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Eli-- John told me about you... and he was right.
Author Message
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-08-2013, 09:19 PM

... I was originally going to just say, John Austin told me you were good, and he was right, but... this part, this whole damned section --

~ ~ ~

Box a man a hundred times and you'll think the next guy will be no different... until you throw your first punch and realize he has metal underneath that skin. A million times you can get use to a certain label or think you've seen it all.. so ya call it like ya see it. But what happens when that next person you try to call out.. really is different?

I don't cast pearls to the swine.

Two men stand in front of ya.. and you give each of 'em a penny. One tosses it away.. it's just a penny.. one cent.. it can't buy anything. The other man happens to notice it's a 1943 copper wheat penny.. it's not one cent.. it's worth over a hundred thousand dollars.

To many.. a penny is a penny. Ya see a gold lookin' coin and see it's a penny. You go out into a field and hear a man preachin' and think it's just another 'one of them preachers'. BROAD is the way.. BROAD is the road people say its just a penny. NARROW, Miss Callaway, NARROW is the road to where people see its more than just a penny..

.. its a 1943 copper wheat penny.

~ ~ ~

... I needed to read that. Thank you.

You are good. And I mean REALLY good. I could hear the character saying those words in my head... I could feel his conviction. I could feel it, because that's how I feel, within myself. I am tired of people believing they have me figured out. You capture emotion. And you capture it well.

Looking forward to reading more.

[ps -- to everyone who says i shouldn't make a thread FOR a writer, and instead, wait till they make one of their own... I say? Some writing deserves to be pointed out. And this is such a piece.]

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-08-2013, 09:32 PM

Not to bash on Eli's work, he's amazing... I just find it funny that you are looking at someone who is my opponent.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-08-2013, 09:46 PM

... dear lord.


I've been up for two days, and I don't need this. Goodnight.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-08-2013, 09:55 PM

I'm not trying to start a fight. I was just pointing out the obvious. Au revoir!

1x UFO E1999 Champion
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-08-2013, 10:54 PM

... how is it obvious when that's not why I began this thread?

... and then the "Au revoir" thing? You say you're trying to help, yet you are facetious.

Do you realize how difficult it is for me to keep myself from blowing up?

I seriously wish you did.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
AlexandraCallaway Offline
Demon or Angel? You decide!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-08-2013, 11:11 PM

Au Revoir means goodbye in French.. So what if I choose to speak it. How is that facetious? I'll have you know that French is my second language IN REAL LIFE. So if I choose any French saying out of fucking character to speak, I will. It's my fucking right. Last I checked you are not my mother, my father or the President of the United States or one of the founding fathers... Nor did you write the constitution. FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Live it, Learn it, Love it and get the fuck over it. And before you go "She hates me.. blah blah blah.." Hate is a huge thing in my religion, it breeds bad Karma. I don't "hate" anyone. You can ask Micah aka Minx, she and I have had bad arguments over stuff before, and guess what.. I forgave her, and I've forgiven people who have said way worse than the things you've said about me. But I guess this is the price I pay for being NICE and trying to help you out. You got pissed off when I told you that I wouldn't participate in a match with you against Minx and Zak. Since then you have treated me like shit. Tough, get over it. You want to bitch about people wanting to censor you from talking, yet you insult other and do the same when we speak out in any fashion towards you. So yeah.. stop being a hypocrite. From this moment forward, unless we are in a match, which we do have one on the next shove it, please, keep my name out of your mouth and your writings. Merci Beaucoup, Au Revoir.

1x UFO E1999 Champion
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-09-2013, 01:00 AM

You're not my mother.

Or my godmother.

Yet you keep telling me what I should do.

When iAm doing what I should do.

I'm keeping my temper.

You talk about freedom of speech? You do notice how hypocritical that is, correct? You told me I shouldn't make a thread to compliment another's work... that's telling me what I can and cannot say.

As I told you. Cam appreciated it when I did it. We went from being at eachother's necks -- To friends. Again... I don't see the harm in that.

And I never said you hated me. I asked you, "What is wrong with you?"... You never answered.

I know you don't hate me. But I also know you are not helping me... in the slightest.

I also haven't said anything negative about you. In fact? I've said, time and again, how great of a writer you are. I've also said I WISHED I could be friends with you. I even told John Austin that.

But... I don't see how jumping on me for making a thread like this is "helping" me. I also don't see how consistently having an attitude, when I am literally consumed by negativity......

... you want to help me? Be positive. Do what I'm trying to do. If I say something you don't agree with? Do not go off on me. It only triggers me.

And Believe me... I am doing everything within my power to contain myself.

Also... I don't remember getting "pissed off". I didn't ask for you to be in a match. I asked for you to team with me. And it had nothing to do with a match. And you never actually responded to the invite... but I never became upset about it. Micah did, however, and she cursed at me about it. I wanted the THREE of you. All three of you. To team with me. I tried to explain that. I even wanted Radio to be a part of it.

So... no. There was no match with you & I vs Micah & Zak.
The proposition was for the FOUR OF US to form a group.

And I haven't treated you like "sh*t".

= = =

"Plain and simple truth is... I'm giving you knowledge... the knowledge that someone my age probably should have already given you but failed as a mentor or fucking parent"

= = =

THAT LINE... was the first time you ever upset me. And it triggered me. As I'm pretty sure you know. Because I raged over it. [and btw? my mom is in her 50s. im quite sure she's at least a couple of years older than you] But yet? Even after that... I have tried to be friends with you. And I even responded to your feedback thread --

"Ok, about the first one-- you SERIOUSLY are a fantastic writer. As I said, you remind me of Brittany... my old friend from WWG. And I love the idea of going back in time... and you capture the feeling of that era so well. Annnd... Hannah was actually, or maybe still is, I don't know as she no longer speaks to me... but she at least WAS working on a story called "Luna, Child of the Moon", so that part instantly reminded me of her... Also, I was wondering, do you like video games? I didn't know exactly what the songs in the videos were from at first, but I realized that, I think at least, they're from video game soundtracks. Though, I could be completely mistaken. >.< But I especially like the song in the second roleplay... I love both pieces. You should DEFINITELY continue, I'd be interested in where it goes...

Btw, I'm about to post a link to something I posted in Character Development. I'm going to post that, as well as a link to something else I wrote... if you could check them out and let me know what you think, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

BTW-- I also LOVED your "Finding the Truth" roleplay. You're very good with details, just like Brit. I look forward to reading more from you. ^.^"

= = =

You responded --

"rayne - not that you will read this, but I love the Viking era, it's part of my family history. As for the songs, they are from the History channel show "Vikings".


"not that you will read this"

Alex... how did you expect me to take that?

"... ok... I came to this forum... and before even looking at my own feedback thread, I wanted to look at yours. I'm really glad you think you know me. Because I hardly ever do.

And I'll be honest. I still want to be friends with you. But that'll obviously never happen. BTW-- I think it's amazing they're part of your lineage. But as you said about me... you probably don't care what I think.

But I do hope you continue... As if my opinion matters.

After enjoying our first few conversations, and then enjoying your writing so much...
Fuck it. I should have known this would happen. It always fucking does."

= = =

I seriously wanted to be friends with you. And I thought maybe, by giving you feedback, I would prove that. But it dfidn't.

The reason I get upset when I'm told what to say? Is because I'm saying positive things... yet this is what happens. When I fly off the handle? I need to be taken down a peg. That's what happened. That's why I am trying not to lose it. I Believe negativity... anger... rude-ness... THAT? Shouldn't be censored.

It shouldn't exist.

Hate leads to hate. I read "Au Revoir!" after I was clearly upset... how would you take that? I took it as sarcasm. Yes, the internet doesn't translate well.

But I read what I read.

I don't Believe things such as this, such as a post trying to let someone know that their writing meant something to me... I don't Believe that should be censored. But negativity? Such as yours? Such as mine? Such as Archie Lawson's? That has no place. Anywhere. And when it's directed toward someone like me... one of two things will happen. Either I let it spin me out of control...


... or I let it build within.
And save it.

And use it in my work.

Which is exactly what I'm doing.

See you at Shove-it... Mamacita.

~ $

"...just like i suffered ..."

"You have been lost for days--


~ fin

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-09-2013, 01:01 AM


You mention you forgiving her.

Has she ever forgiven you?

Just a thought.


[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
Cam Lang Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(crowd reaction varies; dips between face & heel)

09-09-2013, 01:03 AM

Look Rayne, the thing with this section is that people who want ''feedback'' simply make a thread asking for it. The point isn't to just critique anyone's work as you please, I do appreciate the words you sent my way however this isn't what the feedback section is for. For anyone that doesn't ask for feedback you shouldn't give it to them, even it's positive. If they're asking for feedback, feel free to go to their thread and leave it there.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Cam Lang's post:
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-09-2013, 01:09 AM

Hm... well, I'm glad you were nice about it... but what's really wrong with letting everyone know I liked a certain piece? Shouldn't there at least be a seperate section for that? One to post your own, one to point out roleplays of interest?

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-09-2013, 01:12 AM

I mean, personally, I would literally fan-girl if someone went out of their way to let me know they enjoyed a piece of mine. I live to write. I would take it as a compliment, and honestly, it would be fuel to keep moving forward... but that's just me.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-09-2013, 01:20 AM

And, one last thing, I promise, but... I saw John Austin looking at this, and it just made me think... he was the reason I read Eli's rp. It seriously upsets me that Alex Believes I did this because of her... I honestly didn't even realize they were in a match. yes, that sounds stupid in hindsight, but i have been up for two days, going on three... forgive me. But, it's like... I read Eli's rp, and it literally moved me to almost cry, because that is precisely how I've felt for years. I just felt like I should say something about that, and I figured the feedback thread would be a place to do that...

And also... she ended by saying I shouldn't speak her name.

After declaring freedom of speech, and all of that...

I don't know. I don't want to bury myself in that.

So I won't. Not any more.

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-09-2013, 01:25 AM

(09-09-2013, 01:09 AM)raYne Said: Hm... well, I'm glad you were nice about it... but what's really wrong with letting everyone know I liked a certain piece? Shouldn't there at least be a seperate section for that? One to post your own, one to point out roleplays of interest?

Not really. I have been doing my best to look the other way and give you a chance here but anytime I pay attention, you're telling somebody else how something should be or you're promising to cut back on actions you still haven't cut back on.

I opened up a PM from you a little bit ago and it had a music video auto-playing in it. Again. lol Seriously... a PM. Guess what I did? Closed the PM. Yup.

Start employing common sense to scenarios and map out where you think something is going to go before you act. If somebody explains how any aspect of the fed works, large or small, there is no need for you to reply back and challenge the person or scrutinize the day to day operations of the fed. Cam knows how the feedback section is supposed to work because he read the rules/description for this section. When somebody WANTS feedback, they post in this section. When YOU want to let people know you liked their work, there are other ways to go about it such as the like button, the rep feature that connects directly to that post, or even sending a PM. There really isn't a need to create feedback threads for people, especially when those people already HAVE existing feedback requests you could have answered instead of having to create your own thread to make your own review stand out from the pack.

Cool it. I don't know how else to say it if you're not getting what the others are telling you here... cool it. Take a breath every now and then. Read and re-read your posts after you've typed them BUT BEFORE you click submit... start asking yourself "is this post something I am just going to want to delete later?" and then just DON'T post it. Everytime you delete any post, I get little notifications about that. You literally have deleted more posts in the last 2 days than most people even create in a month.

If this continues, I will edit your account so that you are only able to post things on the RP board. I'd really rather not have to do that. So please... you know exactly what I mean when I simply request that you "cool it."

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
Paul Heyman

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-09-2013, 02:30 AM

Rayne.... I have no problem with you praising peoples work without asking, but like Shane said, there's a like button, rep points and there's also this fantastic PM system that believe me, you know how to use it.

This isn't called the Critics section. It's called the Feedback section. You know... for those that WANT Feedback. Not for those that have this overwhelming desire to be the center of the universe and feel the need to give feedback to those that aren't seeking it.

God man. Relax. You're wearing us all out horribly.

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