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Monday Night Madness (4-21-14)
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-22-2014, 09:29 AM

[Image: eEbTxwp.jpg]

Date: April 21, 2014
Arena: Moda Center
City: Portland, Oregon

JOEY STYLES: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another edition of Monday Night Madness. And we have a special event for you all. The first of two New World Order Battle Royales. Hollywood Hogan has stated that he is not happy with the current title situation and much like he got rid of the Crown two weeks ago he is looking to revamp things. Tonight is another step towards that end. The various wrestlers are already trickling into the ring. This will be a standard over the top elimination royale. Once the wrestlers feet hit the floor they are eliminated from the event."

Confirmed Participants:

Kendall Sawyer
Vallore Brommer
Calamity Trigger
Tommy Gunn
Michael McBride
Romulus Heinrich Winters
John Black
The Vine

JOEY STYLES: "The nWo has already stated that they will have representation in the event, how and how is a mystery as I am sure was the intention. In the meantime the last wrestler has made his way to the ring and we are ready to go."

The ref signals for the bell.

Ding Ding Ding!!

JOEY STYLES: "And here we go."

Calamity Trigger and Minxxs lock up in the corner. Tommy Gunn goes right at SwagMire while Kendall Sawyer makes a beeline for Romulus. Broomer and Black are toe to toe with McBride and the Vine exchanges blows in the center of the ring.

Minxxs and Calamity go back and forth with rights and lefts aimed at each others' face and midsections! Neither woman is willing to give an inch it seems, until Calamity ducks under and hits a quick drop toe hold; sending Minxxs face first to the mat!

Calamity looks to take advantage of this situation, however that's when Michael McBride runs in and flattens Calamity with a huge lariat to the back of her neck!

He lays in a few stomps to both downed participants before lifting the nearest - Calamity - to her feet and whipping her into the corner! He follows this action up by running into the same corner and throwing all of his body weight into a huge splash!

Which Calamity is too quick for! She slides under McBride's legs and catches him with a swift uppercut to the balls for his efforts! Dropped down to his knees now, he catches a buzzsaw kick to the back of his head from Minxxs, who made it back to her feet while he was setting up his corner splash.

Meanwhile, Romulus is going to work on Kendall Sawyer! A huge overhead Belly to Belly suplex sends her almost halfway across the ring! He takes a few seconds to taunt the smaller woman, before getting spun around and taken to the mat with an expert Double Leg Takedown from Vellore Brommer!

Brommer quickly follows the move up with by transitioning to an armbar! There are no submissions in this match but if he can wear down the bigger man's arms, he can definitely take some of the advantage out of him!

In another part of the ring, John Black and The Vine are going back and forth with each other, countering each other move for move! STO attempt from Black stuffed with an elbow right to the ear! Black backs up, in a daze almost as Vine explodes forward with a lariat that damn near takes Black's head off!

He tries to pull Black up to his feet, but this time Black gets the upper hand and forces Vine to fall face first into the middle rope with a huge Jumping Reverse STO!

Tommy Gunn and Swagmire seem to be locked in a stalemate at the moment! Both men struggle in a tie up for the advantage, which Gunn wins and uses as a platform for lifting Swaggy up over his head in a Military Press! He's about to drop him for the slam when Swaggy throws a punch downward that stuns him for a second.

That second is the only amount of time that Swaggy needs right now, as he uses that one moment of off taskness to slip out of the grip and land feet first behind Tommy and locks in a waistlock! He pulls back, looking for a German Suplex, but Gunn plants his feet firmly into the mat, bringing his hands down atop Swaggy's in an attempt to break the clutch!

He does and hits a snapmare on Swaggy before throwing a knee to the now seated man's spine to boot. He goes to lock on a rear chinlock but Swaggy brings up his knee and hits Gunn right in the crown once more. A few more of these shots and Gunn releases the hold, allowing Swaggy to get back up to his feet.

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is this? What is Smoke doing here? He's been hiding ever since the last part of his Shove It was blocked from being aired."

The other wrestlers are too busy fighting each other to notice Smoke slide into the ring, ignoring the ref yelling at him.

Smoke cozies up real nice in the corner taking in the scene around him. Out of the corner of his eye McBride spots Smoke and charges at the man. Smoke reacts but it's too late and McBride drills Smoke with a knee to the face followed by a few violent chops. Smoke tries to push McBride away but it does no good. McBride yanks Smoke out of the corner uppercuts him and then tosses him outside of the ring effectively eliminating a guy who was never a real entrant anyway.

Smoke slowly starts to back up the ramp and the crowd pops...

Out comes...

Guppy Parsh.

Liz Hathaway

Tommy Wish


Jessie-ica Diaz.

JOEY STYLES: "It's all 5 of the other remaining members of Smoke's Shove It. Each of them is carrying a silver metal briefcase. Smoke still has no idea they are behind him until...

Smoke backs into Tommy Wish but before Smoke can even turn around he is leveled by a briefcase shot to the head from Diaz. Now all 5 of them are absolutely destroying Smoke with briefcase shot after briefcase shot.

Back in the ring McBride is staring out watching as Smoke get's dismantled unaware that SwagMire has crept up behind him and clotheslines him over the top rope...but McBride somehow manages to hold onto the top rope. SwagMire starts chopping away at McBride's hands trying to break his hold while McBride is using his shoulder to thrust into SwagMire's mid section. mcBride slowly gets to his feet on the ring apron and now he and SwagMire are standing toe to toe with each other.


Tommy Gunn with a spear out of no where that damn near breaks SwagMire in half while also pushing McBride off the ring apron and eliminating him.

Michael McBride - Elminated

Gunn quickly lifts up SwagMire by the neck, lifting him a good 3 feet in the air. Kendall Sawyer DDT's Romulus and then quickly walks over to the top rope and pulls it down for Gunn.

Gunn pulls SwagMire in close the two are only a few inches from each other...

"I'll see you again pussy."

Gunn throws SwagMire out of the ring over the top rope eliminating SwagMire with an assist from Kendall Sawyer.

SwagMire Swaggins - Eliminated

Michael McBride has now joined in on the beating of Smoke who at this point is nothing but a bloody mess.

On the other side of the ring The Vine has just planted John Black with a DDT and looks around the ring for his next target. He sets his sits on Kendall Sawyer and quickly makes his way over to her but before he can get there he is taken out with a spinning heel kick by Vellore Brommer.

Brommer picks up The Vine and tosses him over to Tommy Gunn who quickly hits The Vine with a facebreaker knee smash. The Vine bounces back up after making contact with Gunn's knee. Sawyer catches him in mid motion with the Referendum 1. Sawyer quickly lifts The Vine and tosses him over the top rope like a rag doll.

The Vine - Eliminated

JOEY STYLES: "Well we knew the nWo was going to show up and now they have."

Macho Man, Rodzilla and the Outsiders all make their way to the ring, though it takes Scott Hall a few extra seconds as he is very visably intoxicated. When the nWo finally gets into the ring the other remaining competitors just stare them down.

Before the nWo can react the other competitors save for the Heyman Alliance step forward to go toe toe with the 4 men that have been terrorizing the XWF roster post World War X.

The Outsiders are going at it with Romulus Winters and John Black.

Minxxs and Calamitty Trigger are battling Macho Man and Rodzilla.

The crowd erupts...

JOEY STYLES: "What's that up in the sky?"

It's a bird!

It's a plane!



Hollywood Hogan!!

JOEY STYLES: "What the hell is he doing up there in the rafters? Wait...he's climbing over the edge..."

Meanwhile on the entry way Smoke is still getting ripped to pieces.

In the ring Kevin Nash power bombs John Black while Scott Hall locks up with Romulus Winters in the corner.

JOEY STYLES: "Wait...he can't be...Hogan is going to attempt a leg drop from 150 feet in the air... OH MY GOD!!!"











JOEY STYLES: "Holy Fuck!!! Hogan completely misread his jump and instead took out a grandmom and a child in the stands."

Scott Hall is in the corner laughing but Winters knees him in the stomach and then....


JOEY STYLES: "Scott Hall just vomited all over himself and Kevin Nash looks pissed."

Suddenly Diamond Dallas Page jumps up from his seat and screams at Scott Hall...

"That's it're out of my house for good this time!!!"

Winters grabs Hall by the hair and quickly tosses him over the top rope. Nash jumps out of the ring to check on his partner. While Minxxs and Calamity make quick work of Macho Man and Rodzilla, easily tossing both men from the ring.

JOEY STYLES: "I guess all of the nWo has now been eliminated. But who the fuck really knows though."

Updated Participants:

Kendall Sawyer
Vallore Brommer
Calamity Trigger
Tommy Gunn
Michael McBride
Romulus Heinrich Winters
John Black
The Vine

John Black charges at Calamity who quickly side steps him and then plants him with a reverse DDT. Calamity back to her feet grabs Black by face and yanks him up. Kick to gut, she goes for a stunner but Black pushes her back and then cracks her right in the face with a dropkick. Black gets Calamity up and tosses her to the ropes followed up with a quick clothesline that sends Calamity toppling over the ropes. Black turns is back and stalks his next victim. Unaware that Calamity never touched the floor. She's quickly back up, and hopes through the ropes. She taps Black on the shoulder and then cracks him with an uppercut. Black stumbles backwards and then charges at Calamity...

JOEY STYLES: "Holy shit what a move from Calamity Trigger. A hurricanrana that sent John Black over the ropes, eliminating him from the Royale."

John Black - Eliminated

JOEY STYLES: "And now we are down to 6. And it looks like it's about to turn into a 3 on 3. The Heyman Alliance vs Minxxs/Calamity Trigger and Romulus Winters."

Calamity Trigger makes the first move, almost beheading Vellore Brommer with an axe. Tommy Gunn spears Minxxs out of her boots and Kendall Sawyer is taken down charging clothesline.

Gunn quickly lifts up Minxxs and irish whips her into the ropes and then connects with a vicious lariat. Gunn stands over top of his opponent and just grins at her. Dumb move as Minxxs kips up right into Gunn's face. Her boots connecting flush with Tommy Gunn's chin.

Gunn stumbles backwards into the waiting hands of Calamity Trigger who kicks Tommy in the gut....STUNNER!!!

Tommy Gunn was just decimated with a stunner. Calamity goes back to work on Vellore while Minxxs takes the opening Calamity gave her and lifts up Gunn, hitting him with a few knees to the abdomen. Minxxs whips Gunn into the corner and then hits him with a flying corner clothesline.

Gunn slumps down into a seated position, his head resting against the middle turnbuckle. Minxxs charges...knee right to Tommy Gunn's face. And then a few boots to his stomach for good measure.

Minxxs lifts Gunn up who is a little dazed. She runs to the opposite side of the ring, bounces off the ropes and leaps at Gunn for a cross body block.

Gunn catches her in mid air, he spins around and using a fallaway slam tosses Minxxs right out of the ring over the ropes. Minxxs smacks off the hard floor as Tommy looks down at her gloating.

Minxxs - Eliminated

The group of Shove It participators are still hanging Smoke a beating the likes of which only Rodney King has seen.

And the nWo is busy fighting off an angry mob of fans who didn't take too kindly to Hogan knee dropping a geriatric and a child. Bodies are flying everywhere. Hall is still puking his brains out and Hogan is still laying on the ground, his leg basically broken in half.

Tommy Gunn and Vellore Brommer are now ganging up on Calamity Trigger while Romulus and Kendall continue to do-si-do on the far side of the ring.

A double suplex by Gunn and Brommer onto Trigger puts her done but not for long. She quickly gets up, which surprises her opponents. A snap DDT to Tommy Gunn and a Head Scissors take down on Gunn. Calamity runs over to Kendall and clotheslines her to the mat.

Calamity Trigger has single handedly turned the tide in the match. Gunn is the first person back up and he locks his sights on Calamity. Gunn walks up behind Trigger, spins her around and goes for a double underhook slam but Calamity reverses and flips Gunn over and locks him into Boston Crab.

Brommer comes out of nowhere with a boot to the face of Calamity, which breaks her hold on Gunn.

Brommer gets Calamity up to her feet and the two lock up, neither getting the upper hand at first.

A sitout facebuster by Sawyer on Romulus allows Sawyer to move onto aid her Alliance compatriots.

Sawyer comes up behind Trigger and takes her down with a reverse DDT. Sawyer attempts a follow up by Romulus takes her out with a kick to the knee that leaves Kendall grabbing at her right knee.

Calamity and Brommer get to their feet at the same time. Brommer goes for a lock up but Calamity responds with an eye rake and then a lariat.

Calamity backs up surveying the situation but not for long as Brommer charges at her.

Calamity side steps and hits Brommer with an elbow to the back of the head that sends him stumbling forward into the ropes. Trigger quickly reacts and grabs Brommer by the legs and attempts to lift him over the ropes.

JOEY STYLES: “This could be lights out for Brommer.”

Trigger has Brommer up and he is now perpendicular with the mat. She’s using all of her strength to try and get him over but Brommer has a death grip on the ropes. Trigger now starts shaking Brommer up and down in hopes of getting him to weaken his grip.

Gunn gets up and runs at the ropes, be bounces off and goes for a running clothesline but Trigger ducks. One final push and she is able to lift Brommer over the ropes however he has still not let go of the top rope and now is standing on the ring apron.

Gunn turns around and plants Trigger with a drop kick.

Trigger stumbles backwards and with all her body weight backs into Brommer sending him off the apron and to the ring floor.

Vellore Brommer – Eliminated

Final Four:

Kendall Sawyer
Vallore Brommer
Calamity Trigger
Tommy Gunn
Michael McBride
Romulus Heinrich Winters
John Black
The Vine

JOEY STYLES: “Well I’m sure that wasn’t Gunn’s intended result as his move effectively eliminated Brommer. And then there were 4.”

The Shove It 6 have finally dragged Smoke’s unconscious and possibly dead body to the back, leaving behind 5 blood covered briefcases on the entry way ramp.

Calamity unaware that she technically eliminated Brommer turns around just in time for Tommy Gunn to level her with a spear.

Kendall Sawyer and Romulus are exchanged punches back and forth. Romulus whips Sawyer into the corner, following him there and then starts levying knee strikes to Sawyer’s abdomen.

Romulus lifts Sawyer up to the top turnbuckle, he climbs up to the second turnbuckle...



Romulus yanks Sawyer up by her hair and follows that up with a Russian leg sweep.

Romulus goes to pull Sawyer up again but Gunn comes out nowhere with a cross body block that sends both Romulus and Gunn crashing down to the mat.

Sawyer takes advantage and quickly goes to work on Romulus.

Referendum 1 to Winters.

Sawyer picks up Winters and whips him to the ropes, she catches him chop, and another, and another…

Trigger rushes off to break up the volley of hits but Gunn cuts her off and catches her with a brainbuster.

Gunn drop kicks Winter which results in Romulus landing up against the ropes.

Gunn and Sawyer each grab one of Romulus legs to try and lift the behemoth over the ropes. It takes a few tries but Gunn and Sawyer finally get Romulus over the ropes but not down to the floor. Winters stands up and stares at his opponents.

Gunn and Sawyer look at each other and seem to come to the same conclusion…

Double Drop Kick!!

And Winters goes crashing to the floor.

Romulus Heinrich Winters – Eliminated

JOEY STYLES: “It seems like it’s been forever but the EMT’s are finally arriving on the scene to take care of Hogan. Meanwhile the rest of the nWo is now climbing back into the ring. It’s Rodzilla, Macho Man and the Outsiders against Calamity, Gunn and Sawyer.”

The crowd erupts…

JOEY STYLES: “Well this just got interesting.”

Brock Lesnar and a squad of Riot Cops come storming out of the back with Paul Heyman in tow.

The Riot Cops and the Beast immediately go after the nWo, yanking the four of them out of the ring and going to town on them with stun guns and batons.

Heyman makes his way to the side of the ring and starts cheering on his people.

”Let’s go. End this. End this now.”

Gunn rushes at Trigger and is met with an Axe Kick for his troubles.

Snap DDT onto Sawyer and Trigger quickly rushes upto the top turnbuckle and leaps off…

360 SPLASH!!!

JOEY STYLES: “Great move by Calamity Trigger there. She seems to have a second wind and Heyman does not look happy.”

”Come on!! Put her down Gunn!!!

Gunn gets to his feet…for all of about 3 seconds as Trigger bounces off the ropes and hits Gunn with a bulldog and then an elbow drop to Gunn’s head. Trigger gets Gunn back up and hits him hard with a vertibreaker.

Again she gets him back up and whips him to the ropes but Gunn reverses and instead sends Trigger off the ropes, she ducks under his clothesline attempt and instead clotheslines Sawyer who was just getting up from the 360 splash Trigger hit her with. Trigger turns around…


JOEY STYLES: “Holy crap! Tommy Gunn with a spear that almost breaks Trigger in two.”

Gunn gets Trigger up to her feet…

KILL SHOT!!!(Jackhammer)

”Yes!! Yes!!”

Gunn lifts Trigger up and above his head…he heaves her through the air and over the ropes…

Somehow, some way Trigger manages to grab a hold of the top rope on her way out. Gunn has no idea. Sawyer is dusting the cobwebs off when Trigger reaches over and grabs her by the hair and pulls her towards the ropes.

Heyman is screaming at Gunn to turn around and see what is going on.

Trigger and Sawyer are positioned on opposite sides of the ropes trading blows. Trigger quickly grabs Sawyer by the head and puts her into a headlock and tries to lift her up for a suplex but Sawyer blocks it by wrapping her foot on the lower rope.

Sawyer uses her one free hand and punches Trigger in the stomach repeatedly. Trigger tries to tighten her hold on Sawyer while Sawyer continues to punch Trigger in the stomach. On the fifth punch Trigger releases the hold on Sawyer.


Gunn lowers his head and charges at Trigger…he leaps…



JOEY STYLES: “That’s it!!! It’s over!!! Tommy Gunn eliminated both Trigger and himself with a suicide diving clothesline. Kendall Sawyer is the winner of the nWo Battle Royale!!

Calamity Trigger AND Tommy Gunn – Eliminated


Paul Heyman climbs into the ring and celebrates with Kendall Sawyer.

Winner: Kendall Sawyer

JOEY STYLES: "That's it Ladies and Gentlemen. The Heyman Alliance has claimed it's first victory thanks to some great teamwork. We will see you next week for another edition of Monday Night Madness!!

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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[-] The following 9 users Like Ozymandias's post:
(04-23-2014), Frodo mother fucking Smackins (04-22-2014), Guppy Parsh (04-22-2014), JonPlex (04-22-2014), Kendall Savannah Sawyer (04-22-2014), Morbid Angel (04-22-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-22-2014), Tommy Gunn (04-22-2014), Vellore Brommer (04-22-2014)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-22-2014, 03:12 PM

"Heyman Alliance - 1
Everyone Else - 0"

"Are you all paying attention yet?"

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Colton Bryan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-22-2014, 04:07 PM

Tell me did you win, or was it your buddy that you sacrificed yourself for?
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-22-2014, 04:33 PM

"Is this is a serious question or are you the dumbest fuck to ever escape his mother's cunt?"

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Tommy Gunn's post:
Vellore Brommer (04-23-2014)
Colton Bryan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-22-2014, 05:12 PM

Tell me how will your friend win the title if the rest of the nWo are out there for the title match? Will he be beat to hell before the match begins or will they cause a disqualification to make sure Hogan keeps the title?
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-22-2014, 05:42 PM

"Tell me, did you happen to catch how useless the nWo was this past week?"

"Do you think that was an accident?"

"You let me worry about the nWo, you just worry about not getting murdered 15 second seconds into your match tomorrow night."

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Kendall Savannah Sawyer Offline
Repetition is the key to success.

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-22-2014, 05:42 PM

(04-22-2014, 05:12 PM)Colton Bryan Said: Tell me how will your friend win the title if the rest of the nWo are out there for the title match? Will he be beat to hell before the match begins or will they cause a disqualification to make sure Hogan keeps the title?


I'm not sure if that's an insult to my femininity, or a legitimate mix up by the blindness of the person making the claim.

Awardments and Accoladations:

Last European Champion (Won April 28, 2014 -- Unified into the Universal Title May 19th, 2014)
Tag Team Champion (w/ ???) (Won August 13, 2014 -- Lost December 10, 2014)
Star of the Month (April 2014)
Wannabe Jessie Diaz (You know, if you're stupid Swagmire)

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” ― Mary Shelley
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Kendall Savannah Sawyer's post:
Vellore Brommer (04-23-2014)
Colton Bryan Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-22-2014, 05:56 PM

Yeah six people had to team up on them, and I know you lost on purpose, and that if Hogan hadn't botched so horribly that match could have ended very differently. Also if Hogan and his buddies come back for Warfare I'm going to go straight for them. Kendall sorry wasn't watching the match just was told the ending, and sorry but Kendall is also a guy's name, and I don't know anyone here yet.
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-22-2014, 06:08 PM

Congrats... Heyman's Alliance...also to you Kendall, you did great. To nWo, you guys should fade away already.. this isn't a late 90s WCW..where yall had the roster jump ship to you punks.

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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[-] The following 3 users Like John_Black's post:
Kendall Savannah Sawyer (04-23-2014), Tommy Gunn (04-23-2014), Vellore Brommer (04-23-2014)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-23-2014, 04:21 AM

"Kendall is a beast, just not in the looks department. My first match back from the dead was against Kendall, and I'll tell ya, she earned that win. And this one. Still kinda wanna suck Tommy's cock, too bad he's gay and won't let me."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-23-2014, 05:23 PM

And the streak continues!

BRRRRROCK takes the Trios!

BRRRRROCK ends the streak!

SENATOR takes the crown.... but fuck that guy...

Now, my brand new client Kendall Sawyer does what she does best.... WIN!

We're now only a short time away from seeing her as the next XWF World champion!
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[-] The following 2 users Like Paul Heyman's post:
Tommy Gunn (04-23-2014), Vellore Brommer (04-23-2014)
Gilmour Classic Offline
im not fat!!

XWF FanBase:
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04-23-2014, 06:52 PM

crappy show since im not on it

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Vellore Brommer Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-23-2014, 07:09 PM

"You must have a different definition of "crappy show" than I."
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