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Time Waits For No One...
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Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-27-2019, 05:38 AM

”So how does this thing work exactly?”

VV asked as she ran her fingers across the metal exterior of the dome shaped machine.


Professor Akroyd exclaimed instantly.

”Um, that’s not really an answer…”

She said with a confused expression.

”No, but it’s the only one that you’re getting today missy!”

Jessica quickly interjected.

”It’s really very complicated Ash, but basically this machine is able to generate black holes that we theorize lead to different points in time.”

”So how does it control where to go?”

”Well, it’s supposed to…”

”We’re still working out the bugs on that part, but I’m almost positive that I have it worked out now.”

A tingling feeling came over VV as she began to worry how safe this thing could possibly be.

”So hypothetically, what happens if this thing takes us to the wrong time? Like, can we even get back here if it’s not sending us to the right destination?”

Professor Aykroyd lowers his glasses to the tip of his nose as he looks to Jessica almost as if he’s looking for permission to tell her.

”Listen little lady, I’m not going to sugar coat it. What you’re looking to do here is dangerous. There’s and endless list of things that could possibly go wrong. You could end up in the wrong time, another dimension, who knows!?! The science here is new, and with that comes risk, but without risk, civilization would cease to discover. On top of that, this equipment is completely untested, so while I’m more than happy to help you girls with your “mission”, I’ll understand if you change your mind.”

”Umm… One sec!”

VV motions for Jessica to follow her around the corner and out of earshot of Prof. Aykroyd.

”Jess, what are we doing here?”

You said that you wanted to go back in time and try to prevent the Christchurch shootings. This is our chance to do that.”

”Okay, yeah, but I never said that I wanted to be vaporized by some mad scientist!”

”Professor Aykroyd isn’t a mad scientist. The man is a genius and I think that he may have actually figured out time travel!.”

”Jess, you're a college freshman, I don’t believe what you “think” is really substantial enough for us to risk our lives over. Besides, if this guy is really smart enough to invent time travel, why is he teaching college classes?”

Jessica smirks and hits VV with that side glance.

”Um, you do realize that like, almost all of our most ground breaking research come from college professors, right?”

And VV hits her right back with the same look.

”I’m pretty sure that isn’t true, and even if it were, I highly doubt any of those big time researchers came from Berkeley College. Does Berkeley even offer any science classes? What does this guy even teach?”

Jessica bites her bottom lip, not wanting to answer the question.

”Well okay, he teaches interior design…”


”BUT, he is an acclaimed scientist who used to work for NASA!”

VV begins pacing back and forth, pulling her hair back as she glides her hands across her head.

”Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.”

”It’ll be fine, I’m sure of it. Let’s just get in the machine and go!”

VV stops dead in her tracks and marches straight up to Jessica until their nearly face to face.


VV clenches her teeth and holds her trembling hands out in front of her.

”This is stupid Jess… If we get in that thing, we could die, and don’t tell me it’ll be fine, because you heard him just as well as I did! This thing is completely untested. He doesn’t even know for sure what will happen, so that just leaves me to wonder, why are you so gungho to do this?”

Jessica puffs out her cheeks and opens her eyes wide, not wanting to answer that question. Suddenly, she exhales with a sigh and kinds slumps over.

”Don’t ya think it would be cool to be the first girls to time travel?”

”Really? That’s you’re reasoning for trying to get us both killed?”

”Well excuse me! I’m sorry that we can’t all be as selfless as VITA VALENTEEN!”

She says with an annoyed sarcasm.

”I just wanted to do something big. Do you know how much it sucks to see you achieving all of your dreams and becoming a world famous celebrity, all while I waste away studying textbooks night after night? I just wanted to do something cool, go on an adventure, maybe get a book deal or something when we got back…”

”So your whole reasoning for wanting to do this is jealousy and greed? Please tell me you’re joking!”

But she doesn’t. In fact, she doesn’t say anything at first. Instead she just bows her head, ashamed of herself. When she finally does muster up some words for VV, they sound like this.

”I’m sorry… I’ll tell Professor Aykroyd that we’ve changed our minds.”

Jessica rounds the corner as VV shakes her head.


Jessica stops a looks back to VV hopefully… VV lets go of a deep sigh.

”Tell him to go ahead and prep the machine…”

Jessica’s eyes light up as a smile springs to her face.


”Whoa whoa whoa, Maria, you’ve got it all wrong. I’m not trying to get into anyone’s head or play games. I’m actually offended that you think that I might stoop to such levels as to use such a horrible tragedy to try and further my own career. I mean, sure, I get it. The XWF is and always has been full of people whose moral compass seems to point south, but I’m not one of them, and I’ve never done anything to make anyone think otherwise. Do I want to win my match at March Madness? Well of course I do, I’m a competitive athlete after all, but to think that I’d leverage something like the Christchurch attacks to accomplish that it is really stretching. It’s okay though, I understand that you guys are under a ton of stress and I get that sometimes things can get a little… fuzzy? I don’t know… maybe I’m just being too nice. Jessica tells me that all the time. She says that I need to toughen up and realize that my opponents aren’t my friends. That they never have my well being in mind. I don’t like to believe that. I’d rather believe that there is good in everyone, even a total scumbag like Chris Chaos. Maybe that makes me naive and foolish? If it does, then what does believing everyone in this business is automatically some sort of snake in the grass make you? See Maria, You think that you’ve figured me out. You think that I’m, weaving some web of deceit to help my chances against your husband. Let’s be real for a minute shall we? What do I gain from getting into your husband's head? A tainted win? How would that even help me accomplish anything? Where do I go from there?”

“Yo Vinnie, give me that Universal Title shot cause, ya know, I managed to mess with Mastermind and get him off his game?”

“That’s sooooo stupid, especially when you consider the fact that every match that I’ve won, I’ve done so by proving to be the better wrestler, not a master manipulator.”

“Also, even if I were playing mind games, isn’t it kinda silly to get that upset over it when your husbands whole Schick is being a master of minds? I mean, if my sending out a heartfelt condolence to your husband, a coworker of mine mind you, is enough to throw Master Mind off his game, then maybe he should change his name to something like Feebles?”

“Fortunately for you, I don’t think I’ve messed with Masterminds head at all. I think that he saw my actions for what they clearly were, and didn’t decide to go all conspiracy theory because the thought of another human being actually having a heart was just too much for him to handle.”

“Which brings me to another point, why have we only heard from you, Maria? Why hasn’t Mastermind had much of anything to say? Does he even know that you’re responding for him? Does he agree with what you’re saying? I don’t think he is, because even you stated that he didn’t agree with your cornball theory that I’m some terrible person who uses terrorist attacks to somehow win wrestling matches.”

“So, if he doesn’t agree with what you have to say, yet you keep pushing out promo after promo speaking for the man, then doesn’t that make every promo that you’ve released kinda pointless? I mean, I could have Jessica film these for me instead I suppose, but she’s going to spend most of her time blabbing on and on about how much she thinks college sucks, and how she doesn’t understand this who wrestling thing. Would that help me in any way? Maybe she could bore you guys into a coma and I just have to face Jessalyn?”

“Speaking of Jessalyn, we haven’t heard a peep out of her, and I have to admit that it kinda worries me. Jessalyn isn’t the type to shy away from a fight. Now, while I don’t necessarily want to face off against my friend and fellow Midnight Doll, I’m also a little excited by the prospect. I mean, Jessalyn and I have never actually had a match against each other, and in a lot of ways, I think it would be kinda cool to see who the better wrestler is. Of course, you already have that all figured out too, don’tcha Maria? You’ve already pegged me as the weak link of the team, despite the fact that I’ve never been pinned in a match until I faced Dolly Waters, but whatevs... You just keep on desperately reaching for straws dear.”

“Wanna know what’s not a desperate attempt to try and bury a competitor? My very real fear that your husband my lose control of himself during our match. Despite what you want us to believe, that is a VERY real threat, and one that I’ve had no issue in sharing. Why does my claim hold water where yours do not? Easy, because my worry over your husband losing control and wigging out during the match is based solely on fact. It was Mastermind who lost control when he saw the news. It was Mastermind that tried to fight off his own staff members, and it was YOU who ordered to put him down with a tranquilizer because he was a threat to himself and the people around him. So don’t come at me with that holier than thou BS and try to make it seem like I made the entire thing up!”

“Am I the one who is bottling up my emotions and beating the living heck out of people with steel chairs? No, as a matter of fact, I hate using weapons, and so far have only done so once during a match against Tommy Wish, but that was because Tommy Wish has stalked and harassed me since I first debuted in the XWF. He was coming after me in that match to try and cause real pain, so I did what I had to do to get him to back off.”

“And that’s the thing isn’t it?”

“What I had to do…”

“Maybe you think that I HAVE to play some mind games to stand a chance. Maybe you think that I HAVE to try and gain every advantage that I can to stand a chance. Maybe you just don’t pay attention to what’s going on around you? Maybe you think that your husband's mind really is so feeble that a seventeen year old girl could get inside of it and wreck the place with nothing more than a simple letter of condolence?



“I’ve held this Xtreme Title since January eighth of this year. I’ve fought off so many men, women, and pigs, that I’ve lost track. Everyone that I’ve beaten, I did so fairly and in a sporting fashion. They say that real always recognize real, so maybe it’s you that’s the phoney?”

“And one last thing Maria, time travel. You aren’t a fan huh? You don’t think that I should do it because, reasons? Sure, you stated some, but really, where are you getting this information from? An episode of Star Trek? Time Cop? Are you just making it up and slinging whatever crap my way that you can?”

“DING DING DING, I think we have a winner!”

“Listen Maria, it’s obvious that you don’t like me. Or at the very least, you dislike me because you don’t want to see your husband possibly lose to me. Whatever the case may be, are you really telling me that if I had the chance to go back and stop the deaths of over fifty people by the hands of a deranged psychopath, that I shouldn’t just because… fear? Fear that it might not work out correctly? Fear that the victims won’t remember that they died? Would it not be a greater diservice to know that I MIGHT have been able to do something, but then just not?”

“True evil is when the good do nothing.”

“Ever heard that before?”

“Judging by that smack you’ve been talking, I’m going to go ahead and assume not.”

“Also, one last thing… I may be a sweet little girl dreaming of sunshine and rainbows. I may be naive and stupid. I may mistakenly trust the wrong people from time to time because I’m always searching for the good in people, but if you call me bitch one more time, you and I are going to have a real problem.”

“Now until next time…”


[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (03-27-2019), Dolly Waters (03-27-2019), Kid Kool (03-27-2019), SBW-SmokingBobWilliams (03-27-2019)

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