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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Pfft ...what. idk
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Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

07-15-2021, 11:47 PM

You know what I love...its twitterbtiwtter twitter twitter Twitter this...twitter twitter twitter that and I'm like...pffft. Could be worse. I could be 3o year old with a copy of of edith Hamilton spending hours on hours on a Peter Gilmohr

Super sjck...Haha it wasn't so super..

Recap of my entire fucking career. Oooooh symbolism...stfu.
Your Zues' cuck bitch Betsy. I mean...makes sense right?

Raven entertains us because I dunno...he wants to be entertained for once. I mean what ya gonna do. She's playing Kathleen Kennedy running a franchise...

Metaphorical so did get my panties in that's Corey's thing. A lying that's Thads thing. Bitch I bring the views so retire that pail hi man bs ok.

What's your effin name dude. Wait...Cash Me putside...Phil. Dawwk.

Dick. Ha.

Yeah that's not you.

Who's the too sexual predators that wanted tonEiffelbtower Lycans on Bastille day? Wait...three amigos. Three stooges.

Dumb. Fucking. Count.

Ha...cunt. Noah. Mama still got you boo...

I hate your dad I hope he chokes on big bad Captain Forrest Grangers dick and gets looted by a homeless eboy listening to edm and then he throws an empty cup of Greek yogurt on his snug little dead face and then Doves shit on him and shit on him and shit on him and shit on him and shit him....

Fuck you you sesttle garage band, no mama and daddy having do t know me.

You dont my story. You think you do...obvs! That's basic speak forbCharlie Dickless...Dickin...I dont fucking know. Thay dumb shit who thinks he got a liberal arts degree. Fuck I dont watch his shit. He dumb. Team Charlie roasted.

But this ain't war games..

Special paragraph break thing here.

Dear Slim. Ivwanted to be cordial because we have the same group and its awkward for them.. no its not. Fake ass bitches always keeping Atty on the outside until less she got the hand..

Right. Fuck you. Fuck y'all. Fuck Bob. Fuck Todd. Fuck this kid holding the camera. Fuck his mom. Theo did. Fuck theo..fuck roxy in here too much time slandering me because her man fucked man in his little man pussy and we aaaaaalllll got to watch.

Two bags of popcorn bitch. Fuck Adi to. Share it thatty, it's the only watches her shit is if you or me carry it.

Tweet tweet tweet, atty only. .



Dont bebtits and ass Atty. Dont be tits an ass Atty. You can be so much more atty....

Blah fucking blah....first chance you get you raid my God damn panty drawer so I have no choice to be bare ass.

Shawn Done It to win is Universal title. You're doing to keep yours. I guess Atty's panties are the magic fucking trick. Who needs Disney anymore oh're golden girl and everyone stuck up that twat.

Why the fuck did you draft me. Better yet.

Ik sorry Alias...I know not paying the attention you want pisses you off but I gotta clear the air before this thing starts and hell I've lost this one already right. Fuck me for keeping you busy on twitter for tidbits because I'm just that fucking compelling while withered awayvhours on end...

Are the fates listening! Yeah you talked a bunch... but you said very fucking little.

Fuck it..I'm done. Yoh bitches can handle me drink sober clothes naked, Warfare Savage Fury's dumb ass shit...

Only Atty gets stripped of all her gold...fuck me for having a PUSSY to. .

Goddam Madison raise fron the dead and put down please.

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-16-2021), ALIAS (07-16-2021), Dolly Waters (07-16-2021), HeavensToBetsy (07-16-2021), JimCaedus (07-16-2021), Talia Areano (07-16-2021)

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