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Johnathan "the Beast" Cable
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theNewBreed Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-10-2019, 08:31 AM

[Image: PpyRN7z.png]

In-Ring Name: Johnathan "the Beast" Cable

Wrestler's Real Name: Johnathan Winthrope

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: returning, I guess?

Wrestler Date of Birth: 2/28/1970

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 273 lbs

Hometown: from Oil City, PA, but lives in Jacksonville, FL

Personality: Business man, confident, unfettered by the world's opinion of right and wrong, and follow the beat of his own drummer

Looks Description: John was severely injured when a fire extinguisher was exploded in his face, and has suffered sever scarring on his face and neck from shrapnel. He wears a variety of masks to protect others from his visage. He is a large man who has spent most of his life in the gym. As he owns a chains of gyms that span the globe, he always has a place to work out while traveling.

Ethnicity: White

Pic Base, if any:
Bald Gene Snitzky
[Image: latest?cb=20150801191110]

#1 Size- his massive build and solid leverage give him a major advantage over smaller wrestlers.
#2 Conditioning: John trains hours on end every day. Growing up in the gym gave him a love for the machines and the work.
#3: In ring knowledge. John has spent the better part of more than 30 years inside the ring with some of the best fighters in the world. His knowledge base is astounding.

#1: His multitude of injuries. and the scars are still to this day painfully reminding him of his history.
#2: His mental state is often not totally balanced. John functions very much like Bruce Banner/The Hulk in his daily life... and often times, he ends up paying for a lot of damages to private property in settlements.
#3: Will often overestimate himself. It isn't that he underestimates his opponent, he just overestimates how far he can actually go before his body starts to shut down on him.

Entrance Theme Music:
'Trenches' by Pop evil

Special Entrance (if any):

The lights dim around the arena and a hush descends on the crowd. The opening taps of drums and the beginning riffs of the guitar of Pop Evil's 'Trenches' can be heard filtering through the speakers. Green pin spots swirl wildly around the arena flashing across the fans as they start to cheer wildly. Smoke fills the metal ramp as the drum beat and the thick bass riffs pick up a bit.

A figure can be seen making its way out of the curtain atop the ramp, and green spotlights tear into the darkness, crisscrossing wildly in front of the curtain where we see a large silhouette of a man lit from behind the curtains.

The lyrics begin to chant the chorus and the fans really get into the beat of the bass drum and the kicking riffs of the guitar. The spotlights are waving across the stage wildly, and out of the darkness of the curtain, into the green spotlights waving everywhere, just as the music kicks in hard, Johnathan Cable springs forward onto the ramp screaming at the night. The Beast makes his way down the ramp towards the rings as the fans cheer wildly slapping the hands of the rabid Breeders as he goes. The lights fade in as the music goes on, and Johnathan slides in under the ropes to get ready for his match.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Trademark Move(s):

**I am listing Cable's fighting style and mentality about the sport here instead of trademark moves. I have a long list of moves below, and I feel this will help the writers and the other handlers get a feel for John more than just a list of moves.**

John is a well versed and highly skilled technical wrestler. He has many moves at his disposal, and uses them as needed. He does focus mostly on back/neck/shoulder though, as his move pool is fairly focused on making impacted finishers and submissions.

John is very athletic, so he moves surprisingly fast for a big guy (think Bam Bam Bigelow and Brock Lesnar).

While it is not a staple, Cable will go up top, and is not afraid to fly from much higher distances.

John is a masochist by nature, and likes pain, so his style is very aggressive and seems fairly reckless at times, but it is thought out and intimidating.

John wants to be the best wrestler in the business, and has a strict code of honor. He wants to win... fairly... to prove he is the best, much in the ideals of the old Greek and Roman wrestlers of the original Olympics. He also feels that others should feel this way, and when he sees people not dong this, he often finds it offensive and tells them about it. He is not above smashing someone's leg in a car truck if that's what it takes, and if it goes Extreme rules then all bets are off, but generally, he wants to win the match above all else.

john is a very morally driven person. He is passionate about the history of the sport and about the reputation of the industry. He is mindful of ticket sales and fan reactions selling merch. He IS business man after all, and because of this, he does showboat and make the show a real show, but not to the detriment of the win. he does celebrate with the crowd and has a large, wild fan-base called the Breeders who have followed him from company to company and come out in frenzied forces to live shows and events.

Finishing Move(s):
#1: "the Darkest Hour"
Description(s): Lex Luger's Torture Rack into a Cradle Brainbuster

#2: "Waking Nightmare"
Description: The Pedigree

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

John has held multiple Hardcore/Extreme Titles, and his favorite hardcore variant match is called an Iron Circle Match. 6 junk cars filled with toys ringed together with the trunks facing inside the circle, battle to KO or tap out.

John will NOT use a fire extinguisher during a match, and if you intend to use one, please contact me before hand. This is a special circumstance, and needs to have special consideration.

Additional notes:

John used to run a multi-billion dollar non profit organization called the New Breed Foundation. He has recently given control of the company to his former tag partner, the Citizen (Aaron Gold), and has removed himself from most of the day to day running of the business.

He still has many other companies and investments, and has kept himself quite rich in his career, and has always been a savvy business owner, and continues to keep a huge retinue of world traveled lawyers.

John spends most of his days at the gym with a double-a-day regiment that takes 3-5 hours. He has a long list of world caliber talents he has brought up through his chain of gyms, and was raised by a boxing coach, so his gym life IS life. Varieties of sparring partners and training coaches are at his disposal around the world, so training to suit a particular opponents style or discipline is easy to undertake, but not always as effective as it could be due to time constraints

John also owns a private jet that was gifted to him years ago in a settlement (which included a large sum of money donated to wrestling academy in Florida, and a wipe of his record from the company as to deter slander and defaming the legacy of the Beast) by Shane to avoid a a lawsuit revolving around his departure from the XWF. Under the settlement terms, the XWF is responsible for all labor, maintenance, repairs, painting, remodeling, and fuel use fees accrued through the use of said plane, and his (employees are paid a mint tbh). John is aware he could easily afford the costs of this plane on his own, and does in fact own several others for the companies use, but continues to forward all bills to the XWF head office out of spite and only ever flies on his own plane.

John owns a 1985 Jeep Wrangler. It's slate gray. He has paid a lot of cash to have it upgraded over the years and has had additional technology installed to keep it up to date with the most advanced vehicles of the day... he just likes his Jeep. This is his fourth version of the same vehicle due to accidents, or attempts of murder of his or others persons, and through explosions. You would be surprised how many people in this business will blow up your car for funsies... or how many pissed off mental spouses would pay to have a garbage truck driven through you.

[Image: gZNikNC.png]
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