Theo Pryce
King of Kings

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05-08-2023, 11:23 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen the time has come for the official War Games draft.
Hopefully you all caught the surprise ending to May Day 2 in which King Sidney Grey has replaced Vagabond as Captain. Vagabond will now be eligible for the draft as one of the 18 entrants. Joining him as late additions are Crash Rodriguez, Vita Valenteen, Corey Smith, Doc D'Villr and Mystery Entrant 666.
Because he won the Captains Match, Ned Kaye was given the choice of where he would like to pick in the first round. He could pick anyone from 1 - 6 and he has opted for the FIRST OVERALL pick. Which also means he will then pick last in round 2, first in round 3.
From there I took the suggestion of Charlie Nickles(which pains me to say) and decided to do the rest of the order in reverse of how everyone finished in the Captains Match with the one caveat. While Vagabond would have gotten the 2nd overall pick by virtue of being the first elimination, his replacement will not be slotted into that spot. Instead everyone else will get bumped up a slot. Meaning the official draft order will go as such:
Round 1
Ned Kaye
Dolly Waters
Thunder Knuckles
Angie Vaughn
Sarah Lacklan
Sidney Grey
Round 2
Sidney Grey
Sarah Lacklan
Angie Vaughn
Thunder Knuckles
Dolly Waters
Ned Kaye
Round 3
Ned Kaye
Dolly Waters
Thunder Knuckles
Angie Vaughn
Sarah Lacklan
Sidney Grey
Annnnnnnndddddddddddd with that...NED KAYE...YOU ARE ON THE CLOCK!!!
(Each Captain will be given roughly 6 hours to make a pick, if they do not, I will pick for them based on the list that all Captains have sent me in advance. I will only pick if 6 hours or more have elapsed and a pick has not been made. Ideally I will not have to pop into this thread again until the draft is complete. As soon as someone makes their pick the next person can immediately jump in and make their pick until the draft is over. Good luck everyone)
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Ned Kaye
per cogitabat, per facis
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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05-08-2023, 11:44 AM
The camera cuts to Ned, seated at a small table as his girlfriend, Darcy Ellis looks over a few of the many books and files scattered across the table in front of them, her eyes a bit wide at the sheer mountain of data he'd accumulated.
"So wait," she said, "this used to be your whole shtick?"
"Yup," Ned responded flatly, a little embarrassed of his past.
She side-eyed him as she slowly shoved one of the books off of the table, "Jesus, no wonder they used to call you boring."
"Oh, shush," he rolled his eyes, his arms crossing as she continued.
"I mean it! This is basically what I was doing for The Chameleon project. Just without the same finesse."
"Wait a second," Ned interjected, "what do you mean? These are good notes on people!"
Darcy responded with a suppressed laugh that got Ned chuckling.
"Oh, fuck off."
As the two giggled lightly as Theo Pryce's voice was heard from off screen.
"Are you two finished with... whatever this is or is Ned's first draft pick blue balls?"
Darcy held her hands up, absolving herself of blame wordlessly as Ned gave a glare off screen.
"We're done, Theo. Besides, I already have my first pick."
He clapped his hands together, rubbing them together a bit for some friction as he exhaled lightly.
"Here's an interesting fact about me: my loyalty is as deeply earned as my ire. I have a tough time always giving someone a second chance or the benefit of the doubt, especially when they repeatedly show disinterest in following through. But... I can acknowledge that I place my standards high and sometimes it's worth it to give someone an opportunity that they haven't, as well as work with someone who is instrumental to this company's past. Someone capable of seeing the bigger picture."
"It is with this desire to push myself and those around me that I make my first choice. Your round one, pick one for War Games 2023 is..."
Darcy leans in, clearly curious of what Ned is about to say, but having an idea of who it likely will be.
"Mark Flynn."
Darcy's jaw drops as she shoves Ned's arm slightly, doing a bad impression of a whisper as she gets close to Ned's ear.
"That guy's a complete asshole! Why would you even bother?"
Ned leaned away slightly, trying to get some space between his ear and her failed whispers, although smiling slightly at her lack of volume control.
"Trust me, I have a lot of the same issues as you and I'm skeptical, but I have it on good authority that he can be a lot better than what he has been. He wants to be a "good guy?" Then I'll put him to the goddamn test."
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Angelica Vaughn (05-08-2023), Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Thaddeus Duke (05-08-2023), Theo Pryce (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
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Atticus Gold (05-08-2023)
Dolly Waters

XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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05-08-2023, 12:32 PM
Corey Smith.
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Angelica Vaughn (05-08-2023), Corey Smith (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Thaddeus Duke (05-08-2023), Theo Pryce (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
Thunder Knuckles™
A No Good Bastard
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05-08-2023, 12:35 PM
TK and Jimmy are seen dressed in suits.
My first-round draft pick is Bobb-
Jimmy quickly covers TK's mouth.
TK's number one draft pick is Doc!
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Angelica Vaughn (05-08-2023), Atticus Gold (05-08-2023), Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Mark Flynn (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Thaddeus Duke (05-08-2023), Theo Pryce (05-08-2023)
Angelica Vaughn
The One True 5'11 Vaughnemous One!
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05-08-2023, 01:03 PM
Vancouver, Canda
Near Angelica Vaughn’s high school
The crowds were abuzz, and oooooh boy, were they roaring! The totes and supes unofficial lookalike to the XWF Commissioner came on to the makeshift stage. It was, obvs, none other than poor Jacuinde, probs the most underappreciated XWF employee of literally all the times, who had been forced to fly in all the way from the Deep South of the United States of America. He looked… tired. And was clasping a cuppa coffee in one hand and a piece of paper in the next as he was ready to read his speech. In the back of the podium stood Angelica Vaughn and her agent, ready to applaud once the pick was declared.
Jacuinde: “And with the fourth… Wait… Ummmm, let me see if I read this correctly… To announce the fourth overall pick in the XWF War Games Draft, and first selection of the Angelica Vaughn Kitty Kaiju Team, it is my honor to introduce… The AGENT? Of Angelica Vaughn, Edith Seybold. … you guys really made me go on a nine hour airplane ride to say this in front of like 85 people? IT IS MY SON’S BIRTHDAY!!!”
A sad story, to be sure, but it would only get better. Edith stepped up to the microphone and cleared her throat.
Edith: "Thank you, Jacuinde, and happy birthday to your lovely son! Here to announce the first pick of the Kitty Kaiju’s, are the Kappa Alpha Tau’s, all the way from San Antonio, Texas!"
Jacuinde: But…? I thought you were going to announce the pick??”
We feel your pain, Jacuinde, but your son didn’t even think of you when he got his brand new PSVR2, courtesy of the Kitty Café Franchise earlier this morning. Anyhoo, Sandra, Pamela, Angela and Rita went up on stage, cheerleader outfits and pompoms and all, to FINALLY announce the fourth overall pick.
The following 8 users Like Angelica Vaughn's post:8 users Like Angelica Vaughn's post
Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Mark Flynn (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Theo Pryce (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023), Vita Frickin Valenteen (05-08-2023)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
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05-08-2023, 01:05 PM
Noah Jackson
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Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Mark Flynn (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Theo Pryce (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023), Vita Frickin Valenteen (05-08-2023)
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05-08-2023, 01:17 PM
Cameras inside the residence of The “Lady” King of The XWF find Sidney Grey soaking in a huge tub of bubbles with cucumber slices over her eyes as her Executive Assistant, Dani Chow scrutinizes the members still eligible for the draft. As the picks go down and Sid is put on the clock, Dani moves quickly to confer with her employer who has the last pick of Round 1 and the first pick of Round 2.
After a few moments, Dani nods dutifully and makes the announcement for The King…
“Ladies and Gentlemen, your King selects, from First Round; RUBY!”
Almost immediately, the two are called from XWF headquarters and quickly reminded that Ruby is not in the draft. After a short conference between Sid and Dani, the pick is amended.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, your King selects, from First Round; RUBY SUGAR DADDY…CENTURION.”
From inside the hot tub, Sid can be heard snorting in amusement. Dani turns her attention back to the draft, announcing Sid’s second pick.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, your King selects, from Second Round; JAY OMEGA!”
Dani smiles with a slight blush as Grey’s picks are complete.
The following 5 users Like CTN's post:5 users Like CTN's post
Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Mark Flynn (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
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05-08-2023, 01:18 PM
Bobby Bourbon
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Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Mark Flynn (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Lacklan's post!1 user Hates Lacklan's post
Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
Angelica Vaughn
The One True 5'11 Vaughnemous One!
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05-08-2023, 01:34 PM
As they are back up on the clock, the Kappa Alpha Tau’s make their way back to the podium, ready to announce the second round pick. Jacuinde, in shambles, is waiting for his Uber ride to the airport, hoping to spend some time with his family before the day is over.
Rita takes the mic, and begins the selection speech.
Rita: “With the ninth overall pick, in the second round of the XWF War Games Draft, the Kitty Kaijus select…
The Uni Champ at ninth overall?? Someone call the Just Us League, because we’ve just witnessed a ROBBERY! GOOOOOOOoooooOOOOO Kitty Kaijus!
The following 6 users Like Angelica Vaughn's post:6 users Like Angelica Vaughn's post
Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), The Blue Tango (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
Thunder Knuckles™
A No Good Bastard
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05-08-2023, 01:40 PM
TK and Jimmy are back on your screens and TK looks annoyed.
Jimmy nudges TK who shakes his head no.
No. You cost me Bourbs, Jimmy, you pick it.
Jimmy smiles because this is probably the most important job he's ever done.
Well-a, fine. Ladies and Gentlemen, TK's second pick of the War Games Draft is the Mystery Entrant.
TK throws up his hands.
The following 4 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:4 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post
Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023)
Dolly Waters

XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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05-08-2023, 01:53 PM
Dolly shuffles her tarot deck
…Divine. Please show me…
A card flips out:
The six hundredth sixty sixth Mystery
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Ned Kaye
per cogitabat, per facis
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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05-08-2023, 02:06 PM
Ned is looking over a list of names as Darcy appears about as exasperated as ever.
"Well, I'l be honest, I don't know that I expected any of THAT!" She said, trying to make sense of the various draft picks.
Ned gave a sly smile, shrugging somewhat, "I like to think that when the person leading the pack makes bold moves, you get even bolder responses."
"Oh yeah," she scoffed at him, "is that what you are now? Bold?"
"I would say so," Ned responded shortly before Theo spoke once again, out of frame.
"The boldest thing you do is get medium instead of mild, Ned."
Darcy began laughing, covering her mouth as she retreated out of frame, leaving Ned with a fairly unamused look on his face.
"Anyways, my next two picks come from somewhere similar to my first. To look at someone from fresh eyes and try to extend a better chance to them, despite our differences. I was told to keep my eyes peeled on certain individuals and I find that some rivals are best by your side more often than they are across from you. On that note-"
"Ned, you don't have to make it into a whole monologue," Darcy interjected, "you can just get to the point."
Ned's face turned to a bemused confusion as she cut him.
"I like explaining my thought process! I think that's fair!" He responded.
"Well, you're all about trying something new right now, so what about brevity?" She stuck her tongue out afterwards as Ned gave her a fake laugh.
"Ha. Ha."
She gave him a peck on the check as he gave a small smirk, responding to Theo's silent disapproval off screen.
"For my final two picks I choose.."
"Isaiah King and Crash Rodriguez."
"It's time to make our mark gentlemen. It's time to shine."
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Dolly Waters (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
Dolly Waters

XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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05-08-2023, 02:27 PM
The tarot deck shuffles again…
Another card flips…
Dolly’s face lights up
Are you REALLY picking the team with tarot-
It’s Dionysus!
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Corey Smith (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023)
Thunder Knuckles™
A No Good Bastard
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05-08-2023, 02:28 PM
TK's third and final pick is Mad Dog Mark Wright.
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Angelica Vaughn
The One True 5'11 Vaughnemous One!
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05-08-2023, 03:31 PM
’t Was the eighth of May,
beware ye, beware ye, those who may…
Have expected more than a half-assed rhyme out of this.
It’s the XWF Draft, and like any draft, overthinking it is lethal!
Angelica Vaughn and Edith Seybold stood on the back of the podium, looking pretty pleased already, having drafted both Vita Valenteen, vamp chick extraordinaire who suspiciously stayed away from silverware other than the XWF Tag Team Titles, and the Lion Kid himself, who got his teeth and claws on all of the wins in sight.
Seemed like a recipe for success, but as any great bar tender knows…
The mixer, aka the Captain, decides where the drink goes.
The first spirit, aka Vita Valenteen, decides what flavor it’ll take. But the second liquor in the maelstrom decides how hard it’ll hit… and Raion Kido is a hard hitter…
But none of it matters unless you get the herbs and spices right. And that’s exactly what would turn this last pick into the perfect overall cocktail off Kitty Kaiju Destruction.
Angelica Vaughn herself was up on the podium to declare her last pick.
”My friends, my citizens, my… Candaians! Last year I was but a humble meat clown, but… No wait, scratch that. It makes it seem like I was embarrassed to be a part of such a great group of competitors. I was not, and I am not, and I will never be. All I’m saying is that this year I have a chance to show the world the kind of leader I am. And I’m not doing this as some kind of vanity project, I am doing this to show that we’re all stronger together. I have always believed in that. And therefore, to announce the last pick of who will make the Kitty Kaiju’s GREAT!... is poetry laureate Walter Veidt. My I have a big hand? AND NO THAT WAS NOT A RHETORICAL QUESTION."
Up upon the stage stepped a small man, who was nevertheless broad of chest (IT WAS NOT JACUINDE) in front of the microphone, his voice boomed across the deserted plains. This is what he said:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart.
Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Welcome to the future War Game Champ, mister Land of...
That makes the KITTY KAIJUs complete!
Angelica "Five Foot Eleven" Vaughn
Vita "Freakin' Vamp" Valenteen
Raion "Not From Detroit" Kido
Mister "Not Wizard of " Oz "at least I don't think it's meant to be taken literally"
After dozens of mock drafts, finally the process has come to and end, and we can definitely say:
Bring on War Games!
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Ned Kaye (05-08-2023), Peter Principle (05-08-2023), Thunder Knuckles™ (05-08-2023)
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05-08-2023, 03:33 PM
Lexi Gold
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05-08-2023, 03:54 PM
Cameras inside the residence of The “Lady” King of The XWF find the Executive Assistant of Sidney Grey, Dani Chow as she scrubs the empty hot tub once occupied by her employer. Dani realizes that the final picks have been made, and she turns around quickly, grabbing a prepared statement.
“Vagabond, Miss Grey regret she not here to welcome you. Also, Miss Grey say not be mad you pick last…because Miss Grey not pick you at all!”
Dani looks around, making sure that Sid is out of earshot as she turns back to the camera, removing her glasses as she drops all pretenses of her offensive façade.
“Vagabond, we suggest that you use this embarrassment as motivation…not just for the sake of your own dignity, but for the glory of your KING!”
Dani puts her glasses back on, winking into the camera.
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