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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Anarchy Special" RP Board
I'm Inside Kendall
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Gilmour Classic Offline
im not fat!!

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05-12-2014, 10:30 AM

Ladies and gentlemen, your king of X-treme has decided to grace you with his presence!

I am here to make my rebuttal to the INSECT known as Kendall Sawyer-- or should I say CUNTdall Sawyer.

Gilmour Classic laughs wickedly, he just called her CUNTdalll! Classic Gilmour.

That BITCH starts off whining about how she wants competition. Bitch, why don't you try going for a championship that actually matters? Oh, I'm sorry. I know it can be hard for you to find competition when you don't have an eye for it. I on the other hand, I know competition. I don't have to come out here and cut a promo where I'm asking for it. I simply go after it myself. Because I am Gilmour Classic, and I am an 11 time X-Treme Champion. A championship that is without question the hardest title to retain. That title might as well be the very definition of competition. It is a championship that spans across ALL shows-- not just one-- and has to be defended 24/7. You never know when the attack is coming. It's not like these other championships where you gets a heads up about it through cards or promos from your opponents. When you go out and compete for the X-Treme Title, you have to ALWAYS expect competition. Even when you think that things are quiet, all of a sudden, someone can pop up out of nowhere and attack you when you least expect it.

Why don't you try to take things to the XTREEEEEME, Kendall? You're asking for competition, so I'll issue a Gilmour Classic challenge since you've failed to live up to your obligations as champion and heating up the competition. Here it is: Leave that pathetic cunt tag partner of yours behind because who needs him, right? Reason being that I don't want you tagging him in so that he can take the loss for you. After you've done that, go into the match and agree to defend your European Title under X-Treme Title conditions. That means if either myself or the Imperial ErotiCUNT pin you, then you lose your shiny belt. Like I said, I don't need the title, but I could take it and melt it into some wedding bands for me and Maria Brink. But I know that you won't accept my challenge because you're lying through your teeth when you say that you want competition. You're just saying those words because it makes for an easy, cookie cutter promo that anyone can poop out.

Keep the European Championship though, mi'lady. I wouldn't want that piece of scrap metal if you paid me to take it. That title and the US Title are prizes for marginal talent such as yourself. My eyes are on the REAL competition. I want that X-Treme Title because I am the King of all X-Treme. Fuck Europe and any belt associated with it!

By the way, before I forget....





Gilmour winks at the camera and again laughs wickedly.

You say that you don't care what True Evil thinks of you. Well, you should care what True Evil thinks of you, and you do care because you went out of your way to address it, mi'lady. If you didn't care what the devil's best friend thought of you, you would have just shrugged off my sophomoric insults and not even bothered bringing it up. But you had to go out of your way to try and convince everyone that you don't care, that your skin is as thick as my fat cock. EVEN AFTER you already made it very clear in your promos against Jon Plex. Did I see how Jon Plex and countless other men insult you and practically every other female that steps through the ropes? Yes, mi'lady. I was fucking troll baiting you and you fell for it like the dumb bitch that you are. Wow, that was easy as fuck, I just had to call you a whore, skank, cunt, etc. You dumb cunt. Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, slut, men are stronger than women, cunt, cunt cunt, slut. I can't believe you actually took the time to address the issue. It just goes to show how easy it is, even for a slow person such as myself, to control your mind.

The she says I'm fat!

To that I say:

I'm not fat!

Oh, and something about previous opponents bringing it up and how it doesn't bother me. Basically take Kendall's promo, but replace whore and skank with "fat" and you've got the same message.

Congratulations Kendall. You had a Classic Gilmour moment!

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