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Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-15-2019, 04:30 PM

Then, I will! Here's my two cents, I highlighted my picks below. I didn't vote in any of my categories except one and it's because I didn't vote for me.

(12-15-2019, 03:09 PM)Atticus Black Said:

Wrestler of the Year
For the best Singles wrestler of the year. Who has put out the best promos, character development and/or angles.
  • Lux / The Engineer
  • Robert Main
  • Unknown Soldier
  • Sarah Lacklan

Tag Team/Stable of the Year
For the best Team of the year. Who has put out the best promos, character development and/or angles.

[*]Apex Prophecy (Drew Archyle, Robert Main, James Raven, Centurion & Ned Kaye)
[*]5'2 Mafia (Kenzi Grey & Sarah Lacklan)
[*]Sick Cunts (Noah Jackson & Fuzz)
[*]The Brotherhood (Chris Page & Friends)

Face of the Year
Who has portrayed the best Face persona for the majority of their run here.

[*]"Notorious" Ned Kaye
[*]Drew Archyle

Heel of the Year
Who has portrayed the best Heel persona of the majority of their run here.

[*]"Chronic" Chris Page
[*]Unknown Soldier

Tweener of the Year
Who has been a bit flip-floppy but has still been entertaining through the majority of their run.
  • Vita Valenteen
  • Robert Main
  • Lux / The Engineer
  • Big D

Event of the Year
The best PPV of the year. Results, roster participation and overall hype of show.

[*] XX (20 year anniversary)
[*] Lethal Lottery V
[*] Relentless
[*] Leap of Faith

Show of the Year
Best episode of Warfare, Savage or Anarchy.

[*] Saturday Night Savage 8/31/19 (A stacked round 2 of the Tag Tournament & Soldier cashes in on Robert Main)
[*] Wednesday Night Warfare 9/4/19 (following on from the events from the previous Savage, the shockwaves continued here)
[*] ANARCHOWEEN 10/31/19 (The spookiest and most fun edition of Anarchy)

Angle/Feud of the Year
Which angle/feud drew the most attention and generated the most heat.

[*]Robert Main vs "Chronic" Chris Page
[*]Fuzz & Noah Jackson, father & son
[*]Vita Valenteen's *REAL* Anarchy Championship Reign
[*]The Hooded Man

Suprise/Swerve of the Year
What shocked the XWF universe to its very core?

[*]Unknown Soldier cash-in
[*]Return of The Engineer
[*]The Motherfuckers break up
[*]Vita Valenteen heel turn

Rookie of the Year
Who joined the XWF this year and proved to be a top prospect. This award is for people who joined the past year, past experience does not count.

[*]Sarah Lacklan
[*]"Notorious" Ned Kaye
[*]Big D

Newcomer/Most Improved of the Year
Who is new to the world of wrestling and made an impact or who has gone through the most improvement this year.

[*]Thunder Knuckles
[*]Barney Green
[*]Brian Storm

Storyteller of the Year
Who has produced the best stories this year?
  • Lux / The Engineer
  • Robert Main
  • Tony Santos
  • The Brothers Blackwater
  • Thaddeus Duke

Trash Talker of the Year
Who can spit straight facts and make someone their bitch?

[*]Sarah Lacklan
[*]Robbie Bourbon
[*]Unknown Soldier

Top Prospect for 2020
Who to look out for in 2020.

[*]Kieran Overton
[*]Thunder Knuckles
[*]Amjetkun Socio

Lifetime Achievement Award
About damn time!

[*]Peter Gilmour (Adam Cole picbase)
[*]Peter Gilmour (Kevin Owens picbase)
[*]Peter Gilmour (Abyss picbase, yes, Peter originally used Abyss as his picbase)


Seriously though, some of those were real tough to vote for. But I stand by my choices. Sarah Lacklan has clearly been a standout, a truly amazing year taking the place by storm. I really, really had a tough time picking between Vita and Noah/Fuzz for angle of the year. I LOVE the dynamic between Noah and Fuzz, but Vita's angle barely inched it out because it was probably the best example of spinning cloth into gold I've seen in a very long time. Top Face was really hard to, with Centurion barely edging out Ruby (BARELY), but then I threw top prospect to Ruby to make up for it.

Heel was also a tough category for me. Based on sheer character affinity alone, and Soldier really speak to me, but they both have "strikes" (quote unquote) against them in that Shane wasn't active for most of the year and Soldier shocked everybody and built up a real head of steam before leaving. Page was very prevalent during the year too, and Fuzz had a very strong end of year, but I ended up settling for someone who thoroughly entertained me when he was here and had a great shocking Cash in and thats Soldier.

I also did vote for swerve of the year and picked Soldier's cash in. As far as my inclusion goes, I wasn't quite clear if it was a reference to the original Engineer showing up in Lux's promos or this new Engineer angle I'm running, but either way those things are largely contained to my character backstory (for now) whereas the cash in upset the whole main event picture, so I'm giving the cash in more weight.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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END OF YEAR AWARD - NOMINEES - by Atticus Gold - 12-15-2019, 03:09 PM
re:END OF YEAR AWARD - NOMINEES - by Corey Smith - 12-15-2019, 04:10 PM
re:END OF YEAR AWARD - NOMINEES - by Atticus Gold - 12-15-2019, 04:16 PM
re:END OF YEAR AWARD - NOMINEES - by Corey Smith - 12-15-2019, 04:30 PM
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re:END OF YEAR AWARD - NOMINEES - by DocktorTrust - 12-18-2019, 08:26 PM
END OF YEAR AWARD - NOMINEES - by Atticus Gold - 12-19-2019, 06:58 AM

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