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Forums in 'XWF OOC'
Forum Statistics Last Post
Forum Contains New Posts Out Of Character (OOC) Board
If you're NEW and want to say hi, do it here
Talk about anything you want, OUT of character
-Ask for feedback
-Ask for art/banners
-Talk about wrestling/sports
-Post prediction threads for upcoming shows
-Make XBux bets on upcoming matches or real life events
-GMs can post match writing threads, allowing volunteers to reply and claim matches to write for a show
34,533 posts
4,364 threads
Exit Scene
07-21-2024, 06:42 PM
by Prof. Bobby Bourbon
Forum Contains New Posts Announcements & Important Info
Find mportant information & rules here
Check here often; you'll benefit from knowing what's inside
554 posts
74 threads
XWF ELO Rankings 2017
07-17-2024, 04:29 AM
by ELO
Forum Contains New Posts Meet The Staff!
13 posts
4 threads
Hello all.
09-02-2019, 11:48 AM
by Atticus Gold