Knuckles giving a cocky grin as he approaches his opponent. Felix steps back towards the ropes, feeling his left leg ache after being slammed against the ground several times. TK goes for the running knee only for Jones to narrowly dodge and leave Thunder Knuckles backpedaling. Taking advantage, Felix lands a dropkick on TK's midsection causing TK to lurch forward in pain, though stays on his feet. Felix locks an arm around Knuckles's head and lands a reverse DDT! Felix pulls TK off the ground and goes for a decisive move! Aces High Spinebuster! He goes for the pin!
HHL: "You can tell Jones is frustrated just by looking at him. Judging by how he's favoring that foot, it seems like he's worried he might not to be able to last much longer!"
He lifts up Knuckles again, visibly wincing as he puts more weight on his left foot. TK's able to counter, sweeping Jones's leg and knocking him prone! Felix tries to get back up quick, but TK gets under him and picks him up! Alabama slam from Thunder Knuckles! Jones attempts to get up, but he's too disoriented! TK climbs to the top rope and lands his iconic double knees from the top! He goes for the pin!
TK is beside himself, hastily trying to formulate his next set of offensive maneuvers as he notices Gilmour getting to his feet on the outside! He whips himself into the ropes and runs forward for a tope suicida! Peter sees him coming and ducks down! Gilmour waits to see TK come flying out of the ring, but... there's nothing!
Back inside the ring, Thunder Knuckles has slowed down and given a wink and grin to the camera as he walks towards the apron. Peter looks up to see what's going, only to eat a nasty kick to the dome! He falls over, but Felix is up! Jones goes for a suplex, lifting up TK a foot off the ground, but drops him due the pain in his left foot! He tries to set up his Misfortune finisher, but instead eats a superkick from Thunder Knuckles! TK lifts Felix onto the turnbuckle and gets onto the second rope, wrapping his arm around Felix's left foot! HE HITS THE AVALANCHE THUNDER STRIKE DDT ONTO FELIX'S HURT LEG! Jones falls to the mat as Thunder Knuckles locks in his legs for a tight pin!
lor=#FF1493]Vinnie Lane: "Coming up next we have, you guessed it, ANOTHER Triple Threat Match, only this time, it's for something meaningful.................. the XWF Internet Championship!"[/color]
"Violence" by BOB begins to play as the arena lights go dark. After stalling for so long you would've thought it was MeFisto, Micheal Graves finally walks out onto the ramp, except now, he's a woman! Rather than dump on the ultraviolent superstar, the fans begin to LAUGH at him.
Vinnie Lane: "Do not adjust your television, folks, you are seeing that right..................... Micheal Graves is now a girl! At least, more of one than he already was!"
Graves scowls at the audience, walking down the aisle with his(her? they???) hands on his hips. Halfway down the ramp, the Dark Warrior takes off in a sprint and slides in under the bottom ropes, catching his 100% magically natural tits on the apron as he does so.
Vinnie Lane: "Looks like the Dark Whoreior isn't used to her new body, yet. That could be a huge disadvantage going into this match!"
Graves gets to his feet, checking on his boobs as he paces the ring.
"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer. Pyro falls from the X-Tron and fireworks shoot up from the stage as Big D walks out onto the ramp.
Vinnie Lane: "And here comes the former Champion! There's alot on the line for him, as this will be his third, and most likely final, opportunity to win his Title back. If he doesn't do it here tonight, he probably never will."
Big D makes his way down the aisle as multi-colored spotlights shine throughout the arena in the shape of 'D's. He climbs up onto the apron and into the ring, where he points at the Dark Warrior and laughs.
D: "Now we know who the REAL pussy is........."
Micheal Graves flips D off, who ignores him and heads over to his corner, stretching anxiously as they both await the arrival of MeFisto.
"Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake fills the arena as the fans go absolutely nuts for the Internet Champion. As is tradition, MeFisto waits until the hard part hits to burst through the curtain, Title strapped around his 6-pack abs.
Vinnie Lane: "Ladies and gentlemen, MeFisto is in the building and he is pumped up!!!!!!"
MeFisto flails his arms all over as he makes his way down the aisle, handing out Powerades as he does so. Strobe lights flash in the color of all the flavors, blinding the fans with it's thirst quenching awesomeness.
Vinnie Lane: "These three have gotten quite acquainted with each other over the last few months, and it's all about to come to a head in a matter of minutes!"
MeFisto climbs up the steel steps and onto the apron, where he grabs the ropes and shakes them so hard, it rocks the entire ring. Big D and Graves get on the defensive as the Internet Champion points at the Dark Warrior, a befuddled look on his face.
Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on, but I'm sure he isn't alone!"
MeFisto slowly climbs in and approaches Graves, trying to confirm it's the person he wanted to Main Event some sort of Dome with. Graves shrugs, before proceeding to call Big D a "Pussy", giving MeFisto all the proof he needs.
Vinnie Lane: "I doubt Graves is the only person who thinks Big D's a pussy, but whatever floats MeFisto's boat. I could tell it was Graves the moment he stepped through the curtain, nobody reeks of B.O.B. more than that guy.................girl!"
The referee makes MeFisto back away from his opponents and asks him for the Internet Championship. MeFisto slowly takes it off, but doesn't hand it over right away, instead inspecting every last detail of the Title. Eventually, the official manages to wrestle it out of the Champion's clutches, before holding it above his head and handing it to the time keeper. He checks on all 3 competitors, all of whom are more than ready to go, before calling for the bell.
Vinnie Lane: "And the hottest rivalry on Anarchy is about to explode!"
All three competitors meet in the middle of the ring, sizing each other up. They stare each other down for a good minute, the anticipation building with every second that passes, until, finally, MeFisto puts his arms above his head. He challenges his opponents to grab on for the ultimate Test of Strength, which they both do. Graves and D each grasp one of MeFisto's hands, while using their free one to grab onto one another's, forming a triangle of sorts with their arms.
Vinnie Lane: "I don't believe what I'm seeing! Big D, Graves, and MeFisto have formed a TRIPLE Test of Strength!!!!"
The three of them struggle for position, with Big D and MeFisto quickly overpowering Graves, bringing him to his knees. D looks amused, but that doesn't last long, as MeFisto easily shoves him down towards the mat, too, as the crowd goes wild. After keeping them down for a few seconds, Big D and Graves manage to fight their way back up. Once to their feet, they deliver a kick to MeFisto's midsection and Irish Whip him to the ropes. The two of them attempt a Double Clothesline on the rebound, but MeFisto ducks under it, bounces off the other side, and drops both his opponents with a Clothesline of his own. Graves and D retreat to the outside, rolling out on opposite sides of the ring as MeFisto strikes his signature poses.
Vinnie Lane: "This match has been ALL MeFisto, so far!"
Big D and Graves walk around the ring, greeting each other with a flurry of rights. Eventually, D ducks one of the Dark Warrior's shots, kicking him in the gut and setting up for a DDT. Graves manages to shove his way out of it, before running at Big D and getting flung over his head by a swift Belly to Belly Suplex onto the barricade! Graves' back bends over the rail, before going limp and falling into the front row. The former Champion gets to his feet and turns around, only to see MeFisto diving off the apron with a Double Axe Handle smash!!! Unfortunately, MeFisto botches the move and completely misses D's head. Despite this, Big D goes flying backwards into the barrier, leaving everyone a little confused.
Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto's so good, even when he misses, he hits!!!"
A visibly frustrated MeFisto shouts "DAMMIT!!!", before grabbing Big D and chucking him, head first, into the steel steps. With both his opponents down, MeFisto begins pulling back the safety mat at ringside, exposing the concrete floor underneath. He then brings Big D to his feet and gets him into Vertical Suplex position but, before he can attempt it, Micheal Graves jumps off the barricade and Dropkicks both of them into the side of the ring!
Vinnie Lane: "I think MeFisto forgot Graves was in this match! "
The Dark Warrior gets up and rolls Big D into the ring, following close behind with a pin attempt.
Vinnie Lane: "Smart move by Graves trying to end it quick while MeFisto's on the outside."
Micheal Graves bends down and rolls Big D onto his shoulders before standing back up. However, before he can hit a Grave Digger, D manages to slide off behind him. He then goes to hoist Graves up for a Dan Slam, but the Dark Warrior escapes and kicks Big D in the gut. With his opponent hunched over, Graves sets up for the Grave Consequences, but D is, once again, able to slip out. The former Internet Champion wraps his arms around "Micheal"'s waist, but the Dark Warrior grabs onto the ropes, preventing himself from being German Suplexed. Big D tries the move a few more times, but Graves won't budge. Finally, MeFisto slides into the ring and wraps HIS arms around D's waist, before thrusting his hips and tossing them both across the ring.
Vinnie Lane: "As the participants of the Battle Royale will learn later tonight, you gotta watch your back at ALL times when there's multiple opponents involved!"
MeFisto flexes his muscles as Graves and Big D stumble to their feet, making their way back over to the Internet Champion. MeFisto grabs both his opponents by the back of their heads and smashes them together, causing them to fall back down to the mat. He then looks over to the corner and points towards the top, before heading in that direction. MeFisto climbs out onto the apron and begins his ascension to the top rope. Once there, he holds up his elbows, patting each one before diving off with both of them out. To noone's surprise, Big D AND Graves mamages to roll out of the way, causing MeFisto to smash his elbows against the mat. He cries out, clutching both of them, before rolling to the outside and leaning up against the ring.
Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto looks like he might've legitimately hurt himself on that missed Powerade Elbow Drop!..................unless, of course, he's faking again."
Big D makes it to his feet first, with Graves following close behind. D swings at the Dark Warrior, who ducks under his arm and runs to the ropes. On the rebound, Graves manages to connect with a Neckbreaker, immediately hooking a leg for a quick cover.
Vinnie Lane: "Graves knows it's only a matter of time before MeFisto enters the fray, again."
The Dark Warrior drags Big D to his feet and Irish Whips him for the ropes, but D reverses it. Graves bounces back at his opponent, who hoists him up before slamming him down, hard, on the mat with a Spinebuster. Big D hooks one leg with his arms, and the other with his leg, hoping to end it here.
MeFisto runs in and drops an Elbow on D, breaking the pin!
Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto just saved his Title reign!"
MeFisto picks Big D up and slings him towards the ropes, hitting him with a Big Boot on the way back. The Dark Warrior gets up and walks right into a Scoop Slam by the Internet Champion, landing right in front of D with their heads practically touching. A psyched up MeFisto drops back for the ropes and back, hitting a Double Atomic Leg Drop on the pair before sitting up and putting a hand over each of their chests.
Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto didn't get either one of them and he can't believe it!"
MeFisto slams his hand on the mat in frustration, berating the ref as he does so. Eventually, he gets up and brings both Big D AND Graves with him, using all of his strength to Military Press both of them above his head. He struggles to hold them there, allowing D to escape behind him and Graves in the front. Big D wraps his arms around MeFisto as the Dark Warrior delivers a Superkick, allowing D to German Suplex the Internet Champion over his head.
Vinnie Lane: "That's exactly what they're gonna have to do if they wanna keep MeFisto down!"
Big D motions for Graves to work with him, before taking a few steps towards MeFisto. Rather than help him, though, the Dark Warrior turns D around and kicks him in the midsection. With his opponent hunched over, Graves is able to pick him up and hit a Grave Consequences in the center of the ring. Micheal plays over top of D for a cover.
Vinnie Lane: "Once again, MeFisto manages to keep his Title reign intact!"
The Internet Champion Gorilla Presses Micheal Graves above his head and tosses him over the top rope, all the way out to the floor. He then turns around and picks Big D up for a Scoop Slam, but D is able to slip out of it and deliver a picture perfect Dan Slam, keeping his arm draped over MeFisto for a cover.
MeFisto throws D halfway across the ring, before getting to his knees, abruptly, with newfound energy. Big D swings at the Internet Champion, but it has no effect! He tries throwing another one, but all it does is bring MeFisto to his feet! D throws one more, causing MeFisto to throws his arms all over, getting himself pumped up.
Vinnie Lane: "It looks like MeFisto's Powering Up!!!! When he does this, he's nearly invincible!"
Big D swings, again, but MeFisto blocks it and responds with a right of his own. He backs D against the ropes with another one before Irish Whipping him to the other side. On the rebound, MeFisto drops D with a Big Boot and makes his way back over to the corner. He climbs out onto the apron and scales the turnbuckle until he finally reaches the top. With no sign of movement from his opponent, MeFisto points to the heaven before jumping off, connecting with a Powerade Elbow Drop!
Vinnie Lane: "He hit it!!! All MeFisto has to do is cover him and he'll retain his Championship!"
MeFisto crawls over to Big D and rolls him onto his back, laying across him for a cover.
Micheal Graves drags MeFisto under the bottom rope, out of the ring and onto his shoulders, using the momentum to hit a Grave Digger on the exposed floor!!!!!
Vinnie Lane: "I don't think MeFisto's getting up from THAT one!!!"
Micheal Graves slides into the ring and brings a groggy Big D to his feet, before hoisting him up for a Grave Consequences. Still reeling from the Powerade Elbow Drop moments ago, D can do nothing but take the move, laying him completely out. Graves hooks both legs as the referee counts the fall.
Vinnie Lane: "Graves finally pinned Big D, and it only took him becoming a woman to do it!"
The referee brings the Internet Title over to Graves, who holds it above his head in victory. The Dark Warrior turns towards Big D, who's still down and out of it.
GRAVES: "NOW who's the pussy?!?"
Vinnie Lane: "You gotta wonder what Bobbi London thinks of this. Graves has done everything she's asked, including winning the Internet Championship!"
The new Champion makes his way up the aisle, showing off his newly won gold as the fans boo. Graves takes one final bow at the top of the ramp before heading to the back.
Vinnie Lane: "It was an........................ interesting run for MeFisto, but I'm sure he's gonna take it like an adult and come back fighting!"
The former Internet Champion slowly comes to on the outside, looking around to figure out what's going on. Upon realizing he's lost his belt, MeFisto begins to freak out.
MeFisto stomps over to Vinnie's announce table and grabs a monitor, smashing it against the floor. He tries to do the same to the other one, but it gets caught in the table, forcing him to grab a couple of Lane's pencils and snap them in half.
Vinnie Lane: "Hey, that's not very nice!"
Vinnie Lane: "No I didnt, I had nothing to do with tha..........."
Before Lane can finish, MeFisto spits in his eye and punches him in the face before grabbing a mic and yelling into it.
An irate MeFisto throws the microphone down and spells out 'Y.M.C.A.' in the air with his finger, before storming up the ramp and through the curtain.
Vinnie Lane: "Well, it's not like he ever had a contract to begin with!"
Vinnie wipes the spit from his eye and checks the working monitor to make sure he's still got his looks.
Vinnie Lane: "If anything, I'd say it's an improvement!"
“Nico Vega’s” Fury Oh Fury” hits and the Anarchy Champion steps confidently onto the ramp, title slung over her shoulder. She smiles at the fans as she walks down the ramps, but as always there is something calculating lurking beneath. Her smile breaks abruptly when she gets to the ring and rolls under the bottom rope. Tula hands over the title to the ref, whispering something as she does so.
“Gimme Your Applause” by Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera begins to play as bulbs flash all through the arena. Kenzi Grey walks out with a confident smile for the fans as an explosion of pyro erupts and she strikes a pose for the cameras. She pauses to adjust the heavy black brace on her right knee, then heads down the aisle slapping the outstretched hands of the fans. At ringside, she climbs onto the ring apron and pauses again for the flash of the cameras, kneeling there with a smirk. She climbs the turn post and gives the fans one more photo opportunity as she sits atop the turnbuckle, still blowing kisses and posing for the fans. She hops down, finally entering the ring as she readies herself for her opponent.
Both ladies wait for the bell to ring, and explode into action when it does! They lock up immediately, and Kenzi parlays this into a hip toss. Tula rolls to her feet only to get hiptossed again, but when Kenzi goes to make it a trifecta, Tula stops short and hits her with a standing dropkick to the chest. Kenzi drops into the corner and the champ follows her in with a shoulder thrust, and then a side kick to the abdomen. Tula irish whips Kenzi to the opposite corner, building up a head of steam, but Kenzi raises her knees…..but Tula had it scouted! She tags Kenzi with a nasty lariat to the chest that drops her to the canvas before following her down ad synching in a Figure Four Leg Lock!
The champion synched it in hard, drawing a grunt of pain from the challenger. The ref gets down to canvas level, asking if Kenzi wants to submit. She vehemently shakes her head no, crawling towards the side rope until she eventually grabs the bottom. Tula takes her sweet time breaking the hold, and when she does she grabs a heaping helping of Kenzi’s locks and tosses her into the middle of the ring with a vengeance! Tula moves on her, bending low to scoop her up, when Kenzi counters with a thumb to the eye and a small package roll-up!
2…...TULA BURSTS OUT OF IT! And she looks shocked and angry at the development. Getting up to rub her stranded eye, Kenzi slowly gets vertical in the opposite corner. They meet once again, and Tula nails Kenzi with a brutal chop to the chest. Kenzi replies in kind, turning her opponent’s skin beat red! Tula fires back again, stumbling Kenzi. Tula that ties Kenzi up in a wristlock, but Kenzi rolls out of it and to her feet deftly. The champ tries for a clothesline but Kenzi ducks, reaches back and pulls her down into a reverse neckbreaker, before rolling back onto her and lighting her up with a eries of elbow shots to the head!
Dismounting her, Kenzi hooks one of Tula’s ankles and starts dragging her, but Tula is able to kick out and escape.Kenzi stays on her, nailing her with a shotgun dropkick that sends the champ against the ropes. Kenzi goes for a dive but Tula evades and Kenzi takes a hard tumble to the outside!
The ref intervenes, trying to get Tula to keep it in the ring, but she doesn’t listen. Grappling Kenzi on the outside, she irish whips her into the ring post. Kenzi’s shoulder bashes off it viciously and she cries out in pain. Tula makes sure to pick her up by that arm, giving it a couple kicks before rolling her back into the ring.
Kenzi is in visible pain now, and she sits up in the corner, gesturing the ref over and pointing at her shoulder. Tula wants to keep up the fight but the ref tells her to back off. Tula is begging off too, gesticulating wildly at her shoulder. Then, in a flash, Kenzi is up! She pulls Tula by her tights down into the corner, where the champ’s head impacts off one of the turnbucles. Kenzi swears and rolls the inured shoulder, which was perhaps less injured than she let on! She hops on Tula for the pin!
2…..Tula gets a foot on the bottom rope, excellent ring awareness.
Frustrated, Kenzi lays into Tula with a few more nasty forearm shots before dragging her into th center of the ring, where she continues to stomp her in the stomach and chest in a petulant frustrated fury. Then, Kenzi runs to the ropes, sprngboarding off the middle and into a picture perfect moonsault! She covers again!
3…..NO! Tula kicks out with a fraction of a second left!
Kenzi slaps her hand on the mat and gets up to challenge the ref. Tula takes the opportunity to roll away for a breather but Kenzi returns her attention to her before long. Kenzi moves in for the kill, but Tula surprises her with a drop toe hold. She transitions over Kenzi’s back into a sitting sleeper! Panicked, Kenzi reaches up and rakes her fingernails across Tula’s face! The ref chastsizes the move, but Kenzi ignores it, free of the hold. She grabs Tula by the hair, but Tula hammers her in the chest with a closed fist shot, and then a knee lift to the gut. Tula runs to the ropes and nails Kenzi in the back of the head with adouble axe kick before going for a cover of her own!
2…….Kenzi kicks out!
Before Kenzi can get vertical, Tula reaches over and synched in an arm bar, torquing the already injured shoulder way far back and drawing a cry of pain from the challenger. Kenzi bites her bottom lip and kicks her legs out towards the ropes, trying to break the hold. Tula applies more pressure, drawing her away from the rope and another cry of torment from Kenzi. Kenzi keeps fighting though, pulling and wrenching against the pain in her own shoulder to try to break the hold, and finally, she snakes a toe just under the bottom rope! Tula wrenches on the shoulder again for good measure before the ref forces a break.
Kenzi stays on the mat, panting in pain and clutching the shoulder. Tula really senses blood now and she approaches Kenzi, who surprises her with another small package pin!
3….NO! The Anarchy Champion is barely out in time!
Tula staggers up, again cursing herself for getting suckered into a roll up. Kenzi gets up more slowly, still favoring that arm. Nonetheless, she realizes she needs to stay aggressive. She swings at Tula, nailing her in the face with a fist that rocks her back, Kenzi then blatantly kicks her in the knee, sending her down on that knee, before lariating Tula’s head off with her good arm!
Kenzi then steps back, watching Tula get to her feet. She arm drags Tula again…..Tula’s slower to recover now, but still in the fight. Tula goes for another chop, but Kenzi blocks it and headbutts Tula right in the nose! A vicious shot! Kenzi then snakes around Tula and locks in a Dragon Sleeper….IT’S THE ALOHA! She’s going to try to beat the champion with her own move! Tula drops to the mat, but Kenzi maintains the hold! Striking out blindly to escape, punching and clawing at Kenzi’s arms, the ref watches closely as he knows how fast this can take effect. Bracing her legs under then, Tula pushed up and over Kenzi’s body, flipping them both and landing Tula’s feet in the ropes! Kenzi has to break the hold, but she doesn’t! Finally, the ref has to physically intervene, pulling Kenzi off. Kenzi yells at him, shrugging him off before attacking Tula as she tries to get up, but Tula pulls the same move Kenzi pulled on her before, grabbing hold of the waist of her ring attire and forcing her to fall into the ropes! Kenzi’s throat drops down on the middle, and she falls bag, choking and gagging.
Pressing the advantage, she slides to the mat and tries to put Kenzi in the Aloha herself….but Kenzi fights back out of desperation, kicking her away. Tula then grabs one of the arrant legs and locks in an ankle lock instead!
Kenzi slaps a fist down on the mat, unleashing a cry of fury. Pushing through the pain in her shoulder, she rises up and actually spits at Tula. Tula ignores it, she’s a predator going in for the kill! Kenzi then decides a better use of her time would be reaching for the ropes, which she eventually fights for and does! But as soon as she does, Tula grabs her again and pulls her into the center of the ring….where she locks in the ALOHA!!!!
This could be it! Kenzi shakes her head NO...NO! to the ref as he asks her if she's done! She reaches out with a leg towards the ropes, using all of her leg and thigh muscles to try to pull herself closer!
Boos fill the arena as Bobbi London and Maxine stride down the aisle, drawing the champion’s attention causing her to release the hold. Tula warns the pair to keep their distance along with the referee. Bobbi holds up her hands innocently, insisting she only wants to see the match, but Maxine actually gets up on the ring apron, drawing the attention of the referee and Tula. The large musclebound woman refuses to get down as the referee lambasts her.
With everyone’s attention diverted, Bobbi reaches into her jacket and pulls out brass knuckles and tosses them into the ring for Kenzi just as she recovers. Kenzi picks up the weapon, just as Tula turns and see her. Kenzi tosses the weapon back out of the ring to Bobbi, then turns to Tula to let her know she had nothing to do with that. The champion isn’t having it as she batters the challenger, sending her hard into the corner and collapsing to the mat. Tula wastes no time as she looks to inflict maximum damage with her ‘Volcanic Eruption’ knees to the head.
The crowd sounds off as the champion strikes home again and again, but before she can land a trifecta, Bobbi waylays her in the side of the knee from outside with the brass knuckles, sending the champion crumbling to the mat in agony. Bobbi screams for Kenzi to take advantage now, just as the referee turns to see the champion down and Kenzi in position to strike.
Kenzi drops down on the champion and hooks a leg!!
Heather: It's that time, Pip! The fate of the Shooting Star Title is going to be decided right now!
Pip: Yes. We have a number one contender now, it is Atara Themis. But will Jenny Myst be the one she faces?! We're gonna find out right now!
A single spotlight hits the stage as Fame on Fire’s cover of “Blinding Lights” begins its first few beats. As the band kicks in, Il Viadante hits the stage with her signature dab before skipping down the ramp to the beat of the song. She slaps hands with fans along the way before sliding into the ring under the bottom rope. She bounces back up to her feet quickly and hops into every corner, climbing up the rope to play with the crowd a little more. When she’s finished, she starts to pace around the ring, stretching and getting her game face ready.
Geri comes out onto the ramp. She throws her arms up as pyro goes off.
Pip: What a comeback story! Geri Vayden has two title opporunities tonight after being out for some time now! This is a huge opportunity and the crowd is letting her feel it! This is amazing!
She walks up the ramp and up the steps, into the ring. Betsy is in one corner, and Geri stretches in the other.
Purple and Pink fireworks pop off as Ash walks out onto the stage. She skips down to the ring smiling, jumps up on the ring apron sliding under the ropes. Mounting the turnbuckle she waves to everyone with a bright smile.
Heather: These ladies look ready! This is a huge opportunity for women's wrestling here! This could very well be the match of the night!
Pip: Lets not go that far, but it should be a good one!
Just then, the arena goes dark.
On the X-Tron the words in pink show up.
Purple, Pink and White Strobes begin to move as smoke billows at the entrance. Jenny's Barbie video comes onto the X-tron. Jenny begins to walk down the ramp, belt over her shoulder.
Heather: The Queen looks focused here. Dialed in. She is all business tonight, Pip!
Pip: She knows who she could potentially be facing, Atara Themis. This is a must win for the Queen and she knows it. All that talk about being the dominant female, about being the best in the business right now. She can prove it right here. She looks as focused as I've ever seen her!
Jenny gets into the ring and hands the belt to the ref, who holds it up. The bell rings as these four ladies get ready.
Ash explodes out of the corner and immediately goes for Jenny. She takes the champ down with a take down, and begins to rain shots down on the upper torso and face of Myst. Betsy and Geri battle in the corner, those two trading punches.
Jenny reverses and rolls on top of Ash, and she begins the same kind of attack. In the corner, the larger Betsy Granger has a boot on the throat of Vayden. The ref counts to 5 and she has to break the hold. Betsy does break it at 5, and Geri slumps a bit. Betsy then walks over and grabs Jenny, who is on top of Ash still, and has a fitful of hair. She spins Jenny around and fires a shot to the face, backing her into the corner. Jenny fights out of it, but Ash is back up and chop blocks the knee of Granger, taking her to one knee. Jenny comes out of the corner with a running knee to put Betsy on her on her back. Geri comes out of the corner and lays Jenny out with a Pele Kick. Myst rolls under the ropes and to the outside.
Coming off the ropes she hits a flying cross body on Ash.
Pip: Granger has been impressive so far. She has been the aggressor early on here.
Heather: Yes, fighting with determination right now!
Myst is on the outside. Betsy picks up Ash again and plants her with a scoop slam.
Geri comes flying off the ropes with a flying forearm. Bouncing off the ropes again, Geri spring boards off the top rope and lands on Jenny on the outside.
Ash is up now. Betsy turns around into a wheelbarrow snap mare.....followed up by a single leg drop kick.
Pip: Impressive move there from Quinn!
Geri slides back into the ring. She flies at Quinn, who ducks it. Coming back off the ropes on the rebound, she goes for the running knee. Quinn catches her foot. After bouncing on one leg a few times, Geri comes around with a huge enziguri to the side of the head. Quinn goes down but Geri turns around into a chick kick to the side of the head from Myst. Myst then turns into Semi-circular kick from granger. She puts the lotus lock on Myst, putting a good amount of pressure on the back and shoulder joints of the champ.
Myst is trying to get out of it, but Granger clubs her hard in the back before pulling hard again. Myst kicks her legs, in obvious pain, as Granger snarls. Geri is up and comes off the rope. She bounces off and hits a drop kick, which hits Myst in the face but the momentum knocks Granger back and breaks the hold. Ash, however, grabs Vayden by the hair and hits a sit out rear mat slam. Ash pops up and charges Granger, who lifts her over the rope and dumps her outside. She takes an extra second to gloat and Myst rolls her up from behind.
3-NO! Granger pops out of it at the last possible second.
Heather: Action packed match so far. These ladies are flying everywhere!
Pip: Myst has been the least impressive so far. I think she has been taken aback by the tenacity of these three new comers. She tried to steal one there but needs to take this match over soon to have a chance!
Myst pops up and her an Granger exchange blows as Gerri begins to stir. Jenny swings, Granger ducks, picking her up for a slam but Jenny reverses, sliding behind, Granger spins Jenny kicks her in the gut.
Out of nowhere, Myst plants Granger with the DDT. Ash is up on the outside. Vayden is on the top rope, she is going for a flying drop kick here. Ash shakes the ropes, and Vayden falls awkwardly, straddling the ropes but landing weird and immediately grabbing for her knee. Ash slides into the ring and her and Jenny are face to face.
Pip: Out of all the women in this match, these two have the most history!
Heather: Yes and it is Queen 2 and Quinn 0 and this point in time!
Ash swings, Jenny ducks and comes off the ropes, she swings, Quinn ducks and comes off the ropes the other way. Myst leaves her feet and hits a drop kick as Quinn comes back on the rebound, and the champ wastes no time as she locks in the heel lock!
Heather: Heel lock! She beat Madison Dyson with with move two years ago! Heel lock and its sinched in tight!!
Ash is trying to fight off the pain, she spins and tries to kick Jenny. It doesn't work, and Jenny pulls up, turning the heel lock into a full ankle lock. Ash screams again but refuses to tap. She is reaching for the ropes. She gets there! But Myst pulls her back sharply with a grapevine to the center of the ring. Ash cries out again putting a hand up and making a fist.
Geri and Betsy battle on the outside.
Jenny then spins around and turns the grapevine into a half crab.
Heather: Myst showing off some submission skills here! She is trying to punish Ash Quinn, break her spirit!
Myst then bounces, knocking Ash back down as she tries to fight out, and turns it back into a full on ankle lock.
Pip: Not sure how much more Ash can take here!
Ash is able to spin, out of desperation, and throw a well timed body shot. Myst lets go for one second, and Ash pulls her into a side headlock. It doesn't last long though as Myst grabs a hand full of hair and slams her to the mat. Ash crawls away, babying her leg. Myst kicks her a few times, tauntingly, in the head. Soft little kicks as if to flaunt that she is in control.
On the outside, Betsy throws Geri into the steel steps. She slides into the ring behind Myst, who is busy taunting Quinn. She is standing right behind Myst.
Pip: Uh oh! The champ has no idea that Granger is right behind her!
Myst throws her arms up arrogantly, and turns right into a kick to the gut from Granger. Betsy throws her into the ropes. Myst is hung up between the ropes. Granger runs and comes off the ropes, connecting with a tiger feint kick. Myst is down. Granger crawls into the cover, hooking the leg.
Pip: Vayden didn't break up that count to save Myst, she did it to save a chance at being champion. And boy is the Queen lucky!
Vayden rolls up Granger and locks in a Bridging Fujiwara armbar. Granger is flaling now.
Quinn is up but limping. Myst pulls herself up with the ropes. Granger is about to tap out!
Myst kicks Geri in the side of the head to break the hold. Quinn lifts Jenny over her head for a back body drop. She comes up gimpy, however. Her ankle is in rough shape.
Betsy is holding her arm but is on her feet. She bounces off the ropes and hits a flying cross body on the gimpy Quinn. Vayden, who is back on her feet as well, hits a tilt-a-whirl head sissors on Granger. She crawls back into the pin.
Myst breaks up the count.
Geri pops up, takes a swing at Myst, but the champ ducks and takes her legs out with a leg sweep. The former gymnist pops up again, and Myst comes off the ropes. Geri catches her, wheelbarrow pickup, Myst reverses into an arm drag take down. Geri pops up again. Myst runs at her and stops short. Geri is bracing, seems taken aback at the stop. Myst then slaps Geri. The crowd responds with an "OOOOH"
Geri is holding her mouth but has a death stare on. She is angry.
Heather: Geri is furious. That was a low brow slap from the champ there.
Geri charges, Myst grabs her, Geri reverses in mid air.
Tilt-a-whirl roll up from Geri.
Small package and she's got the tights!
Myst pops out.
Both women pop up and Geri hits a standing drop kick to put a hault to the Myst offensive onslaught. Jenny rolls out of the ring as Quinn chop blocks Geri, taking her to one knee. She comes off the ropes with a running DDT!
Quinn crawls for a cover but Granger kicks her in the side of the head.
She covers Granger.
Betsy kicks out.
Myst is back in the ring now as well. She goes for a clothesline on Quinn, who ducks. Myst stops short and delivers a back kick to the face. Quinn goes down. Myst locks in a cross arm breaker, Quinn's arm between her legs. She pulls. Quinn is yelling out, reaching for the ropes.
Baseball slide from Geri out of desperation to stop the tap out.
Granger grabs Geri, and hits a suplex. All of these women are spent. Moving a little slower now.
Myst grabs a crawling Quinn. Kicking her hard in the side, the stands on her body, using the ropes for leverage. The ref counts.....Myst lets go of the ropes at 5. Then begins to curb stomp on the head of Quinn shoving her face into the mat.
5 times.
Myst steps off as Granger gets up. Bliss goes for a clothesline, and Granger side steps it.
STO from Granger on the champ. Myst rolls over towards the corner. Granger has a twisted look on her face. She rolls out of the ring and grabs Myst's legs. She pulls her crotch first into the ring post.
Again the crowd responds with an "OHHHH!"
Pip: We're gonna have to wash that ring post now post show!
Heather: Oh hush!
Granger then crosses the champs legs, and locks in a Ringpost Figure-four leglock!!!!
Myst screams out as Granger applies the pressure. Quinn is up and exchanging blows mid ring with Geri. Quinns leg, however, which was damaged in the attack from Myst earlier, gives out. She drops down to one knee. The ref is distracted, checking on her.
Meanwhile, Myst is screaming in the corner. Betsy has it in tight.
Heather: She's gonna break the champs leg here! Or at least cause some structural damage!
Jenny's yells turn into pleads.
Granger has no intention of stopping. Myst is reaching for something, and its not the ropes.
Myst reaches into her bra and and pulls out a small canister.
She sits up, trying to reach Granger but shes too far away due to the nature of the hold. Myst falls back, dropping the canister. She taps.
Pip: Myst can't take the pain anymore! She's tapping out! We have a new champion!
But Ash still has the refs attention. Granger breaks the hold and rolls off. She slides into the ring and grabs the ref, spinning him and pointing to Myst, who has tears in her eyes and is curled up grabbing her lower leg.
The ref shrugs, claiming he didn't see it.
Quinn, who was playing possum, pops up and upper cuts Betsy.
Geri smells blood in the water, however, and rolls up Myst.
As she was being rolled up though, she grabbed the canister. Small package pin.
MYST PEPPER SPRAYS GERI! She screams and lets go of the hold. Quinn tosses Granger out of the ring. Myst is limping heavily. Quinn also smells the blood in the water. She goes to hit her finisher, Malevolence. Handstand where legs wrap around the opponent's neck, The dismount flip bringing them to the ground. Ash sits on their chest or neck for the pin. But in the air, Myst spins and counters......
But she squeals as she lands, her leg giving out.
Geri is rolling around, still blinded from the pepper spray. Geri is stumbling, and Myst pokes her in the eye as Geri blindly reaches out. Myst tosses her by the hair out of the ring as well. She then looks at the top rope.
Heather: No! Just pin her! Don't do too much! There is no way she can climb that rope with her leg in this condition!
But she does.
Myst is wobbling, but she does her finger crush symbol.
A pained look on her face she crawls into the cover.
The crowd counts along with it.
Myst rolls off, holding up her arm with a pained look on her face, tears in her eyes. Her hair is a mess. She is in obvious pain.
Pip: It's gonna be Atara Themis versus Jenny Myst when the time is right for the biggest prize in the women's game! Jenny gutted this one out! So much determination from the champion!
She stands up, the ref holds her arm up but Jenny can barely stand. She rips the belt from the ref and rolls out of the ring.
Sarina Hazard is at ring ride, and puts Jenny's arm over her shoulder. The two back up the ramp as Jenny continues to favor that leg.
Heather: A wounded champion, but a champion none-the-less. Jenny Myst overcame ALL the odds here tonight and she is STILL Shooting Star Champion!
The scene shifts to behind a random building in the historic precinct, where Alias is crouched, peering around the corner. He glances around to make sure the coast is clear and then steps out onto the dusty street.
He then flees back!
Cartoonishly peering around the corner of the building once again, he spies Betsy Granger once more!
Quickly withdrawing, he retreats in reverse around the side of the building.
One step.
Two steps.
Three steps.
Alias bumps into something… or someone!
Slowly, he turns around, and stares face to face with Marf Swaysons.
ALIAS: “Hi…”
MARF: “Hi. What are you doing back here?”
ALIAS: “Saving myself from being burned alive by the devil’s girlfriend.”
Marf scrunches up his eyes and points to the corner of the building, questioning. Alias nods. Marf moves towards the edge of the building, with none of the subtlety that Alias had. He looks around the corner, sees Betsy still standing there, and then returns to Alias. Betsy didn’t notice either of them.
MARF: “The devil’s girlfriend, huh?”
ALIAS: “Uh huh.”
MARF: “She doesn’t exactly look… scary.”
ALIAS: “That’s how she’ll get you!”
MARF: “Right… that’s how monsters work.”
ALIAS: “See! You get me! I’ve got to say though, I thought you’d be bigger.”
MARF: “I’m plenty big.”
Marf confidently looks down at his crotch.
ALIAS: “Well that got awkward real quick.”
MARF: “It’s kind of a pity, we’re going to be punching each other in the face pretty soon.”
ALIAS: “I mean… it doesn’t have to be the face.”
MARF: “You’re right. I’ll punch you in the balls instead.”
ALIAS: “Great! Wait…”
Marf doesn’t listen and walks off from Alias. Hiding in the shade behind an old desert building, Alias is left not just being afraid of Betsy Granger, but more immediately… afraid for his balls.
The lights dim down to black with Destiny by Stratovarius(a shorter starting) starts to play over the speakers. With only a few seconds passing with the intro, the song stops for a moment and an unknown, deep male voice calls out, "The Last Legend" while it also appears on the screen in writing. The music comes back forty seconds into the song as it starts to pick up.
Announcer: Hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at 244 pounds...Johnny Legend!!!
Johnny Legend appears from behind the curtain in his sleek black robe with "The Last Legend" on the back. The stitching on the back lettering is starting to come loose and some holes in the robe, he raises his arms in the air to a mix crowd reaction. Sporting a smirk as he struts his way down the ramp, Johnny Legend keeps his distance from the fans as he hopes they don't put any more rips into his cheap robe. He climbs through the ropes and into the ring while his music slowly dies down.
The music hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the entrance ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the passion of the Christ. He seems absolutely unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience. As he nears the ring he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.
The bell rings to start the match.
HEATHER: "So here we go ladies and gentlemen, the television title is on the line here at the PPV,"
PIP: "Can Charlie Nickles keep a hold of the infamous Television Title?"
The Two men walk to the center of the ring. There is not a lot of time to piss ass around in this match, as 15 minutes will go fast here, and if Johnny Legend really wants the belt then he'll have to act fast.
As Charlie and Johnny get towards the center of the ring, Charlie starts mouthing off that he is the Television Champion, and he'll be keeping the title, suddenly Legend hits Charlie with a right and left, but this unfazes Charlie, and he smiles back at Johnny. Suddenly Johnny lifts his knee up into the gut of Charlie, and Charlie bends over. Johnny puts him into a DDT hold and down they go.
Johnny quickly gets back to his feet and yells at Charlie to stay down, and yells at the referee to start the 10 count.
Charlie jumps back to his feet just after the one count.
HEATHER: "It's going to take more than a DDT to keep the Television Champion down,"
Charlie smiles back at Johnny, and Johnny doesn't stand for it, hitting him with a right and left jabs, before following up by grabbing Charlie, and sending him running towards the ropes.
Charlie rebounds off the ropes and comes running back at Legend, who is holding his ground. Johnny tries an attempted clothes line, but Charlie ducks underneath it, stops, and grabs the back of Johnny's head, and does a SNAPMARE. Both of them go down.
HEATHER: "Wow what a move from the defending champion, getting himself out of all sorts of trouble,"
Charlie quickly gets back to his feet, and looks down at Johnny. He spits blood down at him, and rolls him over on his back before jumping on him and hitting him with lefts and rights. Johnny tries to defend himself as best as he can.
Legend manages to push Charlie off of him, and he tries crawling for the ropes, but not before Charlie jumps back on him, and pulls him to his feet, and puts him in a headlock. He then runs to the corner and as they get close, Charlie lets Legend go, and pushes him hard into the corner. Johnny Legend hits the corner post hard, and grabs his chest. But Charlie folllows up, and thrusts Johnny's head into the corner pole. Not once but twice.
Johnny Legend drops to the ground, and Charlie yells at the referee to start the 10 count.
Charlie steps back to survey his handywork.
Johnny Legend slowly pulls himself up, using the ropes, and the referee stops the 10 count.
PIP: "Charlie Nickles is waiting, watching, he should be doing something.
Charlie Nickles, grinning from ear to ear. He has that look in his eye as if he is ready to end this match now.
Johnny slowly turns himself around, and suddenly Nickles runs at him.
He tries to hit Johnny with a SHORT ARM CLOTHESLINE.
But Johnny ducks dive forward and does a roly-poly. He gets up and runs to the other side of the ring, rebounds off the ropes, comes back and Charlie has turned and stopped where he is and is waiting for Johnny to make the next move.
Johnny stops in the middle of the ring and rethinks about the move that he was going to do.
HEATHER: "It seems like we have hit a stalemate."
PIP: "And that's not good for Johnny Legend."
From where he is standing Charlie Nickles uses his hand to usher Johnny Legend to make the next move.
Legend takes a few seconds to weigh up his options.
Charlie starts laughing his maniacal laugh. This makes Legend walk straight towards him, and Charlie sticks up his hands in a box style, but suddenly Legend drops and smashes Charlie in his stomach with his feet. Charlie collapses backward with enough force, that makes his back hit the corner post. Legend is up, grabs Charlie Nickles, and SUPLEXES him.
Charlie tries to get up but Legend stays on top of him and hits him with a few lefts and rights, before kneeing him in his stomach to take the wind out of him.
Johnny Legend pulls Charlie to his feet and sets Charlie up for not one but three suplexes called TRIPLE ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEX.
PIP: "Wow what a move that was,"
Johnny gets up and looks down at Charlie and yells at him not to get up. He yells at the referee to start the 10 count.
Charlie Nickles is stiring. Legend keeps yelling at him to stay down.
Charlie sits up. He has to get to his feet still.
Charlie gets on his knees. Legend runs across the ring, rebounds off of the ropes, comes running back, and knees Charlie in the face. This not only stops the 10 count, but Charlie hits the canvas hard.
Legend then pulls Charlie to his feet, and sets him up for EARLY RETIREMENT, Johnny Legend’s strong back breaker trademark move.
HEATHER: "If Johnny Legend connects with the Early Retirement, it's the end for Charlie Nickles as Television Champion surely?"
Charlie manages to fight back and Johnny falls back into the cornering the referee and dropping Charlie on top of him!
The official is down!!
Charlie is quick to his feet and eye pokes Johnny and follows up with a swift kick to the groin! Legend falls into Charlie who picks him up and plants him with the Steubenville Screwdriver!!! Charlie covers just as the referee comes to….
PC: "It's been a wild ride, so far, tonight, but we're not done, yet!"
HHL: "That's right, Pip, we've still got three more Title matches, including the Battle Royale to determine who will become the new XWF Universal Champion!"
PC: "But, coming up next, we've got Robbie..............sorry, Bobby Bourbon defending the Hart Championship against Ned Kaye in Singles competition."
HHL: "Gold has eluded Ned throughout his young career, the same way women do Gilly; will tonight finally be his time to shine, or will Bourbon continue to ride the wave of momentum he's been on and show Ned exactly why he is the Warfare MVP?"
The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other than "Notorious" Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.
The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.
As "Warlord" by Cypress Hill blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon, Hart Title slung over his shoulder. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison:
Even Ned, out of respect, joins in on the chanting.
PC: "Things aren't gonna be so 'fun' for Ned here in a few minutes."
HHL: "The same could be said about the Champ, as well."
PC: "Doubtful. I'm sure Bobby's gonna have a blast ripping Ned's head off his body like a Ken doll!"
HHL: "How would you know what that's like? Did you used to play with Ken dolls, Pip?"
PC: ""
Bourbon doesn't look too impressed by the Notorious One's chanting, but Ned just shrugs and smiles. The ref walks over to Bobby and takes his belt from him, holding it up in the air for everyone to see. He then offers each man a chance to inspect it, before handing it over to the time keeper and calling for the bell.
Ned and Bobby immediately lock up, with the Notorious One gaining the advantage with a quick Headlock. Bourbon drops back and uses the ropes to fling Ned to the opposite side, dropping him with a Shoulder Block on the way back. He then runs to the ropes and back, but Kaye flips onto his stomach as Bobby runs over him. The Hart Champion bounces back at Ned, who hops to his feet and Leapfrogs Bobby, who once again heads for the ropes. On the rebound, Ned attempts a Hip Toss, but Bobby uses his power to prevent it, countering with a massive Clothesline. Luckily for the Notorious One, he's able to duck it before losing his head, but Bourbon manages to catch his surprise Superkick.................................. only to get caught with an Enzuiguri by the other foot! Bobby manages to stay on his feet, though, causing Ned to run for the ropes and back with a Spinning Heel Kick. Bourbon catches Kaye in mid-air and drops him, back first, over his knee, covering him as soon as he drops to the mat.
HHL: "That was an incredible back and forth, I'm surprised Ned wasn't too disoriented to kick out!"
PC: "Give Bobby some time, I'm sure he'll rattle a few brain cells soon!"
Bourbon brings Ned to his feet and Irish Whips him for the corner, following closely behind. Before he can hit an Avalanche Splash, however, the Notorious One is able to get a boot up, connecting with Bobby's chin. The Hart Champion takes a few steps back as Ned charges forward for a Notorious Knee, only to get driven into the mat by a powerful Dinosaur Extinctor Spinebuster. A confident Bourbon uses a mere two hands for the cover.
HHL: "Robbie might want to cover his opponent a little better if he actually wants to win!"
PC: "Bobby knows exactly what he's doing!"
Bourbon picks Ned Kaye up and delivers a Vertical Suplex near the corner, before getting back up and climbing all the way to the top rope.
PC: "He's looking for the Flying Circus!"
HHL: "As we saw earlier with MeFisto, this could either be a big mistake, or completely incapacitate his opponent!"
Bobby Bourbon dives off for a Flying Senton, but Ned is able to avoid it, causing the Hart Champion to crash to the mat. Kaye runs to the ropes and connects with a Dropkick on the way back, rolling Bobby onto his back and covering him.
PC: "Even Ned should be smart enough to know you're not gonna take down the Hart Champion with a mere Dropkick!"
HHL: "He was definitely going for the element of surprise, there."
PC: "Well, SURPRISE, it didn't work!!!!"
With Bobby already making his way back to his feet, Ned runs to the ropes and puts his opponent back down with a Notorious Knee. However, rather than cover the Champion, Kaye heads back over to the ropes and climbs out onto the apron.
HHL: "He could be setting up for The Disciplinary Action!"
PC: "I think we've seen enough of Ned to KNOW that's what hes doing................... unfortunately for him, like many times before, it's not gonna be enough!"
Ned waits for Bobby to get up before pulling on the top rope, using the momentum to cartwheel over and wrap his legs around the neck of his opponent into a headscissors. Before Kaye can hit the move, though, Bourbon is able to catch Ned and wrap his arms around his legs, delivering a Bobby Bomb in the middle of the mat. With the Notorious One's shoulders pinned down, the referee counts the fall.
HHL: "Sometimes you gotta wear your opponent down a little more before putting the final nail in the coffin, otherwise it's just the second or third!"
The Hart Champion is stunned by the tenacity of the Notorious One, getting back up and bringing Ned with him. Bourbon, once again, hoists his opponent up for a Bobby Bomb, but Ned is able to slip out of it. He runs to the ropes and attempts another Notorious Knee, but Bobby turns around and catches him, locking in a powerful Bearhug.
HHL: "This doesn't look good for the Challenger as this is usually step one Robbie's three part Honestly Brutal trademark!"
PC: "He's gonna smash Ned Kaye like a bug!"
After a bit of applying pressure to the back of the Notorious One, Bobby charges into the corner and drives him into it before hitting a slam, staying atop his opponent for a cover.
Ned puts his foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count!!!!!!
PC: "Bobby retained!"
HHL: "No, the ref's saying Ned got his foot on the rope just in time!"
PC: "What's the point?! This match was over before it even began!"
A frustrated Bourbon rises abruptly and yanks Ned to his feet with him. Bobby wraps his massive hand around the throat of his opponent before hoisting him high above his head. However, as Bourbon brings him down for a Chokeslam, the Notorious One is able to escape it and Arm Drag the Champion, head first, into the corner. He follows that up with a Notorious Knee that sends his opponent back into the corner. Bobby's head, once again, smashes against the turnbuckle, sending him backwards where Ned trips him with a Legsweep, dropping the Champion to the mat.
PC: "Tripping isn't very honorable, Ned!!!!!"
HHL: "Neither is fighting someone half your size, but you don't seem to have a problem with that!"
The crowd gets to their feet as Ned scales the turnbuckle, eventually making his way to the top. He stands there for a second, taking in the serenity of the moment before jumping off, connecting with a Shooting Star Press!!!!! He hooks onto one of Bobby's gigantic legs for a cover.
HHL: "Robbie certainly IS proving why he's accomplished so much over the last couple months!"
Ned gets back up and reaches down for Bourbon, but he's greeted with an Eye Rake that drops him to a knee.
HHL: "How honorable was THAT, Pip?!"
PC: "What happened??? My monitor cut out! I don't know what you're talking about!"
HHL: "Okay, Brain."
Ned walks back over to Bourbon, who drops him with a huge Roundhouse Uppercut out of nowhere. Bobby leans against the top rope for a moment, catching his breath, before heading over to the corner and making his way up the ropes.
HHL: "Looks like we're gonna get a second take of the Flying Circus!"
PC: "And, once more, Ned Kaye's gonna choke and miss out on his first ever Championship!"
As soon as Pip says that, Ned Kaye springs to life, runs over to the corner, and meets Bobby on the second rope. The two of them exchange shots until Bourbon grabs Ned by the head and smashes his face against the turnbuckle between his legs. This allows the Hart Champion to lift the Notorious One up into Powerbomb position........................ only for him to slide out behind Bourbon on the top rope. Kaye knees his opponent in the back of the head, causing him to falls off; somehow, landing on his feet. He then turns around, only to get Hurricanranna'd into a Head Scissor submission hold in the middle of the ring!!!!!!
HHL: "Ned's one tap out away from becoming the new Hart Champion!!!!!
PC: "There's no way Bobby Bourbon's gonna tap out to Ned Kaye!!!"
The Notorious One applies pressure as the fans go absolutely crazy. Unfortunately for him, though, it's not enough as Bourbon has no problem picking Ned up in Bobby Bomb position and slamming him down..............................except Kaye uses the force to Hurricanranna the Hart Champion, grabbing on to a leg for the cover.
Winner AND NEW XWF HART CHAMPION: "Notorious" Ned Kaye via pinfall
Ned pops to his feet, face strained somewhat from pain, but the adrenaline pulling him through. He is in disbelief of what's just happened. His music fills the arena as he stands in the center of the ring, Referee Sass handing him the Hart Championship Belt.
As she places it in his hands, he stares at the reflective metal, shining the bright arena lights upon his face, filled with emotion. He collapses to his knees and holds the belt pressed to his forehead.
HHL: "Some said it would never happen. But Ned has proved them wrong tonight!"
The Notorious One lifts his head up, tears of joy streaming down his face as he looks upwards, finally rising back to his feet and hold the belt high above his head! The crowd pops, nearly drowning out the sound of Ned's music with thunderous applause! Composing himself, Ned reaches for a microphone, his music fading out. He tries to think of something to say, but he's still clearly overwhelmed. The audience gives him another huge cheer before he begins to speak.
Ned: "Nine years. Nine years since I started professional wrestling. Nine years, countless indies and not one championship title. And even without that accomplishment, I was still able to enter this company! To compete in the XWF, the same federation I'd been watching from my father's side since I was an eight year old kid! I fought hard to be here. And, goddamn, I've fought even harder to prove I belong here! And after a year and a half... after struggle and hardship and uncertainty, I did it! I am your Hart Champion! And I couldn't have done it without the support of all of you who cherr me on even when I'm at my lowest! I couldn't be here without my family and my friends and every trainer and partner I've ever had. From Robert Main to Big D. From James Raven to Drew Archyle. From even Centurion, my childhood hero, to Ethan, my lifelong friend. And of course my brother, my mother, and my father, who I wish could be here. But I know what he'd say."
The Notorious One's voice begins to crack somewhat as he speaks of his father.
Ned: "He'd look me right in the eyes, smile and say, "What took you so long, kiddo?" And-"
The crowd begins to chant again, interrupting him.
Ned smiles, humbled by the response.
Ned: "Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me. You don't know how proud it makes me to perform for all of you. Even when it ain't easy. Even at my darkest hours, you help keep that light of hope shining in me! When the night is darkest and I can't see the road beneath my heels, all of you light my way! All of you make this not only possible, but worth it! So, in my mind, the battle might be won, but the work has just begun! And you'd better get used to seeing me again, 'cause I don't plan going quick!"
The arena roars in approval, Kaye looking about as happy as he ever has.
Ned: "One last thing. I made a promise to someone I miss very much. Someone gone long before her time that inspired me for years. Whose memory pushed me forward in spite of everything. So, Lili, this is for you."
He kisses the tips his index and middle fingers, raising his hand towards the sky before calling out.
The audience cheers on as Ned slowly walks back up the ramp triumphantly, the Hart Belt draped over his shoulder, waving and giving thanks to the audience members as he passes them by.
”Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is a LADDER MATCH for the XWF World Tag Team Championship!
We get a shot of the XWF Tag Titles hanging some twenty feet above the ring with Ladders all around ringside.
Introducing first… Doctor Louis D’Ville!!!!
The arena goes pitch black as a red mist fills the stage. The fog gives off an ominous glow as Doctor Louis D’Ville forms from it and stands with his hands on his hips to a very mixed and unsure reaction from the crowd. He takes his time walking to the ring, admiring the titles hanging high above the center of the ring. He rolls in under the bottom rope and spins with his arms wide out above his head in the center of the ring. The lights come back and….
The crowd erupts with a huge ovation!
BASS! Gold light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from beneath the stage illuminating a lion banner above the entrance way. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Lionheart hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement next to Paul Heyman.
Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in gold colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.
GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage, looks back to Paul and sends him back to the locker room before he makes his way to the ring to join the doctor.
”Being accompanied to the ring by Paul Heyman… THADDEEEEEEUUUUUUSSSSSS DUUUUUUUUKE!!!!!”
” We don’t need to rehash the story that’s brought us here, all we need to do is sit back and watch these four men kill each other.”
Thad and Doc start to make the walk toward the ring knowing full well wait awaits them if they’re planning on leaving with the titles around their waists. There’s no fun and games, it’s all business as the challengers reach ringside before sliding into the ring. They get to their feet looking up at the titles hanging high above the ring.
”… And their opponents…”
” They are the reigning and defending XWF World Tag Team Champions; Chris Page, Robert Main… CATACLYSM!”
The crowd that once cheered now boos intently as Chris Page and Robert Main walk out to the top of the ramp.
” There’s no Omega, there’s no monster… there’s Chris Page and there’s Robert Main… and we are about to find out if they’re every bit as good as they claim to be.”
Main and Page start to make the walk towards the ring not taking their eyes off the challengers in the ring. The champions reach ringside where they fist bump before sliding into the ring and get to a vertical base.
Thad and Doc stare across the ring at Chris Page and Robert Main. The intensity is so thick you can almost cut it with a knife as the four men walk out to center ring. The jaw jacking between Page and Thad is at a fever pitch as Doc and Robert Main size each other up before all four men start trading right hands! Page and Thad pair off as does Doc and Main!
” This didn’t take long to break down!”
Thad and Page trade right hands while Doc and Main do the same! Page takes the initial upper hand on Thad as he gouges him in the eyes before driving him back into a neutral corner while Main backs Doc across the ring and back against the ropes before charging forward looking to send Doc over the top rope and out to the floor! Doc counters with a back body drop sending Main sailing over the top rope and out to the floor! Doc steps out to the ring apron where he drops down to the floor.
Page lays boots to the midsection of Thad before bringing him out from the corner by the head where he continues to talk shit before dropping the youngster with a hard right hand to the jaw. Out on the floor Doc picks Main up off the floor decking him with a right hand before taking him and introducing Main head first into the top of the steel ring steps!
Page reaches down picking Thad up off the mat where Thad counters with a jaw breaker! Thad steps back up to his feet where Page swings and Thad ducks while countering with an inverted atomic drop! Out on the floor Doc sends Main crashing into the security barrier! Doc comes forward where Main throws a boot to the midsection catching Doc coming in before sending Doc face first off the ring post!
” The sheer hate that lies between these four men is off the charts! And to think three of these four have to turn around for the Battle Royale! How are they going to deal?”
Thad takes Page down in the ring with a clothesline while out on the floor Robert pulls a steel chair out from under the ring where he slides in behind Thad where he reaches his feet before cracking Thad in the back with a vicious chair shot sending Thad staggering forward towards Page who is getting up and immediately transitions into a STO driving Thaddeus into the mat!
The crowd roars with boos as Main and Page hoist their arms up in the air before Main tosses the chair to the side, Chris reaches down picking Thad up off the mat where he locks in a front face lock before he hoists Thad up in the air with a stalling delayed vertical suplex. Page holds Thad up vertically for several seconds before he falls backwards with the stalling suplex into a backstabber by Main!
Thad lands gingerly on the knees of Main before rolling towards the ropes and under the bottom rope and out to the floor! Page slides out t to the floor where he picks Doc up and hurls him into the ring followed by shifting his attention towards one of the many Ladders that surrounds the ring. Page folds up one of the ladders and slides it into the ring.
” A ladder has been introduced into the mix.”
Page comes around the ring were he snatches extra camera cord before wrapping it around the throat of Duke who is almost to a vertical base. Page starts choking away at Thaddeus while in the ring Robert starts to put the boots to Doc. Main eyes the Ladder before dragging it out to the center of the ring before turning his attention back towards Doc. Main picks him up off the mat before scooping him up and slamming him down on top of the Ladder!
” Doc’s body crashes off the Ladder!”
Out on the floor Page continues to choke Thaddeus with the camera cable while talking shit in the process. Chris finally releases his grip on the camera cord before turning his attention towards the cameraman where he snatches the camera off his shoulder and places it on his.
Page pans the crowd before coming back down to where Thad was only to see Thad waiting where he flips off the camera before dropping Page with a Rock Bottom of the floor!
Back in the ring Main has the Ladder on top of Doc.
Thad slides into the ring behind Main where he grabs the steel chair! Main runs towards the far side where he bounces off the ropes and into a chair shot to the skull by Thaddeus Duke to a thunderous ovation from the crowd! Thad raises the chair up in the air to an even louder ovation.
Camera’s take a tight shot on the face of Robert Main who has been busted wide open!
” Duke is standing tall!”
Thad tosses the chair to the mat before taking the Ladder of Doc. He sets it up underneath the Tag Titles! The crowd roars as Thad comes around the Ladder and starts to climb! Doc is show starting to stir as we see Chris Page roll back into the ring and get back to a vertical base where he makes his way towards the Ladder and starts climbing up the opposite side as Thad!
Thad nears the top of the Ladder where he reaches up towards the titles only to be doubled over by a right hand from Page to the midsection which buys a few seconds for Page to climb up two extra rungs before swinging at Thad, Thad blocks and counters with an open handed chop across the chest of Page! Chris thumbs Thad in the eyes before taking a chance to reach up for the titles when suddenly the Ladder starts to teeter as Doc is back to his feet rocking the Ladder from side to side as we now see a bloody Main come from behind with the chair cracking Doc across the back dropping him to one knee.
Thad steps up to the second to top rung before peeling off a Hurrincanranna off the top of the Ladder sending both himself and Page free falling down to the hard canvass below with Page taking the worst of the landing! His body bounces violently off the mat as the crowd responds with a thunderous “ HOLY SHIT” chant!
Robert starts to climb up the Ladder after the Tag Titles as everyone is down, well almost.
Robert nears the top of the Ladder where he reaches up for the gold only to have the Ladder tipped over sideways by the Good Doctor sending Robert sailing towards the ropes where he hangs himself up on the top rope!
” Doctor Louis has just made his presence known!”
There’s an evil smirk that graces the face of Doc as he pick up the Ladder and folds it up. Main struggles to work his way back to his feet where Doc throws the Ladder into the bloody face and body of Main with a sickening thud of steel meeting bone knocking Robert back into a neutral corner. Doc lays the Ladder in the center of the ring before charging towards the corner with a splash on to Main! Doc brings Main out of the corner where he picks him up and delivers a Side Walk Slam on to the Ladder!
Thad is shown getting back to his feet as Page as rolled out to the floor.
Thad makes his way towards Doc who has picked Main up off the mat and holds him by both arms for Thad who looks directly into the eyes of Main and flips him off before unloading with straight right hands to the bloody face of Main as the crowd gets louder and louder with each exposed shot!
” Thaddeus Duke has come to High Stakes for a freaking fight!”
” With everything that’s been said, with Cataclysm burying Sebastian Duke alive and constantly holding it over his head you can’t blame him for wanting to tear Page and Main apart.”
Thad laces Main across the chest with a knife edge chop before Doc releases his grasp on the arms of Main as he tosses him down to the mat. Doc slides out to the floor where he tosses the ring apron back and pulls out a second Ladder and slides it into the ring before turning his attention towards Page who is reached one knee before coming forward with a straight kick to the face of CCP knocking him back down to the floor!
In the ring Thad picks up one of the Ladders where he takes it towards a neutral corner and leans it back against the buckles before turning his attention towards Main. Thad walks over taking Robert by both legs before falling backwards catapulting Main and sending him crashing face and body first into the Ladder!
Out on the floor Doc picks Page up off the floor and looks to send him bouncing face first off the ring post! Page blocks with both of his hands before elbowing Doc in the ribs and countering as Doc bounces face first off the ring post dropping to one knee. Page goes under the ring pulling out a BARBWIRE WRAPPED STEEL CHARI!
” This is going to get a hell of a lot more violently as these four men are going to try and maime each other! This isn’t about who leaves with the Tag Titles, this is going to be about who is going to leave period!”
” And you also have to think that Thad, Doc and Chris Page are all three in the High Stakes Battle Royale which follows the Hall of Legends induction ceremony.”
In the ring Thad see’s Page closing in on Doc with the Barbwire Wrapped chair in hand, he charges forward delivering a Baseball slide dropkick to the unsuspecting Page knocking Page back into the security barrier and causing him to drop the Barbwire Wrapped Chair. Thad talks some shit to Page from the ring as he gets back to his feet which allow Main to position the second ladder flat on the mat and as Thad turns around he walks into a Spin Buster Slam on to the Ladder by Robert Main!
The pain is etched on Thad’s face as he clutches at his lower back while rolling off the Ladder!
Robert wipes the blood away from his face before picking up the Ladder and setting it up under the Tag Titles. We see Doc roll back into the ring as Robert starts to climb the Ladder! Dpc is back to his feet where he comes up behind Main who reaches the half way point of the Ladder when Doc comes up climbing up two rungs delivering a low blow to Main to a roar from the crowd! Doc climbs up one more rung before positioning himself and brings Robert off the Ladder with a sit out Powerbomb!
Page slides into the ring with the Barbwire Wrapped Chair and as Doc gets back to his feet he turns towards the Ladder where he walks into a sickening shot the face from Chris Page with the Barbwire Wrapped Steel Chair! Doc hits the mat hard as he’s been busted wide open the Hall of Legends member. The crowd roars with boos as Chris Page stands over Doc spout out obscenities towards him before stomping down on the bloody forehead.
Page knocks the Ladder over towards the ropes where it lands on the top rope.
Page turns his attention towards Thaddeus who is working his way to his feet.
Thaddeus turns towards Page who swings with the Barbwire Wrapped Chair at his skull, Thaddeus ducks the shot before catching Page with a boot to the midsection causing the barbwire wrapped chair to drop out of the way only to see Thad position Page before taking several steps backwards towards the Barbwire Wrapped Chair! He picks Page up before Piledriving him on to the Barbwire Wrapped Chair to a thunderous ovation from the crowd!
” Dear God the beatings these men are delivering upon each other is nothing short of brutal!”
Robert Main pulls himself to his feet sizing up Thaddeus who gets up off the mat where he turns and walks into a scoop up by Main, Thaddeus slides down the back of Main shoving him forward where a bloody Doc delivers a Code Breaker!
Camera’s catch a shot of Page as he’s seated in a neutral corner with blood running down his face from the top of his head from the shards of barbwire he was just piledriven on. Thaddeus sets a Ladder back up under the titles as we see Doc getting back to his feet. Chris pulls himself up to a vertical base as he staggers down the ring towards the corner that has the Ladder leaned back against the buckles.
Page takes a few steps out towards center ring as Thad climbs the Ladder, Doc charges towards Page looking to Spear Page through the Ladder! Page counters with a one person Flap Jack into the Ladder in the corner! Page takes the Ladder and turns towards Thaddeus who is nearing the top of the Ladder! The crowd is on fire for Duke as he reaches up for the titles before being jabbed in the ribs with Page’s Ladder knocking Thaddeus off the top of the Ladder and sending him free falling down to the mat below!
Page drops his ladder as he falls back into the ropes to a reception from the crowd with the high impact from both teams.
” Page can’t capitalize!”
Chris makes his way over to Robert where he helps him up off the mat. Doc has rolled towards a corner and is starting to pull himself back up to a vertical base. Page rolls out to the floor and reaches under the ring apron where he pulls something out. He stands up and holds up…
” Flashback to Thaddeus/Page for the TV Title months ago on Savage!”
Page rolls into the ring as Main has made his way over to Doc and is choking him back in a corner. Chris comes over with the Handcuffs and with Main maintaining the choke on Doc we see Chris Page handcuff Doc’s right wrist to the top rope! The crowd roars with massive boos as Page and Main step back away from the corner admiring their handy work.
” Doc’s been handcuffed to the top rope! Thaddeus has been isolated!
Chris waves at Doc before both he and Main turn around just as Thaddeus uses the ropes to assist him back to his feet where he turns around a see’s Chris Page and Robert Main standing with Doc handcuffed to the top rope behind them.
” Reality has just set in for young Mr. Duke!”
Chris and Robert are seemingly licking their chops when suddenly a defiant Duke shows them both a middle finger!
Page and Main rush Duke overtaking him and driving him back into the opposite corner from Doc, Page fires away with right hands while Main drives repeated kicks to the midsection before Robert steps out to the ring apron while Chris yanks Duke out towards the center of the ring where he positions him for a Powerbomb.
Chris hoists up Duke before running towards the corner delivering a Buckle Bomb/Running Enziguir combo from the Tag Team Champions!!!
The crowd roars with massive boos as Main steps back into the ring. He points up towards the belts before heading towards one of the Ladders. While Main is setting up the Ladder Page turns his attention towards Doc and begins to taunt him garnering some heat from the crowd.
” There’s nothing standing in the way of Cataclysm becoming the longest reigning tag team champions in the history of the XWF now!”
Page spits at Doc as Main as now set up the Ladder and starts to climb towards the titles. Chris turns his attention back towards Thad on the other side of the ring as he’s now starting to pull himself up to his feet as Robert reaches the halfway point on the Ladder. Chris comes around the Ladder and makes his way towards Thaddeus when he walks right into a BETTER THAN YOU SUPERKICK!
The Superkick sends Page backwards and into the Ladder knocking it over and sending Main crashing down to the mat to a thunderous ovation from the crowd! The Ladder tips over on to the ropes again as Main crashes to the mat and rolls towards some ropes.
Thaddeus steps up to a vertical base and his eyes shift towards the Barbwire wrapped chair off in another neutral corner before shifting his eyes towards Page. The crowd starts to get louder and louder with every step he takes towards the chair until he picks it up. Chris rolls over to his stomach before he starts to push himself up off the mat. He gets to one knee when Thad comes forward delivering a vile shot to the skull with the barbwire wrapped chair!
” How far is too far when it comes to Thaddeus Duke and Chris Page!??
Page falls backward to the mat bleeding like a stuffed pig! Thad tosses the chair to the mat before turning his attention towards his partner. Thad makes his way over where he finds Doc cuffed to the top rope. Thad thinks on his feet and rolls out to the floor where he looks under the ring for several seconds before pulling out a tool box. He empties the tools from the box where a small set of bolt cutters are found.
Thad slides back into the ring but before he can reach Doc its Main who cuts Thad off with a flurry of right hands.
” How is Robert Main standing right now?!?! It’s beyond me.”
Thad drops the small bolt cutters as Main hurls Thad out to the floor through the ropes. Doc tries to get to the small cutters but they’re too far and out of reach. Main, pain etched on his face steps out to the ring apron before dropping down to the floor. He stomps on Thad before picking him up off the floor. Main takes Thad by the throat! He hoists Thad up in the air looking to deliver a chokeslam on the floor only to see a desperation counter by Thad as he gouges Main’s eyes!
Robert drops Thad who lands on his feet. Thad drives a boot to the midsection before delivering a Side Russian Leg Sweep into the ring apron!
In the ring a bloody Chris Page is crawling towards the Barbwire Wrapped chair, he reaches it before pushing himself up out of a pool of his own blood to one knee. Thad rolls back into the ring and towards the small bolt cutters. Page steps up to his feet where he staggers towards Thad but close enough for Doc to kick him in the balls! Page drops the barbwire wrapped chair and falls backwards to the mat allowing Thad to get the small bolt cutters and get to his feet where he makes his way to Doc and cuts the chain link on the cuffs freeing Doc to a thunderous ovation from the crowd!
Doc jumps on Page and starts hammering down with right and lefts to the bloody face and head before biting the forehead of CCP! Doc rolls off Page and out to the floor where he charges towards Main spearing him on the floor!
” Doc’s FREE!”
The crowd roars with approval as Doc reaches his feet! The crowd gets louder as Thad sets up a Ladder underneath the titles!
” A prime opportunity has presented itself for the Challengers!”
Doc reaches under the ring where a THIRD Ladder is pulled out. He places the head of the Ladder on the ring apron while the feet of the ladder rest across the security barrier as if making a bridge. In the ring Thad has climbed half way up the Ladder. Page crawls towards the Ladder and starts to use it to pull himself up off the mat as we see Thaddeus reaching the top of the Ladder! He reaches up towards the gold as Page puts everything he’s got in tipping the Ladder over and sending Thaddeus crotching himself on the top rope before falling over to the ring apron! Doc slides into the ring where he blasts Page from behind with a forearm smash to the back of the neck sending Page into the ropes. Page turns around as Doc charges forward clotheslining himself and Page over the top rope and out to the floor leaving all four men down and a thunderous ovation from the crowd.
” All bets are off! All four men are down!”
Or are they?
Robert Main is shown rolling back into the ring. Main folds up a Ladder and lays it on the mat as he sizes up Thaddeus Duke! Thaddeus is staggering back to a vertical base where he turns around and walks into THE DEAD MAN’S HAND on to the Ladder! Thad’s body bounces violently off the Ladder as the crash of his body echoes throughout Tombstone!
Robert Main reaches down picking up the Ladder and sets it up under the Tag Titles.
Main starts to make the climb up the Ladder with no one in site to stop him! Suddenly Doc slides into the ring where he gets to his feet and makes his way towards the Ladder where he starts climbing up the other side after Main who is nearing the top of the Ladder!
Page slides into the ring where he goes after the second Ladder and sets it up next to the first one!
Main reaches up for the titles where he hands his hands on one of the belts before Doc is there to gouge him in the eyes! Doc hammers Main with a right hand before driving him face first off the top of the Ladder!
Page turns to find Thad when he walks into the BETTER THAN YOU SUPERKICK
Page spills over the top rope and crashing down to the floor!
Main fires at Doc landing the right hand! He lands a second right hand that has Doc teetering! Suddenly Thaddeus pushes the Ladder over sending Doc and Main sailing over the top rope and crashing down to the floor!
There’s nothing stopping Thaddeus as he starts to climb the Ladder! Duke reaches the half way point before continuing his climb and with nobody in the mix he’s able to reach up and pull the Tag Titles down!
Thaddeus drops from the very top of the ladder and lands flat on the canvas holding both titles. He lies there for a moment as his music hits and the doctor slides into the ring after taking a bad spill due to his partner doing whatever it took for victory. Thaddeus is to his knees now and stares down at both of the titles. Looking up, Doc is standing in front of him with a big, toothy grin from ear to ear…. Thad looks at the titles, one and each hand, and hands up one to the doctor.
What a moment here fans… Good versus evil? Darkness in the light? What we have here is a partnership…. A unity that is about as scary as the last duo we had.
And three of these men have to turn around and come back out for a battle royale!
I’m not sure they’re going to be able to walk out of here, Heather…
Doc chuckles, reaching down for the title which he takes and immediately jumps on a second rope to show it off to the screaming fans around them.
As the show comes back from commercial we see Theo Pryce standing at a podium on the in the middle of Tombstone's one main street. Attached to the podium is the XWF's Hall of Legends Placard.
Theo Pryce: Over the last year or so we have inducted a new generation of wrestlers into the XWF's Hall of Legends. Some of the very best this sport has even seen but none of them are more deserving than our next inductee. [/theo]
Theo Pryce: And here to induct him is another great XWF Superstar....GATOR!!!
Gardenia by Kyuss plays as the crowd work up into a fury; Gator wearing a fancy three piece suit and his signature mask walks out onto the stage giving a few waves as he walks to the podium and begins rolling a cigarette, pulling up his mask a little to place the filter tip in his mouth as the music dies down and Gator mumbles into the mic.
“I swear to fuck if I don’t get inducted next I’m gonna burn this place down.”
Scattered laughs and woos from the crowd as Gator finishes rolling and lights up the cig billowing smoke from his mouth.
“When I first arrived here back in 2014 I was a weird little angry goofball that had no idea what to do; I just floundered for a while before I actually found my purpose and potential as did so many others. So many people come in and they’re dog shit and have no idea what to do before they figure stuff out, it took me winning the TV title at Relentless for me to actually understand how to work in the XWF. One person who knew what to do immediately without any help was ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane. He came in like a neon streak and just picked up the game without any trouble, the same Relentless I won the TV at he won the Trios with two other people that don’t matter and he did it almost single-handedly, a huge deal that he fucking ran with. Taking all three belts, trying to melt them down into one huge mega belt showing everyone that he was THE next big thing; he didn’t wait for his moment, he fucking took it and every time he fought he pushed and broke boundaries, Lane just kept improving and showing everyone that you may know how to cut a promo but you fuckers don’t know how to own a promo, the dude revolutionised shit. He didn’t walk into a match and just said ‘fuck it’ he thought about it and even when he was tired and beaten down he always had that one quirk, that one fun thing that pushed his promos out of the stratosphere. Everything that someone like Sarah Lacklan has done to be such a huge character in the wrestling world she owes to Vinnie Lane because he did it first.”
“Choose your own adventures, leaving voicemails and posting missing person reports, dude cut promos from a fucking coma, that’s how hard he fucking worked. I’m not only honoured to induct him into the Hall of Legends but happy to call him the best friend I had here. No matter what, when we fought, when my former teammate Justin Sane feuded with him and even when he was just being a solid cunt, we were always tight. We raced around Mastermind’s go-kart course and caused mass damage, the same Mastermind who both me and Vinnie are godfathers of his children. Just hanging out over coffee and bullying that shit stain Frodo for literal hours on end, even starting a band with LH Harrison and Doctor Louis D’Ville. We left XWF briefly to start a short-lived team in another fed and to this day we’ve kept in contact and all along the way, Vinnie has either made people fall in love with him or just straight up hate him. There’s never an in between, he’s too much of a personality for people to stay neutral about him.”
Gator pauses briefly to continue his smoke before stubbing it out on the podium.
“In late 2014, early 2015, former owner Shane stated that this new wave of people was the beginning of a new golden era or something along those lines. This was four people who made that happen, me, LH Harrison, D’Ville and Vinnie Lane. We were the kliq but didn’t date rape people and weren’t massively cunty. We all went on to love the XWF and work with it to build it further, of course shit happens and people dip in and out but we were always here; winning titles, putting on shows or just to entertain people with the inane bullshit we were ones to do. I stayed in the middle, kept ahold of the TV until I was ready to call it quits, same to Harrison who is sadly underrated and deserves way more recognition for everything he’s done. D’Ville has recently made a comeback of sorts after I let him win at Relentless.” Gator gives a small chuckle. “And there’s no denying he is one of, if not the, greatest wrestlers not just in the XWF but in the world. And then there’s Lane… The three of us built something here but Vinnie owns the fucking place now. He has worked his ass off every single week to be a big name, to get his name in lights to build XWF up in every way he can and now he’s the boss! There is literally no one more deserving of being called a Legend than that prick.”
“I owe almost everything to Lane, he helped me more than I can say and I am so proud to be here and big the prick up more so his ego can get bigger. So, you ugly unwashed fuck bags, please give a huge welcome to the one and only, LOVERBOY VINNIE LANE!”
The familiar sound of Twisted Sister fills the air, and after a few moments the XWF’s chief executive, primary owner, and chairman of the board, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane, emerges onto the stage.
The guy is decked out. Hot pink everything. Jacket with tails, cummerbund, cufflinks, top hat, and designer Zubaz pants. He gives Gator a hug and then walks to the podium, taking in the sights of everyone looking up at him.
“You know… I didn’t want to do this, dudes.”
He pauses, choked up a little.
“This whole thing… these shows, these inductions, these accolades… these are things that I want to do for YOU guys. I love showering praise and recognition on all of you, you know? Nothing makes me happier than sitting back and watching someone from day one in this company, watching them grow and blossom into something awesome. Whether it’s old friends like my buddy Gator here or total strangers like Ned Kaye, Thunder Knuckles, Bobby Main, or others… the list goes on and on… I’ve loved every second of watching you guys develop. I’ve wanted NOTHING other than for you, and the XWF, to succeed. So when Theo told me not long ago that he was tired of me ducking this nomination, that he was forcing me to go into the Hall, I just shrugged. Because never once has it been about me. So… I plan on keeping this short.”
Vinnie takes a step back and produces a remote control from his pocket as a projection screen lowers behind him. He clocks a button and a slide of himself as a kid pops up.
“I was born in 1978 on Long Island. My folks were working class nobodies. My pops had a dozen jobs. My mom ran the household. When I came along, we lived in a two bedroom apartment over a barber shop…”
“And that was earlier today! Those were the best pancakes I ever had, dude… so, so rad. But enough about me. I promised to keep this short, and I will! I just need to settle one thing before I accept this greatest of honors from all of you. There’s just ONE tiny issue that I don’t think I can handle letting go any longer, you know? It just, like, EATS at me.”
Vinnie looks around and then clears his throat.
“Peter Gilmour did NOT beat me four times. He just didn’t! Look, I’ll be the first to admit it… he beat me clean… ONCE! I mean, it was a rough week for me. I was on like no sleep that day, I hadn’t eaten, and I had a bad case of the shits. Almost the worst I ever had, not counting that time Ghost Tank gave me and everyone else C. Diff. Gilly beat me that time, but all the rest are bogus! He tossed me from a battle royal one of those times. That doesn’t count! I’ve done that to him plenty of times, dude! Oh, and another, his team beat mine in a War Games match… THAT’S TOTALLY DIFFERENT! He and I didn’t have anything to DO with each other in that one! Come on! Oh and one of the others was totally my partner’s fault. This quiet bird guy named Corvus. It was HIS job to handle The Dimallisher, but he just WHIFFED big time! So we lost to him and Gilly as a team, but it was a stinkin’ DQ! That’s not “Gilly beating Lane” you jerks! That’s me getting screwed!”
Peter Gilmour rushes the stage but Christian Gunn and Dolly Waters easily restrain him. Like REALLY easily.
“Sit down, Pete. You know I’m better than you. I just want EVERYONE ELSE to know it too! We can’t have someone in the XWF’s most prestigious Hall with a little plaque under his portrait that says “Lost to Gilmour 4 Times,” we just CAN’T! So… I had to set the record straight. But that’s TOTALLY all I needed to do, man, the rest is just for fun. No ego here! I love you guys, I’m super honored to know all of you, and I’m really, really, REALLY happy that everyone has found a home here in the XWF! You all are making my dreams continue to come true each and every day, and I mean that one hundred percent from the bottom of my heart. I want to thank you…”
The lights dim.
“And so for that reason, I have decided to dedicate to you all… a song.”
The delicate piano opening of Bryan Adams’ 1991 classic ballad, “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” begins to echo through the PA speakers as Vinnie walks out from behind the podium with a hand held mic.
“Look into my eyes…
You will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
And when you find me there
You'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
Look into your heart
You will find
There's nothin' there to hide
Take me as I am
Take my life
I would give it all
I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
There's no love
Like your love
And no other
Could give more love
There's nowhere
Unless you're there
All the time
All the way, yeah!!!”
At this point, Slash from Guns N’ Roses steps onto the stage and performs the guitar solo as Vinnie stands nearby playing air guitar.
“Oh, you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
Yeah, I would fight for you
I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you
Yeah, I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you…”
People start to clap because they think this is the end, but Vinnie is performing the extended version.
“Everything I do, darling
And we'll see it through
Oh, we'll see it through
Oh yeah
Search your heart
Search your soul
You can't tell me it ain't worth dying for
Oh yeah
I'll be there, yeah
I'd walk the wire for you
I will die for you
Oh yeah
I would die for you
I'm going all the way, all the way, yeah…”
Finally the song fades, and Vinnie heads back to the podium.
“Thanks again, dudes. You’re all the best. Except you, Ghost Tank. Fuck you.”
Vinnie raises his hands in the air and waves as the scene fades away.
” Ladies and Gentleman it is now time for the over the top rope BATTLE ROYALE to determine the new XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!
All of the wrestlers are in the ring at the start of the match and the bell rings!!!
” One of these nineteen will leave tonight as the new XWF Universal Champion and move on to Warfare and make their first title defense against the Number One Contender, Chris Chaos.”
” Here we go!”
Bodies are all over the place but we can see Chris Page slide out of the ring under the bottom rope to the floor as Marf immediately sends Job Guy over the top rope and out to the floor on one side of the ring!
Doc, Thad and Corey Smith have paired off with Michael Graves, Bobby Bourbon and Barney Green! Ash Quinn is trades shots with Geri and across from them Champ Sportsman sends Ruckus sailing over the top rope and out to the floor!
Graves gouges Duke in the eyes and starts unloading with right hands as Bobby Bourbon tries to eliminate Doc. Corey Smith drives Big Barn into a neutral corner as Ash Quinn tries to get Geri over the top rope. Reggie Estrada and James Evans are trading shots, Marf and Sportsman are going at it, Baphomet stands center ring with Alias in front of him. Geri fights back freeing herself from her grasp only to see Geri eat a boot to the face from Baphomet. Sportsman and Witness are teeing off on each other
Baphomet looks at Ash and with a nod of the head Ash raises her left hand! Baphomet turns and holds up his left hand towards Alias. Alias looks up towards the right hand as he thinks about things before raising his right hand. Alias attention shifts towards Thaddeus Duke who has reversed the roles on Graves and has Michael teetering upon elimination when both Alias and Baphomet strike one half of the Tag Champions.
Doc fights free with a gouge to the eyes of Bourbon before jumping on the backs of both Alias and Baphomet! He yanks them backwards to the mat before being blindsided by Chris Page!
Baphomet turns to see Witness standing in front of him. He raises up his left and which garners a right hand from Witness! Baphomet takes Witness down with a chop block.
” Page is still fuming over losing the Tag Titles and you have to think he’s going to have tunnel vision on both Doc and Thaddeus.
Page takes Doc and sends him sailing over the top rope only to see Doc land on the ring apron as opposed to going out to the floor. Page turns around to Baphomet who holds up his left hand towards Page! Page looks at the hand then at his own before raising his left hand up… only to turn it into a middle finger before slapping Baphomet across the face! Page is spun around by the Good Doctor where he’s taken down with a double leg take down!
Atara mixes things up with Alias while across the ring Ash Quinn backs Geri up against the ropes before charging forward with a clothesline that Geri ducks and elevates Ash over the top rope with back body drop sending her out to the floor!
Geri talks some smack at Ash on the floor only to have James Evans come up from behind dumping her over the top rope!
Doc has a mount on Page where he rips off the bandage and starts biting at the quick stitch work done between matches opening Chris Page right back up! Bobby Bourbon delivers a low blow to Corey sending the youngster down in a corner . Marf and Barney Green are now trading shots while Champ Sportsman pairs off with the Xtreme Champion. Witness comes up behind Marf hold him for Barney to throw right hands!
Atara looks to eliminate Alias only to have Baphomet come from behind and dump Atara over the top rope saving Alias!
Alias looks towards Baphomet who once again raises his right hand. This time Alias raises up his right boot before throwing hands to Baphomet! Across the ring Doc has gotten up off Page and has Page held by both arms as Thaddeus Duke is teeing off with right hands to the bloody forehead of CCP!
Michael Graves and Bobby Bourbon are doubling teaming Corey Smith in the corner before picking him up off the mat and both trying to hoist him up over the top rope. James Evens has Barney Green teetering on elimination while Reggie Estrada has Marf on the verge of elimination.
” Bodies are everywhere, action is all over the place! We’re going to try and call it as best we can but forgive us if we miss some action until this heard thins out.”
Baphomet has taken over on Alias as he hurls him into the ropes, Alias latches on to the top rope, Baphomet runs towards Alias who drops down low bridging Baphomet sending him spilling over the top rope bouncing off the ring apron and tumbling down to the floor.
Corey Smith fights free from elimination from the hands of Michael Graves and Bobby Bourbon while on the other side of the ring Thaddeus is blasted from behind by Alias! Page mule kicks Doc in the groin before seizing the opportunity to come up behind Reggie Estrada and dump the Xtreme Champion over the top rope and out to the floor!
Corey Smith is shown smashing the heads of Michael Graves and Bobby Bourbon together before sending Bourbon sailing over the top rope and out to the floor!
Corey turns around towards Graves and is gouged in the eyes! Alias takes Thaddeus towards the ropes and looks to get him over the top rope while repeatedly screaming out at Thad.
Page and Evans are trading shots on one side of the ring, Graves and Corey on another, Alias has Thaddeus teetering upon elimination as Barney Green and Champ Sportsman are going at it with Champ hoisting big Barn up over the top rope! Marf sizes up Doc who is starting to get to his feet when Witness comes up from behind and sends him sailing over the top rope and out to the floor.
” We are down to ten! One of these ten will represent the XWF as the new Universal Champion.”
You can almost has the parting of the red sea as on one side of the ring Champ Sportsman, Thaddeus Duke, Doctor Louis D’ville, Corey Smith on the other side is Barney Green, James Evans, Michael Graves Witness and Alias while off in a corner to himself is Chris Page.
” You can almost see sides forming.”
The crowd is on fire as the top ten gather. We see Page come out from his corner towards the center of the ring where he flips off Thad, Doc, Corey and Champ before turning and flipping off Graves, Green, Evans, Witness, and Alias.
” A bold move by Page.”
” A stupid one if you ask me.
Suddenly all nine jump on Page taking him to the mat to the roar from the crowd! In the midst of this breakdown people start pairing off, Thaddeus and Barney Green, Doc and Alias, Champ and James Evans, Witness and Graves while Corey Smith mounts Page and starts hammering down with right hands to the already bloody forehead! Smith reigns down with shot after shot while elsewhere Doc drives Alias back into the ropes he attempts to hoist him up but is met with clubbing shots across the back.
Michael Graves is biting Witness back in a neutral corner across the forehead! Thad sends Barney into the ropes where he looks to deliver the Better Than You Superkick! Barney catches the foot of Thad! He spins Thad around catching him with an ACE CRUSHER! Alias is show getting under Doc and hoisting him up on his shoulders near the ropes! Evans sends Champ sailing over the top rope and out to the ring apron. Evans thinks he’s gotten rid of Champ who rolls back into the ring under the bottom rope and is back to his feet. Evans turns around and walks into a Spinbuster Slam from Sportsman!
Corey picks Page up off the mat where he sends him towards the ropes. Smith runs in after Page looking to clothesline him over the top rope! Page side steps Corey sending Smith over the top rope and out to the ring apron where he lands on his feet. Page swings at Smith, Smith blocks and drives a shoulder block to the midsection of Page before delivering a slingshot DDT from outside the ring to inside the ring to Page!
Barney Green blasts Sportsman from behind with a hard clothesline to the back of the neck before turning to see Witness has taken control over Graves and is hoisting him up in the corner to try and get him over the top rope. Barney rushes over landing a clubbing shot to the ribcage of Witness causing him to drop Graves in the corner. Across the ring Alias still has Doc up only to see Doc with his hands on the ropes before gouging Alias in the eyes which allows him to slide down the back and dump Alias over the top rope where he lands on the ring apron clutching at the bottom rope before managing to roll back into the ring and save himself from elimination.
” It’s an all-out war between these competitors!”
” I don’t even know who it favorites due to all the combustible elements involved.”
Doc turns around to see Graves charging towards him only to elevate Graves over the top rope and out t to the floor with a back body drop!
” And then there was nine!”
Corey Smith stomps away at Page in a corner keeping him out of the mix as we see Thaddeus starting to pull himself back up to a vertical base. Champ Sportsman and Barney Green meet in the center of the ring, where they size each other up. Barney reaches at his arm and acts like he's pulling a glove off, throwing the invisible object to the ground before repeating this with his other one. Champ, understanding the reference, does the same thing as the fans go wild.
PC: "Looks like we're about to have ourselves an old school hockey brawl!"
HHL: "Let's see if Champ knows anything about THAT sport."
Green and Sportsman grab at each other's shirts, throwing wild punches as they try to get themselves in prime striking position. Barney connects with a few rights, with Champ retaliating with a couple of his own. They continue swinging until they're both against the ropes, where Barney Irish Whips Champ to the opposite side. Sportsman manages to catch himself on the ropes, but that doesn't stop Green from charging across the ring at him. Before Barney can Clothesline Champ over, though, the multi-sport athlete drops to the mat, pulling down on the rope, sending Barney Green over.
PC: "Champ just eliminated Barney!!!"
HHL: "No he didn't, Barney's still hanging onto the rope and his feet never touched!"
A confident Champ celebrates, not realizing Barney's still in it. He turns around, only to see Green standing on the apron, his dukes up. Champ charges at Barney, who mirrors what Sportsman did to HIM, only this time, Champ actually goes over the top rope all the way out to the floor!
HHL: "It was a nice showing for his first ever match, but it looks like Champ is leaving here as champ in name, only."
PC: "Talk about a nice showing, how 'bout Barney Green?!"
Corey picks Page up and hurls him towards Thaddeus who lands the BETTER THAN YOU SUPERKICK for the second time tonight! Page crumbles to the mat and roll under the bottom rope where he falls out to the floor. Barney Green sneaks up on Smith and tosses him over the top rope! Smith latches on to the top rope as his feet dangle above the floor! Smith skins the cat back into the ring where he walks into a Belly to Belly Suplex from Barney Green!
Barney gets to his feet where Witness comes from behind taking Barney and hurling him over the top rope and out to the floor!
James Evans turns his attention to Thaddeus Duke, he starts throwing right hands with one half of the tag champions while Doc slugs away on Alias and Witness stomps away at Corey Smith.
Alias turns the tables on Doc with a gouge to the eyes, he follows up with a hard right hands backing Doc into a neutral corner. He drives repeated shoulder blocks to the midsection of the Good Doctor while across the ring Witness picks Corey up off the mat and takes him towards the ropes where he starts trying to work Smith up and over the top rope.
Evans has control of Thaddeus as he hoists him up into a Fireman’s Carry before driving him down into the mat with a Death Valley Driver! Witness inches closer and closer to getting Corey over the top rope while across the ring in the corner Doc starts hammering down on Alias before reversing to positioning in the corner and it’s Doc who starts throwing hands to Alias!
Evans picks Thad up off the mat where he looks to send him over the top rope, Thaddeus reverses at the last second sending Evans over the top rope where he lands on the ring apron on his feet and is immediately nailed with BETTER THAN YOU from Thaddeus knocking Evans off the ring apron and down to the floor!
” Evens is gone!”
” Speaking of gone! Corey Smith is teetering upon elimination!”
Thaddeus turns to see Corey hanging on by a thread before running across the ring blasting Witness causing him to lose his grasp on Corey dumping Corey on to the ring apron. Doc fights as he has Alias up on the ropes when suddenly Chris Page slides back into the ring coming up behind Doc and dumping both Doc and Alias over the top rope!
” Page picked his spot once again and took out two of the heavies in one shot!”
Doc looks up at Page from the floor where he’s met with a middle finger from the Hall of Legends member. The crowd starts to roar loudly as we see Chris Page turn around to see standing across the ring from him… Thaddeus Duke.
” Listen to this crowd.”
It’s deafening as Page and Thad walk out towards the center of the ring where they met and immediately start throwing right hands! Page lands a right, Thaddeus with a right, Page with a right, Thaddeus with a right, Thaddeus swings only to have it ducked by Page who takes a back waist lock before delivering a Release German Suplex! Page is back to his feet where he turns to catch Corey charging in where he takes a front waist lock and delivers an over head belly to belly suplex! Page measures Corey who starts pushing himself up to his feet where he takes a boot to the midsection before being driven into the mat with a Page Plant!
Page turns towards Witness where he walks into a Black Mass!!
Witness see’s Thaddeus starting to get to his feet, he runs towards him where Thad side steps Witness sending Witness crashing into a neutral corner. Thad directs his attention towards Witness where he starts stomping away at the midsection with boots. Thad the lowers his body where he starts to hoist Witness up towards the top rope as Corey and Page are both down.
” There’s nobody to save Witness if he can’t save himself!”
Thad inches Witness closer and closer to the top rope before Witness rakes Thad’s eyes to preserve himself in this contest. Thad backs out towards the center of the ring where Witness looks to deliver a second Black Mass that Thaddeus ducks and then catches Witness with a Double A spinbuster! Corey starts to work his way back to his feet on one side of the ring while Page does the same on the other. Corey sizes Page up from across the ring before exploding towards him delivering a Helluva Kick to the face sending Page over the top rope but landing hard on the ring apron. Page wraps his arms and legs around the bottom rope as Corey starts to stomp away at him in an attempt to knock him to the floor but his grasp doesn’t give in.
Thad has picked Witness up off the mat where he takes him on the other side of the ring and into the ropes where he looks to dump him over the top rope, Witness reverses the position and it’s Thad who suddenly finds himself in trouble as Witness has him half way over the top rope. Corey turns to see Thad in danger and rushes over pulling him back into the ring and out of harm’s way.Witness turns around and is met with a leaping knee to the face that rocks him back into the ropes! Corey takes one leg while Thad grabs the other and they start to work Witness up towards the top rope when we see Chris Page take his opportunity and come from behind dumping both Corey and Thaddeus over the top rope!!!
Both Duke and Smith are hanging on to the top rope and we see only one of Duke’s feet touch the floor. Page takes Witness by the head and charges across the ring with him and hurls him over the rope! With Page’s back turned both Corey and Thaddeus are able to slide back into the ring under the bottom rope! Page spins around not taking notice that Witness lands on the apron on his feet and steps back through the ropes as he turns around to see Corey and Thaddeus on one side and as he turns around Witness is behind him. Page tries to beg off to Witness which does no good as Page backs up and nears Thad and Corey before Witness swings and Page ducks causing Witness to crack Thaddeus!
Page sucker punches Corey.
” This is a pick um’”
Page drives Corey back into a neutral corner where he laces him across the chest with a knife edge chop while Witness delivers a ripcord knee to the face of Thad dropping him where he stands. Page is shown with a second knife edge chop across the chest of Smith before suddenly and quickly Smith reverses the positioning and starts lighting Page up with open handed chops across the chest before striking with a spinning back fist!
Corey hoists Page up to a seated positon on the top turnbuckle where he decks Page with a stiff right hand! Smith backs up several feet where he backs into Witness who drives him into the canvass with a side walk slam. Page stands on the middle turnbuckle where he comes off with a flying elbow drop across the chest and sternum of Smith.
The crowd boos as Page and Witness stand tall for the moment as they survey the land.
Page points down at Smith as he reaches down picking him up off the canvass. Both Page and Witness takes Corey back into the ropes where they start to work collectively to hoist him up towards the top rope. Page and Witness nearly have Corey over the top rope when Thaddeus breaks the attempt with a shot to the ribs to both men causing them to drop Corey down in the ring. Thaddeus drops Witness with a Code Breaker as Corey drops Page with a implant DDT!
Attention diverts towards the top of the ramp as….
” Doctor Louis D’Ville is back!”
Doc starts to make his way back towards the ring as both Corey Smith and Thaddeus Duke are more than confused by the reappearance of one half of the Tag Team Champions.
” Thad and Corey are even caught by surprise.”
Doc reaches ringside as Thad is heard asking him.
”What are you doing?”
Doc hasn’t taken his eyes off Corey Smith which causes Corey to come forward towards the ropes where he starts pointing down at the Good Doctor. In the ring Page and Witness are shown getting back to their feet where they collectively attack Thaddeus from behind! Corey is distracted by Doc as he now starts leaning over the ropes pointing at Doc and screaming down at him while Thaddeus is taken back into the ropes by Page and Witness where they’re trying to get him over the top rope.
Doc takes his eyes off Corey before coming around the ring seeing Thad in danger which causes Corey to turn around and see Page and Witness working to dump Thaddeus over the top rope. Corey explodes towards the pile and as he smashes into Page and Witness we see Doc reach under the bottom rope holding Thad’s legs tightly as the momentum from Corey sends Corey, Witness and Page spilling over the top rope and out to the floor!
” I don’t believe it! Thaddeus Duke has come to High Stakes empty handed but he’s leaving High Stakes as the Tag Team and Universal Champion!”
” Defying all odds tonight, we can say that we’ve got a Universal Champion that we can be proud of.”
Thaddeus is awarded the XWF Universal Championship as he drops to both knees clutching the title to his chest while out on the floor a dejected Chris Page, Witness and Corey Smith are at ringside. Fireworks start to explode above the ring in Tombstone Arizona lighting the sky up as the crowd roars with approval.
Thaddeus stands up to his feet where he hoists up the Universal Championship.
The crowd suddenly starts to boo as CHRIS CHAOS emerges out to the top of the ramp with his arms behind his back. Thaddeus turns and stares up at his number one contender.
”Wednesday Night, December 23rd Chris Chaos will Challenge the new Universal Champion Thaddeus Duke…”
The stare down between Chris Chaos and Thaddeus continues before Chris brings his arms around to the front of his body where he reveals an hour glass. He turns the hour glass upside down before placing it at the top of the ramp. Camera’s get a tight shot of the sands starting to run down into the hour glass as High Stakes fades to black.
I may have lost but I guess this old bastard still has it in him. What a night. Much respect to everyone in that match. Duke was just hungrier I guess. There will be more opportunities.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
XWF Roster Page
Joined: Sun Mar 17 2019
Posts: 313
Likes Given: 1,095
Likes Received: 886 in 247 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 21 in 19 posts
Hates Given: 2
Hates Received: 21 in 19 posts
68 X-Bux: ✘50,000
(11-29-2020, 09:24 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: Fucking overwhelmed.
OOC: Also fucking overwhelmed.
You earned the sensation, man. Congratulations.
This PPV was absolutely fantastic and I am still in awe of how captivating we've all been able to make our overlapping and individual stories. There were so many moments where I was emotionally invested in these matches and the fantastic match writing helped. Thanks to everyone who helped put out matches. Thanks to everyone for helping create this community that can snap its fingers and put something truly special into existence. Thanks to the GMs for organizing this huge event and helping make all of this possible. What a fucking show, guys.
"You can't run from yourself."
Wins | Losses | Draws
59 | 37 | 4
Indie Darling Eternal
#33 on The XWF Top 50(2021)
1x Tag Team Champion[with Isaiah King](Current)
2x (Former)
1x X-Treme Champion(Former)
The Final Supercontinental Champion
1x Television Champion(Former)
Star of the Month - April 2019 | March 2021 | December 2022
RP of the Month - March 2021 (Void of the Mind)
Winner - Leap Of Faith Rafter Match 2019
1x 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Winner - War Games 2023(With Mark Flynn, Isaiah King, & Crash Rodriguez as G00D-B01)
Previous Banners
All Time Career(Interfed)
Wins | Losses | Draws
61 | 39 | 4
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
XWF Roster Page
Joined: Sat Oct 24 2020
Posts: 440
Likes Given: 1,306
Likes Received: 1,425 in 360 posts
Hates Given: 31
Hates Received: 21 in 20 posts
Hates Given: 31
Hates Received: 21 in 20 posts
184 X-Bux: ✘50,000
Damn, Thad. 3-0 at Relentless and 2-0 at High Stakes. A universal champion for sure.
Reigning, Defending,Bloodletting
The following 3 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:3 users Like Charlie Nickles's post "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-30-2020), Barney Green (11-29-2020), Ned Kaye (11-30-2020)
i told u all thad would win it! congrats to him and doc for being tag champs and to thad for being uni champ..
also big props to ned for winning the hart title. Which brings me to this.. I WAS NEVER PINNED! So I think a certain someone needs to rectify this. talking to u dickhead diamond..
ooc: good show overall!!
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
(11-29-2020, 11:39 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i told u all thad would win it! congrats to him and doc for being tag champs and to thad for being uni champ..
also big props to ned for winning the hart title. Which brings me to this.. I WAS NEVER PINNED! So I think a certain someone needs to rectify this. talking to u dickhead diamond..
ooc: good show overall!!
Has anyone ever told you that you catch more bee’s with honey?
While I have not read the show in its entirety (happening tonight after work) I wanted to say what an honor it was to carry the tag straps with Robert Main as long as we did. Doc and Thad brought it and had me up well past midnight on consecutive nights writing, writing, and writing until my fingertips went numb. It was a pleasure working with you both... and on a side note big congrats to Thad on the Battle Royale- you worked hard for it and deserve it.
- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
With Robert "The Omega" Main
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
Corey finds Thad wherever he is after the show draws to a close. As soon as they lock eyes Corey runs at him, grappling him with the biggest bro hug possible, so hard Thad almost falls over. Corey then grabs Thad's head, plants a big dumb wet kiss on it, rehugs him and whispers.
It was always going to be you.
OOC: Well met.
The following 3 users Like Corey Smith's post:3 users Like Corey Smith's post (12-01-2020), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-30-2020), Barney Green (11-30-2020)
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007
Guys - you all made this a hell of a difficult PPV to judge and put together. That's a good thing! It's an awesome feeling to be putting matches together and think "this is just not good enough in exchange for what the RPers brought forward."
PLEASE keep making these difficult for us. The harder it is to figure out who won, the harder it is to match quality for quality, the better the XWF is for it.
Congrats to all the winners AND all the losers, because I guarantee you that the differences between you both were miniscule.
Duke, I'm thrilled for Thad and happy to see him fully realized after all this time and all the IC and OOC trials and tribulations. I'm still undefeated against you, though, so, let's not ever forget that.
Ned, I'm super happy to see you succeed. I've been team Ned since day one and always knew there was going to be a corner that, once turned, would open up a lot of successes.
Doc, you know you're one of my favorite people in this game. Always a pleasure.
Reggie, I'm always happy when you're around and having fun.
Nickles, you're one of the more impressive newcomers here and I think it's rad how easily you fit in.
Kenzi, you already have everyone's respect here as a writer, now you just have a title to go with it.
Everyone who ALMOST won a title or ALMOST won a battle royal or ALMOST won anything else? You're all awesome. Chris Page, I did not know you could churn out so much writing - Theo and I literally said to one another "it's almost not fair tat he isn't winning something." That's a pretty great spot to be in.
Now... help me figure out what these "star of the month, roleplays of the month, quotes of the moment" are gonna be, because holy crap.
(11-29-2020, 09:05 PM)Barney Green Said: I may have lost but I guess this old bastard still has it in him. What a night. Much respect to everyone in that match. Duke was just hungrier I guess. There will be more opportunities.
The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Barney Green (11-30-2020), Ned Kaye (11-30-2020)
(11-30-2020, 07:23 AM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said:
Kenzi, you already have everyone's respect here as a writer, now you just have a title to go with it.
Yes, Kenzi. We're ALLLL proud of you.
*pouts in Hawaiian*
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007
OOC: I loved the show, and the results were top notch. Thad, well earned for sure. Same to all the winners. I want to thank all of you for the opportunity and the fun that was had over the last six weeks. I have some time consuming loose ends to tie up with another fed I'm in. I'd love to come back when I'm able to. I wish this fed the best. I hope to talk to some of you on the Twits whenever able.
The following 2 users Like Bryant Reid's post:2 users Like Bryant Reid's post (12-01-2020), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-30-2020)
Even this inferior body and the loss of my magic was not enough for Big D or MeFisto to stand a chance!
Bobby lost the Hart title, but shit happens and TK has already lined up a shot!
Also, Duke made me 500k tonight because of those 50 to 1 odds that gambling jackass pulled out of his backside!
To tonight's other winners, good job! We worked our asses off to make tonight happen!
To the losers, GET GOOD by being BAD #JoinBOB!
Next stop ANARCHY to present the beautiful Bobbi London with her prize!
The following 4 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:4 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post (11-30-2020), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-30-2020), Barney Green (11-30-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-01-2020)
"Ummm... I'm not quite sure what exactly happened, right there, in my match? Things are kinda hazy but I guess I won, so that's cool. Victory definitely trumps complete and utter failure and now, I get to go on and face, Charlie for the Television championship! WooHoo! That's awesome! And when I reclaim MY title... cause it is MINE and ALWAYS has been MINE; a big thanks to those that kept it warm for me... I aim to challenge the ONE MAN that I've had my eyes on, for a long while now. Centurion, come out and play baby, make this spaceman a happy alien. No powers to speak of... no rules either, I name our match - an Egyptian Sarcophagus match! Same rules applied as a Buried Alive match but extreme and also, it sucks so much harder when your stuck inside a stone tomb... trust me, I know from past experience. I had powers back then and it was still a bitch to exit. EMTs will have to be right there, designated, on the spot with oxygen ready and waiting! Alright, there's my offer and all I got left to say is I love all of you. Winners and losers alike, you were my brothers and sisters of war and you fought valiantly. Be proud in that. Thank you all, and may the sanctioned gods bless with good fortune."
OOC - Fucking amazing show, I am blown away by the mastery and I adore the writers, all of them. You did an exempt, outstanding job and your work is admirable. For the future; and please do not take offence because that is not my goal here, your effort is very much appreciated and values in high regard, but for the current moment, Azrael has no powers and couldn't do what transpired. Now, I'm gonna roll with what happened and figure out how to explain it, I'm good at that and I have zero issues, my request is only for fights in the future. Azrael is an alien with no powers. If that could be made as a notation, I would be very much obliged. Thank you all again, I am in awe of your talent from rper, match writer and management alike. You rock, in all sincerity and I am eternally grateful, that I get to be in presence of you existence.
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
If you notice, I actually had the announcers mention the fact that Azrael was supposed to be powerless right at the end - I just felt like going off the rails with the match.
The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Azrael Erebus (12-01-2020)
OOC - Yeah, I noticed. Yet I never know how that works, if the match writer adds the commentators or if someone comes in and places their dialogue; however, I had a feeling you wrote this match but wasn't fully certain. As I said before though, I thought it was awesome and I love the effort and creativity, I was merely addressing the future. You are; as always, a phenomenal match writer and have produced some of the very best, in my opinion. I will never forget the tornado of chairs (from the past), lol.
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
(12-01-2020, 07:17 AM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: If you notice, I actually had the announcers mention the fact that Azrael was supposed to be powerless right at the end - I just felt like going off the rails with the match.
Oswald used his powers to fuck with everyone and made people think Azrael had powers.
(11-29-2020, 09:05 PM)Barney Green Said: I may have lost but I guess this old bastard still has it in him. What a night. Much respect to everyone in that match. Duke was just hungrier I guess. There will be more opportunities.
You got nothing to be ashamed of brother. You came to play and the world noticed.
(11-29-2020, 09:26 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said: BY GAWD!! THE DOCTOR... IS A CHAMPION.... UH-GAIN!! LORD HELP US ALL!!!
You're welcome. winks sadistically.
(11-29-2020, 11:15 PM)Charlie Nickles Said: Damn, Thad. 3-0 at Relentless and 2-0 at High Stakes. A universal champion for sure.
Hell of a roll, for sure.
(11-29-2020, 11:39 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: i told u all thad would win it! congrats to him and doc for being tag champs and to thad for being uni champ..
Thanks, but you shoulda put your money where the Chicken Parm used to go. You'd be rollin' in the dough right about now. Again... you know what I mean.
(11-30-2020, 04:23 AM)CCP Said: While I have not read the show in its entirety (happening tonight after work) I wanted to say what an honor it was to carry the tag straps with Robert Main as long as we did. Doc and Thad brought it and had me up well past midnight on consecutive nights writing, writing, and writing until my fingertips went numb. It was a pleasure working with you both... and on a side note big congrats to Thad on the Battle Royale- you worked hard for it and deserve it.
The dance has been a pleasure and an honor, Chris. And believe me, y'all had us up late too. I'm still exhausted.
(11-30-2020, 05:44 AM)Corey Smith Said: Corey finds Thad wherever he is after the show draws to a close. As soon as they lock eyes Corey runs at him, grappling him with the biggest bro hug possible, so hard Thad almost falls over. Corey then grabs Thad's head, plants a big dumb wet kiss on it, rehugs him and whispers.
It was always going to be you.
You know I love you, you beautiful mother fucker. You AND your pretty mouth.
(11-30-2020, 06:18 AM)Centurion Said: Thad Mother Fuckin Duke
(11-30-2020, 07:23 AM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Duke, I'm thrilled for Thad and happy to see him fully realized after all this time and all the IC and OOC trials and tribulations. I'm still undefeated against you, though, so, let's not ever forget that.
Everyone who ALMOST won a title or ALMOST won a battle royal or ALMOST won anything else? You're all awesome. Chris Page, I did not know you could churn out so much writing - Theo and I literally said to one another "it's almost not fair tat he isn't winning something." That's a pretty great spot to be in.
Thanks Vin. Congrats on going into the Hall and this has been the honor of my fedding career. I tried rectifying that 1-0 record you have against the Duke's more than once but... I get it... that's one record you don't want a blemish on.
Chris Page deserves all the love and credit the people of this community can give him.
Full stop.
(11-30-2020, 08:07 AM)JamesEvans Said: OOC: I loved the show, and the results were top notch. Thad, well earned for sure. Same to all the winners. I want to thank all of you for the opportunity and the fun that was had over the last six weeks. I have some time consuming loose ends to tie up with another fed I'm in. I'd love to come back when I'm able to. I wish this fed the best. I hope to talk to some of you on the Twits whenever able.
You get your ass back here as soon as you can. I know I'm not alone in feeling like you could do some big things here.
(11-30-2020, 08:52 AM)Miss Gravy Said: Also, Duke made me 500k tonight because of those 50 to 1 odds that gambling jackass pulled out of his backside!
Glad to be of service, now show Gilmour how to nut up and pony up the bux.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate Thaddeus Duke's post!2 users Hate Thaddeus Duke's post Doctor Louis D'Ville (12-01-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-01-2020)
(11-29-2020, 09:26 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said: BY GAWD!! THE DOCTOR... IS A CHAMPION.... UH-GAIN!! LORD HELP US ALL!!!
You're welcome. winks sadistically.
The following 4 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:4 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post (12-01-2020), Chris Page (12-02-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-01-2020), Unknown Soldier (12-01-2020)