To be honest, I have now written this a few times, and all of them were far more vile than I should be... and I have erased them... multiple times...
This entire thread brings up bad history for me, and tbh... I want to post some pretty vile things here...
I'm not gonna lie... I still hold a grudge.
I still hold a grudge against the XWF and the management that made this place a shit show for so many over the years. i still hold a grudge of being humiliated because i put in more work then the management was willing to read and when I made a post very similar to this one made by "Mr. Butthurt Mc FakeAss Name" expressing my issues with the system and the unfairness that was shown to me in the process, I was mocked, humiliated, and eventually PERMA BANNED from the company because it was obvious we were not going to come to term because they saw nothing wrong with totally disregarding a body of work I spent days writing.
Granted... it was a 50k word bomb of what I considered to be the pinnacle of my writing before or since (IMO) that covered the entire history of my character spanning back to 1997, and involved very deep issues not only IC but OOC that I write through John... and admittedly, it may not have been an awe inspiring GOD WORK... but I felt, and others did as well, that it at least deserved a fair read and a proper judging since I did submit it on a RP board before a deadline and was supposed to be the criteria on which i won or lost the XWF European Title(would have been the first ever btw), and it was very important to me.
And before you tell me to remember quantity does not equal quality... I am well aware.
Also... I know now that I could have handled the whole thing in a different fashion, and probably should have just taken it as the sign it was and packed up my ball and gone home.
Instead, I posted a very emotional post about what I thought of
and Cross and Kross, and to this day, every single word of that vile post is still true. They are the worst scum I have ever had the displeasure to work with, and if I ever meet them in person, I assure everyone I AM going to go to jail... and yes... I know it is over an e-fed thing that happened nearly a decade ago... and they aren't worth my time... but still to this day... the way they treated me and the situation pisses me off, and there will never be anything they can do to change that.
I was humiliated and ridiculed by people I wanted to impress, sort of like having a crush on someone and then when they find out about it they laugh at you in front of the whole school at an assembly, or so I imagine from watching moves where that happens.
I was literally told that the judges, who had accepted the responsibility to judge others fairly and on the merit of their work... simply weren't going to be bothered to read it because it was too long, and then screwed me out of the finish IC to drive the point home.
So... mr truth... let me tell you about a lack of rubric... a lack of measuring standard... a lack of personal compassion...
You coming in here and defending any of what happened in this company from any point in time in the past is bullshit as far as I am concerned, and if you don't get the same treatment I got... a PERMA BANNING... of your real account... of which I am sure someone at the top knows due to ISP tracking... then it will surely tarnish my feelings about the company at present. Why you ask? Simple... I had a legitimate gripe about the treatment I endured in that time frame, and I wasn't the only one who felt the same way. I posted an emotionally charged statement, just like you did, to express my feelings on the fact, and was summarily treated like garbage for it.
At least I had the balls to make the post under my own name and suffer the consequences of my feelings in the open... they were my feelings, and to this day I feel not just slighted, but kicked in the nuts by several people who were supposed to be in charge and above the biased bullshit of the drama factory this place used to be.
The least that should be done to you... is perm isp banning... just so you can't try to spread the dissent among the current roster that you have blatantly tried to sow here, and we can all move forward and actually have fun here, with a thing we are all obviously passionate about. I mean, you literally went out of your way to make a post that could be misconstrued by the regulars here to believe that it had been posted by one of the returning stars in my faction, and I for one... while you have the right to your opinion... believe that a coward like you who won't at least make his own feelings known on his own name and be judged by those around him accordingly, doesn't deserve the effort or the emotions that have been stirred up by your commentary on how things are around here now.
Just pack your ball and go home you piece of shit... leave us to our hobby and enjoyment without your bullshit, and I hope you fall off a cliff on your way there.
Again... if you have an opinion... no matter what it is... then at least have the balls to say to the rest of us face to face on your own account, and not be a coward prick that doesn't matter.
If you find this post offensive... tough.
I find it offensive that I have been treated the way I have been treated by this company in the past, and if you can't see how this i just more of the same bullshittery as the Brown/
Era drama, then I don't need to play here.
Those are my two cents... and I have been reluctant to even address this thread... but after I saw him change his signature to the inflamed garbage the coward is spewing... I needed to get it off my chest. If you don't agree with me... no worries. I am an adult, and i can agree to disagree, but I will continue to feel this way until the end of time... so... oh well.