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Tickets to the Show! (Ghost Tank)
Author Message
Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
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05-01-2016, 10:52 PM

[Image: phantom.jpg]

Unknown Soldier: "Hey everyone! I was recently given 666 tickets tonight to see the opera at the theater by Hillary Clinton who bought them with extra money she's going to have for her campaign that she wont need to beat Donald Trump. Who wants to join me? Ghost Tank, I already fucking know that you're in! All the popcorn and penises you can eat!"

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-02-2016, 07:02 PM

A cold, dark wind blows throughout the room as footsteps are heard off camera. US looks to his left hand side to notice someone who he has never personally been acquainted with, but a man who walks up and stands face to face with the Unknown Soldier. Awkward silence fills the room as the two stand face to face for the first time ever, the man known as Cain's lips curling upward. "You must be the fabled Unknown Soldier that I've heard so much about."

Once again...awkward silence.

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-02-2016, 07:30 PM

Unknown Soldier: "If I were a fable, then how the fuck would you be creeping up on me like some kind of touchy feel-y little virgin trying to score some pussy at his first freshmen high school dance. Let me guess, you're either going to try and explain to me that you're some kind of 'super dark and uber scarier' version of me or you're going to suck my dick and call me a legend. Let's just make this quick, we don't want to miss the first act of the play or Ghost Tank will probably piss himself!"

Soldier unzips his pants and pulls out his defiling stick and presents it.

Once again... awkward silence.

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Frodo mother fucking Smackins (05-02-2016)
Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-02-2016, 10:31 PM

The irritation in Cain's eyes sparked a bit. "What is it with the talent around here automatically assuming that felatio is about to occur? I'm not here to suck your dick, and I'm not here claim to be anything like you. You and I, Soldier, we are two entirely different beasts. You, from what I can see, gain amusement from this. I, on the other hand, make the destruction of human life my business." he stepped backwards. "So...I would suggest you take a little bit of bass from your voice, lest I make a house call on that business..." a low, feral growl rose from the chest of the Last Son of Eden. "...son."

The two thousand year old bad ass ain't talking biological, folks. Gotta respect his testicular fortitude though.

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-02-2016, 11:33 PM

I want a front row seat to watch Ghost Tank's death!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2016, 03:11 AM

(05-02-2016, 10:31 PM)Cain Said: "You, from what I can see, gain amusement from this. I, on the other hand, make the destruction of human life my business."

"Why do I get the feeling that a lot of the things I see you say and do are going to be amusing me?"

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-03-2016, 08:57 AM

(05-02-2016, 11:33 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I want a front row seat to watch Ghost Tank's death!

Don't fall asleep like I did.....

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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Unknown Soldier (05-03-2016)
Cain Offline
The Last Son of Eden

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-03-2016, 09:48 AM

(05-03-2016, 03:11 AM)Unknown Soldier Said:
(05-02-2016, 10:31 PM)Cain Said: "You, from what I can see, gain amusement from this. I, on the other hand, make the destruction of human life my business."

"Why do I get the feeling that a lot of the things I see you say and do are going to be amusing me?"

"Because you're most likely on crack? I haven't seen that much make up on a man since Caitlyn Jenner."

[Image: Wz4kwdV.jpg]
The awesome banner was brought to you by Morbid Fuckin Angel.
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-03-2016, 05:31 PM

Man i'd pay to see Cain toe to toe against Unholy Solider, that put so much asses in seats faster than Solider's pin attempt to Frodo last Warfare.

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2016, 07:47 PM

Unknown Soldier: "Except Caitlyn Jenner isn't a man, so that pathetic little insult just makes you look like quite the bit of a fool. Penis does not equal man. Were you too busy playing pocket pool in anatomy class to figure that one out, genius? As far as the make up goes, how would you like me to smear it all over your smug bitch little bearded face this week on Warfare? Yes, that is an actual challenge and not me huffing and puffing and acting all tough by 'making a house call on that business.' Come on dick licker, I'll make you famous. Then maybe some little slimy bastard will come slithering up next to you some day and say 'Hey, arn't you that that got embarrassed by Unknown Soldier?' Just ask John Black, he knows all about it."

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2016, 09:36 PM

Unknown Soldier: "Come on , quit looking for evidence of Caitlyn Jenner's possible existing penis and give me a fucking answer. I'm not going to argue with you about a missing dick like the time Peter Gilmour lost his to Morbid Angel and he insisted that it was still intact. In fact, that gives me an idea for a match stipulation! Loser has to reach down Caitlyn's pants and check if he/she had the surgery! Maybe the loser can check Peter too!"

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Nico LaVey Offline
The Prince of Vice

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

05-03-2016, 11:35 PM

Nico walks into the frame. He stares at Unknown Soldier with a look of disappointment.

This is Unknown Soldier? A shitty, hardcore "trve kvlt" ripoff of Morbid Fuckin' Angel? Pathetic.

Nico buys box seats for himself and Ophelia.

"...yes, of course we'd like a bottle of cognac with the play..." He says to the teller.

After buying the tickets, he walks past Cain.

It's called Corpse Paint, you fucking plebe.

[Image: zTgZCuO.jpg]

Overall Record: 2-8-1.

1x Federweight Champion.

Shitlist: Izzy Ravenwolf, Nate Higgers.

“We have never heard the devil's side of the story, God wrote all the book.”
― Anatole France
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Unknown Soldier (05-04-2016)
Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-04-2016, 12:19 AM

(05-03-2016, 11:35 PM)Nico LaVey Said: Nico walks into the frame. He stares at Unknown Soldier with a look of disappointment.

This is Unknown Soldier? A shitty, hardcore "trve kvlt" ripoff of Morbid Fuckin' Angel? Pathetic.

Unknown Soldier: "You may be the son of Anton LaVey, but guess what, I'm the long lost offspring of the first consummation of Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard! My parents both abandoned me many years ago because they were afraid I'd destroy their plans to fool the world into believing in Scientology and Mormonism. They thought I would reveal their evil plan to trick the world into their beliefs through two separate avenues. Essentially, creating two different outlets into luring idiots into believing that alien gods rule the planet and their coming to rape us if we don't practice what they preach! How were two men able to fornicate and conceive a child, you might ask? Because of fucking aliens that's how! Plus, haven't you seen that one movie Junior with Arnold and Danny Devito? But anyways, glad you could join us for the play! Don't mind the douche bag hiding in the shadows at the corner of the room, because he's too busy wasting my time with idle threats. Just let him blow some cold dark air around the room and act tough."

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Jon Willis (05-04-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-04-2016, 11:21 PM

nobody going to grab my junk except my wife maria ;)

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Makaveli Offline


XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

05-05-2016, 03:41 AM

(05-04-2016, 11:21 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: nobody going to grab my junk except my wife maria ;)

And dim haha

[Image: MAKAVELI.jpg]
Titles Held: Intercontinental, Tag Team (w/ Peter Gilmour)
Win / Loss / Draw (Since Return): 1 / 0 / 0
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Jon Willis (05-05-2016), Unknown Soldier (05-05-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-08-2016, 12:49 AM

Dim aint touching me anymore bub

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Thomas Girard Offline
Savage Saturday Night General Manager

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-08-2016, 08:31 AM

(05-08-2016, 12:49 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Dim aint touching me anymore bub

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the phone."

(05-08-2016, 12:49 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Dim aint touching me anymore bub

"Anymore implies he was touching you to begin with, so therefore you just admitted you are basically gay for Dim. And here I was beginning to take you seriously. What the fuck, Peter?"
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

05-08-2016, 10:19 PM

u obviously havent read one of me or dim's promos lately haven't you? stupid

dim has some real fucked up feelings for gilly and peter is trying to get away from dim's homosexual ways

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-09-2016, 02:05 AM

He probably did what most do and started to listen to them...

But then fell asleep.

Just Saying

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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[-] The following 2 users Like Chris MacBeth's post:
Jon Willis (05-09-2016), Thomas Girard (05-09-2016)
Thomas Girard Offline
Savage Saturday Night General Manager

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-09-2016, 07:31 AM

(05-09-2016, 02:05 AM)Sir Chris Macbeth Said:

He probably did what most do and started to read them...

But then fell asleep.

Just Saying

"This guy."

"He's got it right."
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#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick Offline
Waves don't die.

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

05-09-2016, 07:44 AM

(05-08-2016, 10:19 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: u obviously havent read one of me or dim's promos lately haven't you? stupid

dim has some real fucked up feelings for gilly and peter is trying to get away from dim's homosexual ways

Yo I got a backload of Gilly promos on my Audible.

You might wonder why I'd get the ebook version of these Gilly video promos but that's just because you're a fucking cunt like Thomas Girard.

[Image: giphy.gif]
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Travis McCoy Offline
The Real McCoy

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-09-2016, 04:43 PM

(05-09-2016, 07:44 AM)#MemeQueen Luca Torchwick Said: Yo I got a backload of Gilly promos on my Audible.

You might wonder why I'd get the ebook version of these Gilly video promos but that's just because you're a fucking cunt like Thomas Girard.

“Hey there buddy, nice to see you. Funny you chose to retire after I state my intentions of hounding you to your grave.

Return or shut your mouth. We've had our fill of Luca.”
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Makaveli (05-09-2016)
Travis McCoy Offline
The Real McCoy

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

05-09-2016, 04:45 PM

“Or stay on the sidelines you coward fuck.

I'll find you there just the same.”
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