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Shove It Wildly!
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-24-2013, 05:23 PM

Shove It Saturday Night
Saturday, March 23rd
Live from the Rogers Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

-PART 1-

John Black
- vs -

Shane Mack
- vs -

The Crimson Dong
- vs -
Cyren must win all 3 matches in order to have his status of J.O.B.B.E.R. removed and be given high quality matches again
If John Black wins his match he is no longer John Madison's slave

Ann Thraxx
Evan Hayes
The Freak Mike Rhodes
- vs -
David Skulley
Danny Devia
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

John Black
- vs -

Tonight's the night folks! Cyren - The Sickness must battle three....count 'em 1, 2, THREE...opponents, here tonight! If he manages to pull that off he will lose his status as XWF J.O.B.B.E.R and be able to wrestle normally again. If he fails though....well, god have mercy on his soul! Cyren is showing a lot of vigor and passion though and has already made his way to the ring. Cyren has a stance of attack and eyes burning with the fire to win tonight as John Black emerges from the back. John Black is the first of Cyren's three opponents here tonight and if John Black wins tonight, he stands to win his freedom from the clutches of John Madison. John Black is John Madison's slave per the stipulations of John Black's last match. Now John Black must do everything John Madison orders him to do or receive a punishment worthy of a slave owned by John Madison! This is very apparent as John Black walks from the back and down the ramp towards the ring because John Madison is accompanying him the whole way. Not only is John Madison accompanying John Black but John Madison is dragging John Black to the ring on a leash! If that's not degrading on it's own....John Madison is also forcing John Black to chew on a nasty bloodied up tampon! That's fucking sick! John Madison is holding a can of pepper spray directly up to John Black's eyes as a threat for John Black to know if he stops chewing on that tampon....he's a blind man. What a cruel and sadistic form of torture! Hopefully tonight will be the last night John Black has to go through this shit! Oh what a night this is starting off as! So much is at stake! The fans just scream in utter confusion, not knowing what pathetic situation deserves their support more!

Cyren stares intently at John Black as John Madison drops the leash and lowers the can of pepper spray as he kicks John Black towards the ring. John Black scampers into the ring, bloody tampon still hangin' from his mouth. Oh God! John Black doesn't seem to understand he can spit that shit out! Spit that disgusting shit out John Black! Dammit! That boy ain't right! The bell sounds and both Cyren and John Black attempt to dive at each other at the same time. Both Men smack into each other and topple backwards. Both men rise to there feet while rubbing their heads. They both shake their heads simultaneously and attempt another go at the whole charging thing.

But wait...

John Madison jumps into the ring and spins Cyren around. John Madison then sprays a steady stream of pepper spray into Cyren's eyes. Oh shit! Cyren screams and drops to his knees! The pain must be intense! Cyren's eyes must be burning like crazy! Someone give this man some relief! John Madison adds even more insult to injury though as John Madison tosses the pepper spray aside and whips his dick out and starts pissing on Cyren. What the fuck???? John Madison unloads a full bladder's worth of urine on Cyren! Cyren is covered in piss! Then John Madison pulls out a mic and he zips up and kicks Cyren a bit while Cyren is down and still feeling the effects of the pepper spray.

John Madison: Damn who just lays there and takes a full bladder's worth a piss like that? You must really be a worthless piece of shit to do that! Y'know I know they said you have to fight these assholes one on one till you beat them all but let's face it Cyren....that ain't gonna happen. I mean look at you, you're pathetic! Rolling around in my piss! Eyes all full of pepper spray! You're really a fucking worthless shit stain of an entertainer here in the XWF. In fact I bet if we rip off John Black's filthy drawers and hold 'em up....John Black's shit stains are probably more entertaining than you! That being said I'm gonna go right ahead and call Shane Mack and Crimson Dong out here. C'mon fuckheads! Get to this ring and help lay a boot party on this worthless asshole!

Suddenly from the back as if both of them were just waiting to be called out. Shane Mack and Crimson Dong fly out and run to the ring. Those guys get to the ring in less then a minute! Like they were just back there hungry and waitin' to fuck Cyren up! Both Crimson Dong and Shane Mack dive into the ring. From there Crimson Dong, John Black and Shane Mack begin stomping the shit out of Cyren, who is still feeling the effects of the pepper spray and covered in John Madison's piss. All three men appear to be wearing big steal toed boots and they stomp on Cyren with the fury of men who want to see Cyren dead! Oh my God! Their expressions are painted with the appearance of pure aggression and hate! Cyren receives stomp after brutal stomp by all three of these men and does nothing but take it!

As this is happening John MMadison climbs from the ring and saunters his way to the back. John Madison quickly emerges pushing out a guillotine as he begins whistling a happy tune. John Madison even has a bounce in his step as he pushes the guillotine straight towards the ring. Meanwhile Cyren has been brought to his feet now as Shane Mack holds one of Cyren's arms and John Black holds the other while Crimson Dong is repeatedly mule kicking Cyren. Crimson Dong finishes it all up with a Spear and Cyren drops to the mat as both John Black and Shane Mack cheer. John Madison applauds from outside the ring.

John Madison: Great job! Great job! Now Blacky, grab that and bring him down here! Let's end this shit once and for all! I got a Hot Pocket in the back I wanna make! I don't want to be out here all night before the main event either!

John Black salutes John Madison as he chews away on the bloody tampon. Yes, it's been in John Black's mouth this whole time! Fucking disgusting! John Black then begins to skip towards Cyren's broken and bruised body. However John Black's laces seem to have come undone from all the stomping he did to Cyren. Uh-Oh! John Black trips over his laces and stumbles looking like he's a plane trying to take flight. John Black smacks right into Shane Mack and Shane Mack topples from the ring landing perfectly into place in John Madison's waiting guillotine. It was so precise this shit couldn't have been done better if it was planned! John Madison shrugs and pulls the guillotine's rope!


Shane Mack's head is chopped off instantly. John Madison then casually kicks Shane Mack's body off to the side as it seems he get's a brilliant idea!

John Madison: Hey I got a brilliant idea! Let's see if this guillotine is strong enough to slice The Dong's dong off! Blacky bring Dongy over here and let's find out!

John Black finally up from tripping on his own boot laces, salutes John Madison again and turns towards Crimson Dong. Crimson Dong backs up and begins to stumble backward just as Cyren gets to his feet from being severally brutalized. Cyren grabs the bloody tampon from John Black's mouth and squeezes it in John Black's eyes. Blood and saliva shoot from the soaked tampon into John Black's eyes. John Black wails in frustration as his vision is now impaired. John Black wipes at his eyes with one hand and waves his other hand about to grab Cyren or Crimson's not really apparent cause he's not accomplishing grabbing either one. If only there was an eye wash station nearby! John Black begins punching blindly in the air now. Only an idiot could be struck down by this tactic! Suddenly one of John Black's obvious and wayward punches hits Cyren, who must still be feeling the effects of the pepper spray and be groggy from getting stomped cause nothing would explain how he didn't avoid John Black's punch otherwise. The punch is so hard though it causes Cyren to drop out of the ring! Cyren lands right in place to get his head chopped off! This is so unbelievable! How did two people fall perfectly into place like this?? How does this keep happening? John Madison's not The Dong's dong but it's still something to chop. John Madison pulls the rope!


ZOINK? What the fuck? The blade didn't go down and instead the words "Duplicate Entry" flash along the top of the guillotine. Huh? Who knew this guillotine had the ability to do that? How did it keep track that Cyren had his head already chopped off by it? Why was that the only motorized feature on it too? A message that would flash if you already used it once to chop off person's head? Who thought that up? How does that even enter someone's mind as a possibility to occur? Plus if they went that far...why didn't they just install a button on it that dropped the blade? Why were they still using a rope to do that? So many questions are raised by this one baffling moment! John Madison stomps his foot angrily and pulls Cyren to his feet. John Madison then tosses Cyren aside and begins smacking the side of the guillotine the way someone would smack a tv that's gone on the fritz as he snarls a string of curse words at it. Jesus John...calm the fuck down!

Cyren begins to rise up from the floor after being tossed aside like a piece of garbage by John Madison. The crowd begins to gasp in awe. They can't believe their eyes! No they aren't gasping at Cyren, in awe. The crowd is amazed at Crimson Dong.....he's climbed the ropes. Crimson Dong then dives. Dives to deliver a Frog Splash to Cyren but he does this dong first. Crimson Dong dives with his erect dong pointed straightt at Cyren. The whole thing is really quite majestic as Crimson Dong soars through the air. Throbbing dong aimed straight for Cyren. Cyren looks up as this is happening. Cyren's mouth is agape in shock! Cyren can to nothing quick enough to get away! Crimson Dong lands! It's the birth of a new move! The Dong Splash! The crowd cheers at the sheer brilliance of the move and Cyren drops from feeling it's fury! Oh My God! Crimson Dong then begins pouncing on Cyren while Cyren is down! Repeatedly striking Cyren with his huge bulge! Holy Fuck! How is this hurting Cyren?

Then John Black leaps from the ring. John Black lands with both of his feet cracking Cyren in the skull. From there John Black begins to stomp on Cyren while Cyren is down and being cock attacked by Crimson Dong. This is some bizarre shit that's happening! John Madison glances over and tilts his head as he attempts to get a baring on just what he's seeing.

John Madison: Guys get over here! I can't fucking get this piece of shit to work! We need to figure out how to dispose of that waste of space Cyren once and for all!

John Black and Crimson Dong stop what they were doing and walk over to John Madison. From there John Madison, John Black and Crimson Dong get into a huddle like they're about to discuss a play on the football field. All three men begin to whisper to each other furiously and the crowd is left wondering what these men are discussing. As this is going on however Cyren sits up. Cyren looks over at John Madison, John Black and Crimson Dong all huddled in a group discussing Cyren's fate. Cyren not wasting a second jumps to his feet and runs straight for the crowd. Cyren leaps over the barrier like an antelope escaping a lion. Cyren pushes through the crowd and keeps going as the ref begins to count.





John Madison looks up from the huddle.


John Madison realizes what's happening.


John Madison: Son of a bitch! The fucker got away!


John Madison slaps John Black in the back of the head.


John Madison: Why did you let Cyren get away! What the hell!!! How can we kill that asshole now? Way to fucking go John Black! Thanks! Thanks for fucking nothing!


John Madison shakes his head in disappointment as he glares at John Black and John Black hangs his head in shame. John Madison shoves John Black towards the ring and pushes John Black into the ring.


Cyren is out! John Black is the winner!

Shane comes walking from the back with a look of boredom on his face. Shane really didn't care what happened here tonight.

Shane : Well John Black, you get your freedom back. Cyren lost....big surprise there! Where is he even? I don't see him in the ring! Y'know what I don't care. I wasn't watching this match and this whole thing is just a bunch of bullshit anyway. John Black you aren't...

John Madison: Wait!

Shane looks at John Madison with curiosity as to why John Madison interrupted him.

John Madison: John Black got help from me, Shane Mack, and Crimson Dong....he shouldn't get his freedom back. That was cheating! How can a cheater like Blacky get his freedom back! That's not right! Is it HOSM (Head Of Shane Mack)?

John Madison holds up Shane Mack's decapitated head and shakes it back in forth "no".

John Madison: I fucking hate having John Black as my slave but I'll continue to put up with it so John Black learns...cheating isn't a way to win.

Shane nods and appears to think for a moment before he speaks.

Shane : You're right John Madison and Shane Mack's...head. Cheating is wrong. Shame on you John Black. You may have claimed a win in this match but it's a dirty win! That's no way to win! You think I appreciate cheating on my show? Well I don't! I despise cheating!

John Madison: Yeah! Fuck cheating!

Shane : For cheating to claim a win you will remain John Madison's slave until you can pick up a decent victory!

John Black hangs his head as he realizes this means he won his match but still remains a slave to John Madison. The fans boo furiously at this development. No one likes slavery here! That doesn't matter though because John Black is definitely a slave to John Madison and that fact won't change til John Black's next win. Let's hope that happens soon!

Winner (but still slave): John Black

Note: Cyren's next 2 matches get cancelled since one of the opponents is now dead, and since Cyren already lost match 1 anyway. Hoorah!

We cut to the backstage area and... what the fuck?

Suddenly the entire screen gets a green hue...

We lookin at ya favourite rasta. He got dem dreads hangin down his face an he got voodoo paint at his eyes, circles an' circles an' circles again. -

Treshawn Palmer: Me got two tings in life. Me crack pipe and me honor. Hemphasis on de honor mon.

Yo resident dealah got all his gear up in the place. Crack rocks bubblin away on a spoon.

Treshawn Palmer: Look a dis yo-ah, look what de mon tryna tell ya. Me comin here fa' all da glory mon. You got some gold an ting, me want a piece-a dat. Me openin up de challenge yo, any one of you champion, come an get me, ya hear?

Who will dare to challenge this man???


Ann Thraxx
Evan Hayes
The Freak Mike Rhodes
- vs -
David Skulley
Danny Devia
X-treme Rules, 1 Fall

As we turn focus back to the ring, six of our competitors are already there. We’ll assume their music played and there were big-crowd pops and boos, popcorn and roses thrown at their feet as they waded to the ring. The fans are in a very strange mood tonight.

Okay, now that we have the introductions out of the way, a short and chunky referee signals for the bell to sound! All 6 competitors are standing in the ring, looking at one another. Finally deciding to take an initiative, Ann Thraxx barrels forward and delivers a stunning missile dropkick to David Skulley!

The match is on!

???: Oh Noooo – it is not!

The lights in the arena go dark.

The booming voice seems to have come from ‘on high.’ As we stand in darkness, finally a slowly escalating cloud of white light appears hovering over the ring.

It grows brighter and in it’s vicious glow, illuminates the source of the voice.

???: Yes, I am the Father, the Son and ---

The tone of the man, a black man at that, begins to rise in anger.

???: …really, really pissed off!

As he speaks, thunder crackles in the sky and the arena begins to quake.

My god, that’s not just ANY black man with supernatural powers! It’s Morgan


All 6 of the competitors drop to their knees in fealty.

He resumes to speak.

GOD: I have been watching XWF for a long time… for all the ages… and I am sickened by this display of silence and lack of emotion poured into this particular contest! As punishment, I am going to remove the most weak-willed of you from this match!

At that, God claps his hands and… OH MY GOD!

Polar Bears are dropping from the sky! They are ferocious!

They are chasing the competitors around the rin—OH NO!

Two of them have latched onto Mike Rhodes and Evan Hayes! The two superstars are begin drug from the ring and to the backstage area!


Two of the roster have been abducted by Polar Bears!

Ann Thraxx is left without team mates!

GOD: My will is done.

As the cloud begins to beam back to the heavens, it stops for a moment.

GOD: Also… legalize gay marriage and marijuana… shit just got real…

And then he’s gone.

Ann Thraxx isn’t going to take this lying down! She runs up and bulldogs an inattentive Danny Devia! He goes down hard!

Quick enough, Skulley is pulling Thraxx away and sandwiching her in a headlock! Thraxx is fighting to reverse her way out of it! It’s no use and she goes down to the mat!

The referee, whilst smoking a cigar, asks if she is ready to give up?


That is what she said.

So she begins to rake the eyes of Skulley, forcing him to break away. However, Devia and Mr. Natural begin to put the boots to Thraxx, who is seemingly disadvantaged! But no! A leg sweep and both of her attackers go down!

She quickly elbow drops Devia and then climbs the ropes, delivering a punishing 450 splash to Mr. Natural!

But here comes Skulley once more! He goes for a shoulder tackle but he’s sidestepped and swung into the turnbuckle! Ann Thraxx is on fire! She motions to the crowd as Mr. Natural stumbles to his feet!

We cue to the backstage area, at this moment, where Hayes and Rhodes have been pummeled by the polar bears, who now lie napping.

By the Gods!

There are flying monkeys, all smoking marijuana, sitting in the back and taking turns flinging poop at the sluggish XWF superstars!!!!

They take turns, having crafted a crudely makeshift ‘scoreboard’ of a vending machine!

One flying monkey rears back, does a high leg kick and tosses a ‘spitball’ (or a steamer, in this case), right between the eyes of Rhodes!

My god, the atrocity!

Back in the ring, Thraxx has Mr. Natural wobbling in front of her… and she hits THE DEPTH PERCEPTION! She makes the cover!



...THREE!!! Thank GOD this is over!

GOD: You're welcome.


Winner: Ann Thraxx

The fans are in anticipation for the biggest match of the year so far! A low roar is among them as we get set for...

to be continued!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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(03-24-2013), (03-24-2013), Ann Thraxx (03-24-2013), CM Punk (03-24-2013)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-24-2013, 10:17 PM

OOC: Feel free to make comments (can be in or out of character) in replies to this thread. I will post each part as its own new thread and then combine them all later tomorrow. Have fun with it. Share your thoughts live, piece by piece, as the main event unfolds before your eyes!!!

"Survivor Series" Style Wildcard

Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade
Unknown Soldier
Ronnie "The Deportation Man" Wilkins
Luca Arzegotti
Mark Flynn
- vs -
Nathaniel Adolph Zachary Idenhaus
"The Personification of Perfection" Michael James
Sebastian Duke
Mister Mystery 17 31707 1

5 on 5 Elimination Tag
Falls by Pin or Submission
DQ is ON
GUEST REF: Arkin Octavian Blackwater
Backup Ref: John Madison

Suddenly out from the back briskly walks Shane with a mic in hand, greeted by a resounding boo from this capacity crowd!

He makes his way down to the ring and gets right down to business.

: I'd start with saying ladies and gentlemen but there's no such thing in this place tonight! Instead it's all jackasses and bitches as far as I'm concerned...

The booing increases ten fold as he smirks.

: So with that out of the way let's establish some ground rules for this main event. This match WILL have rules in place, so some of our resident psychopaths like Mister Mystery and Unknown Soldier will need to actually abide by those rules and WRESTLE a real match here tonight. I don't want to see any foul play and there are going to be two referees out here to make sure things go the way they should. First and foremost let me introduce to you the first referee... he is my fellow co-GM for Shove It Saturday Night! Arkin Octavian Blackwater!

There is a mixed reaction for this relatively new name as most of the fans aren't quite sure what to expect from him so soon in his co-GM career. He smiles and nods to some of the fans as he casually makes his way down to the ring and joins Shane.

: Next, we have a second referee in place just to make SURE all of the rules get followed. This man has guaranteed to me and ALL OF YOU that this will indeed be the fairest match in XWF history! The participants in this match better believe that if they give him any shit, he's going to DQ their ass right out the door in an instant! Bitches and jackasses... please give it up for Jooooooohn Maaaaaaadisonnnnn!!!

The booing continues as Madison walks out and imitates the exact same thing Blackwater did, smiling and nodding to the fans in a very casual manner. He even stops along the way to kiss a young lady's hand who was wearing a Black Circle t-shirt and she nearly faints! Somehow this only makes the majority of fans boo even heavier as he finally makes his way to the ring and enters, grabbing the mic to say a few words.

Madison: All of you shit heads in the back need to know that I'm out here to keep this match fair and competitive. If I see anything that I think is giving an unfair advantage to the wrong side, I'm going to step in. If you put your hands on me, it's an instant disqualification!

GM Blackwater doesn't seem to approve of Madison's comments as he takes the mic and says a few words of his own.

Blackwater: Well thank you for your words John, but please remember you are the secondary referee tonight which means you're here in case I either miss seeing something or am for some reason unable to continue my duties as the main official. I think it's concerning that you said "if I see anything giving an unfair advantage to the wrong side" because both teams in this match are to be treated equally. As I'm sure Shane will confirm, I have the ability to strip you of your referee status for this match if I am led to believe you're making calls just to favor the side that has your fellow Black Circle members on it. Are we clear?

Madison just looks at Shane and then back at Blackwater. Shane takes the mic...

: I think it's safe to say you're both going to do your best to officiate this match right down the middle. I'll be watching from the back just in case I'm needed for any reason, so please make sure you both play nice. May the Black Cir... ehem... I mean... may the best team win!

Shane exits the ring with the mic as Madison and Blackwater exchange an uneasy glance...

Shane makes his way up the ramp and just as he's about to enter the back...

SECRET SPEAR 1 177155 400!!!!!!

Mister Mystery just exploded out from the back and speared the XWF owner off of the stage and down into the controls for the firework displays!!!

Fireworks begin blasting off all at once from the stage and down along the ramp at a frightening rate as the fans lose their minds!

Suddenly the entire stage and the X-TRON catch on fire! The fireworks have finally run out but now there's an actual fire engulfing the entire stage and blocking the entrance from the back!

Shane is suddenly thrown into view as he lands in a crowd of fans. Mister Mystery has tossed him like a rag doll over the guard rail that separates the pyro control station from the screaming fans. Mister Mystery climbs over the railing and begins kicking and beating on Shane as fans cheer like crazy! Mystery orders some of the fans to beat the shit out of Shane with him AND THEY DO! It's a mugging!

In the ring, GM Blackwater can't believe his eyes but doesn't quite know what to do. He turns to Madison who pulls a small walkie talkie off of his belt and he's yelling something into it...

Madison: Go around through the fans! The whole damn stage is on fire so you won't get out that way! Meet me in the crowd you fucks!

He tosses it off to the side and drops down and out under the bottom rope where he reaches under the ring apron to find anything he can use as a weapon. He quickly finds a tool box and brings the whole damn thing with him!

Madison hops over the barricade and runs through the fans, cursing at them and hitting a few of them with the tool box who were too stupid to get out of his way. He arrives at the scene of Shane being beat down and...


He just smashed that tool box into the heads of every single fan who was helping Mister Mystery put the boots to Shane! It's now a stand off as Mystery stares at Madison who is holding that tool box up over his head with both hands ready to strike. Shane's body lies on the ground between them, not moving a muscle when...

BAM!!! A clubbing blow to the back of Mistery Mystery from Sebastian Duke!

CRACK! He stumbled forward right into Madison bringing that tool back down into his head at full force which knocks Mystery back, tripping over Shane's body and spinning awkwardly into the arms of NAZI! Sidewalk slam right into an open chair that a fan is sitting in!

Madison: Oh shit! Niiiiiice!

The fan looks severely injured after having Mystery slammed down into him and the chair is now crumpled and mangled from the impact.

Madison: Leave him there and let's get to the ring to win this thing! I've got a hot date with twin Flos after the show!

Sebastian and NAZI leave Mystery on the ground in a heap with that poor fan and the mangled chair while they help Shane back to his feet. They bring Shane to ringside as arena staff finishes putting out the fire on the stage with dozens of fire extinguishers. GM Blackwater stands in the ring looking mystified at what he's seen happen and this match hasn't even BEGUN yet!!!

Duke and NAZI sit Shane down in a chair at ringside to allow him to recover as he groggily waves them onward into the ring to get this thing started.

Sebastian Duke and NAZI both enter the ring along with John Madison and they stand there as if they're just waiting to take out whoever comes down to the ring first.

GM Blackwater doesn't like what he sees so he grabs a mic...

Blackwater: I don't think so. I've already seen enough and now that Shane has been hurt I'm officially the top ranking XWF official IN THE BUILDING! With that said I'd like to now order John Madison to the outside of the ring. There is NO reason for you to be in the ring as long as I'm the main referee for this match. You three look like a pack of wolves just waiting to rip apart whoever comes out from the back and I won't have it... not when I'm in charge, and believe me, I AM in charge right now.

Cameras focus in on Shane who is still dazed and seems to be going in and out of consciousness as he teeters back and forth in his chair at ringside.

Blackwater: Madison... get to the outside or I'll have you ejected from the building at once.

The fans cheer as John Madison kicks the bottom rope and mouths something to Blackwater that nobody can make out. Sebastian Duke and NAZI stare holes right through GM Blackwater as Madison exits the ring and stands a few feet away from where is seated...

Blackwater: Alright, good. Now let's get this contest started the right way. I think it's obvious we're past the point of having standard introductions so I'd like the rest of Sebastian and Nathaniel's team to come to the ring right now please. No funny business... no fighting among yourselves on the way down... just make your way to the ring.

Mister Mystery is still out in the crowd after being hit with the tool box and slammed through a fan in a chair so he can't exactly abide by this request...

At the top of the ramp we see Michael James emerge with his trademark sunglasses on and a cigar clenched between his teeth. He calmly makes his way down the ramp, almost challenging Blackwater to order him to walk faster as he very clearly takes his time. A few moments later Kinwrathi emerges from the back at a much faster pace and blows right past Michael James, hitting the ring while James is still only halfway down the ramp. Kinwrathi enters and takes a corner to himself as he keeps his eyes on Sebastian Duke and NAZI.

Michael James finally gets to the ring and walks right past John Madison, giving him a look before taking the cigar from his mouth and handing it to Madison.

James: Why don't you take care of that for me...

John Madison looks down at the cigar in Michael's hand and then back up at Michael.

Madison: Who the fuck do I look like to you? Flo Feder?

Just then, Shane groggily stands from his chair and reaches over...

Yoink! He takes the cigar from Michael James and begins puffing on it while holding his head in pain.

: This was just what I needed to help me out. Thanks Frank.

Who does he believe is standing in front of him right now? Shane is clearly out of it after suffering that attack by Mister Mystery. He sits back down while taking puffs from the cigar and Michael James just looks at him like he's a complete nut bag. James removes his coat and sunglasses, sets them off to the side and finally gets into the ring at his own pace.

Blackwater: Well thanks for coming. Is Mister Mystery out there? Come join your team mates!

Cameras focus on the area where Mystery is just now getting back up and he starts stomping away on the fan he was smashed into earlier! He grabs the fan and choke tosses him several feet out into the rest of the fans and screams like a raving lunatic under that hockey mask!

Blackwater: Thaaaat's what I like to hear. Now come join your partners, and remember, no fighting! You guys are a team.

Sebastian Duke and NAZI still can't believe this as they both look like they'd enjoy beating Blackwater down right now. Mister Mystery slowly makes his way through fans, punching and headbutting them along the way even if they weren't standing in front of him. He even goes as far as reaching over some seated fans to grab a fat man with a Black Circle t-shirt on and he drags him over the other fans and smashes his skull into the ground before stomping as hard as he can on it.

Blackwater: Right... that's not what I asked you to do. Please just get to the ring so the next team can come out here.

Mystery finally finishes shoving his way through fans and gets to ringside. He gets up on the ring apron and remains there, insisting that he's not going to be the one to start the match for his team. Michael James shakes his head in dismay as he looks at his fellow team mates before saying...

James: You know what? I'll start this match. I'll show all of you just how it's done and why I'm the Personification of Perfection. Take a back seat and wait until you're called on.

The others seem to have no problem allowing James to start the match as they take to ringside but keep a good distance from each other. Mystery wants nothing to do with the Black Circle members if he's not allowed to attack them, and Kinwrathi wants nothing to do with any of them.

Blackwater: Excellent... was that so hard? See, Madison? That's how you get a match started the right way. Take some notes.

John Madison rolls his eyes and mouths "piss off" under his breath as Blackwater continues...

Blackwater: Alright now I'd like to call the opposing team out to the ring. Same deal... let's just get out here and get this thing started right. I don't want to see any fighting amongst yourselves or any...

...but before he can finish, the ramp is filled with the ENTIRE opposing team! Every single one of them... Donathan De Sade, Mark Flynn, Unknown Soldier, Ronnie Wilkins, and Luca Arzegotti are all standing up on the stage as a single unit. GM Blackwater can't believe his eyes.

Blackwater: Well! I don't know what to say... at least one team here tonight knows how to operate successfully. I have a feeling I can already see who is going to be winning this thing.

What the...? What kind of comment is that from the man who claims to be the voice of reason and the interest of fairness? The members of the team all begin making their way down the ramp with no problems at all. Donathan De Sade and Mark Flynn take the lead, both wearing their respective championships around their wastes as the others follow.

Madison: Look at this shit! They're already cheating!

John Madison is taking great exception to this sight as Shane continues puffing away on his newly acquired cigar, almost in a tranquil state as if he doesn't realize what's even happening.

Madison: Come on you shit heads! You poor sports can't even get into it and rough each other up before the match? What a bunch of assholes!

John continues cupping his hands over his mouth to yell obscenities at the team, trying to instigate and cause problems among them.

Madison: Come on Donathan! Pull out a poison dart and stab Flynn with it! He wants Mister Mystery to cash in his briefcase on you!

They don't even seem to acknowledge this attempt by Madison.

Madison: Come on Luca! Donathan is part of the reason you lost your match last week! Give him a good crack upside the head to make sure he's in it to win it!

Luca smirks but does no such thing.

Madison: Oh come on Unknown Soldier... doesn't Luca look delicious tonight? Don't you want to bust him open and taste his blood to make sure he's a good match for you on this team? What if he's the wrong blood type?

Unknown Soldier laughs and yells back...

Soldier: Then we'll just drink your blood because we already know...

Dante Kyllen: You're the RIGHT type! I'm getting thirsty just thinking about that!

John Madison let's out a grunt of frustration after both of Soldier's personalities deny him.

Madison: Well than what about you Ronnie Wilkins! You MUST realize you can't trust a blood sucking freak like Soldier, right? Come on, don't you want revenge for that match he and Tyler Decker beat you in a few weeks ago? Now's your chance! DO IT!

Ronnie just shakes his head in disgust. The members of the team all enter the ring and discuss very briefly which one will start the match and it's Unknown Soldier who will do the honors! They all ignore Madison's continued harassment from ringside as Michael James and Unknown Soldier prepare to start this match for their respective teams...

Blackwater: Ok, great... now without any further interruptions let's go ahead and get this match started. Ring the bell!

DING... DING... DING... be continued...

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(03-24-2013), Donathan (03-25-2013), Unknown Soldier (03-24-2013)
RonnieWilkins Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

03-24-2013, 10:25 PM

Love where this is going!

Send anyone you want, but don't send anyone you want back.
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-24-2013, 10:27 PM

Unknown Soldier: I always wondered what Samoan blood taste like. Guess I'll find out tonight when I eat Michael James as an appetizer before I move on to the rest of you!

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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Sebastian Duke Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-24-2013, 10:36 PM

Good luck, Soldier. You'll fuckin' need it. In fact, both of you need it.
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-24-2013, 10:43 PM

Unknown Soldier: "Who the fuck are you again?"

Dante Kyllen: "That's Sebastian Duke, you beat him in a match a while back..."

Unknown Soldier: "Oh, so nobody that matters then..."

Dante Kyllen: "Exactly!"

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-25-2013, 12:15 AM

If you haven't already read Part 1, do so here:

Michael James and Unknown Soldier are at each other's throats instantly but James effortlessly lifts Unknown Soldier's small frame in the air and smashes Unknown Soldier down to the mat. James then kicks Unknown Soldier in the face while Unknown Soldier is down. Unknown Soldier's nose busts open and begins to spill blood all over the place which Soldier instinctively start lapping up, seemingly forgetting he's in a match!

Michael James kicks him in the side to remind him where he's at, then goes to deliver some stomps to Unknown Soldier but Unknown Soldier darts through James legs and makes the tag to Luca Arzegotti!

Luca runs towards Michael James but he steps out of the way. Michael then turns and hits Luca with a stiff shot to the chin. Luca drops to the mat. James runs towards the ropes, bounces off them and lands a Leg Drop on Luca. James climbs to his feet and begins stomping on Luca while Luca is down. Over and over James stomps on Luca! Finally stopping and pulling Luca to his feet only to Choke Slam Luca back to the mat. James runs to the ropes to attempt to bounce of them again and hit Luca with another Leg Drop but Luca rolls to the side and struggles to his feet. Luca struggles to reach one of his teammates as James charges for Luca. Luca's hand is stretching out! Oh God! will he tag someone? Yes! Luca makes the tag to Ronnie Wilkins!

Ronnie Wilkins enters the ring by jumping off the ropes towards James. James catches Wilkins by the throat and choke slams him to the canvas!

James is on a roll tonight! No one has been able to topple him yet!

James continues this streak by hitting Ronnie Wilkins with a Knee Drop to the face! From there James pulls Ronnie from the mat and delivers an impressive DDT but Ronnie is hardly phased! He is in top condition and isn't staying down! Both men rise to their feet at the same time but James quickly begins striking Ronnie Wilkins with some lightning fast punches to the face and chest. Ronnie tries to block them all but James is too quick! James gets in some knees to Ronnie's kidneys and Ronnie doubles over. James hits a Leg Sweep on Ronnie and takes him down. James runs toward the ropes and Ronnie begins to crawl to his corner. Oh Shit! Ronnie Wilkins wants to make a tag but James is coming back after gaining momentum by bouncing off the ropes... Ronnie Wilkins surges forward and tags in Mark Fucking Flynn! CRASH! Wilkins receives a running knee to the back of the head that sends him out of the ring after tagging Flynn!

Mark Flynn waits a moment before climbing into the ring. Flynn hesitates and thinks this out... his eyes reveal that he's been taking notice of all who immediately attempted to attack James easily being taken down. Mark Flynn casually climbs into the ring as he tries a different approach. No one knows what approach that is however because as soon as Mark Flynn enter the ring James is lifting Mark Flynn in the air!

It all happened so quick!

James slams Flynn down. Flynn's body bounces off the canvas from the slam and just lays there motionless for a moment. That moment was too long because here comes James with some boots to Flynn's head. Following it up by James peeling Flynn off the mat and actually tossing him into his own corner. It was almost like James planned and aimed it perfectly because when Mark Flynn's body slams into the corner he also slams into Donathan De Sade. This counts as a tag!

Donathan is surprised to be tagged in without having asked for it and normally doesn't engage in direct 1 on 1 combat... at all... ever. There are no tricks he can pull at this point and he knows he can be disqualified if he tries most of his usual tactics.

Donathan De Sade looks around and nods at Unknown Soldier. Unknown Soldier leaps over in front of GM Blackwater and starts waving his hands around as he screams "Look at me!' at the top of his lungs. Stunned by this, GM Blackwater is completely distracted as Donathan starts tossing darts at James from out of his pocket while still standing on the apron!

Donathan De Sade pulls darts out one at a time and tosses them at James all the way on the other side of the ring but James dodges each dart. Finally it seems Donathan De Sade is down to his last dart. Donathan tries to aim it perfectly...

He throws it!

James dodges but the dart hits NAZI it the leg! NAZI looks down at the dart and immediately yanks it from his leg. NAZI looks worried as he stares at the dart up close. A bit of liquid drops from the tip. What was on that dart? Donathan De Sade enters the ring. James smiles for the first time as he walks right up to Donathan De Sade. James goes to hit Donathan with a right hook but Donathan ducks. Donathan runs towards the ropes and bounces from them flying straight towards James but James catches him by the throat! He headbutts him right in the bridge of the nose and then turns him around to deliver a German Suplex, quickly followed by a Figure Four Leg Lock. Donathan De Sade's eyes go wide as the hold is in place! Oh Shit! Is this the end? Will Donathan De Sade tap out already?!?!

Madison who has been quiet at ringside decides to start yelling again.

Madison: Give it up! Go ahead and tap to that gook's Figure Four!

Michael James hears this and instantly takes exception, releasing and kicking Donthan away from him as he stands back to his feet. James walks over toward the ropes and yells, pointing over the top rope at John Madison who looks around as if he didn't say anything wong.

Madison: Are you kidding me? I was rooting for you, Michael! Go get him! Yeah! Personification of whatever! Yeah!

John Madison claps his hands together and Michael James flicks him off, but in doing so doesn't realize that Donthan just tagged Ronnie Wilkins back into the match. Ronnie rushes up behind James, locks his arms around his waist as he shoves him into the ropes he was already facing, and used the bounce back to deliver a MASSIVE German suplex that actually seemed to take flight before crashing James down into the back of his head...

WAIT! He's holding on to it! He's just lifted James back up and delivered another German! AND ANOTHER! We just witnessed the Recidivist Hits! (multiple German suplexes)

Ronnie holds the last German into a pinning predicament...



KICKOUT! Both men scramble back to their feet as Ronnie Wilkins feels the momentum starting to shift... BAM!!! Osaka Spike Kick! That running kick just turned Wilkins inside out! He lands hard on the canvas as James drops back down to one knee briefly to catch his breath, still feeling the effects of those absolutely crushing German suplexes. He glances over at Ronnie who is still down and starting to push himself up.

James, having single-handedly taken on every single member of the opposing team thus far, decides it's time for a tag of his own. He gets up and turns to his own corner...

CRACK!!! Mister Mystery just blasted James right in the face with a hard right hand! James reels back holding his nose as Ronnie springs into action and rolls him up from behind in a quick pin!



KICKOUT! Michael James argues with GM Blackwater that the punch should have counted as a tag regardless...

Blackwater: Nope! I don't count that as a tag. What kind of team work would that be?

Ronnie uses this momentary distraction to spin James around and take him down with a fireman's carry directly into an armbar! GM Blackwater rushes in to check on the hold as James fights the pain...

Blackwater: Do you give up?




James: Fuck no!

Michael James reaches his free hand toward the bottom rope and slowly inches closer before he suffers permanent damage. He grabs the rope and Blackwater starts yelling at Ronnie to break the hold immediately. Ronnie releases the hold but keeps hold of James' wrist, dragging him straight to the center of the ring where he re-applies it!

James: Aaaarrgh!!!

James fights the pain as Blackwater leans in to ask him again if he gives up, keeping a close eye on Michael's free hand for a tap out.


Michael is NOWHERE near the ropes at this point...




BAM!!! Mister Mystery breaks the hold... BY STOMPING ON MICHAEL JAMES!?!?

Mark Flynn storms into the ring and uses all his might to just throw himself into the unsuspecting Mister Mystery with a leaping shoulder tackle that sends Mystery tumbling down and out of the ring. Flynn then stomps on Michael James too as GM Blackwater is looking outside at Mystery! Flynn grabs Michael James' arm and wraps his legs around it, dropping down into a sickening arm breaker with his shin driving into the bone! James yells out in pain which gets Blackwater's attention but all he sees is Mark Flynn smiling at him as he exits back to the ring apron!

John Madison also missed this happening because he was at ringside yelling random insults to the fallen Mister Mystery!

Michael James holds his arm in excruciating pain as Ronnie pulls him to his feet. He goes for some type of suplex but James is able to block it and shove Ronnie back with his good arm. James desperately dives toward his own corner for a tag as... BAM!!! NAZI cracks James in the face with his forearm instead of accepting the tag!

The fans can't believe it! It's basically Michael James against the world here!

James stumbles back as blood begins to pour from his nose. Ronnie grabs him and spins him around, landing a solid headbutt to the nose to further help the bleeding process. Unknown Soldier is going CRAZY at ringside as he sees that beautiful red liquid gushing wildly!

Mister Mystery tries entering the ring but GM Blackwater is all over the situation, grabbing him and threatening to DQ him on the spot! He starts to shove Mystery back toward his own corner as John Madison at ringside yells at Mystery too.

Madison: Get in your corner shit head! Obey the rules like the rest of us have to do!

While all this is happening, Unknown Soldier has leaped into the ring and caught Michael James with a flying...

...what the fuck? A flying nose bite?

He literally springboarded off of the top rope into the ring and while still in midair, clenched his teeth onto the already bleeding nose of Michael James! The force of this brings both men down and RIPS open a nasty gash on Jame's nose so now there's not only blood coming from his nostrils but there is a massive would on the bridge of his nose too!

Unknown Soldier keeps biting and chewing like mad! Ronnie panics, knowing either of the refs could turn around and see this at any moment so he tries to pull Soldier off of James. Soldier shoves Ronnie back and goes right back to James...

CRACK!!! Spikes brass knuckles to the face of Soldier! James had them in his pants this whole time just waiting for the right moment! Michael James gets up looking like a sight out of a horror movie and smashes Soldier in the face again with the spiked knucks, opening Soldier up pretty bad as Soldier is sent spiraling through the ropes and crashing to the outside.

Michael James tosses the weapon out of the ring as quickly as possible just as GM Blackwater was starting to turn around.

All Blackwater sees is Ronnie Wilkins surprising Michael James with a powerful Irish whip into the far ropes... as James returns, Wilkins delivers a flying armbar to Michael's injured arm! THAT'S THE EXPEDITED REMOVAL! HE'S GOT IT LOCKED IN!!!

Nobody on Michael James' team seems like they even care to try and break it up, so Kinwrathi who has kept very calm thus far decides to get into the ring...

...but Mark Flynn is all over him in the blink of an eye! Flynn catches Kinwrathi with a flying knee long before he can break up the submission Ronnie has locked on James!

GM Blackwater checks the hold...


's locked in tight in the center of the ring...


Huge amounts of blood gush from Michael's face as he reaches desperately for the ropes... for anything he can find!


...there's nothing in reach! Wilkins increases the pressure! He's about to snap that arm in half as he screams, applying as much force as humanly possible with veins literally looking like they want to burst from his neck and forehead! Wilkins will NOT let go!


JAMES TAPS! HE HAD NO CHOICE! GM Blackwater calls for the bell!

Michael James has been eliminated via submission

Ronnie Wilkins releases the hold and instinctively raises his arms in victory as ... BLAST!!! Sebastian Duke with a running boot to the back of the head sends him smashing down to the canvas! be continued...

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-25-2013, 05:01 AM

Continued from Part 2. If you haven't read the first 2 parts, they are here:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Sebastian Duke wastes no time dropping an elbow across the back of the fallen Ronnie Wilkins and then shoving him over so he can start blatantly choking him with both hands! Ronnie tries to pry his hands from his throat but Duke is too powerful and he's pressing his thumbs down into Ronnie's Adam's apple with all his weight.

Blackwater: Hey! Break it up!

Blackwater pulls on Duke's shoulder to get him to break the choke and Duke throws his arm back, shoving Blackwater in the process. Blackwater falls back and lands on his ass with a look of shock in his eyes!

Blackwater: That's it! RING IT! RING THE BELL!

He signals for the bell! Sebastian Duke gets to his feet and can't believe what's happening right before his eyes!

Blackwater: You're out of here!

Sebastian Duke has been disqualified

John Madison at ringside can't believe his eyes!

Madison: What the fuck?!? He barely touched you! You practically pulled his arm back into yourself!

Sebastian Duke can't believe what has happened and he LOSES IT! He goes right back to blatantly choking Ronnie and pulls him up by the throat to deliver a CHOKESLAM OVER THE ROPES TO THE OUTSIDE!

Sebastian follows to the outside and immediately grabs a steel chair but here comes Mark Flynn running along the apron! He leaps and kicks the chair into Duke's face which sends him down and the chair goes flying. Sebastian gets back to his feet and decides to grab the ring steps which he rips free from their foundation, lifting them high and THROWING them into Mark Flynn's face!

OH MY GOD! They smashed Flynn's face and sent him down hard, landing on his chest in the process! Flynn appears to be unconscious with the steps on top of him as Duke grabs the chair again. He sees Unknown Soldier coming and cracks him in the face with the chair, then jams it into his gut, then cracks him in the top of the head before throwing the chair down and powerbombing him onto the chair at ringside!

John Madison meanwhile has been trying to bring Shane into reality as he seems to have dozed off in his chair.

Madison: Wake up! WAKE UP! Blackwater is trying to screw THE Black Circle! He just DQ'd Duke for NO REASON!

Duke is smashing the chair down into Soldier and then runs over to Donathan who is standing on the ring apron and he cracks him in the knees with it. Duke brings the chair down hard into Donathan's back as he tries to get up after falling from the apron, and then he hooks the folding chair over Donathan's head, ramming Donathan into the ring post while the chair is around his neck and it nearly decapitates him!

Luca Arzegotti sees all of this and puts his hands up, motioning that he wants no part of it as Duke turns his attention back to Donathan and stomps on the chair that's still folded around his neck.

John Madison is still yelling at Shane who finally is waking up...

Madison: Come on! We can't let this happen! Duke didn't do anything wrong and Blackwater DQ'd him!

Shane blinks his eyes and yawns after his brief nap. The cigar he was once smoking is on the ground by his feet, no longer lit. Sebastian Duke walks over to Shane with nothing in his hands and puts his hands out like he's innocent of any wrong doing.

Duke: I've done nothing. This GM Blackwater is trying to fuck us, Shane. All I did was try and pin Ronnie but he accused me of choking him.

Madison: He's right Shane! And look at all the shit laying around the ring now because of it. They all unfairly attacked Duke! Flynn attacked him with the steps he's now sleeping under... Soldier attacked him with a bottle of vodka... Donathan tried using that chair as a necklace and stabbing Duke with it. They're all in cahoots against us with that biased referee Blackwater. Make ME the main referee and get him out of here!

Shane stands up and looks angry. He grabs a mic...

: So... I fall asleep for one minute and Blackwater shows his true colors?

GM Blackwater looks confused as he remains in the ring.

: You think you can DQ Sebastian Duke just for trying to pin a man, and then NOT take action against all these guys at ringside who obviously tried attacking him with weapons? I think it's obvious whose side you're on and I'm not going to stand for it! I hereby SWITCH your role with Madison's! Get out of that ring and join me at ringside while John Madison takes over as the number one official!

Blackwater: You've got it all wrong. If you'll just look at the replay you'll see I was enforcing the rules properly.

Everybody looks at the X-TRON...

It has barely stopped smoking from when the fireworks set the entire stage on fire earlier. It clearly doesn't work.

Blackwater: Oh... well nevermind that idea... damn fireworks.

Blackwater hangs his head low and exits the ring, knowing he has no other choice at this point.

: I also hereby REVERSE your decision! Sebastian Duke is BACK in the match!

Sebastian Duke is re-added to the match by Shane

The fans let out a chorus of boos and many of them start chanting "bullshit...bullshit" as Shane orders Sebastian and Madison into the ring to continue their business.

Madison: Heil !

Shane begins talking quietly with GM Blackwater as the match continues under Madison's watchful eye. Sebastian Duke looks out at the fallen bodies at ringside and grins before turning his attention back to Ronnie Wilkins who was just starting to get back to his feet after sliding into the ring. Duke pulls Wilkins up and tosses him into Duke's own corner where he tags in Kinwrathi!

Kinwrathi enters the ring as Duke holds Ronnie in a full nelson, allowing Kinwrathi to land several shots to Ronnie's stomach. Madison makes a motion with his hand like he's doing some kind of count but in reality he's not even saying any numbers! He's just randomly saying shit that makes no sense!

Madison: Guillotine... Flo... Slaves... tampons...

He's allowing Kinwrathi and Duke to double team Ronnie as they both lift Ronnie up and drop him down with a double suplex. Sebastian blatantly chokes Ronnie as John Madison looks around and starts swatting at flies that aren't in the arena. Kinwrathi stomps on Ronnie's leg and stomach as Duke finally decides to leave the ring. Kinwrathi pulls Ronnie up and blasts him with a European uppercut that sends him reeling back and falling into the ropes. Ronnie gets his arms tangled in the ropes and leaves himself wide open as Kinwrathi runs to the ropes and bounces back with huge momentum into a running dropkick to Ronnie's gut! The impact forces Ronnie to collapse through the ropes to the outside after ripping his arms free from between the tangled ropes. Kinwrathi waits for Ronnie to stand back up at ringside so he can deliver a baseball slide that sends Ronnie stumbling back into the barricade. Excited fans pat Ronnie on the arms and shoulders which seems to liven him back up a little. He shakes off the cobwebs and slides into the ring where he blocks a right hand from Kinwrathi and knees him in the gut before taking him down with a sambo suplex.

Ronnie is in pain and struggles to get up but Kinwrathi actually beats him to his feet. Kinwrathi grabs Ronnie and hits a double underhook backbreaker and goes for a cover...



...KICKOUT! Kinwrathi smacks Ronnie in the head a few times and tells him to get up and when he does, Kinwrathi nails him with... HATRED FLOWS! (Vertical Suplex lift dropped into a Piledriver)

John Madison taps Kinwrathi on the shoulder and decides to start directing traffic...?

Madison: Alright great job now go tag in NAZI. It's his turn.

Kinwrathi: What? I don't think that's how this works...

Madison: I think it IS how it works and if you argue with me I'm going to have to disqualify you because I'm going to take it as a verbal threat.

Kinwrathi: I didn't threaten you.

Madison: What? Put that fist down! Don't you hit me!

Kinwrathi: My hands aren't even up and everyone can see that...

Madison: Really? Do Shane or GM Blackwater see it?

John Madison looks over toward Shane and Blackwater who appear to be in a heated debate. Neither man is paying any attention to the ring right now.

Madison: Doesn't look like it, and we just saw how useless the X-TRON is so it's not like there will be any instant replays to watch. DON'T HIT ME! I'M FEELING THREATENED!

During this time, Ronnie has crawled to his corner and tagged in Luca Arzegotti who goes right to work by clubbing Kinwrathi in the back of the head as John Madison backs up to safety. Luca spins Kinwrathi around and drills him with a lightning fast DDT.

Madison: See? I told you you should have tagged out! Now look at you!

Luca stomps Kinwrathi a few times and then waits for him to get up, at which point he delivers a standing dropkick that takes him right back down. Luca quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and by the time Kinwrathi is back to his feet, he's being nailed with a missile dropkick now! Kinwrathi sails back a couple feet before landing flat on his back. Luca runs up and leaps high, bringing both of his feet down onto Kinwrathi's chest with a double foot stomp!

Madison: Ouch! That one had to hurt! Hey Kinwrathi... aren't you glad you didn't tag out when I told you to?

Luca goes for the cover and Madison drops to deliver the count...



...KICKOUT! Luca gets up with a bit of frustration on his face as he thought he had him with that. Luca sees that his team mates are finally starting to recover from the earlier attack by Sebastian Duke, and they're taking their places at the ring apron. Luca now looks over to where Shane is and sees that he's still arguing with GM Blackwater... they seem to really be getting heated!

Luca pulls Kinwrathi up and ducks under a wild shot from Kinwrathi, catching him from behind with THE GET AWAY DRIVER! (Omega Driver)

He covers...



...Foot on the rope! Luca can't believe it! He stomps Kinwrathi in the head a few times and then walks over to his own corner to tag in Unknown Soldier!

Soldier climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a suicide dive that nearly takes him across the entire length of the ring! AND HE NAILS IT! He lands right on Kinwrathi and makes the cover!



FOOT ON THE ROPE! How the hell is Kinwrathi this resilient!? Unknown Soldier pulls him up and nails him with a nasty uppercut before grabbing Kinwrathi's head and begins rapidly headbutting him over and over again. He shoves him back into the corner and backs up... he runs forward for a stinger splash!


Soldier hits the turnbuckle hard and falls back as Kinwrathi goes for an instant cover!



KICKOUT! Kinwrathi was so close!

Madison: Hey, now that you're back in control you should tag NAZI in. Remember what happened last time you didn't listen?

Kinwrathi ignores Madison and pulls Soldier up but Soldier punches him in the stomach and hits a hurricanrana out of nowhere!



Madison: Do I have to do everything myself? I said...

He grabs Kinwrathi and drags him to the corner, forcing him to tag out...

Madison: It's NAZI's turn! Fuck!

Madison kicks Kinwrathi in the face and throws him out of the ring as NAZI enters the ring. Shane and GM Blackwater continue arguing at ringside, not seeing any of what's happening.

Madison: You know what? Unknown Soldier and Dante Kyllen are both in that same body... and so therefore are both legally tagged right now... right? I think we need to even the odds then! Get in here Sebastian!

NAZI is already beating on Soldier with closed fists and slamming his head down into the canvas as Sebastian Duke steps into the ring. Mark Flynn and Donathan both look like they're about to enter but John Madison runs up in front of them to stop them...

Madison: I don't think so. We're going to have ourselves a fair two on two right now. Dante and Soldier are the legal men for your team so back the fuck up or I DQ you both! And Soldier! And Dante! All at once!

Flynn and De Sade look at each other, realizing there's not much they can do other than abide by the command if they want to remain in this match. NAZI and Sebastian Duke in the meantime have been ripping Unknown Soldier to shreds! Sebastian Duke chokeslams Soldier in the center of the ring and NAZI begins to wave his hand in the air and then he cups his hand to his ear like he's listening for screaming Hulkamaniacs! What the hell is he doing?

NAZI: Let me tell ya something, white brrrothers! It's time for NAZImania to run wild!

NAZI starts shaking his fists and getting all pumped up. He waits for Unknown Soldier to eventually get back up very groggily and hit him but it has no effect on the NAZI! Oh my god! He's NAZI'ing up! Sebastian and John Madison stand back, looking on in awe as NAZI starts to circle the ring, shaking his fists as Soldier keeps hitting him...

NAZI finally absorbs one hard punch that causes him to stand straight up and raise his right hand into the air with a HEIL as he shouts the word loud. Soldier looks shocked as he backs up but NAZI blasts him with some heavy closed fists and then whips him into the opposite ropes. As Soldier comes running back, NAZI is goose stepping forward and has his heiling hand outstretched... and Soldier runs face first right into it! It knocks Soldier down in the center of the ring!

The fans are in an uproar! They're booing like mad!

NAZI: It's time brothers! NAZImania is runnin' wild!

He bounces off the ropes...



Soldier's entire body shoots up the moment NAZI's leg comes dropping across his throat. It's like somebody just dropped a thousand pound piano on his face!

John Madison and Sebastian Duke are cheering and clapping, cupping their hands to their ears to listen to the massive levels of booing in the arena. John Madison looks out to ringside and then starts to panic...

Madison: Oh shit one of you get out of the ring! They're done arguing!

Sure enough, Shane is sitting back in his chair and looks like he's falling back to sleep as GM Blackwater is just shaking his head in disbelief with his hands on his hips. Blackwater turns back to the ring just in time to see NAZI exiting the ring and leaving Sebastian Duke alone in the ring with Soldier.

Duke: I'm going to enjoy this...

Sebastian slaps his hand down around the throat of Unknown Soldier and lifts him up. His eyes are like daggers as he stares at Soldier for a few moments, just squeezing his throat with one hand and waiting for Soldier to somewhat come to. Just when he feels that Soldier will be able to balance on his own, Duke rushes back and bounces off the ropes to come full steam at Soldier with THE SOUL SHOT!!! That clothesline from HELL nearly shattered Soldier to pieces!

Duke immediately covers as Madison drops down to make the count...



THREE!!! Sebastian Duke has exorcised his original demon here in the XWF!

Unknown Soldier has been eliminated

Sebastian tosses Soldier out of the ring and has a look of satisfaction in his eyes as he glares out at his fallen carcass. The members of Soldier's team discuss who should come in next as Sebastian starts looking toward his own team out of the corner of his eye. He suddenly rushes toward his own corner and slaps Mister Mystery across the chest! He then hip tosses Mystery into the ring and as he gets up Duke catches him with a running big boot to the face! John Madison claps his hands in the air once...

Madison: And we've got ourselves a legal tag!

Sebastian Duke exits the ring as Mark Flynn quickly decides that he'd love to be the next one to enter the ring. He immediately is all over Mystery with a flurry of quick stomps and kicks to every part of his body... He finally decides to concentrate on just one spot and continuously stomps the mask of Mister Mystery as fast and as hard as he can! Over and over and over and over again!

Mark Flynn goes for a quick pin...



KICKOUT! Mark Flynn doesn't even get back to his feet but instead transitions right into an anaconda vice! He pulls back as hard as he can, wrenching away on the neck of Mister Mystery as John Madison checks the hold...

Madison: Do you tap out just like Flo did? Do you Flo out? Let me hear it!

John Madison screams at Mystery enjoying every bit of this but Mystery won't give up. He begins reaching for the ropes but Flynn quickly releases the vice to grab Mystery's free arm and pull him over onto his stomach so he can apply a crippler crossface! John Madison continues yelling at Mystery to give it up and let if Flo! Mystery's muffled screams of pain can be heard under his hockey mask as he tries to fight the pain.

He starts pushing himself up while Flynn keeps the crossface locked in...

He's slowly continuing to push himself up with all his might...

Flynn WILL NOT LET GO! Mystery is up to his knees and Flynn is now literally off the canvas but still keeping the crossface locked!

John Madison's eyes get wide as he can't believe the feat of strength he's seeing before him. Flynn screams and yanks back as hard as he can violently trying to take Mystery off balance but Mystery finally stands straight up with Flynn still wrapped around his arm and neck!

CRASH!!! Mystery whipped Flynn back and smashed him into the turnbuckle!

Madison: That's not legal! You better not do...

BLAST!!! Mystery spears John Madison nearly out of his boots!

GM Blackwater at ringside looks like he loves it!

Blackwater: Ooooh! And don't you try disqualifying him because "it looks like you pulled him into you" ...sound familiar, Madison?

John Madison is holding his ribs and jolting like he just got shocked with ten thousand volts! Mister Mystery stands over Madison but Flynn leaps up behind him and drives Mystery into the canvas with a dropping reverse DDT! He goes for the cover!

John Madison is writhing in pain and rolling back and forth on the canvas so GM Blackwater slides into the ring.

Blackwater: It looks like Madison's unfit to continue reffing this match so I believe I've got to take control BACK.

Blackwater rolls Madison out of the ring and lets him fall with a thud at ringside. He chuckles to himself as he turns back to Flynn's pin on Mystery to count it...



KICKOUT! Mark Flynn smacks his palm three times to indicate Blackwater needs to pick up the damn pace!

Flynn pulls Mystery up but Mystery shoves Flynn halfway across the ring and Flynn crashes back into the turnbuckle.

Mystery quickly backs up to the opposite corner so there's a full ring's distance between them...

The crowd instantly knows what's coming as Mystery hunches forward for a split second and then EXPLODES out of the corner!!!

But Flynn does the same!!!

Counter powerslam!!! Flynn just countered a sure fire spear by running forward and spinning Mystery over with one hell of a powerslam! Holy shit!!!

He smashes a forearm into Mystery's throat and drops a knee across his chest before pulling him right up into an inverted atomic drop. Mystery doubles over in pain but Flynn spins behind him and hits a classic atomic drop next! He spins Mystery back to face him and wraps Mystery's arm over and lifts him into a Northern Lights Suplex! He holds it into the pin!!!



...KICKOUT!!! Mark Flynn rushes to the corner and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He leaps off and drives his knee into Mystery's chest before instantly leaping as high as he can from the standing position and driving the same knee right into the same spot again. Then he stomps his chest repeatedly as hard as he can before quickly tagging in Ronnie Wilkins!

Ronnie goes right to work on Mystery with several stomps and then pulls him up to whip him into the far ropes... he goes for a flying armbar!

NO! Mystery jumps into a flying clothesline catching Ronnie very awkwardly in mid air and both men crash hard to the canvas.

Both men struggle to get to their feet at about the same time very slowly. Mystery grabs hold and lifts Ronnie high in the air and over his shoulder. Wilkins struggles and thrashes about maneuvering his legs and pivoting his body till he's able to start kicking Mister Mystery in the head! Holy Shit! That took some skill! Mystery teeters back and Wilkins gives another kick to the head of Mystery. This causes Mystery finally to release his grasp of Wilkins and they both fall down. Mystery holds his head as he rises to his feet and Ronnie climbs to his feet as well. In a fit of frenzy and adrenaline Ronnie dives toward Mystery! Mystery moves to the side but Ronnie uses the ropes and bounces off them! Ronnie Wilkins flies back at Mister Mystery hitting Mystery with a Flying Knee off the ropes! Mystery stumbles a bit and Wilkins is on Mystery again delivering a quick but well performed DDT.

Ronnie immediately attempts to hit the ropes again to deliver a Jumping Knee onto Mystery, however, as Ronnie dives Mystery is already climbing to his feet. Mystery catches Wilkins mid-air and slams Ronnie to the canvas! The sound of Ronnie smashing to the canvas echoes chaotically throughout the arena! Mystery follows that up by stomping Ronnie in the chest and abdomen. Through the stomps Wilkins reaches up and hits Mystery with a stiff shot to the inner thigh! Mister Mystery falls to the canvas at that leg gives out on him from the sudden unexpected blast. Ronnie rolls towards the ropes in an attempt to rise to his feet but he's still in a lot of pain. He starts using the ropes to climb to his feet as Mystery crawls toward his corner and reaches out to the only person on his team that wants in the ring right now...

...and that of course if Kinwrathi!

Mystery tags Kinwrathi in and he enters like a ball of fire, ready to take full advantage of Ronnie's current state. He runs and jumps nearly halfway across the ring to catch Ronnie with an elbow drop to stop him from getting up and getting to his corner. The impact forces Ronnie through the ropes he was using to pull himself back up and he spills to the outside. Kinwrathi follows and whips Ronnie hard into the barricade, then whips him into the ring apron and charges his shoulder into Ronnie's gut, smashing him back into the ring behind him. Kinwrathi kicks him in the stomach and then hits the DARK REFUGE! (Quackendriver II) He nailed it right on the outside! That move is even deadlier than a tombstone piledriver would be and he just crushed Ronnie with it on the outside!!!

The fans are beginning a "holly shot...holy shit..." chant as Kinwrathi does the unthinkable.

He pulls Ronnie right up...


Meanwhile NOBODY has noticed that GM Blackwater is counting these men out! He's already at a FIVE count right now!


...Kinwrathi stands over Ronnie who is twitching and shaking. Kinwrathi leans down to yell something at him but it's not exactly clear what he's yelling.


...BLAST!!! Flynn with an exploding knee off the apron to Kinwrathi! He never saw it coming!

Flynn pulls Kinwrathi up...

THE END!!! (Front-face lock up into a suplex. Held for a few seconds. Then Cutter.)

No wait!

He DID NOT finish it with a cutter this time... HE TURNED THE FUCKING THING INTO A PILEDRIVER!!!


...Flynn looks down at his work with satisfaction and brushes his hands off calmly, stepping over Kinwrathi's body to try and pull Ronnie up in time to roll him into the ring...


...Flynn has trouble getting Ronnie over to the apron considering he's completely unconscious and limp. Flynn leans Ronnie up against the ring and begins pushing him up onto the ring apron...

...Donathan comes rushing over to try and assist at the last second! They've just about got Ronnie up so all they need to do next is push him under the bottom rope...

...TEN!!! TOO LATE!!!!

Kinwrathi and Ronnie Wilkins have been COUNTED OUT

Flynn and Donathan both immediately drop Wilkins like a sack of bricks and let him fall at their feet like a useless piece of waste. Flynn shakes his head in disgust as Donathan simply walks back around to his corner and gets on the apron again.

Mark Flynn voluntarily enters the ring as the new legal man replacing Wilkins while NAZI enters for his team. NAZI and Mark Flynn eye each other up and down, neither making a move right off the bat. Flynn dives at NAZI. NAZI moves out of the way and Mark crashes into the ropes. NAZI grabs Flynn from behind and spins Flynn around. Nazi then hits Flynn with a left hook and a knee to the gut. Mark doubles over but quickly rises giving NAZI an uppercut that sends NAZI flying back. Flynn turns to the ropes, climbs them and delivers an epic Knee Drop off Top Rope to NAZI. Flynn climbs to his feet pulling NAZI up as he does, Mark then tosses NAZI in the corner and begins striking NAZI with some chops in the corner.

After a couple successful chops NAZI blocks and retaliates by getting Mark with a Headbutt. Mark stumbles back and NAZI takes Flynn down with a Leg Sweep. Flynn drops and NAZI gives the Nazi salute over Flynn's fallen body. He heils high and proud in the air. NAZI maintains this even though NAZI clearly seems to be dazed from all that's gone on. Once NAZI drops his arm NAZI runs and bounces off the ropes flying back toward Mark's fallen body and lands THE FUHRER'S ELBOW! YES! Some of the fans love this move for some fucking bizarre reason and scream with enthusiasm once it's performed on Mark Flynn! NAZI then climbs to his feet and dives to his corner where NAZI tags in Sebastian Duke!

Sebastian Duke looks as hungry as he did when he was about to finish off Soldier earlier! He stalks Flynn and then clamps his hand around his throat. He yanks up him and lifts him high in the air for a massive chokeslam and he actually jumps down with for added impact! Flynn is out of it and barely moving. Duke backs up several feet and waits...

As soon as Flynn starts to get up to one knee and push himself to a vertical base, Duke comes charging in! THE SOUL SHOT!

He immediately covers Flynn!!!




Duke: What!!!

Sebastian can't believe it! He argues with GM Blackwater but Blackwater just scolds him and warns him not to touch him. Duke insists that it was a three count and Blackwater needs to announce it as such but this allows Mark Flynn to slowly crawl to his corner! Duke sees Flynn about to tag out and knows it's too late to stop him so he also tags out in frustration. Duke tags NAZI while Flynn tags in Donathan!

NAZI and Donathan both enter the ring as Donathan smiles.

NAZI: What are you so happy about? This isn't going to feel good, I can assure you.

Donathan: That's exactly right. Do you remember that dart I threw at Michael James earlier? The same dart that landed in your thigh?

NAZI's expression changes to a look of concern as Donathan continues...

Donathan: Do you have any idea what's flowing through your veins right now?

Meanwhile at ringside...

Madison: Did somebody mention Flo? Where are ya baby?

John Madison has recovered from the spear he suffered at the hands of Mister Mystery!

As soon as John Madison sees what's going on and who is left in this match, his eyes light up.

Madison: Shane! SHANE!

Shane is once again dozed off in his char at ringside, probably still suffering from his beating before this match began. John Madison rushes over to him and shakes him violently.

Madison: This is it! Donathan's about to pull his bullshit! I can feel it!

Shane jerks awake and sees NAZI standing across the ring from Donathan...

That's when it happens...

Shane grabs a microphone...

: GM Blackwater... do what you must, and I'll do what I must. It won't matter in the end, because no matter what... I win.

Shane slowly raises his hand to the air and with authority he shouts one very simple and clear word...

: NOW!!!


Mark Flynn just got yanked off the ring apron and smashed in the face with a fire extinguisher!

BY LUCA ARZEGOTTI!!!! His own partner!!!

John Madison rushes around and begins stomping the living hell out of Mark Flynn along with Luca Arzegotti! Meanwhile in the ring, Sebastian Duke has entered and is helping NAZI double team Donathan! They've got him backed up into the corner and are punching and kicking him in the stomach as hard as they can repeatedly!

: Duke! Behind you!

Sebastian turns to see Mister Mystery entering the ring and he catches Mystery with a big boot that sends him crashing back and out of the ring! Shane grabs that steel chair he's been sitting on and he begins beating Mister Mystery with it in return for the earlier attack he suffered.

GM Blackwater grabs his own head and looks like he's got no Earthly idea what to do here! Shane is beating on Mystery with a chair... Duke and NAZI are beating down Donathan in the corner... and John Madison and Luca Arzegotti are beating down Mark Flynn at ringside!!!

John Madison tells Luca to keep beating on Flynn while he takes care of something real quick...

This CAN'T be good...

John makes his way over to where Mark Flynn and Donathan's championship belts are. He grabs Flynn's US Title and Donathan's North Korean title.

Madison: Look at these pieces of shit!

He throws them down in disgust and begins to unbutton his pants!!!


The fans let out a shriek as Madison pisses freely, wagging his dick back and forth to make sure the swirls of golden urine equally land on BOTH titles!

Madison: Hahaha!

Blackwater: Stop that! STOP IT you disgusting pig!

Madison: Come and make me! You won't even get close!

GM Blackwater paces in the ring and has no idea what to do here! He's lost complete control and even the XWF owner is a part of this insanity! Shane is still kicking and striking Mister Mystery at ringside while around the other side of the ring at ringside Luca is mounting and punching Mark Flynn repeatedly in the face as hard and as fast as he can! Sebastian Duke and NAZI have taken Donathan into the center of the ring where they're delivering a double chokeslam to him!

John Madison finally runs out of piss and zips himself back up.

Madison: Aaaaaah... that was refreshing. Look how much more shine these two belts have now. Look how golden they truly have become. They're finally worth something!

John Madison grabs the North Korean Title and slides it into the ring toward NAZI and Duke while Madison himself takes the US Title over to Mark Flynn. Luca pulls Flynn up to his feet and holds him as John Madison CRACKS him in the face with the piss soaked belt! Flynn goes down hard as Madison then lays the belt down across Flynn's face and stomps on it.

Madison: Come on Luca! It's called a boot party! Dance with me!

Madison and Arzegotti both throw the mother of all boot parties on Mark Flynn's US Title with his face underneath it. Each time it falls out of place they take it and put it back over his face to stomp some more!

In the ring NAZI and Sebastian are debating who has to touch the piss soaked North Korean Title. Rather than touch it themselves they just decide to start smashing Donathan's face down into it! They both have hold of Donathan by the head and neck and are bashing his face down into that piss soaked belt over and over again!

Blackwater: This has gone too far. I've got to end this now!

GM Blackwater rushes out of the ring and grabs one of those darts that Donathan was throwing around earlier...

He walks up behind Shane who is still stomping on Mister Mystery and each time Mystery starts to get up, Shane cracks him again with that steel chair to put him back down.

GM Blackwater holds the dart in his hand and looks down at it. It's like he's frozen for a second but then he finally does it...

He taps Shane on the shoulder...

...and when Shane turns to look... BLACKWATER STABS THE DART INTO HIS EYE!!!!!!!!!

The fans scream in horror as Blackwater holds Shane in a necklock and rapidly stabs that dart into that same eye again and again! Shane screams for help but nobody can hear his screams over the massive level of screaming from the fans! Luca and John Madison are still beating on Flynn while NAZI and Sebastian are still figuring out different ways to slam Donathan down into his piss soaked title!

Insane amounts of blood spray out of Shane's eye as Blackwater continues stabbing him. Mister Mystery finally begins to recover and he yanks Shane away from Blackwater to deliver a spinebuster into the nearby steel steps. He then pulls Shane back up, hoists him over his head, runs toward the fans and throws Shane so far out into the crowd that he must have landed in the fifth row with blood still spewing out of his eye like a fire hose!

Mystery follows into the crowd and all you can see is him looking down and stomping and dropping massive fists in the sea of fans.

GM Blackwater grabs a microphone.

Blackwater: I had no choice. I had to do this in the interest of fairness. The Black Circle WILL NOT run this show any longer! What I don't understand is YOU Luca Arzegotti! What the hell did you just do? You're a part of them too now? Is that what this is?

Blackwater's yelling catches the attention of the others as they stop what they're doing. Luca Arzegotti grabs a mic and laughs at Blackwater.

Arzegotti: You're probably not the only one wondering that. You're not the only one wondering why. Some of you in the audience may be thinking to yourselves, 'Oh why Luca, how could you possibly dare to join the Black Circle? Have you lost your damn mind?' To that I have to direct you to the wreckage we have just caused. You see, it occurred to me last week that war is coming to XWF, and I would be damned not to join in on the winning side! Tonight is the first crusade to our holy war, and this time, we're keeping Jerusalem. So let Donathan's group of idiotic rejects try and take us down, we're standing here waiting! We took out all these chumps, didn't we? The fact of the matter is that as long as the Black Circle is still here, Donathan and his band of gypsies are powerless... much like ANYONE who opposes us. So if you bet on the brainwashed buffoons led by a manipulative crock of shit, you're just as stupid as they are! I leave with one word of advice to all of our foes; préparez-vous à mourir.

Luca drops the mic and GM Blackwater shakes his head in disbelief.

Blackwater: It's not going to go how you think. After today your Black Circle could very well be without a leader. Look around... do any of you see Shane?

They start to look around and realize he's nowhere to be seen and they have no idea what happened to him while they were busy beating down Mark Flynn and Donathan.

Blackwater: He's gone... and do you know what that means? I'm the single highest ranking individual in the entire XWF who is present here tonight, and with the power vested in me I now pronounce Luca Arzegotti, NAZI, and Sebastian Duke DISQUALIFIED from this match which MUST continue! I also order that John Madison be removed from the building by security for defacing company property. If I have my way, charges will be filed and they will apply to all of you who were in on this tonight. SECURITY! GET THESE FOUR MEN OUT OF HERE!

Several security guards rush out from the back and already have their clubs and tasers drawn. There are about a dozen of them rushing out to quickly overwhelm NAZI, Duke, Madison and Arzegotti. GM Blackwater watches with a stoic face of stone as they're hauled off to the back in handcuffs.

Blackwater: Remember... you guys wanted it this way. You've got what you wished for.

Sebastian Duke, NAZI, and Luca Arzegotti have been disqualified
and removed from the building along with John Madison

GM Blackwater goes to check on Mark Flynn who is very battered and bruised but regaining consciousness. He explains to Flynn that the entire Black Circle has been removed from the premises and the match is now continuing. He asks Flynn if he feels fit to continue...

...and Flynn tells him YES!

Next, GM Blackwater goes into the ring to check on Donathan who is still out after being slammed into the title so many times. He gets a bottle of water and pours some of it on Donathan's face to revive him but Donathan is very out of it.

GM Blackwater explains the situation and asks Donathan if he thinks he can continue...

...and Donathan nods his approval!

Mark Flynn and Donathan both meet in the center of the ring with GM Blackwater and wipe their faces off from blood and piss. They clear their vision and then turn to GM Blackwater...

Flynn: So it's down to just us two?

Blackwater: That's right... it's you two for your team.

Donathan: Then who... who's left of our opponents?

GM Blackwater turns and points out into the fans where Donathan and Flynn squint to make out the sight of Mister Mystery throwing fists down and out of sight where Shane had landed earlier. He's still mercilessly beating on the XWF owner.

Flynn's expression is unreadable at this point. He just stares out into the sea of fans watching that raging lunatic batter someone Flynn cannot see between shoving random fans away and bashing their heads open for trying to stop him.

Donathan on the other hand, very very slowly begins to actually look like a million pound weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He lets himself fall back and rest against the turnbuckle behind him. His head drops and he just remains there for a second before bringing his head back up and turning to Flynn. Donathan has half a smile on his bloody, pissy face.

Donathan: We did it. We've won...

Donathan almost laughs in what's almost a drunken, delusional state as he holds his head. Flynn can't help but keep his eyes on Mister Mystery though. The freakish maniac has started wading through the sea of fans and coming toward the ring.

Donathan: It's alright. Remember he was the backup plan to our backup plan. If the dart didn't work on whoever I hit with it then he was still always going to be the ace up our sleeve. We've won, Mark.

Mister Mystery gets to ringside and is roaring like a fucking lunatic, smashing his fist into the ring post and not even feeling it. He headbutts the ring post and then grabs a fan out of the front row to gorilla press over his head and drop across his knee before smashing his boot down into their head.

Blackwater: This match is officially still underway. Mister Mystery, please enter the ring.

Mystery slides into the ring and rips the turnbuckle padding off of the nearest turnbuckle before be begins headbutting it as hard as he can. GM Blackwater turns to Donathan and Mark, telling them they need to decide their legal man.

Donathan: Go on, Mark. You've got this. He knows to just lay down for us now. He's the only one left... he was never "programmed" to win.

Mark Flynn observes Mystery going absolutely nuts and decides to step out onto the apron.

Flynn: You know something? If you're so sure of that why don't you show me for yourself. Go on and win our match for us, Donathan.

Donathan shrugs and wipes some more residue from his face.

Donathan: Alright... let's get this over with.

Donathan takes a few steps forward and calls out to Mister Mystery.

Donathan: Alright we knew this time would come. You've done your job for tonight and I couldn't be more pleased. You've proven once again why you're my...

SECRET SPEAR 1 17155 400!!!






Donathan Alphonse Francois De Sade has been eliminated

Mister Mystery explodes back up to his feet as the fans lose their minds cheering wildly! The monster has truly been unleashed!!!

It's almost like Mark Flynn saw himself being gripped by the throat and thrown up over the ropes and halfway across the ring rather than experiencing it. By the time Flynn could even start getting back to his feet... LARIATS OF FIRE!!! Mystery shot toward him so fast Flynn did a 180 in the air and crashed right down onto his own head!

Mystery covers!



HOW THE FUCK DID FLYNN KICK OUT?????????????????????????

The fans let out a roar of amazement! Flynn's eyes are huge as he stares up at the lights and almost looks paralyzed. It's like his mind isn't even fully with us but his body just knew to kick out!

Mister Mystery peels him from the canvas and lifts him upside down, holding him in a suplex stance for several seconds before...



THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION!!! (Reverse DDT knee into spine followed by reverse Rolling Cutter!)

He covers Mystery!!!



KICKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!

Flynn remains seated next to Mystery's body in a state of shock. His mind going a thousand miles a minute as his body just wants to collapse flat already. He slowly drops a hand onto Mystery and forces himself to pull the man up. He slings Mystery's arm up over to lift him for THE END...

...can he get him up into the suplex position???

...HE DOES!!!!

MYSTERY DROPS BEHIND! He spins Flynn around! He shoves Flynn back several feet, bursts toward him full speed..... SECRET SPEAR 1 177155 400!!!

He doesn't cover! He instantly pulls him right up and into A LEAPING DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!!!

He covers and hooks the leg!




The fans roar! What an unbelievable main event this has been! It feels like it was days long!!!!

Mister Mystery just lays there on the canvas next to Mark Flynn and doesn't even bother trying to get up as GM Blackwater raises his hand into the air for him. Donathan looks on from ringside still in unbelievable pain and complete shock, just slowly crawling backwards as if watching his worst nightmare before him. My god what the hell will the fallout be from all of THIS that we've seen here tonight?

Winning team: Mister Mystery, NAZI, Sebastian Duke, Kinwrathi, & Michael James

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(03-25-2013), jpcorino (03-25-2013), Kinwrathi (03-25-2013)
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03-25-2013, 05:18 AM

[Image: nex64n.gif]
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RonnieWilkins Offline
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03-25-2013, 09:00 AM

Well done guys!

Send anyone you want, but don't send anyone you want back.
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Sebastian Duke Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-25-2013, 09:39 AM


Winning this match was fun and all, but Duke pinning Unknown Soldier is monumental in my mind. As a writer, and as my own personal opinion, Unknown Soldier is by far the best writer I've had the pleasure of reading. Right up there with Weapon: Ashen. At least in my own mind. As a writer, for me the handler, pinning Unknown Soldier is a monumental accomplishment.

As Sebastian Duke, he finally righted that wrong from his debut. Unknown Soldier literally whipped my ass from pillar to post, not only in writing, but in the match itself back then. Sebastian Duke can now lay claim to being the first man in the XWF to PIN Soldier, 1, 2, 3...

As for the rest of those involved in this match, I don't think anyone of us deserved to lose, but unfortunately it can't work that way. It was loads of fun working with and against all of you.

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[-] The following 2 users Like Sebastian Duke's post:
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(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

03-25-2013, 09:47 AM

Ditto Duke, and congrats on your big moment!

Send anyone you want, but don't send anyone you want back.
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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03-25-2013, 10:05 AM



The fact that anyone feels that highly about my writing is an enormous compliment that I much enjoy and thank you for that. For you to call pinning Soldier an enormous accomplishment also gives me a sense of pride in knowing that anyone would think that way.

Another thing I should say is this...

You have DEFINATELY earned the right to be the first to pin Soldier in the XWF.

The turn around you've made in your writing this past few months is insanely ridiculous.

I thought this day might come.

But not so damn soon!

I know that not only myself, but many of the rest of the XWF roster that has seen you evolve recently is AMAZED at how drastically you have improved.

Keep up the good work my friend! :)

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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03-25-2013, 10:06 AM

(03-25-2013, 10:05 AM)Unknown Soldier Said: OOC:


The fact that anyone feels that highly about my writing is an enormous compliment that I much enjoy and thank you for that. For you to call pinning Soldier an enormous accomplishment also gives me a sense of pride in knowing that anyone would think that way.

Another thing I should say is this...

You have DEFINATELY earned the right to be the first to pin Soldier in the XWF.

The turn around you've made in your writing this past few months is insanely ridiculous.

I thought this day might come.

But not so damn soon!

I know that not only myself, but many of the rest of the XWF roster that has seen you evolve recently is AMAZED at how drastically you have improved.

Keep up the good work my friend! :)

I echo every bit of this!
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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03-25-2013, 10:40 AM

(03-25-2013, 09:39 AM)Sebastian Duke Said: As Sebastian Duke, he finally righted that wrong from his debut. Unknown Soldier literally whipped my ass from pillar to post, not only in writing, but in the match itself back then. Sebastian Duke can now lay claim to being the first man in the XWF to PIN Soldier, 1, 2, 3...

As for the rest of those involved in this match, I don't think anyone of us deserved to lose, but unfortunately it can't work that way. It was loads of fun working with and against all of you.


Yeah, I actually loved that we went in that direction. Soldier stomps on Duke in his debut-- 4 months later, Duke is pinning Soldier, he's a US/Trio/King contender, and he's winning main events. Easy, logical booking.

Like I've said before, anyone is capable of recovering from a rough start and turning into a top guy in this game. Duke is proof that a couple months of practice will help you tremendously.

Overall, excellent performance by everyone in that match. I think all of you stepped it up this week, and that's good shit.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

03-25-2013, 05:59 PM

once again my partner steals the show!! just like he will at the ppv!

THE KINGDOM OF PAIN will reign supreme at Gauntlet City! BOW DOWN FUCKERS!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Donathan Offline
Your Angel ▬ if you'll have him


XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-25-2013, 07:30 PM

Congrats to everyone involved. Was a very exciting match to be a part of. Now some of us get to do it all over again in the Stable Title match for Gauntlet City.

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