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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Author Message
"Cavortin'" Jake Borden Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

10-01-2024, 08:52 PM

[Image: ezgif-frame-004.jpg]
Borden pins Waters!
"Earlier, we talked to 'Cavortin' Jake Borden! Let's go now to that interview!"

[Image: ezgif-frame-025.jpg]

"Now, Jake! If I understand correctly, a while back, you fell through a wormhole from 1970s territorial wrestling and traveled through time and space to XWF, the Land of X-Treme!"

[Image: ezgif-frame-037.jpg]


"Probably the hardest ma-.... thing I've... ever done was go dow-... Through that w-wormhole. Made me feel like a... a worm in its... wormhole!"

"Butyouknow! The thing... About worms is... that they turn!"


"The worm turns! I mean!"

[Image: ezgif-frame-149.jpg]

"I may not currently kn-... er, be aware of... uh... your new-fangled fut-er... president... er, present day wrasslin'!"

"But, the... uh...even the... worm turns! And this time, it's tur-er, it's gonna turn..."

[Image: ezgif-frame-074.jpg]


[Image: ezgif-frame-004.jpg]
"We recorded 73 takes of that interview. And THAT was the best one."
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Misty Waters (10-02-2024)

Messages In This Thread
RECORDED EARLIER... - by "Cavortin'" Jake Borden - 10-01-2024, 08:52 PM
RE: RECORDED EARLIER... - by Misty Waters - 10-02-2024, 05:15 AM

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