I've realized how I may have made it seem this fed or someone here was responsible for my decision to step away from Efedding. I want to first apologize, it wasn't my intent.
Secondly, it's a decision largely motivated by a majority of malicious OOC attacks and pettiness for people doing nothing more than playing a character across the whole of Efedding.
I'm finding myself having to defend myself for IC actions more and more. (Not here)
A sensitive subject was touched on In Character, I found myself getting angry Out of Character. I don't want to be that handler.
This is still very much my EFed home and if I do change course this will be the place I come back to.
[i 3×
2× 1× 2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion
1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
I'm telling you to stay, and you have to listen to your elders. Legally.
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007
The following 3 users Like Centurion's post:3 users Like Centurion's post Dolly Waters (11-22-2021), JimCaedus (11-22-2021), Mr. Oz (11-22-2021)
I would but the last thing I need is someone messaging my wife on Facebook telling her that I told some girl on the internet that I thought she was pretty. So I'll simply say this: You make the fed and the efed community better by being in it so stay in it.
The following 2 users Like Theo Pryce's post:2 users Like Theo Pryce's post Dolly Waters (11-22-2021), JimCaedus (11-22-2021)
(11-22-2021, 06:42 PM)Atara Themis Said: Don't try and disarm me with humor.
Brush my ego and tell me I'm pretty.
You know what? FINE! GO AWAY! See if I care! B-baka!
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007
Brosis, if someone wants to give you a harang for any damn thing you do IC they can shove it, sit, and pivot. If they're that butthurt that they're bellyaching it's on them and they can wallow in it. Your creative direction is unique, your own, and compared to the antics I get up to, mostly harmless. The more critics you have, the more widely regarded you actually are and don't let a detractor here or there derail you because they think your shine is why they're dim.
Between you and the potential loss of Denzel, I think it's horrific that I'm going to have to verbally offend people alongside TK and Caedus without the purer aspects of this game to maintain some class, and I reckon based off of the shit the three of us do and they haven't said shit to us, they're just picking on you because they're callow and lame.
You're a member of the Bastardhood, as such, fuck 'em if they don't have enough sensibility to appreciate your contributions to the greater betterment of eFedding in general.
Like Theo, I too can't in good conscience say you're beautiful since I'm currently laying next to personal perfection, but unlike Theo it's not because I am homely and got someone way out of my league. I'm barely fuckable and got someone way out of my league, it's a step up.
We're ride or die though. Point in a direction and we'll go own the tag straps of the fed of your choice. I know that’s kind of paltry, but I certainly have faith in and appreciate your work.
The following 4 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:4 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post Centurion (11-23-2021), JimCaedus (11-22-2021), Mr. Oz (11-23-2021), Theo Pryce (11-23-2021)
I have no idea what Bobby was saying, as usual, but I feel like I should weigh in.
E-Fedding has a lot of toxic elements. We all have our moments where someone maybe hits a nerve IC and it makes us grit our teeth OOC. I have no idea what might have happened in other feds, but I know certain people out there in the world of fedding can be particularly hard to deal with. Twitter is a toxic waste dump full of them. I have fun with it, because I'm pretty good at separating my actual self and my actual feelings from anything I do on there. Some people are more sensitive or have more difficult a time with that separation. We're human.
Atara, I think you're great. I think everything you do is great. I fuck with you online because you're great. I BS with you OOC because you're great. There is not a single person in the XWF that wants to see you go away, this I know for sure.
Find your zen. Flush the bad thoughts. We'll be here.
The following 6 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:6 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post Dolly Waters (11-23-2021), JimCaedus (11-23-2021), Marf (11-23-2021), Mr. Oz (11-23-2021), Thaddeus Duke (11-25-2021), Theo Pryce (11-23-2021)