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Mike Emerick
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Mike Emerick Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

08-29-2015, 01:44 AM


In-Ring Name: Mike Emerick

Wrestler's Real Name: Mike Emerick

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning after another brief absence

Wrestler Date of Birth: 6-4-91

Height: 6'6

Weight: 280

Hometown: The Abyss

Personality: You can't be set on fire TWICE without some serious mental scarring. Mike Emerick has become almost inhuman, zombie-like in fact. He never speaks, prefering to let his mysterious, preacher-like manager
Lázaro do the talking for him. In the ring, he is vicicous and relentless, overwhelming his opponents with hard hitting moves that resemble less of a wrestler and more like a rabid dog tearing into it's prey. Not only that, but nothing can cause him pain, as the fires that forever scarred his flesh deadened any feeling in his entire body. He seems to be on a quest of vengeance against the men who did him wrong, or at least, that's what Lázaro says.

Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Heel

Looks Description: A 6'6 male with a tattered blue shirt and pants that are soaked and splaatered with blood, some of it fresh. He also wears an intimidating looking mask that onscures his entire face except his cold, unblinking eyes, almost like it's containing what lies beneath.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Pic Base: Matanza

Manager Pic Base: Dario Cueto


Strengths: Very good brawler and Powerhouse, knows every trick in the book, becomes stronger when angry, vicious, pain barely phases him anymore, as he now has to live with it for the rest of his life, mentally and physically, loves to use weapons, will risk his own well being to hurt his opponent, has his manager Lázaro at ringside to give him advice, cheer him on, and even cheat to help his client win.

Weaknesses: Has temper issues, becomes nearly uncontrollable when angry and can only be calmed by Lázaro, can be distracted from winning a match and focuses more on hurting his opponents then actually beating them, he's also at the mercy of his manager Lázaro, who has an almost puppet-like control over him. Very slow and methodical.

Entrance Theme Music: Ultranumb by Blue Stahli

Entrance Description:
Lázaro walks out first, a sinister smile on his face, carrying a chain. Mike Emerick then stumbles out, the chain wrapped around his neck. Lázaro guides the giant masked man to the ring, holding him back from attacking the ringside fans. When the two men get to ringside, Lázaro talks to Emerick, perhaps some last minute words of advice, before finally freeing the monster from his chains. Mike Emerick then walks into the ring and stares at his opponent, like a lion about to feast on its prey.

 5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Body Slam
Multiple Knees to the gut
Sleeper Hold
Leg Drop
Running Senton
Big Boot
Full Nelson Slam
German Suplex
Back Suplex
Backbreaker and Fallaway Slam combo

Knee Drop
Uraken (Spinning Backfist)
Shoulder Breaker
Battering Ram Headbutt
Body Splash
Military Press Slam
Samoan Drop
Canadian Backbreaker

Trademark Move(s):
Reckoning (Powerbomb Backbreaker)
Cast Down (Reverse Chokeslam Facebuster)
Tiger Bomb
Sweet Release (Swinging Sit Out Side Slam)
The Cure (Rydeen Vomb)

Finishing Move(s):
Anti Venom (Lifting Arm Triangle Choke)

Mark of the Beast (Crucifix powerbomb lifted and dropped into a piledriver)

Favorite Hardcore Attacks:
Mark of the Beast on the outside.
The Cure through a Table, on tacks, lighttubes, etc.
Mike Emerick will attempt to set his opponents on fire either during or after a match,
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