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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Bad Medicine RP Boards 2022
Burning A Way
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Ned Kaye Offline
per cogitabat, per facis

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-26-2022, 08:31 PM

Notorious No More 
Pt. 7
Burning A Way

Previous NNM Entries

Now, there is a fire in me
A fire that burns

November 19th, 2022

4:57 pm

“Why?” Ned asked, fearing the answer, but requiring it regardless. He had never had a friend do something like this before. It was one thing to help hurt him but hurting somewhat unrelated to all of it sickened Ned to a degree he struggled to define on a mental level. It was a raw, unfiltered disgust coursed through his body.

“Do you know what they call psychiatrists whose biggest achievement is getting used by some crazy guy to avoid a mental health wellness check, Ned? Well, it's not hire-able!” Urias said, swallowing his fear as he leaned forward, doing his best to stand up for himself, “You embarrassed me and then treated me like garbage throughout all of the Avalanche stuff and when you didn't need me anymore, you didn't even bother to leave a text! I thought we were friends, Ned!”

“I kept you close to me because I knew you'd at least stand up for my interests! At least, I thought that, but now you'll break God knows how many laws just to get back at me?!”

“Get back at you? This is why I took this job to begin with, Ned, because you have this complex that everything and everyone is against you when it's just you. You broke my trust when I thought we were pals! You hurt me! You abandoned me like I was nothing! Don't you pin this all on me because I got the message you sent.”

Ned stared at his feet, feeling the burning reality of most of Urias's claims, but retorted regardless.

“That doesn't mean you just get to break the law or go off getting other people involved. You have a problem with me? Fine, I earned it, but you should have left Darcy out of this.”

“It wasn't my choice...” Urias sighed, avoiding Ned's gaze as he finally looked upward, “it was-”

“Doug's, right?” Ned answered for him, causing Urias to freeze up at Ned's deduction.

“It wasn't that hard to figure out, I'd had my suspicions for a while. Plus, it helped his name was on the documents you dropped. But none of that changes the fact that you knew he was up to some awful behavior, and you stuck by him regardless. You did make a choice, Urias, and like all of us, you're gonna live with it. Now get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see or hear you ever again, but you should be a safe distance away from what I'm about to do.”

“Wh-wh-what's that?” Urias stammered as Ned stepped past him, not even turning to answer.

I'm going to burn this place to the ground.”

And with that, Ned made his way to the boiler room as Pheelanruff sat for a moment, feeling the guilt for his actions before heading towards the exit as instructed.

“I was so close!” Douglas crushed the laptop beneath his foot even further, doing his best to make it unrecognizable through the sheer force of his heel, “It was going to make me millions and then all of these years wouldn't have been a waste, but I just had to throw you a bone, didn't I, Darcy?”

“Throw me a bone?” Darcy shook her head. Certainly, she was frightened by his outburst, but a righteous sure of anger caused her to speak up, “You fucking kidnapped me as bait for somebody else! We were the only people apart of this project who treated each other like human being instead of specimens and now apparently chaining me to a terminal is a favor?! Fuck off, Doug! You're not some victim in this! There were a million more ways to do this, and you chose to be a gigantic prick and do it the easy way!”

Donohue turned away for a moment, her words striking something within him, but it only causing him more rage as he grabbed the intercom microphone and tossed it towards her, nearly colliding with her. His next words were eerily calm sounding despite his demeanor.

“You tell him to get back in the chamber with the mask on. Now.”

Darcy gulped before leaning slightly closer towards him and responding as bravely as she could.

“Or what?”

The words of Dante Cormack rung inside of Douglas's head.

We must make these difficult choices. Otherwise, no one else shall.

He looked down, tearfully, not wanting to do what he knew he had to. He whimpered slightly as he tried to build himself up to it. Darcy was right. They were friends. Hell, he liked her company, but still. He needed that money. He thought of the life of squalor his ancestors would have to live in if he couldn't find the strength to do what was needed now. He thought of the years he had wasted if he backed out at this moment. And like a wave of serenity, he found the strength to stand and walked towards the main desk he had, pulling a pistol out of it and pointing it directly at Darcy.

“Or... or I am going to put a bullet in your head. That's what.”

Darcy's eyes widened in disbelief, she began to speak, trying to reason with him, but he cut her off before the first syllable.

“He can find you whole or with a hole between your eyes, the choice is yours. Now, are you gonna tell him to get back in the chamber?”

She silently nodded, unsure what else she really could do at this point. Relieved, Douglas picked up the small radio on his belt and spoke into it, beginning to breathe more calmly now.

“Urias, we're almost done. As soon as we get 100%, I want you to get out of here, okay? We've almost got everything we need to sell the core data for more than we've ever seen before our lives,” he chuckled somewhat, the long journey almost over. But no answer came over the radio. Several seconds passed as Doug lifted it towards his lips once more, the pistol in his other hand.

“Urias, are yo-”

Ned tackled Douglas to the ground, Donohue managing to fire a shot into the ceiling as the contact was made. Having actual experience in combat, Kaye kept the weapon hand pinned as he delivered a few elbow blows to Doug's head, knocking the man out swiftly. He grabbed the gun out from Donohue's unconscious grip and put it away safely, making sure to put the safety on make another change or two as Darcy called out from the other side of the room.

“Jesus Christ, am I happy to see you, Ned,” she said, smiling a bit, though primarily just feeling exhausted by the entire situation, “Mind uncuffing me?”

“Trust me, the feeling is mutual,” Ned answered with a slight smirk to try and lighten the mood, patting Doug's pockets until he found a few keys, quickly putting the pistol away in the back of his pants as he freed Darcy, earning himself a tight hug from his friend, returning it with equal force.

“Let's stick to watching horror movies instead of starring in them.”

“Agreed, now let's get a move on, we don't have much time,” Ned directed as he lifted Doug's comatose body over his shoulder.

“Why don't we have much time?” Darcy asked, stretching somewhat.

“Well, the place is about to blow, so we really oughta hurry.”

“Blow?” She tilted her head, only processing what he said after a second thought, “WAIT LIKE BLOW UP?!”

“Yeah, like that,” Ned confirmed, heading towards the doorway, “Probably should really hurry now.”

They rushed out of the room, Darcy grabbing the cuffs and key to restrain Douglas's hands like he had her own. Ned was mostly adept at orienting them towards the exit, but the new addition to the HQ made things a little more complex and carrying Donohue didn't help in the slightest.

“So, what was this all about?” Darcy asked as they finally started to approach more familiar territory.

“Well, I didn't mention this, but before War Games, your sister's medicine for the experimental treatment go-”

“Got intercepted and you grabbed it for her, I know.”

“...You knew?”

“Well, yeah, Ned, I'm not somebody who stops existing just because you aren't in the room. Plus, I like to know this stuff.”

Ned nodded, coming to terms with the revelation that she was aware of situation to some degree, “You see, my team got caught up in a simulation thing like we did before the Bobby Bourbon match. It's pretty obvious now that this was all Doug's doing. He was trying to get a copy of The Chameleon data that wasn't all built around my specifications because the feds took the main data away. It looks like he was trying to rebuild a mental profile with some help.”

“Help? Like who?”

“I don't want to talk about it.”

Darcy shrugged as they finally made it to the entrance, walking into the simulation chamber that led outside. Finally, things were looking up.

That's when the boiler room exploded.

Ned, Doug, and Darcy were flung across the room, the collision throwing all of them off, except for Doug who was awakened by the blast. Seeing the gun slide away from Ned, he scrambled for it, point it at Darcy as she was incapacitated and pulled the trigger.


Ned stood up. His hand clutched the ammo clip he had preemptively removed tightly as he stared daggers into Douglas Donohue, the flames beginning to encompass the chamber more fully.

“Leave, Darce,” Ned spoke, “Now.”

Ellis didn't argue as the two men stared at each other, slightly bloodied by the explosion. The chamber, malfunctioning began to attempt to reconstruct the snowstorm that Ned had been caught in in March 2020. He didn't say a word as he approached Douglas, his gaze as cold as the artificial snow that burned around them.

“Well, you Die Hard'd me, I'll give you th-,” Ned's fist smashed against his face, interrupting his speech. It was nothing like the elbows Ned deployed earlier. Sure, he was angry before, but this was a genuine hit. Ned was trying to hurt him. He tried to reason.

“Please, I-”

Kaye's foot knocked the wind out of him, causing Doug to crumple to the ground, hands restrained fully. Ned positioned himself over Donohue and began choking him, lost in a deep rage over what he tried to pull, tossing the clip aside. He watched as the color seemed to drain from Doug's face with every passing second. Ned had a decision to make. A person to choose to be. The simulation around them shifted to the night he burned all his alcohol before the match with Robert Main. He looked up and saw the flames mix with the real ones the building was producing.

Someone has to make the hard choices, Ned thought.

Darcy stood outside, watching the building burning brightly with the snow behind it, the darkness of the night broken by the flames. She was unsure if Ned was going to come out of there, but she hoped for the best regardless. Suddenly, she saw a silhouette step from the burning building, dragging behind him the body of Douglas Donohue. Doug didn't move for a moment, coughing and sputtering breath as he was finally free of the flames. Ned tossed him to the side, his hands shaking in anger as he watched the man writhe in pain. Darcy walked over to Kaye, breathing heavily as she wiped some blood from her face.

“You saved him,” she said, somewhat surprised given the circumstances.

“Yeah,” Ned replied flatly. 

“...He might be a son of a bitch, but that doesn't justify murder. He did a lot of fucked up things and put your life at risk as well as your sis's. But that can't be what we do. Justify bad actions because other people have made them. Eventually, somebody has to make the right choice.”

She nodded, sitting beside him as they waited for the authorities to pick up Donohue and watched Avalanche HQ burn to the ground, enjoying the warmth of each other and the flames.


“It's a concept we often pretend that we don't have. We talk about fate or factors that push us towards certain outcomes and, yes, those absolutely exist, but often times are unwillingness to believe in free will comes by way of our unwillingness to change. And changing is a choice. Everybody thinks I wake up every morning and put on some good guy shirt that makes me the token nice lad, but the truth is that it's difficult as hell to be the good guy. That's why I've failed at it before, it's why I'll stumble in the future. But wanting to be a hero or good isn't about perfection, it never has been. It's getting up and constantly deciding to try to better yourself and your actions for the benefit of others, not just yourself. It's why Charlie has a million excuses for why he is the way he is and no solutions. It is a choice. We are not all afforded the same tools and possibilities and realities, frankly, but we are all given the choice of how we react and adapt to the world given to us and how we wish to give it to the next person in line. That's true of championships, of family, of the world we live in and the fact of the matter is that Charlie Nickles does not give a damn about who comes after him, all he cares about is now and himself and it is an empty way to live.”

“And it's the way he has chosen.”

“I might think Charlie is a giant piece of shit whose entire schtick is trying to get under other people's skin while he remains blissfully in a state of dealing out shit he can't take, but the truth is that I really pity him. He has family he chooses not to value. A belt he chooses to honor. A company he decides to try and put beneath him as far as possible. A historic television brand he couldn't give one less of a fuck trying to do right by. He has so much and he appreciates so little. That's not a big bad champion, that's just sad. A tragedy in two words: Charlie Nickles. Wanna know something, Nickles? I already know you're going to be as underhanded and slimy and shitty to try and get one over on me which is why I've chosen to do the exact opposite. I don't know what you've said about me. I don't care. They're the nonsensical ramblings of a fool whose only love is him with a mask on his face. You're so dedicated to avoiding responsibility for your actions that you pawn it off to some supernatural force even when you're doing good.”

“You've always chosen an easy way over an honorable way. It's why you'll never understand why I cashed in without it being some big surprise. For you, a case is supposed to be a free championship. Easy. Simple. Hell, we both know the reason you thought I was a good match for your first defense is because you didn't think you'd have to try very hard. I hope for your sake tomorrow, that you try your damnedest because I'd prefer to not completely embarrass you. The Supercontinental Title is a symbol of unity. Of a champion who will take any challenge, any day, any how. You don't even want to challenge yourself to be a crappy Dad instead of a supremely shit one. You're not a champion, not in mindset and sure as hell not in attitude and I'm not saying anything we all don't already know, but I am promising something.”

“That when I take that belt off of you, you're going to see what it means to embody an ideal and not just some opportunistic need to win. When I pin or submit or knock your ass out, you are going to get up and realize the shadow you are standing in is massive and your place in this title's lineage ever so minuscule. I promise to beat the absolute hell out of you without having to go down to your level because I do not need to. You give yourself crutches and consider it strength because all you want is glory and gold and a nice little word or two before your name, but you've chosen a dead end path that runs into my boot and I'm not going anywhere. You can continue playing your games or trying to pull whatever sleight of hand makes people think you are more capable than you are, but I'm not fooled, Charlie. I've walked in a ton of shoes and I've been down a similar path to you, yet I don't let my mistakes define who I am, it's a decision that passes by me and I am never going to emulate your miserable, lonely, isolated existence. I have people who care about me and love me for who I am and you have shoved every last bit of that away for a shiny fucking belt. And it's not even one you're going to hold for very long.”

“Just make sure that you come to terms with giving that title up at Bad Medicine because that choice is no longer yours to make.”

Ned knocked on the door, standing near Darcy as he anxiously awaited the door to be answered. A billion thoughts seemed to rush through his head at once as he nervously tapped his foot.

“Maybe this was a bad idea,” He uttered, his hands shaking as he tried to focus on his breathing, “We can always come back at a different ti-”

“Ned,” Darcy said, placing a hand on his shoulder to reassure him, “You're gonna be fine, okay? You can do this.”

He didn't believe her, but he knew she wasn't going to lie to him, so he settled down, watching as the door slowly creaked open and his mother poked her head out, overjoyed to see him, tears beginning to fill her eyes.

“Hey, Mom,” The words left Ned's lips in a shaky manner as he tried his best to think of something to say, “I had a match coming up and I just-”

Without a word, she gave him a big, crying somewhat as Ned began to do the same.

“It's been a while, kiddo.”

“Yeah, yeah it has...”

Ned smiled, happy to finally start taking a few steps towards reconnecting with what made him Ned Kaye. Darcy watched, smiling softly at the reunion of the two as the hug broke, Mrs. Kaye wiping her eyes somewhat.

“Would you and your friend like to come in for a bit?”

The two nodded, following Mrs. Kaye into the house for a long overdue conversation.

"You can't run from yourself."
[Image: riNkNZw.png]
Wins | Losses | Draws
59 | 37 | 4

Indie Darling Eternal

#33 on The XWF Top 50(2021)
1x Tag Team Champion[with Isaiah King](Current)
2x [Image: CbviDqC.png] (Former)
1x X-Treme Champion(Former)
The Final Supercontinental Champion
1x Television Champion(Former)
Star of the Month - April 2019 | March 2021 | December 2022
RP of the Month - March 2021 (Void of the Mind)
Winner - Leap Of Faith Rafter Match 2019
1x 24/7 Briefcase Holder
Winner - War Games 2023(With Mark Flynn, Isaiah King, & Crash Rodriguez as G00D-B01)

All Time Career(Interfed)
Wins | Losses | Draws
61 | 39 | 4
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