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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF War Games 2022
War is Great
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Unknown Soldier Offline

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07-23-2022, 10:56 PM

[Image: th?id=OIP.p5DHoTbgpj9sRknBTrItCwHaEo&pid=Api&P=0]

“There are so many worlds and I have not yet conquered even one.”
― Alexander the Great

The ancient war cry bellows beneath the valley as the horns of battle echo beneath the deep gulch in which our enemy shivers with fear and sweat from being pushed back like rats being flushed out of the sewer. After hours of terror that we’ve unleashed upon the weak and frail troops of our enemy, they have not only lost their stamina in war but also their will to fight. We can hear their cries for mercy as we begin our charge down the side of the hill and despite their attempts to retreat and wallow in their own defeat, we instead slaughter them with their back turned and their feeble cries for help are drowned out by the slashing of our swords.

The blood spews and splatters for what seems almost a mile or two as we stampede our horses and our feet over the top of the feeble adversaries. Painting the grass a dark red with dampness beneath our feet as if it were a heavily rainy day. Pulsating our swords with the indentation into the gullets of our enemies and splattering their guts into a million pieces beneath our feet. Show no mercy and leave no prisoners, for the fear of our legacy and ruthless ways is the only way we can conquer the world. So sayeth the words of our leader and greatest warrior to ever live, Alexander the Great!

Staring up upon him as he shoves the beak of his sword between the eyes of an unsuspecting victim with ease I can say that following him into the heat of battle was nothing but a natural-born dream come true. Admiring him from afar doesn’t give enough warrant to the beauty of his manliness and commander-like qualities that have kept the morale of myself and my legion at its highest peak since we departed from Athens many moons ago. It’s as if he emits a glow of satisfaction from not only his personality but from the skin of his body in and of itself! I sometimes wonder how the enemy has never been able to notice these glowing qualities as he sticks out like the sun in the midnight sky with his aura of perfection and omnipotence.

We have never lost and it almost seems like there has never even been a time when defeat was even in the remote sphere of peril or concern. He is perfection at its finest, and I guess that’s where his nickname of “The Great” was fashioned at the time of his finest hour. To conquer the world and to claim it for his own, that shall it be the only goal of both him and the rest of us as we follow him into what seemed like certain doom at times, but became a simple stomping on our behalf at the behest of the request of our esteemed leader. He somehow knew we could never be stopped, and the confidence in his craft and the perfection of his knowledge on the battlefield was impeccable beyond belief.

I have never felt such a sense of adrenaline when riding behind him into battle and the rush of strength and focus has never been more attuned to anything else in the history of my life. It’s as if some divine being were taking over my soul for the time being and lifting my sword upon my foes with the hand of god smashing them and spreading their blood all over the mountainside. Invigorating and euphoric it seems with the more blood that I spill the faster the blood within my veins pumps with fluidity and indignation. I slay another opponent with ease as my sword cuts through his body as if I had just sliced it through the sands in the desert of the waters of the ocean. I then turn to nod to my gracious leader whom I see also slaying multiple foes at once and as I smile at him I notice that around his neck was something I had never discovered or realized was a part of his uniform before.

Glowing and dazzling in the midnight gloom was a necklace that I had never noticed before dangling around his neck, and its perfection in detail and hieroglyphics in nature was as if it were carved and created by craftsmanship that exuberated supremacy in all areas of etching and creation. It literally radiated and glowed like a pulsating fire that was growing in size with every beat of its next vibration. I was now more awestruck by the jewelry than the man who adorned it. I can not pull my glance away, even if I had tried for it altered my attention like a beautiful woman naked in front of my eyes.

It appears as if I am not the only one, as the necklace was now glowing off his chest like the sun and the rest of the world rotating around it. Even the enemies were now frozen in time and could do nothing but stare upon the necklace as it captured the entirety of the scene in some odd and peculiar way that nobody around could understand, but could also not help themselves. The secret to our success was now apparent, as it is obvious that our leader had obtained some kind of supernatural relic that the gods had prescribed to him in order to help him accomplish his feat of conquering the world.

He must have realized that his necklace was now the center of attention and that it had fallen out from behind his warplate on his chest as he quickly gathered it back beneath his vest and the entire battlefield went back to the normal blood-spewing circle of destruction that it was just moments before his big reveal. I do not care nor wish to speculate on where or when he was able to obtain this relic of significant importance, but one thing I knew for sure and could see on the looks of the faces surrounding me was that we all wanted it for ourselves.

We all charged after Alexander, both friend, and foe in our own feeble attempts to claim the prize for our own. He slew each and every single one of us upon the mountainside with ease and bathed in our blood while licking it off his lips with a smile on his face. I send you this message from the cloud of Zeus with a warning to all the jealous greeks and to their rivals. Do not gaze upon the relic with any sort of intention or desire, or it will swallow you up and turn you to stone quicker than the gaze of Medusa.

[Image: 468428705_tp.jpg]

The fire in his eyes burned in his retinas just as heavily as the glow from his silver inverted pentagram necklace. The Unknown Soldier had always appreciated his gift from his dark master but had never once sought out to find the source of its creation, nor the power that dwell deep from inside its core and gained the knowledge for which it did exist. By the grace of SATAN! He was now wandering the fields of some ancient greek hillside that had once been the scene of a great battle many years to his prior and before the coming of his existence.

A sudden calling from deep inside his soul brought him upon these luscious fields of grass that to this day still bear the dye of a light shade of red from what he was told was a horrendous battle of immense bloodshed. The necklace had begun to let loose an eerie glow in the past week as if it were calling to return to its home. To neglect it of its nature would be to defy his master’s wishing and that was something he would never bring himself to do no matter how much his crystal methamphetamine-fueled mind would crave his drug of choice.

For not even his cravings or withdrawals could keep his mind away from the focus at hand and the trip had been a long one traveling for days upon days across the ocean and many landmasses of great distance and adversity. From the slums of some shitty city in South Dakota to the vast wilderness of Greek mythology in a matter of weeks would seem impossible to the world where the understanding of the supernatural and the underestimated feats of magic was the norm. There was simply nothing that could keep the necklace from finding its home and it was by the gift of SATAN! That he was able to make the journey in such spatial time and effort.

He did not grow tired but lived and breathed on the fuel that motivated him with the adrenaline that intoxicated him for the past two weeks. Something was calling for him, but what it was he did not know but salivated to now discover. His feet were a worn and blistered dilapidated sight for sore eyes as the blood leaked between his toes and seeped into the ground beneath his feet that soaked up the red fluid like a sponge thirsting for the same drink that it was superfluous given so many years ago. A trail of smoke emancipates from the surface of the earth with each step that he took closer towards a towering temple that lay basking in the sun far up over the horizon. A path of yellow bricks and glowing sand permeates the earth and infuses itself with the bottom of his feet as his journey continues quickly towards the calling of his destination.

The necklace now burning into his skin, but he dare not remove it from around his neck for the fear that its power guiding him to his destination would fret and fall beneath his feet and lose trust in the bearer of its possession. It dangled out in front of him now, as if pulling him like a dog on a leash and attempting to reach the target of its ultimate belonging quicker than his feet could carry him. The temple grew larger in both the intricacies of its size and the marvelousness of its magnitude. It must have been built by some Greek god itself, or the slaves of over a thousand Egyptian rulers many, many years ago. Dante Kyllen now reaches the doorway and reaches out with his bandaged and blistered hands and pulls open the doorway to reveal a sight of simply chaotic and cataclysmic conjecture. Inside the temple, it was an entirely new world, where chariots were chastising innocent lives and spearing them through the core. An endless sea of warriors destroying a small gang of poor and innocent stragglers trapped between the barrel of an interlocking area of two seas placing them in a dungeon of their certain ultimate demise.

[Image: alamo.jpg]

LSM stood silently atop The Alamo building, a rage building fast inside her heart. Her hands balled into fists as beads of sweat began to drip, drip, drop down from her half-painted face. With steam practically coming out of her eyes, the luchadora was so distracted she barely even noticed the bright glowing red and gold coming from inside her duffel bag....but after a few seconds, it caught her eye.

LSM raised a curious brow as she kneeled down in front of her multicolor duffel bag. LSM uncurled her hand as she reached into the bag, the look of nervousness on her face betraying the confidence in her actions. As the beads of sweat continued to drip down from her brow, LSM pulled out the pendant she had found in her mother's haven all those months ago. LSM held the pendant by its steel chain as she stared into its source of power. Robyn held the glowing pendant up close to her painted eye, glancing into it with a level of curiosity that could kill a million cats.
As LSM held the pendant in front of her face it began to vibrate, then soon, the entire Alamo building was shaking. Someone down below screamed out 'EARTHQUAKE' as bits and pieces of the historical building began to crumble. LSM's eyes nearly shot out of her skull as a glowing portal began to shoot out of the center of the pendant.

¡¿Qué esta pasando?! ¡No otra vez!

LSM tucked the pendant into her pocket as she ran to the edge of the building's roof. Taking a leap of faith, LSM jumped off the side of the building.....and right into the glowing portal, which has now grown so large as to engulf the entire Alamo building!

The building shakes and crumbles, nearly threatening to collapse as the portal begins to pulsate and grow brighter. The crowd of tourists is caught in a scurry, screaming and screeching, as they flee for safety. It looks like the building is going to fall beneath the weight of the mystical energy....until a large BANG echoes throughout the portal, and it suddenly retracts back into the abyss! The Alamo stills and the crumbs stop dropping. The tourists look around, equal parts confused and scared, as all goes silent.

This temple was not something of sheer existence in the physical realm but was obviously a device to lure whoever discovered its secret through the necklace Wayfinder to show the horrors it created in the past. To show Soldier the art of war and that there certainly wasn't any games to be played about it. Kill the enemy. Show no mercy. Trust in the power of the necklace. There he witnessed it all. Alexander at his Greatest! Then suddenly.... The great warrior after he annihilated every living soul that surrounded him began to speak to the Unknown Soldier and LSM...

[Image: commanders_alexander.jpg]

Alexander the Great: "You have both been chosen to bear the power upon your breasts... Now, go into war and bring home the only true glory that it brings by the complete conquering and humiliation of your foes. From what I understand the commander of your adversaries is that asshat named Oswald and even in ancient Greece we know that guy just opening his mouth can pretty much just humiliate himself! Not even in our time with all these silly Greek names would we think of something as ridiculously stupid as that to name our offspring and humiliate them from day one when they are born."

Unknown Soldier looks over behind Alexander to see standing there is his War Games teammate and in the palm of her hands lay a similar piece of jewelry that he bore just the same around his neck. The two give themselves a nod of approval at the obviousness of their next question to one another was how this all was going to unfold from here. What crazy and twisted adventures lay ahead for these two warriors as they approach a war against the feeble and weak, just as Alexander did in his past. A team that can't think of anything more original than something that sounds like another Lethal Weapon reboot movie 'Sudden Death' can't certainly be nothing more than a small army of pissant posers that should be stabbed in the back while retreating like the worthless waste of human life that they really are. Nothing but a roadblock to the path of destruction and complete conquering of the entire wrestling world. Just like Alexander sought out control over the entire world, the team of Viewer Desecration Advised claims its domain over the entire XWF. Stepping over their first team with ease in a trail of blood led by the biggest idiot the XWF has ever seen.

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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