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SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-26-2020, 06:31 PM




500 WORDS from anyone who would like to enter the Paint Ball Fight. It's complete trash talk. The best will stand victorious at the end of the match as the Pain Ball Champion fighting their way outside the grounds of Alcatraz.


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Ladder Match For the Vacated Shooting Star Championship- The first person to climb the ladder to retrieve the title becomes Shooting Star Champion.

*Due to Personal Reasons Madison Dyson had to take a leave of absence and the Shooting Star Title Was Vacated




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Participants must participate in a House of Horrors match. A specially built House will be constructed inside Alcatraz just for this PPV.




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X-treme Rules Match - The winner will become Number 1 Contender for the Hart Championship




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Glass Cage Match - The Winner will be the first one to throw their opponent completely through a wall of the glass cage and will become Hart Champion



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Using the whole of the prison the two teams have to fight their way to the front of the prison tag team style, and to become tag team champions they must be the first to break out of the prison leaving their opponents behind inside.




The cameras fade in to a packed section of the Alcatraz Prison where the fans have been seated. The cameras see special signs made by the fans.

RIP Road Warrior Animal Go go Queen Jenny I love Thad Duke Will you marry me Cataclysm?

The cameras shoot over to Heather and Pip at their announcers booth.

HEATHER: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and to the entire XWF Universe and welcome to Day 2 of the XWF 3 day extravaganza it's unique PPV, Relentless. If you thought Day 1 was mad, then Day 2 is going to be even chaotic.

PIP: "Heather do you know that Alcatraz was a prison from 1934 all the way to 1963. That's 29 years of this famous rock being a prison."

HEATHER: "Yes Pip I did know that. Thank you for that. That is the reason why we are at this iconic and infamous place. This is going to be a special night. I hear there's been a change to the pre show. Let's go straight to SBW on the outside of the prison to where the Paint Ball fight is supposed to take place. Over to you the host of tonight, Wednesday Night Warfare's General Manager.... Smoking Bob Williams."

The cameras go from inside the prison to outside the prison and it shows SBW standing on some rock formation with Charlie Nickles.

"Thank You Heather. I'm here to announce that this pre show event that was supposed to take place will now not be taking place as only Charlie Nickles is the only participant to have shown up. I apologize Mr. Nickles but due to you being the only person to have turned up that gives you the automatic win. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I'm going to give you a chance to make things right for your time and effort of being here. When the Wednesday Night Warfare card gets posted this coming week, you have a right to put yourself in just one match that you want to be a part of. That does not include the Main Event and one other specific match I cannot name at this time, but any other match you want to be a part of, just let me know and you'll be placed in that said match."

The camera looks at Charlies reaction who just grins from ear to ear, and shakes hands with SBW.

"So back to Heather and Pip inside the Prison."

The cameras go back to Heather and Pip back inside the prison.

PIP: "Wow isn't that something of a game changer for any match on the upcoming Warfare card,"

HEATHER: "Apart from two."

PIP: "Yes yes apart from two."

HEATHER: "So let's get this second day started. Let's go to the first event."


500 WORDS from anyone who would like to enter the Paint Ball Fight. It's complete trash talk. The best will stand victorious at the end of the match as the Pain Ball Champion fighting their way outside the grounds of Alcatraz.

At ringside, “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane takes his place at his Anarchy Announce Booth, which has been carried in by some overpaid union workers.

Vinnie Lane: “Listen up everyone, Sebastian Duke broke my favorite chair last night throwing a titty baby crying fit. That means I have no choice but to bring up the fact that I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT undefeated against Seabass, fully retired with a lifetime record against the bone fide XWF legend of 1-0. Anyway, on with the show, dudes!”

The camera shows the entrance ramp with a pyro setup that isn’t firing anything off. One of those crewmen checks on it, and it goes off in his face, setting him ablaze! Cameras quickly switch away from him, but we all know he’s in bad shape.

Vinnie Lane: “Ahhhh, that’s why we have insurance, folks! Hey look, it’s BORIS!”

Boris emerges from the back, guzzling a giant mug of Kvass. He slaps hands with fans after tossing the beverage aside and running to the ring, where he hops in over the ropes and immediately starts a squatting and kicking dance..

Vinnie Lane: “Boris is a natural athlete, folks, powered by potatoes and mayonnaise, I guess. I’ve seen this man devour an entire plate of vatrushka in under 60 seconds. He is a consummate pro!”

Bobbi London reveals herself at the top of the ramp, head to toe in a dazzling white jumpsuit that would make Elvi proud. Why? No one really knows. Does she have a camel toe that’s noticeable on camera? You know it. Is it more of a moose knuckle? Absolutely.

Vinnie Lane: “Here’s the former Internet Champion, technically current Defensive Linewoman for my beloved Tenochtitlan Quetzalcoatl, and one half of the team of MAD RHYMES, the Big Beaut herself, Bobbi London! What’s she gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside her trunk?”

Bobbi brings her mic to her lips and lets loose a traditional battle rap as she struts down to the ring looking confident as HECK.


[Image: D87a09M.png]

“First name Bobbi, last name London;
Will knock yous ass out like a no-dick Chael Sonnen!

I’s opening the action for Relentless, Day 2;
So take a seat, grab a glizzy, and an ice cold brew!

Aussie verses Slav, Bobbi L verses Boris;
Gonna beat his ass like Bruce Lee did to Chuck Norris!

Boris was shacked up with some crazy tiger lady;
So I’s end it quick so they can go make a tiger baby!

Bobbi’s back in the hunt and I’s want me title;
So ref go ring the bell, me fists is getting idle!”

Bobbi then throws her mic down and enters the ring, looking ready to go to war.

Vinnie Lane: “We have us a very normal, very typical Anarchy match scheduled between these two now, folks. One gigantic bucket of iced coffee suspended over the ring. Two Anarchy megastars going toe to toe. The winner gets to dump the coffee on the loser and even gets a $200.00 Amazon gift card! Which we here in the XWF would also match with a donation to the winner’s charity of choice!”


With the match underway, Bobbi London looks FIRED UP as she strafes across the ring, wiggling her fingers at Boris and shouting for him to “get his sweet little Borscht over here.” When Boris does as she asks and comes in close for a lock up, he’s immediately rocked by a low knee - she hit him right in the herring under the fur coat!

Boris doubles over which allows Bobbi to slam down onto his back with a jumping double ax, sending Boris flat on his face. Bobbi follows up by clapping her hands and doing a little shoulder shimmy before dropping a THICC leg onto the back of Boris’ head! She looks like she’s demanding a count, but referee John Bihl is getting pretty animated in his attempts to explain that Boris is not on his back.

Vinnie Lane: “Not gonna lie here, folks… that ski mask and track suit makes it kinda hard to know if Boris is face up or face down. I don’t blame London for being confused!”

Eventually Bobbi capitulates and rolls Boris over, but she gets snared in a SLAVIC VICE as soon as she does! Bobbi wails and groans, but she doesn’t tap out. Eventually she manages to grab hold of the bottom rope, freeing herself from the mysterious hold that’s too difficult to describe properly. You’d just have to see it, honestly.

Bobbi and Boris get back to their feet to square off, and Bors slav squats under a big clothesline. He gives two jumping knees right into London’s face then, and then wrings her arm before walking up to the top turnbuckle.

Vinnie Lane: “Are we about to see a little Old Russian School?”

We never find out though, as Bobbi bum rushes the ropes and knocks Boris to the outside before he can jump off. Boris collides hard with the apron on the way down, and he looks to be in a world of hurt as London takes her time exiting the ring to meet him.

When London pulls Boris up to his feet, she grabs him by the balaclava and yanks it to the side so that his eyes are covered by the fabric. She then sends him flying first into the ring post and then into the ring steps on the other end of the apron. Bobbi then grabs Boris and lays him on the apron before cocking her arm like a pump action shotgun and taking off running around the ring. She gets up a head of stem like the Proud Mary on the Mississip’, then when she finishes circumnavigating the ring fully she dives headfirst onto the apron herself, crashing her skull into that of Boris with a HUGE diving headbutt!

Vinnie Lane: “WOW what a high impact move from Bobbi London! A Drive-By Headbutt! If she does too many of those I’m pretty sure we’re gonna find her dogs locked up in a pool house someday…”

Seeing that Bihl has gotten to a count of eight, Bobbi rolls into the ring and drags Boris in after her. She looks ready to put an end to this match as she pulls him into a corner, then steps up onto the bottom rope.


London bounces from the rope down onto where Boris lies below, but he gets a leg up! Boris’ foot gets stuffed right between Bobbi’s thighs as she comes down, and luckily she gets her feet underneath of her before getting impaled. Bob’s face goes blue as she grabs at her nethers, falling over to one side.

“Me cootch! He got me in me cootch!”

Vinnie Lane: “Folks I ate to speculate or to make too much of a spectacle of this… but it’s pretty obvious that Boris is missing a boot right now. His white sock is pretty dramatically contrasting with his black pants, even as dirty as it is, and even with his big toe poking out of a hole the size of Belarus. I think it’s safe to say we have finally figured out how professional wrestlers give birth to inanimate objects!”

Boris fixes his ski mask and tries to get his wits about him, pumping his arms and clapping his hands to get the crowd on his side. He Slavs Up! Boris is throbbing with comeback energy by the time Bobbi London recovers enough to get to one knee, and he rains down a hellacious right hand right onto her temple, leaving her reeling.

Boris lands another big right hand, then does a full 360 before swooping in for a rolling clothesline, but London scouts it and plants the crown of her skull right where I assume Boris’ nose must be. Never seen it, actually.

Boris staggers and is then flattened by a charging STO from London. She slides on top of him for a cover!



Boris with the kick out just in time!

Vinnie Lane: “Thought she had him there! That was a THUNDEROUS impact!”

Vinnie waits a beat like that dog in the meme who makes terrible jokes.

[Image: Screenshot_116.png]

Yeah, that one. He clearly is milking a reaction for what he said.

Vinnie Lane: “You get it? Like the THUNDER from Down Under?”

We can hear the home audience groan. It’s a global groan that registers on the Richter Scale. Ruth Bader Ginsburg sits up from her coffin to dissent from that groan.

Vinnie Lane: “Screw you guys.”

Bobbi sends Boris flying to the ropes, then tosses him straight up over her head, catching him on her shoulders…


London flings herself backward to finish the move, and Boris squirms in midair… he has her locked into a modified crossface chickenwing by the time they hit the mat! Boris has her in the CHEEKI BREEKI!

Vinnie Lane: “Oh man, I can hear Bobbi squealing like a pig from here! She’s trapped right in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go!”

Just then, Maxine, Bobbi’s Mad Rhymes tag partner, runs out from the back holding a white gym towel. She looks concerned as she makes her way to ringside, but before she can even get there she’s clobbered in the back by Tula Keali’i! Tula must have sensed Maxine was preparing to interfere!

Vinnie Lane: “Max is a HOSS, folks! She barely even stumbled after that big double ax handle from Tula, but it got her attention for sure!”

Maxine turns and grabs Tula, choking her with both hands and pulling her into the ring herself. She carries her up a corner, dangling her by her throat out over the top turnbuckle, still squeezing her neck until Keali’i’s face is a bright purple.

Vinnie Lane: “Wait, what’s that up there in the vat of iced coffee now?”

From the big container of coffee hanging over the ring, a tube pops out of the top. Some bubbles foam up around it, and the tube keeps rising higher and higher until…


Truly, Mini Morbid is trembling like crazy as he climbs out of the coffee, drenched, and steps up onto the rim of the vat. He throws the snorkel to the side and dives off! Colliding with Maxine!

The impact of a three foot tall despot falling from twenty feet high is enough to break Maxine’s grip and send her falling to the outside of the ring along with Tula. At least the color is coming back into Tula’s face, though, as she coughs and gasps air into her lungs on the ringside floor.

Mini Morbid looks at Boris and Bobbi, sees that Bobbi is still wailing in pain but unwilling to tap out… and he grabs the white towel that Maxine brought with her. He exits the ring… and throws the towel in!


Vinnie Lane: “Did Mini Morbid just act as a cornerman for Bobbi London and forfeit this match for her???”

Winner by Submission - Boris

Vinnie Lane: “Yup.”

Bobbi London looks PISSED as she eyeballs the towel lying crumpled in the ring. London grabs it and tackles Mini Morbid, covering his head with the towel and beating him senseless. Boris tries to intervene but she shoves him off, and when Tula Keali’i attempts to help the same thing happens to her.

Eventually Maxine is able to pry Bobbi away enough for Mini to scamper off, but it doesn’t look like Bobbi is going to give him much of a reprieve. She rushes after him right in the middle of the ring, and that’s when we hear.

Boris swings across the ring by the braided rope attached to the giant iced coffee vat, rescuing Mini Morbid from harm! Did he learn that from his time among the tigers? We may never know. What we DO know is that he then yanks on the rope, and Bobbi London is doused and drenched with a deluge of Dunkin’.

Vinnie Lane: “Oh god… oh my god… she was wearing all white… it’s like tissue paper… I can see EVERYthing! She’s all nipple, dude! Those things are like stop signs!”

Maxine is quick to cover Bobbi up, and she practically has to drag the rabidly angry Aussie out of the ring and away from the action. The cameras fade out on Boris celebrating his victory SLAV STYLE.

[/color]Robert Main leans over a water fountain to take a quick drink of H2O before his tag title match later in the night. He's gulping down that water like the thirsty man he is when, out of nowhere, Charlie Nickles is on the scene! Charlie smashes a sledgehammer into the man's left knee! Robert falls over, trying to hang onto the fountain as his knee loses it's bearings. Too bad! Charlie hits him in the knee again, and this time the pain from the sledgehammer blow is too much for Main as he falls to the ground, clutching his knee. Charlie drops the sledgehammer, letting it fall loudly to the ground as he turns to face the camera.

Charlie: Who needs friends, when the whole locker room sets themselves out to be your enemies? Each and every one of these bastards bets against me, day in and day out. I've had enough of the insolence. I'm the KING of this federation! Soon, I will release that championship belt and become the GOD of this industry. Don't fuck on me!

Charlie turns back to face Robert Main, who is trying to scoot away on his injured knee. Charlie flips the man off with both fingers before turning about face and walking out of frame.

Thaddeus Duke sits quietly in a rundown office on Alcatraz Island. A member of the XWF medical staff is taping his injured right knee as Paul Heyman enters the room, soon followed by nearly the entire Duke family. Elizabeth, Frankie and Sebastian Duke.

"What's the doctors saying?" Sebastian asks of his son as Heyman and the family take a seat at the table. Sebastian leans against the wall, his arms folded in front of him.

"That I can't go," Thaddeus answers. Disappointment on his face.

"This is not my advice, but if you choose to go forward and have this match with Mastermind tonight, I have to call Pryce and get him in here."

Thaddeus nods at Heyman and Paul pulls out his cell as he gets up and exits the room.

"Baby, no!"

"This isn't a debate, Liz. It's my call and no one else's."

"You're a stubborn jackass!"

Thad eyeballs his dad then looks at Liz.

"Blame him," he says referring to his dad. "Who do you think I got it from?"

Liz stands from her chair and stands face to face, figuratively speaking since he's taller than her by more than a foot, with Sebastian Duke.

"And if he injures himself permanently?" she asks of him. To which he doesn't respond. "When he can't wrestle anymore or play with Frankie? Then what, Sebastian!?"

Sebastian looks over at his son with a bit of a smile.

"Hey I told him NOT to go!" he says to her as he returns his attention to her.

"Theo is on his way over," Paul says as he re-enters the room.

"Actually what you said was, 'hey if it were me, I'd be out there. But you're my kid and I don't think you should do it just because I would.'"

Angrily, Liz shoves Sebastian hard against the wall and walks out of the office.

"Now I'm on her shit list. Thanks for that."

"Come on in man, the waters fine," he jokes.

"Hey guys," Theo says from just outside the doorway.

"Come on in Unc, have a seat."

"I'll just be a second, I have a lot to do," Theo says as he eyeballs his half brother.

"Sorry bout last night brother. Heat of the moment ya know?"

Theo doesn't respond. He only nods and lays a clipboard on the table in front of Thaddeus.

"This is your standard release from liability waiver," Pryce begins. "Basically what it means is that if you suffer any further injury to your knee, you can't sue the Xtreme Wrestling Federation or recoup any lost income from that injury.

"Initial the first three pages, sign and date on the last."

Thaddeus takes the clipboard and looks it over briefly.

"Got a pen?" he asks looking up at Theo Pryce.

Theo reaches inside his jacket and pulls out a pen, handing it to Thad. Thad initials and signs before looking at the pen.

"That's a nice god damn pen," he says before slipping it into his back pocket of his shorts.

"Same ones they use in space," Pryce replies. "Can I have it back now?"

Thaddeus sighs and hands the pen and the clipboard back to Theo.

"I never get nothing!"

Theo turns to leave and looks over at his half brother. He slaps him in the chest before walking out. A symbolic gesture of accepting his apology for the upheaval last night in Santa Monica that saw Sebastian Duke shove Theo Pryce against a wall.

"Doc, how 'bout a shot of Cortisone right here?" he asks as he points to a specific point on his knee.

Fade back to ringside.

HHL: There you have it ladies and gentlemen! The House of Horrors match is still on!

Eye of the Tiger plays and from the back steps Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson. She kneels down at the top of the stage, and acts like she is looking for footprints of her opponents. Then the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk joins her, and they both head to the ring.

Lights go dark, then lightening roars eerily as the song begins. Ash strides onto the entrance bending seductively and flipping her long black hair as the crowd erupts.

Jenny Myst makes her way out onto the rampway but doesn't take time to pose. She looks around at the atmosphere, and her eyes lock on the title above the ring. She walks down to the ring as he name is announced.

[Image: TDd5Ycc.gif]

Pip: Gotta admit, Myst looks focused, all business tonight.

Heather: It's all or nothing here, Pip!

Pip: No fancy entrances tonight, Myst looks like she is ready to run through a brick wall and she may have to to get this done.

Heather: One thing we know, she's got a gameplan.


[Image: 4734NG4.png]

The bell rings and all three women stare at each other with hard glares. There are a lot of hard feelings in this match, and it shows. The Huntress and Ash both charge towards Myst, who rolls out of the ring and starts to walk around the outside.

They both yell at her but she gives the wave off. Ash rolls out of the ring in pursuit, and Jenny rolls back in. Scarlet is waiting for her and clubs her across the back. Ash is back into the ring now. Jenny is back to her feet. Scarlet swings again, Jenny ducks, and Scarlet clocks Ash. Jenny rolls out of the ring again.

Pip: Are we seeing a little fear out of the champ here? In the early going, she seems to want to have nothing to do with this matchup.

Heather: She's playing possum. It's all mind games. She knows what she is doing!

Ash gets up and shoves Scarlet, and she shoves back. They both point to Jenny who is still on the outside. They decide they should team up at first, take Jenny out of the picture then go for the title themselves. They both roll out of the ring and give chase. Jenny runs out the outside out the ring and rolls in where the ring meets the mat. They both run in and give chase. Jenny comes off the ropes and goes for a flying clothesline on both but they both duck and come off the ropes, both clotheslining her at the same time. The Queen is down. Ash picks Jenny up by the hair and whips her into the corner. Scarlet then turns and nails Ash. Ash goes down and Scarlett splashes Jenny in the corner. She bounces of the ring and hits a lariat on Ash.

Pip: The Huntress impressive here early. Like a true huntress, she lured Ash in and now she's in control!

Jenny is on her feet, however. Scarlet turns and Jenny and her trade blow. Scarlet uses her quickness to slide behind Jenny, trying to lock her in for a suplex. Jenny elbows out of it with two elbows, just as Ash explodes towards them. Jenny sees her and ducks and Ash flattens Scarlet with a clothesline. Jenny then comes off the ropes with a dropkick which takes Ash down in the center of the ring. Jenny looks up at the title in the center of the ring. She rolls out of the ring and grabs one of the various ladders around the ring. But before she can get a handle on it, Scarlet comes off the top rope with a dropkick knocking the Queen down onto the ramp.

Pip: My god! A high-risk move there from the huntress! That was hit or miss and boy did she hit!

Ash is outside the ring now and those two are fighting along the ringside area, bouncing each other off the barricade, announce table, and ring posts. Jenny gets to her feet and sees them going at it. She goes for the ladder again, letting them fight each other.

She slides the ladder into the ring when both women notice. Ash gets an uppercut on Scarlet as she watches Jenny, taking her off her feet, and Ash slides into the ring to meet the Queen. They meet in the middle and a hard right by Ash knocks the ladder out of Jenny's hands. She is backed up against the ropes, and Ash chops her with a vicious shot that echoes around the arena and then another. Then another. She whips Jenny against the far ropes, and Myst jumps over the ladder, and on the comeback, Ash steps up onto the ladder and grabs her in mid-air for a tilt-a-whirl DDT ONTO the ladder. Myst is out.

Pip: What a display of athleticism there by the newcomer. Where was this on Warfare?!

Scarlet is back in the ring and doesn't let Ash set up the ladder. Scarlet whips Ash into the corner and runs, stepping up onto the ladder for the splash but Ash moves out of the corner..........

And gets hit by Myst who DDT's her out of nowhere, then collapses back to the mat.

Heather: DESPERATION MOVE THERE FROM MYST! But both women are down! Scarlet is wobbling but he's the only one on two legs right now!

She stumbles towards the ladder, looking up at the belt. She begins to prop up the ladder. She gets it standing in the center of the ring before she is clubbed in the side of the head by Myst. Jenny begins to rain shots down on the face of Scarlet before clotheslining her over the ropes. Jenny turns and gets a kick to the gut from Ash. Jenny groans and goes to one knee. Ash has her by the hair.

"Whose the Queen now, Jen?! Not so tough now are ye?!" She slaps Jenny hard across the face. The crowd "ooohs".

Pip: I felt that one.

She slaps Jenny again, they lift her up by the hair. She chops her in the chest. From the ring shaking, the ladder has tipped over in the corner. Ash tosses Jenny by the hair and she lands back first on the propped up ladder.

Heather: Okay I felt that one.

Scarlet is back up and on the top rope. She hits a missile dropkick on Ash and turns her sights on the wounded champion.

Pip: The hunter is about to make a kill here, I feel!

Heather: Let's not be too quick to count our chickens.

Myst rolls off the ladder, holding her back. Scarlet picks it up and goes to prop it up in the middle of the ring again. Myst is starting to crawl though, on all fours. Scarlet kicks her in the ribs. Jenny is huffing on the ground, holding her ribs, wincing.

Scarlet sets up the ladder. She looks around to see where Ash Quinn is. Ash is in the ring now, and she goes to climb it on the other side. Scarlet snarls, and the two climbs the ladder.

Pip: Myst is down here, the champ is down. It's Scarlet and Ash climbing that ladder! It's a race to the roof of Alcatraz now!

The two are about midway up the ladder, fighting back and forth with fists. Myst uses the ropes to get up. Holding her ribs she uses a bolt of energy to get to the ladder and begins to climb up underneath Scarlet. She catches up to her while she is occupied with hand fighting with Ash.

She grabs Scarlet by the back of the tights. The upper part of her buttock is exposed and the crowd "OOOOH's" as Jenny tosses her back first off the ladder to the mat below!!!! She lands with a crash!

Myst grins between a wince at Ash.

Heather: Here we go! The Queen and Ash Quinn at the top of this ladder!

The two trade blows at the top of the ladder. Ash hits a body shot on the sore ribs of Myst. She almost loses her footing. Ash reaches up, she has her fingertips on the belt.

Pip: She's gonna get it here! Ash Quinn is gonna get it!

Heather: Jenny isn't gonna let it go that easily!!!

Myst, realizing she is losing her footing, grabs a rung and out of desperation uses her body weight to shift the ladder. It tumbles! The crowd erupts as Ash falls and lands midsection over the top rope. Myst falls over the ropes and lands hard on the mat outside!

Pip: My god! A damn near suicide dive from the champion there! She could have hurt herself worse with that one!

Heather: She is proving here that she will do whatever it takes to retain this title! She said she was ready to put her body through hell! She's gotta be feeling it now!

The camera pans to the downed Myst.

[Image: JxMtlbP.gif]

All three women are down. The champ seems to be in real pain.

Ash is using the ropes to pull herself up. Scarlet has rolled out of the ring and grabbed another ladder, bringing it into the ring. She sets it up in the center of the ring. Ash Quinn is up and goes to set up the other ladder. Myst is rolling around, trying to get to her feet.

The crowd is buzzing with anticipation.

They have two ladders side by side, and each woman climbs the ladder, one on each side of the title but neither one directly under it due to where they set them up.

Each woman is climbing. Myst climbs up the ladder closest to her, which is have Ash positioned the original ladder that was brought into the ring. She grabs Ash by the shorts this time. Ash kicks her back, and Jenny almost slips off. She reaches into her bra....pulling out a small vial.


Jenny reaches up and sprays her patented pepper spray into the face of Ash. Quinn screams and grabs her face, falling off the ladder. She rolls around on the mat holding her face.

Heather: Jenny unloaded the full canister into the face of Ash there! That's gonna burn for days! How many times have we seen her do that! But now she has to worry about Scarlet on the other ladder!

Jenny goes to spray Scarlet but it looks like her can is empty. Instead, Myst throws the empty can at Scarlet. They are punching back and forth on opposite ladders! Both are wobbling, but finally, Myst is able to use quick footwork to get position directly across from Scarlet on the other ladder. Ash is back up and her face is red from the spray. Tears run down her face. Jenny and Scarlet are both on top of the ladders now. Jenny kicks Scarlet in the gut, and she bends down. Jenny looks down, her eyes go wide.

She puts Scarlet in position.


Pip: OH! MY! GOD! Jenny Myst may have just killed herself to stop Scarlet!

Heather is silent.

Myst is in rough shape.

[Image: YWPgLim.gif]

Ash is up, as we see her boot there. She stomps Jenny twice in the back. But a determined Myst grabs her ankles. She clubs her. But Jenny won't let go.

Heather: I think she's just swinging blindly here, I am not even sure she can see Myst!

Shot after shot. Myst continues to get up until she's at a vertical base. Ash goes for the kill shot, Jenny ducks, kick to the gut.

PINK PERFECTION! (twist of fate!)

Pip: She saw that!

Jenny, wincing and groaning, climbs the ladder slowly. She's all alone. The crowd is on the edge of their seats. Rung by rung.

Heather: She's gonna do it here! She's gonna retain!

Scarlet is up, and is crawling, has a hand on the bottom rung.

Jenny climbs....reaching....reaching........


[Image: 9I8a4XD.jpg]

Pip: She did it, it wasn't easy but she did it!

Heather: Jenny Myst just cemented her legacy as the top woman in the XWF! Hands down!

Pip: Sarah Lacklan?

Heather: You're so negative!


Backstage we find Robbie Bourbon sitting in the catering area with a half-eaten whole kielbasa, or a whole half a kielbasa, in one hand, and a Calvin and Hobbes anthology in the other. Suddenly the leather-clad Miss Fury steps into the frame along with her newest recruit, and future TV champ, Thunder Knuckles.

Miss Fury: "Mr. Bourbon, has anyone taken the time to enlighten you of the perks that come along with becoming a member of BOB?"

Fury pauses to allow Robbie to answer, but he doesn't even look up from his comic.

After a moment, Fury, obviously thrown off her game by Robbie's demeanor, continues the pitch.

Miss Fury: "Um... For instance, I've been told that you are a big fan of cinema, did you know that with all of the crimes and robberies committed by BOB, we are always looking for new and exciting ways to launder our money. TK here recently came up with the idea of financing Hollywood movies as a way to clean BOB's cash."

TK raises his hand to interrupt, before interrupting!

Thunder Knuckles: "Actually Miss Fury, the fucking phrase that I used was "shitty remakes", not Hollywood movies. What we are doing is looking for the absolute cheapest, the bottom of the barrel prices to secure the rights for remakes of movies. That way we can use all of our film budgets to pay us to act in these things so we get double paid! We already have the rights locked down for a Porky's 2 remake and goddamn Troll 2! For some reason, second movies seem to be the fucking cheapest!"

Noticing that Robbie still isn't very invested in the conversation, Miss Fury decides to change tactics.

Miss Fury: "And we'd love to have you star in either of these productions, but I can tell that you're a man of action. Just name the title, and I will secure you a shot. Management around here is very susceptible to my tactics." (She says with a sly grin as she studies the eating, reading, ignoring, Bourbon.) "What I think you want, no need, are allies, perhaps even friends? You don't have anyone that you can really count on to watch your back do you? Shame, I'm sure James Raven has plenty of friends. It would be a shame if some of those friends were to get involved in your match tomorrow night, wouldn't it? BOB could help ensure that doesn't happen, just say the word."

Miss Fury looks at TK frustrated that Robbie has ignored her this entire time. TK tries to calm her down as he steps in to take care of it.

Thunder Knuckles: "Listen, Robbie, I thought this might be a hard sell, so I took the liberty of having some of the other members of BOB write testimonials as to how their careers have improved since joining BOB." (TK unfolds some papers and puts on his reading glasses.) "Jenny Myst wrote..." (TK seems confused. He flips the paper over and back.) "Okay well, Jenny just wrote "The Queen Said So" and kissed the paper. So whatever that fucking means." (TK tosses the first sheet to the floor.) "Big Money Oswald wrote, "I'm too busy a man to take time out of my day to try and convince someone of the benefits to joining BOB. We are criminals, madmen, and monsters. BOB gives us the tools needed to not only be ourselves, but also prosper as the sick, vile, and depraved human beings that we are. If you require additional convincing of how these merits would benefit you, please refer to the underlings. They can tell you just how comfortable my money and Miss Fury's leadership has made them." (TK tosses it to the ground.) "Micheal Graves wrote, "The only reason you need to join BOB is this, if you aren't with us, you're against us, and if you're against us, you have to fight ME!" (TK throws that one to the ground as well.) "Honestly man, we're going to make a metric-fuck-ton of money off this criminal shit, and with us racking up the gold too, those Xbux accounts are going to be thick boy! Real fucking thick boy!"

Miss Fury: "And if you have a problem teaming with Graves, we can just boot him out!"

TK looks at Fury confused and mouths the words "What, really?" Miss Fury slightly shakes her head no without Robbie noticing, because you know, still eating, now down to half of half of his whole kielbasa, or a whole quarter of a kielbasa, no bun, no mustard, maybe not even heated up, reading, ignoring! Finally, Fury seems to have had enough and explodes!

Miss Fury: "You know what, sit there and stuff your fat face! BOB doesn't need you anyway! You're just a washed up lower anyway! The Next time that our paths cross, it shall be as foes fat man!"

Miss Fury stomps her foot, catching Robbies' attention. He looks up at her and removes an earbud.

Robbie Bourbon: "I'm sorry, but did you say something? I was just listening to Spotify and reading some Calvin and Hobbes."

Without skipping a beat, it’s like someone hit reset!

Miss Fury: "Mr. Bourbon, has anyone taken the time to enlighten you of the perks that come along with becoming a member of BOB?"

Robbie Bourbon: "BOB? Whazzat? Bringing Our Best?"

TK half shrugs as Miss Fury grins a saccharine smile with a blank expression in her eyes.

Miss Fury: "Yep, yes, that's it exactly. You see, we see you as the legend you are, and…"

Robbie cocks an eyebrow. He bites into his half of a half of a whole kielbasa, now making it a half of a half of a half of a whole kielbasa, or a whole eighth of a kielbasa, and begins to put his earbud back in through the hole cut out of his mask JUST for earbuds. Before he can, TK interjects!

Thunder Knuckles: "Look, it'll be a lot of fucking fun, and we're remaking Porky's 2 and…"

Robbie Bourbon: "Say no more."

Robbie finishes the last of his kielbasa and sets the book down. He removes his other earbud.

Robbie Bourbon: "You son of a bitch."

TK and Miss Fury look at each other suspectly.

Robbie Bourbon: "I'm in."

TK looks somewhat relieved, however Miss Fury looks to be a little shocked.

Miss Fury: "Real, uh, really?"

Robbie Bourbon: "Absolutely. Porky's 2 is an unsung gem that today's generation not only needs, but deserves. Now, I don't remember much of that movie besides Porky wasn't in it whatsoever and the name didn't make sense as such, and it was a weird parody of Happy Days and American Grafitti, but hot damn, I want to be a part of this. Where do I sign?"

TK nudges Miss Fury. She gives him a dirty look. She then turns back to Robbie.

Miss Fury: "Well, it's less a formal contract and more of a verbal agreement."

Thunder Knuckles: "We don't really want a paper trail."

Robbie Bourbon: "Cool! Paperwork is boring anyhow."

As we cut back to ringside!

PIP: That’s right and while we don’t know the full extent of that injury, Duke has signed a release in order to be able to compete against Mastermind here on Alcatraz on night two!

HHL: Thaddeus Duke and Mastermind have a sort of complicated history, don’t they Pip?

PIP: They do indeed, Heather. A couple years ago Mastermind aided Thaddeus Duke in defending his TV title and that never sat well with him. Fast forward to two months ago at Leap of Faith and history repeats itself!

HHL: With the aid of Mastermind, Thaddeus Duke successfully defeated Thunder Knuckles to become a two time Television champion and that sparked something inside the Lionheart, didn’t it Pip?

PIP: It did, Heather. He mentioned it in passing soon after, but after his horrendous month of August, Duke unleashed hell on Mastermind live on Warfare and that has brought us to this match tonight!

HHL: Twenty tons of steel and nearly four miles of chain will put these two men in lockdown and what a fitting concept here on Alcatraz!

PIP: It’s Thaddeus Duke! It’s Mastermind! It’s Heyman’s House of Horrors! And it’s right now!

[Image: 92sjTrH.jpg]

The ring crew puts the finishing touches on the enormous chamber as the bell rings and the ring announcer stands in the center of the ring.

RING ANNOUNCER: The following contest… is Heyman’s House of Horrors set for one fall!

HHL: This match will not be for the feint of heart, Pip!

PIP: No, Heather. This will be brutal and very likely bloody.

A figure is seen walking out from the back wearing a black hooded sweatshirt on. The hood was over his head so he couldnt be seen, and his head was looking down.

He stood in a stance. And as a white light appeared on his front, he unzipped his sweatshirt and showed the front of the t-shirt:

[Image: 4235893084%20Front.jpg]

As it continued he turned around and took off his hooded sweatshirt and revealed the back of the t-shirt which read:

[Image: 4235893084%20Back.jpg]

He turned back around and stood in a pose as the white light bathed on him to reveal: MASTERMIND

He then smirks as he walks all the way to the ring,

PIP: Once the bell rings, Heather, the countdown will begin. Every five minutes a pod will open at random allowing these two men to use whatever weapon is inside!

RA: Introducing first… From New Zealand… weighing in at two hundred pounds… MMMMMMMMASTERRRRRRMIIIIIIIIIND!

RA: Annnnd his opponent...

The lighting at Alcatraz goes out, leaving only the x-tron lit up.

[Image: LXn6dYR.png]

The Lionheart logo appears on the x-tron and the XWF fanatics in attendance at Alcatraz come out of their seats.

”Ladies and gentlemen...” Paul Heyman begins as he emerges from backstage. ”It is with great pride, it is with great honor as the Advocate to Greatness… that I introduce to you… From Old Saybrook, Connecticut…

Weighing 2 hundred 17 pounds…

A legend in the making!

The Rembrandt of professional wrestling!

The instant fucking classic!

The high flying! Gravity defying!

Even greater than sliced bread!

The not a heel with the dinged up wheel!

Better than the rest, I must confess!





HHL: There may be no better advocate in the business today!

PIP: No matter what you think of him, Heyman has certainly tapped into something inside Thaddeus Duke that makes him...

HHL: Better than he was… and that’s no shot, Pip! He was pretty good without Heyman!

The bass drops for “My Name Is Human” by Highly Suspect.



BASS! Gold light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from beneath the stage illuminating a lionheart banner above the entrance way. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Lionheart hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement.

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in gold colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers. He takes off his hoodie and tosses it in the crowd, then turns his attention to Mastermind, dead staring him from across the ring.

Thaddeus grabs a hold of the chamber door and steps inside, slamming it shut behind him.


[Image: CARKvPR.png]

The referee signals for the bell as an outside official padlocks the door shut.




As Thaddeus steps through the ropes, Mastermind charges for him and starts clubbing him over his back and shoulders, trying to get the upperhand early. Duke stumbles over the middle rope as he’s entering and Mastermind lays in some vicious stomps to the Lionheart. Thad rolls out of harms way but only momentarily as Mastermind gives him a vicious kick to his chest, sending Duke airborne slightly and landing on the mat on his back.

Thad starts to get to his feet only for Mastermind to rush him and drop him with a nicely timed dropkick to his chest, grounding him once more.

HHL: The high flying gravity defying Lionheart can’t take flight if Mastermind doesn’t let up here!

PIP: Mastermind is on a tear here I the early going, Heather. He’s got a game plan to ground Thaddeus Duke and eliminate the high flying offense that he likes to use!

Mastermind gets back to his feet and grabs himself a handful of the luxurious Thad Duke locks and pulls him to his feet. He sends him toward the corner with an Irish Whip, chasing after him. Duke though, as he’s about to hit the corner, steps up on the middle rope and then the top and backflips over Mastermind, landing on his feet behind him.

His knee gives out though as Mastermind crashes into the corner. Thad falls to his knees and Mastermind rebounds from the corner and plants Duke with a DDT, kicking his legs out for added effect.

Mastermind tries to put him away early.



HHL: Not nearly enough to put down Thaddeus Duke as he kicks out!




PIP: No but I like his gameplan thus far! Keep Duke grounded, use Thad’s injury to his own advantage, and try to end it early!

Mastermind gets back to his feet and again pulls Duke to his before whipping him across the ring into the turnbuckles. Mastermind charges in toward him, but Duke gets a boot up and Mastermind runs right into it. Mastermind staggers backward before falling. Thad Duke works his knee a few seconds before bursting out of the corner and leaping into the air, dropping a huge elbow drop on the Master of Minds.

HHL: Reminiscent of his father, right there!

Thaddeus gets back to his feet and aids Mastermind to his. Thad looks at Mastermind and slaps him gently in the face in a small show of respect for his opponent. Duke then leaps high and plants a dropkick square on the chin of Mastermind, throwing him backward and flooring him immediately.




Back on his feet, Thad grabs Mastermind by his hair and lifts him to his and whips him across the ring into the corner. Thad chases after him, and Mastermind gets a boot up, nailing Thad in the chest. Duke staggers backward only to charge in a second time, this time with a shoulder tackle. Quickly, Mastermind sidesteps, sending Thaddeus shoulder first through the ropes and into the ringpost.

Thaddeus slowly comes out of the corner and turns around just for Mastermind to boot him in the midsection and trap him in a front facelock. Mastermind lifts Thad up and plants him in the middle of the ring with a vertical suplex.




The prison buzzer sounds and one of the pods inside the chamber opens as Mastermind gets to his feet. He looks down at Thaddeus Duke then toward the opened pod with a number of tables, a zippo lighter and lighter fluid stuffed inside.




Mastermind heads toward the opened weapons pod. After stepping inside, he tosses the lighter and lighter fluid onto the steel grating of the chamber floor and goes right for the tables. Grabbing one, he slides it out of the pod and sets it up on the grating just outside the ring.

In the ring, Thaddeus Duke is getting to his feet.

Mastermind goes back into the pod and retrieves a second table and slides it over the top rope and into the ring. After stepping back through the ropes, Mastermind delivers a swift kick to Thad’s injured knee, dropping him from his vertical base.

HHL: Mastermind, going right for that injured knee, buying himself some more time to get set up!

Lifting up the table, he leans it against the corner then returns his attention to Thaddeus Duke who by now has once again reached a vertical base and is charging full speed ahead towards Mastermind. Thinking quickly, Mastermind sidesteps him and sends him head and shoulder first into the leaning table!




Thaddeus crashes through the table in a heap and lies on the mat, broken bits of table lying all over him. Mastermind grabs Thad by his ankle and pulls him out toward the center of the ring. He rolls him over and hooks the leg.



HHL: Thad kicks out!

PIP: Still not enough to keep down the Lionheart!

HHL: I’m a bit surprised that Mastermind took control of this match and hasn’t really given it up since the outset!

PIP: You gotta wonder if Duke is more concerned about his knee than this match at this point!

Mastermind gets to his feet and pulls Thaddeus to his before throwing a hard forearm shot to Thad’s jaw, rocking him backward. Coming toward him, he throws another one and Thad is rocked against the ropes near the table still set up outside the ropes. After backpedaling a little, Mastermind gets a head of steam as he rushes toward Thaddeus Duke.

Duke though, bends down and tosses Mastermind high into the air, sending him up and over the top rope and crashing down through the table!





HHL: There goes the buzzer, Pip!

PIP: What horrors await!?





Thad regains his wind and switches back and forth between focusing on the newly opened pod containing objects of the sharp and pointy variety: a sack of thumbtacks, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, a loose section of even more barbed wire.

PIP: This match… is about to get ugly!

Thaddeus enters the opened pod, narrowing his focus directly on the barbed wire bat. As he steps out of the pod, Mastermind is fighting his way to his feet. Thad stands a foot or so behind him like he’s in a batters box. He twirls the bat a few times and waits for Mastermind to turn around. He stumbles as he makes his way out of the busted up table debris and turns around. Duke drives the barbed wire bat into Mastermind’s midsection, doubling him over.

Duke then grabs a fistful of Mastermind’s hair and pulls him back upright against the ropes. Both men still on the outside of the ring surface. Thad leans against Mastermind, forcing the top rope downward enough to trap Mastermind’s arms between both ring ropes and Thad steps back into the ring as Mastermind is all tied up with nowhere to go.

A shot outside the chamber shows Heyman nearly frothing at the mouth at the carnage that’s about to ensue.




With the wrapped bat still in hand and a handful of Mastermind’s hair, Thaddeus stands in the ring and lays the wrapped bat against his forehead.


Thad grinds the barbed wire into Mastermind’s forehead ripping him open and blood flows freely from the fresh wound giving Mastermind a crimson mask. Duke tosses the bat and releases Mastermind from the ropes. Mastermind falls to his hands and knees as Thaddeus steps back through the ropes, taking his time as to what his follow up might be.

Looking up at Thad now standing directly in front of him, Thad takes his hand and swipes it across Mastermind’s forehead before painting some of it on his own face.

PIP: War paint for Duke!

HHL: This is starting to get gruesome!

PIP: Heather I think we’re past gruesome and on to downright criminal!




After adorning the blood of Mastermind as war paint, Thad aids Mastermind to his feet as the prison buzzer sounds, opening the third pod packed with a pail full of broken glass bits and a plethora of five foot long fluorescent light tubes.




HHL: I don’t understand why this match was ever sanctioned!

PIP: It’s turning into a bloodbath!

Thad with a fistful of Mastermind’s hair sends him head and face first into the closed side of one of the previously opened pods. It doesn’t break, but Mastermind slides down it, leaving a smear of blood almost the entire length.

Turning his attention to the now opened pod on the far side of the ring, Thad steps through the ropes and heads in its direction. Once to the far side, he debates what to use and pulls out the pail of glass. Once stepping into the ring, he empties the contents throughout the ring, covering approximately half of the ring area.

Returning to the pod, he retrieves a number of the light tubes and sets them in the ring, leaning against the turnbuckles. Thaddeus now looks at Mastermind who is just now starting to get up, then turns his attention to another pod and heads to it. He grabs the sack of thumbtacks and steps back into the ring, slowly he covers the other half of the ring mat with the tacks.

HHL: There is no longer a safe place to land in that ring, Pip!

PIP: I… I don’t understand this side of Thaddeus Duke, Heather. This is rather sadistic and he’s taking his time laying these traps!

HHL: This match isn’t over so he’s got to know that he’s putting himself in danger as well as Mastermind!




Mastermind crawls into the ring, realizing what its covered in. Woozy from the blood loss, Mastermind uses the ropes to get to his feet. Once he’s up he spends a few seconds digging glass from his hands. Near the center of the ring, Thaddeus now has a light tube in hand and is winding up to smash it over Mastermind.

Mastermind looks up and steps forward as Thad swings. Mastermind rolls through the swing causing thumbtacks and glass to embed itself into his back. After the missed swing and Mastermind now on his feet, he throws a right fist to Thad’s jaw, stunning him in place, allowing Mastermind the opportunity to steal the light tube from Duke and swing it himself, smashing it into dust and thousands of smaller pieces over the head of the Lionheart, cutting him open in the process.

HHL: The blood of Thaddeus Duke, now begins to trickle!

Duke lands on the thumbtack and glass covered mat, now matching Mastermind’s torn up back. Mastermind meanwhile…




HHL: The final pod is now opened and Pip, it looks like its the blunt force trauma pod!

PIP: The camera moved away too quickly, but I know I saw a sledge hammer, a number of steel chairs and I’m not entirely sure but I thought I saw a number of sets of handcuffs!

HHL: We said this match would not be for the feint of heart Pip, and to be honest, we may have undersold that. This might be the most brutal match I have ever personally witnessed!

Thaddeus rolls to his hands and knees and Mastermind has now grabbed another light tube. He swings overhand and smashes it across the back of Thaddeus Duke, causing him to collapse chest first into the glass covered side of the ring. Mastermind debates trying to pin Thad, but chooses otherwise as he heads toward the last remaining opened pod.

HHL: Both of these men, hellbent on destroying the other and so far, Pip, they’re both succeeding!

Mastermind tosses a few chairs into the ring and grabs a pair of handcuffs, latching one end to the top turnbuckle. Before returning to the ring, Mastermind grabs the sledgehammer, and finally steps back inside.

Thaddeus makes it to his feet as Mastermind charges toward him. Duke turns and Mastermind smashes the sledge against the forehead of Thaddeus Duke. Duke is on dream street as he tries and fails to get off the mat and Mastermind goes for a cover.




HHL: How the hell did he kick out!?

PIP: Instinct. Stupidity. Pride. Take your pick!

Mastermind gets to his feet and Thad rolls to his stomach. Picking up the sledgehammer again, Mastermind stands over Thad as he tries to get up, managing to get to his hands and knees, beneath his opponent.

A quick shot of Paul Heyman shows deep concern and worry on his face.

Back in the ring, Mastermind drives the blunt end of the hammer into Thad’s lower back, collapsing him to the mat once again. Duke crawls away a little bit and Mastermind lifts the hammer one more time, then drives it down into the inside of Thad Duke’s already injured right knee, causing him to writhe in pain on the mat.

Mastermind chucks the hammer across the ring and head for the very first weapons pod, the one with the tables inside. He pulls out a table then drags it into the ring before setting it up. Before returning his attention to Thad, he grabs a few of the remaining light tubes and lays them on the table surface. Now turning to Thaddeus who has made it to his hands and knees, he delivers a swift kick to the side of Dukes head before pulling him to his feet and laying him against the corner. Mastermind then scoops up Thad and sets him down on the top turnbuckle before climbing to the top himself.

HHL: We’re heading to the high rent district!

PIP: What’s he gonna do here?

Mastermind grabs Duke in a front facelock as he manages to get himself to the top rope, bringing Thaddeus to the top with him. Duke tries to fight him off but its a no go and Mastermind delivers a superplex to Thaddeus Duke, sending him off the top rope and down through the light tube covered table.

On the landing, Mastermind suffers a great deal too, with thumbtacks piercing his skin causing a bit of a delay in going for the cover.




HHL: Jesus Christ! He kicked out again!

PIP: There’s no quit in that man, but at what cost!?

Mastermind gets to his knees, in shock that he didn’t put Duke away there and he gets to his feet. Thad rolls off the broken glass covered table and onto his back just inches from a steel chair. Mastermind grabs a different steel chair and prepares to deliver what he hopes is the figurative death blow to the Lionheart.

Mastermind gets back to his feet after the failed pin attempt and looks down at his bloodied dance partner, considering what punishment to dish out next. He saunters over to the initial opened pod and grabs a pair of handcuffs and a fresh steel chair.

HHL: Mastermind! He remembers what Thaddeus did to him on Warfare a few weeks back, Pip!

PIP: He doesn’t remember, but he does. I don’t know, I think he’s just a confused little man in over his head.

Back in the ring, Thaddeus has reached his hands and knees and just like Thad did to Mastermind, Mastermind cuffs Thad’s hands behind his back. Mastermind stands back and grips the chair, urging Duke to get to his feet. Slowly and a bit clumsily, Thad does get to his feet. He turns to find Mastermind. The Master of Minds swings the chair directly at Thad’s head but Duke somersaults forward, underneath the chair and pops back to his feet. He hops in the air, bringing his cuffed hands downward and under his own feet and in front. After landing, he chokes the life out of Mastermind using the handcuffs to do it.

A shot of Heyman shows nothing but glee as his bloodied client chokes the last light out of Mastermind. With Mastermind just about unconscious, Thad releases the choke and kicks the little man off of him.

Thad gets to his feet, his hands still cuffed in front of him. He looks at Heyman who holds up a pair of bolt cutters, but elects to grab the last remaining fluorescent light tube and stands in a corner, waiting on Mastermind who is trying to make it to his feet.

Duke advances toward Mastermind a step or two as he twirls the light tube like a Louisville Slugger. As Mastermind makes it to his feet, Thad swings the tube, shattering it into a thousand pieces across the side of Mastermind’s head and he again collapses to the mat.



With Mastermind nearing unconsciousness, Duke approaches him. He grabs a hand full of hair and pulls Mastermind to some semblance of a vertical base. Out of pure desperation or instinct, Mastermind takes Thad down with a double leg takedown. Thad lands near the center, glass and thumbtacks digging into his back. Mastermind falls to one knee for a few seconds as he tries to regain his composure.

With Thad flat on his back, Mastermind gets back to his feet and saunters over toward Duke, still cuffed from earlier. As he reaches down to grab Thad by his hair, Duke springs his trap, locking Mastermind in the Hell’s Gate.

HHL: Pandora’s Box!

PIP: That’s it! Mastermind is going out!

Mastermind struggles in the submission for several seconds before starting to fade rapidly. Finally, he falls entirely limp and the referee raises, then drops his free arm. Then a second time. Then…

HHL: Thad let him go!

PIP: Why!?


With Mastermind unconscious, or nearly, Thad gets back to his feet and ventures over to Heyman who reaches through the chamber with the bolt cutters and cuts the handcuffs, freeing Thad. Thad turns and grabs the lighter fluid and zippo fluid lying nearby from early on. He steps into the ring and opens the bottle and steps to Masterminds side.

HHL: Oh my god!

PIP: Oh no!

Thaddeus dispenses a rather generous portion of the lighter fluid contents on Mastermind until the referee steps in the way and knocks the bottle from Thad’s hand.


HHL: Even Heyman is pleading with Thad not to do what we think he’s gonna do!

Thad looks at the referee with a smile and knees him in the midsection. Duke then picks the referee up and whips him over the top rope sending him crashing into the chain wall of the chamber.

The security team rushes the chamber as Thad again retrieves the zippo lighter. Opening the lid, he strikes it once, then a second time and it lights up.


Security unlocks the chamber door and rushes inside and Thad leans down beside Mastermind, holding the lit lighter just a few inches from him, threatening to do it if security gets any closer. A lone guard steps inside the ring and Thad puts out the lighter. The guard then asks Thad to give him the lighter and miraculously, Thad gives it up, only to punch the guard in the side of the jaw. Other members of the security team start to climb inside the ring but Thad grabs the chair from a bit ago and goes to town on any and all of them. Before long, Thad stands alone and finds the original guard, the lighter still clenched in his hand. With a flick, the lighter is reignited and once more he stares down at Mastermind, contemplating his decision.

THAD WIN FINISHMastermind rolls over, away from Thad and starts trying to get to his feet. Paul Heyman climbs into the chamber pleading with Thad not to set Mastermind on fire. Meanwhile, the man in question is on his hands and knees and stumbles as he tries to get to his feet. Thad looks at Mastermind then over at Heyman.

Thats not the answer, Thad! PLEASE don’t do that!

Thaddeus relents and closes the lighter, tossing it to Heyman who backs out of the chamber. Mastermind, groggy and drowsy, finally gets to his feet and Duke grabs the chair. As Mastermind turns around to find him, Thad tosses the chair to him. Mastermind catches it…


HHL: Better Than You to the chair!

Thaddeus superkicks the chair which crashes into Masterminds face. The chair and Mastermind hit the mat and Thaddeus limps to Mastermind. He stares down at him for a few seconds then drops to his knees and hooks the leg.




After all that has happened, Mastermind can not raise his arm to break the three count and the match is over.


Charlie Nickles comes up on Ash Quinn in the hallway outside the woman's locker room! She is oblivious to the large man charging at her with the steel chair! He smacks her in the back of the head, forcing her to the ground face first. He quickly follows up with two more chair shots to her back. As she rolls over onto her back Charlie jams the rim of the steel chair into her windpipe. Charlie presses the chair against her throat with great power, her face going blue as she struggles to free herself. The air is becoming harder and harder to come by. Just as the rim of the chair is becoming too much for her, Charlie relents.


He smacks the downed woman in the face a few more times with the chair, rendering her more or less lifeless. He drops the chair on her, draping it over her body. He turns to face the camera, running his burned hand through his mangy hair as he does so.

Charlie: Never bet against the Family Man! Ol' Charlie has been disrespected for too long...disregarded, underestimated! No more. Each and every one of you sick bastards that voted against me....are going to die tonight. Watch. The. Fuck. Out. Your new universal champion doesn't take kindly to disrespect!

Charlie hustles away as a medical team comes to check upon the injured woman.

The crowd gets a treat as “Loverboy” Vinnie Lane makes his way to ringside, taking a seat next to Pip and Heather.

Vinnie Lane: “Thanks for having me here with you dudes, Pip!”

HHL: “Dudes?”

PIP: “You’re always welcome, sir.”

Vinnie Lane: “As you know, the Hart Title means a lot to me. It also has always been special to both of these two competitors! Peter Gilmour has held the title and Ghost Ta… er, Broken… ah… Money Oswald had what was at the time very nearly a record breaking reign! Now they’re going head to head for a shot at it.”

PIP: “The Hart has been at the middle of some controversy lately, hasn’t it?”

Vinnie Lane: “Nope, not sure what you’re talking about. It’s an XWF Championship, pure and simple. One of the most storied of them all, perhaps behind the X-Treme Title.”

HHL: “Makes you wonder why you let Pasha-”

Vinnie Lane: “LET’S GET TO THE RING!”

As this happens, Oswald starts coming up from the center of the stage, green smoke billowing from where he is emerging. He walks out with an ornate cane, with images of skulls in gold and silver, as money falls from the rafters. The money having faces of himself. He walks forward with his cane, not even really needing it, simply using it as a prop just to show his "status" to the world. His hair tied into a tight bun laid against the back of his skull. He flips his cane in his hand, holding the base and swinging the topper from left to right as the crowd chants "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " The topper of the cane is shown to reveal a platinum skull with horns literally made of onyx attached to the forehead of it. As he walks to the steps he smirks and says to the crowd ""You've got it! SING IT LOUD! SING IT PROUD!" They continue to chant MAY-HEM, B. O. B. until he gets in the ring. Once to his corner, he takes off all of the top portion of his suit, from jacket to dress shirt leaving only his pants, including his tie before placing full attention onto his opponent.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see fire emiting from the ramp after a bell tolls a few times. We then hear "SUCK MY DICK" blast from the PA and the crows begins to go ape shit. "FUCK EVERYBODY" by Steel Panther begins to kick in as res strobe lights and lasers hit the stage. We see Peter Gilmour and his demon assassin Valerie Sky appear on the stage. They look around as Peter bobs his head to the music. As soon as the chorus kicks in we see Peter start singing into the camera saying, "EVERYBODY CAN SUCK MY DICK!" They head to the ring and then get in normally. Peter then throws his hands up in an "X" pose as fire and fireworks go off above the ring in the same manner. Peter looks at Valerie and smiles wickedly as they look at the stage waiting for their next victim.

Vinnie Lane: “Let’s get this party started!”


[Image: VdUzqjB.png]


Referee Virginia Hymen calls for the bell and is immediately overcome with emotion as Peter Gilmour approaches her with his tongue wagging, pointing at the swollen lump in the crotch of his tights.

PIP: “I think… I think Virginia LIKES it?”

HHL: “She needs an intervention.”

Vinnie Lane: “I think she’s gonna SUCK! HIS!”
HHL: “BIG clothesline from Oswald! Thankfully!”

Gilly goes down hard as Money hits him right on the hairline with his tricep meat. Money grabs the waistband of Gilmour’s tights and gives him a full wedgie, yanking him up back to his feet just to clobber him with another lariat from DEEP left field. Oswald then begins dropping a series of heavy stomps onto Gilly, before Gilly is able to finally grab onto Oswald’s ankle and trip him up, which delights the fans.

Vinnie Lane: “That Peter Gilmour sure is a crowd pleaser!”

Pete scrambles to mount Oswald, knowing he needs to keep the big man horizontal if he wants to be on equal footing strength wise. He looks for a short arm scissors, but Oswald gruffly shoves him away. Oswald then allegedly nips up from the mat, but a glitch in the broadcast feed means we never actually see it.

Vinnie Lane: “Did Money just do a kip-up? I wasn’t looking.”

PIP: “Must have missed it, I was watching Gilmour.”

HHL: “Yeah, I didn’t see it.”

Vinnie Lane: “Huh. Oh well!”

Gilmour charges Oswald, but Oswald easily turns this into a gorilla press. He does a couple reps of Gilly straight over his head, then simply lets him drop onto his chest heavily. Oswald hits the ropes and hops over Gilly once, twice, and then jumps up for a thunderous splash… but he misses as Gilmour rolls away!

Pete knows he has Oswald shook up, and he wastes no time hitting the ropes himself as Oswald gets to a knee. One Last Shot later, he looks for a pinfall!



Oswald bench presses Gilly off of him! Gilmour collided with the ref, and Virginia Hymen actually blushes as he gets his sweat all over her.

HHL: “Ew.”

Not wanting to waste any momentum, Gilly runs the ropes again and this time connects with Oswald DICK FIRST! An audible metallic clink is heard at the impact, and Oswald keels over.

Vinnie Lane: “Wait wait wait… does Gilmour have a LOADED crotch?”

PIP: “It appears the official is wondering the same thing, boss. Hymen is demanding Gilmour allow her to… ugh… to check his equipment.”

Vinnie Lane: “Well she has to, Pip! There could be contraband!”

HHL: “Ew. Again.”

Gilly won’t hold still for Hymen to check his gear, instead he looks to go for another cover - however, the disruption has given Oswald time to recover enough to roll Gilmour up!



Shoulder up!

Gilly looks for Fameasser, but Oswald uses his X-TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME strength to power out and execute a massive powerbomb! He then points at his nose, which looks like it might be broken after that running dick. He has some words with the official, but soon turns his attention back to Gilmour. Oswald pulls Gilly up by the hair and backs into the ropes, coming off with a big shoulder tackle. He then gets a look in his eye and runs toward the ropes.


But just when Oswald jumps onto the second rope, Gilmour finds the inner strength to momentarily stand and smack Money in the back of the head with a superkick! Oswald slips out through the ropes and collapses to the floor, giving Gilly time to catch his breath.

PIP: “No ten count here, as this is X-Treme Rules.”

HHL: “The ref should still try to maintain some sort of order here, Pip.”

Vinnie Lane: “No way! Here in the XWF, the fans and the entertainment come first!”

Gilmour immediately moves to a corner and beings stripping off turnbuckle pads. The official tries to talk him out of it, but he ignores her. Eventually he gets all three pads off of the corner!

Oswald makes his way back into the ring, and Gilmour wastes no time putting the boots to him. Oswald is able to stand anyway, though, as his massive frame and immense physical strength allow him to ignore the kicks for the most part.

Oswald catches a right hand from Gilmour, his massive mitt of a hand engulfing Gilly’s fist. He then slams a HUGE heart punch right into the ribs of Gilmour, dropping him to his knees. A busaiku knee to the kneeling Gilmour puts him down onto his back, and Oswald plants both palms onto Gilly’s chest for a cover!



Kick out! Gilmour got his shoulder off the mat just in time!

The crowd starts a Gilly chant as the X-Treme Icon and God of X-Treme Men tries to get his senses back. Oswald looks impressed by Gilly’s ability to withstand punishment.

PIP: “Are they chanting Gilly?”

HHL: “I think that they’re chanting ‘kill me, kill me.’”

PIP: “That does make more sense.”

Vinnie Lane: “Be quiet! Pete is a LEGEND!”

With both men up, Oswald looks for a lockup. Gilmour slips out though and lands a jumping knee to the point of Oswald’s chin! Gilmour then looks to whip Money Oswald into that EXPOSED STEEL in the opposite corner, but is sent crashing into it himself when Oswald puts on the brakes and reverses! Gilmour grimaces in pain as his back hits the metal, but he still manages to deftly avoid the incoming charge of Oswald, who hits the unprotected buckles chest-first at top speed!

Gilmour climbs to the top of the corner and lines up Oswald, who’s doubled over from the impact. He leaps off, looking for that Panama Sunrise, or as Gilly probably calls it the Beautiful Los Angeles Morning Sunrise. Gilly flies, and Oswald stands up straight, meeting the descending Gilmour with a huge kick to the nads! He kicks him RIGHT in the nads!


PIP: “There is definitely SOMEthing extra super about Gilmour’s undercarriage tonight. Heather, do you have any idea what Peter is packing?”

HHL: “Why would you even say that?”

Vinnie Lane: “Looks like Hymen has had enough, she just grabbed Gilmour by the crotch!”

In the ring, referee Virginia Hymen has her hand firmly on Gilly’s bulge. Her eyes widen, and then she sticks her hand in his trunks! She pulls out a metal athletic cup!

PIP: “I knew it! Gilmour brought some extra insurance to the ring tonight!”

Vinnie Lane: “Dude… Hymen just SNIFFED it!”

HHL: “For the third time. Ew.”

PIP: “I agree. Ew.”

Gilmour snatches his metal crotch plate away from the ref, pointing up at the big XWF banner and reminding her that anything goes in an X-Treme match!

Oswald is just getting to his feet, limping on that busted foot, and Gilly swings the crotch plate down hard onto Oswald’s head! It ricochets off and he hits HIMSELF in the head with it as well!

Vinnie Lane: “Gilmour hit that shot so hard that it backfired and he clocked himself! He just left a perfect imprint of his own dong right in his forehead like it’s some sort of disturbing Ash Wednesday!”

Gilmour is out cold on his back, but Oswald is woozy from the collision as well… he staggers, then falls face-first into Gilmour’s armorless crotch! Oswalrd immediately starts screaming and clawing at his face. As he spreads his fingers, we can see that his eyeball is protruding from its socket.

Vinnie Lane: “Holy crap! I think Gilly’s member just popped Oswald’s eyeball right out of his head! SICK!”

Oswald roars in pain and tries to cram his eye back into his head. As he stumbles around trying to get it in, Gilmour leaps up and traps him in a GILLY CUTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gilmour just dangles from Oswald’s head, kicking his feet…

Gilly just didn’t have the strength to pull Oswald down to complete the cutter! Oswald punches his eye back in, and then grabs Gilmour by the scruff of the neck…





Vinnie Lane: “We haven’t seen that move in AGES, dude! What a show of strength!”

PIP: “I’ve also never seen a man punch his own eye back into his skull…”

Oswald finishes the devastating series of powerbombs, then jumps up and lands a massive splash on top of Gilmour… Oswald with the pin!




Vinnie Lane: “Oswald did it! He’s the new top contender for the Hart Championship!”

Winner by Pinfall - Money Oswald

Back in the ring, Virginia Hymen is checking on Gilmour after raising Oswald’s hand. She makes sure to check his package to see if it was injured in any way. She lingers with her hand inside his trunks for way too long, and the camera cuts to black.

Darkness fills the prison and all you can see... is the gleam of Nathaniel's eyes - cold, fearless, terrifying and glowing silver. Like the very bullet that could kill him. Smoke filters and shifts, all around and from somewhere unseen, a howl is heard, distinct and very wolf like, it is followed by a growl and Nathaniel descends the ramp. Slowly the lights return but he is unfazed, focused solely on the ring as he marches forward. He makes his way to the Chamber. For some reason he has a towel and is wiping his hands. He makes his way into the chamber.

HEATHER: "This should be a good match up, as Nathaniel has a chance to get his title back officially."

Pasha's music starts playing but there is no sign of the big giant. The music stops.

PIP: "What's going on?"

Once again the music starts playing and for a second time it stops as there is no sign of Pasha.

HEATHER: "I'm sure the big guy is here. I thought I saw him arrive earlier tonight."

Suddenly there is a video feed back to temporary locker room area, and Pasha can be seen in a heap on the floor, all bloodied, and he looks in no shape to fight.

PIP:"What the hell happened?"

HEATHER: "Looks like Pasha has been taken out early."

PIP: "By whom?"

HEATHER: "One can only speculate,"

SBW is seen on the video feed looking concerned at the medics trying to help the big giant. He is talking to a doctor. Next minute he sees they are being filmed and asks for the video to be cut. Which it does.

PIP: "Now what?"

Suddenly 'The good old boys' by Waylon Jennings stars playing, and tonights host and Wednesday Night Warfare General Manager, SBW or Smoing Bob Williams walks out from the back. He has the Hart championship on his shoulder. He makes his way to the chamber.


[Image: Ouz3tBW.png]

HEATHER: "This only ends well for one person."

SBW gets to the chamber where Nathiael is waiting. SBW gets to the door of the chamber and grabs a microphone from one of the helpers.

"It seems Pasha has been attacked, and attacked badly. It also seems he cannot compete tonight. But we still have to give him a chance to come down to the chamber and try to compete. So I am giving him 10 seconds to make an appearance before I officially stripl him of his title. Referee please start the 10 count."

PIP: "Wow that's huge."

Nathaniel can be seen grinning and pacing the chamber.




No sign of Pasha



There is movement backstage.


Nope just the wind of change blowing through the old prison.





SBW speaks again "So it's official Pasha can no longer compete, and hasn't made it out here on the count of 10, I am officially stripping him of the Hart championship and because Nathaniel is out here, I am awarding him back the Hart Championship."

SBW gives Nathaniel the Hart Championship.


[Image: VwHpSTO.png]

Centurion and Ruby are shown walking down the Main Corridor of the multiple story cell block, both on alert for Cataclysm as the prison is dimly lit.

[Image: capone-cell-2.jpg]

Centurion and Ruby spin around to see The Omega standing at the far end of the corridor nearest the door to exit the building as he has a pipe in his hand running it across the steel cells that are all closed. Both Centurion and Ruby start to walk towards The Omega.

Ruby and Centurion spin back around to see The Beast standing at the end of the hallway with a barbwire wrapped bat in his hands.

”Play with us.”

Rubes and Cent look at each other and nod as before they split up with Centurion heading towards The Beast and Ruby headed towards The Omega.

” We have no idea what the hell we’re about to see.”

Centurion gets within ten feet of the Beast when suddenly the Cell door behind him and to the right pops open which takes his immediate attention and allows The Beast to come from behind and shove Centurion into the cell and slam the door shut on him!

” Excuse me Cent… I’ve got a Superhero to slay.”

Centurion starts shaking the bars on the cell before screaming out for Ruby to hear.


Ruby turns around to see The Beast swinging the barbwire bat at her head! She ducks out of the way sending the barbwire bat crashing into a cell. The Omega is heard charging from behind and it’s as if Ruby senses his distance as he swings the pipe the back of her head only to see her duck out of the way! The Omega turns around and eats a superkick to the sternum knocking him back into the Beast! The Omega charges towards Ruby who lands a drop toe hold sending The Omega crashing face first into the concrete!

Ruby kips back up to her feet where she turns around ducking another swing from the barbwire wrapped baseball bat from The Beast before landing a boot to the midsection causing him to drop the barbwire bat, Ruby lands a forearm smash to The Beast only to be raked across the eyes. The Beast takes Ruby and sends her body smashing into a close prison cell. The Omega is shown getting back to his feet. He starts to walk down the corridor towards The Beast who is stomping away at a downed Ruby while Centurion is helpless locked inside of the prison cells.

The Omega reaches down picking Ruby up off the cement floor. He drives her back against a cell and chokes her with his right hand while The Beast walks three cells down to Centurion where he smiles and waves at him. The Omega releases his grasp on Ruby’s neck as she drops to her knees sucking in air.

” There are no rules, this is a glorified street fight on the confines of Alcatraz Island… this will not end until one team leaves the Island; and right now I hate to say it but Cataclysm laid a trap and the Superhero’s walked right into it.”

The Omega turns his attention to the pipe lying on the floor. With the Omega going for the pipe the Beast turns his attention to Ruby who is on all fours, he runs forward kicking her violently in the ribs! The Beast reaches down picking Ruby up off the floor where he holds her in position by both arms for the Omega who comes forward swinging for her head! Ruby escapes at the last second causing the Omega to crack The Beast in the head knocking him to the floor and busting him wide open!

The Omega swings at Ruby again who evades back darting backwards where he looks over to see her partner locked up in a cell. Rubes quickly looks around surveying the surroundings and notices the location of the guard shack for this section of the cell block. The Omega swings again and she evades once more causing the Omega to get angry! The Omega charges towards Ruby who side steps him and sends him crashing into a cell door! Ruby darts down the corridor and into the guards shack where she hits a button causing all the prison cell doors on ALL levels to open releasing Centurion!

” Ruby has released Cent! Now we’re going to have a fair fight!”

Centurion escapes his cell and tackles The Omega to the floor. Centurion mounts The Omega and starts hammering down with rapid fire right hands! Ruby emerges from the guards shack with a set a keys in her hand. There’s a door to her right, she tires one of the keys doesn’t work, tries a second and the door unlocks. Above the door is a sign that reads…


Centurion gets of The Omega and turns as the Beast comes forward swinging with a right hand, Centurion blocks and counters with a headbut to the nose. The Omega works his way back to his feet where he turns and sees Ruby go through the door…

[Image: alcatraz-dining-hall1.jpg]

In the main prison Centurion looks to smash the Beast face first into a cell door, the Beast blocks and it’s Centurion who is sent face first into the cell door! We cut into the dining hall as the Omega enters through the door and Ruby connects with a Missile Dropkick off an old oval dining table sending the Omega staggering into the large open space. Ruby charges towards the Omega ducking under a big boot attempt, the Omega spins around and takes a Superkick to the right knee!

Out in the prison corridor the Beast is trying to force Centurions face through the steel bars of a cell! Finally the Beast throws Centurion down to the floor before turning and heading towards the door the leads to the dining hall. The Beast enters the dining hall and snatches a wooden chair. Ruby lands a second superkick to the knee of the Omega dropping him to his left knee but before she can capitalize The Beast breaks the wooden chair across the back of Ruby!

The Beast starts to stomp away at the back of Ruby as the Omega starts to get back to his feet where he limps a little as he walks forward picking Ruby up off the cement floor. The Omega hoists Ruby up with a Powerbomb before running across the floor and Powerbombing Ruby through the oval table she used earlier!

” My God! Ruby might be broken in half!

The Omega stands over Ruby’s body only to see him turn around getting cracked in the ribs by Centurion and the lead pipe The Omega had earlier! The Beast runs across the near empty room towards Centurion who ducks out of the way of a clothesline attempt! The Beast spins around where he’s cracked in the ribs with a shot from the lead pipe doubling him over for Centurion to smack The Beast across the spine! Centurion comes towards The Beast looking to deliver the 1,000 Mile Slam, the Beast counters by sliding down the back shoving Centurion forward into a one of the concrete posts! The Omega is back to his feet where he picks Ruby up decking her with a right hand, across the room The Beast starts choking Centurion with both hands across his throat as his back is against the column.

” This is an all out war!”

The Omega swings at Ruby who evades this shot and counters with a boot to the midsection doubling The Omega over where he’s planted with a DDT on the concrete! Ruby pops back to her feet looking across the room at The Beast choking away at Centurion whose face starts to turn a shade of purple. Ruby rushes across the room yanking the Beast off Centurion. The Beast lunges at Ruby who delivers a low dropkick to the knees of the Beast sending him to one knee! Centurion explodes off the pillar delivering a shinning wizard to the temple of The Beast knocking him down to the concrete floor!

Centurion and Ruby seize the opportunity and run across the dining room where they burst through a set of doors that lead them to the Alcatraz Hospital!

[Image: ai-alcatraz-hospital-hall.jpg]

Centurion and Ruby head into a hospital room and rush over towards the windows which are still barred shut. They turn and come back across the room and back out into the hallway where they shoot across the hall into another room , they check the windows and they’re barred. Centurion and Ruby come back across the hospital room and out into the hallway. They glance down the hallway to see both the Omega and the Beast entering the hospital.

The four competitors lock eyes before starting to walk towards each other and as they reach a meeting point the four start trading blows with Ruby pairing off with The Beast and Centurion pairs off with the Omega! The Beast yanks Ruby into a room where he flings her towards the bed, Ruby rolls over the top of the bed landing on her feet on the other side. The Beast lunges over the bed only to be whacked in the skull with a bed pan! Out in the hallway Centurion drives The Omega face first into a room door with such force The Omega burst through the door and into the room.

Across in the other room Centurion comes towards The Omega where he walks into a low blow from the Omega! The Omega capitalizes as he smashes Centurion face first off the porcelain sink. Across in the other room Ruby hurls The Beast into a bathroom and into a walk in shower. Ruby comes at The Beast only to see the Beast side step her where he locks in a sleeper hold. We get a split screen that shows The Omega looking to smash his boot in the face of a down Centurion who rolls out of the way at the last second while the Beast snitches on the hold.

” I don’t even know how to call this. A slew of punches and kicks with an occasional wrestling move.”

” You call this an Alcatraz Street Fight!”

Ruby counters delivering a sit out jaw breaker to the jaw of the bloody beast which buys her some time to gather herself while on the other screen The Omega looks to stomp down on the head of Centurion again and again Centurion rolls out of the way causing the Omega to stomp the ground. Centurion pops back up to his feet as he then takes the Omega down with a double leg take down! Centurion floats to the side and starts hammering down with right hands to the face of the Omega!

Ruby is then shown bringing the Beast out into the hallway and drills him with a European Uppercut sending him staggering down the hallway while Centurion is back up picking up the Omega where he nails him with a right hand sending him out into hallway. Centurion charges forward with a V-Trigger to the jaw that crumbles the Omega where he stands. Ruby is further down the hallway where he charges towards the Beast only to be met with a spine buster slam on the concrete floor!

” Bodies aren’t going to be the same after this!

The Beast blind sides Centurion with a forearm smash as he then snatches him by the hair and yanks him down the hallway past Ruby and then towards a side door on the left. Centurion is sent crashing through the door spinning outside to an inner courtyard with several smaller buildings, one of which is the morgue.

[Image: 3692.jpg]

Back inside the hospital we see Ruby, clutching at her ribs getting back to her feet while not far away the Omega is working his way back to his feet. Both Ruby and the Omega reach a vertical base he and Ruby make their way towards each other with Ruby landing a forearm and the Omega firing back. We cut to the outside of the morgue where the Beast throws Centurion through the open door of the morgue! The Beast enters the morgue as we cut back to the hospital hallway where the Omega drives a knee into the midsection of Ruby before bringing her down the hallway where they go right where Centurion and Page went left where they go through another door leading outside to the historic Officer’s Garden!

[Image: Gardens_of_Alcatraz_EKByers_2012_DSC4250_web650x433.jpg]

Ruby elbows the Omega in the ribs before delivering an uppercut to the jaw staggering the larger of the two backwards towards a staircase. We cut back to the morgue to see that Centurion delivers a V-Trigger to the Beast knocking him backwards on to a rusty, nasty medical table! Centurion looks around the small morgue where he picks up an old rusty chair and swings it at the Beast connecting to the sternum! Centurion raises the chair driving it down into the sternum of the Beast a second time! Outside Ruby runs towards the Omega where she’s caught by the throat! The Omega turns his body around so that Ruby’s back is to the staircase.

” He’s going to end Ruby’s career!

The Omega hoists Ruby high in the air when suddenly Centurion appears through the doorway cracking the Omega in the back with the rusted out steel chair! The Omega drops Ruby who lands on her feet! The Omega slowly turns around for Centurion to shatter the rusted chair over the head of the Omega sending him falling backwards down the concrete staircase!

” The Omega’s neck might be broken!”

The Omega continues to topple down the stairs before landing at the bottom as Centurion and Ruby look on almost in a state of shock.

” This could be the chance they need to get off Alcatraz! A wall is all that separates them from the dock where a boat awaits!

Ruby starts down the concrete stairs followed by Centurion!

” There’s a gate just outside of the garden that’s going to get them closer to the docks!”

Ruby and Centurion reach the bottom of the stairs and turn to head down a path that will lead to the gate when suddenly Centurions ankle is grabbed by the Omega. Ruby turns back to see Centurion in the grasp of the Omega and she turns to come back only to have Centurion scream out to her.


Reluctantly Ruby turns back around making a break for it while Centurion stomps down on the Omega but his death grip won’t release. Centurion picks up a flower pot and slams it down towards the Omega’s head, the Omega rolls out of the way sending the flower pot crashing into the ground and shattering into pieces. The Omega reaches out grabbing a jagged edge of the pot and as Centurion reaches down to pick him up we see the Omega swipe and cut Centurion across the forehead!

” The Omega just tried to cut Centurion’s eyes!”

Centurion’s blood has been shed as the Omega somehow gets back to his feet where slashes at Centurion again only to have a now bloody Centurion step backwards to evade and counter with a hard right hand causing the Omega to drop the jagged piece of the pot plant. Centurion rushes towards the Omega where he eats a big boot to the face rocking Centurion back several feet before the Omega lands a thrust to the throat. The Omega lands a boot to the midsection before delivering a swinging neckbreaker on the concrete slab.

[Image: the-landing-dock-at-alcatraz.jpg]

We catch up with Ruby who has found herself nearing the dock where a ferry awaits one team. Ruby comes down the dock towards the entrance of the ferry where she climbs on board!!

” Ruby has made it to the Ferry! All that’s missing is Centurion and we’re going to have new Tag Team Champions.”

Ruby looks around because nothing is ever at it seems only to see that she is in fact alone…. Well not for long as off in the distance The Omega is seen coming down the hill towards the loading dock. She clinches her fists as he has reached the dock and starts to walk towards the end of the dock when suddenly what little lighting is on the island goes completely dark.

The pier and ferry lights come back up revealing….

[Image: giphy.gif]

The Monstrosity!!!

Off in the distance Centurion is limping down the hill towards the dock while Ruby rears back to swing at The Monstrosity only to have her right arm caught!

[Image: 89ce85c34fa9de406a7e4b5b491f1d74.gif]

The Monster!

The Monstrosity and the Monster snatch Ruby by the throat where they hoist her up in the air and driving her down on to the Dock with a double chokeslam! The Ferry starts to pull away from the dock just as Centurion reaches Ruby and thus Cataclysm has escaped Alcatraz Island!


The Monster and The Monstrosity stare back at the dock as Centurion is shown checking on Ruby closing out Night Two of Relentless.

Special thanks to for sending matches in:

Chronic Chris Page
Thaddeus Duke
Loveryboy Vinnie Lane
Chris Chaos

Special thanks to for sending segments in:

Miss Fury
Charlie Nickles
Thaddeus Duke
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[-] The following 14 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
(09-26-2020), (09-26-2020), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-26-2020), Charlie Nickles (09-26-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (09-27-2020), Gator (09-26-2020), Madison Dyson (09-27-2020), Miss Fury (09-26-2020), Mr. Oz (09-26-2020), Nathaniel Idenhaus (09-27-2020), Ned Kaye (09-27-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-27-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (09-26-2020), Theo Pryce (09-27-2020)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-26-2020, 06:50 PM

The camera's cut to backstage where an XWF reporter is trying to get a word with Jenny Myst.

"Jenny! Jenny Myst........brutal match tonight! How are you feeling?! Will you be on Savage? Anything to say about your opponents tonight?!"

[Image: 84ftot6.gif]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jenny Myst's post:
Mr. Oz (09-26-2020)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-26-2020, 06:56 PM

OOC: I think you forgot to add the Miss Fury segment Sad

Backstage we find Robbie Bourbon sitting in the catering area with a half-eaten whole kielbasa, or a whole half a kielbasa, in one hand, and a Calvin and Hobbes anthology in the other. Suddenly the leather-clad Miss Fury steps into the frame along with her newest recruit, and future TV champ, Thunder Knuckles.

Miss Fury: "Mr. Bourbon, has anyone taken the time to enlighten you of the perks that come along with becoming a member of BOB?"

Fury pauses to allow Robbie to answer, but he doesn't even look up from his comic.

After a moment, Fury, obviously thrown off her game by Robbie's demeanor, continues the pitch.

Miss Fury: "Um... For instance, I've been told that you are a big fan of cinema, did you know that with all of the crimes and robberies committed by BOB, we are always looking for new and exciting ways to launder our money. TK here recently came up with the idea of financing Hollywood movies as a way to clean BOB's cash."

TK raises his hand to interrupt, before interrupting!

Thunder Knuckles: "Actually Miss Fury, the fucking phrase that I used was "shitty remakes", not Hollywood movies. What we are doing is looking for the absolute cheapest, the bottom of the barrel prices to secure the rights for remakes of movies. That way we can use all of our film budgets to pay us to act in these things so we get double paid! We already have the rights locked down for a Porky's 2 remake and goddamn Troll 2! For some reason, second movies seem to be the fucking cheapest!"

Noticing that Robbie still isn't very invested in the conversation, Miss Fury decides to change tactics.

Miss Fury: "And we'd love to have you star in either of these productions, but I can tell that you're a man of action. Just name the title, and I will secure you a shot. Management around here is very susceptible to my tactics." (She says with a sly grin as she studies the eating, reading, ignoring, Bourbon.) "What I think you want, no need, are allies, perhaps even friends? You don't have anyone that you can really count on to watch your back do you? Shame, I'm sure James Raven has plenty of friends. It would be a shame if some of those friends were to get involved in your match tomorrow night, wouldn't it? BOB could help ensure that doesn't happen, just say the word."

Miss Fury looks at TK frustrated that Robbie has ignored her this entire time. TK tries to calm her down as he steps in to take care of it.

Thunder Knuckles: "Listen, Robbie, I thought this might be a hard sell, so I took the liberty of having some of the other members of BOB write testimonials as to how their careers have improved since joining BOB." (TK unfolds some papers and puts on his reading glasses.) "Jenny Myst wrote..." (TK seems confused. He flips the paper over and back.) "Okay well, Jenny just wrote "The Queen Said So" and kissed the paper. So whatever that fucking means." (TK tosses the first sheet to the floor.) "Big Money Oswald wrote, "I'm too busy a man to take time out of my day to try and convince someone of the benefits to joining BOB. We are criminals, madmen, and monsters. BOB gives us the tools needed to not only be ourselves, but also prosper as the sick, vile, and depraved human beings that we are. If you require additional convincing of how these merits would benefit you, please refer to the underlings. They can tell you just how comfortable my money and Miss Fury's leadership has made them." (TK tosses it to the ground.) "Micheal Graves wrote, "The only reason you need to join BOB is this, if you aren't with us, you're against us, and if you're against us, you have to fight ME!" (TK throws that one to the ground as well.) "Honestly man, we're going to make a metric-fuck-ton of money off this criminal shit, and with us racking up the gold too, those Xbux accounts are going to be thick boy! Real fucking thick boy!"

Miss Fury: "And if you have a problem teaming with Graves, we can just boot him out!"

TK looks at Fury confused and mouths the words "What, really?" Miss Fury slightly shakes her head no without Robbie noticing, because you know, still eating, now down to half of half of his whole kielbasa, or a whole quarter of a kielbasa, no bun, no mustard, maybe not even heated up, reading, ignoring! Finally, Fury seems to have had enough and explodes!

Miss Fury: "You know what, sit there and stuff your fat face! BOB doesn't need you anyway! You're just a washed up loser anyway! The Next time that our paths cross, it shall be as foes fat man!"

Miss Fury stomps her foot, catching Robbies' attention. He looks up at her and removes an earbud.

Robbie Bourbon: "I'm sorry, but did you say something? I was just listening to Spotify and reading some Calvin and Hobbes."

Without skipping a beat, it’s like someone hit reset!

Miss Fury: "Mr. Bourbon, has anyone taken the time to enlighten you of the perks that come along with becoming a member of BOB?"

Robbie Bourbon: "BOB? Whazzat? Bringing Our Best?"

TK half shrugs as Miss Fury grins a saccharine smile with a blank expression in her eyes.

Miss Fury: "Yep, yes, that's it exactly. You see, we see you as the legend you are, and…"

Robbie cocks an eyebrow. He bites into his half of a half of a whole kielbasa, now making it a half of a half of a half of a whole kielbasa, or a whole eighth of a kielbasa, and begins to put his earbud back in through the hole cut out of his mask JUST for earbuds. Before he can, TK interjects!

Thunder Knuckles: "Look, it'll be a lot of fucking fun, and we're remaking Porky's 2 and…"

Robbie Bourbon: "Say no more."

Robbie finishes the last of his kielbasa and sets the book down. He removes his other earbud.

Robbie Bourbon: "You son of a bitch."

TK and Miss Fury look at each other suspectly.

Robbie Bourbon: "I'm in."

TK looks somewhat relieved, however Miss Fury looks to be a little shocked.

Miss Fury: "Real, uh, really?"

Robbie Bourbon: "Absolutely. Porky's 2 is an unsung gem that today's generation not only needs, but deserves. Now, I don't remember much of that movie besides Porky wasn't in it whatsoever and the name didn't make sense as such, and it was a weird parody of Happy Days and American Grafitti, but hot damn, I want to be a part of this. Where do I sign?"

TK nudges Miss Fury. She gives him a dirty look. She then turns back to Robbie.

Miss Fury: "Well, it's less a formal contract and more of a verbal agreement."

Thunder Knuckles: "We don't really want a paper trail."

Robbie Bourbon: "Cool! Paperwork is boring anyhow."

As we cut back to ringside!

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(09-26-2020), (09-26-2020), Mr. Oz (09-27-2020)
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Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-26-2020, 07:02 PM

(09-26-2020, 06:56 PM)Miss Fury Said: OOC: I think you forgot to add the Miss Fury segment Sad

OOC: Cool seg bro, be a shame if someone accidentally used itWink


[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Mr. Oz (09-26-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-26-2020, 09:01 PM

once again screwed by stupid management and referees.

btw my rp should have counted but i see why now.. DOH!

fuck GT btw.. he doesnt deserve that title shot.. so give me his shot NOW!

I demand a rematch with a proper referee who won't try to blow me.. though i did kinda like it..

anyways.. this will not go unpunished.. next person i see im going to murder!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-27-2020, 02:22 AM

(09-26-2020, 09:01 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: once again screwed by stupid management and referees.

btw my rp should have counted but i see why now.. DOH!

fuck GT btw.. he doesnt deserve that title shot.. so give me his shot NOW!

I demand a rematch with a proper referee who won't try to blow me.. though i did kinda like it..

anyways.. this will not go unpunished.. next person i see im going to murder!

((Peter, you really need to start using () or something because you literally just talked both IC and OOC and it's a good thing I can speak Gillyspeak, so I know what to respond to))

"Peter, I deserved the title shot more than you did. You would've dropped the ball, yet again. Let's say you did win. You would've lost either the match, or you would've won, then lost it in your first defense. You're not worthy of the belt. I, however, am. You'll see. And don't blame the ref for your inability to fucking beat me. Also, we're not having a rematch. This was our rubber match. You have officially lost to me more than I have lost to you. So what does that say about your 'legendary' status here? You are on the top 50 because you were pitied. Nothing more, nothing less.

Remember when I said you should join B. O. B.? Yeah, I'm rescinding that. You aren't worthy to be a part of this organization. You're not ready for true dominance. Two nights of nothing but B. O. B. wins. You're not ready to steamroll the competition. All you're ready for, is the buffet. I'm just waiting for you to become your fat self again because of the deep depression you're going to be in after losing to me.

Consider this feud, Peter,


Oswald is then being attended to by medical professionals after the match for having forced his eye back into the socket with punches, a goofy, wide grin on his face.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-27-2020)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-27-2020, 05:51 AM

Ash is sitting in her locker room with a towel over her eyes, holding her ribs. We hear growling and mumbled cussing. In frustration, she throws the towel, trying to blink away the last of the spray. Holding her ribs she winces. Between Charlie beating her with a fucking chair and the hellacious match of the night against the Champ and the ground sniffer she can barely stand. Changing into street clothes she gingerly makes her way out of the locker room to her waiting Uber. She makes it all of three feet before a cameraman and one of the backstage reporters jam a camera and mic into her face. Wincing from the bright light she trows various Scottish curses their way...

Ash! Ash! Give me a minute of your time if you would? What are your thoughts on the barn-burner of a match you pulled off tonight against Jenny and Scarlett?

Ash growls snatching the mic....

You want comments!? You want a bleedin run down aff each thought in me fookin hed? Well let me tell ya all one thing, this ain't over between me and Myst. That lass survived one hell of a beatin' and still was able to get the strap. Well, I got me feet unda me now, figuratively of course. I will come at this division and get my one on one shot, trust that.

Ash growls wincing in pain taking in a sharp breath.

One more question....What do you make of Charlie jumping you in the hallway? What could that possibly be about??

Ash snatches the mic leaning against the wall sucking in her breath through an aching throat and cracked ribs...

Fook you're full of dumbass questions aren't ye? I wanna know as much as the XWF Universe wants to know what that was all abou'. He was screaming at me about betting against him. Ye damn right I bet against ya you filthy piece o Shiite. Ya smelly arse ain't winning shit no matter how many of us you jump. If you gotta take out every bloke back here, Lacklan is still beatin ya down into a third o wha ya are. I hope she breaks ery fookin bone in your damn body. Where I come from ya jump some body from behind like that you ventually get ye ass handed to ya. Watch your back ya smelly dumpster trash someone will end up leaving you in a pile like you did a couple o us.

Ash throws down the mic limping down the hallway cursing the bright lights and mumbling unintelligible Scottish...

OOC: Where I come from you don't do a beat down segment without consent! From now on ask if you want to use me.
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Peter Fn Gilmour (09-27-2020)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-27-2020, 06:40 AM

(09-27-2020, 05:51 AM)Ash Quinn Said: OOC: Where I come from you don't do a beat down segment without consent! From now on ask if you want to use me.

Same I didn't know about the segment... Not mad just like to know whats going on...

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-27-2020, 06:59 AM

I agree that all spontaneousness needs to be removed from this game. I for one always ask permission before kicking someone's ass irl, and we should here as well. Also, I'm tired of not knowing the endings to matches beforehand. Can we also just announce the winners and losers when the card is posted? That way we have a better idea what to write about. Don't want to sound to cocky when I'm going into a loss, right?

Sarcasm aside, I've never known of a fed where you needed permission to run an attack segment on a show. I'm not sure I'd want to be in that fed either. I was once in a fed where someone threw a hissy about a post match attack, and I promptly left that place. Yeah, we write stories and map out plans, but the spontaneousness of this game has always been my favorite part.

As far as XWF goes, you do not need permission to attack someone who is opted in to a show. (As of this writing)You do need permission to attack someone who may not be at the show, and you do need permission to use other peoples characters in pretty much any other way, but an ambush sneak attack? Nah.

I'm not crapping on anyone for their opinion, just offering mine on the matrer.

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[-] The following 4 users Like Miss Fury's post:
Mr. Oz (09-27-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (09-27-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (09-27-2020), Theo Pryce (09-27-2020)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-27-2020, 07:21 AM

(09-27-2020, 06:40 AM)Robert "The Omega" Main Said:
(09-27-2020, 05:51 AM)Ash Quinn Said: OOC: Where I come from you don't do a beat down segment without consent! From now on ask if you want to use me.

Same I didn't know about the segment... Not mad just like to know whats going on...

OOC: If you both would like to outline your character plans for the next few months for all of us in the OOC section to set an example by all means do so.

Just a heads up, someone will troll the shit out of you for it.

In terms of Main, it really makes your character look like Superman, able to withstand Charlie's attack and retain the tag titles. Or it makes Charlie look completely ineffective since none of the damage from the attack was even referenced in the ME.

And Ash, those kind of segments and attacks are perfectly allowed here in the XWF. The cool thing is one of the options you have is a counterattack, which to my knowledge I have only ever seen used once. Also, you are free to sell the attack however you wish and make same attacks back on others.
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[-] The following 4 users Like Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Miss Fury (09-27-2020), Mr. Oz (09-27-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-27-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (09-27-2020)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-27-2020, 07:25 AM

Robbie what you said was spot on... Man I don't care about attacks or anything at all... I never have... But the Tag match could have been possible written with the attack in mind. That's all I was getting at... Maybe have Main stumble a bit etc... I'm a firm believer in selling...

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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Miss Fury (09-27-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (09-27-2020)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-27-2020, 07:29 AM

Yeah man, I get that. It's just that this isn't the first time someone has been salty about an attack they didn't know about and told people to ask permission. I don't agree with that at all and wouldn't want to see that become a thing. Maybe GMs could start passing attacks over to match writers so that they can include them, but if the writer is getting attacked, that would make it where they couldn't turn in a counter attack since a gm told them about it prior to the show going up.

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Robert "The Omega" Main (09-27-2020)
Atticus Gold Online
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-27-2020, 07:33 AM

OOC: Robbie and Fury made great points but just to give my two cents, I understand how attacks can be frustrating but they never result in embarrassing a character. Back in the day there were more bodily functions involved and a lot of degradation, thankfully that's been stopped, so be grateful lol and if it were to happen again we would put a stop to it. Not adding this kind of attack and probably warning the person who sent it in.

Attacks are spontaneous, they can create feuds and as Robbie said they can make someone look superhuman. If you're annoyed by them I would PM the person and have a polite discussion to stop or create a better angle. Otherwise, stay on your toes and send in counter-attacks.

I doubt attacks will ever be removed and as for telling match writers about them beforehand, it's a good idea in theory but not everyone is around when you need them. Especially when some attacks can come in last minute.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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Miss Fury (09-27-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (09-27-2020)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-27-2020, 07:33 AM

100% If someone is attacked it should be talked about in their match by the announce team etc... Or show how the attack is taking it's toll... Just like the story to flow lol...

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
(09-27-2020), Miss Fury (09-27-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (09-27-2020), thewizard (09-27-2020)
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-27-2020, 07:52 AM

The last I'll say on it: I have done several backstage attacks this year, even going so far as to set up a separate theme song for when they happened (because I like foreshadowing wayyy too much). However, I always had them occur post match, since it wouldn't lead to "such and such was able to shrug off getting jumped and go win anyhow" and give whomever was being attacked that option in their pocket to say "so, you tried but failed". Also, each time I have written an attack I was paying credence to someone's creation an important character by having mine interract with them on the official results. In example the whole summer I had Bourbs bug Raven just because it would he high profile, not because it would harm his character. Plus, hey, mega nasty Smacktalk duel on the biggest stage sounded cool.

Getting attack effects into matches when they happened prior does sound awesome but also difficult. Especially when we have a three night event with several matches on each. If I am on a roll writing a match, and halfway through I get word that X was attacked and they have to sell their leg, half of my stuff might have to be scrapped.
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-27-2020, 08:29 AM

We could solve the problem of last minute attacks being hard to incorporate into matches by setting the soft deadline as the deadline for attack segments. Just a thought that can be explored if the interest is there.

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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-27-2020, 08:35 AM

(09-27-2020, 07:21 AM)Robbie Bourbon Said:
(09-27-2020, 06:40 AM)Robert "The Omega" Main Said:
(09-27-2020, 05:51 AM)Ash Quinn Said: OOC: Where I come from you don't do a beat down segment without consent! From now on ask if you want to use me.

Same I didn't know about the segment... Not mad just like to know whats going on...

OOC: If you both would like to outline your character plans for the next few months for all of us in the OOC section to set an example by all means do so.

Just a heads up, someone will troll the shit out of you for it.

In terms of Main, it really makes your character look like Superman, able to withstand Charlie's attack and retain the tag titles. Or it makes Charlie look completely ineffective since none of the damage from the attack was even referenced in the ME.

And Ash, those kind of segments and attacks are perfectly allowed here in the XWF. The cool thing is one of the options you have is a counterattack, which to my knowledge I have only ever seen used once. Also, you are free to sell the attack however you wish and make same attacks back on others.

In all other feds, I've been in attacks were planned out and Ok'd by both parties. This particular attack on me didn't make sense in my opinion {I have written matches in other feds}. If it's only because I bet against Charlie it's a load of bs. Charlie and I have no story what so ever. If someone can PM me and explain it I will back off but it felt really disjointed and out of place. I've never seen anything so out of place in any of your other shows.
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-27-2020, 08:38 AM

(09-27-2020, 08:29 AM)Miss Fury Said: We could solve the problem of last minute attacks being hard to incorporate into matches by setting the soft deadline as the deadline for attack segments. Just a thought that can be explored if the interest is there.

I'm ok with this but my point is the attacker and attackee should agree on it. That attack was devestating to my character and fucks up the heat Jenny and I were building. I will quit bitching now.

Jenny made a good point in Wednesday Night Warfare booking. I'm not gonna sit on my injuries and pout I'm gonna whip somebody's ass! Jenny guest reffinjg can further the feud as well
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-27-2020, 08:58 AM

Quote:That attack was devestating to my character and fucks up the heat Jenny and I were building.

I don’t think so, it was a dirty sneak attack. Your character doesn't come off looking bad for that, if anything it helps her gain sympathy and gives you some new things to work with. Now go attack or challenge Charlie and get that heat back!

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Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-27-2020, 08:59 AM

Made a bet. Charlie didn't like it. Took it out on you (and probably everyone else). Actions have consequences.

Especially with xbux on the line.

TK was once attacked for failure to pay someone. It is what is. Use it to fuel your And your characters fire.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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Miss Fury (09-27-2020), Theo Pryce (09-27-2020)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-27-2020, 09:04 AM

It's all good! I will incorporate it into further promos and maybe be a little more hateful toward Charlie and the Fed in general. I was trying to be a lil heel and I think this might push me in the right direction.
[-] The following 2 users Like Ash Quinn's post:
Miss Fury (09-27-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (09-27-2020)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-27-2020, 09:06 AM

(09-27-2020, 09:04 AM)Ash Quinn Said: It's all good! I will incorporate it into further promos and maybe be a little more hateful toward Charlie and the Fed in general. I was trying to be a lil heel and I think this might push me in the right direction.


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Thunder Knuckles™ (09-27-2020)
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-27-2020, 09:47 AM

I see where the frustrations can come in. I have been in the xwf a long time and I've been targeted countless... i mean, countless times. It may feel like you have been robbed of some thunder after a victory or it may seem like your character is weaker by getting attacked backstage or after a loss. I agree with everyone here in using it all to fuel further heat. I won King of the XWF, a full tournament of matches.... i was attacked before i was even crowned. I dont recall wherher i was targeted personally or if they were going after the winner.... either way I had a match the next show with the attacker and i whipped their ass. It was great heat and it made Doc look great coming back and proving the attack did nothing. Look at it as a compliment. Either you got under someones skin enough to get them to do something sneaky... or maybe they just want to work with u because they like your work. Or maybe they want to test themselves against you and this was the best way to get your attention. The spontaneous shit that goes on here is what makes this game that much greater. Scripting attacks and working a planned angle with someone is great too and definitely helps with story building, but without a surprise every once in a while i think it would get pretty dull. Dont get me wrong, if its so relentless and it feels like you cant do anything with it, speak up. Things can get worked out pretty easy here.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-27-2020, 10:01 AM

Ooc: Even in professional wrestling everyone is attacked and beat up at some point. From Hogan to Cena. Roman Reigns took a dog food shower and now he’s the champ again. Use it to fuel storylines, just because you got attacked doesn’t mean you can’t sell it the way you want to or at all for that matter.

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-27-2020, 10:18 AM

(09-27-2020, 08:38 AM)Ash Quinn Said:
(09-27-2020, 08:29 AM)Miss Fury Said: We could solve the problem of last minute attacks being hard to incorporate into matches by setting the soft deadline as the deadline for attack segments. Just a thought that can be explored if the interest is there.

I'm ok with this but my point is the attacker and attackee should agree on it. That attack was devestating to my character and fucks up the heat Jenny and I were building. I will quit bitching now.

Jenny made a good point in Wednesday Night Warfare booking. I'm not gonna sit on my injuries and pout I'm gonna whip somebody's ass! Jenny guest reffinjg can further the feud as well

Charlie has been aggressive all the way around, but I think Miss Fury makes a point because it definitely can gain you some sympathy. If you are having your character be a face it can gain some points that way for people feeling bad about the attack or wanting to help you or whatever but if you are going to go heal with your character you can use this as the breaking point where ash snaps and kiss her retribution. There are a lot of ways to spin it. I wouldn't worry much about it.

I have been attacked numerous times. Yeah it kind of ticked me off a little bit at first because a lot of the times I felt like it was egregious and they did it on purpose but I always sold it to further my heel Heat.

I think you are on the right track. It's tough here for a newcomer sometimes because there's so much talent but I think you are on the right track I really like what you're doing with your character. Don't let that keep you down use it to your advantage
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-27-2020, 10:47 AM

OOC: I once started a thread asking for people to select on a poll which type of activity they prefer, just so people are less likely to offend someone. The post was mostly about "selling" versus crapping on gimmicks, etc... but it could also apply to wanting to be contacted for segments, attacks, etc...

This was the original thread:
The poll basically asks if you like to be surprised and will sell anything (even attacks) or if you have a more strict outlook. The fourth poll option lets you fill in your own answer.

Maybe some updated variation of this kind of thing should be made official and stickied by the staff? It's a nice way for people to know which "type" of player the other party is, and while ignoring the other person's preference IS NOT breaking a rule, abiding by the person's preference surely makes for smoother activity all around.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Nathaniel Idenhaus (09-27-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-27-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (09-27-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (09-27-2020), Theo Pryce (09-27-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (09-27-2020), Unknown Soldier (09-27-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-27-2020, 12:17 PM

For the record, we have ALWAYS allowed attacks like this.

As far as them not being mentioned in matches, that tends to just come from the disconnect between the attacker and the match writer. We don't necessarily know about the attack until the segment itself is submitted, and sometimes we don't have a match writer until the last minute either. In a perfect world it would be mentioned, of course.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 7 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(09-27-2020), Mr. Oz (09-27-2020), Nathaniel Idenhaus (09-27-2020), Theo Pryce (09-27-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (09-27-2020), Unknown Soldier (09-27-2020), Vita Frickin Valenteen (09-27-2020)
Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-27-2020, 05:28 PM

I wrote the match but knew nothing about a segment. Just for clarification purposes.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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