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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 1 RP Board 2021
visita al hospital
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Latina Submission Machina Offline
Anarchy's FINEST

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

09-23-2021, 10:54 PM




I thought she had months left!

LSM yells at the short and stout doctor. The pair stand directly next to the bedside of Robyn’s mother. The elderly woman is hooked up to all sorts of tubes and wires. An oxygen mask lays on top of her pale face. Robyn holds desperately onto her sickly mother’s hand.

You said she was responding well to treatment! You said she might be able to travel to my shows soon!

Her condition changed rapidly. These things do happen…

They shouldn’t!

Robyn turns towards her faltering mother. A few soft tears dripped down Robyn’s unmasked face as she clutched her mother’s frail hand.

She’s the strongest woman I’ve ever known, she can fight through this. She has never submitted in her career.

I don’t think it will be that simple…...

Robyn releases her mother’s hand and turns around in a fury.

You don’t know anything about mi madre, she can make it through this!

Ma’am I just want you to be prepared for the worst case sce-

Just get out!

The doctor raises his hands in acquiescence as he backs out of the room.

I’ll give your family some private time.

The doctor leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. As soon as the door shuts Robyn stomps her foot into the ground out of frustration.

You’re just like your padre. He never liked doctors either….

What was his name?

Robyn turned back with a teary eye to face her mother, who was struggling with everything she had to maintain consciousness. Robyn rubbed her runny nose against the sleeve of her green sweater before she wiped her hands off on her blue jeans.

Nikolai Charmos. That’s what he went by at the time, at least. He was a loverboy…..

Did you want to see last-

What the hell are you talking about? You’ve always said he was an asshole!

I mean, I never knew him. I just didn’t like that he left you the way he did...but if you want to see hi-

It’s not about me, Robyn!

But your healt-

Worry about Little Dick Oswald’s health….specifically, on depleting it! That's more important!

Robyn snorted in laughter at her mother's sick dig. LSM rubbed the sleeve of her sweater against her moist nose.

I don’t think I’ll have to worry too much about that. It seems to come naturally to me!

You are your mother’s daughter!

And Oswaldo might as well be your grandson the way I treat him in the ring! The last time I wanted his championship belt I made him pass out in his own drool. I hate to cross that line and go that far with anybody, but Oswaldo really deserved it! He's a no good hombre, and that's why I'm excited to do it to him again! He doesn't deserve to represent the brand of Anarchy, CCP didn't even think he deserved to represent BOBELITE!

The two Gonzalez women share a smile and a chuckle. A few sweet moments go by before the woman in the bed goes into a coughing fit.


Oh no....

Robyn rubbed her mother’s shoulder with concern. Her mother coughed up blood, leaving a bit of red spittle dripping down her chin. Robyn’s mother looked up at her before crossing her eyes, opening her mouth wide, and speaking in a grizzled tone.

Do you honestly believe you can beat me? Do you have what it takes to beat me?

Oh, madre! Your Oswaldo impression is amazing! You must’ve watched his promos for the billion dollar belt? I’d show it to you now, but I’m getting it rebranded in YOUR image! I’m going to dedicate the belt to you, and to all of Mexico! We’re going to add a little bit of latina heat to Oswaldo’s boyhood dream!

I’m sure he’ll think that’s very sweet of you.

The two women share another smile, although the mother’s smile is painfully forced and drizzled in red.

What was it he said…...You aren't walking out of Savage as the new Billion Dollar Champion. This title will never leave my fucking waist. I will defend this title with all my being and all my heart, just as I would the Anarchy Championship title……..JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!

Jajajaajajaja! Lucky for me Oswaldo is a man of his word: we know this because he says so himself! Oswaldo defended his old belt against me with all his being and all his heart. When we face off again Oswaldo will have nothing left in his bag of tricks to throw at me. I’ve seen his moves and tactics firsthand and while they are formidable, they are no match for my agility and technique! I hope Oswaldo fights with all his being and all his heart again, because if he does there’s no way I can lose! If he’s not going to grow another heart before Relentless he’s going to be in big, big trouble!

Don’t be so hasty! I heard you did so much damage to his arm that he’s starting a whole replication protocol to regrow his bones in time to fight you again. I wouldn’t count a synthetic heart out of the equation!

He’s going to need maybe three or four more hearts worth of fight in him to stop me from taking his final belt. I wonder if this is a reverse Thanos situation…..if I remove the last belt from around Oswaldo’s waist, will his career collapse into dust?

I sure hope so, honey. His segments make me want to turn Anarchy off. Please, sweetheart…...go out there and win that Anarchy Championship for me? I think it will be the last title I get to see you win…

LSM’s mother looked up with hopeful eyes and a warm smile. Robyn sniffled as she nodded her head. The two women hugged as the camera slowly faded to black.

I promise you I’ll win, madre. I’ll win the Anarchy Championship for you.

[Image: 0BHMDmC.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
3x Freestyle Champion
1x Billion Dollar Champion
2x Anarchy Champion
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