- vs -
Geri Vayden
- vs -
Tali Areano 1 RP
Shark Tank Elimination Match: Each side of the ring will have a tank filled with a different shark. You must throw your opponent inside one of the tanks in order to eliminate them, last one standing wins.
Tommy Wish
- vs -
North Korean War Criminal Flag Match: Winner will be the first man to climb the turnbuckle opposite them and retrieve their respective country's flag
Axel Van Osbourne
- vs -
Corporate Chaos Corporate Lumberjack Match: Security Guards will be surrounding the outside, ready to beat up/toss in whoever exits the ring. Rumor has it, Theo has paid them handsomely to ignore anything Chaos does.
OOC: All matches are 2 RPs with 3k Word Limit, except the Opener. You must post 1 cold open RP before the soft deadline (Friday July 9th 11.59pm board time) if you wish to post 2.
The camera opens backstage to Corey Smith seated upon a small metal chair, bent over as he ties the laces on his boots with the Television Championship on a bench to his right, and the 24/7 Briefcase on the ground next to the chair on his left. A creaking door draws his attention.
Smith looks up to see the perpetually uncomfortable frame of the Universal Champion, Alias, standing over him.
SMITH: Hey yourself.
ALIAS: You ready?
SMITH: For Bobby? Born ready.
ALIAS: No. Not for Bobby. For war.
WIth his laces tied, Smith stands and steps a little closer to Alias.
SMITH: As in "War Games"? Abso-fudgin'-lutely.
ALIAS: Have you spoken to the others yet?
SMITH: Not yet. And, I'm pumped for this, don't get me wrong. But I kinda wish that had gone another way. Unfortunately, well, with the way that draft roster was….
Corey grimaces.
ALIAS: Yeah, I get it. You should probably get onto that soon though. It’s going to take a bit of work to get this clusterfuck of a group on the same page. An alleged man-of-the-cloth with a penchant for stealing cocks; a legitimate war criminal; and an amnesiac nutjob with a hard-on for fire and mock-cannibalism.
SMITH: Not to mention the guy who has been possessed by both an evil virus AND a warrior from the future.
ALIAS: Right, and that guy is still somehow the most ‘normal’ guy on the team. Whatever ‘normal’ means.
Smith scratches the back of his head.
SMITH: Heh… yeah… I guess...
ALIAS: Honestly… you’re probably the only person who even stands a chance of bringing us together. Look at that home of misfit toys you’ve already put together back in Florida. Not everybody can…
Alias trails off as his eyes drop to the ground behind Smith. Corey follows his gaze all the way to the 24/7 Briefcase. Alias stares at the case, leaving an awkward pause in the air. Corey seeks to interrupt it.
SMITH: I meant what I said, you know. About how I plan on using the case.
A second drags out forever as Alias leaves his words hanging there. Blinking, he switches his attention back to Smith.
ALIAS: I believe you.
He nods.
ALIAS: And I mean it when I say that as far as War Games goes, where you go, I do.
Alias offers a hand that Corey pats away as he swoops in and gives Alias a quick side-on bro hug, patting him on the back in the process.
SMITH: I believe you. The only question left is, are you ready?
ALIAS: For war? Born ready.
SMITH: No. Not for war. For Atara.
ALIAS: … Abso-fudgin'-lutely.
Corey Smith chuckles as the scene fades out.
- vs -
Geri Vayden
- vs -
Tali Areano 1 RP
Shark Tank Elimination Match: Each side of the ring will have a tank filled with a different shark. You must throw your opponent inside one of the tanks in order to eliminate them, last one standing wins.
Calypso jogs out from the back and stops center stage and absorbs the purple and yellow sparklers that go off upon his arrival. He jogs the rest of the way down the ring, holding out both hands for unreturned high fives along his way to the ring.
Geri Vayden walks to the ring.
Say You Will by Evanescence is heard on the sound system. Talia Areano comes out from behind the curtain wearing a leather jacket. When she gets to the ramp, shower fireworks reign down on her. She walks down the ramp with her hips moving back and forth and she is swinging her arms. She gets on the apron and enters the ring between the ropes. After that, she walks over to the ropes on the right side and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. She then gets off the ropes and walks to one side of the ring and waits for the officials to start the match.
HHL: Savage opens up with a Shark Tank Match!
Pip: That’s right, fans! We have Geri Vayden! We have Calypso! We have Talia Areano! And we have four shark tanks on each side of the ring! Last person standing wins!
All three competitors stand in their respective corners as the bell rings and immediately Geri Vayden rushes to the center of the ring! Talia roundhouse kicks her upon her arrival, sending her straight to her back on the canvas! Calypso gives Talia a thumbs up, Talia sends one back followed by a superkick under Calypso’s jaw who nearly does a backflip when the foot makes contact!
Pip: Talia Areano, just a few seconds into this one, is the last person standing at the moment!
Talia grabs Calypso by his ears and lifts him to his feet. She throws him into the corner and starts unloading strong kicks to his abdomen… One after another to the oofs and awes from the crowd! Geri let a few go by before she grabbed Talia by the hair and whipped her to her back on the mat! After a couple of stomps, Geri rushes to the ropes and bounces off… She rushes back and jumps high into the air before missing an elbow! Geri is straight to her feet this time and after missing the move on Talia she rushes to the corner where Calypso is sitting… but she takes a big boot!
HHL: Calypso playing possum and coming to life at the last second!
Geri stumbles back where Talia grabs her by the back of the head and sends her over the top rope! Geri holds onto the top rope and falls on the apron on the outside, not falling into the shark tank and being eliminated! She now holds onto the bottom rope as Talia throws a couple of kicks her way, but Calypso comes out of the corner and takes down Talia with a big clothesline! Calypso drags Talia back up as Geri rolls back into the ring and reaches her feet. Calypso and Talia together clothesline Geri over the top rope and into the shark tank!
Pip: Buh Gawd the humanity! Geri’s in the shark tank!
HHL: Aaaaaaand, she swam out.
Pip: Lame.
Back in the ring, Calypso and Talia stand across from each other in a stare down.
Pip: This is a rematch from last week, fans! Talia Areano managed to take down Calypso in the Lion’s Den Match!
HHL: And Calypso has another chance to get eaten, again!
The two square off and tie up in the middle of the ring. Calypso takes Talia into a headlock, but she presses him against the ropes and sends him running. Calypso bounces off, ducks the roundhouse kick from Talia this time, and bounces off the ropes again! He comes back with a flailing forearm that strikes Talia across the jaw!
Calypso doesn’t hesitate and grabs Talia by the head and lifts her to her feet! She strikes with a couple of fists to the midsection but Calypso returns a couple of knees! He tucks Talia’s head under his arm and lifts her into the air in a vertical suplex! But as he starts up Talia manages to load a couple more fist strikes into Calypso’s face and he lets her back down! Talia delivers a couple knees of her own then switches the move around DDTs Calypso into the mat! Talia again wastes no time and rushes to the ropes! Calypso rises up “Undertaker Style” only to get hit with the RUSH HOUR!!
Pip: OH!
HHL: Big forearm smash!
Pip: She calls it the Rush Hour and Calypso looks out cold! Can Talia capitalize?!
Talia bounces around the ring, carrying her momentum before she grabs Calypso and pulls him to his feet! She drags him back to the corner and lands a couple of punches before lifting him up and sits him on the top turnbuckle. She rises up herself and sets up for something on the second ropes, but Calypso responds with a punch to the stomach! Talia stalls and returns a punch to the side of the head. Calypso continues to fight back with a couple more punches to the stomach.
Pip: Talia’s staggering!
Talia wobbles around the second turnbuckle! Calypso pushes her off and she falls to her back on the canvas! He takes a couple of steps and stands atop the top turnbuckle! He measures the distance and leaps! Calypso connects with a diving fist drop! He covers Talia!! The referee waves it off and reminds Calypso the ways of elimination! Calypso scowls and grabs Talia by her attire and lifts her up! Talia quickly pushes away from him and hits another superkick that stuns him! She bounces from the ropes and hits a spear!!!
HHL: Calypso is flattened!
She pulls Calypso back to his feet and throws him into the ropes where he gets tangled! Talia doesn’t know what to do so she just starts kicking him in the head! Calypso bounces in the ropes back and forth over and over again! Talia, with all of her kicks, cannot get Calypso out of the ropes! He finally relaxes and melts through the ropes and falls to the apron! Talia, out of breath from all the kicks, takes one deep one and bounces off the ropes! She baseball slides towards Calypso, but he manages to lift himself up with the bottom rope and she nearly slides into the shark tank!
Pip: Close one but it looks like Talia managed to stay alive!
HHL: Literally!
Calypso lets go and falls on Talia… The two wrestle away from each other and have another stand-off from each corner of the ring. They begin to circle again, but Talia is done with waiting and rushes in with a flying knee! She misses, but lands on her feet! Calypso spins her around and goes for a Calypsonator! Talia pushes him off and he runs into the corner turnbuckle…. Calypso manages to push himself off but gets kicked in the head!! This sends Calypso stumbling!! He leans against the top rope, Talia walks up the three turnbuckles and delivers a missile dropkick down onto Calypso’s head which sends him flipping feet over shoulders over the top rope and into the shark tank!
Pip: Oh no not again!
HHL: The sharks are swarming!!
Pip: This one’s over, fans! Talia Areano is going to get two wins over Calypso in two straight Savages!!
Winner - Talia Areano
Geri Vayden, having escaped the shark tank, is left in the ring alone when suddenly BOB jumps the rails!
Fury leads the charge as Bobby, Thunder Knuckles, and Oswald surround the ring!
PIP: "BOB is surrounding the ring!"
HHL: "Not just BOB, but the War Games team lead by that woman, Miss Fury!"
Geri is trapped with nowhere to go! Miss Fury smiles wickedly before ordering the charge!
PIP: "Here we go!"
BOB hits the ring and quickly overwhelms Geri Vayden!
PIP: "It's a mugging Heather! Why isn't anyone stopping this!?"
HHL: "Fear PIP, plain and simple!"
Bobbie jerks Geri's lifeless body off the mat into a vertical suplex!
Oswald then flies off the top rope with a Red Arrow to Geri!
Fury stops around her fallen prey, taunting her for not seeing this coming. Suddenly she drops to the mat and locks Geri into her patented Octopus Hold!
PIP: "The Black Widow, but Geri's already out cold! What's the point of this senseless attack!?"
HHL: "To send a message PIP. If I were in War Games, I'd watch my back tonight, because I'm guessing that everyone is fair game!"
[[An obscene mound of gold coins fills the screen, shot from above.]]
[[The camera pans up to the figure of an impeccably-dressed man standing on a platform high above what basically looks like a silo half-filled with coins, ingots, and bars that would make Big Money Oswald blush, and make Scrooge McDuck himself quack in jealous rage.]]
[[The man reaches into a duffel bag sitting on a digital scale, produces a coaster-sized gold coin, and coolly dispatches it to the hoard below.]]
Money, they say, is the root of all evil. And these days, it seems like more and more people are saying it. Calling for justice. Calling for equality.
[[As he speaks, the camera slowly ascends toward him and the gleaming light just behind his shoulder--blotting out any recognizable features, but crisply outlining the arrogant silhouette.]]
But I see money as an equalizer. As a lever of the just. And ALWAYS as an opportunity.
You see, every man or woman has needs in this world. Good, bad, poor, rich... Everyone drawing breath on this globe is motivated to meet those needs, and this?
[[He produces another coin.]]
In some hands, this is the perfect tool to meet those needs, with the potential to provide for millions of people. In some hands, this is an indestructible weapon for good--overpowering the corrupt, slicing through obstacles to justice, or simply lifting the burden of the righteous so they may turn their full strength to the wicked.
But it can also be a shackle to the foolish, holding them forever at arm's length from those needs. To the addict, this is nothing more than an engine, hurtling them to self-destruction. To the undisciplined, this is a lens to wildly distort priorities and a silver-tongued satan, whispering temptations of recklessness.
But in my hands...
This is a chance.
This coin is worth exactly $1,000. At the beginning of the night, this bag was loaded up with exactly 500 of them.
If you're still counting on your fingers like a driveling idiot, that's half a million dollars.
[[He tosses the coin.]]
500,000 dollars, offered to the first person in this building to complete my task.
For some, life-changing money. Sayors, you could pay for your daughter's treatments for the next few years with this. Reggie Estrada, think of the good this money could do back home! Lycana, imagine... Well imagine all the fucking Milk Bones you could buy with that much cash.
[[He reaches into the bag and sends another coin tumbling below.]]
The task? Whatever it takes... To make sure Thaddeus Duke... does NOT leave this arena under his own power tonight!
[[Gasps slither their way through the crowd.]]
Here's the catch: To motivate all of you aspiring freelancers to act quickly, I am taking back one thousand dollars for every 10 seconds that son of a bitch remains upright.
I'm not a micromanager, really I'm not.
[[His tone grows more sardonic, almost gleeful.]]
In the ring, out of the ring, break him with your bare hands, Nancy Kerrigan his ass if you have to. And hey--I am perfectly fine with subcontracting, and we do not tolerate discrimination of any kind here.
[[His tone returns to menacing as he focuses again.]]
Duke, look to your left... Now look to your right. Do you see anyone who values your friendship... or even your basic well-being more than this money?
The clock is ticking, Duke. Counting down the seconds until someone you trust decides to focus his priorities... And meet his needs.
On the X-Tron, it shows a Smiley Flower then all the pedals fall off into a blue scared Smiley Flower. We see Tommy Wish standing at the stage as the beat dropped, he looks at the crowd while had his hand in his pocket. Then he walks down to the ramp, and gives some high fives to the fans, then he climbs to the ring and, once he enters, he simply sits on the corner as he awaits for whomever he's fighting, as his theme slowly fades off.
NKWC walks in perfect step to the tune of the North Korean National Anthem, wielding a ceremonial sword and immaculate military uniform. A wondrous orchestra of True Koreans trumpet out the beautiful melody any man could ever hear. Two cadets walk several paces after him wielding the glorious flag of True Korea, wavering majestically overhead, leading the way to a brighter future for all mankind. Wherever he is, the True Leader of the Free World, Kim Jong Un sheds a single of tear of pride for the Greatest Warrior on the Planet, aside from himself.
NKWC sheds off the jacket of his military uniform and walks up the steps into the ring. The cadets catch the jacket and without letting it or the flag hit the ground and touching filthy North American soil, quietly scurry back up the ramp.
PC: "Last time we saw North Korean War Criminal, he was pulling one over on Betsy Granger and TV's Bones!"
HHL: "That's right, Pip, but I don't think it'll be as easy for him, this time. The street's have hardened Tommy over the years, and he's learned how to keep his eyes peeled for any sort of shenanigans."
With both competitors ready to go, as well as the flags secured atop a pole on opposite turnbuckles, the referee turns to the time keeper and calls for the bell.
Tommy Wish
- vs -
North Korean War Criminal Flag Match: Winner will be the first man to climb the turnbuckle opposite them and retrieve their respective country's flag
PC: "Now, don't forget, folks, this is a Flag Match, which means the first man to scale the turnbuckles and retrieve his country's respective flag will be declared the winner."
Tommy immediately goes to tie-up with his opponent, who has other things in mind, as he drops to his knees and tries to climb through Wish's legs. Unfortunately for the War Criminal, Tommy bends over and wraps his arms around his waist, before hoisting him up in the air and connecting with a devastating J-Bomb!
PC: "That could be all she wrote, already!"
HHL: "You may be right, North Korean War Criminal appears to be out!"
A triumphant Tommy Wish puts his arms in the air for a moment, before making his way towards the corner with the American flag in it. To his surprise, NKWC is able to grab hold of his foot, preventing him from going any further.
HHL: "I can't tell if he's trying to keep Wish from retrieving the flag, or beggin' for mercy."
PC: "Probably both!"
Tommy tries to drag his opponent with him, to no avail. This causes him to reach down and pull North Korean War Criminal to his feet, where he Irish Whips him to the ropes. In one quick swoop, the War Criminal is able to jump through the ropes and out onto the apron, where he rushes over to his corner and begins climbing the turnbuckles. Seeing this, Tommy rushes over to the same corner and hurries up the ropes in an attempt to stop him.
HHL: "The War Criminal knows he doesn't want to get into a fist fight with Tommy Wish."
PC: "Absolutely not! The sooner he retrieves the flag, the better for him, and his face, it will be!"
NKWC tries to grab hold of his flag, only for Wish to stop him. Tommy takes his opponent's arm and smashes it into the pole, causing him to fall back into the ring. Wish then turns around and waits for the War Criminal to get up.
PC: "Tommy Wish could be lookin' to fly!"
Once his opponent rises, Wish dives off for a Flying Lariat, only to have a mouthful of Manly, Machismo Blinding Green Mist spit into his eyes!!!!! Seeing his opportunity, North Korean War Criminal hurries to his feet and brings a blinded Tommy with him.
PC: "The War Criminal is looking to end it right here with the North Korean Nuclear Arms Test!!!"
NKWC goes to lift his opponent up, but he isn't strong enough. This causes Wish to drop to his feet, with North Korean War Criminal's head between his arm, allowing him to fall backwards for a HideYaFace that leaves both men out on the mat!!!!
HHL: "I think Tommy was running off pure instinct on that one!"
PC: "And if he doesn't get that mist out of his eyes, he's gonna have to for the entire match!"
Wish begins wiping his eyes, doing the best he can to regain his sight. The process is a slow and tedious one, with every second that passes allowing his opponent time to recover. Eventually, he is able to see enough to make it back to his feet but, before he can head towards old glory, North Korean War Criminal grabs onto the back of his pants. Tommy takes a couple steps forward, dragging NKWC behind him as if he weren't even there. Desperate to keep his opponent from attaining the flag of his enemies, the War Criminal turns to more underhanded tactics and stops Tommy dead in his tracks with an Honorable Hero's Low Blow to the Nether Regions!
PC: "The most effective move in all of wrestling!"
HHL: "It's also one of the most illegal."
PC: "Good thing there's no rules in a Flag Match; other than getting your flag, of course!"
Tommy rolls around on the mat as North Korean War Criminal begins to crawl towards his country's flag. He slowly makes it to the corner, where he uses the ropes to drag himself to his feet. Despite having his balls knocked back up inside him, Wish is able to get to a vertical base, as well, where he's forced to decide between going after his flag or preventing the War Criminal from getting his. Tommy chooses the latter, charging towards the corner in an attempt to smash his opponent between himself and the turnbuckles. To Tommy's dismay, NKWC sees him coming and is able to sidestep him at the last second, causing Wish to crash, chest first, against the not-so-padded padding.
HHL: "Don't let them turnbuckles fool you, folks, they hurt alot more than you'd expect!"
North Korean War Criminal begins climbing the ropes, only for his foot to slip out from under him. He tries to catch himself, but is unable to, causing him to land on his feet in the ring, ruining any progress he might've made.
PC: "The War Criminal certainly isn't known for his aerial tactics............. or ANY tactics, for that matter!"
HHL: "He's known for underhanded ones."
PC: "Yeah, but Pyongyang doesn't show those, so it doesn't count!"
North Korean War Criminal starts scaling the turnbuckles once more, with Tommy Wish slowly beginning to stir. The War Criminal eventually makes it to the top as Wish gets to his feet and heads in his direction. NKWC tries to stand up on the top rope, but Tommy grabs hold of one of his feet, preventing him from doing so. As North Korean War Criminal desperately reaches up towards the flag of his homeland, Tommy Wish yanks him off the turnbuckle and into the center of the ring where he applies the Fetish Lock. His opponent starts tapping out almost immediately, crying out for help as he does so.
PC: "The War Criminal can give up all he wants, it's not going to end the match any sooner!"
North Korean War Criminal begs the ref to get his opponent off him, but all Chaz does is shrug and back away. The War Criminal crawls towards the ropes and desperately tries to grab hold of them, only for Tommy to pull him back to the center!
HHL: "The ropes aren't gonna save him, either!"
Tommy applies as much pressure as possible as NKWC tries whatever he can to escape his opponent's clutches. In one last ditch effort, he rolls forward and sends Wish flying into the corner with the Korean flag. The War Criminal stands up, though he has a bit of trouble with the ankle, and runs at his opponent(though it's more like a hobble). Wish turns around and goes to pop NKWC up, who is able to use the momentum in order to fly OVER Tommy's head and onto the top rope. The War Criminal goes to grab his flag from the pole, but Wish steps forward to stop him............................... only for the cadets from his opponent's entrance to run out from the back, slide in the ring, and grab hold of him!!!!!
HHL: "What the hell?! This isn't fair!"
PC: "All's fair in love and WAR!"
Tommy Wish struggles to get out of their grasp, but it does no good as North Korean War Criminal is able to stand up and retrieve his flag for the win.
Winner- North Korean War Criminal
The War Criminal stands proudly atop the turnbuckles and waives his flag to a roar of boos.
HHL: "Not exactly what you wanna see two weeks removed from the 4th."
PC: "You Americans and your independence."
NKWC was waving his North Korean Flag with pride, as the fans where throwing garbage at him, Tommy smashes his cadets together and rolls out of the ring and he pulls out steel chair from underneath, as he was waving his flags around, he hits NKWC with a stiff chair shot that knocked him out, and he hits the chair some more as the bell had rung.
Then Sea World security tries to take Tommy out of the ring, but he then hits them off with chairs in the process. Then he takes the USA Flag and the North Korean Flag, and dumps them to the outside. He then waits for NKWC get on his feet, and he hits a HideYaFace onto him in the middle of the ring.
PC: What has come over Tommy here tonight in Sea World, he’s disrespecting both flags of our nation’s capital…well minus one that isn’t apart of it.
HHL: Well PC, Tommy had a long fought match, and wanted to share his feelings on to NKWC here tonight. Oh let’s see what he has to say!
Tommy then gets on the mic as he stands over the downed NKWC.
T: I know you fans are excepting me to parade the USA flag like a Patriotic man, but that isn’t the case at all. You all thought that I was going to leave this man alone after the match, but you all were wrong on all accounts. I managed to take out a man, who everyone would love to see be shipped back to North Korea in a bodybag for his people to feast on. I don’t like the fact he had to bring up my past mistake i’ve had made prior to my nine year tenure with the company.
PC: What’s he talking about “past mistakes” he’s making a mistake right now for disrespecting America and North Korea!
HHL: Well War Criminal did say something about his past in one of his recent shoots.
PC: That doesn’t mean he should be this disrespectful to the flags, whatever issues he has with War Criminal needs to be in the back, not out here!
HHL: Well, let Tommy have his moment to air out his thoughts, maybe we’ll get an insight on it.
Tommy pases himself around the ring, and looking at the fans who bought their money to see this show in Sea World. Then he sits on the corner, as he leans on the corner just watching War Criminal in pain.
T: You’re right Criminal, I did pull as Starrcade Nash ’97 and yes I am just coasting by like nobody business. But what about you Criminal? You think that your affiliation with Flynn is going to make you relevant in the year of 2021? I guess you and your people are stuck in the Juche Calendar of your dead leaders birthday. I don’t care that I ditched Mike fucking Mayhem, I don’t care about the fact that I am not above average in the XWF, and most I don’t care about… is being a guy that people can look up to in this ring, so for now on, love me or hate me… you all better respect I put in nine years of torment being on the road. So Criminal…
Tommy pulls himself up form the top rope, and he gets to Criminal who was slowly getting to his feet, he extends for a handshake, but he punches him in the jaw that floored him. Then Tommy just leaves leaves the ring, and walks to the back when, all of a sudden...................
...............Miss Fury, Oswald, and Them No Good Bastards surround the ring
There they are Pip!
We’ve seen them do this once tonight! Looks like BOB is about to strike again!
Fury and TK jump up on the apron as Bobby and Oswald slide in. Bobby pops up to his feet and delivers a hellish lariat while Ozzy chop blocks North Korean War Criminal’s knees.
This is absolutely disgusting!
It doesn’t look like it stops here!
TK and Miss Fury start kicking North Korean War Criminal while he’s down. Bobby is hamming it up for the crowd. Oswald starts to join in on the stomping.
Send some referees down or something.
Yeah, I don’t think that's going to happen.
Bobby smacks TK’s arm and motions toward the back. Miss Fury and Oswald stop stomping North Korean War Criminal. Then they all head towards the back but not before Oswald gets one final stomp in.
As the guitar wails, Axel Van Osbourne yanks the curtain to the side as pyro shoots into the air from up and down the ramp. AVO runs down the ramp, climbing up on the apron he steps through the ropes running to each side pumping up the crowd. He walks to the center of the ring dropping to one knee, hand in the air as more pyro shoots off from each ring post.
The words "FOLLOW ME" show up on the X-Tron screen as smoke billows at the entrance. Blue and white lights flicker. At the 10 second mark, he steps through the smoke wearing his jacket (Rated R Edge trench coat), looking to both sides of the crowd. An entourage of security guards come out behind him and follow him as he walks slowly down the aisle.
HHL: "You don't normally see lumberjacks walking out with one of the competitors............."
PC: "That's because this is a Corporate Lumberjack match; it's different."
Once Chaos gets about 3/4 of the way down, he jogs and slides into the ring (edge style) as the security guards surround the squared circle. Once inside, Chaos climbs up on the far turnbuckle and gets up on it, throwing both arms up.
HHL: "Something tells me this is another match made to benefit Theo's corporate stooge."
PC: "That's Corporate Chaos, Heather! Have you been drinking?"
HHL: "No, but I probably should be!"
Security surrounds the ring as a skeptical Axel Van Osbourne looks at them. Chaos stands in the opposite corner, a cocky smirk on his face. The ref makes sure all the lumberjacks are set, as well as the wrestlers, before calling for the bell.
Axel Van Osbourne
- vs -
Corporate Chaos Corporate Lumberjack Match: Security Guards will be surrounding the outside, ready to beat up/toss in whoever exits the ring. Rumor has it, Theo has paid them handsomely to ignore anything Chaos does.
Van Osbourne goes to charge at his opponent, but gets tripped by one of the guards on the outside. He quickly gets up and turns to face them, his arms in the air, leaving Corporate Chaos with the perfect opportunity to attack him from behind.
HHL: "Last I checked, lumberjacks were only supposed to worry about what's happening outside the ring."
PC: "But this is a CORPORATE Lumberjack Match, it's different!!!"
Chaos stomps on his downed opponent a couple times before dropping to his level and choking him with the bottom rope. The referee gives him hell for it, only to get bitched out for his trouble. Corporate Chaos then runs towards the ropes and back, connecting with a Baseball Slide that sends Axel Van Osbourne flying to the outside. As soon as he hits the floor, security surrounds him and begins laying a beatdown.
HHL: "Shouldn't they be throwing him back in the ring?"
PC: "Not in a Corporate Lumberjack Match, i............."
HHL(interrupting): "It's different, we know!"
The guards eventually roll Van Osbourne back into the ring, where Corporate Chaos puts a boot over his chest as the ref counts the fall.
SHOULDER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
An annoyed Chaos drags his opponent to his feet and walks him over to the other side of the ring, tossing him over the top rope and back to the outside. Just like before, the security guards surround Van Osbourne and begin dishing out as much punishment as possible.
HHL: "Does Chris plan on doing any work tonight?"
PC: "He's corporate, he doesn't HAVE to!"
Once again, the "lumberjacks" roll Axel into the ring where Chaos lazily covers him.
PC: "Axel Van Osbourne might want to stay down at this point."
HHL: "If he can work up some offense and keep it inside the ring, he can turn things around quick!"
An almost bored Chaos pulls Axel to his feet and knocks him back down with a Short-armed Clothesline. He yawns as he picks his opponent back up, only to get clobbered with a right from Van Osbourne! Axel follows it up with a few more, before running to the ropes(jumping over a guard's outstretched arms in the process) and back, only to get leveled with a devastating Spear from Chaos!!!
HHL: "So much for working up some offense."
Not willing to risk his opponent making a comeback, again, Corporate Chaos picks Van Osbourne up in an F5, spins him around, and catches him with a DDT that drives Axel's face into the mat.
PC: "The Equalizer!!! This one could be all over!"
HHL: "Let's be honest, this one was over before it ever even began."
Chaos confidently lays across his opponent, with barely any of him even touching his opponent for the cover.
Winner- Corporate Chaos via pinfall
PC: "What a win for Chaos!"
HHL(sarcastically): "Yes, however did he manage THAT one?"
Corporate Chaos drags Axel Van Osbourne to his feet and tosses him over the top rope, where security makes an example out of him. As this is going on, Theo Pryce walks out onto the ramp and gives his cohort a big thumbs up, receiving one back for his trouble.
HHL: "These two make me sick!"
PC: "You know what makes ME sick? Shellfish."
Suddenly BOB hits the ring! They shove right past Axel Van Osbourne as the rush their target, Chris Chaos and tackle him to the ground!
HHL: "I told you! They're thinning out the competition!"
Bobbie lifts Chaos off the mat and tucks Chris's head under his arm just as Theo Pryce runs down and jumps up on the apron, trying to talk Fury down.
PIP: "I don't know how successful Theo's going to be here. BOB seems dead set on maiming everyone involved in War Games tonight!"
Miss Fury turns to Bobbie and waves him off. Bobbie drops Chris to the mat like a sack of potatoes.
PIP: "What the hell? I can't believe Miss Fury let him go!"
Fury turns back to Theo and mouths the words "You owe me".
HHL: "Why not? Fury and Theo are business partners after all!"
BOB exits the ring as Chaos comes to and wonders WTF just happened.
PIP: "Well for Chris Chaos' sake, thank God for that!"
Cameras backstage find Thaddeus Duke, the XWF Hart Champion and team captain for the War Games extravaganza, heading down a hallway with his belt on his shoulder and a cell phone placed against his ear.
Thad looks to be having trouble connecting a call. He seems confused by the lack of signal and stops at the intersection of a different hallway to look down at his screen and shake the phone, apparently in some effort to get it working better.
Thad looks up and sees the hovering CamBot Drone spying on him and waves at it as if shooing a fly away from a picnic lunch.
Just then, from the side hallway, a hooded figure rushes Thaddeus and knocks him against the brick wall. Duke is sprawled onto the floor as his championship goes flying, and the figure kneels down over him and starts pummeling him with punches to the head and face. The figure stands and unloads a bunch of boots to the torso as well, then drags Duke up by his shirt and slams him into the opposite wall, sending a set of clangy production poles scattering.
Duke is reeling, and after another boot is sent deep into his gut he's also sucking air loudly into his lungs and sounding like he might toss his cookies right there in the hallway. The figure grabs him again and sends him tumbling into a few travelling trunks, then grabs him by the back of the head and drags him out toward Gorilla...
Thad Duke is pulled out through the entrance to the arena and the crowd pops for the Hart Champion at first before realizing what's happening.
PC: "Heather, is Thad Duke scheduled to compete here tonight? What's going on?"
HHL: "No he's not Pip, but it sure looks like he's got a fight on his hands... who is that?"
PC: "Must be whoever decided to take that mysterious benefactor's offer from earlier in the night!"
Thad is pulled to the side of the ramp when he tries to fight back a little bit. He gets a couple of back elbows into his attacker's midsection and looks like he might be able to break free... but then the mystery assailant lunges forward and shoves Duke off of the ramp!
PC: "Jesus Christ!"
Duke is sent flying off of the ramp and crashes down below on top of some AV equipment, sending a shower of sparks into the air. Finally some techs rush to him and see if he's all right as the attacker simply looks down from above, his face still hidden inside of his hoodie.
HHL: "Thad Duke might be seriously hurt! We need medics down there right now!"
PC: "Whoever this man is, I hope the money he just made for himself is worth what he just did! Who would make such a cowardly move!?"
HHL: "Well I hope we find out soon..."
Cameras zoom in on officials and EMTs tending to Duke on the floor as the scene fades
The lights in the arena go deep blue as smoke fills the air. Pink and silver laser lights cut through the smoke and it looks fucking rad.
As his theme blares throughout the arena, slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Bobby Bourbon. He stops, surveys the whole of the arena, raises his fists at 45 degree angles, and continues his deliberate plod towards the ring. Bobby climbs the steps, then climbs the nearest ring post half way and raises his fists at 45 degree angles. The lights go back to normal and the music stops. The XWF Universe in attendance, becoming hooligans, all chant in unison:
PC: "Bobby Bourbon's gonna be having alot more fun if he can manage to take Corey Smith's TV Title here tonight."
HHL: "That's right, Pip, Bobby's got a HUGE opportunity in front of him. It's not too often you get the chance to hold two belts simultaneously, and even less often someone actually does."
PC: "No doubt he's gonna be looking to bring yet ANOTHER Championship to BOB."
The arena is pitch black and the melancholy opening tunes to “Someone Else” begin. But as the song starts to pick up in intensity, down in the entry way, you see a Jericho-esque light up jacket glow brilliantly. Then, twin explosions emit from either side of the ramp and the lights turn on in a swirling red and blue pattern that throb in sync with the beats of the song. Corey comes down the ramp, the jacket now flashing intermittent heart and lightning bolt patterns. On the 'Tron you see images of Corey/Lux pulling off fantastic moves, intercut with blur effects on Corey's face that obscure his features in an eerie way.
Corey gets on the ring apron, throwing his arms over the top rope as the jacket keeps flashing. He looks pumped as hell, and starts pointing out at the fans before rushing to the top rope, surveying the crowd from on high, before dropping down to the canvas and handing off his jacket. He paces the ring now, waiting for the match to begin as the music and lighting effects wind down.
PC: "The Champion chose NOT to invoke his right to choose the stipulation in his first promo, meaning this match will be contested under Singles Rules; which will certainly make it alot harder for anyone from BOB to interfere!"
HHL: "Something I'm sure Corey had in mind when deciding whether or not to spice the match up a bit."
PC: "I understand the logic in trying to keep BOB out of this match, but Corey's still got Bourbon to deal with; and it's alot easier to take Bobby down with a chair than it is with your fists!"
HHL: "That may be true but, don't forget, Corey beat Bobby while under the Engineer virus' control!"
PC: "Apples to oranges, Heather. Corey doesn't have the safety net of the Engineer doing all the work for him, this time, he's gonna have to prove he can beat Bourbon on his own!"
Corey hands his TV Title over to the referee, who holds it high above his head before taking it over to the time keeper and calling for the bell.
PC: "And our first of two Title matches is underway!"
Wanting to catch his opponent off guard, Corey Smith immediately rushes at Bourbon and goes for a Knee to the Face; which Bobby takes like a Champ before wrapping his arms around Smith.
HHL: "Bobby didn't even bother blocking!"
PC: "And now he's got Corey right where he wants him!"
Bourbon squeezes Smith tight, applying pressure on the lower part of his spine, before turning and charging into the corner. He drives Corey's back into the turnbuckles and Slams him to the mat, laying over top of him for an early pin attempt.
PC: "You gotta think that pin was more about keeping Corey honest than actually trying to end the match."
HHL: "I think it was a little bit of both. I'm sure if Corey chose to stay down, Bobby wouldn't be too upset about it."
Bourbon brings Smith to his feet and puts his head between his legs, setting up for a Bobby Bomb. As he goes to lift the TV Champion up, though, he's able to escape in mid-air, landing on his feet behind the challenger. Bobby turns around and blocks a Kick from his opponent, before grabbing onto the back of his head and delivering a Big Boy Toss across the ring! The momentum from the throw sends Corey sliding under the bottom rope to the outside, where he crashes hard on the floor.
PC: "This match has been ALL Bobby Bourbon, so far, and that doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon!"
Bobby climbs through the ropes and approaches his opponent, where he's met with a Forearm Strike. Bourbon responds with a powerful Knee to Corey's abdomen, before Irish Whipping him into the barricade! With the Champion down, the challenger turns and begins pulling away at the padding surrounding the ring.
HHL: "I don't like where this is going."
PC: "Guess that makes one of us."
With the concrete floor exposed, Bobby Bourbon walks over to Corey Smith and drags him towards the removed padding. He then sets Corey up for another Bobby Bomb, this one alot more dangerous than his previous attempt.
PC: "Bobby could be looking to end, not only Corey's Title reign, but his CAREER, as well!"
HHL: "There's no end to the brutality of Them No Good Bastards!!!"
Bobby goes to lift Corey up but he's able to slip out of it and land behind him, once more. Bourbon turns around and gets leveled with a Running STO that causes the back of his skull to crack against the concrete floor!!!!
HHL: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Bobby grabs his head, wincing in pain as Corey hurries to his feet and slides halfway into the ring, before retreating back outside.
PC: "Corey's gonna regret not taking the count out, mark my words!"
HHL: "Not everyone likes to take the easy way out, PIP."
PC: "And this is exactly why Corey Smith is NOT BOB material."
Corey struggles to lift Bobby Bourbon up, but somehow manages to lean him against the side of the ring before rolling him in. Smith follows close behind, laying across him for a cover.
Bobby tosses Corey off him, only for the TV Champion to land on his feet. He anxiously awaits his opponent to get up, preparing to Kick him in the head once he does. Unfortunately for Smith, his attempt at a Super Face Pain De-Lux is ducked, allowing Bourbon the chance to wraps his arms around him. Corey responds with multiple Elbows to the side of the challenger's head, the third and final one forcing him to let go. Smith drops to the ropes and back at Bobby, who pops him up out of nowhere and delivers an earth shattering Spinebuster that sends the BOB faithful into a frenzy!!!!!!
PC: "They're gonna be calling it the Corey Smith Extinctor after that one!!!!!"
HHL: "Bobby's got a leg hooked, we could have a new TV Champion right here!"
SHOULDER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PC: "Corey JUST manages to keep his Title reign alive........................ for now!"
Bobby Bourbon sits up and shakes the cobwebs out, a little bit of blood trickling down the back of his mask.
HHL: "Bobby Bourbon's been busted open; try saying THAT ten times fast!"
PC: "He needs to hurry up and finish Corey off. The longer this match goes on, the more that spill on the floor's going to affect him!"
Bourbon points towards the top rope as the fans begin to cheer. Feeding off their energy, Bobby gets up and heads over to the side of the ring, where he climbs out onto the apron and begins ascending the turnbuckles. As he does so, the crowd begins to fill Sea World with another chant.
Once atop, Bobby does a Flying Senton, only for Corey Smith to roll out of the way!
PC: "The Flying Circus misses it's mark!"
As Bourbon goes to get up, he's met with a Super Face Pain De-Lux that puts him right back down!!!!!
HHL: "Corey just treated Bobby's head like a football!"
PC: "Football?!? I believe the term you were looking for is SOCCER ball!"
Smith drops to his butt, still reeling from the punishment he's already taken. Feeling his chance of victory slipping with every passing second, Corey forces himself to crawl over to Bourbon and hook one of his massive legs for the cover.
PC: "That's as close to a three as you can get without actually getting one!"
Desperate to keep his opponent down, Corey drops to Bourbon's level and begins shifting him into a Korean Zombie Twister.
HHL: "Corey's going for the End of Ages!!!!!"
PC: "Guess he CAN'T beat Bobby without the Engineer's help!"
As Smith attempts to lock in the submission hold, Bourbon begins to fight back. He manages to stop Corey halfway through, all the while slowly making it to his feet. Bobby works his way to a vertical base, with the TV Champion helplessly hanging off his side. This allows Bourbon to chuck Corey off him towards the center of the ring.
HHL: "Bobby's escaped!"
PC: "That's not gonna be FUN for Corey!"
Bobby Bourbon charges at Smith, who pushes him away with an Axe Kick that does a better job at keeping the distance than it does damage. Bourbon takes a step forward, only to back away as Corey attempts a Face Pain De-Lux that just narrowly misses the bridge of Bobby's nose! With his opponent off balance, Bourbon charges in for a massive Clothesline, only for Smith to duck underneath it. Bobby turns into a Back Kick, which he manages to catch before using the momentum to Whip the TV Champion towards the opposite corner. Corey manages to step up the turnbuckles and dive backwards for a Moonsault, which Bourbon catches!!!!! He goes to pop the Champion up, only for him to reverse it into a modified DDT that leaves both of them out on the mat!
HHL: "Corey isn't really known for his wrestling ability, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to counter your opponent!"
Corey crawls over to his opponent and lays on top of him for a laxed cover.
PC: "I'm surprised Bobby kicked out with all the shots to the head he's taken!"
HHL: "At the end of the day, you're not gonna keep XWF's National Treasure down with a DDT."
Corey Smith makes it to his feet and waits for Bobby to get to his. Once he does, Corey runs at him and goes for a Twisting Neckbreaker, but Bourbon shoves him off. Smith runs to the corner and steps up the turnbuckles once more, only to get knocked on his ass by a swift Bobby Bourbon. Rather than pull his opponent off the top rope, Bobby decides to climb up and join him!
HHL: "This has disaster written all over it!"
Corey delivers a vicious Elbow to Bobby, only to take a big ole right in return. Smith follows it up with a chop across Bourbon's chest, receiving a gigantic slap across his own afterwards. Mr. 24/7 punches the No Good Bastard in the throat, nearly knocking him off the top rope. Bobby catches himself, before delivering a vengeful Eye Rake that blinds Corey momentarily. Bourbon pulls himself all the way to the top and points towards the announce table.
PC: "Oh God, no! Please, Bobby, we need this table for the Main Event!!!"
HHL: "I don't know if he can make the jump, but I'm not waiting to find out!"
As Heather backs away from the announce table, followed closely by Pip, the fans get to their feet in anticipation of a big move. Bobby goes to hoist Corey up but, fortunately for him, he's able to grab onto the top rope and prevent Bourbon from lifting him. Bobby tries to pick him up, by Corey refuses to let go. All of a sudden, Smith uses every last ounce of his strength to flip Bobby over his head.............................
HHL: "Holy shit is right!!!"
PC: "Both men are out on the floor, and the ref is refusing to count!"
HHL: "He knows he'd be robbing the fans, AND these two Champions, if he did!"
Corey lays in the wreckage, no sign of movement, as Bobby slowly starts to stir, having taken quite a spill, himself. He crawls over to the side of the ring and uses the skirt to pull himself up. Bourbon stands there for a moment, trying to collect himself, before turning his attention back to Smith.
PC: "I bet Corey's wishing he was fighting Betsy right about now!"
Bobby pulls a limp Corey to his feet, only for him to collapse right away. Bourbon laughs, lifting Smith high above his head and Military Pressing him over the top rope, into the ring. Bobby pulls himself up onto the apron, where he climbs in and approaches Corey. He rolls the TV Champion onto his back and tries to end the reign right there.
HHL: "NO! Corey's got the rope!!!"
A different camera angle reveals a seemingly out Corey with one outstretched hand grabbing the bottom rope.
PC: "WHAT is it gonna take to defeat Corey Smith?!?"
HHL: "Ask Thad."
An irate Bobby Bourbon gets up and shoves the ref, who reminds him just who's in charge of this affair. Bobby slaps himself in the head a couple times before turning back to his opponent. He bends down, grabs Corey by the throat, and lifts him up high above his head. Before he can bring him down, though, the TV Champion is able to Knee Bourbon in the face, forcing him to let go. Smith manages to land with his legs on Bobby's shoulders, in an attempted Hurricanrana. Bourbon overpowers Corey, stopping the move halfway and bringing him up for a Powerbomb. The TV Champion retaliates with a flurry of rights, forcing Bobby to back up into the corner. This allows Corey to climb off his opponent and onto the top rope, where he shoves Bourbon away with his boot. Bobby shakes it off and charges back at him, only to eat boot, once more. The dazed Tag Team Champion is light on his feet as Corey Smith jumps off the top turnbuckle and spins with a Flying Face Pain De-Lux.........................................................................................
.................................................................................................... ONLY TO GET CAUGHT WITH A BOBBY BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bourbon pins Corey's shoulders to the mat and grabs onto his arms for the pinfall.
Winner and NEW XWF Television Champion- Bobby Bourbon via pinfall
PC: "What an upset! BOB takes her ANOTHER XWF Title!"
HHL: "As if this night wasn't already all about BOB.........."
Shortly following the match, Miss Fury, TK, and Oswald run to the ring to celebrate with Bobby. The referee hands him the belt as his stable mates offer their congratulations.
HHL: "BOB unity here tonight!"
As Bobby is brought to his feet, Fury turns and kicks Corey Smith in the groin! Oswald pulls a pair of brass knuckles out and clocks Corey! All four members of BOB start laying the boots to the downed Smith!
PC: "They've done this in every match so far! Why hasn't anyone came in to help?
HHLBOB is definitely showing the locker room what to expect at War Games!
PC: "We are moments away from our Main Event and, quite frankly, I don't envy either one of these competitors having to follow up that last match!"
HHL: "It'll certainly be hard to top, but neither Alias OR Atara are worried about putting on a classic, so long as they walk away with the XWF Universal Championship."
PC: "As usual, our Champion is already in the ring, ready to go, let's not make him wait any longer!"
We see Alias in the ring with his Universal Title as the honeyed rasp of Atara's voice blares over the facility's PA in unison with those words appearing on the multitude of screens and displays littering the arena.
The crowd pops and gets to their feet shouting in near total unison a single word.
Arena lights start to pulse in time with the music and multiple vertical streams of pyro erupt across the front of stage. Strutting with purpose Atara emerges from the back taking spot centerstage atop the ramp. Posing for the camera, a wink and kiss is given to the viewers at home.
Grunge walking to the ringsteps, she climbs and stops at the top to posture again for her adoring public. Hand on her hip, the Grecian moves to the middle of the apron to blows a final kiss to the camera and enters the ring through the middle rope.
HHL: "All of Atara's hard work comes to a culmination here tonight!"
PC: "Not if she doesn't win! Hell, are we even sure she's going to compete?!? I think I saw her limping down the aisle a little bit!"
HHL: "Oh stop! I don't see Big Preesh anywhere, but I DO see Atara."
PC: "Maybe he's hiding!"
HHL: "I don't think Preesh is really the hiding type."
Alias hands his Universal Championship over to the referee, who holds it in the air and gives each of them the opportunity to touch it. Once they do, he takes it over to the time keeper and calls for the bell.
PC: "Depending on which version of Atara decides to show up, this COULD be Alias' toughest test, yet!"
HHL: "You're such a hater!"
PC: "Well, excuse me for wanting to see the match that was advertised!"
HHL: "Atty's here, in the ring, ready to lock up with the Universal Champion; at this point, nothing else matters!"
PC: "I'll believe it once they start fighting."
Atty and Alias circle the ring, trying to feel each other out a bit, before eventually locking up. Atara gets the Champion into an Arm Wrench, following it with multiple Knees to the Gut that back her opponent up against the ropes. The ref orders her to break the hold, which she does with an Irish Whip attempt that Alias reverses. Themis bounces off the ropes and back at the Universal Champion, who connects with an Arm Drag. Atty wastes little time getting back up, only to be taken back down with another Arm Drag. Once again, she's back to her feet as quickly as she went down, this time blocking a third attempt and Whipping Alias towards the corner. He hits the turnbuckles, chest first, the force sending him flying backwards towards Atty. She grabs him from behind by the balls and tosses him over her head for a modified German Suplex.
HHL: "Birth of Venus!"
Unfortunately for Atty, Alias is able to do a full flip in mid-air, landing on his feet in the process. A stunned Atara turns around, a befuddled look on her face.
PC: "And that's why he's the Champion and she's NOT!"
Atara snaps out of her shock and charges towards Alias, only for him to sidestep her and push her towards the corner. Atty's back smacks against the turnbuckles, with the Universal Champion right there to jump onto the second rope and Monkey Flip her over him...................... only for Themis to land on her feet, this time!!!!!
HHL: "You were saying?"
PC: "Okay, okay, I gotta admit, THAT was pretty impressive."
Alias turns around and gives Atara the very same look of shock she gave him just moments ago. Atty doesn't give him time to get up, instead Kicking him in the head, suddenly, before dropping down for the pin attempt.
PC: "I don't think Alias expected that one."
HHL: "Gotta be on your toes at all times when you're the Champion; especially when there's a 24/7 Briefcase floatin' around!"
Atara applies a Front Facelock in an attempt to keep Alias down, but he's able to work his way to his feet, despite the hold. Once there, he reached for Atty's shoulder and locks in a Vulcan Death Grip, pinching his opponent's nerves to the point where she's forced to let go. Themis backs away for a second, only to turn around into a Running Knee that cracks her right on the chin! The Champion immediately drops down and covers the challenger.
PC: "Atara's gonna need her jaw wired shut after THAT shot!"
HHL: "But that's not gonna slow her down one bit!"
Alias gets up and holds his left hand in the air, preparing to finish Atty off.
PC: "Atara's about to Eat The Left-Hand!"
He waits for her to make it to her feet before shoving his fingers in her mouth, pressing down on the soft tissue under her tongue. Luckily for her, Atara is close enough to the ropes that she only has to take a couple steps sideways in order to wrap her arm around the top one. The referee calls for Alias to break the hold, which he does after a few extra seconds of keeping it locked in.
PC: "If I was Alias, I wouldn't have let go! What's the ref gonna do, disqualify him?!"
HHL: "Weren't you just bitching about ATARA taking the easy way out?"
PC(nonchalantly): "Not me! Must've been my evil twin, Kip."
Atty leans against the ropes, grabbing at her face, as Alias approaches her and Irish Whips her towards the corner, which Themis reverses, sending the Universal Champion into the turnbuckles, instead. She chases after him, only to be met with a Boot to the Face that turns her around. This allows Alias to climb up onto the second rope and dive off for a Flying Bulldog, which Atty ducks, causing the Champion to land flat on his ass! Atara takes a couple steps back, where she waits for Alias to get back to a vertical base, before running at him with a Judgement of Paris. Alias is able to avoid the move, catching Atty with another Eat The Left-Hand, this time in the middle of the ring. Themis reaches for the ropes, trying her best to move closer, only for Alias to pull her right back to the center.
PC: "Atara's gonna have to tap out!"
Atty tries to move for the ropes, again, but Alias refuses to budge. Desperate to escape, Themis drops to her knees and uses all her body weight to heave her opponent forward, forcing him to let go.
HHL: "So much for tapping out, huh?"
Alias is quick to his feet, but doesn't see the Judgement of Venus until it's too late! Atty connects, sending the Champion's head flying backwards as he plummets to the mat. The Shooting Star Champion drops down and hooks both legs, looking to add yet another belt to her resume.
PC: "We almost had a new Champion!!!!!"
HHL: "Atty doesn't believe it, she thought that was a three for sure!"
Atara questions the ref, who insists the Champ got his shoulders up just in the nick of time. Atty huffs, getting to her feet and setting up for another one.
PC: "I'd be amazed if Alias kicks out of a second one."
HHL: "I'm amazed he kicked out of the FIRST one!"
A fired up Atara screams at Alias, demanding he get up. The Champion slowly does, with Atty rushing towards him before he can even fully get to his feet. She goes for another Judgement of Paris, only for Alias to duck underneath it and come up with a brutal FATALITY! As he comes out of his stance to hit the move, two giant orcas jump out of their tanks behind the audience, and over the two competitors like something out of a movie.
HHL: "This is amazing, almost as if they knew they were supposed to jump at this very moment!!!!"
PC: "Well, I DID see Alias whispering to them before the show, but I assumed he was just crazy!"
The whales fly over the crowd and disappear on the other side. The fans begin to clap, as if watching a show at Sea World, without realizing the severe consequences of what just happened.
HHL: "Unfortunately, we're about 70 miles away from the nearest ocean, so those whales are likely going to die unless someone gets them back in their tanks!"
PC: "Hey, better to die free than live imprisoned!"
Back in the ring, Alias has Atara covered, which the referee counts after snapping out of the shock from what he just saw.
Winner and STILL XWF Universal Champion- Alias via pinfall
PC: "The Champion retains in amazing fashion!"
HHL: "Amazing is right! It's not everyday a whale jumps over you as you're hitting your finisher, let alone TWO of them!!!!!"
The referee grabs Alias' Universal Title and hands it to him, raising his arm in the air after. Alias takes his belt and immediately leaves the ring, where he makes his way up the ramp.
PC: "A solid effort from Atara, no doubt she'll be back with a vengeance in the near future."
HHL: "Absolutely! That Shooting Star Championship guarantees her another Universal Title shot down the road and I'm sure she'll be looking to take advantage of that at some point."
The crowd starts murmuring, as a visibly distraught Atty is at the time keeper's table with her belt.
PC: "What's going on? What is she doing?"
HHL: "I don't know, Pip, she's hysterical! I don't think we've EVER seen her this way before!"
Atty shoves the belt at the time keeper, who has no idea what the hell she wants him to do with it.
PC: "I think............. I think she's trying to get the match restarted! Is she crazy?!"
PC: "Jesus Christ it's just a belt! Sometimes you gotta live to fight another day!"
Atty moves to the commentators, her voice shakey and cracking as you overhear her through Pip and Heather's headsets demanding they tell Theo or Karen to come out.
HHL: "Calm down, Atty! The show's over, go to the back and cool off!"
Pip goes to console her, but Atty boots him to next week!!!!! Heather gets up, only to receive a Judement of Paris for her trouble! Atara picks her up and stands on the wreckage of what was the announce table and From Doves Heather onto it. She then grabs her headset and speaks into it, pleading with the people on the other end as mascara runs down her face.
Atty(screaming): "Don't tell me 'No!' I don't get told no!"
The husk of her voice is gone and she's now screeching.
Atty: "Alias! You're not in control. You don't get to dictate my career!!!"
Security and EMS are out, one to handle Pip & Heather, while the other
tries to reign in Atty. She's still wearing the headset, mostly screaming in Greek and resisting naturally. They start to lead her to back before she shouts into the mic.
Atty: "I concede the Shooting Star Championship! I concede it!!! I want my shot! Fucking start the match, he's not in control, I AM!!!!!!!"
Karen Hunt comes out from the back, a mic in hand, as security escorts Atara up the ramp. The Savage GM holds her hand out, telling them to let her go.
K. Hunt: "If she wants to give up her belt for another match with Alias, so be it."
Karen motions for Alias to come back out, as a satisfied Atty turns to head back for the ring................................. only to surprise Hunt with a Judgement of Paris!!!!! The blow knocks Karen out, sending her microphone flying up in the air before landing perfectly wedged between her boobs. This causes Alias to burst through the curtain and begin hammering away at Themis, leading her down the aisle towards ringside. Once there, he tosses her in and follows close behind, prompting the time keeper to ring the bell, once again as a referee hurries out.
Alias crouches down, motioning for Atara to come at him. The dazed former Shooting Star Champion stumbles in his direction, where he pops up with an Uppercut that nearly sends Atty to the moon! She bounces off the ropes and into Alias' awaiting arms, where he makes her Eat The Left-Hand, once more! The referee, seeing her already out before the submission was applied, immediately calls for the bell.
Winner and still STILL XWF Universal Champion- Alias via TKO
The ref raises the Universal Champion's hand and gives him his Title. Alias pulls his arm away and heads to the outside, specifically to grab the Shooting Star Championship. He slides the belt in the ring before lifting the skirt and looking underneath, eventually coming up with a grill lighter, sending the fans into a frenzy.
Alias slides back in and picks the Shooting Star Title up, before proceeding to set it on fire. The crowd goes crazy as the Universal Champion holds his Title in one hand, and the flaming former women's Championship in the other. He stands there for a moment, atop of the world when, suddenly….
Alias suddenly shifts his attention towards the top of the ramp as the house lights dim out to darkness. White strobe lights start flickering throughout the Sea World!
We see Alias start looking all around when finally Chris Page appears on the X-Tron staring at Alias. Finally Alias turns around seeing a cold Chris Page gazing at him. There’s a wink from Page followed by a smirk before he disappears from the tron and his music fades away.
That's when, as had been the story all night, the BOB Games team runs out to the ring, with the exception of Big Money Oswald.
Bobby and TK slide into the ring. Miss Fury waits outside. Alias tries to fight back! That's when Oswald jumps the barricade and slides into the ring behind an unsuspecting Alias! Oswald grabs the much smaller man up by the throat from behind. Bobby and TK laugh at the surprised Alias. Oswald sends Alias flying into the corner.
Bobby takes off from the other end of the ring and crashes into Alias with a cannonball. The cannonball drops Alias’s body to the bottom turnbuckle. TK, already in motion, cracks Alias with a running knee to the face. Miss Fury walks over to Atara, who’s still down on the ground. TK gets Bobby’s attention over toward Atara. Oswald continues his assault on the Universal Champion. Bobby, TK, and Fury are all standing over top of Atara’s body. TK shrugs, drops to the mat, and rolls out the ring, Bobby follows, as does Fury. Fury whistles, which signal Oswald to leave Alias lying motionless as the credits for the show roll and the scene fades to black.
Special Thanks To:
Big D
Miss Fury
Thunder Knuckles
Tommy Wish
The following 3 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:3 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post Miss Fury (07-17-2021), Mr. Oz (07-17-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-17-2021)
I don't know who that terrible actor was, but Thad doesn't even work Saturdays.
I was in Key West, but definitely not Orlando. Whoever that was that got jacked up? I'll pay his medical bills.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
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2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
(07-17-2021, 03:09 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: I don't know who that terrible actor was, but Thad doesn't even work Saturdays.
I was in Key West, but definitely not Orlando. Whoever that was that got jacked up? I'll pay his medical bills.
You're a posturing cunt, you know that? We all saw the tapes, we can see clear as day that was Thaddeus Duck. Put Corey's cock back in your mouth and take your lickings like a man.
(07-17-2021, 03:09 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: I don't know who that terrible actor was, but Thad doesn't even work Saturdays.
I was in Key West, but definitely not Orlando. Whoever that was that got jacked up? I'll pay his medical bills.
You're a posturing cunt, you know that? We all saw the tapes, we can see clear as day that was Thaddeus Duck. Put Corey's cock back in your mouth and take your lickings like a man.
Why would I come to Saturday Night Average by choice Charlie? That dumbass wants me, he/she/they can find me on Warfare.
EDIT: and I won't even counter.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
(07-17-2021, 03:09 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: I don't know who that terrible actor was, but Thad doesn't even work Saturdays.
I was in Key West, but definitely not Orlando. Whoever that was that got jacked up? I'll pay his medical bills.
You're a posturing cunt, you know that? We all saw the tapes, we can see clear as day that was Thaddeus Duck. Put Corey's cock back in your mouth and take your lickings like a man.
Why would I come to Saturday Night Average by choice Charlie? That dumbass wants me, he/she/they can find me on Warfare.
EDIT: and I won't even counter.
Bitch, why are you so hellbent on lying? It was ME beneath the hood! Just like it was me beneath Thrax's hood! I beat your ass Thaddeus, and I've fought you enough to know the real you from a fake two-bit actor! How many fake 'hart' championships did the XWF make? How many body doubles is the XWF paying to pretend to be Thaddeus Duke on XWF television? You're a sad and pathetic billionaire who, when finally faced with his own mortality and failure, is forced to shy away from it. Forced to cry and beg all of us to play pretend with you.
You're sadder than me, Thaddeus. At least I'm man enough to look in the mirror and see myself for the sorry bastard that I am.
(07-17-2021, 03:48 PM)Charlie Nickles Said: You're a posturing cunt, you know that? We all saw the tapes, we can see clear as day that was Thaddeus Duck. Put Corey's cock back in your mouth and take your lickings like a man.
Why would I come to Saturday Night Average by choice Charlie? That dumbass wants me, he/she/they can find me on Warfare.
EDIT: and I won't even counter.
Bitch, why are you so hellbent on lying? It was ME beneath the hood! Just like it was me beneath Thrax's hood! I beat your ass Thaddeus, and I've fought you enough to know the real you from a fake two-bit actor! How many fake 'hart' championships did the XWF make? How many body doubles is the XWF paying to pretend to be Thaddeus Duke on XWF television? You're a sad and pathetic billionaire who, when finally faced with his own mortality and failure, is forced to shy away from it. Forced to cry and beg all of us to play pretend with you.
You're sadder than me, Thaddeus. At least I'm man enough to look in the mirror and see myself for the sorry bastard that I am.
I'm rather jovial actually. Someone put a replica belt on a guy with great hair and... you know what? That sounds exactly like something you would do.
Anyway, I lead a life outside of the XWF and you can rest very much assured that no part of me was in Orlando today. I'll be in Orlando Wednesday though.
And I still won't counter attack. Continuity matters to me. Thad was definitely not in Orlando because he can't be in two places at once.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
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The following 1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post:1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post Thunder Knuckles™ (07-17-2021)
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(07-17-2021, 03:09 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: I don't know who that terrible actor was, but Thad doesn't even work Saturdays.
I was in Key West, but definitely not Orlando. Whoever that was that got jacked up? I'll pay his medical bills.
"Yeah! And BoB never attacked me either! It was all smoke and mirrors. I ducked out before they came, so they brought a fake me out. Looked more like Kurt Cobain than me, but hey, they do what they can with what little money they have. I heard Ozz's money is in Zimbabwean dollars so it looks a lot, but is actually only worth like 12 cents. I also heard that Bobby Bourbon is literally made of bourbon, which clearly violates XWF Code of Conduct item C1769 stipulating that the only personified liquids that are allowed to compete are those made of cranberry juice or piss (it was a era thing). Chris Page also gave up smoking the ganja and found God and now wants to be known as "Catholic" Chris Page. Kids everywhere need to watch out!
Further, I also have it on good authority that I used my smoke and mirror tricks with Corey and the War Criminal (not you, Thad)! BoB beat up actors there too! This whole damn Savage was a shmoz! Except for the part where I won. Twice. And the part Geri got beat up too, that was fun."
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
It's really not my problem. Call it no selling if you want. Thad had literally zero reason to be at Savage and was elsewhere because once again, he leads a life outside of the XWF and was elsewhere. He wants to attack Thad he can do it where Thad is booked like, you know, normal people would.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
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B.O.B. D
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And THIS is exactly why I hate the idea of attacks without consent.
June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
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2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion
(07-17-2021, 05:25 PM)BigD Said: And THIS is exactly why I hate the idea of attacks without consent.
No I don't care about the attack without consent part. They're trying to attack me for no-selling an attack while simultaneously dismissing (no-selling) Thad's character. If you're gonna attack someone, do it where they're booked.
And again, I still won't counter attack. Call it a dry run and do it for real on Warfare where Thad's actually going to be.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
(07-17-2021, 05:25 PM)BigD Said: And THIS is exactly why I hate the idea of attacks without consent.
TBF, if Thad wasn't booked he should have been consulted. It's always been that you can attack without consent, but only if that person is booked. Otherwise who's to say that they're even there? (Thad)
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
The following 2 users Like Miss Fury's post:2 users Like Miss Fury's post Mr. Oz (07-17-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-17-2021)
(07-17-2021, 05:26 PM)Marf Said: Okay now hold on just a damn minute here. Are y’all telling me that deer on the side of the road was never dead at all? Ffffffff....
Sir, that was a metaphorical deer.
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
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Chris Page
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- 2019 Heel of the Year
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- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
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With Robert "The Omega" Main
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(07-17-2021, 04:16 PM)Corey Smith Said: I got no excuses. I don't like the man, but a win is a win. Ya beat me Robby. But I reckon your dance card is about to get busy.
Let them come. I can be busy. Dislike me all you want.
Who's getting whooped next?
The following 4 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:4 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post Miss Fury (07-17-2021), Mr. Oz (07-18-2021), Theo Pryce (07-18-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-17-2021)
OOC: My issue with the attacks thing is it just makes the teams getting attacked look really dumb. Why wouldn't the other members have come out to help their team mates? Do we have to strat in "I will help my friends and team mates if they get attacked" everytime now?
The following 2 users Like Corey Smith's post:2 users Like Corey Smith's post Marf (07-18-2021), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (07-18-2021)
(07-18-2021, 03:02 PM)Corey Smith Said: OOC: My issue with the attacks thing is it just makes the teams getting attacked look really dumb. Why wouldn't the other members have come out to help their team mates? Do we have to strat in "I will help my friends and team mates if they get attacked" everytime now?
Thats not a bad idea.
The following 1 user Likes Thunder Knuckles™'s post:1 user Likes Thunder Knuckles™'s post Charlie Nickles (07-18-2021)
(07-18-2021, 03:02 PM)Corey Smith Said: OOC: My issue with the attacks thing is it just makes the teams getting attacked look really dumb. Why wouldn't the other members have come out to help their team mates? Do we have to strat in "I will help my friends and team mates if they get attacked" everytime now?
(07-18-2021, 03:02 PM)Corey Smith Said: OOC: My issue with the attacks thing is it just makes the teams getting attacked look really dumb. Why wouldn't the other members have come out to help their team mates? Do we have to strat in "I will help my friends and team mates if they get attacked" everytime now?
ooc: Yeah, you should obviously have to imo? Like there's an entire counter-attack system for a reason. If you are, in character, concerned about your friends being attacked: you should prepare to go out and defend them! Otherwise the alternative is no attacks on anyone with friends or in a tag team because it would make the tag team look bad and the tag team doesn't want to write counter attacks.
Reigning, Defending,Bloodletting
The following 1 user Likes Charlie Nickles's post:1 user Likes Charlie Nickles's post Miss Fury (07-18-2021)
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I mean, I literally had a segment on the show with Alias saying he has Corey’s back, and then all of a sudden he doesn't? I can roll with it easily enough given its placement on the card, but if we're talking about dismissing/no-selling characters then that's a prime example.
Note to self: just submit a counter attack for every show that says if Alias gets beaten up then he turns around and beats them up instead. Sounds dumb but I guess that’s what is being suggested.
That wouldn't exactly work. For a counter attack to be effective, you would need to correctly guess who, how, and where. The more accurate it is, the better chance it has of succeeding. The further off it is, the less of a chance it has and the attack can still happen.
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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(07-18-2021, 04:06 PM)ALIAS Said: That's kind of my point. It's a dumb suggestion.
This has been the system in XWF since I've been here, in fact, I've never been involved with any fed that had rules stating that you must ask permission to attack. I know some exist, I've just never personally come across one. As old heads, I'm frankly surprised that you and Corey seem so caught off guard by how the attack system works.
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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A) There was no counter-attack system like that previously. Even if attacks without permission were allowed, which they probably were, I've always worked together with people. I get that it's just a preference, but it's generally to avoid this very thing.
B) It was suggested to use the counter-attack system, but we just agreed that wouldn't be effective.
C) I didn't say anything the first time because I already know how to sell this and don't actually mind too much. But you have to see that it does make other teams, ours in particular given three of us were ambushed, look dumb. It also goes against an established dynamic on this very same show, which is in part to sell a story between the Uni Champ and the briefcase holder, just to push someone else's story. It is a bit disrespectful in that sense. But it's fine, I'll roll with it and sell it accordingly. Just offering up my views on the issue.
Do you have a light?
(Banner courtesy of Atara Themis)
The following 3 users Like ALIAS's post:3 users Like ALIAS's post Atara Raven (07-18-2021), Dolly Waters (07-18-2021), Marf (07-18-2021)
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
I could really care less than I do about attacks. They’ve always been around, and have always worked this way but maybe there could be some revamping done? I’m just saying it seems a lot of people have some issues with it.
If you’re supposed to be booked on a show to be attacked on that show, maybe the attacker should have to be booked as well? This could at least narrow things down for counter attacks and make it less impossible to figure out.
Perhaps make the the entire attacking process more GM involved. Have the end results of an attack be at their discretion, maybe factoring in the bodies of work those involved in the attack produced that cycle- but still leave it up to the GMs on how to build the feud on their program.
Just some thoughts, like I said I could give two birds less. I think attacks are fun, and selling them is a lot of fun too, it builds layers for your character.
4x XTreme Champion (1x as Misty Waters)
2x Tag Team Champion (w/ Vita Valenteen, w/ Charlie Nickles)
2x Hart Champion
3x Television Champion
4x Star Of The Month
August '24(As Misty Waters), August ‘21, May ‘17, October ‘16
(07-18-2021, 03:54 PM)ALIAS Said: I mean, I literally had a segment on the show with Alias saying he has Corey’s back, and then all of a sudden he doesn't? I can roll with it easily enough given its placement on the card, but if we're talking about dismissing/no-selling characters then that's a prime example.
Note to self: just submit a counter attack for every show that says if Alias gets beaten up then he turns around and beats them up instead. Sounds dumb but I guess that’s what is being suggested.
Didn't have his back enough to write a counter attack against a possible BOB attack. On a show where Corey was fighting a member of BOB. My suggestion of using the established counter-attack system to ward off unwanted attacks may be 'dumb', but that's the way of the world.
No Permanent Damage/Physical Alteration w/Permission
No Usage of NPC characters/Property without Permission
Attacks should be given an earlier deadline so GMs can notify the party so they have chance to counter.
Just a DM that says. You're Being Attacked.
[i 3×
2× 1× 2x Freestyle Champion
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Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Atara Raven's post!1 user Hates Atara Raven's post Charlie Nickles (07-18-2021)
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The following 1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post:1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post Thunder Knuckles™ (07-18-2021)
(07-18-2021, 04:49 PM)Atara Themis Said: Restrictions on how much liberty your allowed.
No Permanent Damage/Physical Alteration w/Permission
No Usage of NPC characters/Property without Permission
Attacks should be given an earlier deadline so GMs can notify the party so they have chance to counter.
Just a DM that says. You're Being Attacked.
Looting Charlie after death would be like looting a ghoul in Fallout: 1 rusted spoon and a bottlecap
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
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2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
The following 3 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:3 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post ALIAS (07-18-2021), Charlie Nickles (07-18-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (07-18-2021)