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XWF wish list?
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-12-2014, 06:29 PM

What's something you wish XWF would have or would do? Along with our upgraded site to come in the next few weeks I also plan to somewhat revamp the XWF as a whole.

One early indication some have noticed is the dismissal of the XWF King/Crown to be replaced by a major top championship belt as the storyline continues to play out. Is there anything you've seen elsewhere that you wish could be found here? Or perhaps something you thought of that you have NOT seen elsewhere and would love to be able to see/do here?

I'm just looking to toss ideas around and they could be related to board features, the XWF title scene, the style of RPing we do, our weekly shows, management, story lines, results, booking or anything else! What's something you'd like to see added or changed within the XWF?

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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04-12-2014, 08:42 PM

An IC more stable ownership is the most. It seems like we're changing ic owners once a week. Lol.
Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-12-2014, 09:04 PM

Honestly something that I think could do some good. Perhaps a part for XWF standings. New people would be obviously new and as time progresses through a win loss record people move up from Beginner to Middle Stage and the Main Eventer or Head Liner. Not saying you show the win loss of each fighter but a standing. Does this make any sense? Its been a long work day and I’m not sure if its coming out right…

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
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04-12-2014, 09:08 PM

I think there's too many singles titles, especially now that everyone just moves freely between shows. I'd like to see the Euro/Confederate, US and TV titles all unified to make one clear-cut #2 title.

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-12-2014, 11:31 PM

more focus on lesser titles like the TV, Tag and Trios belts.. just sayin

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-13-2014, 12:47 AM

I don't think we should in anyway be thinking about cutting down the championships we have that vastly as I think they all serve a purpose... The European/Confederate Championship could be unified with the United States Championship as they sort of serve the same purpose and as Samuels says, everyone's floating around now days so it doesn't really matter what brand everyone competes on. Also, I think cutting down the 24/7 Briefcase events per year might be good too, I mean I think there are already three or four cases floating around from off the top of my head and that's not including the one Smoke was supposed to give out on that fucking show he never finished.

I love the way things are ran, but like Swaggy says I think we need to settle on a final sort of IC owner because that's still the big storyline and it's running a bit dry IMO...

As a fed as a whole it would be cool to see more tag teams forming to make a really good tag division but yeah, that's just a few thoughts.

I sort of like Morbid's idea of almost a ladder type system where people move up in the ranks, I think that could be a fairer way of deciding who receives title shots and what not because the odd new guy makes a challenge and seems to get a title shot straight away. e.g. H.O.T who got a title shot at the king right off the bat.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Morbid Angel (04-13-2014)
Archie Lawson Offline
Britain's Finest Export

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

04-13-2014, 01:31 AM

No one wants that Griff, except Duke, Duke really would love that

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Unknown Soldier (04-13-2014)
Paul Heyman

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04-13-2014, 07:41 AM

1) If we were to cut down on any titles, I'd like to see the unification of the Trios and Tag titles. Afterwards, we can just invoke a more fun (at least in my opinion) Freebird rule. Meaning any member of a team of three or more is considered the tag champion, and they can rotate in and out whenever they see fit. The Trios were introduced when we had an abundance of stables. That's something we don't really have anymore as one by one, these stables seem to fall into oblivion. Which is not unlike real wrestling.

I just feel like stretching the tag and trios out like we have almost makes them meaningless. Combine them, invoke the Freebird rule, and see what happens.

2) If it hasn't been dome already, I'd get rid of the numerous perks of holding onto the Xtreme title. Limit it to the 6 weeks = 24/7 briefcase. Title matches really should be earned and holding a title without so much as a defense for 2 weeks is really not difficult regardless of the 24/7 rule on the title itself.

3) We absolutely need to re-focus on title matches and finding contenders, and NEW contenders. The GMs really need to take the lead on this. I basically told Arch to book the Trios title match regardless of whether the champs were up for it or not. It'd been like 5 months without so much as one defense, just book it. When did title defenses become negotiable? I realize while saying this, I was in a position where I was trying to play out a story vs Griffin which resulted in very few defenses and even my own 'turning away' requests for matches, BUT, saying that, had a GM booked a tag title match, I would not have been offended or pissed off. As a title holder, you're expected to defend regularly.

Title matches, for whatever reason, have gone by the way side as of late. I think since the last ppv we've gotten around to having them all defended which is a good thing. This trend needs to continue. My feeling is that if we can mandate title holders to defend at least once every 3 to 4 weeks, the better off we are. If you look at it from my point of view, you can spread the different title matches around, so virtually EVERY Madness and EVERY Warfare has at least ONE title match.

4) I know Admin has always been against the classification of 'mid card title' but I feel like its needed. There is a WIDE variety of different skill levels in the XWF as far as writing ability. Unless you've been writing for years, its unlikely, yet not unheard of, to reach the 'main event' status that some writers are at and have been out for a lengthy time.

Designating a title as 'mid card' could accomplish a few things. One, most people are aware of their skill level and who they could and possibly could not really compete against. Having a mid card title would allow those still developing their skills to have something to compete for, rather than just maintaining a win loss record. If you're stuck constantly facing those at the top for titles while you're not yet ready for the 'big time', it can and probably will shatter confidence after awhile.

Look at the current title holders:

World title: Hogan - While he may or may not remain champion, its a sure bet that title as long as it exists will go to a top writer.
US: Enigma - A top writer.
Euro/Confederate: Myself. I've always maintained that I'm beatable by just about anybody, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I'm considered a top writer. Even if I don't consider myself as such.
TV: Elisha - We all know that SOB
Xtreme: Mandii - She's established herself over the last month as one of the top writers
Tag: Griffin - Has been a top writer for quite awhile.
Trios: Elisha and company, see above.

What you have here, is a clear indication that those that are in the mid cards need something to fight for as well. Skill levels and writing potential do vary. While some of those in the middle may at some point break through to the top, others may not and there's nothing wrong with that. Still, just because some may never have that break through, doesn't mean they shouldn't have something to compete for also.

I probably have more to talk about, but, this is already long enough.
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Andrew Morrison (04-13-2014), Archie Lawson (04-13-2014)
John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-13-2014, 07:41 AM

This is my opinion... but in really hope we can get back the Alliance/Stable/Tag From up again. Since you left the template up on it, and because, since we have an influx of groups, I was planning to make one.

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-13-2014, 09:41 AM

(04-12-2014, 08:42 PM)SwagMire Said: An IC more stable ownership is the most. It seems like we're changing ic owners once a week. Lol.

Yeah, it went a little longer than originally expected but will be resolved in the near future as things continue to play out. The rotating IC ownership is definitely not a permanent thing.

(04-12-2014, 09:04 PM)Morbid Angel Said: Honestly something that I think could do some good. Perhaps a part for XWF standings. New people would be obviously new and as time progresses through a win loss record people move up from Beginner to Middle Stage and the Main Eventer or Head Liner. Not saying you show the win loss of each fighter but a standing. Does this make any sense? Its been a long work day and I’m not sure if its coming out right…

Makes perfect sense to me and is definitely something I'll see about implementing on the new site. I'd probably divide it up into three or four categories like you said and both staff as well as RPers could have some say in who gets moved up, etc... We'd probably also make it so a new member is NOT added anywhere on the list until they've proven that they plan to stick around by participating in a minimum of THREE matches, win or lose. How they perform in those matches will impact their placement in the standings since it will be entirely based on quality and ability; not length of time in the fed. This will allow a top notch writer to come in, prove themselves, and be added directly to the mid or high end of the standings if they deserve it. I am pretty sure this can be accomplished and be very successful.

(04-12-2014, 09:08 PM)John Samuels Said: I think there's too many singles titles, especially now that everyone just moves freely between shows. I'd like to see the Euro/Confederate, US and TV titles all unified to make one clear-cut #2 title.

This is a situation I definitely have my eye on and all I can say without spoiling things is to keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks!

(04-12-2014, 11:12 PM)Olive Pendershore Said: I like the way the titles are. I liked the crown when it existed but I'm also cool with whatever you guys decide. I thought bringing a woman's title in might be cool since there's more ladies floating around now. So maybe if a couple of the titles disappear it'll make a new one easier to bring in. Then again I wouldn't want it known the ladies are only stuck with just that title. I just thought it might be a cool addition to what we have already.

The issue with a women's title is that the women are allowed to compete for ALL titles, but if you reverse the situation, we probably would NOT allow men to compete for that women's title. It would open up a strange world where a female character can actually acquire MORE titles than a male character. In order to rectify that, we'd need to put a limitation on which non-women's titles a female can go after, and I'd rather NOT start limiting what titles the female characters can challenge for. It's pretty unlikely we'll add a women's title, but if enough people WANT it and decide to speak up about it, I will consider it. (especially if people have ideas for how to make it all work)

(04-12-2014, 11:31 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: more focus on lesser titles like the TV, Tag and Trios belts.. just sayin

We're going to try and restructure how and when titles are defended and how they're focused on. There's definitely an issue as of late with NOT enough focus being on titles and I do plan to change that.

(04-13-2014, 12:47 AM)Archie Lawson Said: Also, I think cutting down the 24/7 Briefcase events per year might be good too, I mean I think there are already three or four cases floating around from off the top of my head and that's not including the one Smoke was supposed to give out on that fucking show he never finished.

As a fed as a whole it would be cool to see more tag teams forming to make a really good tag division but yeah, that's just a few thoughts.

The briefcases probably will be put on hold until at least some of the current ones get cashed in. We also have Angelus still running around somewhere too with a briefcase he won a million years ago.

As for the tag situation, I really don't think we can do a tag division or force people to form tag teams. In the back of my mind I have this idea though for a show that takes place once or twice a month and is a 100% tag team show where every match is a tag match. I'm definitely open to more suggestions of how to pump up the tag scene without it feeling forced or being too confusing.

(04-13-2014, 07:41 AM)Paul Heyman Said: 1) If we were to cut down on any titles, I'd like to see the unification of the Trios and Tag titles. Afterwards, we can just invoke a more fun (at least in my opinion) Freebird rule. Meaning any member of a team of three or more is considered the tag champion, and they can rotate in and out whenever they see fit. The Trios were introduced when we had an abundance of stables. That's something we don't really have anymore as one by one, these stables seem to fall into oblivion. Which is not unlike real wrestling.

I just feel like stretching the tag and trios out like we have almost makes them meaningless. Combine them, invoke the Freebird rule, and see what happens.

2) If it hasn't been dome already, I'd get rid of the numerous perks of holding onto the Xtreme title. Limit it to the 6 weeks = 24/7 briefcase. Title matches really should be earned and holding a title without so much as a defense for 2 weeks is really not difficult regardless of the 24/7 rule on the title itself.

3) We absolutely need to re-focus on title matches and finding contenders, and NEW contenders. The GMs really need to take the lead on this. I basically told Arch to book the Trios title match regardless of whether the champs were up for it or not. It'd been like 5 months without so much as one defense, just book it. When did title defenses become negotiable? I realize while saying this, I was in a position where I was trying to play out a story vs Griffin which resulted in very few defenses and even my own 'turning away' requests for matches, BUT, saying that, had a GM booked a tag title match, I would not have been offended or pissed off. As a title holder, you're expected to defend regularly.

Title matches, for whatever reason, have gone by the way side as of late. I think since the last ppv we've gotten around to having them all defended which is a good thing. This trend needs to continue. My feeling is that if we can mandate title holders to defend at least once every 3 to 4 weeks, the better off we are. If you look at it from my point of view, you can spread the different title matches around, so virtually EVERY Madness and EVERY Warfare has at least ONE title match.

4) I know Admin has always been against the classification of 'mid card title' but I feel like its needed. There is a WIDE variety of different skill levels in the XWF as far as writing ability. Unless you've been writing for years, its unlikely, yet not unheard of, to reach the 'main event' status that some writers are at and have been out for a lengthy time.

Designating a title as 'mid card' could accomplish a few things. One, most people are aware of their skill level and who they could and possibly could not really compete against. Having a mid card title would allow those still developing their skills to have something to compete for, rather than just maintaining a win loss record. If you're stuck constantly facing those at the top for titles while you're not yet ready for the 'big time', it can and probably will shatter confidence after awhile.

Look at the current title holders:

World title: Hogan - While he may or may not remain champion, its a sure bet that title as long as it exists will go to a top writer.
US: Enigma - A top writer.
Euro/Confederate: Myself. I've always maintained that I'm beatable by just about anybody, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I'm considered a top writer. Even if I don't consider myself as such.
TV: Elisha - We all know that SOB
Xtreme: Mandii - She's established herself over the last month as one of the top writers
Tag: Griffin - Has been a top writer for quite awhile.
Trios: Elisha and company, see above.

What you have here, is a clear indication that those that are in the mid cards need something to fight for as well. Skill levels and writing potential do vary. While some of those in the middle may at some point break through to the top, others may not and there's nothing wrong with that. Still, just because some may never have that break through, doesn't mean they shouldn't have something to compete for also.

I probably have more to talk about, but, this is already long enough.

I will number my replies to match your comments...

1) I'd like to see the tag and trios stick around and I'd like to see a system put in place where the champs HAVE TO set up at least one defense through the challenge board every 4 to 6 weeks. If 6 weeks go by with no defense, some kind of shitty thing would happen that I haven't thought of yet. lol

2) The idea behind the X-treme title perks is to reward the "maniacs" who are on our boards constantly and just can't miss a pin attempt. We LIKE people who are super active. We want them to have rewards that they can choose to claim IF they pay enough attention to how long they've had that title. The strange thing about it is, dozens of title shots have actually been earned through that title in the last year or so but only a small handful actually were claimed and used! It's like people forget the smaller shots even accumulate and all that matters is the briefcase at the end of 6 weeks. With how few people actually claim the regular shots, I don't see the perks as an issue at all. We also want to make sure the X-treme champ is still being booked in standard matches too, and with that title being 24/7, those count as defenses and in SOME cases the person can still lose that title even after their match ended! When you think about how easy it is to miss a pin attempt on the 24/7 boards and how easy it is to lose a match, the X-treme title really is the most challenging title that the XWF has ever had. I still have thoughts in the back of my head of making it the fed's top title, but for now I don't think we'll go that route.

3) I definitely agree here. Like I said earlier the title scene is definitely going to be focused on and we're going to come up with a system where it's much more clear WHO is in line for which titles and how to name new challengers, etc... We need to restructure things so that the titles are one of the main focuses of the entire fed, otherwise it's pointless to even have them. A huge part of this will have to come directly from the show GMs themselves and not me, though... Over the next few weeks we'll come up with a system and I'll help to put it in place and make it clear, but then it's in the hands of the GMs to carry out the new championship system.

4) The mid card title would be a challenge to keep track of because we'd have top level handlers still going for it, thus making it pointless when they win it and the true mid-level talent is left in the dust. I suppose a rule could be made against that, but then that would be another rule we have to enforce and "check" all the time to see if new characters match up with more experienced handlers. I think the real answer here brings us back up to point #3 above where I agreed that the entire title scene needs a revamp. I don't ever want a singles title to be KNOWN as a "mid card title" or something that could be used against people IC. What we might be able to do is be a little more careful about what level of talent we book for certain titles, but again that is something that will fall on the GMs. They'd need to step in and say "no, that isn't a title you should be going for" if they see an RPing monster try to issue a challenge to the person holding this "lesser" title. The GMs would also need to have their fingers firmly on the pulse of the talent levels in XWF to make sure they aren't booking mismatches. I'd like to see more instances where an up and comer like Lucena can win a title, sure. I think we'll be able to accomplish this without making a title that is considered a mid card title. We don't want to discourage handlers from said title or make them think it's inferior.

If you want to step in and be the coordinator who helps the GMs make sure some new championship guidelines are followed, that may help further this cause. You could be the safety net who steps in and says something if you notice the wrong thing happening with any given title.

(04-13-2014, 07:41 AM)John_Black Said: This is my opinion... but in really hope we can get back the Alliance/Stable/Tag From up again. Since you left the template up on it, and because, since we have an influx of groups, I was planning to make one.

That section turned into a complete mess. I even added a feature allowing the creator of the thread to give "editing rights" to all the members of their stable so ANYBODY in the group could come along and keep it updated... but guess what? Hardly anybody even used it or kept their stables updated. The template for a team/stable still exists because technically they COULD be added to a regular roster but I don't think there's much room for an entire team roster section on its own. It sounds like a great idea on paper but then a month or two later it's a confusing mess of out-dated info which completely defeats the purpose of the section existing.

Definitely a lot of good ideas and feedback so far. Thanks all! Keep them coming!

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-13-2014, 10:31 AM

Quote:That section turned into a complete mess. I even added a feature allowing the creator of the thread to give "editing rights" to all the members of their stable so ANYBODY in the group could come along and keep it updated... but guess what? Hardly anybody even used it or kept their stables updated. The template for a team/stable still exists because technically they COULD be added to a regular roster but I don't think there's much room for an entire team roster section on its own. It sounds like a great idea on paper but then a month or two later it's a confusing mess of out-dated info which completely defeats the purpose of the section existing.

Definitely a lot of good ideas and feedback so far. Thanks all! Keep them coming!

Not only did I keep updating TBC but I also added The Company and updated it. Booya.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
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04-13-2014, 10:37 AM

I think something should be done to convince more people to submit brutal attacks and match interferences against unsuspecting parties to surprise them and in turn encourage more counter attacks. I still send in counter attacks when I feel something may be coming my way but for the most part this place has been really low on run ins and advanced attacks that leave you saying holy shit after you read them.

I also think the RP limit per day should be reduced to 1 RP on the last 2 or 3 days of the week so there's less of a cluster fuck right before the deadline where half or more of the RP's don't even get read. I've noticed I get more feedback and likes on RP's that I post earlier in the week and I can only assume it's because there is less clutter at the start of the week. Even if I lose a match, I like knowing people read my shit and I know others here care about that too. Cut down the end of the week influx so more work gets read and appreciated. This would help judges too I'd imagine.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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04-13-2014, 10:47 AM

I just have to say, and no disrespect to Enigma, but he was a prime example of not defending titles enough, he had one match where his title was on the line. If he wasn't put in the elimination chamber, how long would he have gone without a title match? Yeah, 8 people pinned him which is 8 defences, which he couldn't control how often people pinned him. He could, however; sign up for matches, but not signing up for matches shouldn't warrant getting a briefcase. I think if you have actual matches you should get one. I also think that people put winning the ark title down too low. It's not too easy to win it if the champ is clever. Look at Scorpio, he was pretty solid at defending it. He caught a lot of attempts and was really clever. No one hides pins for the xtreme title in riddles and foreign languages, or mathematical equations. That's pretty clever.
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-13-2014, 10:55 AM

Quote:No one hides pins for the xtreme title in riddles and foreign languages, or mathematical equations. That's pretty clever.

And no one wins the Ark title by out rping their opponent either. And this is after all a wrestling federation. And that title is there as a means for people to have fun outside of the confines of an actual wrestling match.

Enigma also had 13 pin attempts against him. He also held the title for 4 weeks and defended it once in a match he didn't have to defend it in. The rule around here as far as I know it is that a title should be defended roughly once every month. He opted into the US title match, and opted to defend his title when he didn't have to. It does help to know all the facts before using someone as an example, whether you mean disrespect or not.

He also would not have earned a briefcase if he won the X-title defended it for 6 weeks on the boards and never had a match. You do have to have at least one legit defense during that 6 week time period to earn a briefcase.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-13-2014, 11:03 AM

Now as for my wishes, seeing the tag titles and trios titles defended more regularly, which, I do think is something that will happen now. I think the GM's as a whole have done a good job of putting titles up for defense. In fact I think everyone of them has been defended at least once since the PPV.

Me personally, I would rather pick my tag team or trios partners for matches so it is as much on the people on the roster to form up and challenge the champs as it is the GM's to force the issue.

I do think there is one too many titles here, people look at the TV title as the lowest of the legit titles(discounting the Ark) perhaps that does not need to be here. I do think it is kind of cool having one title for Madness and one for Warfare so I would like to see that stay.

The X-treme title is supposed to be the 2nd highest title here it just isn't viewed that way. Hopefully Mandii can change people's opinions. The only thing I could think to force the issue would be that that title has to be on the line for each and every match, regardless of who is in it, singles, handicapped, tag team, (maybe not trios) but whoever scores the pin is the X champ. Just a thought.

I do think the fed needs more stables, but again that is on the roster to correct.

A womans title would be cool to have seeing as how there are a bit of women around here. Even if the men could not compete for it I still think it would be kind of fun to have. I don't really pay attention to pro wrestling, I'm trying to now but what I have seen is rather sad, but is there a rule in the WWE that says woman can only compete for the woman's title? Or can they go for the other titles? If they can, than I see no reason we can't duplicate that here.

I would like to see the roster do more segments. So get on that folks.

Some of my other wishes have been mentioned and addressed so I will leave them out.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Scorpio Offline
Dick Of Doom

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-13-2014, 11:04 AM

X-treme Title isn't on the line in every match the champ is booked in anymore?

I also agree with Sid, last day especially should be a 1 rp limit.

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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Unknown Soldier (04-13-2014)
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-13-2014, 11:05 AM

There have been instances where the X title is not on the line because both competitors agree to not have it on the line. I can think of a few since I have been here.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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04-13-2014, 11:15 AM

(04-13-2014, 10:55 AM)Ozymandias Said:
Quote:No one hides pins for the xtreme title in riddles and foreign languages, or mathematical equations. That's pretty clever.

And no one wins the Ark title by out rping their opponent either. And this is after all a wrestling federation. And that title is there as a means for people to have fun outside of the confines of an actual wrestling match.

Enigma also had 13 pin attempts against him. He also held the title for 4 weeks and defended it once in a match he didn't have to defend it in. The rule around here as far as I know it is that a title should be defended roughly once every month. He opted into the US title match, and opted to defend his title when he didn't have to. It does help to know all the facts before using someone as an example, whether you mean disrespect or not.

He also would not have earned a briefcase if he won the X-title defended it for 6 weeks on the boards and never had a match. You do have to have at least one legit defense during that 6 week time period to earn a briefcase.

He was the only champ that I know of who was in line to win the briefcase, and I did mention his match, whether he asked to be in it wasn't a factor for my point. My point was simply that sometimes the title isn't as difficult to defend as others. As for defending the Ark in matches, I'm a fan of that, I think it should happen more. If it's a belt here there should be matches for it. I was in no way saying it's a harder belt to win, or more of a prestigious belt than any other. I just think the belt is often undervalued. Scorpio was a master champ, and I think he would have caught my second pin attempt on him. I also think that Enigma was kind of ignored as a champion, but that fact didn't lend well to my agreement that there need be rewards for the xtreme title.
Scorpio Offline
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04-13-2014, 11:31 AM

I believe I defended the Ark Title in matches a couple times,:I'm a fan of it. However I kind of like the rules that were in place when Shane/ Miyoko first introduced it. You didn't have to make some crazy hidden pin.If you came up with some insanely entertaining pin attempt that the gms thought were deserving enough to win then you won. There was also an hour time limit to kick out, I think we should bring that back plus encourage pin attempts being sent in on shows where if the GM deems the attempt good enough then the title can change hands. It will make it like how the hardcore belt was in WWE.

[Image: Scorpin.png]


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Ozymandias Offline
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04-13-2014, 11:36 AM

Quote:There was also an hour time limit to kick out, I think we should bring that back plus encourage pin attempts being sent in on shows where if the GM deems the attempt good enough then the title can change hands. It will make it like how the hardcore belt was in WWE.

I think it would be amazing if people put pin attempts in the shows. As a GM I would love to see that.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Dusty Wyatt Offline
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04-13-2014, 11:39 AM

I haven't read through, but a power 25 of sorts.

Current 2x Ark of Covenant Champion

[Image: yOiur.gif]

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04-13-2014, 11:46 AM

I think we all agree, we can work on making the Starbucks title more respected. I'm going to have an ark match against gilly soon, and I did mention it being on the line for the elimination chamber, and will be when I face Lucena.
Archie Lawson Offline
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04-13-2014, 02:11 PM

I think taking the option from champions to opt out would be a pretty good idea unless they have a really good reason. As a champion they should be competing almost every week, title or non-title.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Ozymandias Offline
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04-13-2014, 02:43 PM

Sorry but I have to disagree here. Real life has to take precedence over the XWF and there are a lot of people who can't handle being booked 3-4 times a month and forcing them to be just because they won a title seems a bit unfair to them.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
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04-13-2014, 03:05 PM

id be fine with the 1 rp rule on the last day before a ppv or show.. seems too often ppl sandbag and put up 2 rps in a row or given day.. making it 1 rp could help. but i dunno

[Image: yPandTo.png]


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04-14-2014, 10:54 AM

My idea is regarding the Briefcase.

It seems 99.9% when cashing it in you're going to win. I think if someone were to cash it in, put it in the results and have the rest of the results (or just the match) and give both the Title Holder and Briefcase Holder 24 hours to do MAX 1 roleplay each, then whoever judges .. judges those rps to declare if it was successful or not. Of course if the title holder is out of town, or can't rp due to work during that 24 hours, then they lose. That's a plus/mysterious part about cashing in whenever.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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04-14-2014, 11:59 AM

2 shows per week - Monday and Wednesday

Merge the US and European titles to create the World Title

King of the XWF remains at the top title of one show, the new World Title remains the top title of another show

X-Treme Title gets new rules. Similar to House Show rules. Attacker posts a 500 word RP or trash talk, and the champion has 12 hours to respond. Shit gets judged, decisions made.

TV Title gets new rules. Have it be limited to three RPs per week for those people who like to have strict limits in place. It would be more like a division for RPers than anything. Plus, it makes sense with the OOC RP limit and IC time limit.

Get rid of the Ark Title. It isn't taken seriously, it's extra work, and isn't needed.

Get rid of the Trio Titles - turn it into a PPV similar to Lethal Lotto instead. These are rarely defended, difficult to plan, and regular tag straps need the focus.

So basically you'd have:

Monday Madness -> King Title

Wednesday Warfare -> World Title

TV Title (3 RP limit)

X-Treme title (24/7 500 word title)

Tag Titles

With that setup, I think the fed becomes easier to manage, easier for people to keep up with, and adds new RP styles for people to toy with. You would have a King Title and World Title that people will recognize as the top titles for each show. People who don't want to feel pressured by quantity can have that completely removed with the TV Title. The X-Treme Title gets a little more interesting instead of people playing Where's Waldo with pin attempts. We no longer have to deal with putting together teams for the Trios and figuring out how and when they're going to get defended. Hell, with the way we treat those Trio belts, just turn them into a triple briefcase that gets contested for every six months.

That's all I have. I think we basically just need to clean up a few areas and improve on certain aspects.
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04-14-2014, 12:16 PM

Maddy, though I agree with most of your points, we can keep the Starbucks title, but I think it can be reworked into a better spot than essentially being shit on. Maybe we have it defended more often and have it be the midcard title that people asked for. Don't just make it 24/7, do it similar to the XTreme title.

[Image: JDBXAeW.jpg]
[Image: LEU246w.jpg]
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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04-14-2014, 12:22 PM

Quote:3) We absolutely need to re-focus on title matches and finding contenders, and NEW contenders. The GMs really need to take the lead on this. I basically told Arch to book the Trios title match regardless of whether the champs were up for it or not. It'd been like 5 months without so much as one defense, just book it. When did title defenses become negotiable? I realize while saying this, I was in a position where I was trying to play out a story vs Griffin which resulted in very few defenses and even my own 'turning away' requests for matches, BUT, saying that, had a GM booked a tag title match, I would not have been offended or pissed off. As a title holder, you're expected to defend regularly.

I just got done talking to one of the GMs about this. It really isn't that difficult of a thing to enforce as long as you're giving your champion a week long rest between each title defense. An example of how I'd book champions:

Show 1:
ME: Wyatt vs Swagmire for the Euro Title
Diaz & Bute vs Nova & Scorpio for #1 contendership @ tag titles

Show 2:
ME: #1 contenders vs Griffin & friend for Tag Titles
Angel vs Samuels vs Mandii for #1 contendership @ Euro Title

And so on...

When it comes to championships, fuck the title holder's schedule. Be generous enough to give them a week off after a defense, but other than that, it should be game on.
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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04-14-2014, 12:27 PM

(04-14-2014, 12:16 PM)Ezekiels AIDs Said: Maddy, though I agree with most of your points, we can keep the Starbucks title, but I think it can be reworked into a better spot than essentially being shit on. Maybe we have it defended more often and have it be the midcard title that people asked for. Don't just make it 24/7, do it similar to the XTreme title.

I don't think it's needed if we have the World/King, TV, X-Treme Titles, and Tag Titles. There's too much gold floating around and Ark/UFO/Starbucks/Whatever is at the bottom of the pecking order.

Wanna do short RPs that challenge you to be creative with a short time frame? Go for the reformed X-Treme Title.

Wanna kick back and not worry about whether or not you'll need to do 5 RPs in order to carry gold? Go for the reformed TV Title.

With the Maddy Reforms there's something out there for everyone!
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04-14-2014, 01:01 PM

Okay, here is a list of ideas from me:

1) Briefcase (already said it in posts above)

2) Kill the Ark Title and the whole 'pin' concept forum.

3) Combine the Trio Belts and Tag Belts into Tag Belts with Freebird rule (partners must be announced in first rp or before).

4) "Force" or highly encourage certain people and newcomers to join RTX prior to joining the main forums. HIDE the RTX rp board where only the GM, helpers/judges can read the rps but have the results readable by everyone. My reasoning is some people can't handle the competition, and others may benefit from the RTX development. See WWE's idea with NXT.. even seasoned guys go there first.. and after the first match if they seem they are ready then move them on. Why hide the rp boards except by GM or 'helpers' is when a guy is promoting to the XWF roster... and gets a match or has a segment... then the rp'er can't prepare or know how good they are. They fight them blindly almost like they are an actual new character in the XWF.

5) I enjoy a lot of humor, even though my rps don't suggest so much except from Waldo era. Some things are a bit 'far stretched' IMO. I guess I'm more into 'realism' i.e., no Macho Man since he is dead is real life. I thought Luca's character 'Table' concept was funny, but I also didn't like it because of my 'realism' idea.

6) Create a unique World Title for both Madness Show and Warfare Show, then at a special ppv once or twice a year have both those champions face off for a crown. Similar to King of Ring and Bragging Rights combined concept. Even if the rp'er would lose the world title later on, they can still brag about them being crowned.

7) Keep US title, European Title, X-Treme, and TV Title. I wouldn't have those titles defended all the time or every other week. I'm thinking in actual wrestling terms, so, lol... prestige goes away if you defend the title 52 or even 30 times a year... remember we only have a certain amount of people at the moment... don't want things to get stale.

8) Have a ppv every 3 months (Jan, April, August, Dec) with different concepts. Ex: One all titles are defended, One is like Wrestlemania, One is like MITB (maybe every match is for a briefcase)...

9) Title matches EXCEPT on ppv shows(?) have a rp limit. It makes it more difficult to win it on top of the champion is probably good. Double the challenge.

10) Only 1 rp allowed on the last day.

11) Some kind of system where people earn title shots and they aren't just granted.

12) World Title matches have a rp limit. This pushes the rp'er to worry more about creativity than quantity.

I'm done for now.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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Andrew Morrison (04-14-2014)
Archie Lawson Offline
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04-14-2014, 03:11 PM

Champions should be competing at least 3 times a month Ozy. They are of course, a champion, activity is encouraged in this fed. Of course real life is more important which is why with good reason they should be allowed a week off. Being a champion means commitment IMO.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Ozymandias Offline
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04-14-2014, 03:20 PM

Archie please show me where it stipulates that champions should be competing 3 times a month?

As long as I have been here I have been told that Champs should defend once a month.

Just because you do well enough to beat a champion and become one doesn't mean that suddenly you should have to bump up your "commitment" to 3 times a month. That's preposterous. I don't think that being able to compete 3 times a month should equate to commitment.

Being a Champion means you beat someone on a given week, it often means you are one of the better writers, it doesn't mean you have to compete 3 times a month lest be labeled uncommitted.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Elisha Offline
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04-14-2014, 03:41 PM

Based on that, being a multiple champion, I have to defend both titles in the same week or fight every week (defend one one week and the other the next week).

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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Archie Lawson Offline
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04-14-2014, 04:06 PM

I didn't mean defend it every 3 weeks. But competing once a month or whatever when you're holding a title isn't fair on those who are committed every single week and do well every single week. It's just a thought that was all.

I never said it stipulated that anywhere though so I don't know why you said that.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Elisha Offline
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04-14-2014, 04:09 PM

I don't mind defending, but in my opinion it has to make sense. Just to defend the title x amount of times in my opinion is pointless. It should work itself through story/angles and to someone that deserves it. Every time I defended as Eli, it was against contenders but it also made sense which it made for better matches.

Plus, there's only so many ppl here and you don't want to overdo it or you'll face everyone within 4-6 months.

That's just my two cents though.

[Image: 2b6d4bc0-f04e-46fe-98b2-4584c5178299_zps1fa4586d.jpg]
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Archie Lawson Offline
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04-14-2014, 04:11 PM

Na i know, but I was just running with what Duke said. If a champion is put in a title match they shouldn't be able to go, na I'm busy that week or something.

If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.
Margaret Thatcher

[Image: 97166.jpg]
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Ozymandias Offline
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04-14-2014, 04:15 PM

But does anyone do that? Has a champion actually backed out of a match they were booked in? I agree there, if they are booked they shouldn't be allowed to say no unless there is a real valid reason why they can't go that week. But if a GM is booking Champs there is a good chance that it's because they haven't defended in a while.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Paul Heyman

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04-14-2014, 04:17 PM

Archie, your Britishness is trying to take the fun out of the game.

Jokes aside, in all seriousness and all that stuff. The idea here, is to make suggestions to make things better and more fun, not to make everything harder and more difficult for everyone. You've taken something mentioned about title matches and gone way far to the left. There is a happy medium to be had here where titles are defended more regularly while champions are not ran through the ringer by management just because they do happen to be champion.

Get with it Arch.
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

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04-14-2014, 04:21 PM

Seriously, Archie. After reading your posts, I think I need to go get checked for depression.

Going on suicide watch.

Fucking briton
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