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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-29-2016, 02:24 PM

Friday, October 21st
New Orleans East Hospital
1.28pm and onwards
Continued from the story.....

Now it's time to find out If Scully pulled the plug......

Beep... Beep... Beep... The only thing keeping Charles Elton alive was the life support machine and Scully was about to pull the plug... Suddenly the same horny nurse from earlier steps into the room as Scully nearly jumps out of his skin. He quickly styles it out and pretends to be checking the notes. Skull looks up and the horny nurse unbuttons her Tunic a little, revealing her red bra and amazing cleavage. She walks over to Skull and burries his face into her breasts, Skull nearly suffocates. He pulls away and she grabs his crotch.

"Doctor Rodgers, I'm going to the ladies room, would you like to meet in there?"

Skull raises his eyebrows and the nurse attempts to pull down his surgical mask but Skull holds on to it, tightly.

"Doctor Rodgers, take this thing off. You're not in surgery."

The nurse still tries to yank on it and Skull grabs her wrist. He looks at her badge then speaks in the higher pitched tone again.

"Diana, you go and freshen up.. Meet me in five minutes. I will be in the cupboard, ward 3, opposite room 5."

"Doctor Rodgers, I can't wait... See you soon."

Diana rubs the groin area of 'Doctor Rodgers', smiles at him and walks away. Skull waits for her to leave as he mumbles to himself, "Oh shit!" Skull looks at Charles in annoyance and knows he has to get the hell out there. It's apparent that the real doctor will now be found. Skull quickly leaves the room, turning to look at Charles once more, aggrieved that he couldn't get the job done. Skull leaves the ward and heads towards the elevator. He then see's Diana exiting the toilet, so rushes to the stairs. Just as he was getting outta there, he is stopped a different female nurse.

"Quick... Doctor... You are needed in surgery.."

Scully thinks to himself FUCK! The nurse grabs Scully's arm and drags him towards where he needs or shouldn't be, he looks at the stethoscope around his neck and sighs. He is forced into the surgery room to help remove the bullet from a male patients chest. Skull looks down at the unconscious patient and looks into the chest of the man. A male nurse then speaks.

"We gotta be quick, doc."

"This man is dying!"

Skull shrugs, sweat begins to pour from his forehead. He was going to end one persons life, now he had to save anothers. Skull puts his fingers in, the whole of his hand slides in and it sounds like a tub of putty slime.

"Shouldn't you be using the surgical instruments, doc?"

'The doc' just shrugs and shakes his head. Skull didn't have a clue what he was doing. Skull just moves his hand around which can be dangerous to the patient. He feels something deep inside. Wow, he surprisingly pulls the bullet out. Amazingly, the flat lining vital signs immediately stabilize, at which point he regains consciousness, and is apparently going to be just fine afterward. An applause and exaggerated swooning from the other doctors and nurses happen. They tap 'The Doc' (better than D'Ville) on the back and leave the room.

Skull wastes little time, realising this was his chance, he exits the room and runs down the stairs. He walks fast down the corridor, using the tag attached to his uniform, he exits through a nearby fire exit. Skull knew it was a close call but could see a few people standing around, walking in different directions. He knew he had to get out of the doctors uniform. He jumps behind some nearby hedges, located behind the hospital and quickly takes it off. His normal clothes were underneath, he rolls the uniform up and shoves it in a carrier bag, he had in his jacket pocket. Marching past patients smoking cigarettes outside, an Ambulance enters the hospital with cirens blaring. Skull continues to walk and turns the corner towards the UMC New Orleans parking garage. He enters the doors and looks at the stairs, he was parked on the third floor so was heading up the first flight. Just as he got to the top of the first set of stairs. PING! The lift opens and who would emerge?

Let's leave you thinking ;)
To Be Continued......

"This is the first time I have really gotten to speak about the tragedy that happened on Warfare, on the 19th of November. That night will remain in my head, for all the wrong reasons. It was clear before I faced Peter Gilmour that the XWF Galaxy whatever you want to call your- , that you and most of the locker room, if not all, wanted me to fail in my title defense. Instead of proving you all wrong, instead of shutting you all up.. I simply failed. Let's not forget the FAST count that would indeed cause me to lose my reign as XWF Universal Champion. Unknown Soldier is one of the main reasons I no longer have that title, he is the one who screwed me. That's what I could say right? Make up lies and excuses like most of the XWF locker room do? Nah.. That ain't me.

The truth be told, I was lazy in preparation for that match against Gillyflower. I underestimated him and worst of all, I didn't compete at my normal, high level. I know that I can beat Peter Gilmour and I will do that. I know that it should be me who is in the Elimination Chamber in the Main Event of Wildcard, day two but it's not! Instead I am in the Main Event of day one. It is apparent that the six turd burglars will indeed mention me in their quest to walk out of Wildcard as Champion but I will not give them the satisfaction nor will I waste my time on answering any of their remarks.

Leading up to that match, I heard people like Trax, like Unknown Soldier, call me a coward for not defending my title but why would I go all out looking for a challenger, when the challenger is meant to come to me? Keyword: Challenger. Now some people will talk and say well we challenged you in your auction but we didn't want to pay ANY Xbux. Well it was an auction but that is that. I'm sick of thinking about it, discussing what could have been etc.. Etc.. I don't care what you morons think, I will get the Uni back eventually, mark my words... But for now..

I have been given a great opportunity against Michael McBride, XWF'S Xtreme Champion but to the dismay of some whining Cunts. It is what it is, I'm here, you're not. So if ANY of you have a problem with it? Tough, deal with it, I don't care. Vinnie doesn't need to explain shit to none of ya'll, he may be drag queen but he is the boss and if the boss says he wants a NEW XWF Xtreme Champion then you will all get one. Not for his benefit though, not for the benefit of this company but for me.. It's all about me!

The Xtreme Championship, a title I have never ever won and although it might not be the Uni, damn I feel Naked with out that sexy beast, all the stroking we did together but now that Mongolian has it.. The Xtreme is still one of the most important titles in the XWF and is definitely a title to be proud off. Two previous shots I have had at that belt and well, it's not hard to figure out if I've never won it, how that went down.

Now we know what to expect from Mcbride, we know what he is going to say. Well I do, not so sure about you snuffling, idiots or in Mcbride fashion.
Skull talks in a very good Irish accent,
'Well aren’t you the biggest eejits in the land?'
He is going to talk about how my reign as the Universal Championship was a joke in his Connor McGreggor accent. He will talk about his Lucky Charms, about the Luck of the Irish and all that shit. I bet the sweaty crevice calls me British Cunt too and insult the Queen of England, like I give a fuck about her. His vocabulary and his insults are off the chart,

Scully grins and then talks again with a Irish accent, ''Go ‘way from those biscuits and help your father, ye gombeen.'

Skull goes back to his normal Brummie accent.

"Gombeen? What is a Gombeen you may ask? Obviously it is a word in Ireland. A word for a shady, small-time "wheeler-dealer" or businessman who is always looking to make a quick profit, often at someone else's expense or through the acceptance of bribes. Isn't that what you are Mcbride? You swan around like you're The Godfather. You think you're the Tony Montana of the XWF, cockroach?! Well you ain't shit and you ain't got the Cojones to beat me and if you believe you can, then you're proving to the World why people think the Irish are dumb!

You will call me a Geebag, a feckin' gobshite. I will have to listen to Mrs. Brown's love child talk smack to me with your slang and I will yawn, waiting for you to say something relevant. I know you will talk shit to me for losing the Uni title to Gilly. I'm expecting it, I'm also waiting to hear you tell me how you love to fight?! Am I being stereotypical? Because I love to fight and I'm not from Ireland.

In fact, the Scully name is Irish, I have plenty of relatives in Galway. Let me tell you some truth about me, my grandad Patrick was indeed Irish, sounds weird but his funeral was the best I have attended. I carried the coffin with my dad, my fifty-fifth cousin Bartley and my uncle, Raymond. Then I did a speech with my little sister and then we burried my Grandad. Family and friends stood around the hole where his coffin was inserted and sang some music whilst Raymond played the organ. We did not sing Nick Knack Paddy whack, give a dog a bone, not Bewitched or Westlife but some other Irish songs and he had a great send off. Then we went to the pub for some alcoholic beverages and some tasty Irish food. I got pissed, had a fight with Sheamus and shagged a friend of a cousin, she could of been my sixty-seventh cousin, I dunno and yes she was a fuckin' red head. Becky her name was, she was good at blow jobs and she introduced me to the IRISH GARDEN SEX POSITION.. It was good, look it up. Anyway....

That was storytime with The Skull and it was a pleasure, for Becky. It would be a travesty if I fail to beat Mcbride in the XWF Xtreme Championship match, who wants me to lose? Well fuck you all, you can't always get what you want! You got what you wanted against Gilly but it wont happen twice. Me however, I get what I want and I'm going to become the NEW XWF Xtreme Champion and I will defend it regularly cuz hell I don't have a fuckin' choice. Da End, Scully Has Spoken!"
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