The cameras open up on the prestigious grounds of Buckingham Palace, cameras panning endless rows of seats lined up across the grass of the iconic building. Several sections of the crowd are dressed all in white, clapping politely from underneath their wide brimmed hats while sipping lemonade or something like that. The camera pans around to the other side of the seating set up where raucous hooligans spill beers across each others shoulders and practicaly brawl to get in front of the camera and show of their tee shirts and handmade signs of support.
The camera pans away from the British fans entirely and over to a small, private box built at the far side of the ring. Inside sit members of the Royal Family including the stunning as always Kate and Meghan who chat excitedly with each other as Prince Harry quenches his thirst with a drink from his Tony Santos licensed sippy cup. Several Palace Guard are stationed around the box, stoic as always in the service of her majesty the Queen, who is conspicuously absent from this entire affair. With the royals, the Wimbledon-types and the hooligans surrounding three sides of the ring an elaborate stage is built on the fourth (closest to Buckingham Palace itself) with a narrow rampway leading down to the ring. Above the stage is a large X-tron and several expensive lighting and pyrotechnic rigs, along with several large high powered speakers. The X-tron flashes images and quick highlights promoting the nights matches, including the iconic "rafter match".
There are four large pillars built around the outside of the ring, made of scaffolding roughly eighty feet high. All four pillars can be climbed straight up, but there are various wooden platforms along the way that extend out above the ring. Each wooden platofrm has a series of zip lines and tight ropes that run up, down and across to other wooden platforms on the other pillars. Nestled within the chaotic maze of crossing wires are three briefcases that hang above the center of the ring. The first is thirty feet above the ground, the second is sixty feet above the ground, and the third is the full eighty feet of the steel pillars.
After panning across the entirety of the structure the camera cuts over to ringside and the commentary teams table. On the left sits former XWF star and longtime professional wrestling icon, Heather Halliwell-Lasiewicz, looking flawless from her play by play seat and smiling into the lens alongside her color commentator Pip Collins, who's just Pip Collins and not worth much more than that to be honest.
HEATHER HALLIWELL-LASIEWICZ: Hello XWF fans, and WELCOME to Buckingham Palace in London, England! We continue our U.K. tour and tonight we proudly present... LEAP OF FAITH!
PIP COLLINS: We've got an incredible show tonight, starting with the "Drezdin Open" and moving to the in ring returns of Bigg Rigg, Famine of the Vile and Roxy Nova! What do these former stars have to offer after years away from the XWF ring?
HHL: Well Pip, I know all three of them personally and they were all top names in this company in their times. If ANY of them are able to bring a shred of their former selves to the ring tonight, we're all in for a treat.
PC: After that we've got Griffin MacAlister and Vita Valenteen returning to action and each looking to make a statement in the title standings, followed by two veterans whos XWF careers span more than 15 years! Centurion and Fuzz will settle their grudge in a submission only match that many old school fans believe could steal the show!
Heather nods in agreement, knowing Centurion and Fuzz as well as she knows the other legendary names on the card, but continuing her rundown.
HHL: Then it's all about the gold as Bobbi London defends against Ashley Ackles, and Sarah Lacklan takes on the foul mouthed Noah Jackson who somehow, SOMEHOW, has found a way to become a fan favorite!
PC: We're in the U.K. Heather, cunt isn't considered that bad here. Tony Santos will defend his Hart title against the returning Hanari Carnes and Lux will put her Television title on the line against Tri- I'm sorry, THE Tristan Slater.
HHL: Bill Blakk and MDK get a shot at the tag team champions, Drew Archyle and James Raven, while rookie Steve Justice will try and pull off an upset and take the Xtreme title from Tommy Wish!
Pip Collins points above their heads to the rafter match structure, a grin on his face.
PC: In tonights featured bout, six superstars will put their bodies on the line to climb up and grab a 24/7 case and guarantee themselves a shot at the Universal champion at a time and place of their choosing... will it be Ned Kaye, Big D, or Brian Storm that catapult their young careers to the next level... or can established stars Robbie Bourbon, Donovan Blackwater or Mastermind hold off the onslaught and recapture some former glory?
HHL: Finally, in the most anticipated main event in recent memory, Robert Main takes on Chris Page in a death match with the Universal title up for grabs! These two have kicked off a blood feud that's become a war between the XWF roster and its invaders, and tonight the two generals look to settle matters!
Pip and Heather look exhausted after running down the massive card, but look at each other with pure excitement as the opening riffs of "Like A Prayer" by Madonna starts to play and the British fans start to cheer slightly.
HHL: It looks like the Drezdin Open is about to get going! Leap of Faith is underway, folks!
A black Jeep, driven by John Lauriniaits, appears on the Buckingham Palace grounds, slowly driving forward as we see Barney Green standing in the back waving the Irish Flag for a cheap U.K. pop. The jeep stops and Green leaps out of it. He waves the flag one last time and places it back into the Jeep. He walks down the ramp and high fives a couple fans. He enters the ring and waits in the corner as the music fades.
The lights around the ring dim and Mick Ashcroft enters the top of the entry ramp as an eerie hush, falls over the crowd. Slowly torches ignite; one after another, all along the ramp and path leading to the ring and Mick begins his journey. His eyes; now endless pools of obsidian, are locked straight ahead and he is unflinching. Walking with a smooth, steady pace, he almost seems to glide across the floor as he makes his way to the squared circle. Where he climbs the steel steps, enters the ring and then, turns his gaze outward, towards the audience. A smirk sliding into place across his face, he watches in amusement as all the torches suddenly flare up; all at once, burning more wildly and brighter than what could ever be achieved normally and the crowd gasps. Their shock appears to please him and as the lights return to normal, Mick takes his place within the ring and awaits his remaining opponents. That clever yet mocking, satisfied smirk never leaving his face, not even for a moment.
The lights around the ring and Micks torches go completely dark for a minute, a single circular spotlight shines down from the rafter structure to the ring where StigMartyr suddenly stands basking in the light and the mixed crowd reaction before taunting to the crowd and taking to his corner.
PC: This guy is strange. No idea where he just came from.
Drezdin doesn't even have an entrance because Drezdin doesn't need an entrance. Instead he just appears out of thin air in the middle of the ring, or at least that's how it looked with the TV editing. The four competitors begin to stare each other down, ready to get this 50k battle underway when suddenly...
The lights go out again and a spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. Two men in marching band uniforms brandishing herald trumpets stand tall. After a few moments, they bring their horns to their lips and play a rousing fanfare.
As they end, "God Save the Queen" plays across the P.A. as the lights come on and four large men walk out from behind the curtain, a massive palanquin on their shoulders. Sarah Lacklan sits on the dais of red pillows and drapes, waving to the crowd and brandishing her Billion $$$ smile as they make their way down the ramp.
HHL: Lacklan is entering the Drezdin Open?!
PC: It looks like it! The Queen of the XWF wants that 50k!
HHL: I don't blame her, that would buy a lot of shoes.
Sarah reaches the ring and makes her way through the ropes, looking for a microphone to address the XWF fans when suddenly Drezdin rushes her and hits a powerful clothesline! The referee calls for the bell and we're officially underway!
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
The bell rings and the Drezdin $50,000 Invitational is underway! By random determination, it was decided that Drezdin and Mick Ashcroft are starting things off, while Sarah Lacklan, Barney Green, and StigMartyr wait on the outside. Drezdin and Mick quickly lock up, but the big man Drezdin gains a quick advantage, muscling Mick into a scoop slam followed by a big time legdrop! Drezdin goes for the cover already!
Mick kicks out quickly, no way he's gonna let this end so soon. Drezdin picks Mick up, but Mick counters into a sit out jawbreaker before rolling to a standing position where StigMartyr hits the hot tag! Mick turns around, looking pissed and he starts leering at the goth newcomer. StigMartyr fishes around in his trunks and pulls out....some garlic?! Mick reels and hisses, and StigMartyr starts to laugh....until, that is, Mick gives up the ghost and just slaps the garlic out of his hand. The newcomer looks mystified and Mick kicks him in the stomach and tosses him at Drezdin!
Drezdin takes hold of StigMartyr and lifts him up for a huge powerbomb, which connects so hard it shakes the ring!
But, just then, the fans start to point to something in the sky. Sarah looks on expectantly as a drone from Amazon alights itself just outside the ring. What the hell is this?! She jumps down and grabs hold of the package the drone dropped off for her, feverishly unwrapping it. It's....SHOES! Sarah's already spent the money! She hoists some expensive looking pumps aloft and sits on the ring apron to try them on!
Noticing this, Drezdin points at her and smirks. Tossing StigMartyr aside, he run at Sarah. Sarah is none the wiser, she's too distracted by her new acquisition! Drezdin hits a baseball slide dropkick that knocks Sarah off the apron! She takes a tumble, and when she gets up.....
Sarah shoots Drezdin the death glare to end all death glares! She lunges into the ring, but the ref intervenes because she's not the legal participant! Meanwhile, Barney hits a blind tag on StigMartyr and enters the fray. He sneaks up on Drezdin and wraps him up from behind, nailing him with a german suplex. Not the most technical looking suplex in the world, but it gets the job done! Barney stays on the attack, splashing Drezdin and rubbing a forearm across his face as he pins him!
Barney pulls Drezdin up and tosses him into the corner, splashing him again and then beal tossing him back into the middle of the ring. Barney starts to go to the top rope, but Mick tags himself in by tossing Barney off the top! Barney crashes and burns to the floor and Mick instead goes up high, taking flight with a big time elbow drop on Drezdin! He covers!
Mick mounts Drezdin and starts lighting him up with a flurry of punches, and Drezdin is finally able to throw him off and go to the corner to recharge his batteries, where he sees only Lacklan, who is still livid about her shoe! When Drezdin goes to tag her in, she tags, and then slaps Drezdin in the face and pulls his throat down over the top rope! Sarah then gets in the ring, and Mick immediately blindsides her with a clothesline. Sarah gets up fast and ducks another clothesline attempt, turning the momentum on Mick with a kick to the midsection and a sit out face buster! Sarah gets some distance, waiting for Mick to rouse, but StigMarty enters the ring illegally, getting the jump on Sarah and dropkicking her in the back! She falls forward as the ref goes to chastise the rookie, and Sarah looks pissed! She gets up and runs at StigMartyr, lighting him up with a big chop that echoes into the stands! He crumples and she follows that up with a sick DDT. But it was just enough of a distraction for Mick to get back on on the action and roll Sarah up with a small package.
HHL: Sarah breaks the roll up!
Mick goes for another breather and tags Barney back in, who seems to have recovered from his fall. But, we see yet another drone hovering overhead now! Sarah looks up at it and shakes her head as if to say, “this one isn't me”. The drone drops down in the middle of the ring and Drezdin gets in the ring, signaling that he's claiming the package! The ref makes a move to intervene, but Drez assures him he's just getting the package, and boy is it a loooooong package. The drone leaves it behind and flies away and Sarah and Barney start fighting. Barney locks up with Sarah, but Sarah shoots behind him, kicking him brutally in the side. Barney wheels around only to eat another kick from Sarah, and then an uppercut! Sarah then goes to synch in what looks like an arm bar, but Barney fights her off and throws her into the middle of the ring where Drezdin is opening his package. He gets it open and.....IT'S AN ENORMOUS DILDO WITH BARNEY GREEN'S NAME ON IT! Sarah's eyes go wide at the sight of it, and Drezdin laughs, pointing at Barney's name. Even Mick has a laugh on the outside, but Barney looks none too pleased! He lunges at Drezdin, who counters by smacking him in the face with the dildo! It wobbles and undulates as it hits in a, well, rather uncomfortable way, but it gets the job done!
Now, the ref takes control again and forces Drezdin out! Barney recovers from the dildo shot and hits a tag on Mick, who again goes in to face Sarah. Sarah and Mick circle each other and on the outside Drezdin holds up the massive shlong to immense cheers from the crowd!
Meanwhile, Mick goes in for a forearm strike on Sarah, but she dodges and nails a palm strike on Mick. She then shoots him into the ropes, but Mick slides under her on the rebound and pops up for a big time dropkick. Mick then takes hold of one of Sarah's legs and drags her into the center of the ring, looking for some kind of submission hold, but Sarah kicks Mick away and somersaults up to her feet. Mick replies with a big boot to Sarahs chest but she ducks and hits him with THE ABYSS! She covers!
PC: NO! Barney intervenes, splashing them both to break the count! But it was close!
The ref orders Barney to go back to the outside, but while hes distracted Drezdin gets back in and starts beat both Mick and Sarah down with the giant dildo! StigMartyr then gets in the ring and he eats a dildo shot too! The ref turns about to see the carnage that Drezdin has wrought, and he's not sure who the legal man is. Drezdin claims Sarah tagged him in, and she rolls to the outside at the ref's order. The ref orders Drez to give up the dildo, so he tosses it to Barney, who is absolutely seething. Drezdin then sizes up Mick and grapples him, forcing him back into the ropes before shooting him into the far corner so hard Mick crumples into the center of the ring. Drezdin stays on his man, picking him up and dropping him with a big ass power slam! He covers!
HHL: NO, MICK ROLLS A SHOULDER UP! Drezdin looks pissed!
Drez gets to his feet, but unfortunately he doesn't have eyes in the back of his head or else he might have seen Barney wrapping the huge dildo around Drezdin's throat and pulling him up and over the top rope and to the outside! Barney leaps on top of Drezdin and they start tussling!
With one of the legal men neutralized, the ref indicates for StigMartyr to get in the ring, and he's all too happy to capitalize on the damage Drezdin did to cover Mick!
Meanwhile, on the outside, Sarah has retrieved the broken shoe from before. She circles the ring and starts to approach Drezdin and Barney just as Drezdin hits a dirty low blow on Barney that doubles him up. But Drezdin turns around just in time to get blasted in the face by the shoe! VENGEANCE FOR THE PUMP! Sarah smiles with satisfaction when she sees that the shot actually opened Drezdin up. She gets on the ring apron now just as StigMartyr shoots Mick into the ropes. Sarah hits a blind tag on Mick and pulls him up and over the top rope, dumping him to the outside. She wastes no time getting in the ring with the newbie. StigMartyr goes to lock up with Sarah, but she feints and nails him with a stiff chop, and then another, and another! She follows it up with a nasty uppercut that drops her opponent. She then measures him, and as StigMartyr starts to rise, she blasts him in the head with her take on the SHINING WIZARD! She covers!
Sarah Lacklan rolls to her feet, the referee hoisting her hand in the air as the crowd applauds for the most part. She turns to the referee and asks her where her 50k is, and he shrugs innocently and mutters that he doesn't know and she'll have to talk to somebody backstage about it. Lacklan fumes, but she'll have to get herself under control before her title defense later tonight!
PC: You're 50,000 richer sweetheart! Smile!
HHL: You're such a gross little man.
Lacklan quickly exits the ring and we transition backstage.
The fans begin to mill in their seats, ready to get up and stretch their legs after the chaos of the Drezdin open. Suddenly "Voices" by Rev Theory starts playing over the sound system and echoes across the grounds of Buckingham Palace. They freeze and take their seats again, wondering what's going to happen next.
The giant outdoor X-tron flickers to life with the words Who Is She? displayed across it.
A video of Belladonna Lovely participating in Backyard wrestling matches starts playing on the screen. The video shows her fighting men and women in violent amateur bouts.
The Demented Deviant Of Destruction flashes across the screen.
Video of more bloody and dangerous Hardcore matches are shown on the screen.
The Sadistic Seductress Of Sensationalism flashes across the screen.
Video of Belladonna standing on the top turnbuckle and then doing a Corkscrew Shooting Star Senton onto her ravaged opponent shows on the screen.
The Psychotic Purveyor Of Pain flashes across the screen.
Video of Belladonna putting her opponent into a Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Armbar until they submit plays on the screen.
The video stops and the words The Lethal Beauty Belladonna Lovely appear on the screen.
The screen of the X-tron goes blank and the music stops playing over the sound system. Strobe lights start flashing on and off from the four corners of the ring. Hanging from the rafter match structure is a thin rope that stops about 6 feet above the mat. The end of the rope is tied in a noose around the neck of a ventriloquist dummy with its head duck taped to its body. The rope is swinging back and forth as the dummy bounces around on its end. A woman can be seen dancing wildly and with no determinable pattern in circles around the dangling dummy. She has a mic in her hands that she brings up to her mouth and starts singing into in a spookily eerie voice.
Ring-a-around the Rosie, A pocket full of Posies. Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down.
When the woman gets to the end of the Nursery rhyme she jumps up grabbing the dummy hanging from the rope and then comes crashing down to the mat on her butt. The strobe lights on the turnpost go out. Belladonna is sitting in the middle of the ring with the dummy's body in one hand and the mic in the other. She is wearing a dark purple mini skirt and for a top she only has on a skimpy black bikini top that has silver skull and crossbones on its cups. The dummy's head trailing ducttape can be seen on the mat down by her bare feet.
Belladonna: Oh Dolly you went and lost your head again. You really need to be more careful. One of these days you're going to loose it for good and then what are you going to do. Well do't worry we'll just have another surgery later and then you'll be all good again. Maybe we'll use staples this time. Ya that's what we'll do.
Belladonna nonchalantly throws the headless body over her shoulder and it bounces on the mat a few times before coming to a stop in one of the corners. She stands up and turns around in a circle looking out at the crowd.
Belladonna: Well Hello everybody! In case you haven't figured it out yet I'm Belladonna Lovely. As you've seen earlier I just got done with a short vacation in Club Med. Why was I there you may ask. I'm not really sure why. That abusive letch of a man had what was coming to him. Anyways they never proved i started that fire. But hey that's the past and I'm more interested in what the future holds.
Belladonna bends over and picks up Doly's head from at her feet and then holds it up to her ear. After a few seconds she tosses it over into the corner that the dummy's body is in.
Belladonna: Damn Dolly is a Chatterbox. Now where was I? Oh ya the future. Besides partying and wreaking havoc , which are my 2 favorite past times, I have my eyes set on a specific goal here in the XWF. What's that you ask. Well I'm glad you did. My 1st duty here I feel is to rescue the Internet Championship for all my amateur fans that I haven't forgotten in the last year. I mean come on such a pretty shiny Belt that I'm ready to give the love and attention it deserves.
Belladonna stares off looking at nothing in particular with a glassy look in her eyes and a big smile on her face. After several seconds she shakes her head as if clearing out the cobwebs and looks back out at the crowd.
Belladonna: I know what you're all thinking. What qualifies you to take on a proven Champ? How can you even hope to stand up to them in the ring? Well as you've seen on the Titantron even though this maybe my 1st time at the big dance I'm no stranger to the ballroom. I learned how to Tango in the backyard scene before my little vacation and the only difference from there and here is that the lights are brighter, and more people are in the crowd. And if you don't believe me I guess I'll just have to let my actions in the ring proof my point. So come 1 come all and see what this Lethal Beauty is capable of.
Belladonna drops the mic to the mat and goes over to the corner and retrieves Dolly's body and head. She holds Dolly's head up to her ear again and shakes her head up and down. She then goes back to the center of the ring and picks the mic back up.
Belladonna- Dolly wanted me to say 1 more thing before we left. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Listen to Dolly For what to do.
Belladona stares out at the crowd, and the camera slowly fades out to a commercial for the XWF shop.
The camera returns to the ring where we see Roxy Nova standing in one corner of the ring, hopping from side to side and stretching out as she awaits the arrivial of "Bigg Rigg" John Gambino. The fans cheer her politely, eager to see her first in-ring action after nearly five years away from the sport.
HHL: I'll be honest, Pip. I'm incredibly excited to see what Roxy can do here! She was incredibly dynamic in her day, and started out her XWF career with a 21-0 record before losing for the first time! She's a former champion, a founding member of the original Prophecy, and has a win over Wild Orchid... Bigg Rigg's wife!
PC: I'm sure he'll be looking to avenge that on Laura's behalf, and Roxy is going to need every weapon she can get her hands on at ringside to take down the former Universal champion and... am I reading this right? Seven time XWF World champion?
HHL: Yes. He's a beast. There's not much more to say than that.
Roxy Nova takes a few deep breaths and stares calmly at the entrance ramp, when suddenly the familiar chords of AC/DC blast over the speakers and bring the fans to their feet.
“BIGG RIGG” JOHN GAMBINO walks out to the top of the ramp in a white suit with black shades covering his eyes, he grins at Roxy Nova who looks a bit nervous, and begins to makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He pulls the suit off as he moves, stripping to his ring gear and exposing his legendary physique all the way down the ramp before eventually stomping up the ring steps and through the ropes like Godzilla powering his way through Tokyo. The referee shouts some last minute instructions to the two competitors, and we're underway!
- vs -
As soon as the opening bell rings Bigg Rigg rushes Roxy and smashes into her like a freight train, leveling her with a forearm shot to the skull that sends her down to the canvas. A group of diehard fans in the front row scream out in alarm but Bigg Rigg takes no notice. Gambino starts laying the boots to Roxy, stomping on her as she tries to crawl away from him and towards the ropes. Rigg lays a particularly brutal stomp to Roxy's spine to immobilize her before he quickly rolls out of the ring and makes his way over to the commentary desk. He winks at Heath Halliwell, an old friend and foe, then grabs a trashcan and hurls it back into the ring where it hits Roxy square in the head. Roxy sprawls out, and Rigg slides back into the ring, grabbing her by the hair and lifting her to her feet before shooting her into the ropes and catching her with a powerful scoom slam on the rebound.
PC: Good lord, this man is NOT messing around!
HHL: He very rarely does.
She tries to get back to her feet as Rigg stands over her and continues to smile. Rigg snatches Roxy up by her hair and slings her over his shoulder, but Roxy floats out behind him and nails him in the dick with a dirty low blow! Rigg growls in pain and sinks to his knees, allowing Roxy to land a kick right to the side of his head! Roxy gets some space between them and grabs the garbage can, removing the lid from it and smashing it into Rigg's face as he tries to get up. Roxy then follows that up with a swinging neck breaker into a pin!
Gambino angrily tosses Roxy off of him and gets vertical. Roxy goes back on the attack, punching him in the face, but the massive Italian seems to shrug it off and he responds with a headbutt to Roxy. He then grapples her and lifts her up for a vertical suplex! Roxy can barely move, clutching at her midsection as Rigg roars angrily at the crowd and continues the onlaught. He points to the Royal families private box as he lifts Roxy up to her feet once again and lifts her high above his head! He hurls Nova through the air, over the ropes and across the floor to the barricade! Roxy lands hard on the barricade and rolls over the top landing in front of the Royals box... and right into the Queen's flower bed!
HHL: Oh, no, will someone think of the perennials!
PC: To be fair who thought a flower bed in the middle of a wrestling show were going to last? They needed to be destroyed on general principle!
Indeed, a number of pretty flowers stand as silent casualties to the chaos as Rigg poses in the ring confidently, allowing Roxy Nova what feels like an eternity to crawl back over the barricade and make her way back into the ring.
HHL: Roxy is not quitting!
PC: She's not doing much of anything else either. I'm pretty sure those ribs are broken now.
Roxy slides back under the bottom rope and climbs groggily to her feet, but Bigg Rigg snatches her up and drills her down with a big time spinebuster! He covers!
NOPE! Roxy barely rolls a shoulder.
Rigg keeps on the assault, lifting Roxy up and lighting her up with a big right hand. Roxy gets rocked and she stumbls back, almost tripping. Rigg follows her, and Roxy is able to land a desperation kick to his midsection, followed by a nasty slap to his face that stuns him just long enough for her to get some more distance and circle around the ring. Over at the flower bed a royal gardener is inspecting the damage, and furiously hurls his backhoe at the ring! The tool clatters on the canvas and Roxy dives desperately on it wielding it like a challenge, daring Rigg to approach. But approach he does, and he eats the business end of the hoe to his stomach for his troubles! Roxy gets in close and raises the yard tool high, intent on breaking it over his back, but Rigg catches her arm just in time and tweaks in, bending it into an arm bar and forcing Roxy to drop the weapon. Rigg wrings Nova's arm out, wrenching in before dropping her with a big kick to her chest. Now, Rigg has the hoe, and he brings it up and shatters it in half across Roxy's back!
HHL: OH! This is bad, Roxy needs help.
Roxy screams in pain and Rigg allows himself a sadistic smile. He lets Roxy stumble to her feet before locking up with her again, quickly overpowering her into a snap mare takedown before parlaying that into multiple clubbing blows to the top of her head. Roxy looks out on her feet, and she has started to bleed from her scalp! The ref starts to look concerned, but Rigg keeps on punishing her, pulling her up and setting her up for the BLOODSHOT! He hooks Roxy into it and nails it! He covers!
PC: RIGG PULLS ROXY'S HEAD UP! He's not done with her!
The ref scowls and Rigg smiles, clearly wanting to make an example of Roxy Nova! He backs away and measures her as she slowly rouses. Then, with a running start he plants his boot onto the back of her head and drills her head first into the mat with a vile CURB STOMP! Rigg covers again!
BIGG RIGG WINS IN BRUTAL FASHION! The legendary John Gambino is back in the XWF in a big way, and towers over the downed body of Roxy Nova as several backstage staff members and medical personnel rush out to the top of the ramp and towards the ring to tend on her. Bigg Rigg lifts both arms high above his head, not allowing the referee to raise his hand, and quickly moves out of the ring as the paramedics begin to work on Roxy and motion to the back for them to bring a stretcher.
Several fans try to reach out and high five John Gambino as he makes his way up the ramp, but he ignores them and just bobs his head to the music as AC/DC blares over the sound system once more. He reaches the stage, turning around to survey the crowd and soak in the moment... a triumphant return to a company he helped build... then he turns and heads backstage without another word.
The cameras show Roxy surrounded by paramedics once more, and the cameras fade backstage.
The camera picks up "Bigg Rigg" John Gambino as soon as he steps through the black curtain, entering the backstage area and almost instantly coming face to face with fellow XWF Classic icon Famine of the Vile! The British fans roar when they see Hadrian Burke on screen again after all these years away, but he has no reaction and stares coldly at Gambino.
HHL: These two men have worked together and tried to kill each other over the years!
PC: I hope they kiss!
Famine, who had been preparing for his upcoming match with Peter Gilmour, takes a step towards Bigg Rigg who stands his ground. Finally Famine nods his head in approval.
FAMINE OF THE VILE: Nice work, brother.
BIGG RIGG: Thanks, now it's your turn. Make sure these people remember who we are by the end of the night.
Rigg holds a massive fist out in front of Famine, who nods again and bumps it.
FAMINE OF THE VILE: Then it's time to really have some fun...
His eyes are cold as he steps past Gambino and towards the black curtain to handle his business against Gilmour.
HHL: It looks like these two are working together again, that's bad news for every other team in the XWF!
PC: Yeah, Heather, all two of them.
Bigg Rigg walks away, giving Famine one last moment to prepare, and the camera fades out and back to the ring.
Buckingham Palace has already seen some pretty crazy XWF action today! $50,000 of an old man’s money was fought over by a host of people and some other old people (Roxy Nova is about 84 in woman years) get all kinds of hardcore with everything they could find around the grounds. But now?
PC: Now its time to get extreme.
The lights dim as much as they can throughout the thoroughgrounds...but this is the third match of an outdoor show so...ya now...only so much can happen. Like, remember that WrestleMania with Taker vs. Wyatt and they had it while the sun was still up and so it complately ruined the effects of both of their entrances? Kinda like that. Anywy, they still try to dim the lights as much as they can and great gusts of fire belch from the entrance area. Some pretty bangin’ metal plays, because it IS a pretty cool chart, and worldless screams fill the area through the P.A. system. And “wordless” is accurate because I DEFY you to figure out what the fuck they are actuallys saying. Thankfully though, a certain chant is heard from the crowd which drowns out the “lyrics” of In This Moment.
Out of the fire comes Peter Goddamn Gilmore.
The Gilster nodes and smiles at the sea of Londoners gathered before him as he leads Maria behind him by the hand. He starts banging his head to a mixture of the “lyrics” and he chant from the crowd.
Down the aisle they go and into the ring. Peter climbs one of the turnbuckles and throws up his arms in an X as the crowd continues to chant for him, clearly defining who their favorite is.
The cool song with the shitty lyrics comes to a close and-
Famine of the Vile walks out.
Yep! Just walks out. Like, remember when only a handful of wrestlers had music, and they were just the main eventers or the ones you knew could sell merch? Yet, like, somehow it took YEARS for the Million Dollar Man to get his (now iconic) entrance music? Like, Hogan and Save would have their badass entrances and then DiBiase would just kinda walk out? That’s like this. Peter has all his cool stuff and Famine apparently just walks out from the back to no music? Guess he’s all business?
Into the ring he goes and
Just as Famine was rolling underneath the ropes, Peter attacks, sending down stomp after stommp on him, looking for revenge from that VICIOUS attack at Savage! The referee is trying to push him away, but Pete is relentless, sending boot after boot in this Pearl Harbor attack. Man, remember when we refered to sneak attacks as Pearl Harbors? We were SUPER racist!
The referee finally gets Peter pushed away, and he puts his hands up to show that he’s backing away. But as soon as the ref turns around to check on Famine, Peter pushes the referee out of the way and stomps on him a few times. He pulls Famine up by his long, ugly, dirty beard, punches him in the face as hard as he can, and the CHUNKS him over the top of the rope and to the outside!
The crowd is fully behind the XWF’s Gatekeeper! He slides outside of the ring and grabs his opponent, again getting his fingers caught up in hippy beard, and sends him into a guardrail! Famine cries out in pain as the referee slides outside and yells at Peter to take this in the ring so that they can actually get it started, but Gilmeister seems bent on revenge from the sneak attack two weeks ago. The fans at ringside go nuts...well, as nuts as uptight British people can get when watching a wrestling show literally inside their palace, Peter walks over to Famine and jams his boot into his face, racking it across his nose. Famine tries to get to his feet, using the baracade to brace himself, but Peter just keeps the facewashes coming, racking his boot across his nose again and again. Peter backs away from Famine and raises his arms up into an X again, patiently waiting for Famine to get into the right position.
Peter rushes forward, looking to send a boot into the face of Famine, but the Demon King is able to roll away! Pete’s leg pushes through the barricade with his missed Yakuza kick and narrowly misses one of the fans hoping to see some oral action in this very ring tonight. Shaking his head to clear some cobwebs, the Vile One attacks the prone Gilmour, running at him and plalnting a big ol’ boot right in the side of his face. Peter drops to the floor, but his leg is still caught in the baricade. Famine takes advantage and sends several kicks into the exposed leg, causing Peter to cry out in pain and try to pull his leg free. His leg DOES get free, but that is because Famine grabs a hold of it, rips it from the baricade, and wrenches it backward, nearly causing Peter’s hamstring to tear. Peter is able to get to his feet, but his leg slowls him down, and he’s unable to avoid another kick to this face, this time the big ol’ butt catching him square in the nose. Eyes crossed and tiny little birds chirping and circling around his head, Peter stumbles back towards the ring. Famine pushes him from behind into the turnbuckle before pushing him into the ring. Famine follows him in and the referee can FINALLY do that thing with his hands that all of them do.
- vs -
Peter stumbles to his feet and into a corner, where he is summerily crushed by a running splash from Vile. Vile backs up and Peter stumbles forward, where a kick to the gut bends him over. Famine grabs him around the waist and hoists him up into the air. The crowd cries and jeers as Vile positions Pete in order to powerbomb him into the corner, and Pete waves his arms wildly in circles, trying to throw his opponent off balance and somehow get out of the move. Unforunately for Petros, Vile pushes forward and slams his upper body across the turnbuckles, his kidneys finding unpleasant an upleasant friend in the padded steal. Peter falls to his face and Vile turns him around to make a cover!
PC: Foot on the rope!
Vile curses to himself for not first pulling Pierre away from the ropes. You lose situational awareness when you’re gone from the ring for so long! Vile pulls him up by a handful of greasy hair...because of course Pete’s hair is greasy...and gets poked in the eye! Peter is NOT one to take a bunch of time off, instead chosing to wrestle WAY more often than he probably should, but that means ring awareness! The poke to the eye causes Vile to swing his fists around wildy, looking to gain some sort of purchase within his blindness. Peter shakes his head, trying to finally get those stupid birds out of his sight so that he stops stumbling everywhere, and is able to avoid the wild swings. He picks his spot and shoots in on Vile, ducking underneath his swings and driving a knee into Vile’s gut, bending him over. He pushes him into the ropes and catches him with a powerslam on the rebound, sending him up and over with an appreciable snap. He hooks a leg for the cover but only gets a one before Vile pops out.
Up to his feet, Peter picks Vile up and sends a boot to his stomach. A second. A third, with rapid fire strikes. He drives his head under his arm and grabs a handful of tights, looking for a vertical suplex. Vile hooks his leg behind Peter’s, stopping the move. Peter tries to hoist him up again, but is again stopped. He tries a third time, but Vile shifts his hips and reverses momentum, hoisiting Peter up instead. Peter waves his legs up and down, trying to get Vile off balance, and unlike before with the powerbomb, is able to pull himself back down. A final attempt at the suplex is successful, and Peter gets Vile up in the air before kicking his feet out from underneath him and driving Vile down with a brainbuster! Peter takes a second to breathe, tired from the exchange, and gets up to his feet. He hits the ropes and comes back, flopping to the round and driving his fist into the side of Vile’s head before hooking a let and looking for another pin.
HHL: Kickout!
Vile kicks out and immediately rolls onto his stomach and into a defensive position. Peter is up to his feet and pulling Vile up by the hair. He drives his head between his thighs and reaches over (around?) to hook the back of his knees. But Vile pushes back, countering the attempt at the Deathstrike with a back body drop! Peter lands hard and Vile moves, hitting the ropes. As he rebounds, he runs at Peter as he gets to his feet, looking for a clothesline. Peter ducks spins, and catches Vile with a Superkick right as he hit the ropes! Vile stumbles backward into the rope...but then surges forward and catches him with a massive lariat that drops Peter on the top of his head!
Vile takes a moment to rest on the ropes and shake away the effects of the superkick. As Peter gets to his feet, his balance clearly off from the clothesline, a kick to his gut doubles him over and he is lifted in the hair and snapped down with the Fall from Grace! His head bounces off the mat from the impact of the DDT and is laid out, spread eagle, but Vile is too slow to go for the cover. Instead, he waits for Peter to start moving and helps him to his feet as he does so. He hooks him from behind for a reverse DDT, but then spins...looking for the Blood Driver! He spins and Peter is able to push him away and into the ropes. Vile comes back and Peter leaps, grabbing him for a Gilmore Cutter! But now its Vile who pushes Peter away and Gilmore hits the ropes, coming back. A kitchen sink knee sends Gilly heels over head and down hard onto the mat and the Demon King doesn’t hesitae: He pulls him back up to his feet and brings him up into a suplex, holding in up high into the air. He stalls for a few seconds and then drops downward, spiking Gilmore with another DDT, this time in the form of the Devil’s Spike! Famine goes for the pin!
It's over! Famine of the Vile has managed to beat Peter Gilmour in his return to the XWF, and he stands triumphantly over the man he claimed had built a career of imitating the original Demon King! The referee hoists Famine's hand into the air in victory as Valerie Sky slides into the ring to check on Peter, and Famine exits the ring as quietly as he had entered and begins to make his way up the ramp.
"Bigg Rigg" John Gambino returns to the top of the stage to fist bump Famine once more and raise his hand for the crowd again. The two men stand tall, both victorious in their returns, and both clearly looking forward to whatever they have planned next. The camera slowly fades out.
HHL: Peter is not going to be happy about this.
PC: You'll be hearing from him on the XWF forums tomorrow.
HHL: The XWF still has forums... wow...
We fade out slowly.
Backstage in the parking lot, Roxy Nova is on a stretcher and being rocketed towards an awaiting ambulance as several paramedics chatter to each other about what could be wrong. "Broken ribs", "possibly internal bleeding" and "separated shoulder" are all picked up by pursuing cameras but before too much concrete information can be attained Centurion rushes into the shot and moves at a brisk pace to keep up with the hurried group.
CENTURION: Roxy! Roxy are you OK?!
ROXY NOVA: I'm... I'm sorry...
CENTURION: Don't be, you tried. It happens to all of us.
Roxy shakes her head, clearly furious with her performance and battling through tremendous pain to let Centurion know.
ROXY NOVA: No. I messed up... I... I can still fight, I can help-
CENTURION: Absolutely not. You need to rest, and you'll need some time to heal up. Don't worry about the Apex Prophecy, we'll be fine.
They reach the ambulance, paramedics swarming between Roxy and Centurion as they hoist her up and into the back of the vehicle.
ROXY NOVA: But we were supposed to team-
CENTURION: Roxy! Don't worry about it! The priority is for you to take care of yourself. I've been in this business long enough, and there are already enough people watching my back. I'll be fine, and I'll figure something else out.
Roxy can't protest any further as they slam the ambulance doors shut and start the engine. Centurion stands alone in the parking lot, helpless to do anything other than watch his long time ally driven away from the arena after being brutalized by John Gambino. He mutters to himself, clearly displeased with the situation, when suddenly a hand reaches out and taps him on the shoulder.
???: I may be able to help.
Startled, Centurion spins around to see...
Centurions eyes widen, unsure if he understands correctly.
CENTURION: Excuse me?
LUX: You're a nice man. Sensible. Reasonable. Driven. We seem to have some mutual targets, and the Apex Prophecy and I have worked pretty well together so far if I do say so myself. I'm just saying, I think there's a way we can help each other.
Centurion thinks it over, then glances at the empty parking spot Roxy's ambulance just vacated.
CENTURION: You've got my attention.
The camera slowly fades out.
We return to ringside, the fans preparing for what should be an exciting bout between the returning Griffin MacAlister and 24/7 case holder Vita Valenteen! The referee mills about the inside of the ring for several seconds, when suddenly...
Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent's arrival.
PC: Griffin looks intense here tonight, he's ready for action!
The opening riffs of “Highly Strung” begin to play as the crowd jumps to their feet in excitement. VV runs out onto the stage and and postures for the adorning crowd. She makes her way down the ramp, slapping the outreaches hands of her fans along the way. VV the heads up the steps and runs along the outside apron. She grabs the top rope with both hands and springboards into the ring where she tucks and rolls before settling on a couched, almost ninja like pose. VV hops up and celebrates with the fans for a moment, pumping them up for the upcoming match. Finally, she settles into her corner and uses the ropes to loosen up as she waits for the match to begin.
HHL: Vita, as popular in the U.K. as she is everywhere else, looks fired up in her own right!
The referee checks in with each competitor quickly, then moves to the center of the mat and calls for the opening bell!
- vs -
And Griffin's off! He doesn't give Vita a chance to ready herself, running up to her and headbutting her immediately! Just like that, Vita's busted open and falls to the mat! Referee Mika Hunt comes over to stop the match, fearing that VV might be concussed but Vita protests! Hunt looks to her...
Pulling herself up by the ropes, she gets to her feet, wiping away some of the blood trickling down her face. She dashes towards Griff and they lock up in the center of the ring. Unfortunately for Vita, the blood is distracting her! Seeing his chance, MacAlister breaks up and manages to get his arm around her neck. He hits a devastating looking DDT, smearing Vita's blood on the mat! He leaves her motionless body on the map and makes his way to the nearest top turnbuckle.
Vita is stirring, but she doesn't have enough time to dodge The Mechanic as he crashes down on her with an elbow drop! He lifts her up before executing a perfect looking Northern Light Suplex! Valenteen's shoulders are down. The ref begins to count!
HHL: Referee Mika Hunt doesn't notice Vita's leg just under the bottom rope!
Hunt stops, narrowly noticing Vita's leg and demanding that MacAlister let go. He does as requested and drops Vita, looking at the crowd, widely grinning as he backs off from Vita, letting the ref assess her ability to continue. Miraculously, VV is able to get back up again.
PC: It looks like Vita's running purely off adrenaline! Her legs are nearly giving out beneath her!
HHL: I don't think I've ever seen Vita get in such rough shape so quickly! How she's still in there is anyone's guess!
Griffin runs her direction, but Valenteen counters with a solid looking superkick!
PC: Anasty superkick by Vita there as she tries to gain some momentum in this match!
HHL: MacAlister is still on his feet! Vita's gonna have to give more than that to slow him down.
After getting his bearings, Griffin turns his attention back to the stumbling VV, approaching her and landing a roundhouse kick that makes a hard sound as it connects to Vita's skull.
MacAlister holds off, letting referee Mika Hunt check on Vita. After motioning for the medical team, she calls the match!
PC: Wow! I've got to admit I'm a little shocked, Heather.
HHL: I'm outright disappointed! I love Vita, and this was NOT her best showing.
PC: A great night for Griffin, though!
HHL: Who cares. He's just going to fade away for another two months until he decides to show up again and ruin somebody elses party.
PC: Uh, waiter, can I send this announcer back? It's super salty.
Griffin doesn't seem to care about the opinion of Heather Halliwell or the booing fans, and seems expressionless as the referee raises his hand. He drops to the canvas and rolls out of the ring, making his way up the ramp and backstage without so much as a single word or gesture of celebration. Vita Valenteen sits on the canvas, clearly disappointed in herself as she shakes her head sadly. The camera slowly fades out.
Backstage we see a man standing behind the black curtain, ready to make his way to the ring. His face is hidden by an old school hockey mask, and he holds a makeshift chainsaw at his side. He's motionless, completely focused on the moment. This is his one shot, his one opportunity, to seize everything he's ever wanted... will he capture it, or just let it slip?
NOAH JACKSON: Dad? Is that you?
The masked figure turns slowly from the black curtain to face Noah, and slides the mask up and off of his face to reveal that it is indeed Fuzz. He glares at Noah, trying to signal to the young Australian that now may not be the best time, but Noah is completely oblivious and rushes over to his Twitter father eagerly.
NOAH JACKSON: Good to see ya! You really had people going with the whole retirement thing. Look, I was hoping to talk to ya! The cunts they've had me tag with lately are really weighing me down, and I was thinking maybe you and I could finally get together and fuck some shit up!
Fuzz says nothing, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck as Noah stares at him and awaits a response.
NOAH JACKSON: Whaddya think?
Fuzz says nothing still.
NOAH JACKSON: Dad? Want to tag together? Sick cunts is a sick name, right cunt?
Fuzz slowly puts his hockey mask back on, and turns back towards the curtain. Noah slaps himself on the forehead.
NOAH JACKSON: Right! "Never talk to me right before a match, Noah". My bad. My bad. We'll talk after.
Noah backs away slowly, leaving Fuzz to focus on Centurion. His palms are sweaty. Knees weak, arms are heavy...
Fade out.
The British fans rise to their feet, roaring in approval as the X-tron shows graphics for the upcoming grudge match between two icons of the XWF and men that have been entertaining fans for the company since 2003. The camera cuts to the Royals private box, and Prince William is pumping his fists like a child for two men he absolutely adored when he was a school boy. Don't research that it's totally true, Prince William loved Centurion and Fuzz when he was 16.
HHL: I'm so excited for this! This is the people's main event!
PC: Yeah, old people's.
As the theme plays on the X-Tron Fuzz comes out to the ring with his hockey mask on and wielding his makeshift chainsaw. As he walks down to the ramp, he taunts the fans by swinging the chainsaw, and he laughs. He drops the chainsaw on the floor, and takes off his mask. Then he looks at the British fans, flipping them off before spitting on the grounds of Buckingham Palace.
PC: What a fucking fuck.
HHL: That was... gross.
Fuzz rolls into the ring, leaving his chainsaw and mask on the floor as the U.K. fans boo him mercilessly. He lounges in his corner, awaiting the arrival of the main he's fought for World titles... Centurion.
Centurion appears at the top of the ramp, the boos of the fans immediately shifting to loud cheers as the Apex Prophecy comes down to the ring with dignity and swag.
HHL: Centurion looks great for a man his age, and with so many miles in this industry!
PC: You want to bone him or something?
HHL: I'm married.
PC: So?
HHL: I'm just saying his body seems to have held up well considering the damage he's taken and mountains he's climbed.
PC: Uh huh. Riiiiiiight.
Centurion pauses outside the ring, glancing down at the chainsaw and mask on the floor and shaking his head, then he slides under the bottom rope and makes his way to his own corner, eyeing Fuzz and nodding his head as the referee asks him if he's ready to begin. Fuzz nods when asked as well, and the referee calls for the bell!
- vs -
The pair inside the ring begin to circle one another like two lions forced into a pit. The crowd clap and stomp their feet, getting all kinds of hype. Fuzz lunges forward and swipes at Centurion's legs but Cent dodges back and throws himself into a punch. Fuzz quickly ducks under the hit and throws Cent to the mat with an arm drag. Centurion quickly rolls to his feet and bounces off the ropes; Fuzz goes to stand but sees a flying knee heading towards his face so goes prone and Cent flies over him. The crowd continue to stomp and chant furiously, even the Royal Family is losing their shit!
Centurion stops short from the opposite ropes and throws a kick at Fuzz but it is countered as The Afterthought drags Cortinovis to the ground and tries to wrap his arms around Cent's calf but The Class of the Old School scrambles out of the lock and gets a foot against Fuzz's jaw. Fuzz shakes the hit off just as Centurion is back on him with a forearm knocking Fuzz to the mat; Centurion then quickly darts forward and grabs Fuzz's legs trying to turn him to his stomach!
HHL: Centurion doing very well here right now!
PC: Your bias is showing.
The crowd get excited but its cut shot as Fuzz flails and shoves a foot into Centurion's shin followed by a heavy boot to the knee. This brings Cent to a knee and Fuzz rolls up to his feet and looks down on Centurion. The sequence receives a respectful round of applause from the audience.
HHL: Who said these guys couldn't still go?
PC: ... No one, Heather. Literally no one.
Fuzz strolls over to Cent as he inspects his knee and Warstein holds out a hand to aid Centurion who looks shocked. His eyes inspect Fuzz and as his hand twitches forward Fuzz quickly throws a palm into Centurion's perfect jawline! This surprises the legend and Fuzz takes advantage snapping a DDT and crashing Cent's head into the canvas. Fuzz doesn't let go instead wrenching at Centurion's neck!
Cent reels, his arms flail as Fuzz tightens the grip and grinds Centurion's forehead against the mat.
The ref leans in close.
Cent gargles out a scream.
Fuzz roars unrelenting in the hold.
Cent plants his hands on the mat and pulls off an impressive handstand! He pushes up and releases himself! The crowd pop and Fuzz is impressed/taken aback.
HHL: Woah, who knew he had it in him?
PC: Look, blow the guy or don't but shut up about him!
Cent rolls his neck and offers a hand to Fuzz who sits on the mat dumbfounded before he realises what's happening, Cent gives a hard slap to the chops with a pop from the crowd.
Fuzz thumbs his lip with a chuckle as Centurion eggs him on.
Fuzz slowly gets to his feet nodding to himself he puts his head down, getting close to Centurion and quickly throwing a chop against Centurion's chest! Cent is winded for a moment before throwing a heavy chop back! Fuzz stumbles as his eyes bulge but he returns BUT Centurion quickly jumps high hoping for a high knee but Fuzz places both his hand on the raised knee and pushes Centurion down before jabbing him in the side of the neck. Centurion reels and Fuzz throws a knee into his gut; pushing him to the center of the ring and lifting him up for a powerbomb!
Fuzz sprints forward before throwing Centurion into the corner!
HHL: A devastating buckle bomb!
Centurion's head bounces off the bottom turnbuckle and he lies stiffened for a moment.
Fuzz goes to grab Cent's legs but Cortinovis has the wherewithal to exit the ring before his injury spells the end for him. Cent rests at the announcer's table and Heather visibly recoils suffering from PTSD of Cent's history with tables. Fuzz smelling victory takes a deep breath and runs up to the top rope, leaping off quickly with a flying elbow!
Cent flashes a smile watching Fuzz from the corner of his eye.
And Fuzz lands hard onto the table, sliding off and kneeling on the ground, a hand still resting atop it.
HHL: Oh thank god.
Heather relaxes as she sits back down. Cent now out of harm's way paints a target on Fuzz against the table and sprints forward nailing Fuzz's temple with a devastating V-Trigger!!
Fuzz slumps to the ground in a heap. Centurion rubs the back of his neck and takes a well-deserved breather.
Centurion then picks up Fuzz from the front and hoists him up, with some trouble, before steadying himself and runs Fuzz's back into the steel turnbuckle! He steps back and runs again! Fuzz groans in agony, his back turning as bright red as his beaten chest.
Cent the places Fuzz prone onto the apron and then pulls him until Fuzz is almost straddling the post. Cent grabs Fuzz's leg, leans back and throws the knee into the hard steel! A loud, dull, metallic thud rings out followed by the scream of Fuzz as he retreats into the middle of the ring!
Centurion stops for a moment, placing a hand on the back of his neck as he rubs the sore spot, wincing in pain. He then slides into the ring where Fuzz is struggling to stand. The two circle each other again, the crowd on their feet and screaming as Centurion sees Fuzz's limp and dives in on his leg! Fuzz tries to roll to his back, but Centurion has a firm grip on him and circles around behind The Afterthought! Fuzz kicks at Centurion... but it's too late! It's locked in!
The Fall of Rome!
PC: Centurion just muscled his way into that submission!
HHL: Now who wants to blow him, huh?
PC: Still you!
Centurion wrenches at Fuzz's knee, serious payback for the knee injury he caused Centurion at War Games, and the referee stares at Fuzz who fights desperately to escape! Fuzz battles for what seems like a minute, energy draining as Centurion continues to twist and tear at his knee. Fuzz slaps the mat in frustration, his teeth clenched and face in a tight grimmace as-
HHL: Wait, did he just?
PC: Maybe? I didn't see it!
Suddenly the referee calls for the bell!
Fuzz protests immediately, kicking Centurion away from him and popping unsteadily up to his feet to scream at the referee! The fans seem confused for a moment, not sure what just happened, but immediately begin to roar in approval as Centurions music plays over the sound system. The referee shrugs and holds his arms up, telling Fuzz it's over and there's nothing he can do.
FUZZ: I never tapped!
CENTURION: Yes you did.
Centurion takes a step towards Fuzz, trying to defend the referee, and the two legends shout loudly at each other and argue the finish of the match. Suddenly the crowd erupts as Noah Jackson sprints from the back and down the ramp, picking Fuzz's chainsaw up off the floor and sliding into the ring with it behind Centurion!
Centurion collapses on the mat, Noah collapsing on him and raining down several vicious punches!
NOAH JACKSON: My dad never fucking tapped, you cunt!
Noah continues to pummel Centurion as the referee tries to pull him off, berating the XWF legend the entire time.
NOAH JACKSON: Fuck you, cunt! The Sick Cunts are coming for ya!
The referee finally pulls Noah away, and Noah joins his "dad" Fuzz. The two stand tall over Centurion, Fuzz reaching over to pat Noah on the back, before exiting the ring and making their way backstage to a chorus of boos that somehow have a British accent to them. Centurion is checked on by the referee, and we quickly cut away from the ring and fade backstage.
Backstage we see Vinnie Lane appear at the black curtain, hair perfectly feathered and clutching a folder of color commentary notes for the two upcoming Anarchy matches. He's preparing to make his entrance and replace Heather and Pip, when a stagehand walks passed and looks at him in shock.
STAFF: Oh, we didn't think you were showing up tonight...
Vinnie looks at them with an arched eyebrow.
VINNIE LANE: Seriously Dude? I never miss a show.
STAFF: Well you were running pretty late, so we weren't sure if-
VINNIE LANE: I'm never late for a show either, Dude. Shoo.
Vinnie continues preparing for this entrance, and the staff member scurries away with the life lesson that Vinnie is never late for shows.
Ashley Ackles pops out on stage, waving excitedly to her hometown London crowd as she makes her way down the ramp and towards the ring on the Buckingham Palace grounds. She slaps hands with several fans along the way, and even poses for a few pictures before she reaches the ring steps and scurries up into the ring. Before long, her music is cut off and Bobbi Londons music replaces her own leading to a large boo from the crowd that was enjoying the moment.
The usual heavy rap beat cranks up, but this time the fans erupt into massive boos as Bobbi London steps out, microphone in hand. It’s obvious that she didn’t expect this kind of reception, but she should have since this was definitely enemy territory as far as she was concerned. Ashley Ackles was the hometown girl and they were going to cheer her on to victory tonight…or so they planned. Bobbi took a moment to compose herself and adjust to her new role as the ‘bad guy’ for tonight’s clash.
She took a step back, rolling her shoulders as she shook out the kinks. After a slight pause, she adjusted her ring gear, gave her Internet Title a pat, then raised up her microphone and busted out a freestyle rap…
The boos rained down on her and she grinned at the response.
“I’s guess that tears it, this is obviously an Ashley Ackles town;
Shoulda known you dopes would back that confused ass clown!
First she wanna be as BIG as me, now how odd does that sound;
She aint nothin but a carbon copy that Its me duty to put down!”
“Yeah, boo me all yous like yous Poms, Bobbi L couldn’t care less;
Boo yous selves yous fuckin choads that’s why this place is a mess!
Kings and Queens is a thing of the past, only seen in a game of chess;
If yous was smart as Americans, yous woulda took a boat to the West!”
“But ‘ere yous still sit, like a bunch of fools thinkin Ackles will win;
Yous all in for a big disappointment courtesy of yous BIG Aussie friend!
I’s gonna treat ‘er like KFC and wring that Shiela’s neck like a hen;
The ‘ometown girl is losing tonight, and I’s going ‘ome with a grin!”
“I’s bigger and better than anything yous ever ‘eard or even seen;
Bigger than The Beatles, James Bond, or all yous Football teams!
I’s the shock to the system, a wake up call, time to end the dream;
Buckingham Palace remember the day yous all got to see a REAL Queen!”
Bobbi dropped the microphone to a thunder of boos and jeers from the decidedly pro-Ackles crowd, but she didn’t mind being the bad guy for the night. Nice guys finished last and she was going to prove it when she took the Amazing one to task!
Bobbi makes her way into the ring and the referee calls for the bell, Bobbi already talkin' that trash!
From before the bell even rings, Bobbi London is jaw jacking and shouting down her opponent from her corner, calling her every name under the sun. Cameras cut angles in order to pull away from shots showing mothers covering their children’s ears as Bobbi uses language in every shade of blue to insult and deprecate Ashley Ackles. Ackles, for her part, genuinely does seem to be letting it get under her skin as her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are narrow. Ackles fists ball up as London snatches her Internet Title back from the ringside attendant and holds it aloft, stomping around the ring and screaming about how she isn’t gonna let some dingo steal her baby.
London eventually relents her verbal assault and once again hands off her Internet Championship, but not without a few choice words to the crewman about what might happen to him or his family if even a drop of dirt were to land on her title. Ackles appears to be nearly shaking with rage as referee Mika Hunt checks each woman’s gear and then stands in the center of the ring with her arms outstretched to make sure both competitors are ready for the match to begin.
VINNIE LANE: Wow dude, both of these ladies are so intense! Bobbi was talking so much trash in the Quetzalcoatl locker room on Friday about this match that I actually saw her partner, Maxine, blush a couple of times! That’s hard to do, man!
Finally, the bell sounds. Ashley Ackles charges across the ring and nearly decapitates Bobbi London with a lariat from the deepest regions of Hades itself. London nearly spins 360 degrees on her way down to the mat, getting twisted inside out like a fitted sheet on a clothesline during a hurricane. With Bobbi down, Ackles starts stomping her as if she was trying to put out a campfire. She hits a full Garvin Stomp, dropping her foot on every limb and exposed body area of the downed Bobbi London who just rolls around like a turtle on its shell trying to deflect as much impact as possible. Ackles keeps the heat turned up on London, dropping heavy elbows onto her opponent until Bobbi manages to squirm her way under the bottom rope to take a powder to the outside.
VINNIE LANE: It looks like Bobbi is willing to take a count out loss here! She did NOT like having Ashley Ackles get the better of her so easily, and she’s demanding her title be handed to her… Ackles is on the apron behind her ready to drop a big ax handle though! OH! Bobbi set her up! Ackles ate a back elbow on the descent!
London smiles and taps a finger to her temple to show everyone how smart she is, then turns her attention to the stunned Ashley Ackles. Ackles hit her head on the floor pretty hard and appears to still be seeing some stars as Bobbi picks her up and slams the small of her back against the ring post! Ackles arches backward in pain as London deposits her on the apron and then shoves her back into the ring, then slides in after her. Bobbi takes advantage of the switch in momentum, leaning hard into a lateral press with her feet on the bottom rope.
Ackles kicks out!
VINNIE LANE: It looks like the official saw Bobbi’s feet up on the rope at the last second anyway, dude, but Ackles kicked out so either way it’s a moot point… but what’s not moot is the fact that I just learned earlier today from a VERY reliable source that Bobbi London had an apparent ‘kangaroo related injury’ a few years back, and that she actually has a metal plate in her forearm!
As if Loverboy reminded Bobbi of her own arm, she whips Ackles into the ropes and clobbers her with a hard forearm shot to the top of her skull. Ackles hits the mat like a piano dropped from the top floor in an old movie, and Bobbi once again leaps on top of her with a cover.
Ackles with the shoulder up!
VINNIE LANE: Ashley Ackles really impressing me with her durability… I thought she was done for after taking that surgically enhanced forearm! I might have to have her start wearing an arm pad if I find out that thing is giving the champ an advantage! Either way though, kudos to Ackles for some intense toughness!
Bobbi London walks by Ackles, still on her back, and heads for the near corner. London hoists herself to the second buckle and sits on the top, then comes crashing down hard with a falling forearm… that misses the mark! Ashley Ackles rolled out of the way! Ackles grabs Bobbi in a front face lock and starts absolutely burying knees into the head and chest of London. Then in an impressive demonstration of her own physical strength, she hooks Bobbi’s arms in a pedigree position and turns her upside down with a double underhook suplex. Bobbi hits hard and lets everyone in the arena know she felt it by screaming OW BUGGER ME, MATE as she grimaces in agony. London struggles to her feet again, but as she moves to stand she eats a huge bicycle kick from Ackles, flattening her face down on the mat. Ackles dives on her and quickly applies a crossface submission hold, causing Bobbi to flail her free arm and legs wildly, screeching in pain. Ackles decides to take it a step further, digging her fingers into Bobbi’s mouth, nose, and eyes, fish hooking every orifice on her face even as the referee counts all the way to five before letting go of the illegal hold.
VINNIE LANE: Ashley Ackles better watch out! A half second more and Mika Hunt would have disqualified her on the spot… she had Bobbi looking like a big mouth bass there on the canvas for a sec!
Ashley Ackles moves in on Bobbi again after getting lectured by the official, but Bobbi’s managed to get enough wits about her during the brief respite to get to her feet. Ackles charges her, but Bobbi meets her head on and the two collide with matching shoulder blocks that cancel each other out. The arena OOOOHs as the two big women stand toe to toe and look from side to side at the crowd, seemingly in disbelief that they’ve each hit the immovable object to their unstoppable force. The two ladies hit the ropes and slam together in another shoulder block, staggering both for a step but not knocking either woman down. They nod and talk some trash at each other before hitting the ropes yet again, this time criss crossing through the ring several times before finally coming together for an epic collision… but Ackles breaks up the routine by hitting a huge running big boot to Bobbi’s face rather than matching her shoulder again. Bobbi drops, grabbing at her mouth, and Ackles somersaults over her grabbing her legs in a pincer maneuver and folding Bobbi up for a bridge pin!
London powers out, saving her championship for the moment!
VINNIE LANE: Wow dude, these two women have really earned loads of respect from me and this hot crowd tonight! They are really laying it all on the line out there! I’m going to talk to Cinnabon about getting BOTH of them an official endorsement deal!
Ashley Ackles drags London up to her feet and jams her head between her knees, signalling to the crowd that it’s all over. She wraps her arms around London and lifts, but only gets her part of the way up for her powerbomb finish… with a deep breath she tries again… and it looks like she’s got her all the way up when Ackles’ knee buckles! Ackles staggers and Bobbi drops awkwardly yet damage-free to the mat. When Bobbi sees Ackles struggling, she runs the ropes in desperation and leaps onto her back, dragging her down onto Bobbi’s knees with a massive lungblower that bounces Ackles into the air before depositing her on the mat. Bobbi knows it’s her best chance, and she bounces off the ropes yet again… Thunder From Down Under!!! Bobbi drops the huge leg drop across Ashley Ackles and hooks a leg, it’s all over!
Winner by -
VINNIE LANE: Wait! Ackles kicked out! I can’t believe it! No one kicks out from that skeleton rattling leg drop of Bobbi London’s, but Ashley Ackles dug down deep and found some way some how! What a fighter!
Bobbi London can’t believe it either, as she’s dumbfounded and repeatedly asking Mika Hunt if she’s sure if it was a two or a three, even suggesting that it was a three in the metric system and that the American way is vastly inferior.
Bobbi sees Ackles dragging herself to her feet and putting up her dukes for more… Ackles seems out on her feet, but the very fact she’s even on her feet is impressive to Bobbi, who looks like her needle is on E as well. Ackles gives an ear splitting war cry like a Lakota Sioux as she tries to run at Bobbi, limping on her wounded knee. Bobbi scouts her and ducks under, scooping Ackles up and falling back in a hard hitting Samoan drop that leaves both women out of gas on the mat, but with Bobbi splayed on top of Ashley Ackles!
VINNIE LANE: The Bye Bye Barbie! This has got to be it!
Winner by Pinfall and STILL XWF Internet Champion - Bobbi London
The British fans are clearly disappointed, having rooted for their hometown hero in Ackles the entire night, but applaud the effort of both women as Bobbi London climbs to her feet and has her hand raised high in the air by the referee.
VINNIE LANE: Bobbi holds onto her title, but Ashley Ackles proves why she’s here to begin with. Something tells me these two are far from done!
London exits the ring with her championship, and gives Ashley the moment to wallow in the disappointment of her fans.
How rude.
Fade out.
Backstage we see Steve Sayors standing alongside XWF rookie star, Big D. Big D looks confident ahead of tonights rafter match, and Steve immediately begins the interview.
STEVE SAYORS: Big D, the last time we spoke you made it clear to everyone that you were planning on participating in tonight’s rafter match, and over the past few weeks we’ve seen a major change in your demeanour as Leap of Faith approached. What does being a part of this prestigious match mean to you, and how would this “new and improved” Big D be affected by winning a 24/7 case?
BIG D: It's an honor to be in this match. When I left Hell in a Cell on the losing end, I didn't know where my career was gonna go. As far as I was concerned, management was gonna put me on the back burner and I'd be related to meaningless matches against people below my talent level. But being allowed the opportunity to win that 24/7 briefcase showed me the powers that be have faith in me. I'm not gonna let that faith be misplaced, that's for sure. As for WINNING the match, that guaranteed title shot means so much to me. The ability to take on Robert Main, or even Chris Page depending on the result of their showdown, is everything. Especially knowing it'll be on MY terms. I could be honorable and declare my intention to cash in a month in advance, or I can take the Main rout and do to him exactly what he did to The Engineer. That's the beauty of 24/7, the Champion has to be on their toes at ALL times! I came here to win one more World Championship for my legacy and a win tonight puts me that much closer to achieving that goal.
STEVE SAYORS: Of course to earn that guaranteed title shot, you’ll have to fight your way through a fearsome lineup of some of the XWF’s top stars, and tread the narrow paths of the rafter match structure above the ring... do you have any concerns for your safety, either over competing at such heights, or challenging former champions like Robbie Bourbon and Donovan Blackwater?
BIG D: Well, first off, Donovan Blackwater is the LEAST of my concern. I saw what he did in our Hell in a Cell match and I wasn't impressed. Whatever credibility he had is as much the past as his Title reigns. As for Bourbon, he's been doing a good job as of late in trying to regain his former glory, but it's gonna end tonight. Vegas got the odds wrong and if people were smart, they'd bet on me to shock the world and claim that briefcase.
Steve nods, but tries to toss Big D a quick curveball.
STEVE SAYORS: But what about the height? If you fall, it could not only end your climb to the top, but maybe even your career.
Big D shrugs.
BIG D: When I was a child, I was afraid of heights. I was also scared of monsters and of never finding love. I'M NOT A CHILD ANYMORE! Yes, there's risks and danger, but the chance to become XWF Universal Champion is worth it all. They're gonna have to toss me off that rafter over and over again if they want to keep me from achieving my dream!
STEVE SAYORS: Well let’s hope it doesn’t come to scraping you up off the ground tonight, Big D. That fall from the rafters would be debilitating! Now, Blackwater and Bourbon aside... many spectators are putting their money on unknown dark horse Brian Storm and the man that seems to be becoming a friendly rival of yours... Ned Kaye. How do you see those two men factoring in to the match, and do you think either of them are a threat to snag the 24/7 case?
BIG D: I've already made my opinion of Brian Storm known. He's in over his head and is gonna find out what it truly means to be in the big time. His stupid little win/loss record means nothing in the grand scheme of things and people are gonna see him exposed tonight, whether it's by me or someone else. As for Ned, he's a hell of an athlete. I said it before and I'll say it again, he's the future of this company...... But that's the keyword: FUTURE. Winning that briefcase would surely mean alot to him and all his fans, but he's got a little bit more time before he's on my level. It's not his fault, everyone has to start from the bottom and work their way up, but Ned is only in the middle of that ladder right now. Give him some time, he'll climb his way to the top eventually, just not tonight.
Steve Sayors listens intently to Big D before bringing up the last name on the cue card he thinks he has hidden from camera.
STEVE SAYORS: That leaves us with just one competitor left standing in your way, and that’s Mastermind. Now he’s a three time Xtreme champion, but he’s failed to capture the top title thus far in his XWF career. How do you feel you measure up to hi-
Suddenly Mastermind steps into the shot.
MASTERMIND: Go on answer that question… Ask that question again, Steve...
STEVE SAYORS: Uhhhh... well... Big D, how do you feel you measure up with Mastermind in the rafter match tonight?
BIG D: Well, considering you've had as many Universal Title reigns as I have, I'd say I measure up pretty well......
Big D puffs out his chest to show he will not be intimidated. Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk watching BigD puff his chest out.
BIG D: Actually, Steve, why don't you ask HIM how HE measures up to ME?
MASTERMIND: Go on Steveo ask that question I dare you.
STEVE SAYORS: Uh, OK... Mastermind, how do you as a longtime staple of the XWF roster, feel Big D measures up with YOU in this match?
Mastermind rubs his chin and looks back at BigD then looks at Steve.
MASTERMIND: The simple answer is... He doesn't measure up to me... he's a wannabe. That's as simple as it gets with me… Go ahead Steveo I dare you to ask why I think BigD's a wannabe....
BIG D: Yeah, Steve, I double dare you to ask him. I'm sure everyone is just dying to hear the wisdom of Mastermind.
STEVE SAYORS: ... oh lord... this is gonna be bad... Mastermind, why do you think Big D here is a wannabe?
Mastermind clears his throat and grabs the microphone off of Steve and turns to BigD.
MASTERMIND: Well you see Steveo, BigD just wants everything done for him now. He wants everything.... without doing the time and the yardage to wait until things come his way. Its not like he's done much with the helping hand anyway...... wannabe or no wannabe that is the question isnt it BigD? Am I right BigD? Am I right Steveo?
Mastermind sticks the microphone right up to BigD trying to get a straight out response. Big D doesn't let Mastermind's actions get to him, instead choosing to laugh it off before responding.
BIG D: I'll tell you what, you can think whatever you want. But the fact of the matter is, after our match tonight, the only wannabe in XWF will be YOU, wanting to be ME...... And that ain't no story, it's the Cold Big D Truth!
Big D scoffs at his opponent, before turning and walking away.
MASTERMIND: It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance finally Steveo, but next time don't leave it so long for another interview bro, you get it?
Mastermind pats Steve on his back and walks off in the opposite direction from BigD. He still shakes his head thinking about BigDs reaction. Good on him, he thought.
- vs -
We cut to see Robbie Bourbon, holding his bags for some reason. He is walking through a massive loading area where we see XWF trucks parked. Steve Sayors catches up with him.
STEVE SAYORS: Robbie! ROBBIE! Where are you going?
Robbie stops and looks at Steve with the utmost disgust.
ROBBIE BOURBON: Steve, this is attrocious. I am Robbie Bourbon. I am the biggest star in wrestling today, guaranteed money, shining light right in the eyes of the people everywhere, leaving them comfortably and happily blinded and complacent. And instead they try to put me in some spectacle of bullshit to impress a frumpy little old lady. Granted, the Queen might be the most important frumpy little old lady on earth, but a waste of my time regardless. I get in an airplane, fly all the way across the Atlantic ocean, ready to absolutely crush and decimate the competition. No sweat, no fuss, no muss, just easy pickin' for the most devastating, the most destructive, the most complete athlete in the universe today. None of the so-called "talent" appearing in the Leap of Faith match are worth sharing my airtime with. The frumpy little Queen isn't worth sharing my airtime with. So I reappraised the situation here in London...
Robbie farts. As he does, his eyes go wide and his singlet tightens up around the waist as he clenches his sphincter, probably holding in a shart.
Bourbon: This interview is over! Get out of my face!
Robbie turns and continues to truck along, dropping his bags and making a beeline for what looks like a bathroom.
HHL: I'm sorry, did Bourbon just tell us that he's NOT competing in the rafter match tonight?
PC: I don't know, Heather. You never know exactly what Bourbon has in mind.
Steve Sayors stands idly by, and the camera slowly returns to the ring for the next match.
The camera returns to ringside, showing off several fans in the front row sporting matching "TONY SANTOS GLARES AT YOU" tee shirts and dirty little mustaches. The X-tron shows graphics of the Hart title, one of the longest tenured championships in the XWF, and quickly begins to roll through a highlight reel of the two competitors we're about to see in action.
PC: This should be good, Carnes had a great string of wins to start his XWF career but was derailed in a loss to Lacklan. He finds himself against Tony Santos, who is on what could be the best run of his career!
HHL: Can he keep it going here at Buckingham Palace, or his his reign finally over?
Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.
"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the area. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, black trench coat on his back, taking slow, confident strides toward the ring. The disdain from the crowd pouring in, Tony Santos takes it all in with a smirk that would put Alex Rodriguez to shame.
The chorus (Could be the end of the world, I'd still be laid here on my own, wasting my life away!!!) hits, Santos ascends the stairs and climbs the turnbuckle, one hand raised in the air to display the XWF Hart championship proudly. Boos mixed with indecision rain in from the crowd, Tony still smiling, still loving the life he lives and the job he holds.
Santos jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits the mat with his two feet, giving one more raised arm to the crowd, then turning toward his opponent as the referee calls for the opening bell!
As soon as the opening bell rings Santos charges across the mat and lunges through the air for a flying crossbody! Hanari is able to drop to the mat safely as Santos sails harmlessly over him and rolls to his feet on the opposite side of the ring, bouncing off the ropes and charging Carnes just as he gets to his feet! Shoulder block! Hanari hits the mat hard but pops back to his feet in time to block a punch from Santos but eat a boot to the gut that doubles him over… scissor kick! Santos drops a leg on the back of Hanaris neck and slaps him down to the canvas before rushing to the corner of the ring and climbing up to the top rope! The fans applaud wildly as Santos looks at the downed Hanari and smiles before launching himself with a frog splash!
HHL: Santos is flying here, tonight!
PC: Like a bat out of hell, Heather!
Santos rolls around on the canvas next to Carnes for a moment, having winded himself slightly on that landing! He recovers quickly and rolls atop Carnes looking to get an early fall on his challenger! The referee slides into position and begins the count!
Kickout by Hanari!
Carnes shoves Santos off of him and both men climb to their feet. They circle slowly before eventually locking up and testing each other’s strength. Carnes drops to the canvas, tossing Tony with a sneaky arm drag. Santos gets up to his knees but Carnes is waiting for him with a low drop kick that hits him square in the chest and knocks him back into the corner. Carnes rushes to the corner and grabs hold of the top rope, using it for leverage as he viciously stomps the champion several times!
HHL: Ugh, that’s just fighting dirty.
PC: That?! That’s dirty?! Oh Heather, you gotta toughen up.
The referee pulls Carnes away from Santos, but Hanari dives right back in with a brutal knee that lands flush on Tony’s chin and flattens him! The Hart Champion just got knocked senseless! Hanari grabs Santos by the foot and drags him to the middle of the mat as the British fans begin to boo loudly, but he doesn’t seem to care. He smiles smugly at those in the seats before stomping viciously on Tony’s arm and dropping down for a cover.
Santos gets a shoulder up off the mat, but Carnes ticks Tony’s arm back to his side and tells the referee to count again!
Santos slides out from underneath Hanari Carnes and the two men stare each other down as they climb to their feet, circling warily once more before tying up. Carnes gains the advantage and wrenches the arm of Santos he had previously stomped on, earning a grimace from the champion, but Santos flips out of the arm lock and ends up face to face with Hanari… dropkick! Santos dropkicks Carnes and sends him tumbling across the mat and through the ropes, but Hanari catches himself and lands on the apron before he can fall all the way to the floor. Santos makes his way towards Carnes, but Hanari grabs Tony’s arm and drapes it over the top rope before dropping to the floor and snapping Tony’s shoulder violently!
PC: Great ring awareness by Hanari! He knew exactly where he was and what weapons were available to him!
HHL: He almost ripped the champions shoulder from its socket!
PC: Yeah, it was beautiful…
Tony rolls around the canvas in agony as Hanari Carnes struts outside the ring, holding his arms up triumphantly to mock the British fans. He even turns towards the private box of the Royal Family and blows a kiss to Kate Middleton! The fans are furious as he winks to her then returns his focus to Santos and slides back into the ring. He stomps on the injured arm of Santos a few more times, then grabs the champion by the hair and drags him arrogantly to his knees.
HHL: Santos rolls Hanari up with a small package!
PC: Carnes is caught completely off guard!
The referee slides into position and begins the count as Hanari Carnes struggles furiously!
Santos pops off of Carnes immediately and rolls to the opposite side of the ring to catch his breath and stretch out the arm Hanari has been targeting since the beginning of the match. The fans cheer his cunning maneuver but Carnes has a look of horror on his face as he stares at the referee and protests the fall.
HHL: Carnes is claiming he got his shoulders up!
PC: It doesn’t matter now, the referee called it! 1-0 for the champion! Hanari is going to have to work quickly if he wants to overcome this deficit!
Hanari finally quits complaining and uses the ropes to pull himself back to his feet. He takes a step towards Santos, but Tony immediately rolls underneath the bottom rope and out of the ring to buy himself a few more seconds to recover. Hanari looks frustrated by the move but chases after Tony regardless and follows him out to the floor. Suddenly Santos takes a running step and launches himself up and off of the steel ring steps with a flying Superman punch! He cracks Hanari right across the jaw and drives him back into the fan barricade, British fans leaning over to slap him on the back and jeer the Dominican star as Santos pummels Carnes against the barricade then spikes him to the ground with a lightning quick DDT! The referee urges Santos to bring the action back to the ring and begins to count both men out!
“One! … Two! … Three! … Four!”
Santos tries dragging Hanari up to his feet, but Carnes dead weights him and Tony struggles to move the challenger! Tony strains and strains, then suddenly Carnes grips Santos’ wrist and tugs roughly on his arm! Tony screams in pain!
PC: Hanari is bound and determined to tear that arm off!
Tony clutches at his injured arm as Hanari slips behind him and wraps his arms around Tonys waist! German suplex! Hanari suplexes the Hart Champion into the fan barricade! The referee continues pleading for the two men to get back in the ring and continues to count both out!
“Five! … Six! …”
Carnes slides back into the ring, but isn’t content to allow the referee to keep counting against Tony. Hanari bounces off the far ropes and charges before launching himself out of the ring over the top rope with a suicide dive! Hanari wrecks Santos just as the champ was trying to get back to his feet, and both men are down once more! The British fans erupt, standing up in their seats and leaning over the barricade to try and touch the motionless bodies of Hanari and Tony. The referee has no choice but to shrug his shoulders and restart the count out!
“One! … Two!”
Carnes and Santos continue to lay still on the grounds of Buckingham Palace, competing chants of “TO-NY SAN-TOS!” and “HA-NAR-I!” echoing from the seats. The referee continues to count.
“Three! … Four!”
Hanari finally rolls over to his knees and grabs the ring skirt to drag himself up to his feet. He grabs Tony by the hair and pulls him up as well, bouncing his skull off of the ring apron before rolling him under the bottom rope and back into the ring. Hanari stands outside for a moment to regain his composure, running his fingertips through his hair and taking a deep breath as he stands up to the chorus of boos.
HHL: Do these British fans love Tony Santos this much, or just hate Hanari Carnes?
PC: Be honest, they don’t love either of these Spaniard warriors.
HHL: Neither of these men are from Spain.
PC: Well Hanari is Dominican and Tony is… I don’t know Puerto Rican or something. Isn’t that all kind of the same? Either way, the fans here like to see championship reigns go on forever and be mostly unchallenged… like the Queen over there…
HHL: God, Pip! Everything you say is terrible. Back to the action in the ring.
Hanari climbs slowly up to the ring apron and after thinking about it begins to make his way up the ring post to the top rope! Hanari is looking to take to the air! He poses for the jeering fans and waits for Tony to climb to his feet, then leaps from the top rope with an axe handle smash! Tony drops and Carnes hooks the leg for the cover!
Kickout by Tony! He keeps his 1-0 lead intact as Hanari stands up and begins to pace a circle around the ring, wondering exactly what he needs to do to get a fall on the champion and tie this iron man match up!
Santos struggles to make it to the corner and pull himself to his feet, he stretches out his hand, reaching for the ropes... and Hanari stomps down on Santos' shoulder! Hanari has made it a point to work that over all night, and Santos is beginning to scream out in pain each time it's touched! Hanari drags Santos up to his feet, and Tony shoves him backwards and off the ropes! Hanari stumbles forward and right into a spinning heel kick from the champion that doubles Carnes over! Tony brings a knee smashing up into Carnes' faces sending him flipping backwards and crashing hard to the mat! Tony charges off the ropes, still favoring his arm, and hits a rolling thunder on Hanari that fires up this English crowd! Santos looks for a cover!
HHL: Kickout by Hanari, he knows he can't go down 2-0 to Tony Santos and still hope to win this.
PC: Hanari could be UP 2-0 and I wouldn't expect him to win this, Heather.
Santos backs away from Hanari and urges him to his feet. Carnes obliges and Tony hooks him up, looking for a belly to belly suplex, but his arm is too mangled to be able to get a good grip and he isn't able to get Hanari up off the mat! Carnes quickly counters, dragging Tony to the canvas and fighting to lock in Viva La Republic! It's his cross arm breaker! Tony struggles wildly, screaming but refusing to tap as Hanari barks at him and looks to separate his shoulder. He doesn't get it totally locked in though, and Santos eventually rolls out and escapes the submission, climbing back to his feet.
Santos cradles his arm looking at Hanari and then to the timer. Carnes glares at The Hart Champion and smacks the mat with a war cry and charges Santos! He goes up for a high knee but Tony Santos rolls underneath, Hanari lands on the ropes and bounces back off just catching Santos in the shoulder with a kick! Tony is thrown to his knees as he holds his arm tight to his chest. Carnes kips up and sprints towards Santos once more nailing Tony in the side once more with a low dropkick!
Santos drops to the mat in agony and Hanari pushes himself to stand and throws a boot down against Santos' elbow and bicep.
Tony Santos quickly retreats to the outside and collects himself. Carnes is sucking in wind but sees a victory within his grasp, he charges the opposite ropes and runs back, hurling himself over the top rope looking for a senton! BUT SANTOS COUNTERS WITH A PELE KICK!
The two drop to the floor with a roar from the crowd. The audience stomps their feet rallying the competitors.
Santos stands slowly to his feet with aid of the barricade and looks up at the timer once more, the cogs in his brain turning. He sees Carnes starting to stand and goes for a club to the back with his good arm but Hanari, with a belly full of fire, throws an elbow back and clocks Santos! Carnes grabs Santos destroyed arm and wrenches it, throwing him back into the ring keeping a tight grasp on the forearm before raising it and slamming the elbow into the edge of the apron!
PC: I sure hope that isn't Santos' drinking arm.
Carnes slides into the ring and pulls Santos into the center and...
In the center of the ring!
Tony has nowhere to go!
He cries out in agony as Hanari roars in pride.
Santos tries to resist and throw a punch at his attacker but Carnes throws sharp kicks into Santos' jaw and knocks him away!
The Champ is forcing himself not to tap!
He rolls on the mat, trying to find some leeway!
But to no avail!
Hanari won't give way!
Santos hand is inches away from the mat!
He's about to tap!
But with the last of his energy, he throws his body towards Carnes and gets his shoulders to the mat whilst still in the hold!
The ref goes for the count!!!
HHL: He did it! Tony Santos retains his title AGAIN!
PC: Hanari is furious! Another few seconds and he would have tied this up, and maybe broken Tony's arm, but as it stands Santos is still the Hart champion!
Hanari lets go of Tony's arm and furiously rolls out of the ring, cursing to himself and kicking at the ground as he walks. The referee helps Tony to his feet and then circles around to his uninjured arm and lifts it into the air. There's a mixed reaction from the crowd, but it's generally positive as they acknowledge Tony as a deserving champion despite his arrogance and attitude. Tony collects his championship belt from the referee and poses for the fans one more time before wincing and clutching at his injured arm. He climbs carefully through the ropes and out of the ring, making his way backstage as the camera fades out.
We open in the familiar spot we've seen many times tonight, directly behind the black curtain that leads to the ring. Lux stands, stretching and preparing for her Television title defense against THE Tristan Slater, when suddenly she's approached by Azrael Erebus!
Azrael stops and stands calmly at Lux's side. Lux glances over casually and smiles.
LUX: I appreciate you doing this. These guys always have a horde to watch their backs. It's only smart to have a plan of my own.
Azrael nods and says nothing.
LUX: Just keep them honest. The others are ready if anything gets out of hand.
Azrael nods again, grinning slightly and cracking their neck.
Others? What does Lux mean by others?
Slow fade out.
The Tristan Slater steps out to the top of the stage, a shit eating grin on his face as he makes his way down the ramp with his manager Rage. Slater is wearing a "Table Scraps" tee shirt, and points at it repeatedly as the British fans boo him all the way to the ring. Tristan peels the shirt off as he climbs the ring steps and hurls it into the crowd, then laughs as it's promptly hurled back. Rage makes his way to his usual managerial position, and Tristan lounges in the corner awaiting Lux's arrival.
The lights dim and all the screens in the area become a wall of green code. As the opening scream of “We Appreciate Power” is heard, the code starts to slowly twist and bend into the outline of a woman's face, interspersed with shots of Lux in action ruining people's shit with brutal kicks and strikes. Lux appears at the top of the ramp with Azrael at her side, looking determined and ignoring the crowd. She runs into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rolling to her feet like a little goddamn ninja. The lights all turn back on and she's mean-mugging Tristan Slater! The music fades away to a massive “FUCK EM’ UP LUX FUCK EM’ UP!” chant from the sold-out crowd as Tristan smirks and the referee provides last minute instructions before calling for the bell!
Lux and THE Tristan Slater circle each other slowly as the match begins, each respecting the skill set of the other even if Tristan Slater would have you believe otherwise. On the outside of the ring Azrael Erebus patrols the floor, standing guard for any potential ambushes from Chris Pages invading faction, out for supposed ambush, while on the other side of the ring Rage is walking up and down the stretch in front of the fan barricade and loudly proclaiming that the Television title is the first of three championships their stable plans on taking home tonight.
HHL: Lets go Lux!
PC: There’s no was Lux loses this title tonight, the reign on Savage has been other worldly!
HHL: Kind of like her manager tonight, Azrael.
PC: Shut up, Heather. We don’t acknowledge that shit...
It doesn't take too long before both THE Tristan Slater and Lux go storming towards each other, both looking for an early advantage. Lux throws a four punch combination followed by a turning side kick but Slater is ready for the outburst, covering up and deflecting all of the punches before catching the kick and sweeping Lux’s leg out from underneath her! Lux flatbacks on the canvas and kips up to her feet! She throws a heavy roundhouse kick that Slater also manages to block but this one sends him stumbling back into the ropes! Slater rebounds towards Lux eats a knee to the gut that doubles him over as well as an elbow to the back of the head that drops him to all fours! Slater gets up slowly, a smile on his face as he stares Lux down!
THE TRISTAN SLATER: … table scraps…
Rage cheers from outside of the ring as Slater advances on Lux with a renewed aggression. He throws a hook to the body that winds Lux, then pulls her into a tight side headlock and feeds her several clean shots to the face! Lux drops to a knee and Slater bulldogs her down to the canvas! Lux pops to her feet quickly and Slater attempts to suplex her, but Lux stomps him on his foot and he has to let go and back away!
13:02 Remaining!
Lux tries to catch her breath as Slater gives her some space, and she backs towards the ropes. Slater continues to bark trash talk from across the mat but Lux seems mostly unfazed. Instead she breathes calmly, and looks outside of the ring to ensure Azrael Erebus is still standing guard in case things go haywire. Lux nods to Azrael, and assured that everything is under control, sprints at Slater and looks for a running knee to the face! Slater sidesteps and rolls to the corner of the ring, Lux sailing harmlessly passed him and landing near the ropes. She bounces herself off the ropes and towards the corner Slater is standing in…
HHL: Helluva kick! Lux lands that right across the jaw and Slater goes down hard!
Lux drops a standing elbow to Tristan’s midsection and hooks his leg for a quick cover!
PC: Rage jumps up to the apron, he’s going to try and break up the count!
HHL: Azrael hops up onto the apron on the other side as well! Rage stops dead in his tracks!
Kickout by Slater!
Lux climbs off of Slater and backs towards the ropes, and Slater sits up and screams at the referee that he needs to keep Lux in check and not allow Azrael to climb on the ring apron, as it’s a distraction that could cost him the match. A little confused, the referee turns to Azrael to issue a warning, and Rage suddenly reaches over the top rope to grab a fistful of hair and drop to the floor! Luxs neck snaps off the top rope and she hits the canvas hard! Rage opens his fist outside the ring and a large clump of Lux’s hair flutters to the floor!
10:58 Remaining!
HHL: Azrael is enraged!
PC: Erebus drops to the floor and sprints full speed around the ring to where Rage is standing!
Azrael flattens Rage with a clothesline, following it up with several swift kicks as Rage rolls around on the floor and tries to protect himself.
HHL: That’s exactly what Azrael is out her for!
The referee moves to the ropes and shouts down at the two managers to get themselves under control and behave responsibly, and as soon as he does Tristan Slater takes advantage of the distraction! Slater rains several closed fists down on Lux, then drags her to her feet by the ripped hair!
Tristan double arm DDT’s Lux and leaves her sprawled out on the mat! Slater doesn’t look for a cover though, and instead sits on the mat next to Lux’s body! He stares out at the enraged British fans, smiling from ear to ear and enjoying the boos they rain down on him. Azrael Erebus realizes that they’re costing Lux by distracting the referee and quickly retreats from Rage and returns to Lux’s side of the ring. Slater notices Azrael retreat, and looks towards Rage who grins up at him and flashes a thumbs up for a job well done, and finally Tristan rolls over to cover the Television Champion!
PC: Slater wasted a lot of time there!
HHL: I don’t think he cares, he’s convinced that he’s got this match in the bag!
Kickout by Lux! She rolls a shoulder up just in time!
9:23 Remaining!
Slater rolls his eyes and glares at the referee, not pleased with the speed of that count, and grumbles as he climbs to his feet. He grabs Lux by the hair once more and begins to slowly prop her up, but Lux suddenly springs to her feet and surprises Tristan with a punch to the throat! He backpedals, gasping and wheezing and clutching his trachea, and Lux hits a picture perfect looking dropkick that sends Slater flying across the ring and into the corner! Slater slams hard into the turnbuckle but keeps his feet, stepping back out of the corner and cracking his neck with a malicious glint in his eye. Lux smiles and gives him the “come on” gesture which leaves Slater furious and charging forward like a bull rushes a matador. Slater attempts a running clothes line, but Lux ducks, and then quickly stands up and launches herself through the air with a flying shoulder block as Slater turns around. Once again Slater stumbles backwards into the corner.
HHL: Is Lux getting the upper hand?!
Lux charges at Slater and looks to seize the momentum! Lux lights Slater up with a three punch combo before rotating like a top and cracking Slater with a spinning backfist! Slater looks wobbly! He drops to a single knee and…
PC: Die!
HHL: Lux hits the trademark buzzsaw kick! Slater is down!
Lux dives atop Slater to look for a cover as the referee slides into position to make the count!
Rage reaches under the rope and tugs Luxs foot, pulling her off Slater and breaking the count! Rage just saved Slater and this match is still going!
8:01 Remaining!
Slater rolls away from Lux, who’s turned around and screaming at Rage as he patrols the outside innocently. Tristan climbs up to his feet, shaking his head slowly to try and clear the cobwebs, then rushes at Lux with a big boot meant to decapitate her! Lux sees it coming at the last second and rolls out of the way, getting back to her feet just as Slater comes looking for another clothesline! Lux is able to spin out of the way again, flipping backwards for a Pele kick that misses the mark! Lux hurries to her feet and Slater times her perfectly, unleashing a hellacious knife edged chop that elicits a loud “WOOOOOOOOOOO!” from the fans and leaves Lux reeling! Slater quickly whips Lux across the ring and into the corner, chasing after her and connecting with a nice body splash! Tristan tucks Lux’s head and spiked her to the mat with a running bulldog!
PC: Uh oh, Lux is in a bad spot here!
HHL: Tristan drags her back to her feet! Fishermans suplex!
PC: This is VERY bad for Lux! Slater is just too strong physically!
Azrael Erebus looks on from the floor, concerned for the Savage brands champion, as Rage cackles gleefully in the opposite corner!
Slater takes a slow step towards Lux, measured and controlled, and then another! He stands completely over her, a smile on his face.
THE TRISTAN SLATER: I told you… table scraps...
6:49 Remaining!
Suddenly the lights above and around the arena cut out, plunging the grounds of Buckingham Palace into total darkness!
HHL: What’s going on?!
PC: Someone bring up the lights!
Finally the lights return, and reveal that Tristan Slater is still standing over the body of Lux…
… but there’s someone standing behind him!
PC: Who is that?!
HHL: It’s… it’s…
HHL: It’s John Cable, one of the top stars of the most recent iteration of the WGWF… and someone that has a LONG history with Tristan Slater!
Slater spins around to face off with Cable, his mask a twisted mask of shock as he looks into the eyes of a man he thought he had put in his rear view mirror! Slater takes a step towards Cable, his jaw clenched and eyes blazing in intensity! Cable stands his ground, eyes just as fiery as Tristan’s when suddenly…
PC: Lux rolls Slater up! Lux with the small package!
HHL: She did it! Lux just defended against Tristan Slater, and the British fans rejoice!
Every fan in the building leaps up and out of their seat as Lux releases Tristan and rolls away from him! Tristan looks shocked, and Rage slides into the ring from the floor in an effort to reach our “and still” champion. Azrael Erebus slides into the ring as well, rushing to Lux’s side and grabbing her by the shoulder! Azrael pulls Lux out of the ring before Tristan or Rage can attack, and the duo stand at the base of the entrance ramp staring up at Slater, Rage and the newly debuted John Cable as the referee brings the Television championship back to its rightful owner.
PC: Slater doesn’t seem like he’s finished with Lux…
Tristan walks over to the ropes, swinging one foot through and to the apron, but before he or either of the men flanking him can pursue Lux we see Wylie Sinclair and all three Blackwater brothers rushing down the ramp to get the champions back.
HHL: Lux has an entire squadron here to protect her tonight!
PC: Brilliant! Page and Slater have made it their go-to move, bringing out the cavalry to swing the odds in their favour… Lux took a Page out of their book!
Lux, Azrael, Wylie and the Brothers Blackwater make their way up the ramp and to the stage where Lux holds the Television title up and over her head triumphantly. Slater, Rage and John Cable can only watch on helplessly as she mutters two words to Slater before disappearing behind the curtain.
LUX: Table scraps!
Fade out.
Scully has Tea with the Queen!
The scene opens with the camera outside of the Queens home, the beautiful Buckingham Palace, itself. The camera pans around the large palace before the scene changes.
We're now inside where we see the Majesty herself, the Queen sat in a chair at a table. Opposite her is XWF superstar, Scully. Scully, who of course is from England, has a grin on his face. A servant then brings a pot of tea in a white, flowered teapot, on a smart looking tray with two China cups. There is also a small jug of milk and a small pot of sugar. The servant makes the tea for both Scully and the Queen. Queen Elizabeth doesn't have sugar but Scully has two. A couple of guards stand in the background. There are also a couple of young looking men, who appear to have down syndrome, playing nicely with snap cards supplied by the Queen.
SCULLY: Thank you your majesty for inviting us to have tea with you!
[b]QUEEN: You're very welcome, young man. It's just a pity, you will not be having a match tonight, at Leap of Faith.
SCULLY: I know, I know. But I will make sure I'm more active in the month of August.
Queen: Good, good. You are my favourite wrestler. I'll never forget that song you sung for your entrance music…
Scully chuckles.
SCULLY: Oh The Union one?
Queen: Yes… We love our tea and we dig our crumpets, when I arrive, there blowing trumpets!"
Suddenly, two men blow trumpets in the distance. Skull grinned like a Cheshire cat and gave the Queen a round of applause as do the other people in the room. Skull is impressed with the Queens attempt at rapping his Union theme song.
SCULLY: That was brilliant! Bravo!
Queen: Thank you… I try. Anyway, I must say what you're doing with these boys/girls/men/women with learning difficulties is incredible. They really do behave for you.
SCULLY: They actually came to me. I haven't been around much recently as I've been giving my time to them … They do have there moments..
Suddenly one of the young, special needs men whose name is Tom, throws the cards in anger. They go everywhere and the other young man, Lenny laughs at him. Then he begins to sing…
Lenny: Don't Luke bak in Anna, I erd ya sayn…
He continues to laugh after singing the famous Oasis song his own way.. Needless to say, Tom who threw the cards originally doesn't like it and shouts at him.
Tom: Lenny, shush down? Stoopid face!
Scully intervenes.
SCULLY: Come on lads. No fighting. Lenny and Tom, pick the cards up please?![b]
[b]Lenny: Tom deed it! Not fare!
Tom and Lenny pick the cards up together and then sit down in a sulk. Scully looks at the Queen who is actually smirking.
SCULLY: Sorry about that!
Queen: Don't be silly, Scully. That was somewhat entertaining. What else can they do?
Scully is taken back by the question, after all they weren't circus acts.
SCULLY: Well.. Erm.. As you heard, Lenny likes a sing song and Tom usually dances with him. When they're getting on, that is!
Queen: Ooooh that sounds splendid. Can I have a little performance now?
Scully nods and looks over at Lenny and Tom.
SCULLY: Lenny… Tom… Our majesty would like to hear a song from you guys…
Lenny and Tom look at one another and grin. They stand up and Lenny begins to sing in the style of Sex Pistols… Tom headbangs..
Lenny: Rod, sayve da queer.. Da racist re-geen.. Deyy mayde u a moron.. A pro-testicle sex icon…
Skull is shocked and so is the Queen… The staff in the room look shocked too and the guards approach them..
After an awkward silence, the Queen bursts out laughing… So everyone else joins in….
Laughter from everyone....
The scene fades out, and back to the ring.
HHL: It's time for the tag team title match!
PC: This is gonna be good! If War Games showed us anything, it's that these men will DESTROY each other in the ring!
There's no music cue, no shift in lights. MDK and Bill Blakk simply appear on the stage, atop the entrance ramp. The fans boo them loudly as soon as they appear and boo even louder as Rage appears between them ready to serve as manager once again tonight. The duo doesn't seem to remotely care and make their way down the ramp, enjoying the boos and confidently climbing the ring steps and entering through the ropes.
HHL: These guys are good.
PC: Let's hope the Apex duo is better.
"Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons hits the speakers as the XWF Tag Team Champions Drew Archyle and James Raven walk out from the back. Drew slaps hands with some of the fans that are lined up along the entry ramp, but there's a grimmace on his face as he moves. Raven then looks to the crowd to his left and then right, rolling his shoulders. He smiles and bumps fists with Drew before the duo make their way down the ramp towards the ring. Raven stops at the ring steps looking to the crowd once more before slamming his hands on the ring steps entering the ring. Once Drew reaches the ring he quickly follows Raven up the steps and climbs in between the top and middle rope and into the ring. Drew removes his leather jacket and tosses it outside of the ring while he leans against the turnbuckles chatting with Raven.
HHL: Is it just me or does Drew seem a little out of it?
The referee checks in with both teams and finds out who will be representing each team to start, then hands the championships over the ropes to the timekeeper and calls for the bell!
James Raven starts out inside the ring as Drew Archyle steps slowly and carefully through the ropes to the apron. Bill Blakk looms in the opposite corner, rolling his shoulders as MDK grins at Raven and steps out of the ring. Rage patrols the outside of the ring dutifully, ready to help his boys in any way possible.
Raven and Blakk step towards each other and beginning to circle as the fans cheer wildly. Blakk reaches for Raven, but the tag champ counters with an arm drag that sends Bill flat backed to the mat! Raven immediately leaps atop him, raining down several hard punches and elbows before attempting to secure Blakks wrist and lock in a tight arm bar! Blakks defense is superb as he rolls to relieve the pressure… but Raven transitions! He switches from an arm bar to a Kimura and tries to rip Bills shoulder from the socket! Bill Blakk struggles furiously, the crowd rising to their feet and screaming at the top of their lungs!
HHL: There’s no way this is going to end this quickly, right?!
PC: Raven has Blakk spun up like a fly in a web! It could be ove-
Suddenly Blakk cocks his free arm back and slams his fist into Ravens face like a piston! Ravens eyes roll back, but he keeps his Kimura tight! Bill Blakk cocks his fist back again and throws two punches this time, both catching James Raven on the side of his skull and knocking him practically senseless. Raven has to let go of the submission, collapsing limply to the mat for a moment as Blakk collects himself and slowly stands up to stretch out his arm.
HHL: Raven latches onto Blakks leg!
PC: He drags him back down to the canvas, looking for a heel hook! James Raven is bound and determined to mat wrestle and submit Bill Blakk!
HHL: Brilliant. He’s negating the raw power Blakk has on his feet. I’ve known James for a long time, he’s always been an incredible strategist.
Raven works desperately to twist and tweak Bills leg from the knee down, trying to pop tendons or tear muscles if it’s necessary to keep the behemoth down. MDK screams defensive instructions to Blakk from the apron and tells him to roll towards the ropes, which Bill does. Blakk stretches out his unbelievably long arm… and MDK is able to reach out and make the tag! MDK leaps over the top rope and sprints over to Raven, laying several vicious stomps into James and forcing him to let go of Blakk who army-crawls under the bottom rope to check out his leg. Raven covers up as MDK stomps him several times, scooting backwards on the mat until he has enough space to leap quickly to his feet. As soon as he’s up MDK lunges and grabs hold of Raven, spinning around and shooting him off the ropes! MDK looks for a clothesline but Raven sucks underneath and rebounds off the ropes on the far side of the ring. MDK turns around…
HHL: Right into a flying knee! Raven uses the ropes to slingshot himself for a V-Trigger and MDK is down!
PC: James Raven makes the cover!
Rage reaches underneath the bottom rope and drags Raven off of MDK, who then shoves Raven off of himself and uses the ropes to pull himself groggily to his feet. Raven looks furiously at Rage but then uses the moment to retreat to the Apex Prophecy corner, tagging in Drew Archyle! Drew looks at Raven, then takes a deep breath and nods his head before stepping slowly through the ropes and into the ring.
PC: You know Heather, I think you’re right. Drew doesn’t look right. There’s something really off about him right now.
HHL: I told you!
Drew stands completely motionless, starting across the ring at MDK. Finally MDK advances on Drew and ties up, easily twisting the tag team champion into a hammerlock before shifting to a side headlock. Archyle puts up very little resistance as MDK arrogantly walks Drew back to the corner, shoving him into the turnbuckle before tagging Bill Blakk back into the match up. MDK fires a few chops at Drew before stepping through the ropes and making way for Blakk who pulls Drew away from the ringpost and puts him down with a ripcord lariat!
HHL: Oh my god! Bill Blakk nearly decapitated Drew Archyle there!
Blakk drops to his knees and stares out at the fans as they jeer him loudly, then puts a single hand flat on the chest of Drew as the referee slides over to make the count!
PC: What an arrogant cover from Blakk!
Rage looks enraged outside the ring as the referee spots Drew’s ankle, motionless but clearly dangling under the bottom rope and off the apron. Blakk glares at the referee but doesn’t argue the decision, instead standing up and dragging Drew to his feet by the hair. Bill Blakk smashes Drew with a forearm to the face, then slides behind the tag team champion and grabs him around the waist! GERMAN SUPLEX! Bill Blakk hurls Archyle across the canvas and into the Apex Prophecy corner! James Raven quickly reaches over the ropes and tags himself in!
HHL: Poor ring awareness by Bill Blakk, he put Archyle right back in his own corner and allowed Raven to step in!
PC: Seriously! If he had just kept Drew on the other side of the ring, he and MDK could already be the tag team champions!
Raven blasts through the ropes as if shot out of a cannon and charges at Bill Blakk, booting him in the gut and doubling him over! Swinging neckbreaker! Raven puts Blakk down with a swinging neckbreaker and Raven is heading for a neutral corner… he’s climbing the ring post! James Raven is taking to the air! The crowd cheers loudly as the XWF legend stands on the top turnbuckle, staring down at Bill Blakk… and…
HHL: Shooting Star Press! Raven hits a shooting star press on Bill Blakk!
PC: I didn’t even know he was still athletic enough to hit one of those!
HHL: Honestly? Me either.
PC: That Betsy chick is keeping him limber!
HHL: You’re in timeout now, Pip. Take a break.
PC: Awww man.
James Raven hooks the leg, making the cover on Blakk! The referee slides into position to make the count! Bill Blakk doesn’t seem to be moving!
HHL: MDK dives into the ring and breaks up the cover, dropping a standing elbow to Ravens spine!
PC: Rage laughs on the outside of the ring, that was a close call! The fans need him mercilessly though.
MDK retreats back to the apron, Bill Blakk climbing to his feet as Raven grimaces and does the same. The two men eye each other and circle slowly, when suddenly Drew Archyle loses his balance and takes a nasty fall from the apron of the Apex corner and hits the floor with a sickening thump, and lays motionless.
HHL: What just happened? Pip, did you see?
PC: Oh am I out of timeout now? Nothing happened. The clumsy bastard just fell.
HHL: … something is really wrong with Drew. This is concerning…
Raven hears the crowd reaction and turns to look at his empty corner. The split second distraction is all Bill Blakk needs to shoot in and wrap Raven around the waist, hurling him with a belly to belly suplex! Raven pops to his feet quickly but Blakk is waiting for him with a big boot that sends Raven flipping over the top rope and to the floor next to Drew! Apex has been cleared from the ring and Archyle wasn’t even touched! Bill Blakk walks back to his corner and confidently bumps fists with MDK, tagging him in. MDK steps through the ropes and then falls back against them to build a running start and launch himself over the top with a suicide dive on the other side! Archyle and Raven were nearly on their feet and down they go! MDK takes them both out and rolls to his feet at the base of the entrance ramp and poses for the fans, roaring at the fans in the front row who boo him mercilessly. MDK points at Raven and begins to stomp towards him, but suddenly Drew Archyle crawls into MDK’s path and cuts him off from reaching James.
PC: Drew is putting himself in harms way!
HHL: He’s trying to buy Raven some time… this is horrific, we need to stop this match!
PC: Shut your mouth! This is the business that these guys signed up for! People get hurt.
MDK rains several elbow strikes down on the back of Drew’s head and tries to walk around him but Archyle clings to his waist and keeps him rooted in place! Raven climbs slowly to his feet and takes a step backwards before charging at MDK and leaping over Drew, drilling MDK with a V-Trigger! The flying knee from Raven smashes into MDKs face and rips him from Drew’s clutches, sending he and Raven smashing horrifically into the steel ring steps! The British fans explode at the sight of the carnage, the camera cutting to the Royal families box where Meghan Markle is clearly aroused by Ravens recklessness.
“One! … Two! … Three! … Four!”
The referee finally has enough and begins to count both teams out of the ring. Raven rolls groggily to his hands and knees and crawls over to his partner, checking on Drew before returning his attention to MDK and dragging him to his feet.
“Five! … Six!”
HHL: Raven needs to hurry up, he’s running out of time!
Raven forces MDK up against the ring apron and feeds him several knife edge chops before rolling him underneath the bottom rope and following close behind.
PC: It looks like MDK is still out of it from the V-Trigger into the steel steps! Raven hooks the leg for the cover!
Tw- No!
Bill Blakk rushes through the ropes and stomps on Ravens spine, breaking the count! The referee gets in Blakks face and backs him into the corner, telling him he needs to wait to be tagged in. As soon as his back is turned, Rage slides into the ring behind him and lays several hard shots down on James! The fans boo mercilessly as Rage pummels the former Universal champion and current XWF co-owner, eventually rolling out of the ring and feigning innocence as the referee turns around to look at the action after forcing Bill Blakk out of the ring.
PC: Raven and MDK are both motionless on the canvas!
HHL: Yeah, but Raven was hit illegally!
MDK regains his senses before Raven does, inching across the canvas and tagging Blakk I’m officially! Blakk storms past the referee, shooting him a dirty look after he was forced out mere seconds ago! Blakk stomps over to Raven, grabbing a fistful of the legends hair and dragging him up to his feet where-
HHL: James lays out Bill Blakk with a flight of the Raven!
Rage explodes outside the ring as Raven suddenly swings the momentum in Apex’s favour. Rage slams his palms on the canvas, trying to bring Blakk back to his senses.
PC: Bill Blakk is motionless! Raven has laid him out, but Raven lays motionless on the canvas! He’s totally spent!
The referee looks from Raven to Blakk and backto Raven again, then begins to loudly count both men out!
“One! … Two! … Three! … Four! … Five!”
Raven begins to stir, inching his way across the canvas towards the Apex Prophecy corner! He stretches out desperately to tag in Drew Archyle but can’t quite reach! On the other side of the ring Bill Blakk is beginning to move as well! He crawls towards MDK with an arm outstretched, looking to make the tag!
Both men are so close…
… but so far!
Bill Blakk lunges at MDK and tags him in to the dismay of the British fans, as across the ring Raven launches himself through the air to slap hands with Drew Archyle! Both men have made the tag! MDK rushes into the ring to replace Blakk, and Archyle stumbles uneasily through the ropes to replace Raven, when suddenly-
PC: Holy shit!
HHL: MDK hits Drew with a HellShot!!!
Drew Archyle lays motionless on the canvas, MDK grins arrogantly and makes the cover! This has got to be over!
PC: James Raven tries to rush into the ring!
HHL: Raven gets there in time and drops an elbow to the spine of MDK!
MDK rolls off of Drew and to his feet to face Raven, and immediately eats a super kick! James Raven rears back and unleashes The F.Y.S. He nearly decapitates MDK! The British fans explode as Raven grabs the top rope and shakes it violently, clearly fired up as MDK crawls on the mat and struggles to get back to his feet. Raven turns towards him…
Raven hits his world famous jumping cutter! MDK and Drew Archyle are both down on the mat as the referee puts a hand on Ravens shoulder and tells him he needs to get back to the apron and wait to be tagged in. Raven begins to obey the instructions when suddenly Bill Blakk sprints across the ring from his own apron and demolishes the referee with a shoulder block on his way to Raven! James sees him coming and has a moment to collect himself as the referee goes down!
James lays Bill Blakk out next to MDK!
HHL: Blakk and Tenegra are down! Drew Archyle is down! The referee is even down!
PC: And it looks like Raven is going airborne!
The crowd are on their feet, roaring wildly as James heads to the corner and begins to climb to the top rope, a giant smile on his face.
HHL: He’s going to try and land a Ravensault on Blakk and MDK! He’s going to- NOOOO!
Suddenly Rage, who’s been observing this entire sequence from the floor, springs into action and leaps up to the apron! He grabs Raven and jumps back to the floor, dragging the tag champ along with him!
PC: Rage drags Raven from the top rope to the floor, and Raven is stunned! He’s just covering up as Rage lays into him with punches and elbows, battering his career long rival!
Bill Blakk begins to stir in the ring, rolling underneath the bottom rope and joining Rage on the outside of the ring. Bill Blakk shakes his head a few times to clear out the cobwebs then begins to viciously stomp James as Rage continues to assault him!
HHL: This is crazy, someone needs to put an end to this!
On cue MDK pushes himself up to his hands and knees, glancing out of the ring and seeing the chaos that’s happening on the floor. He turns to look at the downed referee and more importantly… the downed Drew Archyle. MDK makes his way over to Drew, lifting him to his feet and shouting for Rage and Bill Blakk to hold Raven up. Raven looks on helplessly and in horror as MDK sets Archyle up…
The shaking of the ring canvas seems to wake the referee, and he looks up in time to see MDK make the cover!
He crawls across the canvas, weak! James Raven struggles furiously to get free of Blakk and MDK, but he can’t! The referee starts the count!
HHL: NO! That's not right! We have new XWF tag team-
Suddenly the mic cuts out. Heather taps the mic a few times to confirm this as the fans as well as the wrestlers in the ring look around unsure of what is going on...
"Points of Authority" by Linkin Park blasts out over the airwaves as everyone turns attention to the entry way. The song plays for about 20 seconds and then the XWFtron lights up with the words...
MONEY TALK$ the crowd loses their minds as one of the XWF's Principal Owners and former Universal Champion Theo Pryce appears at the top of the entry way a mic in his hand, a smile on his face and wearing a three piece suit that probably costs more than Peter Gilmour's yearly lap band surgery.
Theo stands at the top of the ramp for a few basking in the crowds warm response before signaling for the XWF's audio techs to cut the music.
THEO PRYCE: Well isn't this just something. My old pal James Raven and his whatever it is Drew Archyle is supposed to be losing a match to two guys I've never even heard of. Seems like every time I see James Raven in a ring he's losing a match but at least the last time it happened it was to The Kings and not...whoever those guys are... Anyway, their names aren't really important. What is important however is the tag team titles that were about to go on their waists.
Theo lowers the mic for a second and looks towards the ring to see Drew Archyle still laid out in the middle of the ring, most likely unconscious but possibly dead as James Raven kneels next to him. Leaning up against the ropes closest to the entry ramp are Bill Blakk and MDK, staring a hole right into the chest of Theo Pryce.
THEO PRYCE: So here's the thing guys, that corpse there in the ring that just ate a pin? He wasn't medically cleared for this match. In fact I'm not sure he was medically cleared to do anything but lay in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of him... but here he is. On top of that, we all saw Rage get involved at the end there. Sure, you pinned Archyle for the 1-2-3, and we can't take that away from you... but what I can do is what James over there should have done on his own, as one of the owners of this company, and take the tag team titles off the line in this match.
The British fans erupt! This match wasn't for the tag team titles! MDK and Bill Blakk are going home empty handed!
THEO PRYCE: If you wanted this to be a title match, you should have found another partner to take Drew's place. Given the fact that Drew could barely stand out there I think just about anyone not named Vinnie Lane would have been an improvement. But James didn't do that. Maybe because he was afraid of hurting your feelings by "pulling rank" in a match that he had a vested interest in, or because he wasn't smart enough to figure it out on his own I'm not sure... But you see, I have no interest in this match and I don't give a nun's hairy box about any of your feelings so here's the deal... You two can claim the win, or a referee can come out and call this a disqualification and you can tell Rage to stay out of it next time... it's irrelevant to me, but those titles that you think you won? Those titles that you think you earned? They will remain around the waists of Apex. You don't deserve them and you ain't getting em.
The British fans cheer loudly at Theo's announcement, Bill Blakk and MDK looking furious and ready to charge out of the ring and up the ramp to the returning XWF Owner.
THEO PRYCE: If either of you two have a problem with that you can take it up with your "boss" Chris Page, because it was his actions that costs you guys those titles. Not me. Don't shoot the messenger. Or do, because believe me when I say this, I would love nothing more than to rain a shit storm down on you fellas the likes of which you have never seen. And if your boss Chris Page has a problem with what just transpired here today he can come find me. I'll be in my office at XWF HQ because fellas... this place needs a bit of a face life and I'm just the guy to deliver it...Oh and one last thing. If you guys want another shot at those titles feel free to enter the tag team tournament. Who knows, you might have better luck next time."
Theo Pryce literally and metaphorically drops the mic as he disappears back stage while MDK, Bill Blakk and James Raven look on in shock as Drew Archyle lays in the ring still unconscious and still possibly dead.
The camera fades backstage.
We head to the backstage area set up of Buckingham Palace to see Steve Justice contemplating in the locker room. A light shines through an opening door and Justice stands to attention as Atticus Black approaches. Steve Justice takes a deep breath as Atticus examines him.
ATTICUS BLACK: How are you enjoying my beautiful country?
STEVE JUSTICE: Funny, I didn't recognise you without the wig, Queen Elizabeth.
Atticus chuckles scratching his beard.
ATTICUS BLACK: You're funny, makes sense you're a solid promo.
Justice forces a smile and nods his head.
ATTICUS BLACK: You feeling nervous?
STEVE JUSTICE: A little, I suppose.
ATTICUS BLACK: Well you should be. Tommy Wish is a maniac when he needs to be, but I saw potential in you. You managed to impress me and that is no easy feat. If you screw this up, you're not just letting down yourself, you're making me look bad and if you do, it'll be the last thing you do here.
Steve raises an eyebrow inspecting Black.
STEVE JUSTICE: Is that a threat?
ATTICUS BLACK: It's sound advice from the Savage General Manager to his talent and just so we're clear, I got you in this match. You handle business and when the time comes to collect, you owe me.
Justice breathes a short laugh as Atticus peers behind his glasses. Steve Justice simply stares back, gritting his teeth slightly.
Black slaps a hand on Justice's shoulder.
Atticus takes his leave as the camera focuses on Justice staring a hole in the back of Black's head before the scene fades.
New Noise by Refused starts to play. Steve Justice emerges onto the entrance ramp in his red satin robe with the hood up. As the music builds to the first lyrics, Steve throws back the hood and raises his arms in the air. A volley of red flares shoot into the air getting a pop from the crowd. Steve walks down the aisle high fiving the fans. He rolls under the bottom rope and climbs all the turnbuckles, raising his arms to cheers. He stands in the corner waiting for the bell.
After the electric guitar riff plays on the X-Tron, the area goes dark, then the lights come back on, and Tommy is at the entrance way surrounded by females. Then he walks down the ring, and gives out some high fives to the fans on the ramp. Then he taunts to the camera, with a smirk on his face as one of his ho's blows a kiss towards it. Tommy enters the ring, and stands in the middle of the ring jamming to the beat.
MATCH #11:
- vs -
The champ and challenger glare at one another from across the ring.
PC: I sure hope Atticus Black is watching this after feeding Justice to a lion as he did.
HH: There was a reason Steve Justice was chosen for this match, the Savage GM saw something in him. Perhaps this could be the surprise of the year.
PC: True but Wish just got out of a cell! A British cell at that! Imagine the lack of dental hygiene! Think how ruthless and pissed, Tommy could be.
HH: True but angry people tend to make mistakes.
Justice wastes no time sprinting with a head full of steam looking to impress with a running knee to Tommy's gut which hurls him into the corner! Wish is surprised and shakes the cobwebs but not before Justice lamps Wish with a European uppercut (fitting) and knocks the champ up to his feet; Tommy holds the top rope with both hands as Justice goes for another strike but Wish plants a boot in Justice's sternum and knocks him back; Steve reels and Tommy capitalises by hopping onto the second turnbuckle and throwing Justice to the canvas with a Japanese arm drag! (not as fitting). Both men roll to their feet; Justice charges Tommy once more with a clothesline but Wish telegraphs the move and sends Justice over the top rope! But the challenger lands feet first on the apron and as Wish turns Justice jumps up and kicks Wish in the chin! Steve throws a haymaker but it's ducked by the champ and Tommy throws a shoulder into Justice's stomach and knocks Steve off the apron with a heavy uppercut!
HH: Pretty sure I saw a tooth fly there.
GATOR: You leading into another English have bad teeth joke there?
The two commentators look to the masked former wrestler in between them smoking a cigarette.
PC: Oh shit! What are you doing here?
GATOR: I'm getting knighted, thought I'd check this dumb shit out first though. FUCK 'EM UP WISH!
Wish proceeds to fuck 'em up by hopping onto the top rope and springboarding off with a flying clothesline! BUT IT'S COUNTERED! Justice just nailing a late dropkick!
GATOR: HA! You fucking moron, Wish.
HH: Whose side are you on?
GATOR: The winning side, duh.
Justice stands to his feet and grabs Wish's arm and wrenches it; he then places a hand on Tommy Wish's shoulder and guides him to the barrier, still keeping a tight lock on the arm now behind Wish's back. Justice thrusts Wish against the barricade like he's about to read his rights and hangs him over the barrier; Steve takes a few steps back and leaps over into the crowd landing an elbow on the back of Wish's head! The crowd pop as the ref hops over as Steve makes a pin in the mess of the rowdy audience.
Wish gets a shoulder up!
Justice gets to his feet and pushes away a few people for room and grabs Wish by the hair; lifting him up and going to his back and throwing the champ in a belly to back suplex! Tommy's crown crashes into the ground but Justice doesn't let go, tightening the hold into a sort of bearhug and tries to throw Tommy once more but Wish throws a quick elbow into Steve and breaks the hold! Tommy throws a knee into Justice's gut and quickly bowls the challenger into the steel chairs used by the crowd!!!
Like a bowling ball scattering pins, Steve rolls onto the ground in a heap. Wish grabs one of the chairs and walks to Justice and throws a heavy strike into his back! Justice reels in pain and tries to make a hasty escape into the crowd.
HHL: Woah, Gator, this is a smart move from the challenger. Get the hell away from Tommy Wish with infinite weapons at his disposal.
PC: Gotta agree with Heather here, smart move kid.
Gator tsks as Justice retains his bearings and moves through the crowd towards the palace; Wish (most likely suffering from a concussion) slowly trails behind, shoving fans out of the way. Past the crowd, Steve hops over the railing and moves behind a pillar ready to ambush an unsuspecting Wish. After a few seconds, Tommy climbs over and searches for his target; Justice springs into action!
The jumping knee strike rocks Wish who timbers to the ground, the chair leaving his grasp. Steve Justice throws his arms in the air to the roar of the crowd but instead of going for the pin, he takes the steel chair and traps Wish's leg inside it before stomping down hard! Wish cries out in agony reaching for his leg. Justice removes the chair; kicking Wish's hands aside and then placing Wish's head in-between the chair before lifting a leg high!
HHL: Justice is looking to guillotine Wish!
But Wish grabs Justice's heel and trips him! The pair scramble briefly but Wish gets the upper hand in blood fueled desperation and starts to smash Steve's head against the steel chair wrapped around him!
PC: Gotta love the ingenuity from the champ!
And Again!
Blood trickles from Justice's forehead as Wish releases him and the challenger's body falls limply to the ground. Wish removes the chair form around him and sets the dented steel up. Wish then grabs Justice and lifts him...
The chair crumples under Justice and gets a mix of cheers and winces from the crowd.
GATOR: Man, I'm glad I'm semi-retired. Fuck that shit.
Wish covers!!!
Wish pushes away and looks to the sky in disbelief. The two take a breather and after an eternity they slowly get to their feet and face off once more. Blood pouting from Justice's face, he sounds of a war cry and throws a hook into Wish's jaw. Tommy stumbles but cries back and chops Justice! The two trade hooks and chops, headbutts and forearms with exchanging 'OOHS!' from the crowd.
Steve Justice charges at Wish and lifts him up with a tackle as the two crash through a window of Buckingham Palace!
PC: Oh my god!
HHL: Jesus!
GATOR: Hahahahahaha fucking mad lads!
The crowd are in shock as the bodies disappear behind the broken glass.
The crowd turn to the X-Tron to follow the action as the ref carefully enters through the window to see the broken and bloody bodies of our competitors. He also sees Justice's arm over Wish's prone body!
The crowd go fucking apeshit as Wish raises his shoulder. Justice crawls away, wincing as shards of glass pierce his limbs. He reaches a couch and slowly begins to raise himself. Wish crawls to a fine mahogany table, leaving a trail of blood behind him, he eyeballs a yapping Corgi as he stands. Justice attempts some first aid removing a nasty shard of glass from his thigh and then grabbing a flower vase; he hobbles towards Wish and raises the vase, crashing it against Tommy's back, smashing it into pieces! Wish arches his back and Justice doesn't relent throwing Tommy's head against the table! Justice goes for another attack but Wish spins around with a forearm, knocking Justice aside. In a swift movement opens a drawer and places Steve's hand inside before slamming the drawer shut.
GATOR: Oh that's pretty smart, take away a submission artist's hands and he's about as useful as Drezdin at a spelling bee.
Steve stumbles away grasping his hand; Wish wipes the blood out of his eyes and goes to grab Justice by the collar before sailing him over the couch! Justice tumbles over and smacks against a coffee table, smashing small teacups before landing hard on the carpet. Wish looks around at his surroundings and his eyes land on a marble bust of Queen Elizabeth II, Wish grabs it before moving toward a kneeling Justice. Wish eyes set on Steve's good hand resting on top of the coffee table and stomps the bust against his knuckles!
Justice flails onto his back, both his hands crumpled. Wish raises the bust and targets Steve's head but Justice quickly looks to the fireplace to his side and reaches for a fire poker, swinging it and stabbing Tommy in the side!
Wish drops the bust as blood pools from his abdomen!
Justice tries to thrust more but he loses grip due to his injured hands and the poker slips from his grasp. Tommy, in shock, walks back clutching his wound. Justice gets to his feet and tries to tackle Wish to the ground but Tommy, very pissed from his shanking, throws Justice aside with a burst of strength and knocks him into the door. Steve Justice busts through to a large empty room with two sets of stairs leading to a hallway. Wish goes to follow but the Corgi nips at his heels in anger.
HH: Awww, that's pretty cute.
Steve keeps trying to stand but his legs give way; Wish looks to the dog, then to Steve... Then to the dog. Wish grabs it by the scruff of the neck and hurls it at Steve Justice, nailing him in the head!
GATOR: Oh-oh RSPCA are gonna be pissed!
A lot of concerned gasps and a mix of boos from the crowd as Justice holds his nose in pain and the dog whimpers before sprinting off. Wish limps over to the next room as Justice finds the strength to stand once more.
HHL: The heart on this newcomer! No matter what Tommy throws at him, literally, he keeps trying to get back up!
Wish slowly makes his as Justice keeps slipping in his own blood and tired legs, but still taunts and eggs Tommy on. Wish chuckles to himself, looking at the blood on his hands as he gets to Justice. Tommy reaches to grab him but...
Justice pulls Wish in close and maneuvers into a kimura lock!!!
Wish screams in agony in the hold!
The ref gets in close.
Justice's face turns bright red as he tries to keep in the hold as best he can.
Wish struggles and flails trying to throw off his opponent.
Steve roars in a mix of pain and adrenaline, wrenching at Wish's arm!
Tommy hovers his hand over the marble floor.
The ref leans in close.
The hold is getting to be too much for both competitors.
Wish's hand is inches off the ground.
Steve's hands weaken!
Steve Justice screams in frustration looking at his mangled fingers as Tommy gets the hell away from Justice; cradling his arm. The crowd can be heard clearly from outside cheering on both wrestlers.
GATOR: Y'know, Tommy was one of the first dudes I fought when I joined the XWF and he sucked pretty hard... But, gotta give it to him. He's a tough bastard.
PC: He's grown to be a great champion and the fact that Steve Justice is pushing him to his limits is saying a lot.
PC: I honestly believe at least half the roster couldn't withstand what these two have been through in this match, no matter who wins they both deserve a damn medal for tonight.
Refuelled by the chants, both men stand to their feet and glare at one another. Both injured and head to toe in blood; they come to a head once again. Suddenly out of nowhere, Justice has a surge of strength and locks Tommy up!
Steve drops an arm across the shoulder of Tommy Wish!
HHL: Holy hell! We've got a new champion!
After the bell rings Tommy rolls out from underneath Steve and slides away, grabbing a nearby chair. He then attempts to swing the chair at Steve Justice, but stops and puts it down. Tommy then gets a union jack mic from a nearby stage hand.
TOMMY WISH: Listen Steve, you have been able to fight me to the core of my existence. You have pushed me to the point of me almost giving in, and saying, I don't have what it takes. I am so not worthy to be among the elite of the roster. I might end up saying, I might take a hiatus from the ring. But if not, then I might be singing a different tune in the UK.
Tommy gets the X-Treme title, and was about to gift it to him. But instead, he clocks Steve over the head with the title. The fans start to boo on Tommy, and he slides the chair on Steve's left knee.
TOMMY WISH: Steve, you think I was about gift you the title out of spite, who the fuck you think I am?
Tommy pauses and then viciously stomps on the chair assisted leg. He stomps on it some more, then he kneels on his knee with the title shoving it in his face.
TOMMY WISH: Steve, you are nothing more then a stepping stone of collecting bodies among the fallen. You are just a man, i'm just a mere hardcore brawler in your eyes. Well guess what Steve, i will forever kill anyone in the ring, until they come and arrest me!
Then the "royal" guards come in and arrest Tommy, they place him face first on the floor, and then walk him away from the new champion Steve Justice. Tommy laughs like a manic, and gets tossed into the car as they drive off from the palace as the EMT's come to check in on Justice and we fade out.
Chris Page stands in a backstage locker room surrounded by Rage, Bill Blakk, MDK, John Cable and THE Tristan Slater. The mood in the room is somber as so far Slater has failed to capture the Television title and Bill Blakk and MDK fell short due to management decisions shortly afterward.
Chris seems unconcerned.
CHRIS PAGE: Don't worry, boys. I'll handle this. We walk out of here with Universal championship tonight.
The rest of the group nods, and Chris leads the way out of the locker room.
The camera cuts back to the ring where we see Ned Kaye, Mastermind, Donovan Blackwater, Big D and Brian Storm already standing in the ring as the referee explains the rules of the match to them, and gives them a chance to study the structure. They all look carefully at the four pillars outside the ring, quickly realizing they'll need to climb the scaffolding on the sides to reach various wooden platforms at thirty, sixty, and eighty feet above the ground. Various modes of travel cross from all of the platforms and across the ring, with three briefcases dangling at the same thirty, sixty, and eighty feet.
HHL: The first level case can be reached by zipline, the second level case by unsteady monkey bars, and the third by a narrow balance beam.
PC: This is a PPV match? Sounds like an after school center in the suburbs.
HHL: Is Robbie Bourbon not participating here tonight?
PC: I couldn't make any sense of what he was saying earlier. Who knows?
The referee asks for any last minute questions, but the five competitors all seem to have a decent grasp on things.
HHL: Remember, the 24/7 case is not necessarily in the highest case!
PC: Who are you kidding? Of course it is.
MATCH #12:
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
The five men in the ring spring into action as soon as the opening bell rings, complete and utter chaos breaking out almost instantly. Brian Storm uses his enormous frame to force Big D back into a corner of the ring where the two begin trading shots violently, while on the other side of the ring Mastermind and Donovan Blackwater elect to work together and unify against Ned Kaye. Ned tries to throw a punch at Mastermind, and a kick at Blackwater, but the kick comes too slow and Blackwater catches his foot before leg whipping him to the mat! Big D manages to land a powerful hook to the side of Brian Storm and circles out of the corner, but as soon as he reaches the center of the mat Mastermind blindsides him a clothesline from behind!
Mastermind climbs to his feet, a grin on his face after one upping the man he had a confrontation with earlier in the evening, but he doesn’t have much time to celebrate as Storm comes at him with a heavy overhand right and catches him clean on the chin! Mastermind crumples!
HHL: My God, what a punch!
PC: Storm mastered his mind! Or at least scrambled it!
Ned Kaye is back on his feet and leaps at Brian Storm with a flying elbow! He lands it, but it barely fazes Storm and Kaye is left staring face to face with the enormous man! Ned hits him with a knife edged chop, and another, but on his third attempt Brian Storm lunges forward with a headbutt that splits Ned’s forehead open instantly! Ned stumbles backwards, right into the arms of Donovan Blackwater who launches him with a German suplex and sends him skidding into the furthest corner of the ring! Blackwater and Storm eye each other, but are immediately occupied as Blackwater is tied up by Mastermind and Storm is clubbed in the head from behind by Big D!
Brian Storm swings another wild overhand at Big D, but this one is scouted and ducked by D, who then explodes up off the mat and spears Brian Storm right in his flabby midsection! Storm tries to keep his balance but goes down, Big D quickly moving to a mounted position and slamming Storm in the face with brutal punches! The crowd erupts at the brutality, chanting Big D’s name as he pummels Brian mercilessly. Mastermind has Blackwater controlled in a side headlock and walks him over to the ropes, trying to dump him over the top and to the floor.
HHL: Does Mastermind think this is a rumble match or something?
PC: I think he’s just looking to isolate a victim, you can’t do anything in that ring without being snuck up on!
On cue Ned is behind Mastermind and grabs his legs, flipping he AND Blackwater over the top rope and sending them tumbling to the floor! Ned glances out at the cheering crowd, pointing to his father in the front row and smiling, then leaps up to the top rope and uses it as a springboard to hit Mastermind and Blackwater with a body splash on the outside! All three men are down, but the fans are on their feet!
Back in the ring Big D finally stops beating on Brian Storm and stands up, quickly making his way to the ropes furthest from the three men on the outside and climbing down to the floor.
HHL: Big D is making a break for the pillar! He’s starting to climb the structure!
Big D begins to climb one of the columns slowly, carefully choosing his hand and footholds on the scaffolding as Brian Storm rolls to his hands and knees in the ring. How is he already moving?! Holy hell this guy can take a beating! Storm realizes Big D is climbing the structure and heading for one of the briefcases and quickly rolls out of the ring and chases after him, quickly reaching the base of the column and beginning to climb as well.
On the other side of the ring Ned has recovered from his body splash, and sees Big D and Brian Storm beginning to ascend. Without a second thought he sprints to the nearest column and begins to climb the scaffolding himself, much faster than the two on the other side. Mastermind and Blackwater see this from the floor, and look at each other, nodding in silent agreement to work together for the moment. They drag themselves to their feet and chase after Ned, climbing the column behind him on opposite sides of the shaky scaffolding, and reaching up to try and grab onto Ned’s ankles and pull him down. Kaye kicks furiously at their hands!
HHL: He’s reached the first platform!
Ned drags his body up to the wooden platform that extends out from the column no more than ten feet, glancing over the edge at the ground that’s about thirty feet beneath him. He’s at eye level with the lowest of the three briefcases, a zipline running from the platform Ned’s on to the platform Big D and Brian Storm have just reached all the way across the structure. The zipline runs right past the lowest case, but it would take a daring aerial maneuver to transfer from the zipline to the hook holding the case without falling.
PC: Don’t do it Ned! There’s no chance the lowest case is the 24/7 shot! It’s going to be a Vinnie Lane sex doll or something!
Mastermind and Blackwater reach the platform, pulling themselves up behind Ned. Ned looks to the zipline, and realizes there’s no way to get back up the scaffolding with Mastermind and Blackwater blocking his path.
Ned takes a running start towards the edge of the platform…
He leaps!
He grabs hold of the zipline and rockets away from a helpless Donovan and Mastermind!
HHL: What a daring escape!
PC: Going for the lowest case is a cowards way out, I hope he falls…
Ned approaches the first briefcase, adjusting his body!
HHL: He bypasses it completely! Ned didn’t even go for the case!
Ned ziplines all the way across the structure to the delight of the fans and lets go at the other end, flying off the line with a flying knee that lands square in Brian Storms back! Brian Storm goes down like Harambe, with such force that a loud creaking can be heard through the entire palace grounds as the platform tilts several inches.
PC: The whole platform is going to go down!
Ned and Big D glance at each other for a moment, then Ned tries to leap past Big D to the scaffolding and climb up to the second level! Big D catches him midair and spinebusters him down to the platform, another loud creak as the platform tilts down a few more inches.
HHL: Oh God! I can’t watch!
On the opposite platform Mastermind and Donovan Blackwater and tearing into each other with punches and kicks, Mastermind eventually lunging forward with a shoulder block that nearly knocks Blackwater off of the platform and to the floor below. Blackwater manages to catch his balance right on the edge and sidestep, just in time. Mastermind corners Donovan up against the scaffolding and sets up for a jumping cutter, but Blackwater thumbs him in the eye to back him off at the last second. Blackwater turns and tries to climb up to the second level, but a nearly blinded Mastermind gets him around the waist and german suplexes him off the column and onto the platform! Donovan looks like he’s out cold, his head bounced hard off the wood!
Mastermind shrugs indifferently and begins to climb the scaffolding himself! With nobody to stop him… why not?
On the opposite platform BIg D and Ned Kaye have decided the creaking platform is no longer a safe battle ground, and both begin to climb the scaffolding to the second level as well. As soon as they do…
The first platform snaps off of the scaffolding and falls thirty feet to the floor… with Brian Storm still on it!
The grounds of Buckingham Palace shake as Storm hits the earth, swarmed immediately by medical personnel as the fans scream in horror. The column that Ned and Big D are still climbing sways slightly, but they each manage to make the second level safely.
HHL: Ned and Big D stand side by side, staring over the edge at the floor which is now about sixty feet beneath them!
PC: Neither of these men like heights, Heather. They look terrified.
Suddenly Ned and Big D share a few words and bump fists!
PC: I think they just agreed not to throw each other off from this high!
HHL: The fact that they need to make that agreement at all means their job is harder than ours.
Suddenly, the X-Tron lights up, and a familiar song hits the speakers…
"Do you bleed? You will."
The opening riff from Skunx plays as the lights slowly strobe at 2 second intervals. The XTron displays static, which slowly gives way to the word "MOTHERFUCKER" and the crowd starts to go ballistic. Slowly walking out onto the entrance ramp is Robbie Bourbon.
HHL: It’s Robbie Bourbon! He IS competing here tonight!
Bourbon sprints down the ramp and runs a circle around the ring, leaping through the medical staff and hurdling the lifeless body of Brian Storm twice.
PC: What an unnecessary thing to do. There are precious seconds at stake, Robbie!
Robbie points up at the column Mastermind is climbing and charges towards it, Mastermind pausing to look down at the advancing Bourbon.
HHL: Don’t stop climbing Mastermind! Keep going!
Bourbon scales the structure like a nimble spider monkey and finds himself standing on the first platform in the blink of an eye, staring at Donovan Blackwater who climbs to his feet on the edge of the platform.
Robbie Bourbon sprints across the ten foot platform and spears Blackwater in the midsection taking both men soaring off the edge!
Bourbon and Blackwater land in the ring, shaking all four ringposts so violently you’d swear there had been an earthquake. Bourbon and Blackwater are totally motionless, and the medical staff that’s been working on Brian Storm splits up and begin to tend to all three competitors!
HHL: Did Bourbon show up just to kamikaze someone?!
PC: That’s Bourbon for ya!
Big D stares at the carnage from sixty feet above, on the second level. He doesn’t realize until it’s too late that Ned Kaye has leapt away from him and back to the scaffolding! Ned Kaye is climbing up to the third level, and bypassing the second level briefcase altogether! He’s rushing to the top!
Mastermind has reached the second level on the opposite side, and watches as Big D takes off to chase Ned for the top. Realizing he may not be able to catch the other two or beat them to the final case, he walks to the edge of the second platform. Instead of a zipline like on level one, a set of monkey bars runs all the way to the opposite end of the structure with the second case clipped in the middle.
HHL: Mastermind has decided he wants the second case!
PC: Honestly? Why not. There’s nobody to stop him and there’s a chance the XWF threw a curveball and put the 24/7 contract in level two!
Mastermind swings himself out on the bars and begins to make steady progress on the case.
… but…
PC: Ned Kaye has reached level three! He stands alone on the highest platform, eighty feet above the ground!
Big D realizes he’s given Ned too much of a lead on the third and final case, and that continuing to give chase may leave him empty handed. He looks up at Ned, then down at Mastermind…
He falls…
… and falls…
Big D lands atop the monkey bars, the steel knocking all of the air from his lungs as his ribcage nearly implodes...
… and he falls off the edge!
BIG D continues to fall!
Just a little bit further now…
Big D lands in the web of ziplines and wires that run between the various platforms of level one, the steel cords cutting deep into his flesh and maybe giving him whiplash in the process… but he’s right above the first case!
PC: Big D reaches down and takes the first case, all he can do is hope it’s the 24/7 case now!
Big D opens his case.
PC: I knew it! I knew they wouldn’t put anything good in level one…
HHL: Speak for yourself, a pound of weed is pretty good…
On the second level Mastermind continues to swing across the unstable monkey bars as Ned sets out across the balance beam that crosses level three with his eyes locked on the final briefcase!
HHL: These two men are locked into their path, there’s no going back now! It’s just a matter of each securing their case, and finding out who earns the top prize!
Mastermind reaches the middle of the monkey bars, grabbing his case!
Ned Kaye reaches the middle of the balance beam and grabs his case!
Both men open them!
PC: I knew there was gonna be one of those dolls! There’s hundreds of ‘em still sitting in a warehouse somewhere.
The British fans leap to their feet and celebrate for a long time as Mastermind and Ned Kaye turn and make their way back down the ridiculous and almost implausible structure, each carrying their cases back down to ringside where Robbie Bourbon, Donovan Blackwater and Brian Storm have all been carted away. Ned is approached by the XWF’s head official for the evening, John Bihl, and the two exchange the generic briefcase for an official 24/7 case. Ned stops for a moment to take everything in as the fans shower him with cheers. Ned looks around at the fans waving and clapping, he's really taken in by it all and then he sees something he never expected. His older brother Nate and his father who only days ago was laying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of him standing in the first row. Tears streaming down their faces as Ned makes his way towards them.
When Ned finally get's there he places his case on the barrier and reaches out with both arms to hug his father and brother. The Three Kayes standing their, arms joined and heads lowered in celebration as the camera fades to commercial.
The screen is black for a long moment, before a white "XWF Classic" logo fades in. Several names flash on the screen: Centurion, Fuzz, Bigg Rigg, Steve Jason, Lee Stone, T Money, Aidan Collins, Big Shank, Tomoko Hanahara, The Brand... the names begin to roll so quickly you can't even read them anymore. They're quickly replaced with a generic XWF logo, "EST. 1999" emblazoned underneath. The graphic fades out and is replaxed by another.
20 years of XWF action will be celebrated on September 1st, 2019 as XWF co-owner and XWF Classic founder, James Raven, reunites his old friends and foes in an invitational pay per view presented in partnership with the modern XWF! Matches between the legends of yesteryear and the culminations of decades old feuds not enough for ya? The XX show will feature the final inductions into the XWF Classic Hall of Legends, as well as the reveal of the XWF Classic library featuring shows from the 1999-2012 era that have been collected and restored to all of their original glory! Hot damn!
September 1, folks. XX.
If you thought there were a bunch of old people running around here now, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Mark your calendars.
We make our way back to the ring, the British fans on their feet and screaming wildly as we've finally reached the climax of Leap of Faith... the moment we've all been waiting for! Robert Main takes on "Chronic" Chris Page for the Universal title, in a death match! Suddenly the lights in and around Buckingham Palace shut down…
Red, White and Blue strobe lights start to flash all over as RAGE walks out to the top of the ramp and points towards the curtain and shown walking out in a RED, WHITE and BLUE striped long pants style tights with matching boots and a “MAGA” t-shirt wielding an AMERICAN FLAG waving it back and forth is none other than “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE. CHRIS stops waving the flag and passes it off to RAGE as suddenly the Red, White and Blue strobe lights cut off and we’re once again in the dark.
After the opening guitar finishes and the drums start hitting white strobe lights begin to flicker all over the place until the drums really kick in and a white spotlight hits the top of the ramp where RAGE is now flagless as CHRIS PAGE is struck in a “glorious” style pose before breaking pose and marching towards the ring flanked by RAGE.
HHL: My god, he's so arrogant! I can't say I'm surprised, he's been like this since the day I met him.
PC: The British fans do NOT seem impressed by his behavior.
CHRIS completely ignores the English crowd on either side of him as he walks towards the ring. Once ringside CHRIS and RAGE have a few words before a fist bump takes place, CHRIS climbs up on the ring apron where he steps through the ropes and into the XWF ring where tonight he looks to do the only thing in his career he’s never been given the chance to do… win the Universal Championship. CHRIS walks across the ring where he climbs up on the middle ropes with the spotlight still firmly on him and the strobes still kicked and as the throws his arms up on the air he soaks in the massive boos from the crowd as well as some trash hurled towards him, not hitting him of course, I mean the aim of the English isn’t that great, you did see the Women’s World Cup right?
HHL: I hope Robert Main tears him to pieces.
PC: Oh, what a hot take Heather.
CHRIS steps down off the middle turnbuckle as the music fades away while the house lights come back up leaving us hearing the chant of “FUCK YOU PAGE! FUCK YOU PAGE! FUCK YOU PAGE!” raining down from all over Buckingham Palace.
"Broken Dreams" by Sharman's Harvest hits the sound system and Robert walks through the curtains after the instrumental “I make them for you”! He then looks to the U.K. crowd to his left and then right, rolling his shoulders and thrusting the XWF title high in the air! He smiles, shaking his head and slowly walking down the ramp. He stops at the ring steps looking to the crowd once more before slamming his hands on the steel and beginning to climb up the steps.
HHL: Robert! LOOK OUT!
Before Main can enter the ring, Chris Page's manager Rage sneaks up behind him and grabs his foot, yanking him from the steps to the floor and bouncing his head off of the canvas on the way down. The crowd explodes in raucous boo's as Rage pummels Main outside of the ring, Chris Page standing idly by in the ring and checking his fingernails before the match. Rage continues to hammer Main as the referee yells to let the champion get in the ring, but as the bell hasn't rang yet he's powerless to do much. Finally Rage backs away, satisfied with his handiwork, and kicks the Universal title across the floor away from the Omega. Rage retreats around the ring to Page's corner, and the crowd cheers Robert loudly as he drags himself to his feet and rolls underneath the bottom rope.
As soon as the match officially starts Chris Page advances on the roughed up Robert Main, grabbing him by the hair and throat and dragging him to his feet before kneeing him in the gut and shooting him off the ropes, catching him on the rebound with a scoop slam. The crowd jeers and boos loudly as Rage smiles smugly outside the ring, more than satisfied with his handiwork. Chris Page drags main to his feet once more, hitting him with several knife edged chops before hooking Main’s head and dropping him with a quick DDT! Page quickly rolls Main over for a cover, waiting for the referee to slide into position for the early count before he yanks Roberts shoulder up off the mat.
PC: He didn’t even let the referee get to one!
HHL: I can’t believe he’s arrogant enough to try and toy with the Universal champion.
PC: It’s going to bite him in the ass. Count on it.
Chris stands up, walking away from Robert and looking out at the crowd at Buckingham Palace, flipping them all the middle finger before pointing proudly at his “Make America Great Again” tee shirt. The British fans boo even louder, and a few even toss paper cups into the ring, which only brings a smile to Page’s face as he motions for them to give him more of their hatred. He points at his shirt again before cupping his hands around his mouth and screaming “TRUMP PENCE 2020!” in the general direction of the Royal families private box.
He begins to stomp back towards Robert Main, reaching down to drag him to his feet once more when suddenly Robert Main throws a heavy punch from his back and sends Page stumbling back!
Main rolls to his feet, snorting as he glares at CCP, then charges his challenger and begins to violently tear the MAGA shirt off of Page’s body! The fans roar in approval as he claws at the fabric, nails tearing through and leaving bloody trails on Page’s torso until finally The Omega is able to pull the shirt fully off. Main boots Page in the stomach, doubling him over, then stomps hard on the back of his knee and forces him down…
PC: Main wraps the MAGA shirt around Page’s neck and begins to strangle him! I love it!
Page’s eyes bug out of his head, spit flying from his lips as Main pulls it tightly around Page’s throat!
HHL: Main is going to kill him!
PC: Well that’s the idea of a death match, isn’t it?
Page sputters and gasps, but it’s clear he’s losing life until suddenly Rage slides into the ring and hooks Main from behind! Main lets go of the shirt to try and handle Rage, but it’s too late! Rage sends Main flying with an exploding suplex and Main skids across the canvas to the other side of the ring! The referee gets in Rage’s face, telling him he needs to stop getting involved in the match and stay at ringside where he belongs. Rage mutters something inaudible to the referee, and the refs face goes white as a ghost!
HHL: What did he say?
PC: No idea, but it didn’t seem friendly.
Rage slides slowly from the ring as Main climbs to his feet, and Page rises with a hand at his raw neck and anger in his eyes. Main shrugs his shoulders at Page and takes a step forwards, but Page drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring immediately. He lifts the ring skirt and begins pulling everything he can find out from underneath the ring! A chair, a two by four, several kendo sticks and an empty trash can. Robert stands motionless in the center of the ring as Page straightens up and stares at him. One by one, Page picks the items up off the floor and tosses them casually through the ropes and into the ring.
A chair.
A two by four.
Several kendo sticks.
An empty trashcan.
CHRIS PAGE: It’s a death match, DICK! Let’s fuckin’ go!
Robert Main can’t help but smile as Page slides slowly into the ring, and offers Main first choice of weapon. Robert bends down and picks up the steel chair, then takes a step back and allows Chris Page a moment to pick up a kendo stick. The two men begin to circle, weapons raised like samurais as each man waits for the other to swing first…
HHL: His back is to Rage!
Rage slides into the ring and picks the two by four up off the mat, taking a mighty swing at the back of Robert Main’s skull!
Main goes down, limp. Blood streams from the back of his head, staining the canvas and matting his hair instantly.
The referee jumps in front of Rage, wrestling away the two by four and screaming furiously that he’s had enough! He points to the backstage area, and tells Rage “THIS IS MY HOUSE!” which seems like an extremely strange thing to say.
The crowd erupts!
HHL: It’s about time! He’s been a thorn to everyone all night! He tried to cost Lux the Television title, he nearly cost Apex the tag team titles, and he just tried to murder the Universal champion on behalf of Chronic Chris Page!
PC: All I can say, is how did it work out for him in the end?!
Rage looks furious, and prepares to demolish the referee, but Chris Page shouts out for him to stop and go backstage. He realizes it won’t do him any favors to go taking out officials when he doesn’t know what sort of replacement the XWF will send out to screw him. CCP tells Rage he’s got this, and hesitantly Rage rolls out of the ring and begins to make his way up the ramp. The British fans pelt him with paper cups of tea and some crumpets because they’re classy like that. Rage eventually disappears backstage, and Chris Page drops his kendo stick and looks for a cover on the still motionless Main!
Robert Main still has some life in him, thrusting his shoulder up and off the mat just before the three count as Chris Page looks down in shock. Chris stands quickly, picking up his kendo stick and quickly laying into Robert Main!
Chris Page tosses the kendo stick aside and drags Main up to his feet! Main is dazed, swaying in place as Page gathers himself… dropkick! Main falls back into the ropes but catches himself before he bounces forward. Page charges him and hits a powerful clothesline, flipping Robert Main over the top rope and sending him crashing to the floor below!
HHL: Main took an awkward fall there, but… I think he’s reaching under the ring?
Chris doesn’t notice as he slides arrogantly out of the ring and stands in front of Robert, once more flipping off the British fans. Suddenly Robert rolls away, something long in his hand from underneath the ring! Chris Page can’t react in time as Main swings…
It’s a lighting tube! Robert Main grabbed a lighting tube from under the ring, and shattered it across Chris Page’s back! Fans in the front row cover up as debris fills the air, and Page screams in pain as tiny shards of thin glass stick out of his back. Thin blood droplets form around the wounds, but the shot only seems to have woken Page up as he lunges at a weaponless Robert Main with a big boot! Main sidesteps and catches Page’s foot, lifting it up and tipping Page over!
PC: Here we go! Fuck him up, Main!
Main punches Page square in the face while he’s on the ground, then drags him up and hurls him sideways into the fan barricade! Main lays a boot across Chris’ jaw, then drops several into CCP’s ribs before heading back to the ring apron and searching for more weapons. He drags out several more lighting tubes and a ladder to the delight of the fans, but then he pulls the holy grail…
… mother fuckin’ tables ya’ll.
The crowd erupts as Main drags out two tables, and lifts one of them into the ring.
Robert Main proceeds to set up the second table outside of the ring, then looks at the fan barricade and decides to lean the table up against that instead! He fusses with it for a few seconds, then warns the fans sitting behind to watch out for shrapnel, and turns back to Page who-
HHL: Chris Page spears Robert Main through the table and into the fan barricade! My GOD Main is flattened!
The table explodes as Main and Page smash through it, Page rolling quickly to his feet and laughing as he pulls a small shard of wood from his shoulder and flicks it at Main’s body. Slowly Page struts away from the Universal champion and makes his way over towards the commentary desk, winking at Heather as he passes and collecting a large briefcase from the timekeepers area.
PC: What the hell is that? A musical instrument or something? That case is huge!
Page carries the case over to the ring apron and opens it up, revealing its contents to the world.
HHL: It’s Barbie! It’s his barbed wire chair!
Page pulls the weapon slowly from its case as Main is finally pulling himself from the debris of the smashed table. Page rolls confidently into the ring, wincing as the glass in his back presses to the canvas, and climbs to his feet! He waits for Robert Main who stumbles to the apron, and slides into the ring along with Page. Main doesn’t pick up a weapon, instead lifting his fists and daring Page to fight him like a man. Page pretends to think about it, then shakes his head playfully. Main rushes forward with a straight punch and a hook behind it, glancing across Page’s temple and buckling him temporarily. Main throws another punch…
Page lifts the chair as a shield and Main punches the steel seat, his knuckles crumpling as Page then drops the chair behind him and hooks Main… Northern Lights Suplex onto Barbie!
PC: The barbed wire from the chair is tearing into Roberts flesh! He looks like he’s in agony!
Page drops down for the cover!
Another kickout by Main!
Robert Main gets a shoulder off the canvas, blood running off the slick surface of the chair and pooling underneath him. Page is less than pleased, complaining to the referee that his count was slow when Main reaches up and grabs a fistfull of Page’s hair then drills him with a punch. Main shoves Page away from him and rolls to his feet, the barbed wire chair pulling at his skin and tearing bits as he rips himself away. Page is up as well, and the two men tie up!
PC: Wow, I almost forgot this is a wrestling match and not a snuff film.
Main twists Page into a side headlock, bulldogging him to the mat and rolling him over to look for an armbar! Page manages to pull his arm free and get back up but Main ties him up again and forces him back into the turnbuckle! Robert hits Page with a chop!
Main backs up… SUPERKICK!
It looks like a tooth flies from CCP’s mouth as the superkick drops him to the canvas. Main drags him out of the corner and rolls him over for a cover!
PC: Page gets a shoulder up and keeps his Universal title chances alive!
Main fires a few punches down at Page then stands up, using the middle rope as a springboard for an ice pick elbow drop! Main rolls over and picks up a kendo stick, looking to pay Page back for the shots earlier!
Main lays into page with the kendo stick, dropping to his knees and looking for another cover! The referee stumbles over all the shit in the ring to find an empty spot on the canvas and makes the count!
Kickout by Page!
The British fans are furious, they want to see Page sent home with his tail between his legs! Main makes his way over to the second table and begins to set it up in the corner, determined to send Page through ONE of these fuckin’ things by the end of the night. Page rolls to his feet, reaching desperately for “Barbie” when Main storms over and kicks it away from him! Main cracks Page across the face with his boot and picking up a nearby light tube!
Main breaks another light tube over the back of Chris Page, embedding more bloody shards in the challengers back!
HHL: Chris Page is trying to crawl away, but Robert Main picks him up to his feet and drags him over to the table, rolling him atop it!
The British fans erupt, but before Main can take another move Chris Page reaches into the front of his trunks!
HHL: What the hell is he doing?!
PC: Rubbing one out, maybe.
Page pulls a pair of granny panties from his trunk, grabbing the back of Mains head to hold him still as he jumps up off the table and shoves the panties into Robert Mains mouth!
HHL: What in the ever loving fuck is happening?!
PC: Something kinky, Heather! Enjoy it!
CCP shoves the panties deep into Main’s throat before releasing him, and dramatically pointing towards the Royal families private box and one specific person…
PC: He’s pointing at the Queen! He’s saying those were the Queens panties!
The British fans are enraged and begin hurling all sorts of trash into the ring as Page smiles, blood dripping down his forehead and into his eyes as he waits for Main to retaliate. Main lunges forward wildly, and Page boots him in the stomach doubling him over!
Page hits a flip piledriver on Robert Main, slamming him down onto all the trash and weapons that litter the ring. Page follows up with an immediate cover!
HHL: Please, no...
Page nearly loses his mind on the referee over the delay on that three count, quickly dragging Main up to his feet and setting up for the Page Plant! Robert shoves him away on instinct, both men covered in blood and sweat and gasping for air, and Page charges forward and looks to tie Main up for a suplex! Main counters with an elbow that catches Page right underneath the left eye and cuts him open, a spurt of blood nauseating a few of the weaker patrons and sending Page stumbling backwards! Main whips Page powerfully over to the table, hammering Page and forcing him down atop it!
PC: He climbs to the top rope!
Chris Page leaps up from the table, rushing over to the turnbuckle and climbing to the middle rope as quickly as he can!
Chris Page and Robert Main trade shots atop the ring post!
Finally Page manages to hook Robert Main up!
HHL: He’s going to try and Page Plant Main from the top rope, but-
Robert Main counters, hitting the Dead Mans Hand from the top rope and through the table!
PC: Both men are down! Neither of them are moving!
HHL: Main’s arm! It’s over Page!
The referee slides into position!
The British fans erupt! Robert Main has survived Chris Page!
HHL: Even the Royal family is ecstatic, look at them!
Before anyone can celebrate too much an army make their way out from backstage. MDK, Bill Blakk, Rage, John Cable and THE Tristan Slater make their way down the ramp looking furious and sliding into the ring one by one around the two downed Universal title warriors.
PC: Oh, this is bad... Page's guys failed to capture a single belt here tonight and they're not taking that lightly! They've got Robert Main completely surrounded, and I'm not sure he's fit for flight or fight!
Nothing further happens however, as another group make their way out from backstage. It's Centurion and James Raven, followed by a gimped out Drew Archyle on crutches with bandages and ice packs all over his body! It's the Apex Prophecy! Centurion and Raven sprint down the entrance ramp and towards the ring, ready for another brawl with this invading faction, but they stop outside the ring as Slater, Rage, Blakk, Cable, and MDK all align themselves as a wall between the Apex Prophecy and Robert Main!
Drew hobbles down the ramp behind them as quickly as he can, but it won't do much good!
HHL: They're completely outnumbered, even if Archyle was healthy they wouldn't be able to handle this sort of fight!
MDK mocks Raven from the ring, daring him to come in and try to save Robert Main, but Raven stays rooted in place. Suddenly there's a flash in the crowd, and a figure jumps over the barrier and slides into the ring...
... carrying a 24/7 case! It's Ned Kaye! Ned Kaye has slipped into the ring behind Page's brotherhood, and he winds up with the case!
PC: Ned Kaye slams the case down on the skull of Bill Blakk, then swings it around like a baseball bat and snaps it off the side of Rage's head!
Rage and Bill Blakk go down instantly, Slater turning around with Cable and MDK to realize they aren't alone! Cable rushes at Ned Kaye and gets the 24/7 case to the midsection followed by a knee to the face! Centurion and Raven spring into action immediately and rush the ring, getting to Robert Mains side while everyone is distracted and dragging him through the ropes to the floor.
HHL: They saved Main... now save Ned!
Slater and MDK have Ned cornered and Raven slides back into the ring as a distraction! Slater and MDK both turn to face him, giving Ned a chance to leap through the ropes to the floor with his blood stained case and a smile! He sprints around the ring to join Centurion, Main, and Drew as Raven quickly backrolls over the ropes and waves goodbye to Slater and MDK, the last two members of Page's crew on their feet!
PC: That was incredible! Ned Kaye just saved the day, and more specifically saved the Apex Prophecy from another beatdown!
HHL: Helped the Apex Prophecy? Ned Kaye just became a full fledged member!
Indeed, the five men retreat up the ramp together, and though they look a little worse for wear after the events of tonight they look like a formidable unit. Centurion, the Legendary all-time wins leader. Robert Main, the dominant Universal champion. James Raven, the People's G.O.A.T. Drew Archyle, the unquestioned heart of the group. Ned Kaye, the future of the XWF... and 24/7 contract holder.
The British fans celebrate as The Apex Prophey celebrates on the stage, when suddenly...
CHRIS PAGE: Ha ha ha ha ha ha... Ooooh, Dick?
Robert Main turns back to the ring where Chris Page has rolled over in the shards of the broken table. His face is a bloody mess, but he can barely contain his laughter as every single fan in attendance falls completely silent.
HHL: No...
PC: Oh please no...
The rest of Pages brotherhood climb slowly to their feet, glaring angrily at the Apex Prophecy. Page stays on the mat, his eyes wild as he finally lets loose with a blood curdling cackle.
There's something in his hand...
HHL: It's the XWF Universal title...
Robert Main looks down at Chris Page with a fury unlike we've ever seen on the Omegas face. The rest of the Apex Prophecy looks crestfallen, realizing somehow in the fray the belt fell into the wrong hands. Main takes a step back down the ramp, but Raven and Drew hold him back and tell him now's not the time. The Apex Prophecy stands helplessly on the stage as Page clutches the title close to his face, smearing his own blood on the gold plating. He continues to laugh.
The grounds of Buckingham Palace are so quiet you could hear a pin drop otherwise.
All you can hear is that fucking laugh.
Slowly, Leap of Faith fades off the air.
Thank you to everyone who roleplayed for this event, or participated in any way. Thank you to the other GM's that were very helpful in getting this done. A special thank you to those that helped match write or contributed segments for the show:
Belladonna Lovely
Sarah Lacklan
Big D
Noah Jackson
Bobbi London
Robbie Bourbon
Tommy Wish
Ned Kaye
Chris Page
The People’s G.O.A.T.
3x Universal Champion, 3x World Champion, 9x Xtreme Champion, 1x Hart Champion, 2x Phoenix Champion, 1x Women’s Champion (lol), 1x Federweight Champion, 1x Heavymetalweight Champion, 5x Tag Team Champion
(w/ Aidan Collins, Roxy Nova, Mia Sanchez, Big Shank, Drew Archyle/Robert Main)
XWF Hall of Legends
#4 on XWFs “Top 50” List
2009 Rookie of the Year
2009 Face of the Year
2010 Heel of the Year
8x Star of the Month
2x Star of the Year (2009/‘10)
2x Feud of the Year (2010/‘11 w/ Big Shank)
2017 High Stakes Winner
Former Owner
Lots of other random shit
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
The following 3 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post:3 users Like Thaddeus Duke's post James Raven (07-30-2019), Ned Kaye (07-30-2019), Tony Santos (07-30-2019)
I spent some of my Drezdin Money to pay the Blackwaters to jump Noah. It cost me a DQ fall, but am confident it will pay dividends as we enter hour #13
The following 2 users Like Lacklan's post:2 users Like Lacklan's post Azrael Erebus (07-31-2019), Theo Pryce (07-30-2019)
(07-30-2019, 09:44 AM)Thaddeus Duke Said: [duke]Hey, my uncle's back![/duke]
Hey Sport. You get those Pokemon cards I left for you?
[duke]What's a pokemon?[/duke]
1x XWF Universal Champion || 3x XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x XWF Television Champion || 1x XWF Tag Team Champion
1x OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion || 1x AAW United States Champion
2x SOTM (9/20, 7/21) || 2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
"Hot into hour #15, I had an out of body experience and fought Lacklan in the astral plane. Turns out I just passed out in exhaustion and now the cunt's up on pins."
W | L | D
226 | 11 | 81
Star of the Month (August 2019)
1/3 Star of the Month (January 2020) with Fuzz and our Subaru
RP of the Month (November 2019) with Big Disappointment
Holder of the most wins in the XWF (Mostly house shows)
Holder of the most draws in XWF (All on Anarchy)
Winner of Sickest Cunt of the Year 2020
Winner of Greatest Wrestler who ever lived 2022
Holder of the world's rarest pog collection (Valued at $200)
Owner of Ned Kaye's cat that Ned named Deepthroat for some weird reason
Voted most feared man by Centurion (Twice!)
The following 1 user Likes Noah Jackson's post:1 user Likes Noah Jackson's post Ned Kaye (07-30-2019)
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-30-2019)
Jamaican Jimmy
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: (.Awaiting user update)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Mon Dec 08 2014
Posts: 27
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Hates Given: 1
Hates Received: 2 in 2 posts
0 X-Bux: ✘50,000
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Stepping out of nowhere and everywhere all at once Azrael Erebus notices his old friend Theo Pryce.
"Dammit Theo, why the heck did it take you this long to come back????"
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
(07-30-2019, 10:14 AM)Lacklan Said: I spent some of my Drezdin Money to pay the Blackwaters to jump Noah. It cost me a DQ fall, but am confident it will pay dividends as we enter hour #13
"Next time, ask me.... I do the protection gig for free. Ask anyone."
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
Ghost Tank
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Hardcore, psycho fans (cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Wed Mar 07 2018
Posts: 102
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Hates Received: 16 in 16 posts
Hates Given: 16
Hates Received: 16 in 16 posts
0 X-Bux: ✘50,000