...have a gat dam ham sammich.
Jack Hoff has a gat dam ham sammich.
Jack Hoff sees Griff. Run, Griff, run!!
Jack Hoff throws the ham sammich at Griff.
Griff goes down, cuz he a pussy that falls down from tossed meat [rayne would know]
Jack then climbs a ladder. Jack falls off the ladder. Jack is unconscious.
OH MY GOD, IT'S VANILLA FUCKIN' ICE!! No longer content calling the action
* Rob Van Winkle has taken THIS opportunity to go for the gold!! So he can reclaim the fame, and make that BIG comeback he's been searchin' for!! For over a decade an' some odd change. Anyfuck, Winkle goes for the cover, here comes the ref--
* http://xwf99.com/showthread.php?tid=6733&pid=58543#pid58543 ]
It's John Cena's friend Tony!! He don't care, a Wiggah's a Wiggah, he'll probably be hangin' out with Slim Shady now that he's on the roster! And he goes tah make the count--
|tbc by griff most likely|