(04-12-2014, 08:42 PM)SwagMire Said: An IC more stable ownership is the most. It seems like we're changing ic owners once a week. Lol.
Yeah, it went a little longer than originally expected but will be resolved in the near future as things continue to play out. The rotating IC ownership is definitely not a permanent thing.
(04-12-2014, 09:04 PM)Morbid Angel Said: Honestly something that I think could do some good. Perhaps a part for XWF standings. New people would be obviously new and as time progresses through a win loss record people move up from Beginner to Middle Stage and the Main Eventer or Head Liner. Not saying you show the win loss of each fighter but a standing. Does this make any sense? Its been a long work day and I’m not sure if its coming out right…
Makes perfect sense to me and is definitely something I'll see about implementing on the new site. I'd probably divide it up into three or four categories like you said and both staff as well as RPers could have some say in who gets moved up, etc... We'd probably also make it so a new member is NOT added anywhere on the list until they've proven that they plan to stick around by participating in a minimum of THREE matches, win or lose. How they perform in those matches will impact their placement in the standings since it will be entirely based on quality and ability; not length of time in the fed. This will allow a top notch writer to come in, prove themselves, and be added directly to the mid or high end of the standings if they deserve it. I am pretty sure this can be accomplished and be very successful.
(04-12-2014, 09:08 PM)John Samuels Said: I think there's too many singles titles, especially now that everyone just moves freely between shows. I'd like to see the Euro/Confederate, US and TV titles all unified to make one clear-cut #2 title.
This is a situation I definitely have my eye on and all I can say without spoiling things is to keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks!
(04-12-2014, 11:12 PM)Olive Pendershore Said: I like the way the titles are. I liked the crown when it existed but I'm also cool with whatever you guys decide. I thought bringing a woman's title in might be cool since there's more ladies floating around now. So maybe if a couple of the titles disappear it'll make a new one easier to bring in. Then again I wouldn't want it known the ladies are only stuck with just that title. I just thought it might be a cool addition to what we have already.
The issue with a women's title is that the women are allowed to compete for ALL titles, but if you reverse the situation, we probably would NOT allow men to compete for that women's title. It would open up a strange world where a female character can actually acquire MORE titles than a male character. In order to rectify that, we'd need to put a limitation on which non-women's titles a female can go after, and I'd rather NOT start limiting what titles the female characters can challenge for. It's pretty unlikely we'll add a women's title, but if enough people WANT it and decide to speak up about it, I will consider it. (especially if people have ideas for how to make it all work)
(04-12-2014, 11:31 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: more focus on lesser titles like the TV, Tag and Trios belts.. just sayin
We're going to try and restructure how and when titles are defended and how they're focused on. There's definitely an issue as of late with NOT enough focus being on titles and I do plan to change that.
(04-13-2014, 12:47 AM)Archie Lawson Said: Also, I think cutting down the 24/7 Briefcase events per year might be good too, I mean I think there are already three or four cases floating around from off the top of my head and that's not including the one Smoke was supposed to give out on that fucking show he never finished.
As a fed as a whole it would be cool to see more tag teams forming to make a really good tag division but yeah, that's just a few thoughts.
The briefcases probably will be put on hold until at least some of the current ones get cashed in. We also have Angelus still running around somewhere too with a briefcase he won a million years ago.
As for the tag situation, I really don't think we can do a tag division or force people to form tag teams. In the back of my mind I have this idea though for a show that takes place once or twice a month and is a 100% tag team show where every match is a tag match. I'm definitely open to more suggestions of how to pump up the tag scene without it feeling forced or being too confusing.
(04-13-2014, 07:41 AM)Paul Heyman Said: 1) If we were to cut down on any titles, I'd like to see the unification of the Trios and Tag titles. Afterwards, we can just invoke a more fun (at least in my opinion) Freebird rule. Meaning any member of a team of three or more is considered the tag champion, and they can rotate in and out whenever they see fit. The Trios were introduced when we had an abundance of stables. That's something we don't really have anymore as one by one, these stables seem to fall into oblivion. Which is not unlike real wrestling.
I just feel like stretching the tag and trios out like we have almost makes them meaningless. Combine them, invoke the Freebird rule, and see what happens.
2) If it hasn't been dome already, I'd get rid of the numerous perks of holding onto the Xtreme title. Limit it to the 6 weeks = 24/7 briefcase. Title matches really should be earned and holding a title without so much as a defense for 2 weeks is really not difficult regardless of the 24/7 rule on the title itself.
3) We absolutely need to re-focus on title matches and finding contenders, and NEW contenders. The GMs really need to take the lead on this. I basically told Arch to book the Trios title match regardless of whether the champs were up for it or not. It'd been like 5 months without so much as one defense, just book it. When did title defenses become negotiable? I realize while saying this, I was in a position where I was trying to play out a story vs Griffin which resulted in very few defenses and even my own 'turning away' requests for matches, BUT, saying that, had a GM booked a tag title match, I would not have been offended or pissed off. As a title holder, you're expected to defend regularly.
Title matches, for whatever reason, have gone by the way side as of late. I think since the last ppv we've gotten around to having them all defended which is a good thing. This trend needs to continue. My feeling is that if we can mandate title holders to defend at least once every 3 to 4 weeks, the better off we are. If you look at it from my point of view, you can spread the different title matches around, so virtually EVERY Madness and EVERY Warfare has at least ONE title match.
4) I know Admin has always been against the classification of 'mid card title' but I feel like its needed. There is a WIDE variety of different skill levels in the XWF as far as writing ability. Unless you've been writing for years, its unlikely, yet not unheard of, to reach the 'main event' status that some writers are at and have been out for a lengthy time.
Designating a title as 'mid card' could accomplish a few things. One, most people are aware of their skill level and who they could and possibly could not really compete against. Having a mid card title would allow those still developing their skills to have something to compete for, rather than just maintaining a win loss record. If you're stuck constantly facing those at the top for titles while you're not yet ready for the 'big time', it can and probably will shatter confidence after awhile.
Look at the current title holders:
World title: Hogan - While he may or may not remain champion, its a sure bet that title as long as it exists will go to a top writer.
US: Enigma - A top writer.
Euro/Confederate: Myself. I've always maintained that I'm beatable by just about anybody, but it doesn't take away from the fact that I'm considered a top writer. Even if I don't consider myself as such.
TV: Elisha - We all know that SOB
Xtreme: Mandii - She's established herself over the last month as one of the top writers
Tag: Griffin - Has been a top writer for quite awhile.
Trios: Elisha and company, see above.
What you have here, is a clear indication that those that are in the mid cards need something to fight for as well. Skill levels and writing potential do vary. While some of those in the middle may at some point break through to the top, others may not and there's nothing wrong with that. Still, just because some may never have that break through, doesn't mean they shouldn't have something to compete for also.
I probably have more to talk about, but, this is already long enough.
I will number my replies to match your comments...
1) I'd like to see the tag and trios stick around and I'd like to see a system put in place where the champs HAVE TO set up at least one defense through the challenge board every 4 to 6 weeks. If 6 weeks go by with no defense, some kind of shitty thing would happen that I haven't thought of yet. lol
2) The idea behind the X-treme title perks is to reward the "maniacs" who are on our boards constantly and just can't miss a pin attempt. We LIKE people who are super active. We want them to have rewards that they can choose to claim IF they pay enough attention to how long they've had that title. The strange thing about it is, dozens of title shots have actually been earned through that title in the last year or so but only a small handful actually were claimed and used! It's like people forget the smaller shots even accumulate and all that matters is the briefcase at the end of 6 weeks. With how few people actually claim the regular shots, I don't see the perks as an issue at all. We also want to make sure the X-treme champ is still being booked in standard matches too, and with that title being 24/7, those count as defenses and in SOME cases the person can still lose that title even after their match ended! When you think about how easy it is to miss a pin attempt on the 24/7 boards and how easy it is to lose a match, the X-treme title really is the most challenging title that the XWF has ever had. I still have thoughts in the back of my head of making it the fed's top title, but for now I don't think we'll go that route.
3) I definitely agree here. Like I said earlier the title scene is definitely going to be focused on and we're going to come up with a system where it's much more clear WHO is in line for which titles and how to name new challengers, etc... We need to restructure things so that the titles are one of the main focuses of the entire fed, otherwise it's pointless to even have them. A huge part of this will have to come directly from the show GMs themselves and not me, though... Over the next few weeks we'll come up with a system and I'll help to put it in place and make it clear, but then it's in the hands of the GMs to carry out the new championship system.
4) The mid card title would be a challenge to keep track of because we'd have top level handlers still going for it, thus making it pointless when they win it and the true mid-level talent is left in the dust. I suppose a rule could be made against that, but then that would be another rule we have to enforce and "check" all the time to see if new characters match up with more experienced handlers. I think the real answer here brings us back up to point #3 above where I agreed that the entire title scene needs a revamp. I don't ever want a singles title to be KNOWN as a "mid card title" or something that could be used against people IC. What we might be able to do is be a little more careful about what level of talent we book for certain titles, but again that is something that will fall on the GMs. They'd need to step in and say "no, that isn't a title you should be going for" if they see an RPing monster try to issue a challenge to the person holding this "lesser" title. The GMs would also need to have their fingers firmly on the pulse of the talent levels in XWF to make sure they aren't booking mismatches. I'd like to see more instances where an up and comer like Lucena can win a title, sure. I think we'll be able to accomplish this without making a title that is considered a mid card title. We don't want to discourage handlers from said title or make them think it's inferior.
If you want to step in and be the coordinator who helps the GMs make sure some new championship guidelines are followed, that may help further this cause. You could be the safety net who steps in and says something if you notice the wrong thing happening with any given title.
(04-13-2014, 07:41 AM)John_Black Said: This is my opinion... but in really hope we can get back the Alliance/Stable/Tag From up again. Since you left the template up on it, and because, since we have an influx of groups, I was planning to make one.
That section turned into a complete mess. I even added a feature allowing the creator of the thread to give "editing rights" to all the members of their stable so ANYBODY in the group could come along and keep it updated... but guess what? Hardly anybody even used it or kept their stables updated. The template for a team/stable still exists because technically they COULD be added to a regular roster but I don't think there's much room for an entire team roster section on its own. It sounds like a great idea on paper but then a month or two later it's a confusing mess of out-dated info which completely defeats the purpose of the section existing.
Definitely a lot of good ideas and feedback so far. Thanks all! Keep them coming!