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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare 8/17
Author Message
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-17-2016, 04:46 PM

[Image: L06Pst3.png]

'2 2 Furious' John Msdison
- vs -
Chris Chambers
X-Treme Rules FAP Match. Falls only count in Fire truck, Ambulances, and Police cars in the arena parking lot.

If Chambers wins, Maddy sucks his own dick and Maddy helps him pursue the X-Treme Championship. If Maddy wins, he probably still sucks his own dick anyway because whatever.

- vs -
Trenton York
12k extravaganza! Drezdin puts his life savings on the line!

Elimination Triple Threat

"The Future" Jose Gomez
- vs -
- vs -
Lord of Darkness Reaver

Crucifixion Match
Jakob Davis
- vs -
Morbid Angel
Jakob Davis earns a Hart Title shot if he wins.

Three Way Dance
- vs -
- vs -
Frodo MF Smackins

Lingerie Match
Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
Kandi Washington
Winner strips the loser down to their bra and panties, or whatever Doc wears under his clothes

Intercontinental Title Match
- vs -
Peter F'n Gilmour
X-Treme Rules, 30 minute countdown to exploding ring OF DEATH

Tool's Prison sex plays and the XWF is greeted by none other than Thomas Girard. The fans are loving him. He is smiling, and happy, and not a rapist at all.

"Hello, Mes amours. Welcome to this edition of Wednesday night Warfare. It is I, Thomas Girard, Votre capitaine. I hope we you all have a good show tonight, and please if you are drinking."

He makes a drinking gesture, and the crowd loves it.

"Be safe. Adieu for now."

He turns and walks to the back of the arena while the crowd cheers for him.

'2 2 Furious' John Msdison
- vs -
Chris Chambers
X-Treme Rules FAP Match. Falls only count in Fire truck, Ambulances, and Police cars in the arena parking lot.

If Chambers wins, Maddy sucks his own dick and Maddy helps him pursue the X-Treme Championship. If Maddy wins, he probably still sucks his own dick anyway because whatever.

Lights go to black. Gold lights fill the arena as his music hits, he walks out and as he reaches the top of the ramp, two gold flares shoot down from the rafters on each side of him that cause golden explosions down the ramp.

Chris Chambers makes his usual humble entrance through the pyro, praising God and saying a little prayer as he enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

Then, the lights go fully dark. A small boy walks out from behind the curtain with a single spotlight shining on him, and he walks down the ramp dropping flower petals from a woven basket, leaving a beautiful trail.

This is followed by the curtains opening fully to reveal an entire symphony orchestra, which immediate;y starts playing the entire Adagio from Bruckner’s Symphony Number 7 in E Major.

A large pitying of turtle doves then flies from the back.

Finally, the world’s strongest , Dimallisher, emerges from the backstage area carrying a large throne above his head. The throne is clearly millions of dollars in expense, as it’s golden and covered with gems from around the world.

In the plush seat sits the opponent of Chris Chambers, John ‘’ Madison. Dim walks slowly down the aisle, goose stepping over the flower petals and holding the throne high as Madison throws black Sharpie markers into the crowd. It’s weird, too, because Maddy doesn’t seem to have a bag of them or anything, it’s like they just show up out of thin air.

Finally, Dim reaches the ring and walks up the steps, leaning over and placing the Madison Throne into the corner of the ring. Maddy throws several more markers but doesn’t seem in any sort of hurry to get up from his throne.

Dewey: I have it on good authority that this is actually one of the most low-key entrances Madison has ever made. Is he getting humble in his old age?

Chambers seems impatient, but he’s still standing and minding his own business, just imploring the referee to move things along. The ref approaches Maddy and talks to him over the oriental fan Madison is cooling himself with, which appears to be carved from whale bone.

Finally, Madison stands up and peels off the authentic gold-thread cloak worn by King Friedrich I of Prussia during his 1701 coronation. Beneath the cloak he’s wearing a Gilly “Suck My Dick” tee shirt, which Madison kisses before crossing himself and stepping into the center of the ring.

Chris Chambers walks forward and extends a hand for a shake… and Madison dives into a corner, hiding his head under the bottom turnbuckle and pointing at Chambers, screaming at the ref that it’s an illegal fist.

The ref does his diligence and checks Chambers’ hand, which is clearly open and not at all a fist… and Madison comes shrieking out of the corner swinging his arms like a crazy woman, scratching and slapping at Chambers’ face! Chris Chambers stumbles back into the ropes and Madison wails.


While sending a furious flurry of hands and elbows into Chambers’ torso. Chambers covers up with his hands, blocking most of the blows, and finally manages to grab ahold of Madison in a Muy Thai clinch, using the lunatic’s own momentum to spin him into a corner.

Chambers starts in with a barrage of knees to the midsection, each one eliciting a loud OUCH from Maddy. Madison crumples in the corner, coughing up blood. Chambers seems nervous and unsure what to do, and he bends over to see if Madison is okay…


Madison hit Chambers right in the Psalms with a huge uppercut, sending the undefeated Golden Boy to the mat. Madison points at his head, because he’s smart, and then gets up and immediately stomps on the crotch of Chambers. Chambers howls in pain as Madison continues to stomp on Chambers’ Cain and Abel until the referee finally drags him away.

The emergency vehicles have started to drive into the ringside area… cop cars, ambulances, fire trucks… all surrounding the ring to fulfill the stipulation Chambers set for the match. One of the police cars comes to a stop right next to where Chambers is slowly dragging himself to his feet by the ropes, and when Madison sees the Golden Boy erect he charges at him!

Chambers drop down, pulling the top rope with him! Madison flies over the top rope and lands on the hood of the car, leaving a huge dent! Chambers calmly exits the ring and hops down onto the car’s roof, pulling Madison up… powerbomb onto the windshield! Glass shatters everywhere and Madison is bloodied!

Madison rolls into the broken windshield and collapses in the front seat, and Chambers jumps to the floor. He opens the passenger door and leans in for a cover!



Madison with a handful of broken glass to Chambers’ face! Chambers is cut up and staggers backward into the guardrail, allowing Madison to slide out of the car and crawl away, back towards the ring where it’s safe.

Chambers is on him! Chambers has Madison by the scruff of his neck and the waistband of his pants and he slings him into the ring apron! That’s the hardest part of the ring! Madison collapses, and Chambers has him again, rolling him into the ring and then climbing the ropes… frog splash from Chambers! He lands right on Madison’s midsection!

What the… did a Sharpie just shoot out from Madison’s tights and fly across the ring when Chambers hit that move? Must be seeing things…

Somehow Madison is on his feet, but he quickly gets caught in a snap STO. Madison’s jaw looks like it loosened on that impact! Chambers once again scales the ropes, and he might be looking for a guillotine legdrop here… WAIT A MINUTE DIM JUST SHOVED HIM OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!

Dimallisher just sent Chambers crashing to the ringside floor, he may have even hit that ambulance o the way down! The referee is admonishing the big and… Dim’s been ejected from the area! The ref just told Dim he had to evacuate… meanwhile, John Madison has slithered his way out of the ring and he has Chambers by the ears… he slams him face first into the ambulance door! Again!

Madison opens the ambulance up and yanks out the gurney inside. He tosses Chambers into the vehicle and covers him, but the referee is still yelling at Dim, who’s refusing to leave! Dim’s holding his breath until he gets his way!

Madison is pounding on the ambulance floor and screaming at the referee, but he’s busy watching Dim turn blue… Dim passes out! The Dimallisher just blacked out and collapsed from lack of oxygen! EMTs tend to him, carrying him towards the back while the referee finally sees the cover happening in the ambulance and runs over with a count.


Chambers gets a shoulder up! The count took way too long!

Madison is livid and he’s screaming at the official. The ref is backing away pointing at his XWF badge on his shirt, but Madison keeps walking up to him pointing in his chest and going red in the face with expletives and little known facts about the referee’s mother.

Chambers leaps from the ambulance and catches Madison with a flying cutter! Even Gilmour would be impressed with that move! Madison is on the floor, and Chambers isn’t finished… he pulls Maddy up and sends a boot into his midsection… and this time a Sharpie definitely fell out of Madison’s trunks! Chambers looks disgusted at the sudden realization of where all the markers were coming from! Madison is on his knees laughing, and Chambers looks like he might puke.

Madison grabs the Sharpie! He crams it into Chambers’ face! It goes right into the Golden Boy’s nose and mouth, and now Chambers really does puke!

Chambers leans over heaving, and Madison takes advantage by dropping him in a sick DDT! Chambers’ skull hit the concrete, and he’s out cold! Madison just has to get him into one of those emergency response vehicles and this one’s over!

John Madison strains lifting up the dead weight of Chris Chambers, causing yet another black Sharpie to drop out of his tights. How many of those are in there? He drops Chambers on the gurney from the ambulance and looks across the floor to a fire truck with a sadistic grin. Madison runs with the gurney right for the truck! The gurney crashes into the side of the fire truck, sending Chambers flying into the side of it!

Chambers slides down the side of the truck onto the floor, and Maddy puts the boots to him. Madison drops some knees into Chambers’ midsection for good measure, then motions for the driver to extend his ladder… and he meant it literally, it wasn’t a euphemism!

The fire ladder comes down to the floor and Maddy drags Chambers up it onto the roof of the vehicle… Madison slams Chambers on the roof of the fire truck, then he drops down for a cover! This is it!



Chambers kicks out! What heart!

Madison is beside himself, he can’t believe Chambers is still alive in this thing… but he looks down from the truck and a sinister smile spreads across his face. Madison pulls Chambers up and brings him to the edge of the fire truck, looking down at a police car below them. He sets Chambers up… Rebellion! Chambers is up and… no! Chambers hits a huge elbow to the side of Madison’s skull!

Madison has to release the rock bottom hold on Chambers and cover up from the flurry of rights and lefts from Chambers, then a look of pure insanity comes over Madison… and he charges Chambers!

Chambers ducks down and elevates Madison with a back body drop!

Maddy flies up and over, tumbling down from the top of the fire truck and crashing onto the hood of that police car, his head hitting the windshield and sending a spiderweb of cracks through it! Madison might be seriously injured!

Chambers climbs down the side of the truck and walks over to Madison, seeing that the crazy old man is coughing up blood and his eyes are rolling in the back of his head. Chambers waves over the official and climbs onto the car, hooking Madison’s leg!



What the?!!?


Nate Higgers has a police baton and he’s wailing on Chris Chambers, bashing him right in the skull and face, battering him to bejeezus! He’s got a tazer!


Chris Chambers convulses from the stun gun, and Higgers has him up… ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!! Higgers slams Chambers face first into the roof of the cop car with that end of days maneuver, and he drags Madison from the hood of the car up and onto the roof! Is Higgers attacking both men?

No! Nate Higgers drops Madison’s limp body on top of Chris Chambers and then shouts at the referee to make the count!




John Madison wins this match with a ton of help from Nate Higgers!!!

The Xtron flickers, and everyone looks at it. Tank is on screen holding a cat. Holy shit! That's Loki Arzegotti!

"John, I have your cat. If you want it back, you will back off of me. If not, I will kill this cat. Got it?"

Thomas Girard walks into Frodo's makeshift office, which is actually the only men's restroom in the back of the arena. He sees Frodo sitting on an upturned bucket eating cans of Fancy Feast. Katie is sitting next to him on an actual chair holding a piece of paper. Swagmire is standing behind Frodo holding a Sig Sauer MCX, and Crack is there playing on his phone. Thomas looks confused. You can hear the sounds of a woman crying from the stall behind them.

"Hey, Thomas. Listen, I have a note from Lome. Katie's gonna read it to you."

Katie clears her throat, and is cut off by Thomas.

"Is that Ginger crying?"

"Ignore that. Listen to Katie.

"Listen, Frodo. Rape isn't cool period. But at least you keep your antics to men who won't cause issue for us. Thomas went ahead and raped women who are causing issues. Plus, he attacked my goddamn girlfriend. That shit is not acceptable. I can't even be in the same room as him. I'm fucking disgusted. Fire him. Rape him. I don't care."

'You have it. You're fired. Also, I'm not leaving here, except to go to my locker room until my match. Swagmire will be escorting you out of the arena.

Swagmire points his gun at Girard, and Girard backs away with no retort.

Frodo lights up a crack pipe.

- vs -
Trenton York
12k extravaganza! Drezdin puts his life savings on the line!

Trenton York is already standing in the ring when suddenly! The arena goes completely black for a moment, then the lights start to pulsate as TNT by AC/DC starts to blare through the PA system. As soon as the pyro goes off the lights turn on, the people in the arena turn silent, the people are at awe and shock on how massive he is. He starts walking down the ramp, he yells out...IT'S GO TIME!, then he stops at the end of the ramp to take a deep breath. He approaches the ring, then he grabs the rope ring rope gets unto the ring aparon goes over the top rope then walks towards the middle of the ring. He raises his left hand as the pyro goes off.

Drezdin walks over to Trenton, and karate chops the nigga right across the face. He collapses and hits the mat hard as a mother fucker. Drezdin wastes no time in pouncing on him and pummeling him with his fists. Trenton is bleeding from his face. York is quivering as Drezdin's fists bounce off of his skull over and over. Drezdin stops punching him, and begins to slam his head into the ring instead. This quickly gets boring for him as Trenton doesn't fight back. He pops to his feet, and grabs York's head, and lifts the supposed opponent to his feet and then drives York's head into the ring post. York isn't moving at all. Drezdin goes for a quick pin.




Dewey: Your winner is Drezdin. Shockingly.

Elimination Triple Threat

"The Future" Jose Gomez
- vs -
- vs -
Lord of Darkness Reaver

TJ Gomez is standing in the middle of the ring.

As the Arena becomes Pitch Black Then Black w blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show Shade's mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying Death walks among you. Smoke beings to fill the arena and Shattered Glass falls from the entrances way and a Crow Flies out of the entrance to the stage. It then begin to circle the stage before
Shade walk onto the stage with Hope and gesture a gun with one hand and pretend to shoot and his baseball bat ace in the other pointing at the Ring. the crow then land on Hope's left shoulder and Shade's right Shoulder, as They walk slowly to the announcer area, where there is a chair for Hope. As shade leaves hope kisses his mask around the cheek area and the Two birds but after they fly up and circle the ring. Shade then makes his way to the steelsteps where he throw his arms out and then putting it back in his trench-coat, he then walks up then steps until he reaches the apron. He then walks across the apron until he reaches the middle where he does suicide shoot to the head taunt, he gets into the ring after. The Raven and crow flies of his overhead still circling the ring above before they land on his shoulders while he is pointing his bat at the Entrance as dark firework goes off making a X shape from the ring post and smokes starts to fade away.

The lights go out, as Antichrist Superstar hits the PA system strobe lights and a red dog light the arena, coming up from underneath the stage is Lord Reaver with his special barbed wired bat, a black leather trench coat and black torn up jeans, he slowly makes his way to the ring taking in the crowd, once he finally enters the ring he casually removed his trench coat and puts it down in a corner of the ring and looks on with an emotionless glare.

Shade and Reaver are standing next to each other in the ring while Jose Gomez looks them both over. He charges at them both, but mostly it's at Reaver. Reaver throws his arm out and catches the Spic in a clothesline. TJ goes down like a big floppy erection at the site of Maverick. That's right, Maverick kills erections the way Reaver kills this nigga Gomez. Gomez's body is laying limp in the ring, and Shade and Reaver high five as they look over at the limp frame of the Future. The crowd is roaring with excitement as Shade and Reaver begin to play Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets to pin TJ Gomez. TJ starts to stir, and Shade stops their game to lift TJ up and drop him with his crucifix powerbomb. TJ tries to stir again, but The Blackest Hole begins to stomp on him until his body is limp again. They resume their game and Shade throws out Paper. Reaver throws out paper as well. It's a tie. They shoot again, and this time Shade throws out rock while Reaver throws out paper. The crowd goes wild as Reaver drops down and covers TJ.





This leaves Shade and Reaver to face off with each other. They look at each other and smile, or we assume Shade is smiling. They begin to circle around each other and mime going at it. Then the men stop and start laughing in the ring.

You fools. You believe we would fight each other in the ring? No. The Blackest Hole is the ultimate force in the XWF, and we are united in victory now.

The crowds start to boo, and the ref looks over at the Dewey and the time keepers, everyone just shrugs and waits to see what's going to happen. All of the sudden, Darth Vader's Entrance Trap Remix begins to blast through the system and the crowd looks confused. Frodo isn't slated to be here, he said he was going to stay in his locker room until his match. Katie rolls an old school TV to the top of the ramp, and we see Frodo sitting in his locker room sauna wearing nothing but his yellow thong there.

"Hey, Shade. Hey Reaver. Nice to see ya. Glad you guys are doing well, but there's an issue. Only one of you can win. It is elimination. So, here's the solution. You both fight, or play Rock Paper Scissors or something. Figure out who's out of the ring and who takes the win, or you're both stripped of your titles. That will leave John Black to defend by himself. Hate to do it, but with the lackluster attitude about this show, we've got to be a little more forceful. Good luck, bruh."

Katie rolls the tv back, and Shade and Reaver look at each other in the ring. They shrug and lock up. Reaver has the size advantage and pushes Shade into the turnbuckle. The crowd is going insane with joy again. Reaver is repeatedly slamming Shade into the turnbuckle and laughing loudly. He lifts his frenemy into the air, and slams him to the mat with a powerful body slam. Shade gets to his feet, and throws his fist into the stomach of Lord Reaver, which doubles him over. A solid uppercut from Shade slams directly into Reaver's face. This sends Reaver back into the ropes. Lord rebounds, and is caught with a massive spear from Shade. The men are back on the ropes, and trading blows. Reaver throws Shade off of him.

They stand their and look at each other, and move closer. They're eye to eye. Not blinking. Shade nods first, and then Reaver. They step back and begin to play Rock Paper Scissors. Shade throws out paper. Reaver throws scissors.

Two out of three, brother?

Reaver nods, and both men pound their fists into closed palms. On three they release and Shade throws paper again while Reaver throws rock. Once more into the fray as they slam fist into palm, and throw out. This time with Reaver throwing scissors, and Shade throwing rock. Reaver lays down, and Shade collapses onto him for a weak pin.




DEWEY: Wow. Such win. Awesome show. Magic. Your "winner" is Shade.

Crucifixion Match
Jakob Davis
- vs -
Morbid Angel
Jakob Davis earns a Hart Title shot if he wins.

Jakob Davis is in the ring.

Aeon's God Gives Head in Heaven blasts through the PA as the crowd is cheering for the Morbidest Angel. He charges from the back and flexes as he walks down to the ring. He stomps into the ring, and is for some reason holding a piece of rebar. He bends it and throws it at some fat woman in the front row.

Morbid Angel broods in the corner, wearing his cocklace and dangling two different sets of nipple-buds from his Zune. The hard hitting music of Amon Amarth is barely audible from the nips as Jakob Davis enters the ring through the ropes…

And Morbid immediately descends upon him! Morbid slams he forearms into Davis’ back, dropping him to the mat… and he nails a gigantic legdrop onto the back of his head! Morbid yanks Davis to his feet and whips him into the massive cross dangling just over the center of the ring, and Davis’ face slams right into it, sending him tumbling again.

Morbid reaches into the sky… then slowly brings his hand down and clutches the disembodied dick of Peter Gilmour hanging from around his neck. It begins to glow! With power! And maybe some sort of infection!

Morbid pulls the cocklace from around his neck and approaches the downed Jakob Davis… Morbid kneels down... and he starts slapping Davis in the face with that ol’ rotten Gildick! He rubs it in his face, all over his nose and mouth and eyes, like rubbing a bad dog’s snout in shit.

Morbid stands and stomps the crap out of Davis, then pulls him up… up in the air… he throws Davis across the ring in a powerbomb, but into the ropes… Davis bounces off and comes flying back… VADER STYLE BODY ATTACK! Morbid just decimated Jakob Davis!

Morbid pulls him up again… POWERBOMB!


One more time Morbid pulls Davis to his feet… DOMINATOR POWERBOMB!!! Blood trickles from the side of Davis’ mouth, he could have serious internal injury. Morbid Angel gives not a single fuck, and he drags Davis’’ lifeless body up once more. Irish whip into the corner, shaking the ring on its foundations!

Davis slumps forward, and Morbid rushes in with an avalanche! The referee is getting in between the two now, insisting he check on Jakob Davis… OH MY GOD!

Morbid Angel just choke slammed the referee!!!!!

Morbid whips the pants off of the ref, exposing a tiny little pecker… and Morbid rips it off of him! Morbid has acquired a new member for his ever growing collection on his dicklace!

Morbid kicks the referee out of the ring, still spurting a stream of blood from his nethers, and turns his attention back to Jakob Davis, who hasn’t budged. Morbid scales the corner ropes, pulling Davis up with him… he sets him up… SATAN’S FALL!!! Davis’ skull is drilled into the mat from that top rope tombstone!

Jakob Davis is twitching and seizing in the ring, foaming at the mouth. Morbid motions for the cross to be lowered, which it is… and it’s covered in barbed wire! Every inch of that cross is covered with sharpened steel barbs!

Morbid lifts the broken carcass of Jakob Davis up… into a crucifix position! Morbid runs a lap around the ring because of his EPIC CONDITIONING and then squares up to the cross… he runs forward… GOTT IS TOT!!!! RIGHT ONTO THE BARBED WIRE CROSS!!!!

Jakob Davis’ flesh is pierced by hundreds of barbs and they actually hold him up on the cross, as if he were thrown onto Velcro! Jakob Davis has been crucified!!!

Three Way Dance
- vs -
- vs -
Frodo MF Smackins

Darth Vader's Entrance, Trap Remix blasts through the PA system.

Frodo walks down to the ring in his yellow thong, gleaming with some sort of lube covering every inch of his skin. Is it butter? It’s probably butter, isn’t it?

Frodo gets in the ring, leaving little butter footprints all over the mat, and heads into the corner where he leans over the ropes and demands a microphone. He gets the mic and stomps into the center of the ring.

“This is an atrocity! I was promised rape! I trained all week for rape! I am here for one reason and one reason only – to rape the shit out of my opponents! I’m not leaving here until I rape them or they rape me. PERIOD!”

Frodo then throws the greasy mic out of the ring and rubs himself and waits for his opponents. The bulge in his pants grows, but only very slightly.

Suddenly, Chaos’ theme music hits and the fans give a moderate response. The lights flash and the Tron goes wild, but nobody emerges from the back… until…


The Tron’s fiery Chaos intro is interrupted and taken over by the dark imagery of Shane ’s Blackest Hole. Shade, John Black, and LoD Reaver emerge from behind the curtain… and they’re dragging the broken body of Chaos! He’s got long stilts attached to him and they’re moving his limbs like the world’s most sadistic puppet!

The troika of the BH stand, grinning, as they take turns battering the lifeless form of Chaos, whose brain probably melted in those lightning strikes earlier in the week. They hit him over and over, his body twisting on the ends of those rods, while Frodo yawns in the ring.

Then… TUSH emerges from the back! He attacks John Black first, knocking him aside… then he focuses on Shade! The Blackest Hole drop their poles and Chaos falls off of the stage and into some sound equipment. He might be dead, we don’t know, but the big news is Tush lighting up the Hole!


John Black has a pair of brass knucks on his fist, and he just pummeled Tush in the medulla oblongata! Tush collapses and now all three members of the Blackest Hole descend on him like vultures on a dead raccoon! Reaver pummels the face of the Lounge Lizard, loosening teeth and swelling his eyes, John Black repeatedly buries his knuckles into Tush’s abdomen and… thorax? The sickening sound of ribs breaking echoes through the arena. Shade stands and stomps on Tush’s skull, sending blood spatter evidence across every surface of the stage.

Eventually the Trios Champions drag Tush’s lifeless corpse down to the ring and roll him in, looking at Frodo and smiling. They nod and walk to the back… is Frodo in league with Shane ’s Blackest Hole???

Tush, broken, bleeding, bruised… barely crawls on his hands and knees across the mat to Frodo’s buttery toes. He drags himself up using the midget’s thong, his hands quivering… he looks up at the Dwarf King.

“H-h-help… m-m-me…”

Frodo chuckles and kneels down, holding the chin of Tush in his tiny Trump-like hand. He looks deep into the Lizard’s eyes, maybe remembering the times they spent together in the past. The fist. The closet. The broom. He smiles, and whispers.


Frodo then plants a foot on the back of Tush’s skull and slams it down into the mat, immediately knocking Tush unconscious. Frodo jogs behind Tush and pulls him into a face-down, ass-up position, his Lizard rear pointing at the sky as Tush drools and bleeds in a comatose downward facing dog position.

Frodo yanks the tights off of Tush’s ass! He pulls them down Tush’s thighs and stares longingly into the puckered anus of the Lizard… and then he climbs the ropes. Where is he going?


Frodo dives headfirst, his entire body, lubed by all the butter, slides right into Tush’s asshole! Only Frodo’s legs from the knees down are sticking out of Tush, the rest of his body is inside the Lizard’s colon!

Frodo’s legs kick and squirm, and finally they too disappear into the ass of Tush. Tush’s body jumps and twitches for a moment, and then it blinks, shakes its head, and stands up. Frodo-in-Tush dusts himself off and then the referee raises its hand… tentatively.

Wait… Tush’s body starts to quiver… he’s going to explode!


We see Robbie Bourbon walking around backstage.

Hello, XWF, and hello, America!

Now, you might be wondering what ole' Robbie Bourbon is doing walking around at Warfare when he doesn't even have a match. To be honest, I'm here to pay a visit to someone who's got the ass kicking of a lifetime coming their way. See, I'm sober, I'm rich, and it looks as though I'm single, so to entertain myself, I only have two things left. One, obviously, is beating the shit out of people in the squared circle. The other, which is also obvious, is the greatest treat any wealthy bachelor who know's what's what will enjoy...

Robbie is handed a bag from someone as he's walking. It say's "Arby's".

Arby's. That's right, the Big Montana.

Robbie stops as he pulls a wrapped sandwich from the bag. He opens the wrapper and takes a bite, swallows, and smiles.

That's right. That weird roast beef that tastes like human flesh, cheese sauce and some other reddish sauce that are guaranteed to drip all over your lap, and peppered bacon, which you know is the fancy shit. Regular bacon doesn't come peppered. I couldn't beat Chris Chambers, which obviously means God doesn't even want me to win, so even though I'm in the skids right now, I know happiness and joy is only one trip to Arby's away. Arby's, they have the meats!

Robbie takes another bite, which entirely finishes the sandwich. He takes a moment to finish, and he tosses the bag and wrapper into a nearby garbage can. As he does, he stops and pauses.

Wait, what the fuck?

Robbie reaches into the trash can and pulls out the XWF Tag Team Titles, along with another lucha mask, this one black with red trim.

Oh shit! Someone is going to be looking for these. Damn, how in the hell did these wind up in the garbage? I remember fighting tooth and nail for these belts a couple of times, and now some jagaloon is just discarding them, leaving them wherever.

As Robbie says this, Steve Sayors, one of Robbie Bourbon's biggest fans, who has yet to meet Bourbon, walks up.

Hey! Robbie Bourbon! Man of the People! I'm a huge fan! You know, we should do an interview some time. Say, are those the Tag Titles?

Robbie narrows his gaze at Sayors.

Uh, yeah, Steve, they are. Why do you ask?

Well, I'm actually really fuzzy on the the Tag Team Championships and the tag division in general, probably from showing up in so many promos and being talked down to a ton by the talent around here. Where did you get them?

Robbie opens his mouth to speak, then stops. He knits his brow and looks cautiously at Sayors.

I, uh, won them.

You did!?!

Yes, yes I did! I won them in a house show in Lebanon, Ohio. You didn't hear about that show? Great show, let me tell you, Steve. Packed house, hot crowd, and when me and my partner pinned, uh, when me and my partner won, the roof blew off the place. It was a moment.

I bet, it's a shame I missed it! So, did you win it with Pest, get the band back together?

Oh, no...

Did you reunite with Trax? He's been kind of quiet around here lately.

No, it was a new partner. Brand new to the XWF too. I'm actually looking for him, I have his belt and his mask right here.

Really! A surprise tag team partner, and you both won the belts! That's incredible! What's the guy's name?

Robbie locks up for a split second, his eyes darting everywhere before settling back on the trash can.

Arby Beef.

Arby Beef?

Yeah, we're Bourbon and Beef.

That's a pretty catchy name.

I know, right! Well...

What's Beef like?

Oh, he's, uh, my size. In fact, we're almost identical. Some would say that we're one and the same.

Wow, that's a lot of human being right there!

Well, we don't take up as much space as you'd think. Our movesets are nearly identical too, only instead of Robbiebombs he does Powerbeefs.

That's really cool! Considering the rough stretch you've had for the last couple months, and the fact your girlfriend walked out on you, it's really fortunate you've found a new lease on your career, and I'm sure you'll be a fine mentor for Arby.

Yeah, sure, but Arby doesn't need mentoring so much. In fact, you can follow him on Twitter, @nihilist_arbys.


It's legit. The way the fans were chanting in Lebanon, Ohio, Steve. Rah-Bee, Bur-bun, Ar-Bee Beef. My spine was tingling. Anyway, I gotta go, I gotta give Arby his mask and belt back. Whoops, almost forgot who's was which, we really need to get some Sharpies and write our names on them or something. Well, later Steve.

Later, Robbie. You know, I'm really a big fan of yours, I'd like to do an interview sometime. We have never actually sat down and talked about your career for the camera.

Robbie pats Steve Sayors on the shoulder.

I know, Steve.

Robbie slings each XWF Tag Team Championship belt over a shoulder, pockets the extra mask, and starts to speed walk away from Steve Sayors before he asks too many more questions.

Lingerie Match
Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
Kandi Washington
Winner strips the loser down to their bra and panties, or whatever Doc wears under his clothes

Kandi Washington, Jake Wakefield, Ice, Drake Knight, and Britney Caldwell are standing in the ring waiting for Doc to show up. Instead of Doctor Louis D'Ville, we see Frodo Smackins, still wearing his Tush Suit, The Blackest Hole, Swagmire, and Morbid Angle all flanking him. The Blackest Hole are holding AK M's. Swagmire has a Sig Sauer MCX in his arms, and Morbid Angel is carrying a large knife. They arrive in the middle of the ring and stand there. Kandi moves to say something, but John Black jams the butt of his rifle into her face. She stumbles back, Drake pulls her back and places himself between her and the danger.

"Glad you decided to do that, Drake. I have good news. This will all be over quickly. See, I told Doc not to show up to the ring because I had other plans. Kandi, you and your crew are now terminated from the company, and banned from competing here. Morbid, please do as you do best. Leave the nipples, though."

Morbid rips his shirt off and roars. His massive pecs and cocklace are on full display. Drake and Jake move to try and take him on. The Blackest Hole and Swagmire raise their guns at the former competitors, but Frodo gestures and they lower their guns. Morbid jams his knife into Drake's stomach, and throws his free hand into the face of Jake. They both collapse, and with a snap from the Dwarf, Shade grabs Britney, Reaver grabs Ice, and JB grabs Kandi. He's sniffing her. Morbid pulls his knife from Drake's stomach, and rips off the man's pants. Drake's Knight is on full display for the arena. It's decent sized, so Morbid cuts it off. Drake doesn't even move to hold his former manhood spot. Jake goes to cover his, but the barrel of Swagmire's gun placed against his skull causes him to remove his hands. Morbid cuts Jake's pants off as well, and we see his member. The Morbidgod cuts that off as well, and moves on. He walks over to Britney, and drops her pants. The Blackest Hole follows suit and removes Ice and Kandi's pants. Morbid looks at the bevy of naked pussy in front of him, and does what he does best. He cuts off clits in quick succession, and quickly makes them into a bracelet for Xerces.

The Blackest Hand laughs, and then Morbid jams his big ass knife in Kandi's pussy. He walks away. Frodo turns, and clicks his heels. The Blackest Hand and Swagmire follow suit. Only to be met by Michael McBride walking down to the ring. He and Frodo nod.

As the Hobbit entourage enters the back 5 gunshots are heard, and the crowd gasps. We cut to commercial, hard.

Intercontinental Title Match
- vs -
Peter F'n Gilmour
X-Treme Rules, 30 minute countdown to exploding ring OF DEATH


The commentators of Celebrity Deathmatch Jim Thornton(The voice of Johnny Gomez) and Chris Edgerly (The voice of Nick Diamond) emerge from the back and enter through the curtain to a loud cheer from the XWF Galaxy. They walk down the ramp and wave at the fans. They sit down on the commentary table. Then....
It's not Loverboy Vinnie Lane... It's Mill Lane wearing his referee shirt and looking very old. The fans scream even louder for the referee who doesn't give a fuck and walks very slow. He smiles at the fans and eventually..... Enters the ring.

It appears we have special guests for the Main Event of the evening.

Johnny Gomez:Hello I'm Johnny Gomez.

Nick Diamond:Hello I'm Nick Diamond. This is Celebrity Deathmatch.

Johnny Gomez:No.. This is XWF.

Nick Diamond:Well someone is going to die...

Johnny Gomez:So what you think of our challenger, Peter Gilmour?

Nick Diamond:I think he has good taste in men.. I mean women.

They both LOL!

Johnny Gomez:Dillinger has been a good IC Champion hasn't he?

Nick Diamond:He definitely has Johnny. Let's get down to business.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of SICK LIKE ME by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his lovely queen Mia Yim come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and hugs Mia as they wait his next victim.

"Ode to the End" hits the speakers and the lights momentarily dim as a hush covers the audience. Suddenly, a single blue spotlight shines down on the stage entrance and Dillinger emerges with his XWF Intercontinental Championship placed over his shoulder. A bright blast of cerulean and azure explosions greet him from either side of the stage. The audience reacts with extreme love and hate towards Dillinger's appearance yet he pays them no mind as he strides down the ramp, eyes locked straight forward and the single blue spotlight following him on his journey to the ring. He climbs the steel steps and enters the squared circle, turning his attention to the crowd while a smirk slowly slides across his face and the lights return to normal. This causes another exuberant rise of mixed feelings as Dillinger looks across the ring at his opponent, Peter Gilmour and raises the title up in the air.

Mill Lane calls both competitors to the middle of the ring. Gilly and Dilly stare at each other, Mill holds a mic in hand and gives them his rules.

Mill Lane:The rules are simple, there are no rules. The winner of this match will obviously be the Intercontinental Champion. The loser.. Well you'll be dead. No crying, no whinging, just fuckin' fight. If any of you bitch, I will beat the shit out of both of you. After the thirty minutes has been counted down, I will be getting the hell out of here. Let's get this on!

A muslim man sporting a beard places the bomb on the side of the ring and Mill gives the nod. The timer is started and the bell rings as the thirty minute countdown begins.

Gilmour quickly takes advantage of the distractions and ambushes the champion with a massive clothesline. Gilly smiles and begins to stomp Dillinger numerous times. Gilly lifts Dillinger up by the head and nails a samoan drop. Gilly picks the title off the mat and raises it above Dillinger's head. Gilmour bends down and the trash blurts out, he lets Dilly have it "Suck My Dick". Gilly looks over to Mia, who blows him a kiss. Dillinger then kicks Gilly in the head, Gilmour holds his head and drops the title. Whilst still laying on the mat, Dillinger athletically grabs Gilmour by the head with his legs in some sort of scissor lock and flicks Gilmour over who lands hard on his back. Dilly quickly gets to his feet and Gilly rolls over to the turnbuckle, still holding his back. Gilly gets to his feet and both men run to meet each other in the ring, they exchange lefts and rights, Dilly whips Gilly into the ropes and hits him with an impressive dropkick. Gilly goes down and then receives a leg drop.

25 Minutes Left

Johnny Gomez:This is an explosive match.

Nick Diamond:Very funny, Johnny.

Johnny Gomez:It wasn't meant to be funny.

Nick Diamond:Yeah right!

Dillinger is still on control of the match and he hits a perfect inverted suplex on the challenger. Dilly connects with an elbow drop and then locks in a headlock. Gilmour is struggling but fights to his knees, Gilmour punches Dilly into the ribs a few times, gets to his feet and perfoms a nicely excuted back suplex. Gilmour nods to the crowd, he's feeling good and he wants that championship. Dillinger is lifted to his feet and whipped into the ropes, as he rebounds he receives a big powerslam. Gilly starts to work on the right arm, he hits it with stomps before driving his knees into the forearm of Dillinger. Gilly then applies an armbar as Dilly lays in pain. Tapping out won't have an effect neither will grabbing a rope. Anything goes in this one.

20 Minutes Left

Gilly still has the armbar locked in, Dilly does what he can to drag himself and Gilly towards the bottom rope, he eventually reaches the bottom rope and yanks himself so both men fall out of the ring and to the hard floor.


The muslim man with the beard appears again, this time he has a small bomb attached to himself. He makes his way over to Gilly and Dilly. He handcuffs their ankles to each other so they're sort of stuck.

Johnny Gomez:Oh my God Nick, he's going to blow himself up and our two Main Eventers.

Nick Diamond:I'm not going to allow this to happen, Johnny.

Nick Diamond takes his headset off and runs down towards muslim man, he dives into the suicide bomber and pushes him into the Brazilian crowd. The muslim man and about four Brazilians blow up. The flesh of their bodies fly around that part of the arena... Mill Lane approaches Nick and taps him on the shoulder for his heroics. Mill then finds some keys on the floor and undoes the cuffs on both Gilly and Dilly, who quickly get to their feet. Both men thank Nick who smiles. Nick makes his way back to the announce table, Gilly sneakily pushes Dilly head first into the turnbuckle.

Johnny Gomez:Wow that was amazing Nick..

Nick Diamond:It had to be done, Johnny.

15 Minutes Left

Gilmour slams Dillinger back first into the outside of the ring. He does this repeatedly before successfully connecting with a belly to belly suplex. Gilmour is feeling cocky and proud of himself, he walks over to Mia and kisses her on the lips whilst also grabbing her ass. Or his, whichever. Gilly grabs a steel chair and awaits the champion to get to his feet, he has Dilly measured but Dilly ducks and Gilmour has hit Mill Lane with the chair, knocking the old man down.

Johnny Gomez:Poor old Mill...

Nick Diamond:He might have an heart attack after that...

Johnny looks at Nick unimpressed, who just shrugs.

Dilly hits a big boot on Gilly, taking advantage of the situation. Dillinger throws Gilmour into the ring, lifts him to his feet and hits a giant chokeslam. Dillinger hunts the challenger, awaiting him to get to his feet.....
Rack 'Em & Crack 'Em

Dilly got it but theirs still time to go. The timer on the bomb isn't ready to explode yet.

Dillinger is taunting and receving a good response from the Brazilian Galaxy. Dilly wants to the back of Gilly to hurt some more. He locks in a Boston Crab, a move the Boston Brawler, XWFS resident rapist, Barney Green would be proud of. Gilly is feeling the preasure as he looks to Mia Yim for some help. Mia steps in the ring and starts screaming in Dillingers face. Dilly grins and lets go of the hold. Dillinger stands in front of Mia who's quite big actually... Wait she hits a... Mia Cutter. Out of nowhere.

8 Minutes Left

Mia rushes over to Gilly and helps him to his feet. Gilly is proud of his man, I mean girl. They start to have a game of tonsil tennis.

Nick Diamond:I have a hard on.

Johnny Gomez:Disgusting Nick!

Mia and Gilmour stop the passionate embrace as Gilly notices Dilly getting to his feet so he kicks him the head. Gilly lifts Dillinger up to his feet and.....
Angel Wings. Gilly hits one of his trademark finishers and once again Gilmour and Mia begin kissing again. A Brazilian lady in amongst the crowd plays with her clit.

5 Minutes Left

After wasting time kissing and groping, Mill Lane enters the ring with a walking stick. He hits Gilmour on the back with it and then he surprisingly hits Mia, right over the head, knocking her unconscious. Mill Lane shockingly hits Dillinger too. Mill gets a microphone.

Mill Lane:I told you not to fuck with me!

The Brazilian fans cheer and Mill grabs a stall from outside of the ring and sits in the corner of the ring.

Johnny Gomez:Mill is crazy.

Nick Diamond:Don't mess with the old fucker!

Gilly and Dilly struggle to make their way up and onto their funny. A back and fourth encounter unfolds, both men going for it. Mia's eyes struggle to open and she slowly rolls out of the ring and stays on the floor.

Gilmour gets it... ENDGAME!!!

He hit the finisher but he can't do nothing more. Both men are knackered.

Johnny Gomez:Gilmour hit the Endgame.

Gilmour pushes himself up off the mat and swaggers to his feet. He looks at the Bomb to check how long is left. Dillinger hangs onto the ropes and somehow pulls himself up. Gilly turnsaround, charges at Dilly and runs straight into a kick to thw midsection...
The Final Coffin Nail

1 Minute Left

Once again both men are down and the bomb is ticking away.

Johnny Gomez:The time is running out and both men are exhausted...

Nick Diamond:We're going to see an explosion...

Mill Lane looks at the timer and leaves the ring, walking up the ramp.

Dillinger rolls on top of Peter and Nick begins to count.

Nick Diamond:1



Johnny Gomez:Dilly won! DILLY HAS WON.

Nick and Johnny drop behind the table, and Dilly rolls out of the ring right as it explodes. The smoke clears and we see that Dilly has been blown into the barricade and missing a lot of hair from his head. Crews run down to the ring and put the fires out. Mia has also been thrown into the barricade, and is laying there in a pile of ash and soot. She is missing a lot of hair, and is severely burned and damaged. Bitch is uglier than before. Peter is laying in the middle of the ring, face down now. Peter is flaming, literally. He is a flaming homosexual. The crews put the fires out. Peter is severely burnt and completely bald at this point. All three people are carried to the back on stretchers.

This show ends on a highly explosive note.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 6 users Like Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
(08-17-2016), Dillinger (08-17-2016), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (08-17-2016), Shade (08-17-2016), Unknown Soldier (08-17-2016), Vincent Lane (08-17-2016)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-17-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-17-2016, 05:04 PM

yup.. another screwjob

I quit

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Peter Fn Gilmour's post!
Unknown Soldier (08-17-2016)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-17-2016, 05:12 PM

(08-17-2016, 05:04 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: yup.. another screwjob

I quit

"Then give me your tag title. You don't deserve a championship if you're going to be a bitch and quit after a loss."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Mr. Oz's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-17-2016)
Nico LaVey Offline
The Prince of Vice

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-17-2016, 05:15 PM

._.Gilly and McBride lost the tag titles to Kandi and Jake. This was like two weeks ago, Tank. Your shit. Get it together.

[Image: zTgZCuO.jpg]

Overall Record: 2-8-1.

1x Federweight Champion.

Shitlist: Izzy Ravenwolf, Nate Higgers.

“We have never heard the devil's side of the story, God wrote all the book.”
― Anatole France
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Nico LaVey's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-17-2016)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-17-2016, 05:17 PM

"I don't pay attention unless I'm part of the show. My appearance with the cat was all I've watched since my last match. Doesn't involve me? Don't give a fuck."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-17-2016, 05:27 PM

(08-17-2016, 05:04 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: yup.. another screwjob

I quit

How was it a screw job? You and Dillinger both looked good in the match, and everyone was hurt by the explosion. Because you didn't win? Not every loss is a screw job.

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Frodo mother fucking Smackins's post:
Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Mad Scientist

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-17-2016, 05:42 PM

(08-17-2016, 05:17 PM)Ghost Tank Said: "I don't pay attention unless I'm part of the show. My appearance with the cat was all I've watched since my last match. Doesn't involve me? Don't give a fuck."

Hey, WE'RE the tag team champions.

Robbie steps into a door while holding one half of the tag belts and shuts it. A moment later, what appears to be Robbie in another mask steps out with one of the tag belts.

Yeah, I'm Arby Beef, and me and my partner Robbie are the tag champs.

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Vincent Lane (08-17-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-17-2016, 06:13 PM

(08-17-2016, 05:27 PM)Frodo mother fucking Smackins Said:
(08-17-2016, 05:04 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: yup.. another screwjob

I quit

How was it a screw job? You and Dillinger both looked good in the match, and everyone was hurt by the explosion. Because you didn't win? Not every loss is a screw job.

If it was cuz of my rps then I'll understand but last few shows I've put up a+ work and still get fucked

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-17-2016, 06:18 PM

4 straight shows though?? I'm due

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-17-2016, 06:20 PM

Peter your RPs were very good. Dillinger's were just better, plus he put more effort in.

It's cool to think yo won, I have always said you should always think you won, but just getting mad and no selling everything not only makes you look bad but is also really disrespectful to Dillinger, who did great work.

You guys had the best exchange of the whole week, you were both worthy of the main event and you got a hell of a match written for you. You lost, but you looked great. You BARELY lost.

Plus, let's be honest for a minute. You really feel like the last few matches of yours were your best effort? You've done two roleplays, maybe three, max, for every match you've had, and one of them is always at the last minute.

Don't act like you can't do better.

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[-] The following 2 users Like Vincent Lane's post:
(08-17-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (08-17-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-17-2016, 06:51 PM

well with my life chganging cuz of work its hard to get more rps up so I'm putting life before xwf. But I'm putting out my best

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(08-17-2016), Vincent Lane (08-17-2016)
Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-17-2016, 07:04 PM

Nothing wrong with that, man.

Just be cool. Don't be a sore loser, just be better. Take the things that happen as opportunities to expand th story and make Gilmour an even more dynamic character.

Oh... and SUCK MY DICK!

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Vincent Lane's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-17-2016, 07:55 PM

no u suck MY dick

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Vincent Lane (08-17-2016)
Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-17-2016, 08:02 PM

Let's all suck dick!

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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[-] The following 2 users Like Unknown Soldier's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (08-18-2016), Vincent Lane (08-17-2016)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

08-17-2016, 09:10 PM

I came back and won on my first night thanks to Peter's training program. So technically you're 1-4 Peter.

That segment with my Loki was bullshit. I'm telling Luca.
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Unknown Soldier (08-17-2016)
Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

08-17-2016, 09:17 PM

"Tell Luca that you let Tank kidnap his cat? That you're a bad stepfather? Ok."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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Dillinger Offline
I am total chaos. Strange and abstruse.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

08-17-2016, 09:29 PM

Dillinger; burnt, bloody and missing hair, staggers out from his locker room and lights up a cigarette.

"God fuckin' damn! Now that was a fight!"

Before he can even take a drag from his cigarette though, he starts violently coughing as a thick, black cloud of smoke, ghosts upwards from his nose and mouth. He of course, fights fire with fire on this one and takes a pull from his cigarette anyway. Which surprising helps.

"Well, I'm spent. I think I'll skip the murder tonight and go straight to bed. Tomorrow is another day, after all."

And with that, Dillinger limps off. Leaving a trail of burnt hair, soot and ash behind as he progresses down the hall.

[Image: rTQMvmN.jpg]
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OneInTheChamber Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

08-17-2016, 10:10 PM

Woo, I quit too!

some text
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[-] The following 1 user Likes OneInTheChamber's post:
Dillinger (08-18-2016)
Lord of Darkness Reaver Offline
Let the slaughter begin

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-18-2016, 01:12 AM

Well can't say I didn't see the loss coming, congrats Shade, now let's win our tag match next Warfare


1x Trio Tag Champ(w/ Shade and John Black)-8/3/16-????

W/L/T Record: 0-2-0
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-18-2016, 05:53 AM

(08-18-2016, 01:12 AM)Lord of Darkness Reaver Said: Well can't say I didn't see the loss coming, congrats Shade, now let's win our tag match next Warfare

You and Shade better win next Warfare, our names at Stake here.

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-18-2016, 06:13 AM

(08-18-2016, 05:53 AM)John_Black Said:
(08-18-2016, 01:12 AM)Lord of Darkness Reaver Said: Well can't say I didn't see the loss coming, congrats Shade, now let's win our tag match next Warfare

You and Shade better win next Warfare, our names at Stake here.

Don't worry we will protect the name of the Blackest Hole, John. Also Reaver Don't worry we will.

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-18-2016, 09:33 AM

(08-18-2016, 05:53 AM)John_Black Said:
(08-18-2016, 01:12 AM)Lord of Darkness Reaver Said: Well can't say I didn't see the loss coming, congrats Shade, now let's win our tag match next Warfare

You and Shade better win next Warfare, our names at Stake here.

"Prepare to be disappointed, John. I was when I tried to make a great contribution to this place, by bringing him into the fold with Abaddon. Instead, he fucked it all up. Now there are no Riders. But what should I have expected from a man that continuously said the wrong name of his very own stable. I'm surprised he hasn't called your group "Blacker Pit" or some shit."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

08-18-2016, 10:35 AM

Peter chill the fuck out! I mean damn dude. Don't get me wrong or anything like got nothing against you but look at me, I'm 2-12 in my matches, I don't even put any effort in to my promos, and do you see cry about all those losses? No! So chillax.....ill tell you what if you want to ill fight you and you can have an easy win that will eradicate the loss that you said you got screw in.

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour (08-18-2016), Unknown Soldier (08-18-2016)

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