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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare - 09/04/19 - RESULTS
Author Message
SBW-SmokingBobWilliams Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-04-2019, 09:46 PM

[Image: qQG7GNr.gif]



From !!!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtW7qf2wzcZu3tNcrbR5S...xrdwkUvF3W]



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Winner will face Unknown Soldier for his XWF X-treme Championship at Relentless.





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Winner faces the HART champion at Relentless

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


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From !!!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtW7qf2wzcZu3tNcrbR5S...xrdwkUvF3W]



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In a very preppy and upbeat tone, "Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful" is shouted over the p.a. system before the infamous "Queen of the Reich" by Queensryche plays over the sound system. The fans immediately stand to their feet and begin cheering as Miss Michelle's newly designed entrance video plays on the big screen. Miss Michelle walks out from the back and she kicks her right leg up as she slides her hands through her dark reddish hair. She shakes her head and starts strutting down the ramp as she's saying, "it’s time to get back what is my." Miss Michelle makes her way over to the ring apron and lifts herself up using the ropes. She kicks her feet against the apron and flips her hair back before diving under the third rope entering the ring, but pausing over the second. She wiggles her ass as she briefly closes her eyes and licks her lips. She steps over the second rope and jots over to the far corner, climbing to the second rope, and blowing a kiss to the cheering crowd before hopping off the second rope. She turns around and stares up at the entrance ramp as she glares at the curtains. Her theme comes to an end as the fans continue to cheer, but Miss Michelle is slightly stretching her arms against the ropes as she waits for her opponent.

'New Noise' by Refused starts playing as the arena lights dim. A spotlight illuminates the aisle. Steve emerges from the back wearing a red satin robe with the hood up. He walks the aisle shaking his arms and cracking his neck. He rolls into the ring, throws his hood down and climbs the middle turnbuckle. He glares at the crowd and raises both his arms in the air.

The starting riffs of Rise Against's Savior shakes through the arena, getting the crowd pumped up for the upcoming match. As the main guitar riff finally starts to kick in, the Kaiser himself, Finn Kühn walks out from behind the curtains, a smug a look as ever as he scans through the crowd and in the ring. Many members of the crowd lob boos at Finn with only a few scattered cheers at most. After his brief surmise of the situation, Finn walks down to the ring, hands locked together behind his back with his attention firmly placed at the match at hand.

The bell rings and the match is underway.

Justice and Kuhn totally ignore Miss Michelle, and head towards each other. They start trading punches, before Justice hits Kuhn with a knee to the gut followed quickly by a DDT into a SMALL PACKAGE.



A huge diving elbow by Miss Michelle onto the back of Justice forces him to break the pin attempt.

PIP: "Wow what a quick start by the guys only to be interrupted by Miss Michelle,"

HEATHER: "How rude,"

Miss Michelle grabs Steve Justice and sends him crashing into a corner where he falls in a heap. She then turns her attention on Kuhn.

She helps him to his feet and then quickly executes a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP, and then quickly a BULLDOG, and as Justice slowly unsteadily gets to his feet in the corner she hits him with a DISCUS CLOTHESLINE before turning her attention back to Kuhn.

PIP: "Something tells me that Miss Michelle wants to end this match very soon,"

HEATHER: "She's very dominant tonight,"

Miss Michelle sets Finn Kuhn up in her DUNN DEAL finisher, a.k.a PEDIGREE, and executes it. She doesn't waste any time and goes for the cover.



Broken up by a knee to Miss Michelle's back, by Steve Justice, which ends the three count. He grabs her and flings her across the ring before attempting his own cover.



Broken up by an elbow drop by Miss Michelle on Steve Justice. They both stand up and look at one another.

PIP: "I think it's between one of these two?"

HEATHER: "No really? What gave it away?"

PIP: "You don't need to be sarcastic,"

Both run towarda the ropes on their side of the ring, they come back, both duck under an attempted clothesline from Miss Michelle, and an attempted lariat from Steve.

Miss Michelle hits Steve with a drop kick and he goes flying backwards into the ropes.

Miss Michelle follows up with a discus clothesline sending Steve out of the ring to the floor below.

Finn Kuhn is up on his knees trying to clear his head, Miss Michelle stalks him, grabs him in a headlock before executing a BULLDOG.

She quickly gets up and heads to the 2nd rope where she sizes Kuhn up and waits for Kuhn to start moving again. Which he does.

She hits him with a 2nd rope Missle drop kick and he goes flyingtowards the ropes. Steve is trying to get back in, and just as they collide Steve hits him with a European uppercut before flying into the railings at ringside.

Kuhn stumbles backwards right into a 2nd DUNN DEAL a.k.a Pedigree which Miss Michelle executes.

HEATHER: "It's over now, surely?"

Miss Michelle for the cover.







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Winner will face Unknown Soldier for his XWF X-treme Championship at Relentless.



Universal Champion Unknown Soldier and Greggo come prancing down towards the ring, skipping and frolicking two and fro. Sometimes just holding the others hand but most of the time holding the others penis. Around his waist is his NEW UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP and around Greggo's waist is the XWF's Xtreme Title. Unknown Soldier then prays to SATAN! in the middle of the ring while a red pentagram traces him from above in the rafters. The red disco lights tracing the pentagram around Soldier continues to encircle him constantly in a counter clockwise motion. While standing in the center of this pentagram of glowing lights, he kneels and touches both his shoulders and forehead as a sign of the Unholy trinity. In the name of the Liar, the Sinner, and the great father and lord of all that is Evil! Soldier then gets up and strokes his penis exactly 666 times getting faster and faster as the lights around him speed up in pace as well. He always wrestles with a full on raging erection for not only the increase in testosterone, but also as a scare tactic to the heterosexual male(s) or prude female bitch(es) he may be wrestling at the time. He has his special referee uniform that he has been tasked to wear for this match. Before any of the other competitors come to the ring Unknown Soldier hands the Xtreme Title off to the ref as per the terms of his agreement at XX with James Raven.

"Falling Apart" by Trust Company hits over the PA system as the fans begin to boo. Big D walks out onto the ramp, arms in the air for a victory pose.

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of DADDYS FALLEN ANGEL by IN THIS MOMENT begins as the heavy guitar riffs kick in and red strobes dance around the stage. As soon as the verse kicks in, we see Peter Gilmour and his main madame of malady and mayhem, Valerie Sky come out to the ramp. They smile at each other before going down the ramp hand in hand. Peter bobs his head to the song. They get in the ring together and Peter gets on the turnbuckle and throws up an "X" sign as pyro goes off above the ring. Peter hops down and kisses Valerie. They wink and smile sadistically towards each other and then, Valerie Sky the dark demonic, demented diva of destruction exits the ring and Peter turns his attention to the stage

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.


Unknown Soldier: Hold on. Let's all just cool out for 666 seconds. The XWF in their infinite wisdom made me Satan's Special Ref for this match which means I can add stipulations. Remove stipulations. Cum on the stipulations. Rape the stipulations. Basically anything I want to do with the stipulations. I can do. That's what this uniform says. So here is what we are going to do. This match is NO LONGER an Elimination Match. This match is now a SINGLE PINFALL MATCH. Cause that's what works best for my boy Peter. He's going to win anyway so why should he have to pin two people when he can just pin one right? Right! Now let's get the show on the road.

PIP: "That's not right surely,"

HEATHER: "It might not be right but it's legal and within the rules of a Special Referee,"

Practically before the bell is finished ringing, Mastermind and Big D stalk out of their corners, straight at one another. They meet in the middle of the ring with simultaneous, vicious forearm strikes and immediately begin trading blows back and forth. Every shot seems harder than the last, and neither man gives an inch. The two are so wrapped up fighting one another, that they seem to have forgotten about the third competitor in the match. Gilly, who has just watched thus far, smirks and hops straight up onto the top turnbuckle. Big D and Mastermind look up just in time to be leveled by a flying crossbody! Gilly rolls through to his feet and Mastermind is the first up to face him! Mastermind throws a jab, but Gilly ducks and whips Mastermind to the canvas with a snapmare! Before he can capitalize Big D grabs Gilly’s arm and spins his around, right into a BIG SPINEBUSTER! Big D roars at Gilly, but turns to find Mastermind is already on his feet and he nails Big D in the face with a dropkick!

PIP: “All three of these men are going to have to have eyes in the back of their heads. No one can give either of the others a second to breathe.”

HEATHER: “Especially true with a wildcard in this match like the one they have with the special guest referee, Unknown Soldier! Who knows what role he will play in the outcome here tonight!”

Mastermind barely gets both feet back on the mat before Gilly is there to level him with a yakuza kick! Gilly immediately mounts him and launches into a barrage of forearm strikes and elbows! Mastermind does his best to shield his face from the blunt of the blows. Big D dives in with a clothesline and Gilly is forced to roll off of Mastermind to avoid it. However, Big D adjust mid air and still manages some damage as he crashes into Mastermind with an elbow drop! Big D pushes up to his feet to find Gilly rushing in with a clothesline of his own, but Big D manages to duck it and hooks Gilly’s arm, swings behind him, and slams him to the mat with a German suplex! He even manages to bridge it for a pin attempt, but Unknown Soldier doesn’t seem too interested in counting the fall.

PIP:”Unknown Soldier is refusing to count the pinfall! We all wondered if Soldier could call this match down the line, and now we have our answer!”

HEATHER: ”We? I never thought for a second that he’d call this match fairly. Name one guest referee who ever did?”

PIP: ”Um... “

Mastermind stands and yanks Big D to his feet with a fistful of hair, but Big D quickly breaks free! He then throws Mastermind off guard with a throat thrust, and then hammers him back into the corner with a flurry of elbow strikes! Before Mastermind can recover Big D throws his leg up and presses his boot across Mastermind’s throat! He grabs the ropes for extra leverage and grinds in the choke! Gilly appears behind Big D and knocks him off balance with a forearm to the back of the head! He then takes Big D to the mat with a side russian leg sweep! Big D rolls across the ring holding the back of his head, but Gilly stalks after. As soon as Big D starts to get to his hands and knees, Gilly leaps up into the air and drives him face-first back into the canvas with a leg drop!

PIP: “A costly mistake as Big D forgot about Peter Gilmour.”

HEATHER: “Say what you will about him, but only a fool would turn his back on Peter Gilmour. The man is one of the most decorated men in the XWF today!”

Mastermind spins Gilly around from behind and slings him away from Big D with an arm drag! Peter, however, manages to spring up and use the momentum to throw himself into the ropes, he rebounds and comes back with yakuza kick right to the back of Mastermind’s head! The interruption gives Big D just enough time to get back to his feet and catch Gilly with his own finisher!


Big D quickly drops scrambles over Gilly to makes the cover. Unknown Soldier slides in for the count.




Mastermind grabs both of Big D’s legs and yanks him off of Gilly!!! Big D turns over quickly and gives Mastermind a stiff boot to the face before rolling out of the ring. Gilly is back on his feet and wastes no time hitting a leg drop into Mastermind’s chest. Mastermind wisely rolls away, and out of the ring as well. Big D is already there with a chair in hand and swings with all his strength at Mastermind, who just barely ducks in time! The chair hits the ringpost with a thunderous sound, bending as steel meets steel.


PIP: “My god! That would have taken Mastermind’s head off!”

HEATHER: ”This match isn’t advertised as Xtreme rules, but Unknown Soldier doesn’t seem to care!”

While Big D is still shaken from the force of the impact, Mastermind sends a boot into his gut, which forces his to drop the chair. Mastermind blasts Big D back into a standing position with a huge uppercut, and then whips him into the steel stairs shoulder first! Mastermind begins to stalk his fallen opponent just as Gilly sails over the top rope with a suicide dive that crushes Mastermind back into the ringside barricade! Peter is quick to stand and start putting boots to Mastermind. Somehow, Big D is getting back to his feet, a trickle of blood running down his forehead. Gilly grabs Mastermind’s arm and yanks him from the ground, whipping him toward the apron. BUT Big D IS THERE! He catches Mastermind with a jumping DDT… onto the chair!!!

Gilly moves in and grabs a hold of Big D and guides him to his feet, but Big D fires off a shot to the midsection, followed by another, and another, finally Gilly doubles over and backs off. Big D pushes up and charges towards Gilly, leveling him with a clothesline! Mastermind is back on his feet and grabs Big D by the hair and the back of his ring gear, throwing his back into the ring under the bottom rope. Both men are on their feet in an instant. Mastermind grabs Big D by the arm and whips his to the ropes, on the rebound Mastermind folds him in half with a spear! He quickly goes for the cover as Soldier slides in to count!




HEATHER: “Big D kicked out! All three men are still alive in this match, but how much longer can they last going at the pace they’re going at?”

Big D looks a little dizzy as he stands. He steps wobbly. Mastermind looks to capitalize on the opportunity, going to scoop Big D off of his feet, but Big D throws a knee into his face! Big D then hooks his head and lifts him up into a vertical suplex! Big D stands there for a moment, stalling the eventual impact and letting the blood rush to Mastermind’s head before finally falling back and slamming him into the mat! Big D manages to hold on and spins back to his feet before lifting Mastermind up for a second suplex, but Mastermind has other plans and shifts his weight blocking Big D from lifting him! Big D isn’t quick to give up though, and he lets out a roar as he tries to lift him again, but Mastermind blocks it once more and reverses into a vertical suplex of his own! Mastermind pushes up from the canvas and turns RIGHT INTO A SUPER KICK TO THE FACE FROM PETER GILMOUR!!!

HEATHER: ”I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Peter Gilmour has a chain wrapped around his fist, are we allowing that!?!”

PIP: ”I can’t imagine there’s much that Unknown Soldier won’t allow tonight Heather!”

Big D sees an opening as Gilly has his back turned to him. Big D rushes forward, but Gilly seems to have eyes in the back of his head as he drives his chain-covered fist right into Big D’s face! Blood starts to run down Big D’s face as the slight trickle from earlier is now pouring like a broken faucet. Gilly wraps the chain twice around Big D’s throat, holding an end in each hand, before grabbing both of his arms and crashing him head first to the mat with Angel Wings! For a split second Gilly looks as though he’s going to go for the pin, but then he catches Mastermind stirring from the corner of his eye. He leaves Big D in a heap and stalks across the ring toward Mastermind, who spits out a mouthful of blood before straightening. Gilly whips Mastermind to the ropes and Mastermind rebounds hard and comes back with an unexpected clothesline!

HEATHER: ”Mastermind just leveled Peter Gilmour!”

PIP: ”Mastermind is taking to the top!”

Mastermind watches on as Gilly slowly stumbles up to his feet. Gilly, half out of it, looks around the ring for Mastermind before finally turning just in time to see him flying through the air! Mastermind connects with a diving clothesline, but is slow to get up. Big D shows up out of the blue and begins digging his boot into Masterminds face with a series of nasty stomps before turning his attention to Gilly who is up to his hands and knees. Big D moves in and fires off a couple of forearms to the back of Gilly’s head to stun him. He then lifts him up to his shoulder and spins a perfect 90 degrees before slamming him to the mat with a Big D Face Cruncher! Big D makes the cover as Unknown Soldier waste a few seconds getting into position.




Big D releases the pin and jumps up to his knees arguing with Unknown Soldier about his shady counting! Soldier waves him off assuring him it’s all legit. Big D turns his attention back to Gilly and decides to go a different route. He locks Gilly into a Big D Face Cruncher and rears back with all of his might as Gilly screams out in pain.


Unknown Soldier ignores Peters submission for as long as he can, but the more he ignores it, the harder Big D pulls back until it looks like Gilly’s back might just snap in two!

PIP: "Surely Peter is about to break in half now. The match should be over,"

Suddenly from out of nowhere THE MIND CHANGER a.k.a FLYING CLOTHESLINE. Mastermind hits BigD hard, he releases his grip on Peter and is thrown right across the ring to the ropes, clutching the back of his head. He continues to roll right out of the ring, to the floor below leaving a very vulnerable Peter alone in the ring with Mastermind.

PIP: "Where the hell did he come from?"

HEATHER: "Mastermind seems to have recovered quickly but he's still going to have the same problem as before with Soldier refusing to count who acknowledge any Submission attempts,"

Mastermind stands over the body of Peter. He looks across at Soldier and yells at him to do the right thing. He then shockingly goes for a cover.



It's over surely.....

Nothing, no final 3rd count

Mastermind looks up from his cover attempt and sees Soldier errily smiling back at him before giving Mastermind the fingers......

HEATHER: "No way he just did that,"

As Mastermind gets up to confront Soldier, all hell seems to break loose when James Raven and Robert 'The Omega' Main hit the ring. The fans go beserk.

PIP: "Oh my god Heather, look it's APEX PROPHECY, they weren't even suppose to be here tonight,"

HEATHER: "Obviously it is Payback for what happened on Saturday Night Savage. This is going to be good,"

Mastermind steps backwards to avoid the big showdown. It's his first time in the ring with APEX PROPHECY he's quite taken a back.

Unknown Soldier looks at Mastermind's reaction and of the loud cheering from the fans, that he turns around quickly, and his smile disappears when he is punched in the face by Main who quickly puts him in a headlock.

No one hears a timid "No..." coming from Mastermind

Raven steps forwards, picks up the injured Peter Gilmour and helps him to his feet. Still no one hears another timed "No..." from Mastermind.

FLIGHT OF THE RAVEN. What a move from Raven on Gilmour.

PIP: "Wow, what a move from James Raven, that's obviously Payback from Savage,"

Before Soldier can force his way out of the headlock Robert delivers......


HEATHER: "Now that's obvious payback for Savage,"

Mastermind is shocked at the events he has just witnessed, which has rooted him to the spot, meanwhile on the outside of the ring, BigD spots his small window of opportunity, and scampers into the ring, and gets to Peter and rolls him over on his back, he then looks at Main and yells at him to do something., and makes the cover on Peter.

Main looks at Raven, shrugs his shoulders as if to say why not, and pulls the downed Soldier over towards Peter and the covering BIGD. He uses Soldier's hand to make the 3 count...

PIP: "Surely this isn't legal?"

HEATHER: "It has to be it's the official hand of the official referee,"

The count begins...


We hear a louder 'Noooo' from Mastermind



What does this mean?

BigD gets up celebrating....

Raven finds the xtreme championship and hands it to BigD. He begins to celebrate. Suddenly 'Just the good old boys' by Waylon Jennings hits the sound system.

PIP: "Here comes trouble... SBW,"

Smoking Bob Williams or SBW appears at the top of the ramp and lifts up his microphone.

SBW: "It seems like we have a conundrum because of the events of the last few days. Well it was Unknown Soldier who changed the rules at the last minute so he can literally have this result on his own hands,o and speaking of his hand, the three count I deem is...... legal which means BigD is the new X-treme Champion. Well done Mr BigD,"


SBW turns to leave when we hear....

MASTERMIND: "No..... No...... NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!"

Mastermind seems to have gotten his hands on a microphone.
BigD, Robert Main and James Raven turns around to confront him.

MASTERMIND: "Normally I take a loss and move on because well that's who I am... I don't kick up a fuss, and I continue onwards but not tonight. Tonight I have been royally screwed over and I have had enough.

"From Peter and his teaming up with Soldier, from Soldier's action at Savage because he didnt want to see another chapter of Main v Page, to you two being here to exact revenge at my expense.

"This is my first time in the ring with the both of you and frankly I'm not impressed. You guys will keep I warn you of that. BigD, congrats don't get me wrong, you spotted the opportunity and I didn't so well done. But you will keep too.

"Boss man SBW. To quote Noah fucking Jackson, everyone here are cunts and I've had enough. I want revenge and I will get it too don't you worry about that, and that's all I will say for now so stay tuned,"

Mastermind suddenly drops the microphone leaving a stunned James Raven, Robert Main, BigD and even SBW looking at him from his unusual outburst. The lights then go out for a few seconds. When they come back on Main is down on his knees and Mastermind is nowhere to be seen.



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Winner faces the HART champion at Relentless

The music comes to life within the speakers, Azrael appears and walks to the ring confidently, with a dead set, determined look in his eyes. Eyes that smolder with a touch of fire.

“Ace of Spades” by Motorhead hits over the p.a. system and the fans immediately erupt with cheers as they all stand to their feet. Mark Brooks strolls out from the back and with his back turned to his fans; he starts to twirl his hips around and shaking his booty to the fans cheering. As he swirls around, Miss Michelle comes strutting to the side of her fiancé. He takes her by the hand as she twirls around him and he dips her low as he leans down to kiss her lips. He lifts her up and she starts to walk down the ramp with her hand clasp around his bicep. They make their way down the ramp and she walks over to the steel steps as he hops on the ring apron. She steps up on it and he holds the ropes open and she raises her arms in the air as the male viewers begin whistling. He steps over the second rope and hustles across the ring, jumping on the second turnbuckle, and raising his hands to his waist and circling it as he pretends to already be the Undisputed Champion. His theme becomes cut off just before he steps down from the corner and he along with Miss Michelle turn toward their opponent.

Barney Green makes his way from the back and out onto the ramp. He heads down the ramp high fiving the fans as he goes, before getting into the ring, and looking across to his opponents who are already in the ring.

Centurion comes down to the ring with dignity and swag.

Suddenly the arena lights go red and "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage. He looks around at the XWF Galaxy in attendence and smirks. The chorus of boos fill the arena in disapproval of Skull, he shrugs it off and slowly walks down the ramp, ignoring them. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and smirks once again at the crowd. He walks up the steps and walks along the ring apron. He turns to look at the fans whilst slowly moving both hands from his face to the floor, gesturing "A look at me" type taunt, before raising the title once again. Scully enters through the middle rope and into the ring. Skull walks over to the far turn buckle and climbs to the top. He holds his hands in the air, and then does his "Look at me" taunt. The Scully Meister spins himself round and chills on the turnbuckle with his arms folded. His music fades out.


The five men stand equidistant to each other, watching each other carefully. Centurion makes the first move, dropkicking Azrael away. As Az falls back, he's caught by Mark Brooks with a reverse DDT! Sensing that it's all about to go to hell, Barney Green rushes towards Mark, but is stopped by Scully who clinches with Barney, attempting to lift Green for a suplex. Barney struggles free, crouching over before being hit with a V Trigger from Cent! Barney falls back into Scully's arms as he picks up Green and delivers a T-Bone Suplex!

Pip: "And an explosive start to this match tonight! It seems like none of these competitors are looking to start slow!"

Heather: "You can say that again, Pip! I don't think this is what anyone expected from some "old fogeys" so to speak."

Brooks sets up Azrael's head for a brutal looking curb stomp! A thunderous crack is heard as his boot connects with Erebus' skull! He pins Azrael, looking to end this quick!


BARNEY GREEN GETS THERE, LIFTING THE TWO OFF THE GROUND! He bodyslams them both, Mark Brooks sandwiched between him and the limp body of Azrael! Barney keeps them pinned to the mat! The ref begins the count!


Brooks pushes Green off, trying to pin of Az himself once again! On the other side of the ring, Scully slips out under the bottom rope!




Scully reaches under the ropes and pulls Erebus out of the ring, breaking up the pin attempt! Mark is about to retaliate, but he's grabbed by Centurion who catches him with a Saito Suplex. Centurion moves to do more damage to Brooks, but he's caught by Scully, who pulls his legs out from underneath him! Barney sees Cent in a perfect position and goes for an Elbow Drop straight onto the knee of Centurion! Cent writhes in agony while Barney hooks the leg!


Cent kicks out effortlessly! However, his pain is evident as he stays grounded, holding his knee on the mat. Scully climbs the ring post from outside of the ring and prepares for a Moonsault from the top turnbuckle! He leaps to land on Centurion, but Barney catches him midair! They struggle, but eventually Scully swings his body around Barney and connects a devastating looking DDT!

Heather: "Look! That DDT split Barney open!"

Barney picks himself up, blood oozing from his forehead as Scully gets ready for another strike! He runs to the ropes by Green and leaps off, connecting with a Disaster Kick. Green stays up just barely, trying to psyche himself up. Scully tries once again to drop Barney, rushing him and landing a Super Kick directly to the chin of Barney Green! Green stays standing, though he's visibly rocked! Scully rushes Barney again, but here comes Mark Brooks! He hops off the top rope, using Green's shoulders as a springboard for a clothesline to Scully! Scully and Barney hit the mat as Brooks looks to pin someone! He sees Cent on the ground, but Cent's playing possum! He grabs a hold of Mark's wrist and locks in a nasty looking armbar! Brooks is squirming, eyes almost about to pop out of skull as Cent pulls further and further back!

Pip: "I don't know if Brooks can get out of this without some help!"

Heather: "Well, it's on the way, Pip, look!"

Scully gets to his feet before getting to over to his opponents, readying himself to leap! But he doesn't go for a Standing Moonsault, he hits a Shooting Star Press onto Centurion! He's got the pin and he's broken the Armbar!



Brooks grapples with the two men as they begin to rock back and forth, no clear pin in sight as they're clumped together!


He poses for his fans as they begin to cheer and chant for the former World Champion! Blood covers his face as he stares down at the three men, leaping from the top rope with huge Elbow Drop that scatters them across the ring! Barney goes to cover Scully!




NO! MARK BROOKS HAS THROWN HIMSELF ATOP BARNEY AND BROKEN THE PIN! HE'S GOT HIM IN THE SLEEPERHOLD! Barney grasps at Brooks' arm as blood continues to pour from his forehead, painting the mat with a grisly crimson! Barney looks like he's losing conciousness! He might not make it!

Pip: "OH MY GOD!"

Heather: "Barney's picking himself up with Brooks on him!"

Green makes his way to his feet, trying to get Mark Brooks off his back when Centurion comes in with his famous flying knee, the Bloody Symphony! It connects solely to the cheek of Mark Brooks, catapulting him to the mat as Barney coughs, trying to catch his breath.

Heather: "They're all exhausted at this point. It's anyone's game!"

Pip: "Well, not Azrael's."

Heather: "Shut up, Pip."

Then suddenly from out of nowhere both Tyler Cross and Miss Michelle can be seen jumping over the barriers, and Mark Brooks uses this this as an opportunity to grab Barney and send him crashing out of the ring to the feet of Tyler Cross.

According to Tyler Cross, he took pity and worked with Barney in his quest to beat the Kings. Since nobody else would work with Barney, Tyler decided he would do it.

Anyway, they ultimately lost the match and failed to win the tag titles. Cross left XWF after to never be heard of again. I was hoping Cross could make an appearance during the number one contender's match during one of Barney's high moments in the match. He grabs a microphone and as Miss Michelle and her husband drags Barney up the ramp, he speaks.

"Barney, you cost me those tag team titles back in 2017's Leap of Faith and now, I'm returning the favor by costing you your shot at the Hart's Championship. I'm going to do what everybody else failed to do and that's retire your old washed up ass! Karma is back and it's madder than hell! Cross that line, fat boy!"

Cross, Michelle, and Brooks stand on the ramp over Green's body as the fans erupt with boos.

But the action returns to the ring as Centurion grabs Scully from behind and DDT's him. They were tag team partners at XX mere days ago. He sends Scully out of the ring.

Some how amazingly Azrael, all bloodied, bruised, shocked, and concussed gets himself back in the ring.

PIP: "How the hell is Azrael moving after that heinous early attack?"

Centurion sizes Azrael up who is stumbling all over the ring and.......

1000 MILE SLAM, a.k.a Angle Slam.

HEATHER: "Wow just wow,"

Centurion goes for the cover.....






Centurion gets to his feet to start celebrating. Suddenly the lights go out.

PIP: "Now what?"

HEATHER: "I've got a bad feeling about this,"

The lights come back on to reveal Mastermind behind Centurion holding a steal chair. Sensing someone behind him he slowly turns and is his hit with the chair not once but continiously, even after collapsing to the ground.

Mastermind is really angry still. Centurion is seen with blood on his face.

Mastermind grabs a microphone, and looks up the ramp.

"Yo SBW get your fat ass out here, NOW. Or I'll continuing beating your number 1 Hart Contender up,"

Suddenly James Raven and Robert 'The Omega' Main appeared onthe ramp. They were here to help their stable mate, but just as quickly "Just the good old boys" by Waylon Jennings stops them in their tracks.

Smoking Bob Williams walks out onto the ramp and tells Raven and Main to head back to the locker room, which they have no choice but to.

SBW: "You've got my attention, Mastermind. Now tell me what you want?"

"I want justice Bobby, justice. I was screwed out of the X-treme title. With Centurion here becoming number 1 contender to go to Relentless, I've been screwed out of a match with him that I so badly wanted at Relentless. So here's what I want. I want Centurion, one on one on the first Warfare after Relentless."

SBW thought for a moment and then smiled.

SBW: "I can do you one better but you must stop all this craziness now!"

"Let me know what you have in mind, and I'll consider it,"

SBW: "You can have Centurion one on one on the first Warfare after Relentless, but here's the best part. If he somehow becomes Hart champion at Relentless, you will be his first title defense but only if you stop this crazyness, and you can't attack Centurion from here on out until you meet him next Warfare. Do we have a deal?"

Mastermind looks from SBW down at Centurion and drops the chair and smirks his infamous smirk at his bloodied face.

"Your ass belongs to me next Warfare,"

The lights suddenly go out and when they come back on Mastermind is again nowhere to be seen, leaving medics scrambling to get into the ring to attend to Centurion, and leaving SBW to return backstage.

[Image: JggTqeU.png]


- vs -


The entire stadium goes black as Burning Bright by Nine Inch Nails begins to play. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, taking in the intensity of the situation. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

"A Lesson Never Learned" hits, roaring guitars filling the arena. Tony Santos descends down the entrance ramp, hoodie with the hood over his head, quickly walking to the ring, scowl on his face. The disdain from the crowd pours in as Tony simply grunts at the crowd.

The chorus (Could be the end of the world, I'd still be laid here on my own, wasting my life away!!!) hits, Santos ascends the stairs and climbs the turnbuckle, one hand raised in the air. Boos rain in from the crowd as Tony simply soaks it in like a fine IPA.

Santos jumps off of the turnbuckle and hits the mat with his two feet, giving one more raised arm to the crowd, before turning to his opponents.

Both men start in their respective corners performing stretches and whatnot.

PIP: "Going into this match, you've got to wonder where Ned Kaye's head is. His teammates in Apex Prophecy; Drew is barely out of the hospital, Centurion's having the roughest week of wrestling he may have ever had and Robert Main has just lost the Universal Championship so close to holding a record. Raven's doing okay though, which is nice."

HEATHER: "I bet Kaye's just distracted because he didn't cash-in first, like a cuck."

PIP: *Sigh* "Meanwhile, Tony Santos has been going strong. He has an uncanny ability to raise the level of play every time he goes against a stronger opponent. Kaye has his work cut out for him."

HEATHER: "True, but an attitude like that leads to a quick burn out. Santos could be dangling right now and Kaye, bitter from not taking advantage with his briefcase, is looking to take advantage now."


And we're underway!

Ned Kaye keeps his weight grounded, getting in a low stance and circles Tony Santos who hunches looking to lock up. Santos takes a low swipe at the legs but Ned Kaye hops over the arm and gets to Santos' side, wrapping a headlock on Tony and wrenches the neck. Santos quickly grabs Kaye's elbow and shoulder and flips him over onto his back.

Santos groans in brief pain as Santos plants a foot on his sternum and goes to grab Kaye's legs but Ned flails and throws a toe kick into the champs cranium. Santos stumbles back holding his head as Kaye kips up and throws a spinning heel kick into Santos' sternum. Tony doubles over and Kaye runs the ropes before throwing up a mighty leg and aiming a bicycle kick onto the back of Santos' neck!

But the champion dodges the attack and grabs Kaye's leg mid-air!

Notorious flops to the canvas and Tony keeps hold of Kaye's thigh, turning him over onto his belly and locking in a single leg Boston crab!

Ned cries out in pain and frustration.

Santos keeps the hold locked in tight, digging a knee into Kaye's leg.

Ned Kaye bites his lip and pushes himself up from the canvas,

Santos throws his weight back, focusing on the leg and lower back of Ned.

Kaye forces himself off the mat and tucks his chin in.

Like uses his leg in Santo's grasp as leverage and pulls his body under Santos' legs and raises to up!

Ned wraps two hands behind Santos' head and throws a knee up, both men fall forward and Ned lands a single knee facebuster! His knee busting Tony's nose!

The crowd pop huge from the ingenuity of Kaye.

HEATHER: "Very smart and a neat use of physics. This is why they call Ned Kaye the 'Scientist of the Ring'."

PIP: "... Literally no one ever has called him that. Have you been drinking?"

HEATHER: "Only since twelve."

Santos drunkenly falls against the ropes, his back bouncing off as he holds his bloody nose. Kaye adjusts his kneepad and stands, he rushes Santos but the champ telegraphs the attack, ducking for a big back body drop much to Kaye's delight who hops to the side and springboards off the ropes landing a leg drop on the back of Santos' neck.

Tony drops to the mat like a sack of potatoes and Kaye quickly spins on his front to lock in a rear-naked choke from the canvas.

PIP: "Now this is really smart."

HEATHER: "See! Like a scientist!" [/red]

PIP: "Heather I will end you and feel no remorse"


PIP: "No, Ned Kaye is focusing heavily on Santos' neck while the Hart Champion has been aiming for Kaye's legs. Both men are doing there best to lock in their respective finishers and end this as quickly as it needs to be."

[white]HEATHER: "Oh yeah... Great observation, Heather, I'm sure no one at home picked that up."

A thud is heard from the booth as in the ring, Kaye tries to choke Santos out who struggles to get some leeway; Kaye locks on the deadliest wrestling maneuvers known to mankind with one of hid hands.

The claw!

Forcing agonizing fingers into certain points of Santos' neck.

Tony cries out in a blood-curdling scream because of course he would! He is but human and no one can hold out against the claw!

May God have mercy on Ned Kaye's soul for unleashing such a horrific move onto the world.

Santos, finding some resilience or ancient power within him fights back, throwing an elbow into Kaye's ribs.


And again.


Finally being released from the torture.

HEATHER: "Santos did it! He got loose from THE CLAW of Kaye!"

PIP: "What in the world are you talking about?"

HEATHER: "... I may have had an internal monologue running there. I am very drunk, Heather."

The two roll away from one another, Kaye clutching his ribs as Santos coughs heavily.

Kaye using the aid of the ropes, lifts himself to his feet. Santos slowly rises.

Kaye walks to Santos and grabs his arm, whipping him into the ropes as Ned rushes the opposite.

The pair sprint towards each other.

HEATHER: "No way!"

Kaye leaps into the air, turning his body!

PIP: "Ned Kaye going for his old finisher! THE AIRBORNE ANNIHILATOR!"

But inches away Santos throws a mighty backhand chop across Kaye's chest.


The sound of the chop hitting bare flesh echoes through the arena and the rowdy Irish crowd go mental from the sight of Kaye's beet red chest as he rolls on the ground in agony.

Santos charges the corner.

He quickly steps up the turnbuckles and leaps off...


The shooting star press in a perfect arc, Santos aims for Kaye.



Not really.

Ned stands up as quickly as he possibly can and lands a superkick to Santos mid-flip!!

Tony Santos drops to the mat, a slight twitch from his torso.

Kaye stumbles back and falls when he leg gives way.

Both men are down, Santos more than Kaye.

The Irish crowd begin a footie chant to rouse both men.


HEATHER: "... This is so dumb."

PIP: "Both men have given their all thus far. Both have tried their damndest to take advantage but every time one man steps ahead, the other pulls the rug."

Santos begins to crawl to his feet, the mention of alcohol most likely waking him from his coma.

Ned hops up to a foot and gets both hands on the ropes in the corner. He looks to Santos getting slowly to his knees.

Kaye takes a deep breath and grimaces as he hops up the turnbuckles.

The crowd cheer on in anticipation, throwing entire pots of gold ringside. Wait, this is Northern Ireland. That's the boring one. Nevermind, they don't throw anything... Maybe a potato.

Kaye gets to the top and hobbles on a foot.

Santos stumbles up as Kaye leaps!


Kaye wraps his legs around Santos' neck!



Tony locks in the sharpshooter with expertise!

Kaye cries out in agony.

Blood still pouring from his nose, veins pop from Santos' head.

Kaye hovers a hand over the mat.

He can't take the pain!

PIP: "Kaye's gonna tap!"

Kaye hovers a hand over the canvas as Santos roars, tightening the hold.

HEATHER: "This is it!!"


Punches a fist down onto the mat!

He pushes himself up!

Trying to break free!!!

But Santos puts all his weight on Kaye's lower back.

Kaye screams in agony.

His face turning a bright red.

But he refuses to tap!


The pain becomes too much.

And Ned Kaye.

Passes out.

The ref calls for the bell.


Santos falls forward in a slump after hearing the bell and falls face-first to the mat.

PIP: "... Kaye didn't tap."

HEATHER: "The crazy bastard. He tried to fight that?"

PIP: "I'm shocked. Santos is still the champion! He won! But damn, the resiliancy on Ned Kaye!"

OOC: Thank you to all those who roleplayed this week. There were a couple of matches that were too close to call because of the great effort of the roleplays. Outstanding work.

Thank you to those who wrote matches in particular:

Notoriously Ned Kaye
Atticus Black
Vita Valenteen
Noah Jackson

Awesome stuff. Awesome work.

Thank you also to those of you who sent in segments.
Again awesome work.

Warfare will be taking a month break until after Relentless. I'm taking a Warfare off so Mr Fletcher will be in charge fir next Warfare but don't worry I'll be back for the one after that.

I do hope you enjoyed this Warfare. A lot of stuff happening.

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[-] The following 13 users Like SBW-SmokingBobWilliams's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-05-2019), Barney Green (09-04-2019), Drew Archyle (09-05-2019), James Raven (09-05-2019), Mastermind (09-04-2019), Ned Kaye (09-04-2019), Noah Jackson (09-04-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (09-05-2019), Scully (09-04-2019), Steve Jason (09-05-2019), The Sugay Sisters (09-05-2019), Theo Pryce (09-05-2019), Unknown Soldier (09-04-2019)
Barney Green Offline
Back In Black

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-04-2019, 11:20 PM

This is far from over. I do have a friend back there that would love to team with me if Cross and Brooks think they got the stones to try that again.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Barney Green's post:
Unknown Soldier Offline

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-05-2019, 03:43 AM

"Oh look, Apex attacks! Hurts a lot less when you already know it's coming though, huh boys? :) A mere minor assault compared to the ROBBERY that took place on Saturday Night Savage. I'd call it a RAPE, but I slipped in and out of Robert Main so fast and stole his innocence without even penetrating him. These assholes cost you the Xtreme title! PETER SMASH!"

[Image: MGncwBi.jpg]

XWF Record
56 - 20 - 1

1 (X) Universal Champion
4 (X) Xtreme Champion
1 (X) Tag Team Champion (w/ Doctor Louis D'ville)
1 (X) Anarchy Champion
2 (X) Superstar of the Month
Hall of Legends member inducted 9/27/20 at Relentless

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[-] The following 1 user Likes Unknown Soldier's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (09-05-2019)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-05-2019, 07:12 AM

Those pricks will pay

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Unknown Soldier (09-05-2019)
James Raven Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-05-2019, 07:54 AM

It was payback for Savage bub

The People’s G.O.A.T.

3x Universal Champion, 3x World Champion, 9x Xtreme Champion, 1x Hart Champion, 2x Phoenix Champion, 1x Women’s Champion (lol), 1x Federweight Champion, 1x Heavymetalweight Champion, 5x Tag Team Champion
(w/ Aidan Collins, Roxy Nova, Mia Sanchez, Big Shank, Drew Archyle/Robert Main)

XWF Hall of Legends
#4 on XWFs “Top 50” List
2009 Rookie of the Year
2009 Face of the Year
2010 Heel of the Year
8x Star of the Month
2x Star of the Year (2009/‘10)
2x Feud of the Year (2010/‘11 w/ Big Shank)
2017 High Stakes Winner
Former Owner
Lots of other random shit
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[-] The following 2 users Like James Raven's post:
Steve Jason (09-05-2019), Theo Pryce (09-05-2019)
The Wretched Nobody Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-05-2019, 09:11 AM

What a great show it was!

[Image: 715XvDoGRZL._AC_UL320_SR314,320_.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-05-2019, 07:13 PM

hey raven why dont u put those tag belts up on the line.. me and soldier will glady steal er take them from u

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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