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Saturday Night Savage 04/06/19
Author Message
Atticus Gold Online
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-06-2019, 06:36 PM

[Image: V3i33MC.png]


[Image: ATTCenter.jpg]


The camera fades in slowly on the parking lot of the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas. Fans filter from their cars to the entrance of the arena with a contagious excitement in the air. Children pull on the hands of their parents, urging them to pick up the pace. Slowly the shot is obscured and then refocuses, revealing a man standing with his back to the lens and face turned towards a building lit up brightly and adorned with XWF branded signage. He takes a deep breath and begins to walk. His leather shoes are worn in spots, his best Men’s Warehouse suit tight to his body. He carries a microphone in his right hand, swinging like a pendulum as he approaches the main entrance with confidence.

The camera swings around and reveals the mans face, familiar to fans of the classic XWF more so than the new generation, but he’s aged. His face is bespectacled and his hair peppered with grey, but otherwise he looks exactly the same.


STEVE SAYORS: Ah, it’s good to be home…

He’s met at the door by an attendant with an electronic scanner in her hand and a blank expression on her face.

ATTENDANT: Ticket, please.

STEVE SAYORS: Excuse me? Oh no! I work here! I’m a backstage interviewer and reporter, I’ve been under contract with the XWF for at least 15 years!

ATTENDANT: I’ve never seen you.

Steve looks sheepishly at the camera, a nervous chuckle escaping as his face turns red with embarrassment.

STEVE SAYORS: Well, I’ve been on vacation for… well, a few years… but I’m back now, so if I could just-

He tries to step through the doorway but the attendant stretches an arm across the threshold and keeps him outside.

ATTENDANT: Please! Do you think you’re the first person to show up in a cheap suit and a toy microphone and try to get in without a ticket? If you’re an employee, use the staff entrance!

STEVE SAYORS: Of course! Errr, where is that?

The attendant rolls her eyes and slams the door shut in his face, motioning for Sayors to move along. Steve looks uncomfortably at the camera once more and shrugs his shoulders, then turns on his heel and begins to wander off around the arenas perimeter in search of the staff entrance. Slowly, the camera fades out.

We transition inside the AT&T Center, the San Antonio fans rising from their seats and screaming wildly as cameras pan the crowd. One fan points down at their tee shirt, an image of a smug Dolly Waters emblazoned boldly on the front. The camera spins away to a man dressed head to toe in Drezdins black and white ring gear, pumping his arms wildly and roaring up at the ceiling. The camera searches wildly for a Peter Gilmour fan… but… well…

Several fan made signs begin to appear on the X-Tron:


“Kuda Gonna KILL YOU!!!”

“This sign is a paid advertisement for CTN Magazine available in the XWF shop!”

Wait, what?

The lights in the AT&T Center suddenly go dark and the crowd falls into silence, wondering what is about to befall them. Then a small spotlight appears on the stage where two men in marching band uniforms walk out, each carrying a herald trumpet. The men lift the horns to their mouths and play a bright fanfare, notes loud and high, filled with pride.

After the fanfare, the two men step aside as “God Save the Queen” plays across the P.A. The crowd remains confused as the curtain on the stage is opened wide and four large men come out, each holding up a large palanquin. But the confusion makes way for cheers as the mystery is solved, for the person on the palanquin, sitting upon a bed of pillows, is Sarah Lacklan.

And the crowd LOSES THEIR SHIT


Sarah smiles and waves as the four men bring her down to ringside. Rising to her feet, she climbs into the ring as one of the men hands her a microphone and she addresses the audience.

Sarah: Hello, everyone! My name is Sarah Lacklan-

She flips back her hair, juts out her hips, and flashes that Billion $$$ smile as the crowd chimes in for her.


Sarah: And I am YOUR 2019 QUEEN of the Ring!

You thought the crowd was craxy before? They lose their MINDS now! The cameras shake because of all the foot-pounding. Several men begin weeping. A good chunk of the women spontaneously turn gay for her. And many, MANY children dream and aspire to be here.

Sarah: When I came into this place several weeks ago, it was with the EXPRESS purpose of winning this tournament, which, after a complex series of badassary and awesomeness, I did at March Madness. And along the way, I defeated the current Television Champion-

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: -beat up that preacher dude so bad that he hasn’t said a single WORD since-

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: -made Lux have to sit back and realize that not even bringing in a former dominant champ to make him relevant was enough to be more than an opening act-

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: -and taught my friend Dolly the most important lesson of all: How to lose to the Blood Princess.

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: But now I have a decision to make! By winning this tournament, not only am I FOREVER in the record books of the XWF, but I have an opportunity at a championship! Now, I KNOW that you people would LOVE for me to go beat up Fucktard Bro #83 again and be the FACE of XWF Television…

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: ...and I KNOW you would love a REPEAT of Lacklan vs. Waters for the Hart championship…

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: ...and I ALSO know that you would LOVE for me to go after the Apex…

Crowd: OBVS!

Sarah: ...but you know what you would love even MORE?

Sarah smiles even brighter as the crowd argues among themselves over what they could possibly love more than Sarah as World Champion. Nudes in their DMs, perhaps? Could it be?!

Sarah: But being the FACE of the NEWEST brand in the XWF! That’s right, my dear Fang Gangers, I was the FIRST person to sign the dotted line to be a member of the Anarchy branch, and I will be the FIRST champion of that brand! And when I am champion, EVERYONE will know that I am THE champion in the company! I am the FACE of the company! Because, no matter WHO or WHAT gets put up against me when I fight for the Anarchy championship, EVERYONE will understand that I am the QUEEN of Anarchy!

Sarah spreads her skirts and gives a deep and well-practiced curtsy as the crowd continues to BE BESIDE THEMSELVES at Sarah’s announcement.

Jake Avery
- vs -
3 RPs max, 2500 word limit

Jake Avery comes out from the Entrance way, and high fives some fans as he walks towards the ring. He rolls into the ring, and taunts to the crowd as his theme cuts off.

As the bass kicks on the X-Tron, the camera pans around the arena and it shows Daecon walking through the crowd. He bobs his head to the beat, and hops over the barricades and slides into the ring. He stands across Avery, as the theme cuts off.

As the bell had rung, Jake then taunts to the crowd. As he motions for the right side, Daecon strikes him the back of the head and kicks him in the ribs. Jake is holding his head, and Daecon turnbuckle smashes Jake’s head, and breaks it off by the three count by the ref. Daecon does it again, but Jake elbow’s him in the mouth. Jake finds an opening, and punches him in the face and whips him to the ropes, and connects with a Dropkick.

Jake then locks in a chinlock on Daecon, as he locked in tight, Daecon managed to get on his feet. Daecon hits a jawbreaker, which made jake stumble to the ropes. Daecon then turns him on his front, and starts to choke Jake with the third rope. The ref counted to four, and he breaks it up. Then Daecon look at the ref, and raised a middle finger to him.

Jake then hits a Jumping Knee Strike on Daecon, and he hits a Belly To Backdrop Suplex. Then he goes to the top rope, and takes some time to pose. Daecon ran to the corner, and shakes the rope that maimed his children. As Jake is in pain, and Daecon goes to the top rope, and motions him in a Suplex postion…


Daecon quickly covers Jake…



Jake kicksout at two, and Daecon starts to stomp on Jake with aggression. Then he lifts up Jake, and dumps him to the outside. Then he grabs his head, and slams it on the Apron floor. Then he whips Jake onto the steel steps. Daecon then drags him back into the ring, and he heads back into the ring.

He mouths off the crowd, and gets on the Apron, as he waits for Jake to get on his feet. As Jake slowly gets on his feet, he manages to reverse a Springboard Clothesline into Thunderstrike Kick outta nowhere. With Jake gaining momentum, he goes to the rope and hits his…


Jake immeidaly goes for the cover…






Daecon manages to struggle kickout, and Jake then locks in a…


Daecon is slowly getting to the ropes as Jake locks it in tighter as he moves. The ref checks to see if he can continue…

Deacon tries to lift a foot towards the ropes but every time he tries, Avery drags Deacon away.

Deacon flails in the hold, his legs begin to wobble.



Deacon throws his arm back and grasps Deacon's jaw, locking in the mandible claw! Avery releases his hold and panics from the immense pain, Deacon twists his body and stands; pushing Avery to the ground and kneeling over him.

Avery bites down in despeartion which only makes Deacon strnegthen the hold. Blood begins to pour from his fingers as the two competitors roar at one another.


The pain becomes too much to bare!


Winner by submission - Deacon!

In the arena concourse two fans walk, arms loaded with beer and nacho trays. The first fan studies his ticket.

FAN 1: I told you they had better snacks down here. We have to find the escalator to get back upstairs though.

FAN 2: Screw that, dude. Just take the stairs. I don’t want to miss that redheads debut.

The second fan points to a nearby door and the two burst through it to the stairwell, taking the steps two at a time as they climb to the upper level.

FAN 1: This shows going to be great, dude! I’m bummed Kuda didn’t get booked though. That guy IS. A. MONSTER!

FAN 2: Oh, I know, he’s going to DESTROY people in the XWF! He might be the best Federweight Champion we’ve seen in a long time!

FAN 1: Yeah, Fuzz is on some bull shit. No way in hell he deserved to win the title, he hasn’t even had a match! The guys been M.I.A. since 2011, he’s going to have to earn my respect.

FAN 2: Right! Fuck Fuzz!

The lights in the stairwell cut out suddenly and plunge the two fans into darkness. Their panicked cries echo through the open space, bouncing up and down and back again as they drop their nachos and beers to the floor with a loud thud. The lights return revealing the two fans clutching each other in a tight hug, terror on their faces. They look at each other uncomfortably and let go, clear in their throats and acting as masculine as possible when they suddenly notice a ‘Jason’ style hockey mask pinned into the wall with a knife. There’s a name scrawled in red and dripping letters on the forehead of the mask:


The two fans know immediately who left them this message.

FAN 1: On second thought, Fuzz is pretty cool!

FAN 2: Yeah, he’s a legend! Fuck Kuda!

They take off running up the stairs and around the corner to the third floor. The camera focuses in on Fuzz’s mask, knife blade wedged through Kudas name and into the wall. Long live the new Federweight King. Long live the Afterthought. Long live Fuzz.

The camera fades.

Genevive Tate
- vs -
Big D
2 RPs max, no word limit

Big D makes his way out from behind the curtain as the fans give him a decent reaction, and he confidently storms down the ramp to the ring without acknowledging the fans and rolls underneath the bottom rope and into the ring. Some of the fans turn on him slightly, murmuring to each other as the music shifts.

Genevieve Tate makes her way out, slowly and confidently as the crowd cheers loudly for the debuting star. She poses atop the ramp and switches her hips from side to side as she does a full rotation and ramps up the cheers of the normally basement dwelling fans in attendance. She smiles, red lipstick matching her fiery locks as she eyes Big D and makes her way to the ring slapping hands with fans the entire way. She climbs the ring steps, entering through the ropes and awaiting the referees signal to begin.




Genevieve charges across the ring like a bat out of hill, launching herself through the air and smashing Big D with a heavy forearm right off the bat. Realizing he’s in trouble he backs up but Tate gives him no room to breath and chases him into the corner, lighting him up with several quick strikes and a spinning heel kick to the stomach! Big D doubles over and Tate grabs the back of his head, running him out of the corner and spiking him to the mat with a bull dog! Genevieve Tate is off to an incredible start in her first match here in the XWF, and Big D puts up little resistance as she rolls him over and looks for a quick cover!



Big D kicks out! Tate sits up, but Big D hooks her head and rolls her over to the canvas! Nice reversal! Big D tries to use his size advantage to hold Tate down, slamming several hard elbows into her ribs to try and soften her up. Tate catches his arm and throws her legs up… she’s got Big D in an armbar! Big D threw a shot but Genevieve had it timed perfectly, and she’s looking to dislocate his elbow now! Big D stands slowly, Genie never loosening her grip as he lifts his arm (and her) high into the air… and brings it smashing back down to the mat! Genevieve nearly smashes THROUGH the canvas, but she manages to keep the armbar locked in! Big D tries to lift and slam her again, but he’s running out of fight! He intelligently changes tactics and instead of lifting Tate presses all his weight down and anchors her shoulders to the mat!




Tate kicks out, releasing her armbar to do so but rolling quickly to her feet. Reverse roundhouse kick! Tate crosses Big D’s eyes with that shot, a sickening crack echoing through the arena as her boot bounces off his face! Good GOD! Big D looks like he might be out there!




SOMEHOW BIG D GETS A SHOULDER UP! Genevieve looks shocked and turns towards the referee and Big D uses the moment of rest to roll underneath the bottom rope and to the floor outside the ring! The crowd doesn’t seem pleased, but Big D doesn’t care. He lifts the ring apron… is he looking for a weapon or something?

He’s going to get himself disqualified!

Suddenly a face appears under the ring in front of him, sending him stumbling backwards in terror!



Big D looks horrified and doesn’t see Genevieve Tate bouncing off the far ropes and charging towards him. She launches herself through the air with a suicide dive, sending Big D crashing hard into the fan barricade! She doesn’t seem concerned with Edward who disappears underneath the ring once more, the crowd roaring in approval. They love Edward! They want him to have all the shinny!

Tate lifts Big D and rolls him back into the ring!

He stumbles to his feet and turns to face her as she slides in behind him….






Winner - Genevieve Tate!

Genie celebrates as we slowly fade to black.

Backstage we see that returning XWF interviewer Steve Sayors has managed to make it inside the building and stands backstage in a hallway surrounded by superstar locker rooms. Several stars pass him by as he tries to thrust a microphone in their faces, begging each of them to grant him a moment of their time to relaunch his interviewing career. He looks discouraged when suddenly a young former champion stops in front of him.

STEVE SAYORS: Thaddeus Duke! Is there any chance you'd be willing to do a quick interviewer? I'd love to hear your thoughts on a few things!

THADDEUS DUKE: Uh, I guess so? Do you actually still work here?

Steve rolls his eyes.

STEVE SAYORS: It's a long story.

Thaddeus shrugs his shoulders indifferently and takes his spot next to Steve, turning towards the camera lens.

STEVE SAYORS: Not that I’m hoping to start things off on a negative note here, Thaddeus, but you had a high profile title match at March Madness and plenty to say leading up to it. Obviously things didn’t go your way against Blackwater, so tell me, what went wrong for you at the PPV and how are you feeling now? [/b]

THADDEUS DUKE: What went wrong, Steve, is that Donovan Blackwater served me up a dish of humble pie. It's bittersweet to say the least. What went wrong, is that I was too arrogant and cocky. Look, Blackwater got one over on me but I wasn't at my best. Not nearly. That's not an excuse, its a fact. If I was at my best last Sunday, you'd be standing here talking to the new Television champion. How am I feeling Steve? I'm feeling fantastic. I'm back. I'm getting better. And while the last match didn't go my way this week presents a new opportunity to right the ship and get back on track.

STEVE SAYORS: Well it seems like you’ve got a good attitude about the whole experience, Mr. Duke. Too many young stars go off the rails, it’s nice to see you handle the adversity. Let’s talk about tonight; you’re in the main event against Alister Dante, what do you think about him and what sort of statement are you looking to make?

THADDEUS DUKE: Never call me Mr. Duke, Steve. Thaddeus is my name, Thad is fine. Some wack job head case used to call me Thadly, so that'd suffice as well I suppose. What's to think about the Templar? He's an unknown quantity in an equation of variables. I'm a pretty good problem solver though and I almost went into a Vanilla Ice tangent right then. Yeah, I'm in the main event. I'm always the main event. Whether I'm first, last or somewhere in between, I'm the main attraction. My goal tonight is simple, right the ship, get the W, and continue onward and upward.

STEVE SAYORS: And if you manage to beat Dante and right that ship, what’s next for you? Do you feel like your business with Blackwater is done? Is there a chance we’ll see a rematch for the Television title, or do you see something else on your horizon?

THADDEUS DUKE: Blackwater is a good competitor and a decent champion. Not a great one, if he were, he'd be defending that title weekly without protest but I guess maybe that's just me. He wouldn't want to face me a second time. He got a version of Thaddeus Duke coming off a hiatus of over a year and a half and I took him to the limit. A rematch though, isn't something I'm particularly interested in. I gotta watch those promos too and I don't wish that on anyone. As for what's next...

Thaddeus pauses for a moment, Steve Sayors leaning in with anticipation.

THADDEUS DUKE: You'll have to wait just like everybody else.

Thaddeus smiles and winks at Steve before turning swiftly and making his way down the hallway without another word, leaving Steve Sayors alone once more. Steve drops him microphone to his side and turns to the camera, shrugging his shoulders and motioning to cut.

The cameraman follows orders, and we head back to the ring.

Kid Kool
- vs -
El Pantera
3 RPs max, 2500 word limit
Xtreme Rules Cage Match
Pinfall & Submission Only
Weapons will line the cage wall

"Dance Hall Days" by Wang Chung hits and the fans pop big time as hot pink and lime green laser lights shine all over the stage! " #koolioz " appears on the X-Tron in lime green over a hot pink background, as Kid Kool bounds from the backstage area and through the curtains, sending his fans [the so-called 'Kool Kidz'] into a frenzy. KK wears a shiny, silver pair of short spandex, silver wrestling boots with hot pink laces... his long, blonde hair is slicked back, he wears a pair of hot pink-framed sunglasses, and to top off his look, he wears a hot pink t-shirt with the hashtag "#bKool..." on the front in lime green, and on the back; "...or #bJealous".

Kool rushes down the rampway, tagging hands along the way. He slides under the bottom rope and into the ring, before hopping to his feet. He removes the hot pink-framed shades from his eyes, clipping them to the collar of his shirt... KK bounces off the far set of ropes, then the other, before hopping up to the top turnbuckle, procuring his cell phone and tapping the red button to take a quick vid of the jubilent XWF Galaxy for his YouTube video blog, " #TheKoolKidz " with Kid Kool!! He then pockets his phone, before rolling out, and walkng up to a young fan holding up a "#1 Kool Kid!" sign... Kid Kool places the sunglasses over the kid's eyes, as they beam wth joy! Kid Kool smiles, before rolling back into the ring, preparing for the match ahead.

"Los Mandados" blasts through the arena. El Pantera steps out of the entry curtain looking around the audience with his trademark confident smile. He walks down to the ring almost with a swagger until he reaches the ringside area. He takes his time walking to the ring steps, and climbing them. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle, looking around at the crowd with his usual smile before looking towards his opponent raising an eyebrow and giving a respectful nod before dropping off the ropes into the ring.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the cage is lowered Kid Kool and Alejandro 'El Pantera' Rivera have been locked in, and let the bell sound.


The match is off. Alejandro Rivera swoops in to the center of the ring meeting Kid Kool. He immediately gets off a punch to Kid Kool's nose bloodying it early. El Pantera drives Kid Kool back into the corner and unloads with several back hand chops reddening his chest. Rivera whips Kid Kool into the opposite turnbuckles. He rushes in, but Kid Kool throws his feet up catching Pantera square in the chest. Alejandro steps back and Kid Kool who'd leapt to the second rope jumps off with a blockbuster and a cover, but Pantera kicks out at two.

Rivera rolls out of the ring followed by Kid Kool who jumps off the apron for a standing knee. Alejandro gets knocked back, and Kid Kool charges, but Alejandro side steps him and sends him into the cage. Kid Kool bounces back towards Alejandro who runs him into the other side of the cage. Kid Kool hits the ground. Alejandro begins to mercilessly stomp on Kid Kool's back and rib area before picking him up, and dragging his face across the cage bloodying him even further.

Alejandro tosses Kid Kool under the ropes into the ring, and follows him in. KK takes advantage with some stomps of his own. El Pantera makes it back to his feet, as Kid Kool rushes back attempting a running superkick, but Rivera catches the kick, and takes his legs out from under him with a sweep. Kid Kool stumbles back to his feet only to be caught in a Muay Thai clinch, and Alejandro throws and connects with three knees to KK's face before sending him into the turnbuckle, and following with a running elbow, a fisherman suplex into the cover, but Kid Kool kicks out at two and rolls out of the ring.

Alejandro follows him out of the ring, spotting a staple gun. He reaches up, grabs it, and watches Kid Kool with a malicious look on his eye. After smiling at the staple gun, and the crowd he follows KK, and drives him against the cage again before putting several staples into the flesh of Kid Kool, making him scream in pain. Kool desperate to get away, delivers a low blow to Alejandro before taking the staple gun out of his hand.

Kool charges at Rivera, hitting a running dropkick to his chest. Kid Kool kneels on Pantera's chest, determined to staple his opponent's mouth shut like he said he would. Pantera has a hold of his forearm, and eventually pushes Kid Kool off. Both men get back to their feet and KK throws the stapler at Alejandro hitting him on the forehead, and bloodying him.

Alejandro begins to chase Kid Kool around the ring. The make a loop before Kid Kool slides in the ring. Alejandro slides in after him, and Kid Kool attempts to punt El Pantera in the head, but Pantera has it well scouted, and tosses KK over his shoulder out to the floor, and follows him pulling a kendo stick off the cage, whilst Kid Kool pulls down a chair.

Kool swings the chair wildly, but Alejandro moves, and hits him in the mid-section with the kendo stick. Kool doubles over and Alejandro swats him with the kendo stick several more times before sending him back in the ring, and throwing the chair in which hits Kid Kool.

Alejandro slides in the ring, attempting to grab the chair, but Kid Kool has picked it up. Alejandro is to quick though and superkicks the chair into Kid Kool's face. KK now a bloody mess lays motionless on the canvas as Alejandro climbs to the top rope. Flight of El Pantera connects and






El Pantera has avenged his loss against The Kool one.

Winner - El Pantera!

After the match, both Kid Kool and El Pantera are breathing heavily, Pantera laying on the mat, Kid Kool slumped in the corner. Kool slowly uses the post to pull himself up.... Pantera uses the ropes to get back to his feet. They turn toward eachother..... and Kid Kool extends a hand to the ring legend!! Letting El Pantera know he respects the Mexican icon for retiring at the top level, Kid Kool asks for a handshake, to bury the hatchet, and let El Pantera go out with a respectful, proud moment. Pantera cocks an eyebrow, before looking out at the fans, some yelling "DON'T DO IT!" while others cheer on the possible moment between rookie and legend. Pantera eventually accepts the handshake, and the two show that the war is over when SUDDENLY, KK boots El Pantera in the nether regions!! El Pantera topples to the canvas. Kid Kool smiles from ear to ear, while again, some fans show their disdain and others are cheering due to loving Kid Kool for breaking the rules of 'honor'.... FUCK HONOR, LET'S TEAR SHIT UP AND BEAT PEOPLE DOWN!!! XD ....... Kid Kool rolls out of the ring, raising his fists above his head, as the scene fades...

Before the titanic main event between Duke and Dante, we find Kid Kool backstage on his cell phone. "DEMI, c'mon gurl!!! I can't wait much longer, I know you're a famous actress and singer, but I'm gonna be a LEGEND in the wrestling business... we BELONG together!!.... Demi?? Hello?? ...... HELLO?!? >_< Dammit..." .... SUDDENLY, a brick is slung at the lights, and they bust, plunging the hallway into darkness. "WHAT THE-" Kid Kool screams, before the sounds of him being attacked are heard..... there is a lantern lit [ala Bray Wyatt] and lifted into the air.... four figures are seen, all four wearing an 'Anonymous' mask;

[Image: anonymous1.jpg]

The apparent leader speaks, holding the lantern, as we find the other three circling around the fallen body of Kid Kool. "XWF... your time is drawing near, the time that you all will have to choose a side, or meet your fare. My brothers in arms will revolutionze the business, we will take the XWF and bring it to the top.... or we will kill it. We can either be a cure or a cancer, and we know you don't want us as your enemies. Don't write us off, because our arrival is at hand. A handful of months, and we will OWN this place. We'll run it and finally give the fans a reason to watch this b.s. again!! There's no stopping the unstoppable, there's no halting that which is inevitable. In short.... watch your backs, cuz we're coming to rip out your jugular... boys? Finish him." ....The other three begin to lay in the boots to Kid Kool, before one of them brings KK up to a vertical base.... before the leader drops The Kool One with a lifting spike ddt.

The other three 'anonymous' members bring KK up to his feet, before leading him toward the exit door of the arena. All four then turn back to the camera, as the leader speaks; "The first of many. If you can't handle being in the XWF? You don't DESERVE to be! Kid Kool may be a future star, but we don't give a DAMN about becoming stars, or being popular or famous or having a ton of cash and fancy cars.... the only reason we're here is to make an impact. The XWF will never the same again...... end transmission."

The four men continue to glare at the camera, piercing their gaze into all those watching..... Static slices through the screen, and we're left with a black screen. Business is picking up, folks....

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]
Thaddeus Duke
- vs -
Alister Dante
3 RPs max, 2500 word limit

Alister Dante starts in the ring after commercial.



GUITAR! White light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from the ring posts illuminating the vertical Illuminatus Iron Cross banners (white field, blue cross,) hanging from the lighting rigging above each corner of the ring. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Dolly Waters, Revolution Prime hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement. The Xtreme title slung over his shoulder

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in blue and white colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose with the Xtreme title held high. Once all four corner are done, he hops back to the outside and takes selfies with fans at ringside. Mostly kids and teens.

Both competitors meet in the center of the ring as the bell rings! Duke locks up with Dante, and immediately starts fighting for control, but Dante fights back, turning the lock up into an arm bar, followed by a kick to Duke's ribs. Duke drops back, but Dante stays on him, going into a feint and then another kick attempt. Duke blocks this one and goes for his own low kick, but Dante dodges, weaves and gets to Duke's side, throwing a punch. Duke takes the blow and rolls with it, spinning to a neutral corner. Dante charges at him but Duke ducks out of the corner. Dante puts the breaks on but this gives Duke enough time to nail him with a swinging neck breaker back to the center of the ring.

Duke floats over, nailing Dante in the face a few times for good measure, before dragging himback up, tagging him with a european uppercut and whipping him into the ropes. Duke catches Dante on the rebound with a stiff missile dropkick and he goes for the pin.


2....NOPE! Dante kicks out!

Dante takes hold of the back of Duke's head and surprises him with a headbut, and then a knee to the side of hishead as he rises. Dante runs the ropes again and nails Duke with an enzugiri! Dante then picks Duke up and wraps a hand around his throat to go for a whokeslam. Dante raises him up, but Duke drops behind him and rolls him up instead!


2.....NO! Dante kicks out of the surprise pin attempt.

Dante gets to his feet and lights Duke up with another couple of kicks before locking up with him. Dante goes for another arm bar into a kick combo but Duke powers out, reversing the arm bar into an arm drag takedown of his own, followed by a brutal kick to Dante's back! Duke forces Dante's shoulders to the mat again for another cover!



But Duke stays on him, pulling him up and bringing him back down again with a russian legsweep, which he then tries to parlay into an anaconda vise! But Dante, having it scounter, pries his way to the ropes and dips a foot under the bottom, prompting Duke to break the hold.

Both men get to their feet and Duke goes for a wild punch, but Dante blocks it and rushes Duke with a surprise headbutt to the bridge of his nose, followed by a quick Sacred Heart neckbreaker out of nowhere!




Dante repsonds by mounting Duke and peppering him with punches, before getting up to measure him. Duke staggers up and Dante measures him, launching at him with a big spear,nailing it! But Duke spills to the outside!

Dante follows him out as the ref starts a count, and he hefts Duke up and rolls him back under the bottom rope, but Duke surprises him with a closed fist shot as he does so! Duke gets up on the ring apron and nails Dante with a big splash to the outside! Duke then picks Dante up and rolls him in the ring before continuing his assault. Throwing Dante into the corner and steps up to the middle buckle, Duke plays to the fans a bit and starts a 10 count punch!





But Dante isn't having anymore of it!He reaches up and powerbombs Duke off of him! And then pins!




Dante forces Duke up again, peppering hm with more kicks that Duke retreats to the corner to try to cover up from. Date then whips Duke into the opposite corner and lunges at him for another spear, but this time Duke s it covered and he dives out of the way, leaving Dante to smash shoulder first into the ring post!

Duke measures Dante as he stumbles away from the corner, and he goes for the BETTER THAN YOU! But the crowd gasps as Dante is just barely able to duck under it. Dante counters by getting up and under Duke and nailing him with an exploder suplex, but Dante's clearing favoring his shoulder after the desperation move! He drops on Duke for the cover.



3...STILL NO! Another kickout by Duke! Dante looks frustrated now. He gets up and drops a big precision knee drop on Duke's forehead! He then picks Duke up, rocking him with more nasty kicks before trying to muscle him up for the ENLIGHTENED ILLUMINIATION! But his injured shoulder gives out and Dante is forced to drop Duke. Dante holds his shoulder, stepping away from his opponent.

Meanwhile, Duke slowly gets up and sees an opportunity. He closes the distance with Dante, and Dane tries to surprise him with a big time lariat, but Duke counters with a big time float over DDT! Duke then waits on his opponent to get up, he starts signalling for the BETTER THAN YOU again! He takes the shot!








Winner - Thaddeus Duke!

Thaddeus Duke's theme is heard along with the roar of the crowd as we fade into Atticus Black's office. The Savage GM stands behind his desk stroking his chin watching the television. He turns to look at Donovan Blackwater in an expensive suit, the Television Title draped over his shoulder. Atticus sighs pointing an authoritative finger at the image of Duke raising his hands to the audience.

"That should be you right now. Now, I know I allowed you to take a break from your duties after a gruelling match at March Madness but now I hear rumours that you wish to have next week off also?"

As Duke's music fades and the crowd goes quiet. Donovan goes to say something but Atticus sharply holds out his palm and speaks abruptly.

"I don't want any excuses! This is not a throwaway job to help you pay through college, Mr Blackwater. That championship means something, it IS Savage! Defended it weekly is a hard task, but a duty anyone man or woman should take pride in and look forward to every, single week. Now, this is your final chance to prove how much that title means to you, next week you'll face your toughest challenge yet. You'll go one on one in a ladder match versus... LUX!"

The crowd pop huge. Donovan smirks with a scoff.

"Hey, you're the boss."

Atticus nods and takes a seat at his desk, as the camera follows a cocky Donovan out.

Savage fades to black.

Thank you to the writers that helped on this show

Tommy Wish
El Pantera
James Raven

And thank you to all that RPed this week.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 9 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
(04-06-2019), (04-06-2019), "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-07-2019), Darius Xavier (04-06-2019), Deacon (04-06-2019), Dolly Waters (04-08-2019), James Raven (04-06-2019), Kid Kool (04-09-2019), Scully (04-06-2019)
Lacklan Offline
World's best at making murderhobos cry

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-06-2019, 07:37 PM

That opening seg, though 😮

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[-] The following 3 users Like Lacklan's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-07-2019), Dolly Waters (04-08-2019), Kid Kool (04-09-2019)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-06-2019, 08:38 PM

[duke]Mr. Black.... you're wrong.... See, it's not that it should have been Mr. Blackwater in the main event it's more I should have been the Television champion.




Duke's back![/duke]

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Thaddeus Duke's post:
Kid Kool (04-09-2019)
ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

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Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

04-07-2019, 03:16 AM

At least I can retire with a 2-4-1 record. Kid Kool I told you I'd beat the fuck out of you, and that's just what I did. Hopefully, you enjoyed that cheap shot at the end, but it doesn't change the fact you're still a little POS and will never do anything more than win the HMW and Federweight titles.

OOC: Good show! Great RP's everybody this week.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes ElPantera's post:
Kid Kool (04-09-2019)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-07-2019, 08:23 AM

OOC: If the Steve Sayors stuff is what you guys meant when you said you'd be bringing in somebody to give more life and story to the shows I definitely approve. I see what you meant now, and if this is how it stays, by adding extra hype to matches and not writing stories for people necesarilly I think it's great and rounds out the show's nicely.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Corey Smith's post:
Kid Kool (04-09-2019)
Kid Kool Offline
#WarGames [#bPrepared]


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-09-2019, 07:23 PM

Kid Kool is being checked up on by an EMT, after being thrashed by the four 'anonymous' masked men. Not to mention the war he went through with El Pantera. KK speaks as the EMT bandages up the Kool One.... "So, I was thrashed by Pantera, I was decimated by four masked men, Demi Lovato turned me down AGAIN, and everyone in the company is turning my aquisition of Paradox Inc. into a joke, just like they do to me in general. On a positive note, I'm headed into a MUCH more important match with Dolly Waters, Hart Title on the line. Dolly.... #watch_out. That strap is comin' home to papa, and the mocking voices will FINALLY be put to rest. Pantera, enjoy your retirement and make sure to STAY that way, cuz if you ever return? I'll show you that this Kid isn't a joke, isn't forever to be relegated to the bottom tier... If you don't believe in Kid Kool now?? will. KK out." After he's finished being bandaged, KK stands and brushes past the camera, as we fade to black...

= = = = =

OOC: BTW, congrats again Sar, you deserve that crown. Wear it w/pride, your majesty. ^_^ <333

[Image: darren%20gardella.png]

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