Vita Frickin Valenteen
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)
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Joined: Sun Jul 29 2018
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Hates Given: 38
Hates Received: 13 in 13 posts
X-Bux: ✘50,000
03-19-2019, 08:25 AM
”Okay, so March Madness is on the horizon, and I’m set to defend my Xtreme championship against my close friend and tag team partner, Jessalyn Hart and the crazy good former Television Champion, Mastermind! The story of how I got here is pretty crazy too! It all started around a year and a half ago.”
“I made up my mind that I was going to drop everything and take a chance on myself, I was going to become a professional wrestler! I spent the next few months learning the basics between arguments with my parents, who were totally against my big wrestling dreams. After that I started taking my first bookings with the help of the school’s head trainer, Daniel Neumeier. I probably had about six or seven matches under my belt when I decided to send a feeler out to the XWF’s Vinnie Lane. I didn’t expect for anyone to take notice, especially considering my age, but then again, Dolly was how old when she worked her first match with the XWF?”
“SUUUUPPER SHOCKED, when I actually got a call back from the Loverboy himself!”
“It was August-fifteenth two-thousand-nineteen when I stepped into an XWF ring for the first time. My match? Lowest on the card. My opponents? Same…”
“Now, it should be noted that after that match was said and done that there was probably not one single person who thought any of us were going to take off. Jeff Danger and Rayne weren’t serious contenders to any titles in the XWF at the time. Honestly, at least for Rayne, it had been a while since he was. Anyway, point is that I was in the ring with two guys(?) that were never going to go anywhere, they were just gatekeepers. Guys who aren’t that great in the ring, rarely, if ever win the big one, but still manage to be good enough to catch undeserving rookies off guard and dish out a loss or two.”
“Now trust me when I say, if you sign the dotted line and join the XWF, but nobody has any idea who you are or where you’ve worked in the past, then you’re likely to find yourself in a match like this one. If you do find yourself in a similar situation as mine, then I hope that you realize just how F.U.B.A.R.E’ed your career just got!”
“Luckily, I was smart enough to realize that, and I spent a ton of time working the ring and trying to sharpen my game as much as I could before this pro debut. So I went out there, kicked some butt, and came back to the encouragement of my new peers, right?”
“When I walked through that curtain, big smile on my face, I expected to be welcomed into the XWF family with some big hugs and a chorus of cheers. Instead, I remained invisible.”
“Nobody cared that I had just whipped a couple of curtain jerkers. That wasn’t impressive. That wasn’t going to get anyone to take notice. If I wanted to make a mark in this business, I was going to have to aim higher. I was going to have to do something to grab people’s attention and put all eyes on VV!”
“Fortunately, I lucked into a perfect opportunity to do just that when Micheal Graves, who he and his partner Cadryn Tiberius had just dropped his tag titles to BX3, began begging for a rematch for those titles. Now, it’s fair to mention that Micheal Graves may have been screwed out of the belts since his partner was going through an unmotivated low point of his career, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that Micheal began acting like a complete loser, basically crawling on his knees and begging for the chance to regain those tag titles.”
“The guy actually put himself in such a poor position, that he not only allowed BX3 to assign him a partner of their choosing, but the big dummy actually put his career on the line to boot! Oh, and ofcourse BX3 chose me to be that partner. I mean, to say that I felt insulted would be an understatement. Now don’t get it twisted, I was totally a nobody, and I don’t even think Taco would have feared me at the time, but to choose ME to be Graves partner when you’re oh so obviously trying to stiff the guy with the absolute worst option available?”
“That stung…”
“Fortunately I’m not the type to let something like that get me down! I quickly realized that being chosen to be Mikey’s partner was the best thing that could have happened to me! See, they chose me because they assumed that I sucked right. But what if I could go into that match and steal the show? Well that’s exactly what I did! After Graves had been attacked backstage prior to the match, I went out to the ring alone, determined to make everyone take notice!”
“Well, I didn’t pick up the win, but by the end of it all, I definitely managed to draw a few sets of eyes my way, including Chris Chaos, who tried to kidnap me and sell me off to sex traffickers.”
“He might have gotten away with it too, had it not been for Jessalyn Hart. She ran in and saved the day, sweating Chris Chaos away with the force of a steel chair! The next thing I know, the two of us are announcing that we’re entering the tag team division as “The Midnight Dolls”! While I had gained some attention with my performance teaming with Micheal Graves, it wasn’t until I stepped into the ring with Jessalyn that things really started to click! We quickly captured the XWF Tag Team Championships, and it seemed that we were on top of the world.”
“Then we weren’t… The worst part is, if they ever were to release “The Rise and Fall of The Midnight Dolls” bluray, it would only consist of a handful of matches were we rise to the top, and then it would show us quickly fumble the ball and seemingly vanish from the sport all together. See, I don’t wanna pass blame there. We both had stuff going on that stood to hamper our performances when we dropped the tag team titles to “The Purebread Killers”, so it’s not like you could point fingers. I was training my butt off with my fellow “Tenochtitlan Quetzalcoatl” team mates over in the LFL, and Jessalyn, well that’s her story to tell. The point is, we weren’t on the top of our games, and we payed for it with a loss that never should have happened.”
“Over the next two months, Jess and I managed to get our crap together and decided to challenge Gilmour and McBride for a shot at those very same titles. This time, we worked together like a well oiled machine, winning back the titles with relative ease. Shortly after that, I managed to pin Dax Harris and win the Xtreme Title to boot. Things sure were looking bright for VV and the Midnight Dolls at that point. Unfortunately we would soon face a challenge that neither of us were prepared for.”
“Robert Main and Drew Archyle, collectively known as APEX. Never before had I stood in the ring with anyone as good as these two. Ring generals, the both of them. They know how to command the action, to the point that you almost feel like you’re witnessing a dream rather than wrestling a match. Jessalyn and I would end up dropping the Tag titles in this match, and not looking so good in the process. It was a real bummer, but I quickly decided that I wasn’t going to let it get me down! So I tightened my belt and got to work defending the Xtreme Championship. Since then, I’ve faced old faces, and new threats. Every time, I’ve managed to adjust my game and move onto the next challenge, but despite all the challenges that I’ve faced so far, none of them will be as tough as stepping into the ring against my best friend in this business, and a very PO’ed Master Mind.”
“The Christchurch tragedy was an awful thing to have to see happen, no matter where you live in this world, but to be a native of a peaceful land, and to witness such mindless violence happening on your shores… I can only imagine the emotion that is currently driving Mastermind. He’s full of remorse and rage. That’s a dangerous combination to be brewing inside of anyone, much less a near seven foot monster who’s emotionally a wreck. Unless he gets it together and works out his feelings before March 31st, Mastermind is going to no doubt be a danger to both himself, and the two women in the ring with him. All it takes is the right trigger. The right, or I guess in this case, the wrong thing to set him off, and then there’s no telling what he’ll do, or how far he’ll go. Maybe it makes for a more exciting match when you essentially have a loose cannon in the ring, but honestly, I’m far more concerned for everyone's safety. Now, knowing the XWf as I do, there’s no way they’re going to send Mastermind home if he tells them he’s good to go. This is a big money match and a lot of fans are excited to see what happens when the three of us get into the ring. On that same point, I totally sure that Mastermind isn’t going to withdraw and take the time to heal that he so obviously needs. So that leaves me with one option. I need to take it upon myself to let Mastermind know that he’s not alone in surviving this tragedy.”
Dear Mastermind
My heart goes out to you, your family, and your nation as a whole after the events of the Christchurch shooting. It is never an easy task to accept that there was sick, deranged, and hartless people in this world who are willing to take another human life for any reason. It’s even harder to accept that such evil can be committed in the name of “race superiority”. I know that you saw my promo video that was released on 19/03/2019, and I realize that you may have taken offense to it, thinking that I was openly mocking both yourself, and the tragedy that you’re people just suffered. I wanted to take a moment to assure you that was not the case. I was genuinely horrified by what I saw, and I was left with a lingering fear of what the continued results of that tragedy might be. Fear and anger are two of the most dangerous emotions one can feel. Both of them have the ability to make a person act out of character and do and or say things that they typically wouldn’t. I fear that you may be so grief stricken that you could become a danger to both yourself and your opponents at March Madness. I pray that’s not the case. I hope for a level headed Mastermind so that we can tear the house down with a show stealing match, but I fear the pain from this recent tragedy will still linger.
No matter what happens on March 31st, I want you to know that my heart goes out to both you, and the Islamic community. I pray that we can one day put an end to such needless violence and learn to live on this planet in harmonay.
Your’s truly;
Ashley Johnson aka VV
I fold the letter and seal it in an envelope. I address it to XWF headquarters, care of Mastermind. They’ll make sure it gets where it needs to be.
1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year
Match History