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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Night Three 2023 RP Board
thug tears. (rp 2)
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

09-21-2023, 09:06 PM

[We open to a local cemetery where JB was standing over his mother’s gravestone, nicknamed Mama Blackstone who was born in 1945 until her sunrise of 2005. As he stood there, he looked at the stone with a look of bleakness and sadness. As it was a cold September sunday, he worn his jacket and he placed flowers on top of the gravestone, and pulled out a water bottle to poor on her ground.]

JB: Oh Mama, I know I ain't good to be able to stay on the righteous pathway, I know I anit the man you wanted me to be. I know you wanted me to be a preacher, and stay away from the wrestling shit.

[He pulls out another bottle of water to pour around her graveside and spread some around to the others who had perished to parch them.]

JB: Mama, let me tell you this, I know you are going to be disappointed in me, but I have to do some shit that I know you didn’t want me to do. I have to go to hell, yes, hell just to wrestle some whyte man for a belt. I know you are looking down on me hard as hell, you want to beat me with that switch on my ass when I say shit like that. But hear me out, I want you and my ex wife and my son to guide me through this shit. I’ll always be thinkin about you.

[JB then walks away from her gravesite, and he walks around the cemetery where he looks at others who are mourning towards there lost ones. Then he went into his car, and he drove away from the cemetery. About an hour later, he was at a diner parking lot, sitting in his car crying out his eyes. Then his phone blows up in the cup holder, and he answers it with a speaker on.]

T: JB, what’s up man… you haven’t been hitting me or Reggie up lately. What’s good?

JB: Man, you know I'm just tryin to focus on my outside life from this shit. You know, I haven’t seen my cousin and my nephew in a long time, so I wanted to spend some time and shit. What about you, have you been able to focus on your own shit?

T: Yeah man, even though we are going to different shows, I haven’t been able to settle down and focus on my music. But, you never could guess what happened to me.

JB: What’s up?

T: I got my daughter back from my ex-baby's mother, Jonee, and she’s currently living with my sister Sam in Texas. So now, I have a reason to give a fuck about life outside of XWF.

JB: Oh that’s good man, I know how much you love your kid, and I know those wage garnishments were a bitch in court. Maybe I might stop by there, and visit her when you're down there.

T: That’s cool with me, the more the merrier. Look i’ll hit you up later man, stay cool.

JB: You too man. 

[After his call finished with T, not even a hot minute, Reggie was calling him. As he answered his phone, Reggie was breathing heavily on the other line, sounding like he was distressed with something which caused JB to worry about what is going on with him.]

JB: Reggie, you alright man

Reg: ….. No…. My Child…. Miranda… she…

JB: She?...

Reg: ….. Her Abeula told me she overdosed on pills…. She blamed me for not stopping her… she blamed me…

JB: Whoa whoa….

Reg: She’s dead John, fuckin dead!... Look… tell T, and HGH and Machina that I won’t be around the scene for awhile… I need time to get my shit together man.

JB: Hey man, that’s fine man. Reggie, look i’ll let them know you need some time away…. I am sorry for your loss man. It’s not your fault, you need to remind yourself of that. It’s not easy being a father ya feel me man.

Reg: I know esse, i’ll hit you up later…

[Then Reggie just muttered something in Spanish, then he ended the call. JB then took a second to focus on what he heard, then he shook his head in disbelief and he went into the dinner to eat a later brunch.]

[It was 2 AM, JB was pretty much in his home being sleep deprived on his bed. Tossing and turning, can’t really sleep due to having too much on his mind. So he got out of his bed, turned on his night light, and he went to the hallway bathroom, and he stared himself in the mirror and he started to scream to himself like a mad man. Then he opens his drawer under his sink and pulls out a revolver with three bullets in his hand.]

JB: Should I fuckin do it, or not?....

[He pulls open the chamber, then he places one of the rounds in it. Then he contemplates his life as he places it in his head.]

JB: Like I said… should I do it!!!???!!....

    [Image: denzel-washington-gun.gif]

[As some divine intervention, the bullet didn’t strike him in the temple. He threw the revolver away in the trash with the bullets too, then he decided to look himself in the mirror, as he talks to himself being sleep deprived and depressed to the point he wanted to self delete.]

JB: Listen to yourself JB, you wanted to end it all for what? You need to break free from those inner thoughts of negative shit. You deserve much better, you really need to find something good for yourself. Don’t you have a title shot in hell coming shortly? Wait a minute is that what is fucking up your own mind to this thought, on top of your dead mother?

[After his own words came out in the mirror, he stepped back from the mirror bathroom and went into the hallway to go back to his room. It was close to 4AM, and he ended up getting a tripod from his closet and decided to film himself.]

“Listen world, I am John Black, a fuck up who isn’t even close to a man that I was in the past. I know the world doesn't care about me, and I could care less if the world liked me. The only thing that kept me going was the fear of death and sorrow. I’ve seen things, done things, and embraced things that was too fucked up for me to be able to comprehend this shit. I could have pulled that glock to my head, and erase myself with a temporary outlook of life itself. I don’t encourage anyone to do what I did, and I feel for those who feel like that is their way out.

I also want to shed some thug tears to Thad and his loss of child, and to anyone who had to make sacrifices or suffer too many things into the world that is cold and unfair itself. You have my back, and I want you all to know, I shed a thug tear to you and others who are down with me and what I need to do.

The one tear I won’t shed for is Big D, I remember he was just a simple busta who wanted to do the right thing. Now, he wants to be a big shot, even to the point he flew himself down to hell first class seats and all. Well, I know that BOB had funded that route for him, and they also pretty much used him as a meat puppet. I know Suddam Hussiem and the Devil are ready to greet him with their dick up in his mouth as they laugh above him. Hell, he had to run away from Jason’s advances at him, guess that belt causes nothin but trouble for those who hold that shit.

Look Big D, I too respect you, but you think TK or Bourbon really give a shit about you? You can figure that out when they decide to give you the Randy Orton treatment if things don’t go their way down the line, don’t say i didn’t warn you. Shirt and all, I can handle my own battles and that so-called triple threat handicap match was your only way of getting the exposure from us. We didn’t need the belt, we didn’t even need to win it because WE felt sorry if one of us did get the belt off you, that could have fucked up your spot back then.

Unlike Bulk Hogan, I like to give people a chance to shine as much as they like. Belt or no belt, crew or no crew, at the end of the day I get paid, made, and possibly laid as much as I can get by with. Me being a weak link? Hell, I was the one who decided to come to Anarchy to bring it to life, I was the one who had mat classic with everyone’s favorite bad guy Chris Page for the Uni Title that Smith is currently holding, I was the OG of this shit before management behind the scenes went to shit D. I was around when there was once a so-called invasion that tried to take over XWF but failed with quickness. So that weak link shit is a drag and you know it, but whatever helps you sleep at night, D.

Also, I find it cute you brought up Fuzz’s name, yeah yeah I know he’s infinite of a D12 like persona who made XWF fun again with his former Sick Cunts patna Noah, I know he’s the barometer of success but that doesn't mean much to me at all. I had encounters where I thought, why the fuck he bothering with a “low card” guy like me. Godamn it, he’s the freakin Mosh to Noah’s Thrasher for hell’s sake with how lit they were, but that still didn’t stop me from doing what I need to do against them bitches. You soundin too much like a stooge to be worrying about your spot, well let me tell you something D, if MeFisto was in your spot and he tried to play with your dick in the bathroom for your belt, would you still be worried about losin that spot?

I already know the answer to that… Nope, so you can pretend you are a legend in your own mind in the realm of XWF. You can have your star, but sometimes it has to burn out before people get sick of you, D. I am close to feelin that way with how much you think being affiliated with BOB is guaranteed to make your star shining bright like a diamond. I want to get that in your head, that you are just one of many who can get dethroned in a minute.

I really don’t care about the belt, I genuinely don’t care about getting that so-called second prize possession because all it will mean is more stress on me. I know you want that, that’s fine with me, so I could go down to hell lose to you and fuck off back to earth while you getting spit roasted like a pig you are for the belt you got. Let them spin your X-Treme carcass round and round till you have to give in and forget about that belt, but if somehow I do win the belt off you that won’t mean I will even hold it long enough for someone tryin to gank it off me in the backstage. I promise you Big Dick BOB Dudley, I won’t need to bother to harass you in the backstage for it ill let my crew do that shit instead. 

So D, I want you to know this, I want to beat the hell out of you on where you stand in Hell. I want the world to know that I am not a man to be played with, and all that talk about you being a star and me being a weak link, will be put to the test in Hell. Even the refs wouldn’t want to see how much damage I can do to a man like yourself. If I was able to pull that trigger and survive, then you don’t know what is going to happen  when I come down to hell at Relentless. I will be the most vile, despicable, mean thug who will leave you in Hell with no tears to be shed with hellfire bound by you when I walk away.

See you hell, BoB D.”

[Then from there, it faded to static, then it had the words “EKAT OT LUOS SIH YARP//EID OT GNIOG SI D BOB”in blood red as it faded into darkness.]

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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