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Wednesday Night Warfare 2/24
Author Message
Tyrone Jackson Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 01:06 PM







- A background music hits while the images fade to an unknown person who is smoking a joint, someone who starts talking smoothly -

[Image: foto-profesor-50.jpg]

¿¿??: It is not black. It is not white. I'm sorry to say to all of you that life is not about absolute colours. It's about greys. You can pass your whole life taking what you think it is the white choice but you're unconcious of the true colours of that decisions... that could turn out to be the blackest thing ever. If you are aware of this, you will have a wider range of choices. A wider range of greys...

I don't care if you hear these words or your life however you want, pretending to be a good person in your... well, it can said "catholic" ways of living. But you will not be aware that sending that white or black scale of decisions to hell could make you a more powerful and better human being. Understand the real consequences of your decisions. Maximize benefit. Decrease losses. Benefits and losses defined by your own perception of life. You can see me as a parasite because of my dreadlocks and my lack of excitement about anything. But I'm better human being than any of you.

If only you have heard his words...

- the guy shows a book's front, where it is written "THE PRINCE". He takes the joint and shows it to the camera -

Ok, I will give you an example, this little one right here. I guess you know it's a joint. It's weed.

Generally speaking, people hate drugs and they do have a good reason for sure... drugs are bad. This little one could make your life impossible if you end up falling into its web. And if you fall, be sure that everybody will despise you. Maybe you will receive a help from your family, well you know, family is always there to support you but even they won't accept you if you don't do anything to fix this "problem". It's seems rather clear a white decision would be stop doing drugs. Recover family support. Be a person in society again. Keep your head cold and straight. And the black decision would be continue doing drugs, sure...

- the gives it a drag and continues -

But I don't do white/black decisions. It is not my problem that they won't understand me. Understand that this shit frees me. My real me. That I truly understand how good a song is. Or how much a girl puts me horny or not. Or what is my passion apart from drugs obviously. And that is more valuable than anything anyperson could give to me. I love do drugs more than anything

... well... but wrestling, obviously...

But the point is THIS make me feel good. And I understand I have to lose certain things, certain people, because of THIS. I deal with the pros and cons. I am aware of the bad and good consecuences. And I deal and life according to them. I don't choose black or white. I CHOOSE GREY.

- He deeply looks at the camera, puts a cup on him and shouts -


Let's spread his word

[Image: 4UOPA7T.png]


Tyrone is sitting in his office, waiting on a call from someone. Dan charges in without knocking. He's out of breath, and takes a puff from his inhaler before speaking.

Boss, the show needs to start. You need to get out there.

Tyrone is staring at his phone and doesn't look up. His hand points to a camera behind Dan.

We're rolling now. The audience can see me without me leaving my desk. Welcome to another edition of Wednesday Night Warfare. Tonight we have a bunch of useless wrestlers try to prove they're not useless, and hope to convince me to not fire them for wasting XWF money. So, let's begin.

Bloody Regrets By Boondox plays

The arena goes black and "Bloody Regrets" by Boondox plays on the PA. After a few seconds of darkness flames shoot up from the ring posts and the lights come back on revealing Brian Lance standing in the center of the ring with Taco. He grins as he raises Taco above his head. He then walks to his corner and sets Taco on the apron of the ring.

'Now' by Paramore plays

The sound of drums sticks clapping together waves throughout the arena.

"Don't try to take this from me

Don't try to take this from me


The sound of Paramore's 'Now' blasts throughout the arena, many of the people in the crowd instantly letting out a chorus of boos as to know what awaits them. After a brief few moments, out onto the stage walks Kristen Silver, her usual grin planted across her face. Her assistant, Erin Williams, can be seen in the background in the shadow of Kristen, slowly stepping out onto the stage and following the lead of Kristen.

Kristen takes no time in lapping up the crowds displeasure towards her, almost posing in a cocky way at the top of the rampway before extending both of her arms out, knowing she's the center of attention.
The match gets off to an exciting start as Brian Lance straight away goes for a Flashback springboard superman punch! Silver however rolls out the way as Lance lands on his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes, leapfrogging over before hitting a sunset flip straight into a quick pin. Lance kicks out before 1, getting to his feet and eating a spinning heel kick to the jaw, causing him to tumble through the ropes and onto the outside floor.

Silver turns around and begins to taunt the crowd, but what she doesn't realise Lance has slid into the ring! She turns around and eats a chop combination, then is thrown into the corner. Lance knife edge chops her a few more times for good measure, then drags her back out hitting a body slam. Lance quickly scales to the top rope, but Silver kips up and jumps onto the top turnbuckle with her opponent.


But Lance lands on his feet! He turns around and eats a huge flying forearm, as Silver leaps into him for the pin.




Brian Lance kicks out and although still groggy, pushes himself up onto his feet. Silver sets him straight with a big forearm blow. Lance hits one back. Silver. Lance. Silver. Lance. Suddenly the two are engaged in a huge rally of forearm strikes as the fired up audience counts along. The stalemate is broken however as Silver begins raining down forearm after forearm on her opponent, before downing him onto one knee with a leg kick. She smirks and takes her time as she places Lance's head between her legs, looking to hit a piledriver. Lance powers out with a back body drop.

Rushing to opposite corner, he beckons Silver up to her feet, before charging straight at her. Lance stumbles a bit and Silver capitalises, dodging and letting him go chest first into the turnbuckles and then hitting a German Suplex into a bridge.



Lance kicks out!

Silver picks Lance up and Irish whips him into the ropes again, looking for something different, but Lance counters and hits a FLASHBACK SPRINGBOARD SUPERMAN PUNCH! Silver falls flat on her back as Lance climbs over her body.



Nope! Silver kicks out, but it obviously took a lot out of her.

Lance grabs Silver by the hair and drags her towards the centre of the ring, obviously setting up something big. Lance climbs up the turnbuckles and begins to walk across the top rope like a tightrope, the crowd goes crazy for such incredible balance as he keeps his composure and turns, his back facing Silver. He looks to going for his pagnant springboard bolley kick called Reality undone but from the top rope! He leaps off and...





Winner: Kristin Silver

After Kristin has made her way to the back, Brian Lance is... ATTACKED!


A wild chair shot to Brian Lance's skull! Now the chair jammed into his stomach and then brought down across his back with a sick thwamp!

A few more shots with the chair leave Brian motionless. The attack sets the chair up on top of Brian's fallen body and sits on the chair on top of Lance, looking down at him. He lights a joint and starts to take a few puffs, looking to really enjoy the smoke and then exhaling some of it down at Brian's face. Some of the fans in the crowd recognize this man from the opening promo before Warfare started... the man who declared himself DA MADAFAKIN PRINCE!

Now he leans down and takes the joint and puts it out on Brian's neck, saying something...

Here's the consequences...

He makes his exit slowly as Brian is tended to by officials.

Back in Tyrone's office he's hanging his phone up. Dan is sitting down playing on his phone waiting to hear some news. Tyrone lets out a cheer and pumps his fist.

Good news, Boss?

It's coming back. I have to get down to the ring to make the announcement. Who's about to fight now?

Fontanna and Tommy Wish.

So, I won't miss anything important? Good.

Trax is wandering backstage looking pleased after his attack on Robbie Bourbon and LeStrange. Makinv his way to his locker room he is viciously assaulted from behind with a dented chair, the same used to attack Bourbon and LeStrange. As the camera pans out to see the attacker, it reveals LeStrange is the culprit. Laughing maniacally, the clown strikes again and again, aiming all his frustration onto the lower back of Trax until the chair begins to break apart.

After tossing the shattered chair aside LeStrange kneels down and grip Trax's head and forces a jizzed filled burrito down his throat before slamming his head hard into the concrete. LeStrange then rises up and walks away with his trademark grin, laughing more hysterically as the camera switches back to the ring for the next match.

Kendrick Lamar - Alright plays

We hear the horns of this song, and we hear the fans chanting "We gon be alright" union as Tommy enters the fans are with him walking down the stairs and he hops over the barricades and he enters the ring with him just standing in the ring giving the Power To The People fist and he focuses on the who is coming out.

Welcome Home by: Twizted plays

The Light's in the arena go out! White strobe light's start flashing on the entrance ramp as "Welcome Home" by Twizted blares through the PA. Fontanna walks on to the stage...head bowed down. He walks to the ring not making eye contact with anyone. He stops on the ramp and then slowly turns his head towards the entrance...when "The Queen of Halloween" Nikkie Haven walks out onto the stage. She joins Fontanna on the ramp and the pair walk down to the ring. Fontanna slides in the ring...he offers his hand for Nikkie to climb into the ring! He kisses her hand and leads her back out of the ring as we await the start of the match...

The bell rings and both men go right on the attack. Fontanna clobbers the back of Wish's neck with a forearm strike that forces Wish to hunch over. Fontanna tries to force Wish's head between his legs for a piledriver, but Wish squirms and struggles his way out of Fontanna's clutches, sending him to the mat with a back body drop. Fontanna hits the mat and grabs his lower back before getting back to his feet. He gets right back in Wish's face and smacks him right in the cheek before laughing heartily!

Wish rubs his cheek with a scowl on his face before rearing back and blasting Fontanna right in the nose with a forearm smash! Fontanna backpedals as Wish goes on the offensive, hitting another forearm before whipping the Great Entertainer into the opposite set of ropes.


He just backhanded the taste right outta that Fontanna boy's mouth! Wish hoists Fontanna up and delivers a spinebuster! He covers for the pin!




Fontanna gets his shoulder up, much to Wish's chagrin. Wish grabs Fontanna by the back of his neck and pulls him up to his feet. A kneeling Fontanna elbows Wish in the gut a couple of times, before shoving Wish off of him completely. Fontanna gets back to his feet and charges in, hitting a big boot to Wish that knocks the boy off his feet. He then follows that up by dropping a quick elbow across Wish's throat. He tries for a second, but Wish rolls out of the way and gets back to his feet.

He connects with one punch to Fontanna's gut!

He's going for that combination he calls the Fuck You Standing There Fo'?

No! Fontanna breaks that shit up with a headbutt! And another! And a third! He lifts Wish in a powerbomb position and charges at the corner!



Wish pulls Fontanna towards the center of the ring before going for the pin.



Thr- NO!

Kickout! Fontanna just barely got the shoulder up!

Wish gets all up in the referee's face, screaming at him. Nikki Haven takes advantage of the ref's blocked vision and slides Fontanna's secret weapon; a motherfucking pizza cutter, into the ring. Fontanna weakly grabs the instrument of destruction as Wish turns back to his opponent. Nikki then hops onto the apron to get the referee's attention.

Wish goes to pick Fontanna up...

And he gets cut! Right across the forehead! He screams in agony as Fontanna grabs him by the hair and goes to town on Wish's forehead.

Fontanna then tosses the pizza cutter out of the ring as the ref turns around.

Fontanna pushes Wish into the ropes and on the rebound... GYPSY BOMB!

Fontanna hits the pop up powerbomb to perfection!

He goes for the cover.




Winner: Fontanna

Fontanna leans in close, looking down on his downed opponent and laughs in his face once more.

But wait!

Tommy Wish kicks him in the face! He's got some fight left in him yet!

Tommy goes inside the Great Entertainer and gets burned, then he blows the Entertainer into a spirit. Then Tommy gets Fontanna and punches him in the face and stomps him damn near to death until the spirit tells him to stop. Tommy grabs a mic and speaks.

Tommy: Fuck The Great Entertainer and Fontanna, you go to hell neguua!

Then we see the spirit of The Great Entertainer go right back to Fontanna, but all we see the lights go out in the O2 Arena, and hear this ominous voice booming in.

???: Mothafuckas be running n’ shit here..well no more of that in here anymore!

Lights back on and we John Black standing beside Tommy and they watch the downed Fontanna, then JB lifts him up and hits his old school DVD. Then both men stomp on him for a good measure.

Tyrone steps out from the curtain, and the crowd pops. The English know how to treat a businessman. He adjusts his tie and cuffs as he strolls down to the ring. Fontanna still laying there being stomped on. Tyrone waves his hand and shoos Wish and Black away from the winner.

Frederick Fontanna, I have good news for you.

He leans down and helps Fontanna up to his feet. A grin sneaks across his face.

Next week, you and Shade in a special match. It's going to be a normal Xtreme Rules match, but with a fun added stipulation. The loser of the match. Oh the loser of the match gets something interesting. They lose their sole. But, not in the normal sense, they lose the ability to wear any footwear for the next month. And to make it more interesting, if they're caught wearing footwear in any promos, they instantly get disqualified from their matches. And to make it even better, the loser will have their face buried in Robbie Bourbon's fat ass while he's force fed Chipotle. Do you know what that means? Yeah, shitbreath. It means loser will end up eating a Bourbon Turd.

But, that's not what I came out here for. I came out here to give the audience an actual reason to stay tuned into this show. I won't tell you what it is now, but there is a surprise for Lethal Lottery coming up. And a special announcement for next week's Warfare.

Tyrone pulls Fontanna out of the ring, before going to sit by the announcer's table.

Lone Wolf is already in the ring, standing there looking confused.

Fuckin in the Bushes By Oasis plays.

The crowd erupts for there returning hometown hero.

Chris Macbeth walks out onto the ramp looking confident with a big grin on his face and a mic in his hand. He stops at the top of the ramp and holds the mic to his mouth.

Macbeth: "Wow, wow, wow.... Cut the music!"

The music stops and all you can here is the sound of the crowd going wild. Macbeth takes it in for a minute before holding the mix back to his mouth.

Macbeth: "Hey, Wolfie, Wolfie, Wolfie. You son of a bitch. I've have a little suprise for you."

Macbeth smiles as The Lone Wolf paces up and down in the ring.

Macbeth: "I have brought along some old friends of your's, as I didn't want you to be jealous of all the attention me Chris Macbeth was going to be getting in my hometown show, here in London"

At the mention of London the crowd erupt again. Macbeth waits for them to calm quiet down before talking again.

Macbeth: Hey before I bring them out, what do you think of this arena? It's huge isn't it. I once took a girl to watch The Script here. ( Macbeth motions a yawn) I got so wasted I ended up in the Thames challenging a boat to a gentlemen's duel.

Some laughter in the crowd as The Lone Wolf is getting visibly frustrated.

Macbeth: "Ok so, let's get on with this little show. Introducing first, from the classic Disney story The Jungle Book.... Mowgli.

The Bare necessities plays out of the speakers and what appears to be a middle aged extremely overweight man walks and onto he ramp with nothing but red underwear on and a black wig. The arena laughs as he waves to the crowd and then to Lone Wolf.

Macbeth: " Ok up next, you must remember these cat's, that's right mother fucker, it's the three pig's, still pissed off about their house's.

The sounds of pigs honking fills the arena as the people in not very good pig outfits walk out on stage and run down towards the ring and begin to circle it.

Macbeth: ". Wow, hold it there porky's, he is mine first."

Fuckin in the bushes begins to play again and Macbeth makes his way down to the ring followed by Mowgli, he slides straight into the ring and before the bell could ring he is exchanging punches with The Lone Wolf.

The Ref calls for the bell, and Mowgli and the pigs rush in and begin to kick Lone Wolf until he falls on the ground. MacBeth snaps his fingers and they step away. He goes for a pin.




Winner: Chris MacBeth

MacBeth and crew begin to kick the living shit out of Lone Wolf before the ref pulls them away, one by one. MacBeth is the last one, and before the ref can pull him away, he whips his sack out and slides it across Wolf's face, stopping it at the mouth and letting it linger for a minute.

Tyrone is laughing hard.

MacBeth, I like that shit you just pulled. Go sit down in the back, and keep watching. You'll want to see what I have in store for next week. I promise. It'll be better than the shit you dealt with tonight.

Pringle Boi 187 is in the ring already.

Hollywood Undead - Hear Me Now plays

As the Arena becomes Pitch Black Then Black w blue lighting then goes on and the X-tron Show My mask enter the screen and the wording appears saying Death walks among you. The walk onto the stage and gesture a gun with my hand and pretend to shoot. i then walk slowly until i then throw my arms out and then putting it back in his trench-coat. then does suicide shoot to the head taunt on the apron he then does the arms out taunt again.

Ultranumb by Blue Stahli plays

Mike Emerick walks out, bloodstained towel over his head. He walks to the ring not looking at anyone, not even his opponent, just looking down at the ground. When he enters the ring, he looks to his left and right before taking off the towel, causing corner pyro to burst into the air. Mike Emerick tries to cover the large scar on his face before catching a glimpse at his opponent. He slowly lowers his hands and a sick smile forms on his face as he watches his next victim, or patent t as he considers them.

As soon as the bell rings, both Shade and Emerick pounce on Pringle Boi! They lay into the poor shmuck with punches and kicks and stomps, busting him open and tying him up in the ropes. They then take turns battering the restrained guy like a pinata! Blood leaks from the Father of Titles like candy from a... well a pinata what the fuck else would leak candy?

Emerick and Shade then turn their attention on each other. Shade, being the quicker of the two, connects first with a series of chops to Emerick's chest, following up the barrage with a knee to the gut that doubles the big man over. Shade drops Emerick face first with a huge DDT! Shade then steps out onto the apron and comes back in with a slingshot leg drop but Emerick rolls out of the way!

Emerick gets back to his feet and headbutts Shade before delivering a series of knees to the masked man's body. After five or six knees, Emerick lifts Shade in the air with the greatest of ease and and drops him over his knee with a picture perfect backbreaker! He keeps Shades in his clutches as he stands up, preparing for a fallaway slam! Shade struggles and slips free, landing on his feet in front of Emerick. Emerick laughs and smashes Shade in the face with a forearm before whipping him into the ropes and coming in with a lariat.

Shade ducks!

Emerick turns to face Shade and gets lit the fuck up with a big pele kick! Emerick hits the mat like a ton of bricks and Shade covers.



Emerick kicks out with authority, tossing the much smaller Shade halfway across the damn ring! Emerick gets up to his feet and rushes Shade, who's on all fours. He punts the smaller man right in the ribs! He then descends atop Shade, and pulls him towards the center of the ring before lifting him up to his feet and applying a full nelson.

Welcome to Anchorage, Motherfucker!

He nails the full nelson backbreaker to perfection!

Emerick goes for the pin!



Kickout! Shade still has some fight left in him! Emerick grabs Shade by his mask but gets punched in the face for his trouble. And again! And again! Shade then grabs Emerick and muscles the big man up with a huge Exploder Suplex! He then ascends the turnbuckle.

He's going for his finishing maneuver Grave!

He leaps off, hits the 360 degree flip...

But Emerick rolls out of the way for the second time in this match! Shades lands hard on his knees and tumbles, grabbing onto the set of ropes that Pringle Boi 187 is still strung up in. By doing so however, Pringle Boi is finally set free and he comes in with a head of steam! Emerick is just getting to his feet as the Pringle Boi hits the ropes and immediately gets Bicycle Kicked in the fucking face by Shade! Pringle Boi hits the mat like a #PringleFuccboi and Shade covers.



Thr-Broken up by Emerick! Emerick then cinches in a waistlock before throwing Shade with a German Suplex! Wait, somehow Shade landed on his feet! Emerick doesn't know that however, as he turns around... AND GETS LEVELED BY A HUGE BICYCLE KICK!

Shade lays both men next to each other and goes for the pin on both! What a message this would send to the whole locker room!



Emerick kicks out!

Shade lays in the boots on the fallen Emerick before hitting the ropes and going for a knee drop. It connects and Emerick rolls over onto his back, holding his head. Shade tries to get Emerick back on his feet but Emerick shoves him away before getting back to his feet on his own. Shade rushes in and gets dropped by a snap powerslam. Emerick taunts Shade, telling him to get up as he prepares for Death's Sting.

Shade gets back up slowly, and Emerick charges...


Shade pulls his head away at the last second and Emerick misses with the Knee Trembler!

But that's not all! Shade grabs Emerick and drops him with a back suplex that has the big man land on the still fallen Pringle Boi! He then rolls Emerick off the other opponent and pins him.




NO! Emerick at the last nanosecond gets the shoulder up!

Not only that, but Emerick seems to have gotten a form of second wind as he hops up to his feet and grabs Shade by the throat. Chokeslam! Emerick collapses to the mat next to Shade, before crawling over atop Pringle Boi for the cover.




Winner: Mike Emerick

Goddamn, that was a terrible showing. And who the fuck hired Pringle Boi? Goddamnit, I cannot make an announcement after something that terrible.

Jim Ross: Wow, boss. A little mean, don't you think?

Shut the fuck up and get me a sandwich. I'm hungry.

Ross gets up and runs to get Tyrone a sandwich, lest he be fired as well.



Back in the ring, Mike Emerick is being destroyed by chair shots!

It's the same attacker who laid out Brian Lance after the opening match, and had a promo air before the show started! The man cracks the chair over M.E.'s skull enough times to get blood everywhere and then sets the chair up over M.E.'s fallen body and sits, just staring down at him as he slowly places a nicely rolled joined into his mouth and lights it. He takes a nice big hit and holds that shit as long as he can before blowing a massive cloud right down into M.E.'s face.

Jim Ross: Wow, too bad he isn't awake to enjoy that.

He takes a few more puffs and blows the smoke calmy at Mike before he reaches down and presses joint into M.E.'s neck, putting it out.

Here's the grey choice...

After saying that he slowly starts making his way toward the back, but then he turns to the camera one last time on his way out and says...

He was right, wasn't he?

And then turns and walks away...

After a few minutes, the next match is set to begin...

Our Time Is Now by Story Of The Year plays

As Our Time Is Now plays over the loudspeakers Alexis Riot is nowhere to be seen on the entranceway. Suddenly a spotlight shines over to the top of the bleachers where the fans are! Alexis Riot stands on top of the bleachers, stretching her arms out and taking in the cheers of the crowd. After awhile she steps down and starts making her way through the crowd into the ring, high fiving and hugging fans along the way. When she gets to the guardrail, she jumps over it and makes her way up the arena steps. Then she does a flip over the ropes and immediately runs to the corner of the ring to once again bask in the cheers of the adoring crowd. She then flips off her hood and removes her Respirator Mask, once again stretching her arms out in a Jesus-like pose to take it all in. She smiles and backflips off the top turnbuckle, landing on her feet and handing the Mask to the referee. She then takes off the little crystal cross from around her neck, kisses it, and hands it to the ref. She then waits in another corner of the ring for the match to start.

The voice of Mason Prince asking Amjetkun to be his biggest fan...  NO WAIT we have actual footage showing on the big tron, Amjetkun turns to look up and listen as[/b]
(12-18-2015, 07:15 PM)Mason Prince Said: "  And who the fuck are you, anyway? Another fucking fan    Is that it, fanboy?  Get the hell in line and
(12-18-2015, 08:54 PM)Mason Prince Said: "And who the hell do you think I am?     ? I'm ? Man
[b]                    and the silence of Amjetkun not knowing who the fuck that carbon copy cunt sack is!  Amjetkun shrugs and goes "Uh ok bub I guess you're ?  Still not your fan though RETARRRRRD!"  Followed by- *Dice Clay style* Ooooooh!

Comes out clapping and smiling, then doing the entrance music video routine with Mason's chopped and screwed remix blaring. He finishes that bit and goes back to pumping his fists and nuts like a champ until he slips on some grease and has a full blown roid rage fit, spinning clotheslines and uppercuts to dicks, so many fans and ring crew people get hurt.

The pair with Guest Ref, Shade, walk to the boiler room where they're to fight. The door closes, and the lights turn on. Shade stands there, ready to judge the match fairly, but before he can, both Riot and Amjetkun begin to lay into Shade, knocking him back into the door. Riots takes the chance to punch Shade in the stomach while Socio grabs him and rams him face first into the boiler. Shade is out cold, and now it's just Alexis and Socio standing toe to toe in the room. Her fists are clenched and she's ready to rumble, Socio pulls a protein shake out of his pocket and chugs it right in front of her. Alexis reacts by slapping Socio in the face, and knocking his protein drink out of his hands, sending the remaining liquid all over the floor. He doesn't look happy, but does what any self respecting builder would do in this situation. He drops to the floor and begins to lap his precious protein up off the floor like a cat. As he's doing this the camera cuts back to Tyrone, Jim and Bobby.

What the fuck?

Bobby Heenan: Man takes his protein serious.

That is fucking gross. If I find out you do anything like that, I will personally clear your office out, and change the locks on your house. Because you'll lose that shit after being fired.

Bobby Heenan: I don't.

I don't believe you.

Back in the boiler room Alexis is laying into Amjetkun as he's licking the protein off the ground with a series of kicks to his ribs. The protein is cleaned up, and Socio stands up and backhands Alexis right across her stupid smug face. She staggers backwards into a shelving unit, and a jug of bleach falls onto her. Socio picks up the bleach and begins to slam it into her face repeatedly while screaming something that can't be heard over the sounds of the boiler. Riot ducks under one more swing from the bleach jug, causing Ammy to hit the wall splattering bleach all over himself and the wall. Riot pops up behind him, avoiding getting sprayed with it, and hits a Tornado DDT that collapses Amjet on the ground. She struggles to lift him up, and is unsuccessful, resulting in him delivering a massive blow to both her ego, and her ovaries with one solid punch. She stumbles backwards again as he begins to get to his feet. She finds her footing and drops the man with a less than impressive standing dropkick. Socio is back in the bleach, and Alexis is back down.

He begins to laugh as she tries to push herself up off the slippery ground, while he uses the shelf to lift himself. With him back on his feet, and her unable to get to hers, he walks over to her, lifts her high, and then powerslams her back down on the concrete. There is a loud cracking noise as he does this, and Alexis instinctively grabs her back and holds it, while Shade begins to stir. He gets up and sees the aftermath, but is unsure of what's happened so far. He goes to help Riot to her feet, but Socio grabs him first, and chokeslams him right down onto the concrete and knocks him out cold again. Riot uses these events to slowly get to her feet, and prepare for another onslaught of attacks. Socio thinks quickly and grabs Shade's body. He is holding it in the air like a club, and swinging it wildly at her. It's big enough to where it takes him time to swing, so she has plenty of time to dodge most of them, but on the way back up, Socio does manage to connect with a backhand swing. She slams into the door and tries to pull it open and escape. It's locked, which means she's got to fumble with the lock while avoiding being hit by this manclub.

Another swing comes her way, and she dodges it, just in time for Shade's body to hit the door handle and bust it clean off.

Bobby: It looks like they're now stuck in the boiler room.

Do we pay you to state the obvious, or do you have some sort of other purpose that I'm unaware of?

Alexis is standing by another shelf, this one is filled with tools. She begins to fiddle around for something of value and comes across a hammer. Right as Socio hammer fists her on the head, dizzying her. Shade is laying on the ground, in the bleach and protein puddle. Socio gets ready for another massive hammer fist, but Riot dodges it, connects her actual hammer to Socio's head, stunning him and giving her time to bust a hole through the door, and open it from the other side to escape.

Winner: Alexis Riot

And Riot pulls off another win? Hmm. Riot, take a chair in the back next to MacBeth. I got some news for you.

Alexis runs off to the back, where she finds a spot on a couch next to Chris MacBeth while people dressed as medieval peasants offer them food. One places a Tiara on Alexis's head, and a crown goes on Chris MacBeth's head. He points to it and chuckles.

King Tyrone's orders, m'Lady.

The camera cuts back to the ring.

AFI - Prelude 12/21 plays

The lights go out and a spotlight turns on, shining on an empty stage. As the intro finishes and the lyrics kick in, Mason Prince slowly rises up from under the arena to the stage and, finally, when the actual beat drops, he throws his hands out to the side, with his name up on the tron, reading MASON PRINCE.

He turns around and walks to the ring, wearing an expensive boxing robe in the design of a wolf around his body. He steps through the ropes and then hops up on the top rope, staring across the ring as he takes off his entrance attire.

"Eye of the Tiger" by Vomitron plays

The lights dim as "Eye of the Tiger" begins playing on the PA. Lasers pass back and forth across the the stage, red in color then all of the laser sights falling on a single man, covering him in bright red dots of lights. As the music kicks into high gear, pyro explodes on both sides of the stage and the lights come up to reveal Alexander Aries in full wrestling gear, a black leather duster adorned along with silver rimmed shades for his entrance. He takes a knee and yells out "The Assassinations are at hand!" before jumping to his feet and walking toward the ring with a purpose. He slides under the ropes as target spotlights pass over the ring and follow AA as he climbs each turnbuckle and throws an arm into his air.

The bell rings, and Prince begins to pump his arms in the air, the crowd begins to cheer for him. They're screaming for Prince, and a few women have thrown their panties to the ring. Most of them don't make it that far, but a XXXXL thong lands on Jim Ross's head.

Jim Ross: That is gross, just gross.

Aries takes a seat in the ring and waits for the adoration to stop. The fans keep screaming, though. Alex stands up, growing bored of this, and walks over before just cold cocking Prince in the face. Prince goes down like a sack, and the crowd begins to boo Aries. Aries doesn't care, he grabs Mason by the hair, and lifts him to his feet and slams him back down to the mat with a Releasing T-Bone Suplex. The crowd is not pleased with this showing. They scream and yell at Aries.

Bobby Heenan: This is Alexander's homeland, and he can't get a positive reaction.

Jim Ross: I don't think he cares. Look at how he's laying into Mason.

Alexander is sitting on Mason's chest, and throwing a flurry of fists into Prince's face. Prince is laughing as this happens. He throws a fist to Aries's side and pushes the Assassin off of him before climbing to his feet. He moves out to the ropes and climbs them. He throws his horns to the crowd in a throwback to his Indie days. Some people recognize the sign and give it back to Prince. He turns around and sees a standing Assassin coming right at him. Without hesitation Prince flies from the ropes and hits a jaw shattering Superman punch. The Doomsday punch drops Aries and the crowd is on their feet cheering. The brits just absolutely love Mason, and they are making no attempt to hide it as they start chanting.


Prince is soaking it in as Aries rolls out of the ring. He gets over to the barricade and sees a kid in a wheelchair wearing a Cain shirt. The Assassin pulls the kid out of his chair, and grabs the chair. Prince comes running towards Alexander, only to be smacked in the face with the chair.

Jim Ross: Did Alexander just bash Mason in the face... with a wheelchair?

Bobby Heenan: Yes. I really think he did. That's.... That's special.

Holy fuck. Give Alexander Aries a raise for that. Holy fuck. I love it.

Aries drops the chair. The crowd is loudly booing Aries for that, but he really could not give less of a fuck as he walks over to Mason's dropped body and grabs him by the hair and begins to ram Prince into the barricade, head first. Prince is busted open and bleeding, but he is fighting, and manages to grab Aries's pants and holding tight. As Prince is nearly slammed again, he uses his strength to hold him close to the Assassin, which causes Alex to twist and collapse, with Prince on top. The ref makes the count.




Prince is tossed off of Alex with a quick thrust, allowing Prince to get to his feet and rushes over to the ring and vanishes underneath it. Aries picks the chair up and walks over to where Prince vanished. He's waiting and preparing. The middle of the ring begins to rumble, and Prince pops up in the middle of the ring from underneath. He's holding a cricket bat, and a Bowie knife.

Why did we leave a Bowie knife under the ring? That doesn't make sense. Jim, explain this shit.

Jim Ross: I really don't have any idea, Boss. I'm as confused as you are.

Bobby Heenan: I did it. I thought it was funny.

Go. Get out of here. We'll figure out if you have a job still at the end of the night.

The crowd boos as Bobby walks off. Aries on the other hand is standing there slapping the wheelchair taunting Prince, who slides under the ropes and out of the ring. Aries swings the chair and Prince ducks clean under it. With one quick motion, he dodges the attack and slashes Aries's stomach with the knife. Aries brings the chair down, but Prince steps out of the way and swings the bat into Alex's knee. Alex is down on one knee and the chair is dropped. He's holding his side, and kneeling on one knee. The knife comes in, and catches him in the shoulder. Prince tries to pull it out, but Aries throws a fist to Prince's shoulder, which forces him to release the blade. It's stuck inside Aries, but he acts like it doesn't phase him.

Prince puts two hands on the bat and begins to swing it wildly at his opponent, who takes the blows in stride. One more blow to the torso sends Aries down. The bat is raised and brought down, only to be stopped by the bowie knife going directly into Mason's calf. Prince stops mid swing, and is in utter shock.

Jim Ross: Why does Prince keep getting stabbed in his matches?

Because Heenan's a goddamn ]

Aries gets to his feet, and grabs the bat. He rips the bat out of Mason's hands, and smacks Mason right across the face with it. Prince goes down hard. Aries goes for a pin. Tyrone gets to his feet, shoves the referee out of the way and begins the count himself.




Winner: Alexander Aries, the Straight Edge Assassin!

Tyrone lifts Aries's hand in victory before dropping it and helping Mason to the wheelchair. The kid in the front row is angry, but Alexander shoots him a look that shuts him up. Alexander pushes Mason up the ramp so he can get that stab wound checked out.

The Camera cuts to the roof where Peter and Robbie are facing off.

Sick like me by In this Moment plays

Peter walks through the door to the roof in a glorious display of athleticism. The women in attendance get wet, and some even spontaneously become pregnant. He hands his title to the ref, who drapes it across a AC unit.

Sympathy for the Devil by Chelsea plays

Robbie kicks the door to the roof open and walks out from the stairwell. Pest and Morbid Angel on either side of him. Morbid taunts Peter with his penis while Pest stares off into the abyss. The two men walk back into the stairwell.

The ref signals the match's beginning and then steps back. Peter winks sadistically at Bourbon who makes the dick sucking gesture with his hand and mouth. Peter stands there giving Robbie the finger and then doing the D Generation X Crotch Chop. Robbie responds by charging at Peter, who counters with a massive clothesline on Robbie. Bourbon is down. He's like a turtle on his back, with Peter standing above him and angry. He spits on Robbie and begins to stomp on the downed Whiskey. Robbie catches a boot, and shoves Peter off of him, and directly into the big AC Unit where the Hart Title is nesting. There's a thud, and the title falls and hits Peter on the head. Gilly does as Gill does best, he rages out and grabs the title in his grubby mitts and gets up. Peter charges at Robbie as he gets to his knees, and begins to slam the title into Robbie's face, repeatedly. Peter drops the title and begins to bring his knee up to Bourbon's face. Robbie is bleeding from his left eye, and Peter drops his knee back down to the ground, and throw a punch to Robbie's jaw, which collapses him to the ground. Peter steps away and letting Robbie lay there as he begins to search around for something on the roof.

Robbie gets to his feet and chuckles as he cracks his neck from one side to the other. He cracks his knuckles, and walks over to Peter, whose back is still turned. Whiskey grabs Peter, lifts him in the air and drops Peter right on his back on one of the skylights. The glass holds up, and Peter is furious. Robbie hits a leg drop on Peter trying to break the glass, but it doesn't work. Whiskey is getting up to his feet, but Peter is up already, and picks up a nearby pipe wrench on the ground and begins to bash Robbie's face. Whiskey is trying his best to defend it, but Peter is too savage, one swing, and a loud crunch is heard as the wrench connects with Robbie's wrist. Peter laughs wickedly as he raises it again and brings the wrench down on Robbie's face, before dropping the wrench and grabbing Robbie for a massive Gilmour Cutter.

Which is reversed into a Robbiebomb. Straight and simple, but effective. Peter is laid out next to the skylight, and Robbie next to him. Both men scrounging to get to their feet, but with nothing around the prop them up. Except each other. Peter pushes himself up, using Robbie, which pushes Robbie back down to the ground. He gets to his feet and breathes heavily as he looks around. The cold air breezes past Peter making his exhaustion feel worse, and making it harder for Robbie to push himself up. But, he powers through it, and gets to his feet. Slowly, but surely, both men are standing there posed to fight and posed to hurt each other. The door to the stairwell kicks open and it's Tyrone Jackson and Jim Ross, with Ross carrying Tyrone's microphone so he doesn't have to worry about dropping it.

Jim Ross: It looks like Robbie and Peter have been battling pretty solidly without us.

Do you only state the obvious? Shut up. I want to see if someone has a heart attack. I had a bet with Dan that one of them would. If they don't, I have to give him my parking spot for two months.

Peter and Robbie look at the two men standing there, with Tyrone's jacket blowing in the wind, and Jim standing close by, but not wearing a jacket. Robbie shrugs and decks Peter in the jaw. Peter stumbles back, and trips over the wrench from earlier. He goes down, and Robbie takes this chance to capitalize by ripping the stairwell door off its hinges and charging to batter Peter with it. Peter, who's getting up to his feet, is caught off guard with a door to the face.

Did he get mother fucking doored to the face?

Jim Ross: He did. Robbie just used a door, a literal door to smack Peter back down.

Peter is furious about this. He powers up and gets to his feet. Robbie has to door raised and is poised to drop it on Peter, but instead Tyrone has reached inside of his jacket and pulled something from the pocket. He lobs it and it hits Robbie in the back of the head, which causes him to lower the door and turn around.

Jim Ross: What was that?

Dan's phone.

Peter takes a chance with the confusion and grabs the wrench once again. Tyrone laughs as Robbie looks confused at the phone that hit him. Peter, however, looks serious as he strikes Robbie's knee with the pipe and drops Robbie down to one knee. Peter once again strikes him across the face with it. Robbie collapses on the ground, and Peter smacks him across the back of the head with the wrench one more time for good measure. Robbie's busted open and bleeding. Peter feels satisfied with this, and drops the wrench. He grabs Robbie's body, and begins to drag him to the edge of the building. He keeps backing up slower and slower until he's touching the ledge with the back of his legs. He releases Robbie's body, and then moves to the side to begin lifting it up. He's struggling to get Robbie up, and is getting visibly mad. Tyrone is laughing at this spectacle, but does nothing to help. Gilly begins to kick Robbie in frustration, while Jim looks on in confusion, and Tyrone can't help but laugh like a madman. Peter begins to point at the pair of commentators and then at Robbie, as if to say they need to help him.

Jim Ross: Are we going to help him, Tyrone?

You can, but I'm not. Fuck that. Robbie's too fat for that shit.

Jim Ross hands the microphone over to Tyrone and rushes to help Peter. Together they lift Robbie up and shove him over the edge. He lands on a giant stunt air mattress on the other side. Mostly ok.

Winner, and STILL Hart Champion: Peter Fucking Gilmour

Tyrone turns and walks back down stairs to take his seat at the table. He pulls out his phone and calls Bobby.

Get back here. I'm not commentating by myself.

Tyrone slams his phone down and looks around as a group of Mexicans rush to bring the scaffold out from the back. He rubs his temples in annoyance.

Ok, fans. As they're busy setting this up, and probably helping construct the method for one of our own to be murdered tonight, I need to address something. Next Warfare is going to feature a special event. A four way elimination match to determine who competes for the Universal Title against Vinnie Lane. The names were already drafted and pieced together. Here they are. Maverick, Alexis Riot, Chris MacBeth, and Peter Gilmour. Yeah, so those four will be competing next week to see who fights for a shot to take Vinnie's title. Aside from it being an elimination match, everyone will receive a monetary award for competing. Whoever is eliminated first gets 1Xbuk, second gets 100xbux, third out gets 1,000xbux, and last one in the ring gets 1,500 xbux. So, there. It's been said.

The fans pop with an exuberant outpour of excitement as the XWF cameras spring to life and show a giant scaffolding, primed and ready for tonight's main event. Wobbly and clearly created by non-union construction workers, this vision of absolute terror will be the stage for combat. A dingy, rust covered reminder that it's rarely a good thing for wrestlers to name stipulations and an even worse thing when you can't afford to hire quality construction workers with legitimate documents and papers proving their citizenship.

Ginger bounces down to the ring as the song plays. She waves to the fans and blows kisses.

The eerie boom of the bass vibrates around the arena as multiple laser and strobe lights obnoxiously flash, to the arrival of the Lounge Lizard. Tush makes his way through the curtain and smirks at the crowd before continuing to make his way down the ramp. He struts his way up the steel steps before stepping through the ropes, where he goes over to the opposite corner and turns around, grabbing the ropes and slumping down onto the ring canvas.

Bobby and Jim Ross return to their seats.

Ginger Snaps and "The Lounge Lizard" Tush exchange glances and gaze up at the monstrosity they're meant to do battle on. A slight gust of air causing the whole scaffolding unit to sway and groan as a referee points up, indicating they must climb and begin this fight. Wearily, Ginger obliges as she bites her bottom lip and honestly, looks to be frightened for her life at this moment. While Tush simply and quite enthusiastically gives his "lizard" a pat and then commits to the climb, a daunting grin accenting his face as he surges effortlessly towards the top. Once there, both combatants stare each other down while the crowd hollers in anticipation for extreme violence and total destruction of the bodily kind. From there, a bell sounds and this submission, total knock out, scaffolding match... begins.

Tush starting things off with a hard right hook, followed by a quick left jab and a headbutt that sends Ginger Snaps toppling backwards! Her back slamming against the cold, unfeeling metal frame as Tush greets her with a Leg Drop. Ginger recoils from the trauma and Tush rises, grabbing Snaps up by a clump of her hair, he prepares to put Ginger back down with a Belly-To-Belly Suplex. But Ginger changes his plans with a kick to Tush's lizard eggs! Tush howls in agony and drops to his knees as Ginger sends him the rest of the way down with a Roundhouse Kick!


Tush's skull cracks against the metal frame and Ginger gets him with an instant Fist Drop! Her tiny fist working like a missile aimed for his eye socket, it slams into it with painful precision and almost immediately blackens it.

Ginger then mounts Tush at this point and delivers a fury of punches to Tush's face and chest as The Lounge Lizard does his best to shield himself from the frenzy. Snaps screaming at the top of her lungs as her blows become more erratic and fierce, her eyes blazing with anger while she relentlessly strikes. Each punch more brutal than the last. She has literally became a tornado of pain; however, in an equally crazed move, Tush pushes through the mania and hits Ginger with another headbutt! Snaps, completely caught off guard from the blunt force trauma, flops back, her hands flying to her injured nose as Tush climbs to his feet.

Bruised but not broken, Tush gives a grin as he looms over Ginger Snaps. A momentary look of devious contemplation dashing across his eyes as his hand rests at the waistband of his wrestling trunks. Clearly foul thoughts are running amok within this immoral bastard's mind and the crowd bellows with delight at the possibilities. Cheering even louder when Tush's "lizard" emerges and he begins pissing all over Ginger Snaps. His oddly florescent green stream, dosing her face and upper torso as she freaks the fuck out and scrambles to get away. Jumping to her feet and running from Tush and his exposed "lizard" as he laughs like a crazed nut and continues to drain the main vein. What a disgusting loon!

Ginger abruptly turns about and catches Tush with a Yakuza Kick, followed by a Shining Wizard! Tush crashes down, exposed "lizard" and all, flopping about in the wind like a piece of overcooked pasta! Ginger pays it no mind and delivers a mighty Knee Drop straight to Tush's scaly lizard! Tush yelps in pain and rolls around, concealing his member from the risk of any further afflictions as Ginger Snaps stomps on his back, legs and head. Really grinding her heels into his body on each stomp as Tush convulses with every encounter.

From there, Ginger grabs Tush by the head and yanks him to his feet only to plant him back down with a Ginger DDT! Tush's body thundering against the steel scaffolding as the audience screams for more suffering!

They love this!

They want more torment!

And Ginger Snaps heeds the call with a Rolling Elbow!

Then an immediate Boston Crab! Screaming as she pulls the hold as tight as she could possibly get it, Tush shrieks right along with her! Anguish radiating from his eyes as he tries to squirm free but to no avail. Ginger yanks the hold even tighter somehow and things begin to look grim. Tush's body goes limp as he starts to lose consciousness from the pain. His eye drooping and his muscles relaxing as he stills.

The crowd gasps.

Could this be it?

Did Tush pass out and secure Ginger's win?


Tush's eyes flash open suddenly and he hollers out in defiance as he bucks beneath Ginger like a wild horse refusing to be tamed. He shockingly throws Snaps from her place atop him and breaks the hold. This is unbelievable! How did Tush pull that off?!?! Does he actually have the blood of a reptile coursing through his veins?!?!

Ginger Snaps collides with the steel scaffolding and Tush gingerly rises to his feet. Shaking himself about in order to regain his composure, Tush swiftly gets Snaps with a Diving Elbow Drop. Wrenching Ginger to her feet just to send her back down with a Looming Narty Bomb! Ginger smashes into the scaffolding and Tush places her into a Figure-Four Leglock! He's got it locked as tightly as possible, but is it enough? Can he hold it long enough to make Ginger pass out? He's tightening it and using his free leg to kick Ginger in the ribs. She starts looking like she's fading out.

No. She's just yawning before twisting her body, and breaking his hold on her foot, which jams her toes directly in Tush's Lizard. He releases and pops to his feet so he can properly hold and assess the boys. Ginger gets to her feet, and surprises him with a Ginger DDT. The Snap DDT might drop Tush, but it's not enough to keep him down, as the Lizard slithers away from her long enough to get to his feet and surprise her with a Pick up line. Ginger is down, but not out, either. Her head has to be hurting from that, but she's still not out. Tush gets to his feet and licks the air a few times waiting for Ginger to get to her feet.

Jim Ross: Ginger really is a tenacious one, isn't she?

Bobby Heenan: She is. That's why I love her so much. You know we're getting married, right?

Jim Ross: I think she's still mourning her boyfriend, so that's probably not true.

I hate you two. Shut the fuck up and let me see if someone dies from this shit.

Jim Ross: Right, Boss.

Back in the scaffold, Tush has got Ginger locked in a Figure Four Necklock, with him hanging over the Scaffold. She's locked in tight, and having trouble breathing. The railing up there makes it hard for her to elbow him off of her, but she keeps trying. Anything to get free, but all of this just makes it harder for her to breath. Her movements become slower, and more exaggerated, with less impact. Eventually they stop, which prompts Tush to twist this into an over the railing hurricanrana, which plummets Ginger down. Tush, however has managed to grab a hold of the scaffold so he doesn't go down, barely.

Winner, and new Intercontinental Champion: TUSH

Ginger hits the mattress at the bottom, and the medics rush over to check to make sure she's ok. She's awake and not suffering any severe damages, mostly shock. The medics then hold her down while Tyrone comes over with a pair of clippers and shaves her head. Bobby hands her a redhead wig so she can cover her head somewhat. Tyrone hands the clippers to her, and grabs a microphone.

Ok, so another mildly successful Warfare. We're getting better. But, at least we got a few great moments. Like when Alexander Aries smacked that dude in the face with a wheelchair. Sucks to be you, kid. Or when Robbie beat Peter in the face with the door, and then still lost the match. Or our new friend who has already made sure to say hello to Brian Lance and Mike Emerick by putting joints out on their necks. I'm sure that felt good when they woke up.

Ok, back on track, I did promise you fans at home some news about Lethal Lottery!

And here is that news...




It's coming. And in a big way.

[Image: MYYxiQT.jpg]
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[-] The following 4 users Like Tyrone Jackson's post:
Alexander Aries (02-25-2016), Chris MacBeth (02-25-2016), Mr Killjoy (02-25-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (02-26-2016)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 2 users Hate Tyrone Jackson's post!
(02-25-2016), Guppy Parsh (11-02-2016)
Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 01:14 PM

Look at that. The new slender Gilly was able to out maneuver Robbie "The Blob" Bourbon. Way to go Peter. You are the Hart Champion this fed deserves.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Tommy Gunn's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (02-25-2016)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-25-2016, 02:09 PM

I told u all I would send that Fat blob to his death!!!

Next up... the Universal Title! IT WILL BE MINE!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Peter Fn Gilmour's post!
Dick E. (02-25-2016)
Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-25-2016, 02:26 PM

Tommy Fucking Wish!!! You might have escaped this week with your soul but I did what I said I was going to do and that was pin your sorry ass! Now on to to this rookie who had the balls to threaten me. The Great Entertainer was not amused and next week I will have your soul!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 02:42 PM

ME TO BOURBON NOT THAT LONG AGO Said:I can't remember if you've ever had a Hart title shot, but if you had it means you lost, and if you haven't well you'd probably lose anyway, Peters actually been on a roll as of late.

Goddamn, its like I'm a fucking psychic.

Wait...nope..not really..."Bourbon repeatedly failing" is the most predictable thing of 2016. Still want to fight me loser? Or are you now willing to admit that which I already knew? Bourbon vs Trax would of been a good match...several months ago when you was still hot, but fast forward to present, you've fizzled out, losing to people like Peter Gilmour which means I'd fucking destroy you and "Trax vs Bourbon" would be nothing but a huge disappointment.

Huge disappointment, hm, you are the walking talking symbolism of that.

Who knew you'd end up like this, its a crying shame. I almost feel sorry for you.


[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr Killjoy's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (02-26-2016)
Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-25-2016, 02:42 PM

(02-25-2016, 02:09 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I told u all I would send that Fat blob to his death!!!

Next up... the Universal Title! IT WILL BE MINE!!

If you were a real champion you would stick your Hart championship on the line against Mav, Miss Riot and myself in the 4 way match next Warfare!!

Just Saying!!

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Chris MacBeth's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (02-26-2016)
Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-25-2016, 02:54 PM

Fontanna I Understand your crazy pissed that a grey ass pimp just bitch slapped you with a cigar but the reaper is in your way so you be better prepared when i hit you with The Death Stare but what can you do but Bitch and moan. Tyrone what the name of the match

Also Tyrone I want a match against M.E last man standing match i'll have to teach him you death doesn't lose to a mortal and also The Fuckboi Pringel Boi was pinned not my i don't want a delusionist thinking he beat

Also The Target's Are on Yee's
One last Thing Socio the target is still on you and go fuck yourself

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 02:58 PM

...the fuck did this guy just say? Someone get those guns AWAY from him before he shoots himself in the foot, for fuck sake!

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr Killjoy's post:
Blue Gator (02-25-2016)
Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-25-2016, 03:02 PM

Look trax i don't need the guns their for show for now but if you really want to start i will put the target on you

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 03:19 PM

Could you instead put the target on the back of your throat?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 03:25 PM

(02-25-2016, 03:02 PM)Shade Said: Look trax i don't need the guns their for show for now but if you really want to start i will put the target on you

So what else is new? I tend to have a target on my back even when I'm not holding a championship.Good thing those guns are just for show, I'm a ex gang banger from Brooklyn son, I know a thing or two about handling guns, and the way you're holding those plastic BB pellet shooters like an amateur I'd be more concerned if you was "targeting" the person next to me.

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 03:34 PM

"Fuck this shit! Fuck! FUCK!UUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You knwo what? I lied about the agreement. You can't make me stop taking healthy vitamins and can't make me take a sex change!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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St. Diabolicus Offline
Existence is Futile

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-25-2016, 03:42 PM

Do you breathe when you speak Shade? Just wondering. Maybe taking a breath would give you enough time to think about just who you are talking too. Trax has bigger fish to fry, and your not worthy enough to be served in a New Orleans restaurant. When his quest and mine are complete, there will be no arena big enough to contain our battle. Speaking of Trax, how did you enjoy your meal?

[Image: tumblr_ns6hvqlyM11s6jmjro1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m7vr7yeOvT1rpjb1po1_500.jpg]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 03:43 PM

Shade is a pussy bitch whore face who's afraid of me!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-25-2016, 04:02 PM

Trax i respect you and i know you and strange are big fish but you're underestimating my ability also i said that the guns were for show but i didn't say they weren't real just rather beat you unconscious also Socio your still a victim with a target on you back Gay boy

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-25-2016, 04:08 PM

(02-25-2016, 02:58 PM)"Mr FN Dominance Said: ...the fuck did this guy just say? Someone get those guns AWAY from him before he shoots himself in the foot, for fuck sake!

"You act like him shooting himself in the foot is a bad thing."

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 04:17 PM

You're right. He should blow off your head instead.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Ginger Snaps Offline
<3 Ginger <3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 04:20 PM

Can Shade be worth something besides a cheap laugh now? I need a good laugh, not a cheap one. That fall hurt.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 04:23 PM

(02-25-2016, 04:20 PM)Ginger Snaps Said: Can Shade be worth something besides a cheap laugh now? I need a good laugh, not a cheap one. That fall hurt.

How about the length of your IC title reign? Does that work for ya?

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Ginger Snaps Offline
&lt;3 Ginger &lt;3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 04:29 PM

Still way more impressive than anything most of the wrestlers here could ever do.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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Tommy Gunn Offline
Director of XWF Security

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 04:29 PM

Most. But not me.

[Image: PFcRGRj.png]

Record: 8 - 2
1 x RTX Champion
1 x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
1 x Federweight Champion

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Fontanna Offline
I told you SO!!!


XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-25-2016, 04:48 PM

(02-25-2016, 04:02 PM)Shade Said: Trax i respect you and i know you and strange are big fish but you're underestimating my ability also i said that the guns were for show but i didn't say they weren't real just rather beat you unconscious also Socio your still a victim with a target on you back Gay boy

Hahahaha listen to the big boy speak. You should be focusing on our match this week instead of looking past me. There will be nothing left after I get through with you and you are force fed Robbie's shit sandwich!

[Image: 154dbb5.jpg]
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-25-2016, 05:01 PM

Like i said fonantana were going xtreme so if you want to strike my cord have at it

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Ginger Snaps Offline
&lt;3 Ginger &lt;3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 05:09 PM

And Shade continues to try and talk tough after not only losing his match, but being used as a club to beat a little girl? How hard did he hit his head?

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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Chris MacBeth Offline
Knight of the X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

02-25-2016, 05:15 PM

Oi.... Miss Snappy Snap Snap.

Remember our little back and forth earlier in the week?

You know where you made the point of how your the champ, your the top Brit in the XWF and all that other jibber jabber.

Well it looks like things really can change in the space of just a few days.

[Image: bkr0f_Tl.jpg]

Chris Macbeth's Backstage Page

1 X XWF Hart Champion - 04/27/16 - 06/08/16
1 X XWF Tag Team Champion. - 04/06/16 - 05/25/16
1 X Heavy Metal Weight Champion - 04/29/13 - 05/05/13
1 X 24/7 Federweight Champion - 02/21/16 - 02/23/16
1 X Star of the Month

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Ginger Snaps Offline
&lt;3 Ginger &lt;3

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 05:16 PM

I still have one of my titles, the one I took from you.

[Image: aTUIZMN.png]

<3 Gator <3
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Mini Morbid Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-25-2016, 05:49 PM

Give it five minutes, cunt!

[Image: 5z3j5uE.jpg]
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Alexis Riot Offline
You Will Respect Me

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-25-2016, 06:05 PM

(02-25-2016, 03:34 PM)Amjetkun Socio Said: "Fuck this shit! Fuck! FUCK!UUUUUUUUUUCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You knwo what? I lied about the agreement. You can't make me stop taking healthy vitamins and can't make me take a sex change!"

"What's that I just heard? Is Amjetkun Socio pussying out of our stipulation? Is he really the dirty, stuck-up, sadistic, shit-eating, cock-sucking, butt-fucking, penis-smelling, crotch-grabbing, ball-licking, semen-drinking, dog-raping, Nazi-loving, child-touching, cow-humping, perverted, spineless, heartless, mindless, dickless, testicle-choking, urine-gargling, jerk-offing, horse-faced, sheep-fondling, toilet-kissing, self-centered, feces-puking, dildo-shoving, snot-spitting, crap-gathering, big-nosed, monkey-slapping, bastard-screwing, bean-shitting, fart-knocking, sack-busting, splooge-tasting, bear-blowing, head-swallowing, bitch-snatching, handjobbing, donkey-caressing, mucus-spewing, anal-plugging, ho-grabbing, uncircumcised, sewer-sipping, whore mongering, piss-swimming, midget-munching, douche bag, ho-biting, carnivorous, mail-order prostituting coward I've said he was?"

"Socio, you might not be getting a sex change, but you have proven that you are truly a bitch."

"Now that I'm done kicking your ass, it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Macbeth, Maverick, Gilmour, get ready, first you guys, then Vinnie Lane."

[Image: RgWkPlt.jpg]

Love me? Good. Hate me? Better

1 Time X-Treme Champion
Snow Job Gauntlet Winner

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Alexis Riot's post:
drezdin5788 (02-27-2016)
Mike Emerick Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

02-25-2016, 06:26 PM

Mike Emerick is standing at the back of the arena, laughing,

"Oh Shade, my dear Shade, the weakness is shining from you like the glare from your two pistols! You call yourself death? Well Shade,,,"

Mike Emerick then gives a crazed smile to the camera,

"I don't fear death,"

"The only reason I didn't pin you was because I don't want to end our fun just yet. I want to test you, I want to see if you have what it takes to throw off the shackles of your disease and become my disciple, and to your credit, a deathmatch would be a perfect test!"

"Shame you're busy this coming Warfare,"

"In the meantime, I would like to call out a certain "Prince," You say you see the world in grey? Well Prince, when you face me, you will see the world in a new light! Not black, white, or even grey, but in living vibrant color!"

"A bright red,"

Mike Emerick chuckles again,

"Your drugs, my friend, are a major weakness, but I can free you from your addiction. Soon, there will only be one thing in this universe that you'll love, even more than drugs and wrestling,"

"And that's M.E"

Mike Emerick then smiles sinisterly at the camera,

"You're welcome,"

The end is nigh

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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-25-2016, 07:05 PM

Peter, that was a well fought battle. I tip my hat to you sir.

Tyrone, I'm going to peel your skin off with a rusty steak knife. Then I'm going to turn it into a funny hat.

I'm going to wear it and visit your children. They'll cry, at first, but tears don't stream all that well from a decapitated child.

Hi Trax. Your mother rapes poodles.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (02-26-2016)
St. Diabolicus Offline
Existence is Futile

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

02-25-2016, 07:14 PM

Shade, just give that mask back to Casey Jones so he can help the turtles save Manhattan and give up speaking......forever. Focus on one soul at a time or consider yourself trapped within a soulnado. Hone those skills of yours, if you be worthy, one day we shall clash. But if you think for one second, Lucifer is gonna allow me back in Hell, you've got another thing coming.

[Image: tumblr_ns6hvqlyM11s6jmjro1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m7vr7yeOvT1rpjb1po1_500.jpg]
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Mr Killjoy Offline
Who wants their trap silenced?

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

02-25-2016, 10:56 PM

(02-25-2016, 04:29 PM)Ginger Snaps Said: Still way more impressive than anything most of the wrestlers here could ever do.

(02-25-2016, 04:29 PM)Tommy Gunn Said: Most. But not me.

Me either, I would of responded to that ridiculous comment sooner but I've only just stopped laughing at Shade calling LeStrange a big fish several hours ago.I'm going to show that clown what a big fish actually looks like when I feed him to a fucking shark for what he did tonight.

Hey Robbie, she does? Oh ok, and you get raped by everyone, even by guys who don't have a dick like Peter, whats your point?

[Image: UbmSUem.jpg]

Banner created by Gabe "The Radical" Reno

XWF Career accomplishments/Highlights:

One Time XWF Universal Champion
Two Time X-Treme Champion
One Time Intercontinental Champion
One Time World Tag Team Champion
XWF All Time Top 50 inductee
One Time 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Intercontinental Royal Rumble Winner
Captained the winning team "Team Dominance" at War Games '15
Lethal Lottery IV Finalist
July 2015 Superstar Of The Month
March 2017 Superstar Of The Month
October 2016 Promo Of The Month "Changes"

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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-25-2016, 11:21 PM

(02-25-2016, 10:56 PM)"Mr FN Dominance Said:

Hey Robbie, she does? Oh ok, and you get raped by everyone, even by guys who don't have a dick like Peter, whats your point?

At least it wasn't your mother.

Drop the mic.

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Prof. Bobby Bourbon's post!
Mr Killjoy (02-26-2016)
Alexander Aries Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-25-2016, 11:52 PM

Alexander sits there, flipping the very same blade in his hand and catching it by the handle each time. His jaw moves as he chews his gum, turning away a hand full of pain killers offered to him by the medical staff. He was straight edge, through and through. The serious look on his face twists upwards into a cocky, shit eating grin.

"'Ey Prince?" He chuckles. "Mom's spaghetti tastes like shit, much like your career looks like shit. Did ya really think that ya were going to walk out of that ring tonight as a winner? Two streaks continued tonight, boy-o. My winning streak, and the streak of ya gettin' yer ass handed to ya by yer superiors."

A pretty girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, low cut blouse showing her ample tits appears on the screen and whispers in Aries' ear. Aries just scoffs. "Well, give the lit'l bugger a bleedin' t-shirt. I don't care. See, this is why the handicap should be segregated from us healthy people! Ya give 'em a bleedin' wheelchair ramp an' they want bleedin' preferential treatment!"

Aries' smile reappears. "Look, Macy, count yaself amongst the lucky. Go home, eat ya mum's spaghetti an' watch bleedin' Eight Mile a few more times. Then, Ya come back an' maybe Ya might beat a curtain jerker or somethin'."

"Bott'm of the card wit' ya, boy. There's a new Prince in town."

[Image: Vct9GC9.jpg]
Win-Loss: 5-0
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Alexander Aries Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

02-26-2016, 12:03 AM

(02-25-2016, 02:54 PM)Shade Said: Fontanna I Understand your crazy pissed that a grey ass pimp just bitch slapped you with a cigar but the reaper is in your way so you be better prepared when i hit you with The Death Stare but what can you do but Bitch and moan. Tyrone what the name of the match

Also Tyrone I want a match against M.E last man standing match i'll have to teach him you death doesn't lose to a mortal and also The Fuckboi Pringel Boi was pinned not my i don't want a delusionist thinking he beat

Also The Target's Are on Yee's
One last Thing Socio the target is still on you and go fuck yourself

"What kind of Crack are ya smokin' ya bleedin' idiot? I'm the one issuin' targets 'round here."

[Image: Vct9GC9.jpg]
Win-Loss: 5-0
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-26-2016, 12:42 AM

(02-25-2016, 02:42 PM)Chris Macbeth Said:
(02-25-2016, 02:09 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I told u all I would send that Fat blob to his death!!!

Next up... the Universal Title! IT WILL BE MINE!!

If you were a real champion you would stick your Hart championship on the line against Mav, Miss Riot and myself in the 4 way match next Warfare!!

Just Saying!!

how about u SUCK MY DICK and wait your turn BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-26-2016, 08:31 AM

(02-25-2016, 03:42 PM)LeStrange Said: Do you breathe when you speak Shade? Just wondering. Maybe taking a breath would give you enough time to think about just who you are talking too. Trax has bigger fish to fry, and your not worthy enough to be served in a New Orleans restaurant. When his quest and mine are complete, there will be no arena big enough to contain our battle. Speaking of Trax, how did you enjoy your meal?

Your right so i'll back off but you cant run from death

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-26-2016, 08:35 AM

(02-25-2016, 07:14 PM)LeStrange Said: Shade, just give that mask back to Casey Jones so he can help the turtles save Manhattan and give up speaking......forever. Focus on one soul at a time or consider yourself trapped within a soulnado. Hone those skills of yours, if you be worthy, one day we shall clash. But if you think for one second, Lucifer is gonna allow me back in Hell, you've got another thing coming.

Also one fuck Casey Jones 2 I'll take your advice three I challenge you to a match 1 year from now and if i lose i become your disciple your choice that means even if i end up being ME disciple i still become your disciple

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-26-2016, 08:38 AM

(02-25-2016, 05:09 PM)Ginger Snaps Said: And Shade continues to try and talk tough after not only losing his match, but being used as a club to beat a little girl? How hard did he hit his head?

Your right i'll only cut promos on my target also i hit my head that hard but I respect you not going to start a fight but good luck in your redemption

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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Shade Offline
The Prince Of Death


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-26-2016, 08:52 AM

(02-25-2016, 02:26 PM)Fontanna Said: Tommy Fucking Wish!!! You might have escaped this week with your soul but I did what I said I was going to do and that was pin your sorry ass! Now on to to this rookie who had the balls to threaten me. The Great Entertainer was not amused and next week I will have your soul!

Death is Death i can't die and i can't live because i'm already dead. The Great Entertainer Your Match was splendid but i'll have to go extreme to beat you and i know even if you lose some how you'll still be smiling and most like won't even care you lose your shoes but i will not lose and i'll show you what the reaper is made and prove to the locker room i'm not just another character who hear one week gone the next i am the reaper and i'm Here to Make my Legacy

[Image: YZrYFEd.jpg]
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