Theo Pryce
King of Kings

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04-03-2021, 06:05 AM
So I believe that most of you are familiar with the format for the Leap of Faith Pay Per View but for those of you who aren't allow me to illuminate you.
It's a standard title defense PPV. So all of the titles will be on the line. If you are working a feud with someone work towards a title match on this show. If you have a title and don't have a program currently try and get one going so we don't have to throw a random opponent at the PPV.
Now as for the actual Leap of Faith match here is how that works. The match typically starts in the ring and works it's way into the rafters of the arena however since this match is on the secret moon base located on the moon, (Yes it exists. No I can't tell you how I know that) we are still working out the logistics of how that match will work. However here is what I can tell you. The match itself will consist of no less than 4 competitors and no more than 8. Ideally 6 but we will see where we are come booking time. Champions are not eligible for this match. The winner of this match will receive a 24/7 Briefcase which can be used to cash in on any title of the owners choosing within 1 year of May 30th, 2021.
Now how do we pick participants for the match? Typically in the past what we would do is post an Opt In Thread for the show and in it we would ask people that want to opt in for the show to specify if they want a chance at the Leap of Faith match or just a regular match. What we are going to do this year however is change it up a little bit.
What we are going to do is that for anyone who wants a CHANCE at being picked for that match to please SUBMIT A SEGMENT on any one of the upcoming shows before the PPV declaring your intentions to enter the match. Essentially you are selling us on why we should pick YOU! There are 2 Savages, 2 Warfares and a Shove It before now and when we book the PPV so you have ample time to submit the segment.
The segment itself does not guarantee you a spot in the match. It does guarantee that you have a shot at being in the match. We are still going to pick the people we feel are most deserving of the spot based on their body of work. HOWEVER if say as an example we have two people who are equally deserving but only one spot left what we MIGHT do is look at each of their segments declaring their intentions and pick who did the better segment and use that as the tie breaker. Like I said we MIGHT do that, not saying we will. But putting in effort on the segment certainly won't hurt your chances.
So yeah that's where we are with things.
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