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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » The Revelry 2024 PPV Board
A-Yo A Rev Thing Goin On?
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-31-2024, 08:22 PM

[We see a montage of JB time in Anarchy, all highs and lows, including the introduction of the Revolution Championship. Then it shifts to JB winning the belt, and having a series of title defenses of the belt these past few months, then it shows “Swevery” Adams aka Spencer calling JB out for the belt. Now we see JB in a room with himself with his belt, alongside some hoes and some cheap bottle of champagne. While he watches the hoes do their thing and gets lit, JB comes outside to the balcony looking into the night sky as his belt shines as he’s in a clean black sweatsuit outfit with some black Air Forces. He decides to air out his thoughts about his ppv title defense.]

JB: Yeah im out here in Cali, wished Reggie and T came but they had they own plans so they couldn’t partake in the PPV stuff. But hey, I know how I can handle myself, plus I never been in Monte Rio in my life. I guess, when I found tickets to the place it was too damn expensive, so I found some tickets to the closet area that wasn’t going to break my bank. So i flew to somewhere in mid Cali, and managed to find a good resort to chill in. Been in this place for about a week, and man it’s a amazing.

I still have yet to do some excursion, but since im not that adventurous I just stay at the resort, and eat some supar food buffet. But, i did manage to snatch some broads who are curious what the fucks is a Revulution Belt, so I told them that it’s a belt that has something to do with a revolutionary movement. When in reality it’s something to carry on a flight, and maybe make some minor TV appearance to promote the brand. You see, I have won this belt, the more I notice that i have a target on my back every day i hold this belt.

To be blunt, im not afraid to be a target even be on a manhunt, like if in a snuff film where I got to kill off whomever I come across too. I mean, at this point, I know that there will be a point where my reign is going to end. It might end at Monte Rio, because look what I have stacked against me.
I got Oz who basically tortured Jett to be a special guest referee in this match, and dealing with Spencer Adams a recent newcomer who they been vying at my belt, i already can sense they want to create the division among us brothers over a man made belt, a belt that anyone who isn’t John Black would carry it into the mud. Okay maybe not mud, but you know what I mean? I mean like, everyone can be able to hold the belt and act all high and mighty over what they think will get them on the next step in their career.

You see people, when I hold this belt, I hold it with the intention for a war, a bloodshed that even i would want taste out of his head. I mean, i heard that at some point in his time in the ring, he let someone drink his blood! I mean, I know blood isn’t harmful but damn, that’s an extreme i’m willing to take on against this man named Spancer. I might not be the one walking off with the belt, I already know for a fact that im gonna get fucked over by Oz. I guess i have no chance in hell that I will walk out with the belt.

To that i’d say, fuck that noise, in the words of K-Dot, They not like us!... Spencer anit like me, and i’m not him either.. We are two different people in different places. I know for me, I am not afraid to take down this newcomer who has more flex’n than an average man. I am not afraid to say that, he will push me to the edge just like how I will push him to the edge in that vineyard. 

Spencer, all I will say is may the best brother win for this belt, and I promise you that you’d understand what it means for the revolution will not be televised. This match will not be for the faint of heart with the X-Treme Rulez stipulation, plus with Oz a special ref… I already know I need to keep my guard up, so you will not see me slackin in the PPV. 

That’s all I will say, got to get back to my party. See you mafakas in Monte Rio!

[Then we see him go back into the room and he was partying with the hoes, and they take pictures with his belt, as the scene fades into the XWF.]

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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