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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Meeting An Old Friend....
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John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

01-11-2023, 06:57 PM

[After their tour was finished about a week ago, prior to Reggie going back to San Deigo and Tommy headin to Canada for Anarchy, JB was chilling in Brick City inside a local three star motel that was about three hours away from the venue. As he was watching TV that only had three channels in, he turned it off and decided to read a book on the couch, then he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He got up, and simply opened the door to see someone he knew from back in the day, who was dressed in a Dior-like dress with heels and her hair in a ponytail with two guards by her side. He noticed it was Kylie Jenner, whom he recently heard she and Travis split up during his tour days with the thugs. She came into the motel, and looked at the place with such disdain, as JB was tryin to figure out how the hell she came from Calabasas to Brick City.]

JB: Um, Kylie…. What the fuck are you doing in New Jersey? Why you all dressed up like if you going to a club?

Kylie: Well, no saying hello to me? What a mean guy you are! I came down here for a Monytesa Fashion line event near here that my older sister is walking in.

JB: Which sisters are you talkin about?

Kylie: Ugh, Kendall you dumb dumb! It’s been awhile since we even seen one another, and you seem to get fatter everytime I see you wrestle, you need to shed some weight.

JB: Look who’s talkin, you had more sperm in your gut than your own mother since Kourtney was born, plus why you all up in my business of what I do? Don’t you got like some TV show to tend to or some shit?

[Then Kylie places her 5.6 million Dior handbag on the bed, and she slaps him in the face. JB wanted to realized but knew that she had guards who would fuck him up, so he let it slide as he went into the bathroom to calm down. Kylie was just looking around the motel room, and she even freaked out seeing a couple of roaches on the floor. As she skried, the guards come in to see what’s going on.]



Kylie: No no, I just saw how filthy this place is, this man is no harm to me. I’ve dealt with worse, so you two can be excused.

[Then the guards nodded their heads and went outside of the room, the JB came out of the bathroom and sat back on the couch to read his book. Then Kylie crossed her arms and gave him a stern look for some reason, which JB did not sell as he read his book and flipped a few pages.]

Kylie: Why didn’t you tell me this place is infested with roaches! Oh my god, this place is gross!

JB: Well, you decided to see me here, and i anit the one in that bullshit dior shoes. So, if you wanted to leave, then hit the bricks. Go be a mother or sumthin and stop botherin me.

Kylie: You listen here, JOHN BLACK, I am not going to be treated with disrespect and you aren’t going to question my motherhood to me, you here? I JUST broken up with Travis, and I needed someone to confide in at a time like this, so you want to be an asshole to me, fine.. I’m leaving!

JB: Goodbye.

[As JB was trying to read his book, she was at the door, reaching her hand to turn the knob and she looked back to see if he would do anything. Then she rolls her eyes, and looked at JB and she realized that he wasn’t going to play those games. Then she pulls something out of her purse, and it was two tickets to the fashion show, and she places it beside JB. Then JB puts the book down, and he looks at the ticket and he looked at her, then he shrugs at her.]

JB: I don’t think I would fit into those shows… I'm too ugly and camera shy to be involved with you at these types of events. So, best find someone who’s more aligned to fit in those environments.

Kylie: No, I want YOU to come with me, I feel like you need to loosen up, and have some fun with me. Plus, I hate going to places alone… I need someone to come with me to places.

JB: I mean, I didn’t know you were needy like that…shit, where’s your guard who busted in the door earlier? Why not roll with them, or your rich and famous socialite friends outchea?

[Then Kylie closes the blinds in the room, and she undoes her hair, and takes off her shoes. Then she walks up to JB, and he puts the book down and sees her coming up to him. Then she sits on his lap in a precarious position, where she was gyrating her um assets on him, and she kisses him on the cheek, and hugs him with her head on his shoulder. JB tries not to break his focus on his book, but she starts to nibble on his ear which causes him to toss the book on the floor. She then looked into his eyes, and she arched back on him as his hand was on her back.]

JB: Shit… almost got me thinkin about addin anotha child in your bloodline when you are moving like that… why are you doing this?

Kylie: No no no, you said you don’t want to come with me to the fashion line tonight… if that’s the case, then I won’t be able to show you what I used to do with Travis Scott after his tours.

JB: Aight aight fine, i’ll go to the fashion show with you tonight, but keep in mind I anit got no Dior or Balaneginca shit on me… i’m just rollin in my jeans and black t shirt.

Kylie: That doesn’t matter to me, I'll have my personal driver at your motel around 8pm, so be ready by then. Then maybe after the show is over, we can hang out at a club and meet some people. I won’t forget our little tease we embraced towards one another.

[Then Kylie gets off his lap and puts on her shoes and gets her things out of his motel. Then time passes, and JB and Kylie are at the fashion show, where they were dressed up like homeless people passing as fashion, which would be about up to the millions you bought them. After about two hours of that was done, they end up at the club with other socialites that JB has no fuckin clue about. While Kylie was living the high life, JB was overwhelmed with the fakeness and cloutness that he ended up dippin out of the club and back to his motel with a taxi. After some time passes, JB was reading his book with a nightlight on, and he heard his name through the front door in a drunken speech pattern, he opened the door to see Kylie a mess, lipstick smuched, hair all over the place, as she lunges at JB.]

Kylie: Wh–Where am i?

JB: You aren’t in the ritz that for sure, you seem like you are off. Do you need me to send you a taxi back to your place?

Kylie: N–nono I wan wannnted to knooowwww whyyyy youuuuu lefttttt meeeee!

JB: I got tired and wanted to get back to my motel, didn’t mean to not let you know.

Kylie: *dry heaves* JOHHHHHHNNNNNNNnnnn…. I want to SUCK YOUR—

[Then JB noticed a paparazzi taking pictures of their encounter, and he dragged her into the room and closed the door before the pap started causing issues at 2am. She then stumbles around and lunges at JB, and he tries to place her on the bed. But she pulls him on top of her, which causes him to be frantic as he tries too get off her. After he got off the bed, she started to puke on the side of the bed on the floor. JB was worried about this and wanted to call someone, but his phone died, and she started to cry hysterically and loudly.]


JB: Do I look like I am from Huston? I am not him, this was a mistake you came here… I think you need to sleep it off… this is too much going on tonight.

Kylie: Johnnnn… I’mmmmm sOrrrtYYY

[She vomited again on the floor, and JB had enough and he decided to sleep on the couch. After the fuck shit past them, Kylie woke up on the bed, and she looked at JB was sleeping on the couch, and she looked at the vomits she laid out on the side of the floor. She yawns and stretches, and JB wakes up and sees her awake as well. From that point, they both ended up going to a high end restaurant for breakfast and hung out for the rest of the day as the scene faded to pink…

Nahh, we see JB inside another hotel that had a balcony where he was looking at the views of Brick City, with smog, and buildings all over the place. He takes a sip of a mimosa, as he airs his mind about whatever he wants to say.]

“I am not a playboy, and I sure don’t know how I get these broads feenin for me. I am pretty much the Biggie Smalls of XWF, but yet they are deeply entranced with me I guess. I thought I would never see Kylie Jenner again, but here I am in her hotel with a clear view. I know she going to forget about us, but that don’t mean much since I don’t remember much about her and her clout debauchery and her fuckin up my motel room. I paid 450 for three nights, but that’s whatever as well I can recoup that back when I wrestle for this new Weekend Warfare show.

To be honest, I would have not bothered to join the show, but I was bored and wanted to ring in the new year with a bang with me doing some solo shit. I would have called up Reggie and had him do it, but I decided to give him a break from some wrestling shit and have him take care of his personal issues. Also, Tommy told me he had a title shot this week so he obviously wasn’t going to come to the Brick City itself, so it’s just me, myself, and I like that song Bebe Rexa (who i saw at the club, and I wanted to smash that Albanian ass so badly) did back in the day. It’s not like I am handicapped to just be a tag team or trio or stable guy, hell I could have gone the JJ Dillion route and just managed the THUGS and become the hood version of the four horsemen or something redundant like that, but fuck that noise.

Grayson, I know you don’t know me and I don’t know about shit about you either, so call a truce between us for not knowing a lick about one another. What I do know, is that you are a newcomer who needs to be shown how the ring works, since you end up not caring about this wrestling shit. I guess me and you are a like, where we see this shit as a 9 to 5 gig and less of a serious thing, plus me and you might be different in terms of experience but we both have a common denominator of not giving a fuck about a damn thing. I might not win against the young whippersnapper like yourself, and if you think I am going to just back down and not care about this match, I guess you overestimate yourself.

I don’t claim to be the best wrestler, and my track record has proven time and time that i aint shit when I step in that ring, but here’s one thing that will change, and it’s me just trying to make an example out you Grayson, and let them know that I ain't the one to be played with. I know you want it all, and I know you might have graduated top class from your wrestling school and you had the chance to jump into XWF so called feeder system, well kid, your gonna learn the school of hard knocks when I beat that ass in Brick City, and have you rethink on you deciding to waste upon thousands and thousands of dollars training to wrestle in Florida. This won’t be no easy match, because i’m coming in like the Bob Holly to your Matt Cappotelli, so better have your peeps to come in to stop me from doing too much fuck shit on ya.

Now, I am fully rejuvenated to give a damn about wrestling a newcomer like Grayson, and he and everyone else will know where I am in that ring. Come hell or high water, I'm gonna send that kid to the next hospital that his parents can pay for under their insurance, because it’s going to be a bowling shoe ugly affair this coming Weekend Warfare.”

[From that point on, he was drinking his mimosa under the clouds at the same balcony he was chilling in. Then Kylie comes out in a robe and slippers and she fed him some strawberries and he fed her some too, then it simply fades off into the clouds of Brick City.]

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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