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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
IMPORTANT: Warfare Information
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-18-2024, 03:17 PM

I just wanted to give everyone general information regarding the show and its presentation as well as provide some additional info you may not be aware of.
  • Beginning with the close of Warfare on May 18, 2024, Warfare will now move to Monday nights.
  • That being said, there are no current plans to move the RP deadline unless your feedback dictates such a move.
  • Additionally, we're adding a second timer to the Warfare RP board that'll count down to the segment deadline.  We'll be setting that deadline to expire 24 hours after the current RP deadlines.
  • Anything submitted after the segment deadline expires will be up to GM discretion and I'll tell you now that the likelihood of it making the show is minimal.

In regards to changes to the show:
  • Not much will change as far as match writing and judgments. Most everything is handled as a team and we kind of like it that way.  My primary goal is to provide more dedicated oversight to the overall product we're putting out there.
  • Look forward to a different presentation style where Warfare will (hopefully) come across and read as if it were a wrestling show from start to finish.
  • ARENAS:  While its not something I'd enforce with any kind of iron fist, I want to get away from using terms like "ramp" or "stage" in segs.  Those metal ramps are SOOOO 1997.  There's no ramp, no stage.  It's an aisle way and an entrance way.  K.I.S.S.  Keep it simple, stupid.
  • Additionally, the vast majority of the time unless its some special edition, Warfare will always be inside a regular, indoor 10k-20k seat arena.  Football stadiums and larger outdoor venues will be used primarily for PPVs and special edition shows, stuff like that.

The cast of characters (and color codes & general rules of thumb to keep in mind) you'll see on your new Monday night broadcasts of the XWF Flagship, WARFARE:
  • Play by Play:  Jacuinde Castillo, better known simply as Jacuinde (Lin-Manuel Miranda).  If used in segments, he's best used for in-ring type interview segments as his place is at ringside.
  • He's our old school Jim Ross.  He'll buy and sell whatever you're pushing.

[Image: VCz9WX2.jpeg]
Jacuinde Castillo

  • Color Commentary:  Brody Goodman, better known as "Beautiful" Brody Goodman (Uncle Baby Billy aka the GOAT aka Walton Goggins.)  Like Jacuinde, he's best used for in-ring segments.  He's the standard heel but with a snake oil salesman vibe.  He may even pop off sometimes trying to push his 1-900-999-9999 number with false information about particular stars in which he charges a very reasonable 9.99 per minute.
  • Very simply put:  Pro-Heel, Anti-Face but he'll agree with whomever is in the ring with him because he's a coward.
  • Little known trivia fact, Brody is also the father of LEO of OCW/TRIAD fame.
  • Both announcers are
    [white]Spoken text here.[/white]

[Image: 1oknd0d.jpeg]
"Beautiful" Brody Goodman

  • Backstage Journalist/Reporter:  Steve Sayors (Jon Stewart).  Steve is a cowardly mistake prone dumbass.  He's neither face nor heel and has been a member of the XWF family for several years.  If you're gonna bully an on-air staff member, this is the one to use.
  • Steve Sayors uses: 
    [blue]Spoken text here.[/blue]

[Image: UKyGcsE.jpeg]
Steve Sayors

  • Our lovely ring announcer is Rochelle Adams, or simply RA (Samantha Irvin).  She's brand new to Warfare and the XWF in general.  Be nice to her!
  • Rochelle uses: 
    [red]Spoken text here.[/red]

[Image: tISoSD0.jpeg]
Rochelle Adams

I think that about covers everything.  In your segments, if they contain any of those characters and also use colored text for your character, please refrain from using that staff members designated color code for your own.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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