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Author Message
Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
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03-16-2017, 11:33 AM

[Image: 3K7QPMJ.jpg]

Coming at you from Arena Zagreb in Zagreb, Croatia... XWF is continuing LETHAL LOTTERY FOUR!!!! ... THIS IS WEDNESDAY NIGHT WARFARE!!!!

- vs -
Thomas Nixon
One Fall

As the Arena becomes pitch black suddenly black w blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show Shade's mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying ''Death Walks Among You'', smoke begins to fill the arena and shattered glass falls from the entrances way as a crow flies out of the entrance to the stage. It then begin to circle the stage before Shade walk onto the stage with Hope and gesture a gun with one hand and pretend to shoot (basically Kenny Omega bullet club gesture in his entrance). The crow then land on Hope's left shoulder.

They walk to the announcer area where there is a chair for Hope. Hope kisses his mask around the cheek area and the crow then lays in between Hope's knees. Shade then removes his trench-coat and lays it beside Hope, He then walks up then steps until he reaches the apron. He then walks across the apron until he reaches the middle where he does Kenny Omega's gun shoot taunt, He gets into the ring.

"My Sacrifice" by Creed booms through the arena, and the crowd cheers in anticipation for the beloved Thomas Nixon. As Scott Stapp's voice plays over the PA, Nixon appears on the stage wearing his black trunks and cape. What stands out to the crowd most is the green lizard insignia on the back of the cape that represents what Thomas is truly fighting for. Nixon races down the ramp, as the crowd applauds him and his cause, whether he is completely insane or not. Nixon hops on the and climbs up the far turnbuckle. Taking off his cape, he then holds it like a flag and gestures at the insignia. The crowd roars in approval, before Thomas enters the ring.

As the men look at one another, the bell rings, and the match begins!

They circle one another for a minute before they come crashing together, locking up, shoulder to shoulder. They begin to struggle for power, only for Shade to break the struggle by beginning to slam knee upon knee into Nixon's stomach. Out of the lockup, Shade begins to chop Nixon's chest, and the crowd begins to chant "WOO!" with each chop, in honor of the great Ric Flair. Each chop stings Nixon's chest and sent the man into the corner. He then kneed Nixon once more, backed up before running to the corner, aiming to perform a handspring elbow into the corner, only for Nixon to sidestep, and Shade takes the breath out of his own lungs as he hits the corner. Nixon takes advantage and begins to chop Shade's chest in return, harder than Shade did, and the crowd gets into it once more, "WOO!" with each chop.

He begins to unload with several palm strikes before pulling Shade out of the corner and performing an exploder supex! He then picks up Shade, runs into the ropes and is attemping to perform the Nixon-nator, only for Shade to duck out of the way of the knee following by rolling to the outside to recover from the onslaught Nixon performed.

As Nixon argues with the ref, Shade takes some of the alotted time to recover. While he's trying to recover, Nixon had enough arguing with the ref, runs behind his back, slides out of the ring, and begins to chase Shade all around the ring, avoiding the steel steps until one rounding around, Shade gets onto the side opposite side of the steps before performing a low dropkick to the stairs into Nixon's knees and shins, forcing Nixon to fall! All the while the ref had been counting, nearing the ten count, but Shade would break the count by sliding in then back out. He picks up Nixon, only to pick up Nixon onto his shoulders, then slamming him onto the steps! He picks up Nixon then tosses him like a ragdoll into the ring.

Shade, instead of just climbing into the ring, he sizes himself up, then performs his slingshot legdrop, slamming his leg into Nixon's neck! Nixon begins holding his throat, rolling on the ground, slowly attempting to stand, only to be hit with an enziguri.

Nixon lays there in pain, while Shade begins to taunt the crowd, trying to get them pissed off. Unfortunately, it takes his eyes off of Nixon, who has beginning to recover, and slowly rises to his feet. This causes the fans to cheer, and before Shade can react, he feels Nixon's arms wrapped around his waist and he delivers a hard landing release German Suplex. Shade gets up, coming after Nixon once more, only to kick him in the gut, then delivering a hard DDT onto the mat. He picks Shade up, not yet done with him, and hoists him up as if going for a normal vertical suplex, only to deliver a Falcon Arrow on Shade. He goes for the pin and the ref slides into position!




Shade kicks out. Nixon grumbles as he stands up, picking Shade up with him, and looks at the ref for a split second as they stand, but Shade takes advantage and hits a hard hitting superkick straight into Nixon's jaw, stunning him! Shade grabs Nixon, tossing him into the ropes, and catches Nixon on the rebound, performing a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, following it with a pin attempt of his own!




Nixon kicks out faster than Shade did, but Shade, instead of arguing with the ref over the count, he stands up and begins to perform a series of leg drops onto Nixon's neck! One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six leg drops! All performed out of anger. He stands up, picking Nixon up with him, then onto his shoulders before delivering the Cradle Shock following up with another pin!




A KICKOUT FROM NIXON AT THE LAST POSSIBLE MILLISECOND! Shade begins to get enraged as he argues at the ref, and Nixon begins to slowly roll his hurting body to the outside of the ring, where he can try to regain some strength before the battle resumed. In the midst of the shouting match with the ref, Shade had not noticed Nixon left the ring. After the minute of yelling finished, he looked over the ropes and found Nixon, and slid out to meet him. Nixon would greet him with a dropkick to his left knee, before standing up, having a surge of adrenaline have him angle Shade just right before performing an exploder suplex on the ring apron! Shade would writhe in pain as his body smacked into the hardest part of the ring! He began to roll into the ring, and Nixon followed slowly after, as if hunting Shade down. Shade reaches the center of the ring and turns around to get a big running knee-strike to the face!!


Nixon bridges the suplex!!




Tig O'Bitties - "The winner of the match, Thomas Nixon!!"

Winner - Thomas Nixon

WAIT! It looks like McBride is sneaking into the ring behind Nixon! We’ve seen this before. But as McBride slowly steps through the ring ropes, Nixon catches McBride in his peripheral vision. The two stare at each other from across the ring, and the crowd erupts into cheers for violence. Nixon smirks looking to the crowd.


The two maintain their grips and strikes, but suddenly McBride is pushing Nixon backwards to the ropes. And the two competitors keep their grips as they fall through the ropes and onto the floor!

Only feet away from the front row fans, the rivals are still exchanging stiff shots to the head. McBride shoves Nixon away! He swings for the Celtic Clothesline!

But Nixon ducks under it! He tries to grab McBride for an exploder suplex!

McBride shoves him away and jumps on top of him with a Lou Thesz press!


McBride isn’t letting up! He’s pummeling Nixon into a pulp!

Two security guards pull McBride off of Nixon! And there are more guards coming down the ramp! McBride is trying to shove past them to no avail, as Nixon gets to his feet. McBride is held into place, as he screams at the guards.


He sprints forward and leaps onto the three of them, wiping them out on the outside! The other guards are here, and Nixon is promptly separated from McBride by no less than six men. McBride recovered rather quickly and is being directed towards the entrance ramp by the guards. McBride holds his neck, but he still looks for holes in the security force. All the while, Nixon rolls into the ring causing a brief scramble amongst his captors. Nixon seems to have grabbed a brown bag and a microphone from the ringside area during the scuffle. McBride is on his way up the ramp, but he hasn’t taken his eyes off the ring.

“MCBRIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE! WE’RE GOING TO SETTLE THE FUCKING SCORE! If we agree on anything, it’s that we’re goddamn SICK of the XWF trying to protect us from each other. You want to fight, and I want to fight, so we’re going to fucking fight.”

Security surrounds Nixon who now stands on the top turnbuckle while holding the brown bag. A wall of men blocking him from leaving his perch, while McBride has been backed up to the entrance ramp, several people blocking his way to the ring.

“At Lethal lottery, it’s not going to be any normal match. No, no, no. At least one of us won’t be walking out of here under own power because this match is going to be…”

Nixon reaches into the bag, and reveals a long chain with a dog collar at each end!


Nixon brings his hand to his forehead, feeling the bit of blood that remained from his light cut. Nixon tosses the microphone to the floor, as he drapes the chain around his neck. He looks towards McBride, and Nixon laughs. McBride raises his middle finger in Nixon’s direction, before turning and heading off to the back, with a mixture of anger and resentment at the announcement. The crowd erupts into cheers at the announcement of the stipulation, as the scene fades to black.

Lethal Lotto Round Three
'Cereal Killer' Cadryn Tiberius & Buronan
- vs -
Micheal Graves & Peter F'n Gilmour

Tig O’Bitties: “The following match is part of round one in the Lethal Lottery tournament. Introducing first, weighing in at 250 pounds… Micheal Graves! ”

The lights dim as the entrance stage begins to fill with smoke. The opening chords of "Mayhem blast over the PA system as a large wall of fire engulfs the stage. As the fire fades away, Micheal Graves walks out from behind the curtain. The metal riffs of Halestorm continue to pound on as Micheal stands there for a moment, surveying the crowd. Micheal slowly walks down the ramp as a small burst of fire erupt at the sides of the stage. The lights rise back up as Micheal rolls into the ring and takes a seated position leaning against the turnbuckle facing the stage.

Tig O’Bitties: “and his partner, weighing in at 260 pounds… Peter Gilmour!!”

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of COMANCHE by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Mia Yim come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Mia as they wait his next victim.

Tig O’Bitties: “and their opponets, introducing first, weighing in at 170 pounds… Cadryn!!”

A giant box of cereal labeled “Tibby O’s” is lowered from the rafters. A giant empty bowl rolls out onto the stage as the cereal box tips over and fills the bowl with giant Cheerio looking pieces of cereal. Suddenly Cadryn and Buronan fall out of the box and into the bowl, wrapped in a plastic bag like the old surprise toys that you used to get with your cereal. Cadryn and Buronan fight to tear open their plastic prison and make their way to the top of the giant mound of cereal just as a giant container of milk tips over and fills the bowl! The milk continues to pour until the bowl of oversized cereal begins to overflow and Cadryn and Buronan fall out of the bowl and take a milky waterslide ride down the ramp and to the ring!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Waterlogged and ready for combat, Buronan and Cadryn enter the ring!

The bell sounds and away we go!

Cadryn and Graves are standing face to face in the middle of the ring, it’s a classic staredown.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “You can cut the tension with a knife ladies and gentlemen! Two weeks worth of animosity and turmoil is about to unravel. In the words of the legendary Jim Ross “This is fittin’ to be a slobberknocker!”

Cadryn and Graves begin yelling at each other in the middle of the ring. It seems as though the battle is about to begin! Cadryn pushes Graves forcing him to stumble backwards. Angered, Graves jolts forward and shoves Cadryn. Cadryn falls through the ropes and outside of the ring! Graves taunts Buronan as Cadryn gets back to his feet and back into the ring. Cadryn casually walks back to the middle of the ring and smiles at Graves. Cadryn turns his back and begins walking towards his corner, as Graves casually does the same.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Well, that was less than entertaining. It looks as though they are going to let Buronan and Gilmour start the match after all!”

The two men make it to their respective corners and raise their hands for the tag.

Suddenly, Graves and Cadryn simultaneously hit their partners with devastating right hooks!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “OH MY GOD! They just punched their own partners! What the hell is going on?!”

Cadryn and Graves make their way back to the middle of the ring. The two men smile at each other and embrace each other in a loving hug! It seems that all of the trash talk, and all of the drama leading up to this match was a ruse! The two men end their hug, and exit the ring together. In typical Fruity Devil fashion the two men begin holding hands and skipping up the ramp towards the locker room!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Well, that isn’t at all what we expected out of those two! They just abandoned their partners and potentially left the arena!”

Gilmour and Buronan climb back into the ring just in time to see Cadryn and Graves holding hands and skipping to the back. The ref checks to make sure the two men are ok, and asks for the bell to be rang again. It seems as though the punches that landed counted as a tag making Buronan and Gilmour the legal men!

Dewey Gobblecoque: This was obviously some sort of a setup from the get go! Cadryn and Graves executed their plan perfectly. Managing to tag in their partners, and making this a singles match all at the same time!

Gilmour and Buronan look on confused as Graves and Cadryn make their way behind the curtain at the top of the ramp. Gilmour snaps out of it quickly as he realizes that he can take advantage of this situation and lands a clubbing forearm to the back of Buronan’s head! Gilmour continues to level the tiny Buronan with shot after shot before finally lifting the little man up onto his shoulders and leveling him with a massive samoan drop! Gilmour quickly attempts to cover!




Dewey Gobblecoque: “Kickout at the last second by Buronan!”

Gilmour looks frustrated as he climbs back to his feet. He grabs Buronan by the mask, and lifts him up to his feet, dragging him over to the corner and lifting him up to a seated position on the turnbuckle. Gilmour climbs up to the second rope and begins to punch Buronan in the head as the crowd counts along with each strike!











Gilmour hops off of the rope and leaves a stunned Buronan atop as he soaks in the crowd's jeers.


Gilmour screams at the crowd before turning his attention back towards Buronan, who leaps off of the top rope with a picture perfect huancaruna that sends Gilmour flying across the ring.

Buronan walks over to Gilmour who is laying on the mat and sits down on top of his chest. The smaller Buronan begins pounding away at Gilmour with rights and lefts to the side of Gilmours head. Gilmour does his best to cover up, but it isn’t working. Blow by blow Buronan seems to be becoming more confident. Buronan lands one final blow before standing up and posing for the crowd.

Gilmour lays on the mat, showing little to no sign of life as Buronan walks around the ring gloating and cheering himself on. Finally, Buronan returns to Gilmour and begins lifting him off of the mat by way of a handful of hair! Buronan whips Gilmour into the ropes on the opposite side of the ring and hits him with a drop toe hold on his way back, firmly planting Gilmour to the mat once more.

Buronan grabs Gilmour by the ankle locks in an old fashioned ankle lock!

Gilmour cries out in pain, doing his best not to tap! The referee checks Gilmour, but he refuses to give up. Gilmour begins moving towards the ropes, managing to drag Buronan across the ring with him! Gilmour reaches the ropes and grabs the bottom one! The referee forces Buronan to relinquish the hold as Gilmour lays there in pain clutching his ankle.

Buronan argues with the referee for a moment before going back on the offensive.
Buronan grabs Gilmour by his head and begins picking him up. Once he has him on his feet, he whips him into the corner on the opposite side of the ring. Buronan takes off running towards Gilmour. Buronan connects with a running front dropkick to Gilmour while he is against the turnbuckle. Gilmour stumbles out of the corner and face plants into the apron ala Ric Flair.

Buronan flies off the top rope with Dikucilkan! Buronan with the cover!




Dewey Gobblecoque: “Gilmour gets the shoulder up at the last possible second!”

Buronan hops up, and struggles to lift Gilmour to his feet. Gilmour somehow manages to roll Buronan up for the pin!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Gilmour with a desperation pin!”



Dewey Gobblecoque: “But it’s not enough!”

Gilmour and Buronan both lay motionless on the mat as Richard Wang begins the count!










Dewey Gobblecoque: “Come on this is the slowest count ever!”

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Seriously!? This match should be over!”

Buronan is the first to his feet, Wang continues to stall his count however.

Buronan mounts Gilmour, but before he can throw a punch, Wang forcefully pulls the little guy off of Gilmour. Wang keeps Buronan in the corner as Gilmour begins to FINALLY make his way to his feet. Gilmour rushes the corner, and Wang side steps just in time for Gilmour to level Buronan with a devastating clothesline! Gilmour scoops him up and charges the other corner with a big Powerslam! Gilmour on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “There’s something shady with Wang’s officiating tonight.”

Gilmour hooks the leg!





Dewey Gobblecoque: “Obvious fast count, but Buronan isn’t going down without a fight!”

Gilmour argues with Wang, Wang argues with Gilmour. All the while Buronan uses the time to get back to his feet, and hits a snap neckbreaker on Gilmour! Wang once again forces Buronan into the corner and keeps him there as Gilmour tries to get to his feet. Buronan tries to fight past Wang, but Wang grabs the ropes and sandwiches Buronan into the corner. Gilmour gets to his feet, but he’s suddenly spun around as a LARGE BALL OF FIRE engulfs his face!


Graves quickly drops and rolls under the bottom rope, hiding under the apron and Wang tries to figure out what just happened. Meanwhile Buronan leaps off of the top rope with another Dikucilkan! Immediately going for the cover! Wang is hesitant to make the count, but finally drops to the mat.




Dewey Gobblecoque: “Buronan and Cadryn move onto the finals, all thanks to Micheal Graves betrayal of his own partner! I bet Peter Gilmour is regretting that sneak attack on Graves at the conclusion of their match last wee!”

Tig O'Bitties: "The winners of the match, Cadryn Tiberius and Buronan!!"

Winners - Cadryn Tiberius and Buronan

- vs -
Mick Ashcroft
- vs -



The lights dim and Mick Ashcroft, enters the arena as an eerie hush, falls over the crowd. Slowly torches ignite; one after another, all along the ramp and path leading to the ring and Mick begins his journey. His eyes; now endless pools of obsidian, are locked straight ahead and he is unflinching. Walking with a smooth, steady pace, he almost seems to glide across the floor as he makes his way to the squared circle. Where he climbs the steel steps, enters the ring and then, turns his gaze outward, towards the audience. A smirk sliding into place across his face, he watches in amusement as all the torches suddenly flare up; all at once, burning more wildly and brighter than what could ever be achieved normally and the crowd gasps. Their shock appears to please him and as the lights return to normal, Mick takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent. That clever yet mocking, satisfied smirk never leaving his face, not even for a moment, until they arrive.

Tig O'Bitties: “And his opponent...”

Tig O'Bitties: “...WEIGHING IN AT 225 POUNDS... “RAAAAVEN!”

Raven walks down the entrance ramp with no emotion showing on his face. As he gets into the ring he goes towards the corner and sits down on the the mat facing his opponent.

Tig O'Bitties: “And their opponent...”


Rides a Silverback Gorilla named Jones Sampson down the ramp, always a different random appearance. Tonight Random looks like Miley Cyrus!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

We see all three competitors circling the ring. Raven then takes a seat in one of the corners. Random comes out firing at Ashcroft with a series of fists and kicks. He grabs Ashcroft and whips him into the ropes. Off the rebound Random hit a back body drop. Random looks over at Raven but shrugs him off.

Dewey Gobblecoque: " What is Raven doing? Why is no one even seem interested in him?"

Random goes to pick up Ashcroft, but Ashcroft kicks him in the face. Ashcroft whips Random into the corner. Ashcroft comes at Random at full steam and hits a devastating splash in the corner. Ashcroft seems to be getting fired up. As Random is stunned coming out of the corner Ashcroft comes from behind and hits a bulldog. Ashcroft now stares at Raven. Raven stands up from his corner seat.

Dewey Gobblecoque: " Here we go are we going to see Raven get into this match?"

As Ashcroft starts walking towards Raven, but Raven hits the mat and slides out of the ring. While Ashcroft is focused on Raven, Random comes from behind with a double ax handle to the back of Ashcroft's head. Random keeps an eye on Raven but continues to work on Ashcroft.

Dewey Gobblecoque: " I just don't get it! Why won't Raven get in the match? This is more like a singles match!"

Random picks up Ashcroft and whips him into the ropes. Random then catches Ashcroft with a powerslam. Random goes for the cover.



Kick out!

Dewey Gobblecoque: " My god what a powerslam! I thought Random had it!"

Random grabs Ashcroft in disbelief and set him up for a powerbomb. Random get him up in the powerbomb,but Ashcroft counters with shots to the head. Ashcroft lands on Random with a cover.



Kick out!

Ashcroft grabs Random and picks him up. Ashcroft set him up for a suplex. While Ashcroft has Random up, Raven comes from behind with a chop block. Ashcroft drops Random and Random rolls out of the ring. Raven begins stomping all over Ashcroft.

Dewey Gobblecoque: " It's about time we see Raven get involved! Was this his plan all along?"

Raven picks up Ashcroft and whips him into the ropes. Raven then catches Ashcroft with a clothesline. Raven picks up Ashcroft and signals for the end. Raven picks up Ashcroft and hooks the head.

Dewey Gobblecoque: " This could be it! Here it comes!"

As Raven goes for the Evenflow DDT. Ashcroft counters with a northern lights suplex and bridges for the pin.



Random back in to break up the count.

Random looks at his opponents and wonders who to go after. Random kicks Raven out of the ring. Raven sits on the ground outside the ring for a minute then just leaves.

Random grabs Ashcroft and whips him into the ropes. Random goes off the ropes as well and delivers a Clothesline from Hell. Random is setting him up.

Dewey Gobblecoque: " Could this be it looks like he going for it!"

Random picks him up and hits the Randomizer on Ashcroft. He goes for the cover!!




Winner - Random

Steve Sayors: “In an odd turn of events, Micheal Graves and Cadryn Tiberius seemingly turned on their partners and walked out on their respective partners. Let's see if we can't get a comment from the Fruity Devils.”

Steve Sayors knocks on the door. After a few seconds Cadryn cracks the door open and slowly peaks his head out. He cautiously looks to his left then right before noticing Steve Sayors.

Cadryn: “The number you've dialed is no longer in service. Please check the number and dial again.”

Steve Sayors looks perplexed as Cadryn opens the door and jumps out.

Cadryn: “I'm just playing Stevie, what can we do ya for?”

Steve Sayors: “Cadryn, earlier tonight you and Micheal Graves both attacked your partners and walked out on your match. Could you give the XWF Universe some insight as to why?”

Suddenly Micheal Graves charges out of the locker room, still decked out in his “Dark Warrior” attire, including face paint.

Micheal Graves: “Why? I'll tell you why! Ever since Jefferson Jackson first got the idea to team the two of us together and found out that we actually make a pretty good team, the powers that be have done nothing but try to keep us separated. This supposedly “random” drawing and subsequent booking is just the final straw. Somebody in management obviously doesn't want us teaming up, and they thought that maybe booking us on opposite teams would be the final nail in this paring. Well surprise, we ain't going nowhere!”

Cadryn smiles ear to ear, putting his arm around Gravy.

Cadryn: “That's right! Ya'll tried to keep us apart, but that ain't happening! We're like Cocoa Butter and Rape. We just go together!”

Micheal Graves crosses his arms and leans into Cadryn's hug while staring at Sayors with a smug look. Sayors looks a bit uncomfortable with that last line and pauses momentarily before continuing.

Steve Sayors: “Speaking if teams and team mates. Last Saturday on Savage, Robert Main, Mr. Tidbits, and most surprisingly, Jim Caedus came to your rescue in you match with Colton Kato. What is the story there, is there a new stable forming in XWF?”

Micheal Graves: “I haven't the slightest Steve. I had no idea that those guys were going to get involved in my match.”

Micheal leans away from Cadryn and looks to him inquisitively.

Micheal Graves: “Cadryn, anything you're not telling me buddy?”

Cadryn: “The only thing I can say is thank you. I have no idea what their motives were, but thank you nonetheless. Oh, and another thing, Chris Chaos. It takes a big man to attack someone from behind. I'd watch your back if I were you, son.”

Micheal looks back to Sayors with a more serious look about himself.

Micheal Graves: “Here's what I can tell you. No matter what their motives where, I appreciate the assistance. Management has been dicking me around for months now, and I'm glad to know that there are others here who are willing to have my back in situations like that.”

Steve Sayors: “One final question guys. Cadryn, Buronan won the match for your team. That means that you are moving on to the finals of Lethal Lottery. Are you planning on walking out in that match as well, or are you going to try and win the briefcase?

Cadryn: “I'm going to be honest, Ted. I don't have any desire to win that briefcase. we’ve got our eyes set on a couple different pieces of gold around the XWF. Now, Doug, is it alright if I call you Doug? Anyways, Mark, I'll just throw it out there, that I won't be at Lethal Lottery next round. James, we have more important things to do, so that's that.”

Suddenly Vinnie Lane jumps into the scene between Sayors and The Fruity Devils and he looks stoked to be there.

“Loverboy” Vinnie Lane: “Dudes, I loved the show of camaraderie, not necessarily with your partners, but hey.”

Vinnie just shrugs before continuing.

“Loverboy” Vinnie Lane: “Anyway dudes, it's like this. Cadryn, you're advancing to the next round, that's not optional.”

Micheal looks physically upset by Vinnie's statement and interjects.

Micheal Graves: “Dude, come on! We just said that somebody in management seems to have a problem with us teaming and now I'm starting to wonder if that somebody is YOU!

Vinnie just stands there unfazed by Graves bitching.

“Loverboy” Vinnie Lane: Are you done? First off, aren't you supposed to be some gothic warrior or something? Lay off the “dude”, that's my thing. Now, if you guys want to team up, that's cool. The XWF could use some more tag teams, but it'll have to wait until after Lethal Lottery. Like I said, Cadryn is in the finals, and it's not like you're getting the night off Graves.”

Micheal looks puzzled, not knowing that he is apparently already booked in Lethal Lottery.

Micheal Graves: “What, am I challenging for a title?”

“Loverboy" Vinnie Lane: “Nah dude! Peter Gilmour isn't too happy with you right now. For SOME REASON he blames you for him not advancing to the finals. So at Lethal Lottery, it's Peter Gilmour -vs- Micheal Graves! Anyway dude, I’ll see you later tonight for that Contract signing!

Micheal begins rubbing his hands together and salivating at the idea of getting Peter Gilmour one on one as Vinnie walks away.

Cadryn: “When am I getting offered an exclusive contract?”

Lethal Lotto Round Three
"Mister F'n Dominance" Trax & Jim Caedus
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon & Scully

[quote=Buronan]Dewey: Well ladies and gentlemen, we already know the first two men who will be heading on to the Lethal Lottery finals in two weeks, now we're going to find out who the other two joining them will be during what should be an absolutely epic match between four of our companies top stars!

Tig O' Bitties: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall and will determine the final two finalists for the Lethal Lottery tournament!

Tig O' Bitties: Introducing first.... From The High Desert, California! Weighing in at two hundred thirty pounds! HE IS! The XWF TELEVISION CHAMPION....


"Ready Steady Go" by Paul Oakenfold begins to blast from the PA moments before the ring announcer introduces the party pooper; an extremely gentle euphemism. As the spiel is unloaded the lights cut, plunging the arena in darkness before silver strobes begin to flash and silver spotlights begin to continuously wave from along the length of the entrance walkway to the crowd and back.

Obviously practiced and well-timed, the moment the announcer finishes, "ready, steady, g-g-go!" is let fly by the song's vocalist and silver pyro erupts from the egress. Before the cloud of smoke dissipates XWF Television Champion Jim Caedus, TV Title strap around his waist, steps out and the house lights come up.

His hair hangs freely, his eyes devoid of emotion. He glances around at the majority population of fools who have no idea who he is as small pockets of more experienced fans and smarks suddenly erupt with excitement and recognition. None of it, good or bad, seems to get anything other than a dead gaze from Jim Caedus.

As the music continues he turns his attention to the ring and it's inhabitant(s) then starts an unconcerned slow walk, carefully gathering his long blonde hair into a secured samurai-style bun along the way. At ringside he removes his Dickies jacket, folds it carefully beside his corner's steps, places the Television Title lovingly upon it then ascends to the apron, stepping through the ropes and into battle after nearly 2 minutes have elapsed.

Tig O' Bitties: and introducing his tag team partner... Currently Residing in LA... weighing in at two hundred seventy pounds... Mr. F'N Dominance... TRAAAAAAAAX!

Walks down to the ring in his wrestling attire and a black trench coat that reads "Mr FN' Dominance" and shades, he looks around at the crowd pointing and beating his chest smiling. Before he walks to the ring like a man with a mission and climbs the ring steps before climbing onto the turnbuckle. He raises his right arm into the air in a clench fist before jump off the turnbuckle into the ring. He takes off his shades and coat places them both into the corner before walking to the middle of the ring shadow boxing as he does, he then stands in the middle of the ring and raises his arm once more in a clenched fist, before backing up into the ring corner and shadow boxing some more and bouncing up and down on the spot waiting for the match to start.

Tig: And their opponents... first, from Birmingham, England... weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds... SCUUUUUULLY!

Suddenly the arena lights go red and "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage, his XWF Universal Championship over his shoulder. He looks around at the XWF Galaxy in attendence and smirks. The chorus of boos fill the arena in disapproval of Skull, he shrugs it off and slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring them. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and smirks once again at the crowd. He then raises his XWF Universal Championship in the air as the boos become louder. He walks up the steps and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans whilst slowly moving both hands from his face to the floor, gesturing "A look at me" type taunt, before raising the title once again. Scully enters through the middle rope and into the ring. Skull walks over to the far turn buckle and climbs to the top. He holds his hands in the air, making sure the title is there for everyone to see and then does his "Look at me" taunt. The Scully Meister spins himself round and chills on the turnbuckle with his arms folded, his title put over his shoulder. His music fades out.

Tig O' Bitties: and his tag team partner... from Washington D.C..... weighing in at two hundred ninety pounds... HE IS! The XWF HART CHAMPION! ROBBIE BOUUUUUUUUURBON!!!!!!!!!!!!

A series of fireworks fire off on the stage as Robbie's music starts to play throughout the arena. Across the X-Tron, we see the exact same thing as what is traditionally used as Robbie Bourbon's banner on the XWF website as Robbie steps out. He raises his arms to 45 degree angles while the X-Tron shows clips of Robbie standing on top of the Elimination Chamber followed by the massive dive through the top onto Trax, Robbie forcing Vinnie Lane to sign his contract mid-match, and Robbie delivering the final blow to Barney Green's career by way of Robbiebomb onto the hood of the car. Robbie starts to calmly walk down to the ring, taking his time to get there. He climbs the ring steps, stands on the apron, and turns his back to the ring, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles while jawing to the crowd, which is singing along to I, Don Quixote. Robbie then enters the ring and points at the referee, jawing at him. He then spins, hops on the second turnbuckle, and raises his arms at 45 degree angles again.

The four men stand next to one anothers partner and meet in the middle of the ring. Only there's no handshakes happening, there has been some intense back and forth in their promos this week and they're letting one another know how they feel about it to their faces.

Before the bell even rings Trax swings and decks Scully right in the nose with a strong right and, and Scully, nose busted open, returns the favor, while on the other side Caedus and Robbie begin exchanging headbutts. Trax and Scully work their way over toward the ropes while Jim and Robbie continue damaging their few brain cells with repeated head butts. Trax clotheslines Scully and himself out of the ring and onto the floor and finally Old Man Johnson is able to get between Caedus and Bourbon, pushing them both back to their respective corners.

Dewey: You just knew this match was going to be very hostile and very intense! But after that pre-match scuffle it looks as though we're going to finally get things started here with each of the XWF's respective brand Champions! Jim Caedus the TV Champion of Savage and Robbie Bourbon the Hart Champion of Warfare!

The ref calls for the bell and Jim and Robbie waste little time meeting one another in the center of the ring again as Trax and Scully lowly make their ways up to the opposite aprons. Caedus and Robbie AGAIN start trading off headbutts. Caedus crashes his cranium into robbies, causing the big man to stumble backwards, and Robbie turns back, smashing that hog sized head of his right back into Caedus'... but this time instead of returning a head butt, Caedus charges and hits Robbie across the neck with a strong clothes line! ONLY THE BIG MAN DOESN'T GO DOWN!

Caedus charges again, hitting the ropes this time and clotheslining the stumbling Robbie again, this time causing the Hart Champ to crash into the corner. Caedus sends a back elbow to Bourbon's face, and another! Caedus goes for a third elbow, but Robbie grabs the smaller man and switches places, throwing the TV Champ in to the corner and cracking him with another headbutt that leaves Jim dazed.

Robbie backs up to about the center of the ring and removes the straps from his leotard off of his shoulder. He beats his chest and charges Caedus, man boobs bouncing everywhere as he flies into the TV Champ with a devastating big splash. Caedus falls from out of the corner and lands face first on the mat, but Bourbon wastes no time, already hitting the rope, he leaps into the air and crashes down onto Jim's back with a huge running senton!

Bourbon rolls Caedus over and covers....



Caedus kicks out fairly easily. Robbie lifts Caedus up by the hiar and walks him over to his corner, hitting him in the head a few times before tagging in Scully. The former Universal Champion jumps into the ring, still bleeding from the nose, but with a high energy surge and starts kicking Caedus repeatedly in the gut until he falls down into a sitting position in the corner. Scully backs up and charges Caedus, dving into his face with a running dropkick that sends Jim tumbling out from the corner and on his back just infront of the corner. Scully climbs the ropes and dives off, connecting perfectly with a beautiful looking swanton bomb! He goes for the pin...



No! Caedus kicks out again!

Dewey: Right now Bourbon and Scully have Caedus at a disadvantage, far, far away from his partner Trax!

Trax is on the outside of the ring, clapping his hands, trying to encourage Caedus to make the tag. But Scully isn't giving Jim a chance. He quickly lifts Jim and after a few punches and kicks, he drops him right on his head with a stiff looking piledriver! But only Scully doesn't go for the pin, he rolls around to Caedus' legs and locks in his trademark Scull Lock! Caedus screams out in pain as Scully has this hold locked in real good near the ropes with Caedus facing toward the center of the ring.

And what's this?!? Robbie Bourbon is reaching through the ropes! Pushing on Scully's back to give him more leverage making the hold even more painful! But the ref doesn't see this trickery! Trax tries entering the ring, screaming at Old Man Johnson, but the ref stands up and commands Trax to get back outside of the ring before he's disqualified.

With the ref distracted by Trax, Caedus musters his strength and powers around on to his back and sends his free foot directly into Scully's face, causing him to break the hold. The ref is still distracted arguing with Trax and Jim limps up on one leg, approaches Scully and quickly drops to one knee, sending a nasty looking uppercut directly to Scully's goods!


Scully goes to fall over while clutching his balls, but just before he can fall, Caedus catches him!!!


Caedus covers!



IT's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!


Dewey: UNBELIEVABLE! Scully looked to be knocked completely unconscious, but somehow he got his arm up just in time!

Caedus is up quickly, BUT WHAT THE FUCK!?! Robbie, having ran in and being late to break up the fall, slams into the back of Caedus' head with a crushing double axhandle!

Robbie throws his hands up as Old Man Johnson orders him back to the apron. Both Caedus and Scully are down! Trax and Robbie are both lapping as each man begins crawling to their corner...




The two bitter rivals who were tag partners last week begin exchanging right hands! Robbie goes to grapple Trax, but Trax slides behind him, locking his arms around the Hart Champ's waist and lifting him over his head, sending Bourbon crashing to the mat with a nice German Suplex! But Bourbon is up quickly and he reaches forward, locking Trax up, lifting him and slamming him down with a T-Bone suplex!

But now Trax is up quickly! WTF?!? He sneds a standing dropkick to Robbie who stumbles back, but then immiedatley charges back, locking in an armwrench then slamming Trax to the mat with a facebuster! TRAX IS BACK UP AGAIN! THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS!

He runs at Robbie and wraps him up with a Belly to Belly suplex. AND HOLY FUCKING MOMMA! ROBBIE IS RIGHT BACK UP! The two men stand in the center of the ring both kneeling over and catching their breath as the crowd chants:



Trax walks over to Robbie, bending over and grabbing him by the back of the knees, looking for a sharpshooter, but Robbie sends a couple of huge arm blows to Trax's back and lifts him up for a power bomb. With Trax on his shoulders, Robbie charges the corner and powerbombs Trax right into the turnbuckle, causing his head to snap back as it hits the top rope.

Robbie covers...




Robbie sits up on his knees, slapping his hands together furiously then looking back at the ref showing him three fingers indicating what he thought the count was supposed to be. He raises Trax back up and places him into the corner, lifting him to a sitting position on the top rope. Burobon slowly starts climb up with Trax, looking to put him on his shoulders!


But what's this?!? Caedus charges down the ring apron, spins and catches Bourbon flush with a Purgatory Punch that Sends Robbie stumbling away from the corner! He appears to be out on his feet, his head swirling around in the center of the ring.

Suddenly Trax comes to on the top rope... he sees Bourbon is out on his feet and dives off!



Trax's boot connects across Robbies face with a diving Wrong Side of the Trax!!! Robbie is out cold! Trax covers...




Trax is up and feeds Scully a Wrong Side of the Trax for his troubles that sends Scully tumbling out of the ring and onto the floor. Robbie slowly gets to his feet, but Trax is on him! he's setting robbie up for the Ode to Machine! BUT ROBBIES SLIDES DOWN HIS BACK, TRUNS TRAX AROUND NOW AND HAS HIM IN POSITION FOR THE ROBBIE DRIVER!


But Robbie stumbles back and Trax is able to reach out and make the tag to Jim Caedus! Caedus is in the ring and runs and sends a nasty looking chop block to the back of Robbie's leg, Trax rolls out of the ring and just as Robbie turns around, Caedus jumps on his back!

Dewey: Hold your breath! Caedus has the submission hold locked in and Bourbon is going down!


Caedus is up!

Bourbon is up!




Caedus is swinning his arms around wildly trying to break the devastating submission, but Bourbon won't let go! Caedus get's Bourbon backed up into his corner and quickly Scully tags himself in on Bourbon's shoulder and climbs the turnbuckle! Robbie breaks the hold and...

THE ROBBIEDRIVER! Bourbon dropped Caedus right on his head, but used a shit ton of energy and falls completely out of the ring over the top rope!


A man appears at the top of the ramp!

Dewey: That's The Buronan! What in the world is he doing out here!?!

Scully dives off of the turnbuckle!


Scully covers...


Dewey: Buronan is in the ring!




Buronan rolls Scully over and drapes Caedus' arm on top of him just as Old Man Johnson comes to...




Winners: Trax and Jim Caedus

Dewey: My god they've done it! But with some help! What is the meaning of this Buronan?

Trax comes to, realizing that his and Caedus' names were declared winners and goes in to celebrate with his partner...

Dewey: OH NO!

Just as Trax stuck his head through the ropes he caught a nasty knee from Buronan! Caedus get's up to his knees with his arms out wondering what in the world has happened, looking puzzled at Buronan. But Buronan runs right at Caedus and cleans his clock with another running knee!

Dewey: It doesn't appear that Buronan is at all concerned about making friends as he enters in the Lethal Lottery finals... but, wait... what the fuck?

In the center of the ring, Buronan undoes his boots, kicking them from his feet exposing them to have been six inch stilts inside of his boots, substantially lowering his height!

Dewey: You mean to tell me that The Buronan has been wrestling in stilts all this time?!? No wonder he looked really stiff!

Buronan removes his mask.... revealing some flowing blonde hair and a face with a talking apparatus covering the mouth that would change ones voice. Buronan removes the talking device.



[Image: imgpsh_fullsize]


Dolly stands in the center of the ring as the crowd goes wild, looking down at the carnage on the mat beneath her feet. She closes her eyes and deeply inhales through her nostrils as her head slowly tilts from shoulder to shoulder.


Robbie Bourbon gets up to his feet and slides under the bottom rope, but just as he's to his knee to get up, he catches a nasty Running waters right in the mouth, laying him flat on his back along with the other XWF Superstars. The crowd is going apeshit now as Dolly looks into the camera and opens up her arms, still not saying a word.


Dewey: “Oh man. This could get interesting! Buronan has been Dolly Waters all along and ladies and gentlemen, here comes her former manager, Paul Heyman!”

Paulie stalks toward the ring to little fanfare. He stomps his fat ass up the steps and steps into the ring.



Do be a dear and vacate the premises. I have a lot of affection for you, Dolly, but the courts say that you can’t be here. The anti-doping agency says you can’t be here. Vincent Lane says you can’t be here…


Dolly stands there speechless, allowing Heyman to continue his rant.

Dewey:“That’s right. Dolly was caught doping and is barred from competing in competitive sports!

You did a great job during Lethal Lottery proceedings, I’ll never deny that Dolly. But how can we ever trust you? How can we ever trust that this was all on the up and up and you’re not doping yourself all over again?

Where does it end Dolly?



When was the last time you injected yourself with two marijuana’s?

Dolly, I can not allow you to continue any further. You’ve already put the Xtreme Wrestling Federation in hot water just by you being here, let alone you pretending to be someone else for the last several weeks.

Therefore, in the interest of fairness and the interest of protecting Vincent Lane and the XWF from any kind of future litigation, I’m having you escorted from the building and on top of that, Dolly, you are being forced to vacate your wins in this tournament and you will NOT be going to Lethal Lottery!

Dewey:“What a bombshell folks! Dolly Waters isn’t going to Lethal Lottery!”

Dolly smiles, still not speaking and pulls from her pants a wrinkled looking letter. She hands it over to Heyman as he reads that the anti-doping commission has cleared her of wrong doing.

Dolly: How about you take this letter to the back with Jane and Vincent Lane, Paulie? This letter says exactly what I tried telling you all along, you prick. I was innocent the entire time!

Dewey: “Another bombshell! I think we need helmets to protect ourselves from the shrapnel!”

Heyman snatches the letter from Dolly’s hand and looks it over.

This is all well and good, Dolly, but let me show you how much this means to the laws of the land.

Dewey: “Paul Heyman just tore up that letter! I guess he’s not buyin’ it!”

That letter means nothing! There are still laws and regulations! I’m happy you’ve been cleared Dolly, but you are not allowed to compete in this industry until...

“My Name is Human” by Highly Suspect begins to play, immediately grabbing the attention of Heyman and Dolly Waters. Thaddeus Duke, dressed in his ring gear, emerges from backstage.

Dewey: “It’s Thaddeus Duke! What’s he have to do with this!? He’s not scheduled until later on!”

Thaddeus Duke makes his way toward the ring, looking all business rather than his usual grinning, happy self. He does stop to take a selfie with a little kid drinking a YooHoo. He hops into the ring and stands between Heyman and Dolly. Duke looks at Heyman, then over at Dolly with a smile.

”Miss Waters...”

Don’t you have a match to prepare for, Thaddeus?

”In fact I do, but some things are too important to miss, Mr. Heyman.”

You mean like missing out on defeating the Universal Champion?

”That’s funny. You’re a funny guy, Paulie.

“No see, I take an interest when someone fucks with my friends. And Miss Waters is my friend. For the last few months I’ve had my intelligence personnel investigating this outlandish claim that Dolly Waters was doping and we most certainly discovered that it was a frame up.”

That’s completely ridiculous. If it was a frame up, Thaddeus, then the federal authorities would have found that out.

”They’re a little busy.

“But there was enough proof for the courts to overturn their own decision on the matter.”

Thaddeus reveals a multi-page document. On the cover page, a large seal of the United States Supreme Court.

”In that document which you’re free to read over, it basically releases Dolly Waters of wrong-doing and allows her to resume participation in competitive sporting events.”

Heyman snatches the document from Duke and starts to look through its pages.

I haven’t heard anything about this.

I mean…

It’s just that…

Dewey: “For the first time I can remember, Paul Heyman is at a loss for words.”

The date. The date this was released means everything. If she wasn’t cleared by the start of Lethal Lottery proceedings then her entry is still...

Thaddeus takes the document back and flips to a certain page, never taking his eyes from Heyman’s face and points to a particular spot.


”It’s dated the day before Lethal Lottery began.
”I’d like to let you know that we’ve found the culprit,”
Thaddeus says as he turns to look at Dolly.

Dolly: "Have you figured out who the dead fucker is that set me up?!?"

”We haven’t. At least not yet.”

Thaddeus turns to Heyman, ”But we’re getting close and I have my suspicions.” Thaddeus shoves Heyman into the corner. Heyman holds up his hands, begging Thaddeus off while red faced.

”Miss Waters… its great to see you again.” Thaddeus proceeds to make his exit.

Dolly grabs the mic and looks out to the crowd as she paces the ring back and forth:

"Let me start off by telling you, ALL OF YOU...


I told you all that I was innocent, and none of you believed me or even bothered to stand up fer' me! Not Vincent Lane, not Shane , not my asshole ex-manager, Paul Heyman.

NO ONE! You haven't the faintest idea what kind of hell I experienced while being illegally detained for WEEKS in that god fer'saken country. But do know this... I know now that it was someone here, someone in the XWF that had me framed, and I'm going to, starting now, be holding an open investigation into finding the son ova' bitch who did it.

AND EVERYONE IN THIS RING AND IN THE BACK IS A SUSPECT! Anyone who benefited from my absence, anyone who dared draw a mere breath of air meant fer' Dolly Waters while I was gone... well your ass is mine. You can hide now all you want, but I'm going to find you, and I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to end your career just like you tried ending mine.

And as for the Lethal Lottery? Trax? Caedus? Cadryn? You better be prepared to show up with your A-Game, because Dolly Waters is back to finally claim once and fer'all her throne atop of the XWF. That briefcase, and everything I've been denied and cheated out of will finally be mine and there's not a single fucking thing either one of you are going to be able to do to stop me."

Dolly throws the mic down on the mat, staring a hole right through Heyman's head who looks as if he's seen a ghost as she exits the ring without any music playing, just the sound of the roaring crowd chanting:


As we go to commercial break.

Chris Chaos
- vs -
Mr. Tidbits
X-Treme Rules Match!

Dewey Gobblecoque: Well, I would like to say this next match is for a Championship... hell, I wouldn't even mind if it was for pink slips. Anywhooo, Mr.Tidbits and Chris Chaos are on the docket, and we all know just how tumultuous the Warfare docket can be...

Old Man Johnson paces the inside of the ring, Mika Hunt taps him on the shoulder. The entire crowd hiding their faces as the inebriated disoriented naked Head Referee is sheathed and rushed to the back by Nipsey Russell, who just moans "daamnnnn".


The Lights begin to flicker on and off at a slow pace, gaining speed until they are almost seizure causing for about ten seconds. Suddenly they shut off leaving the arena completely silent and engulfed in darkness.


Dewey Gobblecoque: This guy gives me the creeps.

Then dark purple, queen's purple, and crimson red pyro's begin to erupt down the ramp-way toward the ring, fans erupt in excitement, "Boo's, Cheers, and Mainly drunken slurs enjoyment. The X-Tron flickers on... while the video plays on the large screen a man dressed as a priest known as Father Slathe walks out from behind the curtains at the top of the ramp way. His arms out looking for praise as he casually walks down the ramp-way with a cigar lit in his mouth dangling below his thick and long black mustache.

Dewey Gobblecoque: There's smoking in here? I could have been smoking this ENTIRE TIME?

The producer off to the side shrugs.


Making his way about halfway down, he stops and takes a large drag on his cigar, letting out a couple smoke upside down crosses before licking his lip and lower mustache. Father Slathe then walks over to an unlucky fan with a lady friend and proceeds to put his cigar out on the male's forehead, stunning him long enough so that Father Slathe can force a sloppy wet tongue included Kiss on the fan's also unlucky lady friend. Most the time they almost faint in disgust, but kind of are aroused from the tickle of the 'stache.


Father Slathe then quickly bolts to the ring sliding underneath the bottom ropes with the fan quickly in pursuit. Father Slathe in the ring climbs to his knees and hands palms together faces the outraged fan begging and pleading for forgiveness. When suddenly the music stops, Father Slathe starts chuckling out loud with a devilish grin. The Lights shut off once again but quickly come back on, a very sharply dressed Mr. Tidbits stands in the ring with his head slightly tilted to the left staring a hole through the fans back with the black eye sockets of his leather mask.


The crowd begins to scream "Behind You!" just as the male fan turns around, Mr. Tidbits begins an onslaught of fists backing the fan into a bare turnbuckle before grabbing him by the throat and Military pressing him over his head and sending him flying over the top ropes and smashing to the ringside floor.

Tig O'Bitties: And accompanying him... FATHHERR SLAAATHHHEEEE!

Mr. Tidbits then dusts his shoulders and hands off, before returning to his master, Father Slathe, to await his command to destroy. He looks down at the announce table, and notices the Universal Championship propped up on it. Dewey does a double-take.

Dewey Gobblecoque: What is he looking at- WHAT!? Where did that come from?

Father Slathe warns Tidbits that he can sense Chaos near. Tidbits rolls out, grabs the title and rolls back in the ring, holding it up as if calling for Chaos to make himself known. The lights go out. The sound of jostling and slamming in the ring. A loud thump. The lights come back. Tig sits down not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

Dewey Gobblecoque: Father Slathe is down in the ring! Tidbits looks beside himself with anguish! He is calling to the back for some help.

Gobblecoque feels a nudge as he leans to the side. A man in a black suit and a cowboy hat tips his cap in Dewey's direction from next to him behind the announce desk.


The man takes off his hat revealing luscious blonde locks of hair falls to the delicate ends of his shoulders. Tidbits is facing the other side of the ring, helping attendants remove Father Slathe. Father Slathe, unable to speak, is pointing back at the ring trying to warn Tidbits. Tidbits holds his hand thinking it was a sign of unity, and ignores the warning. By now the fans are beside themselves cheering as the black suit is ripped off, and Chris Chaos stands in full ring attire, grinning at the crowd, and pointing to him temples to signify being too smart for Tidbits.

Dewey Gobblecoque: Tidbits better get it together in a hurry...

Chaos hops from the announce table to the ring apron, then gets in the ring, Tidbits meanwhile has backed his way back up the steps with one foot into the middle rope as he waves goodbye at Father Slathe, who is passionately still trying to warn him to turn around. Tig leans over and rings Nipsey's bell. Tidbits suddenly realizes that wouldn't ring unless both competitors were in the ring. He slowly does an about-face.

Dewey Gobblecoque: HeeelllLLLLLLoooo.

Chaos smacks him across the face as the humorous tone quickly and vastly changes to violent. Tidbits rubs the mark on his mask, then shrugs at Chaos who is staring at him stone faced. Tidbits feels the rage boiling within, and rushes Chaos.

Dewey Gobblecoque: Here we go, the bell has rang, and this match is OFFICIALLY UNDERWAY! X-TREME RULES! ANYTHING GOES HERE!

Chaos ducks a clothesline, and as Tidbits turns back he slaps him harder across the face. Tidbits nearly fall down, but finds his balance, then backflips onto the top rope perfectly, like a cat. Chaos walks up and slams him again harder in the face, sending Tidbits tumbling to the outside head first. Chaos exits to the apron, then delivers a running knee to the neck of the recovering Tidbits. Chris makes it to the floor mat, and begins driving pointed knees into the kidney area of Mr.Tidbits. Tidbits moans in pain, then reaches for the arms of Chaos, but he bats them away. Chris lifts him by the head and drops him head first into the steel steps at ringside. Chaos runs up and stomps Tidbits repeatedly into a corner.

Dewey Gobblecoque: Tidbits has not recovered from the injury of Father Slathe, nor have I from Chaos being sitting here the entire time and not even noticing...

The X-Tron big screen shows an ambulance in the back. The pile Father Slathe in, as Chris Chaos has become aware of the broadcast in the arena, looking, then punching Tidbits in the head to keep him stunned. Chris smiles, and holds Tidbits face up, making him look at Father Slathe being medically assisted out of the building. The ambulance doors shut with Slathe and 2 medics inside. The shot switches to the passenger seat, as the guys with Slathe motion to get going, but the drivers head lifts up.

Dewey Gobblecoque: THAT IS...

The driver dives into the back and begins brutally pummeling the medics who are helping Slathe. The view changes as the backdoors of the ambulance fly open. One medic flies out. Another flies out after a head plant into the door. The man picks Slathe up, and grabs some smelling salts from the truck stock. Slathe begins to wake up, the man grabs him and uses himself as a crutch, now walking Father Slathe back into the arena.


Tidbits eyes begin to flicker under the mask. Chaos suddenly feels a surge of strength coming from his opponent. Chris delivers another right hand, but tidbits is absolutely incensed beyond reason. Chris backs up, tripping over the steel steps. He crawls backward saying "wait a minute" to the stalking Tidbits just a Reno and Slathe appear on the stage, hobbling down. Slathe screams at Tidbits to "conquer!"


Tidbits fists begins to shake, his energy level rises, foaming at the mouth with a flare for destruction deep in his eyes. He picks up Chris Chaos who is pleading for forgiveness, and throws him 8 feet, back first into the ring post. Tidbits marches over to the bent in half, Universal Champion. He picks him up again, and tosses him over the barrier, rows back and into the crowd. The fans in the arena clear out and some are escorted to the side by XWF Event Staff. Tidbits adjust his gloves and steps over the barrier. Shown from a low angle in a every step of his menacing approach.

Dewey Gobblecoque: Not looking good for Chaos. Slathe is back and seems to be pulling all the right strings on his puppet. Where the hell did Reno disappear to? OH! WAIT! TIDBITS JUST SLAMMED CHAOS INTO AN ELECTRICAL PANEL!

Chaos convulses as electricity courses through his veins. Tidbits signals to the crowd that Chris is nothing, and will never be anything more than an instrument for him to destroy. Father Slathe rolls around in the ring in pleasure. Using his fingers and a small wand to orchestrate the next move Tidbits may make. Chaos tries to crawl off to figure out how to put his smoldering self out. Tidbits picks up a live wire, and jabs it relentlessly into Chaos. The waves of live electricity light up Chris' face like a Christmas Tree. Tidbits goes for a floor leg hook cover, Mika is there...





Mika Hunt trailing the action, finally grabs the wire. Tidbits ignores he and continues on, as Chaos finally crawls back toward the barrier to the ring. Slathe turns his wand up seeing the men close in. Tidbits grabs Chaos by the hair, shoving him over the barrier. Chaos rebounds quickly with a few extra electrolytes in his system, and pokes chaos in the eyes with his glowing fingers.

Dewey Gobblecoque: Does Chaos have... powers?

Chaos turns gathering all of his might, and tries to summon an electric blast at Tidbits. Father Slathe puts his wand in harms way. He and Chaos struggle from ten feet away through the electrical current they are trying to force in opposite directions. Chaos finally gives it up. Slathe sighs in relief dropping the wand to his side. Chaos, back up quickly tries to surprise Slathe playing possum, but Slathe has another wand in his other hand ready to defend.

Dewey Gobblecoque: What is this Hocus Pocus?

Tidbits tackles Chaos. Slathe finally lets his guard down. Tidbits is hammering Chaos from a full mount, as Chris tries to slide out from under his legs. Chris finally gets out from behind, Slathe takes a shot with his wand, but Chaos ducks, as Tidbits gets a wand straight to the nose. Slathe comforts Tidbits, allowing Chaos time to roll into the ring to buy himself some time.

Dewey Gobblecoque: FATHER SLATHE HIT TIDBITS! Chris Chaos is recovering while these two are singing kumbaya...

Tidbits finally rolls into the ring. Chris is hunkered in the corner. Tidbits gets to the center of the ring, Chaos runs at him for a SPEAR... but Tidbits dodges it, Chaos turns around to a SUPERKICK. Chaos falls to the mat, Tidbits for the cover. Hunt for the count...




Dewey Gobblecoque: NO!! The Champion kicked out! Chaos has really taken a beating after dishing one out to start this match. Back and forth in waves.

Chaos gets to his feet, Tidbits waiting for him to turn back. TIDBITS GOES FOR TIDBIT OF A HEADACHE, he gets him halfway up into the Joker Driver, Chaos slithers to the side... Tidbits picks him up for the moves again, Chaos slithers out again, Tidbits goes for it a third time, Chris counters into an EQUALIZ- NO, Tidbits counters and goes from another SUPERKICK, Chaos falls to the Mat then uses one hand to twirl back around for WRONG SIDE OF THE TRACKS, A SUPERKICK TO TIDBITS!


Chris Chaos goes for the cover. Mika Hunt ready to roll...




Dewey Gobblecoque: Father SLATHE JUST HIT CHAOS WITH THAT WAND IN THE HEAD! He is still in there, wailing on the Universal Champion with that wand! CHAOS MIGHT BE OUT!

Father Slathe finishes smashing Chaos with the wand in the face. He drags Tidbits arm, and demands Mika Hunt count the fall. She shakes her head, then eventually gets down realizing it was all legal in this type of match.






Chaos and Tidbits lay motionless in the ring, Slathe runs around outside, slapping the apron trying to stir Tidbits back to a victorious mindset. Chaos begins to move slowly toward the side ropes. He dangling pulling himself up rope by rope using the buoyancy of each to go further toward a standing position. Jenny comes out walking down the ramp, the fix foot nothing Manager and Lover of Chris Chaos. She chases Father Slathe around the ring with one of her high heels in hand as a weapon. Chaos gets to his feet not realizing what is going on outside, narrowly focused in on finishing Tidbits. Mr.Tidbits gets to his feet. EQQUAALLIIZZEERRR MODIFIED TILT-A-WHIRL F5. Chaos for the pin, but Father Slathe has jumped onto the apron. Jenny jumps up behind him trying to pry his fingers off the ropes, Chaos catches a glimpses rises from the cover attempt and runs for a SPEAR on Slathe. He drops out of the way to the mat, Chaos hit JENNY WITH THE SPEAR! Jenny is launched outward and lands in the hands of Father Slathe, who eyes immediately light up with the bombshell in hand. He turns and begins running up the ramp with the knocked out Jenny.

Dewey Gobblecoque: HE STOLE HER!

Tidbits rolls up Chaos from behind. Mika Hunt, turns and realizes the predicament...




Winner - Mr. Tidbits

Dewey: Tidbits just pinned the Universal Champion! Unreal!

We open to Vincent Lane standing by in the ring. The ring itself is decorated with a red rug, a folding table, and a clipboard holding a few sheets of paper. Apparently, this is the contract signing for Micheal Graves to become an exclusive member of the Warfare brand.

“Loverboy” Vincent Lane: “Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Wednesday Warfare, coming to you live from Zagreb, Croatia !”

The crowd erupts into a chorus of cheers as Vincent patiently waits for them to simmer down.

“Loverboy” Vincent Lane: “Tonight is a very special night, tonight we will be signing the first ever exclusive talent contract for Wednesday Warfare. I'm still not sure what the point of exclusive talent on the shows means, considering that I own the whole shebang, but Savage has Bobby Blackcoat, and starting tonight Warfare will have exclusive rights to Micheal Graves!”

There is a surprisingly loud pop for the “Dark Warrior” as his music hits and this contract signing gets underway.

The lights dim as the entrance stage begins to fill with smoke. The opening chords of "Mayhem blast over the PA system as a large wall of fire engulfs the stage. As the fire fades away, Micheal Graves walks out from behind the curtain. The metal riffs of Halestorm continue to pound on as Micheal stands there for a moment, surveying the crowd. Micheal slowly walks down the ramp as a small burst of fire erupt at the sides of the stage. The lights rise back up as Micheal rolls into the ring and immediately shakes hands with XWF owner Vincent Lane.

“Loverboy” Vincent Lane: “Are you excited dude? This is a huge milestone in the XWF. You are going to be the first ever talent to be contracted as an exclusive to Warfare, what are your thoughts on that Mike?

Micheal Graves: “Well Vinnie, I'm honored that you would even consider offering me a deal like this. Warfare is the BIG show around here, and it also has a more competitive atmosphere. The fact that you think that I can thrive in such an environment is a big vote of confidence.”

“Loverboy” Vincent Lane: “It sure is dude, and Warfare is the perfect place for you to continue to improve your game and rise to the top, all you've got to do is sign on the dotted line!”

Micheal flips a few pages back, ignoring the fine print and other details of the contract when suddenly a familiar song plays.





[Image: 2QHo9Mf.gif]

A figure just beyond the curtain bounces around waiting for an introduction. "Dance With The Devil" by Prince plays while the entrance area fills with white smoke- Fans begin to BOO at the man who causes controversy. Through the curtain, he points into the crowd with both hands, then poses for his pyrotechnics- Walking down to the ring with a shit eating grin on his face, he sits on the apron full of cockiness toward the crowd, the rolls under the bottom rope.

“Loverboy” Vincent Lane: “What are you doing out here Colten!?”

Kato ignores Lane as he walks past him and signals for a member of production to hand him a microphone.

Colton Kato: “You've got to be kidding me right now! Is Warfare the BIG show? This is the PERFECT place for Graves to grow and improve? Give me a break! Savage is quickly taking Warfare in the ratings! Savage has all of the big named talents, including the Universal Champion Chris Chaos, and Savage has been delivering heart-pounding action and title matches ever since the day that I took over!”

“Loverboy” Vincent Lane: “What's your point Colton, why are you out here?”

Colton Kato: “What's my point? MYYY POOINNNTTTT!!?? My POINT is that if there is an environment for a talent to truly GROWWW, to truly be challenged to PPPUUSHHH himself to succeed, it's FUCKING Savage. Just look at Graves, his first match under my brand of Savage saw him NOT ONLY challenge for the Universal title, but also work at a level that he hasn't seen in OVER A DECADE. It's not my fault that he just couldn't HOLD CHAOS NUTSACK, and now wants to come crying to you to protect him! HELLOOO, EARTH TO VINCE.”


Colton Kato: “OHHHH REALLLY!? So I guess it is just pure COINCIDENCE THAT the second that Savage ended, all you have done is whine and cry... "Kato interjected himself into my match Vince, WaaHhhhhhhH!"

Micheal Graves: “Yeah, a match that you didn't belong!”

Colton Kato: "You know where you belong. In a naked biker's side satchel, where he keeps all of the DUDS."

Micheal Graves: “YEAH, Whatever dude! You know damned well that I had that match WON, before you decided to save your BUTT BUDDY Chris Chaos! That's TWICE now that MANAGEMENT has fucked around in MY matches, and COST ME a title win!”

Colton Kato: "BOO FUCKING HOO! If you were a REAL champion, then it wouldn't matter who interfered in your matches! REAL champions OVERCOME the odds! They don't go CRYING to daddy just because things don't go their way!"

Micheal Graves: “You know what, F—K YOU dude!”

Micheal leans back over the table and brings pen to paper, adding his John Hancock to the exclusive contract. Vinnie begins clapping as Graves picks up the clipboard and begins to walk over to Vincent.

Colton Kato: "WHOA WHOA WHOA…. WHOA!"

Graves stops dead in his tracks and turns his attention back to Kato.

Colton Kato: "Before you hand that contract over to Lane, you may want to reconsider!"

Suddenly the Xtron fires up with an image of Cadryn gagged and bound to an office chair. As the camera pans out, we see Peter Gilmour standing over Cadryn with a ball peen hammer in his hand and a wicked smile across his face. Back in the ring Graves charges at Kato, but Kato ducks and manages to hide behind Loverboy!

Colton Kato: "STOP RIGHT THERE! Unless you want to see you’re boyfriend hurt that is!"

Graves stops, standing in the middle of the ring looking back and forth between the Xtron and Kato.

Micheal Graves: “Let him go Kato!”

Kato laughs as he walks from behind Loverboy and towards Graves.

Colton Kato: "Micheal, I can’t let you sign that exclusive contract. You NEED to understand, you are a big draw on SAVAGE. I’m the guy who MADE you a MAIN EVENTER, and I’ll be damned if I let you take that new found status to Warfare exclusively!"

Micheal Graves: “Whatever you want man, just tell Gilmour to let Cadryn go!”

Colton Kato: "I’m not telling Gilly to do anything, but if you tear up that contract, I won’t have him hit your boyfriend!"

Micheal Graves: “So that’s it? Tear up this contract, and you’ll let Cadryn go unharmed?”

Colton Kato: "Like I said, tear up the contract, and I won’t tell Gilly to hurt him."

Micheal stands there listening to a mixture of YES and NO chants from the crowd. Micheal looks up to the Xtron once more. The fear in Cadryn’s eyes is enough to get to him, and it does.

Micheal Graves: “FINE!”

Micheal tears up the contract and tosses it to the mat.

Micheal Graves: “NOW LET HIM GO!”

Suddenly the muffled screams of Cadryn rumbles through the arena. The scene switches to Gilly hitting Cadryn on the right hand with the ball peen hammer, and again, and a third time! Graves looks horrified.

Colton Kato: "Hey, I kept MY word! I didn’t tell him to do anything!"

Graves rushes Kato and hits him with a flurry of rights and lefts before taking his limp body into his arms and running up the turnbuckles, flying off with a beautiful Cradle to the Grave through the table!

Graves is quick to get up, sneering at Gilmour who is still on the Xtron laughing!

Peter Gilmour: ”You never should have crossed me, Graves! Now you can SUCK MY DIC…”

Gilmour drops to the ground suddenly, as a figure walks into frame...

Gabe Reno: "Well, well, well. You bitches just don't know how to stay out of harms way... you're welcome... again..."

Chris Chaos "This is becoming a nasty habit, Gabriel"


Chaos stands over Gabe with a crazed look in his eye.

Chris Chaos: "Bitch."

Dewey: "Wow! Where'd the Universal Champ come from! He's back out here after his crazy match with Mr. Tidbits! We' have to go to a commercial! We'll be back with the main event, folks!"


X-Treme Championship Match
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Broken Oswald Autemn Sephtis
Electrified Hell in a Cell Match!

Dewey - "Alright people, welcome back, it's time for THE MAIN EVENT for this evening. We'll see Broken Oswald Autem Sephtis defend his Unified XWF Xtreme Championship against a second generation XWF superstar in Thaddeus Duke. Back before whatever broke poor Oswald, he met Thaddeus in his debut match, where it didn't end, so well. We'll see if the young Duke can pull another one off the big man tonight and win his first XWF championship!





GUITAR! White light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from the ring posts illuminating the vertical Illuminatus Iron Cross banners (white field, blue cross,) hanging from the lighting rigging above each corner of the ring. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the current where Thaddeus is shown, hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in blue and white colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose. Once all four corner are done, he hops back to the outside and takes selfies with fans at ringside. Mostly kids and teens.



Moonlight Sonata plays and Alysia is on the stage off to the side, near the rampway, with the audio system connected so her playing could be heard. As the song hits its first more frantic notes, Oswald walks out from the back, arms out wide, as the crowd begins to chant "DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!" and he moves his arms, swaying to the music. He makes his way to his wife, giving her a kiss as she plays, before making his way to the ring, wiping his right hand across the air in a horizontal fashion, joining the crowd in their chants. He then jumps up to the apron, and moves through the middle of the ropes, resuming the cutting of the air and chanting with the crowd. Finally, he waits for the match to begin, and during that time, he takes off his Hellraiser Warrior's cassock.

And the bell rings!


As Oswald and Duke circle one another. They both gaze at the structure that they are in. They look back down at each other, neither of them showing fear. As they both wipe their hands on their pants, they come together for a collar and elbow tie up. Both Oswald and Duke are trying to gain the upper hand. Duke finally gets a side headlock cinched in on Oswald. Oswald tries to maneuver out but to no avail. Duke begins to wrench down harder on Oswald. Oswald tries to send Duke into the ropes, but Duke puts on the breaks. Oswald then begins to hit Duke relentlessly in the midsection loosening Duke’s grip. Oswald then sends Duke into the ropes and catches him with a huge clothesline that flips Duke inside out on the rebound. Oswald stands there laughing at Duke.

[white]Dewey Gobblecoque: “Oswald just hit baby Duke so hard that papa Duke can feel it!”

Duke pulls himself up to his knees and looks shocked by what just happened. Oswald taunts Duke to bring it as Duke gets up and tries to shake the cobwebs. He then circles around Oswald again and they meet again for another collar and elbow tie up. This time it is Oswald gaining the upper hand with a side headlock. Oswald begins to cinch down on Duke laughing creepily the entire time. Oswald then hits a hip toss on Duke while maintaining his grip on the side headlock. Duke tries to get back to a vertical base and does. Dukes delivers multiple elbow shots to Oswald’s midsection. Duke hits the ropes trying to gain momentum for a clothesline, but Oswald doesn’t even stagger.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Oswald is TOO big for something like that to have an effect. You would think that the young Duke would know better!”

Duke walks back towards Oswald but he is met by a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT. Oswald gets up with his hands stretched out and laughing at what he has done. Duke starts to move on the mat, as Oswald walks closer. As Oswald Picks up Duke, Duke starts throwing lefts and rights to the body of Oswald. Duke gets up still firing right hands, he grabs Oswald whips him off into the ropes. Duke catches Oswald with a huge drop kick knocking him through the ropes and down to the floor. Duke sees his chance to do damage. He waits for Oswald to get up, he grabs the top rope and launches himself with a cross body on Oswald crashing them both into the electrified cage!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Oh my God! It didn’t take long for this sick structure to come into play! This could be the end of the match right here folks! I wouldn’t be surprised if neither of these men are capable of continuing this match after that!”

Both men lay motionless on the floor. The referee slides out of the ring to check on both competitors. Both men start to stir after several minutes of no movement from either. We see Duke shaking his head trying to come to his senses. Oswald starts to stir now, as Duke slowly gets to his feet. Duke sluggishly walks over to Oswald grabbing him by the hair. Duke throw a sluggish right hand. Oswald out of instinct throws a right hand of his own. Back and forth we go on the outside with right hands by both men. Duke. Oswald. Duke. Oswald. Duke hits a knee to the midsection of Oswald dropping him back down to a knee. Duke hits the ropes and on the rebound, Oswald springs up and hits him with a Pele Kick out of nowhere!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Both me are running on fumes! That seemingly took every ounce of power that Oswald have left to perform that move!”

Both men lay on the mat. Oswald is the first to begin moving. Crawling, inching his way towards Thaddeus Duke. Oswald finally gets within reach, and drapes his arm over Duke.




Dewey Gobblecoque: “OH, SO CLOSE! I thought for a second that Thaddeus Duke had just lost this match!”

Both men continue to lay there motionless after the kick out. The crowd begins to chant for them to get up and continue on.





Finally, the two men begin to show signs of life again as the both begin crawling up to their feet, using the ropes for support.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “This crowd is literally willing these two men back to life!”

With both men back to their feet, Oswald and Duke, drained and exhausted, stare at one another. Suddenly they both make a mad dash to the center of the ring, where they meet up and begin exchanging punches! A right from Duke, a right from Oswald, another right from Duke, another right from Oswald! Left right combination from Duke staggers Oswald. Duke hits the ropes and fires back with a flying forearm smash!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Duke has managed to take Oswald off of his feet again, but does he have enough juice left in the tank to capitalized!?”

Duke kips up and begins shaking his closed fist as he lets out an almost warcry like scream, spinning around and feeding off of the energy from this crowd!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “I’ll take that as a resounding YES!”

Duke lifts the overly large Oswald off of the mat and works him into the corner where he unleashes a flurry of kicks that are capped off with a spin kick to the jaw! Oswald begins to stagger out of the corner, but Duke just shoves him back and waves his finger, no, no, no.

Dewey Gobblecoque: “It looks like Thaddeus Duke isn’t quite done with Oswald just yet!”

Thaddeus strains and struggles, but manages to lift Oswald into a seated position on top of the turnbuckle. Thaddeus climbs up to the second rope, and raises a hand high which in turn calls down more cheers from the fans! Suddenly Duke leaps up and catches Oswald with a Frankensteiner, sending Oswald flying across the ring!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “FRANKENSTEINER!”

Thaddeus stands in the corner holding himself up with the ropes. He watches as Oswald struggles to get to his fee. Duke is just standing in the corner waiting for Oswald to get back to his feet . His leg starts twitching. Oswald finally makes it to his feet. He looks over and sees Duke in the corner, he thinks he may have a shot on Thaddeus. Oswald takes off running towards Dukes in an effort to catch him off guard, but Thaddeus is read





Thaddeus hooks the leg for the cover!





Thaddeus has a look of defeat on his face. He can’t believe that Oswald managed to kick out. Oswald is quick to his feet, but obviously out of it at the same time. Thaddeus also gets up, Thaddeus hits the ropes and charges in with a crossbody, but Oswald catches him, stumbles back a bit, and repositions into a bear hug! Thaddeus screams out in agony and throws a desperation right hand! Then another, and another! Finally Oswald releases his grip, and


Dewey Gobblecoque: “Thaddeus with a TKO, outta NOWHERE! ”

Thaddeus begins to circle Oswald, waiting for the big man to get back to his feet. Oswald is very slow to recover, but soon enough he’s up.



Thaddeus is quick to cover!





Thaddeus can’t believe it! He looks around to the crowd, momentarily unsure what he should do next, but that doesn’t last long, and soon enough Thaddeus is perched on the top rope.


Thaddeus again with the cover!




Dewey Gobblecoque: “AGAIN OSWALD KICKS OUT!”

Both men get up to their feet. Oswald staggers over and swings a big forearm down onto Thaddeus, but the young Duke manages to roll out of the way! He quickly reacts as Oswald turns around and nails him with BETTER THAN YOU!!! THE SUPERKICK TO THE SIDE OF THE FACE!! OSWALD FALLS BACKWARDS AND FALLS BETWEEN THE TOP AND MIDDLE ROPE TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!

Dewey Gobblecoque: “Uh oh, Duke miscalculated that one a bit.”

His back presses against the side of the cell as one of the power surges rush through it and blast Oswald nearly back to his feet! Suddenly, the fans shutter and gasp and all look up to the entrance way and stage.

Dewey Gobblecoque: "What's HE doing out here?!"

Doctor Louis D'Ville slowly walks down the ramp, very casually with his hands in his pockets while whistling. He jumps over the barricade and makes his way around the ring to where the power switch is for the ring!

Dewey Gobblecoque: What the HELL is Doc doing?! Why is he even out here?!"

Doc throws the switch turning the electricity off to the cage and approaches to where Oswald is now on his feet on the outside and Duke is still in the ring, all eyes on Oswald. Doc stares at the two of them for a moment, Oswald tries to ignore the doctor by climbing back into the ring... but continues to watch D'Ville as he begins climbing the cage!

Dewey Gobblecoque: "Doc! Get down Doc! Where are you going?!"

Oswald watches as Doc continues to climb to the top of the cage, he turns around and gets another quick superkick to the chin!! He falls flat on his back!

Dewey Gobblecoque: "Better Than You!!! AGAIN!!!"

Duke falls to his back as well, landing on Oswald and effortlessly takes the cover!! Doc's now on top of the cage looking down at the action!





[white]Dewey Gobblecoque: "Duke's done it! He's the new champion!


Duke is up to his feet! He celebrates in the middle of the ring after the war that he just lived through! Oswald wasn't too far behind him... I don't think he's aware that he didn't kick out in time........


"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister blares throughout the arena and the Owner of XWF, Vincent Lane, walks out from the back hold a microphone....

Vincent Lane: "Hold your horses there, Thaddeus...."

Duke stands in the ring... All attention on Vincent. Oswald remains in the corner, all attention on Duke. While Doc continues to observe everything from the top of the cell.

Vincent Lane: "Listen dude, your status around here... your work visa's been revoked. XWF is currently under United States jurisdiction even with the Warfare World Tour being louder than it's ever been. So, until we get all that stuff worked out dude, I'm afraid..."

Duke walks to the ropes and screams what could only be obscenities at Lane. Meanwhile, Oswald sneaks up behind Duke and................

THE DELETION!! THE DELETION ON DUKE!!! OSWALD WITH ANOTHER COVER?!!? The referee looks around, a bit stunned at what is going on. He looks up to the bossman standing on the stage, who just kind of shrugs.....

Vincent Lane: "It IS 24/7...."

The referee falls to the mat for a count!!!




Winner and NEW XWF UNIFIED X-TREME CHAMPION - Broken Oswald Autem Sephtis

Dewey: "Oswald just won the X-Treme Title back within minutes of losing it!! What a crazy turn of events here!!! Was Lane in the process of stripping Duke of that title anyway?! Duke's arrogance proved to cost him there! He thought he had the title won and that was it and totally forgot Oswald was back there! The X-treme Champ needs eyes in the back of his head!"

Doc sits up on top of the cell laughing hysterically at the entertaining show being presented to him.

Vincent Lane: "Yeah, I guess that works too....


Vincent's body slouches down in a depressed state as the XWF's own, Title Commissioner, Paul Heyman steps out from the back.

Paul Heyman: "Mister Lane, your tampering with someone else's business here. Surely there's another way we can handle this situation."

Vincent Lane: "I'm all ears, Paul

Paul Heyman: "Well, you coming out here, stripping people of titles and such... The war that we've just whitnessed in the ring... It's given me an idea."

Vincent rolls his eyes as Paul looks over with that silly, malicious smile of his.

Paul Heyman: "Assuming you can get your visa in order, Mr. Duke, I've got the perfect next title defense for our champion. With all of the confusion and mishaps we've had tonight, I would think it's only fair to have ourselves ANOTHER contest to decide a true winner between the two of you. A TRUE X-Treme Champion. And what better way to decide, than to have it inside...... MY OWN CREATION."

The crowd lights up and cheers! They know what's coming....

Paul Heyman: "The Heyman House of Horrors!! And guess what, Doc's in, too."

Doc, who was wiping the tears away from his cheek crawls over to the edge of the cell like a dog. He stares out at Heyman with a smile from ear to ear and looks down at his two next opponents as they look up to him.

Dewey: "Are you serious?! We've just had an electrified hell in a cell match for the title, now Heyman wants his House of Horrors at Lethal Lottery?! And making it a triple threat by adding D'Ville into the mix?! Wow!! Just wow, folks!! Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for this week folks! We've got the finals for Lethal Lottery right around the corner and one of the BIGGEST events of the year!! I can't contain the excitement folks, but we gotta go! See ya!"

The copyrights appear on the screen as Doc still stands on top of the cell, Oswald stares up the ramp at Lane and Heyman, and Thaddeus sits in the corner with a scowl that alone would kill a baby. Fade to black.

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[-] The following 14 users Like Jefferson Jackson's post:
(03-16-2017), (03-16-2017), (03-16-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (03-16-2017), Dolly Waters (03-16-2017), Guppy Parsh (03-16-2017), JimCaedus (03-16-2017), Mr Killjoy (03-16-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-16-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-16-2017), Random (03-16-2017), Shade (03-16-2017), Thomas Nixon (03-16-2017), Vincent Lane (03-16-2017)
Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

03-16-2017, 12:09 PM

Well...what a twist, regardless how it to the finals I go. I'm getting you back for that knee to the face though Buronan...I mean Dolly...or Deadpool... soon to be dead Dolly....whatever.

Trax shrugs and walks off.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 2 users Like Mr Killjoy's post:
JimCaedus (03-16-2017), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (03-16-2017)
Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-16-2017, 01:04 PM

So do I get Jenny back or do I wrote my rps with her MIA?
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Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-16-2017, 02:08 PM

(03-16-2017, 01:04 PM)Chris Chaos Said: So do I get Jenny back or do I wrote my rps with her MIA?

Chris, get Tidbits' cock outta yer' mouth and lay that cough syrup shit down. We can't understand a fucking word youre saying.

4x XTreme Champion    (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion

4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16

3x RP Of The Month
What light through sonder... my perception breaks.
Tranquility: For Old Times Sake
Manifest Victory
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[-] The following 4 users Like Dolly Waters's post:
(03-16-2017), JimCaedus (03-16-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-16-2017), Thomas Nixon (03-16-2017)
JimCaedus Offline
Trash Talker Skywalker

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-16-2017, 03:05 PM

"Jim! JIM!!"

I sigh and I halt.

"What is it Steve? Look, I'm a busy man, I have to get at least a few hours sleep in at the hotel before catching the earliest flight I can find. I've got a title to defend on Savage in Oakland."

"Just a few moments of your time?" I exhale in exaggerated exasperation and nod. "Excellent...Jim, the round 3 match-"

I snatch Steve's mic.

"Yes, the round 3 match. Scully...I don't give a shit if you don't reply or inject some half-assed quip in response...good job tonight. I see now why you're a legend in the XWF. Robbie...I wish it hadnt been taken to the lengths we took it but despite the spiteful semantic slapfest, I respect you no less than I have since day one. Tell Blue I'm sorry for what I said. Trax, thank you for preserving my life this past Friday, thank you for gelling with a psycho like me. We may not have gotten the clean win but fuck it, we're off to the finals. See you there."

I hand Steve his mic and turn to leave.

"Jim WAIT!" I turn in irritation. "A few weeks ago you unmasked Buronan in the halls at HQ. Did you KNOW Buronan's secret identity?"

"There was a second mask beneath the first Steve, kinda like Wade's unmasking by Domino at the end of Deadpool but an actual second mask. No, I didn't know Buronan's identity, I figured the effort justified the desire for secrecy...not to mention I didn't think it wise to piss off my second round partner before the match."

"So now that you know Buronan was Dolly Waters, your thoughts?"

I find myself...and I can't believe it, I find myself...............smiling. I turn and walk away.

"A smile? Is that good or bad?"

I call back over my shoulder. "This is the XWF Steve...probably a bit of both but I'm glad that lil' asskicker is back!"

Steve looks to the camera and shrugs as if it to say "good enough" before returning his gaze to the halls of Arena Zagreb for the next XWF star to interview.

[Image: chM1Ri0.gif]

[Image: pz4P3Ut.png]
Shout out to Gator/Noah Jackson for this kickass banner

[Image: aFZyFWU.jpg]

~XWF ALL TIME TOP 50 - #6!!!! <3
~Efed Podcast Top 100 - #74 w/no Twitter (all credit to you, fam, 🙏 <3)
~XWF TAG TEAM CHAMPION w/Chaos then Engy, w/APEX x2 - 3x 
~XWF 24/7 Briefcase - 3x
~XWF Trio Tag Champion w/Ax3 - 1x
~XWF Television Champion - 1x (undefeated)
~XWF Federweight Champion - 2x
~XWF Triple Title Holder - 1x (TV, Federweight & 24/7 case)
~XWF Double Title Holder - 5x (TV/Fedr, Uni/Trio, Tag/24/7, X/24/7 & Uni/Tag)
~XWF 2017 Lethal Lottery IV Tournament winner!!
~XWF 2017 Leap of Faith Rafter Match winner!!
~XWF 2017 2nd Annual Doc D'Ville Shove-It Rumble Co-Winner w/Chaos!!
~XWF 2017 War Games Co-Winner with Rob Main & Drew Archyle as APEX!!
~XWF Feb. 2017 J. Federweight Scramble Winner!!
~XWF January 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Like a Moth to the Flame"
~XWF February 2017 Star of the Month!!
~XWF March 2017 3-Way Star of the Month!!
~XWF September 2017 RP of the Month!! - "Lions & Tigers & Caedus, Oh Shit"
~XWF July 2021 QOTM!! - line from "Took It All"
~XWF October 2021 RP of the Month!! - "This Just In" audio
~XWF November 2021 Star of the Month!! (3rd time!!!!!!)
~XWF Match of the Year 2021 w/Bourbsy!! - X-Treme, Flynn's Audio Shove-It

---Love Me, Like Me, Hate Me. No Worries---

Gator's Archive💙
[Image: KlXZwFe.png]
In Loving Memory of Captain Dick Powers

Gravy's Archive💙
[Image: YSqFoQ7.jpg]
[Image: oqNqgFo.jpg]
Shout out to Gravy for these kickass banners

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[-] The following 1 user Likes JimCaedus's post:
The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-16-2017, 03:07 PM

Meeting up with Father Slathe down in an undisclosed room of Arena Zagreb. Walking down the grated staircase. Halfway down a smile creeps across my face. Jenny is tied up in a chair breathing heavy and struggling to escape. The blood in my body begins to pump faster through my veins. My pace quickens, skipping stairs every other step. It isn't every day you get a tied up lovely dove waiting for you after combat. Making it to the bottom of the stairs I adjust my crotch, my penis has begun to chub. You know the stage before full blown erection. Skipping over to the lovely Jenny my silk purple gloved hands begin brushing through her hair. She attempts to tilt her head away trying to avoid my touch. Like a starving bobcat, I quickly strike, my right-hand grabs her throat loosely why my left hand continues brushing.

Father Slathe: "Don't even think about it, my child. Remove those filthy paws from her at once. She isn't for fun, she is for leverage. The Truth needs more exposure. I have a plan, you just be a good boy and set up that camera and record what I have to say."

Obeying Father Slathe I grab the camcorder and press the record button while aiming it toward Father Slathe and Jenny. Father Slathe pressed something on his laptop, which took over all video devices. The X-tron, all TV's, and video monitors in the arena.

Father Slathe: "Hello again XWF Universe! You stupid fools, if you still believe your Universal Champion is worthy. You're are wrong and I have a little experiment to perform since luck so happened to land this lovely angel in my arms. Yes, I am talking about Jenny here, see Mr. Chaos if you are a worthy Champion you wouldn't mind trading a title shot for your lovely. That isn't the only condition. See I know you very well might not be champion after Lethal Lottery, so if you are to lose, Mr. Tidbits will get your rematch against Mr. Reno. Does that sound like a deal Mr. Chaos?"

Father Slathe wasn't joking about a plan. I'd still rather have a play toy than some stupid belt....

Father Slathe: "Oh, Mr. Chaos don't think you will find where we are and if we don't have an answer soon. Maybe some of the other superstars you've made enemies with would like the opportunity to bid on Jenny? So make up your mind quick Sir!"

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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[-] The following 2 users Like The Monster of Htaed's post:
(03-16-2017), JimCaedus (03-17-2017)
Thomas Nixon Offline
Saving the Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-16-2017, 03:14 PM

[Image: ST40-black-leather-chrome-spikes-chains-...00.jpg?c=2]

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thomas Nixon's post:
JimCaedus (03-17-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-16-2017)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-16-2017, 06:58 PM

Vinny Lame, I'm thinking very much about making an appearance on Kato's Savage.

I'm thinking very much about calling you out.

I do hope you'll be able to pry your asshole from Roxy's dick long enough to show up.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post:
The Monster of Htaed (03-16-2017)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-16-2017, 08:02 PM

Michael Graves.. I'm going to kill you and Reno.. you dare to attack me after I destroyed Cadryn.. You want a beating? Well I say this.. How about me and Cadryn take on you and Graves in a double buried alive match!!!


[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-16-2017, 09:46 PM

Dude... What!?!

Why in the heck would Cadryn team up with you? Even if he wanted too, he kinda has a big match lined up with making it to the finals of LL and all. Also, Reno is going after the title that you just couldn't hold on to, so I doubt that he has any interest in your proposed match.

Looks like that just leaves me and you. Graves vs Gilmour, one on one. You really seemed to be excited about your idea though, so I'll tell you what. How about you show up on Savage and set the stipulation for the match?

I'm game for whatever you've got Gilly, nothing could possibly be worse than teaming with you for the last month has been.
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves's post:
Cadryn Tiberius (03-17-2017), JimCaedus (03-17-2017)
Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-16-2017, 10:00 PM

OOC: I am going to respond to tidbits challenge in a few minutes once I get settled into my hotel room. But I just wanted to say that the current storylines are absolutely amazing. The one that I am currently involved in has so many moving parts that all seem to fit together but if I were watching this on television I would be deeply invested in what is going to happen next. We are all done a great job of weaving together quite an intense amount of storylines leading up to the Pay-Per-View and I just wanted to say that I'm happy to be a part of it. Now let me take a quick shower and get on this tidbits challenge
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[-] The following 10 users Like Chris Chaos's post:
(03-16-2017), (03-16-2017), BUTCH HOLLIDAY (03-16-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (03-17-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (03-16-2017), Jefferson Jackson (03-16-2017), JimCaedus (03-17-2017), Mr Killjoy (03-16-2017), Muddy Waters (03-17-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-16-2017)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-16-2017, 11:01 PM

(03-16-2017, 10:00 PM)Chris Chaos Said: OOC: I am going to respond to tidbits challenge in a few minutes once I get settled into my hotel room. But I just wanted to say that the current storylines are absolutely amazing. The one that I am currently involved in has so many moving parts that all seem to fit together but if I were watching this on television I would be deeply invested in what is going to happen next. We are all done a great job of weaving together quite an intense amount of storylines leading up to the Pay-Per-View and I just wanted to say that I'm happy to be a part of it. Now let me take a quick shower and get on this tidbits challenge

Awesome and amazing to hear dude. It's everyone here that works as a unit, a force, a damn team that makes this place great for all of us. It's not just management, it's not just the roleplayers, it's everyone. Everyone works together, we write, we feud, we talk shit.... We hate... It's the perfect community. You're a great champ, dude, and it's the competitiveness that YOU and EVERYONE has around here that keeps this place pulsating the way it does. It's FUN to be here. I thank you all as well for making this one of my favorite, most overwhelming hobbies I've ever had. I can't turn away, even if I try. I'm not the only one who can say that.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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[-] The following 8 users Like Doctor Louis D'Ville's post:
(03-16-2017), (03-16-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (03-17-2017), JimCaedus (03-17-2017), Mr Killjoy (03-16-2017), Muddy Waters (03-17-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-17-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-16-2017)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-16-2017, 11:26 PM

OOC: I can echo Doc here. Believe me I tried to stay away. I just couldn't.

JJ is doing a great job with Warfare and Kato is doing great, great things with Savage. I'm not just blowing smoke, I'd do Savage and Warfare if I could. I'd love to be a part of both.


[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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[-] The following 5 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:
(03-16-2017), Cadryn Tiberius (03-17-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (03-17-2017), JimCaedus (03-17-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-16-2017)
Scully Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-17-2017, 02:46 AM

"Jim it was clear for the eyes to see that Scully and Bourbon were going through to Round Four but we were robbed. But I don't hold it against you or Trax, I mean yes you're still an inbreeding, Crack head and Trax is still a Black Vagina but.. You both took your chance and I would have done the same. My real problem is a woman... I got 99 problems and A BITCH IS ONE....

Dolly fuckin' Waters... You stupid, Little Slag! Why do women try to ruin your life? Why do they feel the need to piss you off? Why Dolly did you feel the need to get involved in something that doesn't have fuck all to do with you? I guess you want me to beat the fuck outta your pretty little face right? "
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[-] The following 2 users Like Scully's post:
JimCaedus (03-17-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-17-2017)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-17-2017, 05:11 AM

Oswald hold the title close, sighing softly. It was a sour victory as he looks into the camera, getting ready to leave with his wife, and the piano is being prepped for transport.

"It was a hard fought match. I do wonder what happens now, however. Even though I lost my Championship of X-Treme, thanks to the decision of Brother D'Ville to take my attention away long enough for Brother Duke to capitalize.

But I returned the favor and became the Champion of X-Treme once more.

What does it mean though? Even though I lost it, I won it right back. Does this mean I have to start over again as if this is the first day? If so, I'll resume defending this Championship of X-Treme. Just now I have a harder fought match in the future. I look forward to this. Brother D'Ville. Brother Duke. I guess we'll see one another soon, won't we?"

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Jefferson Jackson Offline
Warfare GM & XWF Business/Financial Supt

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-17-2017, 07:32 AM

(03-17-2017, 05:11 AM)Broken Oswald Autem Sephtis Said: Oswald hold the title close, sighing softly. It was a sour victory as he looks into the camera, getting ready to leave with his wife, and the piano is being prepped for transport.

"It was a hard fought match. I do wonder what happens now, however. Even though I lost my Championship of X-Treme, thanks to the decision of Brother D'Ville to take my attention away long enough for Brother Duke to capitalize.

But I returned the favor and became the Champion of X-Treme once more.

What does it mean though? Even though I lost it, I won it right back. Does this mean I have to start over again as if this is the first day? If so, I'll resume defending this Championship of X-Treme. Just now I have a harder fought match in the future. I look forward to this. Brother D'Ville. Brother Duke. I guess we'll see one another soon, won't we?"

It means you lost it and won it back. Same as if they were a week or month apart, only a couple of seconds though.
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Chris Chaos Offline
Corporate Chaos

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-17-2017, 01:55 PM

"JENNY!" He punched the wall as the Universal Champion came out of yet another empty dressing room. He was huffing and puffing, more upset than anyone in the XWF had ever seen him.

"FUCKING TIDBITS! I'LL RIP YOU IN HALF!" He opened another door with force, only to find it empty as the XWF superstars who inhabited it had left for the evening.

After 3 or 4 more empty room doors slammed shut, Bruce Kehn came onto the screen.



Bruce grabbed Chris by the shoulders, shushing him. "Come, sit with me." Bruce opened the door to one of the empty locker rooms. He sat Chris down, who was still breathing heavy.

"I have seen every match you have ever been in. I have been there since the beginning. This isn't you. You aren't focused. Tidbits took advantage of a loophole. He knew how to get to you to get what he wants. You are so focused on Gabe Reno, you failed to pay attention to Tidbits. He is in your head, and by him I mean Gabe."

Chris looked down before mumbling "I hate him".

"You need to handle your business.....but we are a team. You need to re-focus. Do what you need to do...."

Chris stood up before nodding at Bruce.......

XWF TV Bonus Coverage of Warfare sees the smoke start on the ramp. DIE MF DIE by Dope hits with its opening riff. Chris walks through the smoke and straight to the ring, on a mission, seemingly.

He has a microphone in his hand, and the Universal Title over his shoulder.

When he gets into the ring he drops the title belt and brings the mic to his lips.

" may not speak well, and probably can't spell, but you sure know how to blackmail. You have something I want and apparently I have something you want. So, you know what, since you had the balls to steal from me and use your little "guardian" to screw me out of a victory......I'll give you what you want. But lets get ONE thing is on MY terms. MY stipulation, MY rules."

Jenny, tied to the chair with duct-tape over her mouth came up on the screen.

"You want a title shot. Fine! I am going to go into Lethal Lottery and I WILL beat Gabe Reno. And when I do, I will host you next. Then, I will tear you to shreds. I will make you wish you were never even born. Just release Jenny and you can have your match. I am not afraid to step into the ring and prove I am the best in the world at what I do. The question is.......can you beat me twice?"

He stood, waiting, as he heard a snicker in the darkness behind his manager/girlfriend. She squealed under the tape.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Chris Chaos's post:
The Monster of Htaed (03-17-2017)
The Monster of Htaed Offline
War is just an All You Can Eat BUFFET...

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

03-17-2017, 02:49 PM

Father Slathe runs his hand gently across her face while groping himself only for a couple seconds before pulling away. Father Slathe slowly creeps in front of Jenny with a smile on his face.

Father Slathe: "Mr. Chaos, I was starting to get a little worried there. I almost thought you were going to prove me wrong. See a real Champion among warriors would have let the lady go. Not you, though. Oh please don't say it is because how confident you are. Just earlier you showed just how far your confidence takes you. If this were the other way around, Mr. Tidbits would cut my throat before showing weakness! Your stipulations, your rules, your time, your match. Deal because unlike you I'm TRULY confident in Mr. Tidbits. So long Mr. Chaos hopefully you enjoyed your time as Champion, soon, The Truth will reveal the real Champion of Warriors!"

Father Slathe removes a dark gothic looking dagger as he turns towards Jenny. Raising the dagger up as if he is about to lunge and stab. The Xtron cuts to static.

Suddenly out in the ring, the lights cut out. Fans shriek, Chris Chaos can be slightly heard screaming for his Jenny's safety. A few seconds go by the lights flicker back on. Jenny is tied to a chair, with her mouth duct taped closed right behind Chris Chaos in the ring.

[Image: tzaJpcU.jpg]
Death before Dishonor...
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