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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Wild Card Weekend Night 1 RP Board
Rawk On. (Clubbin' Redux)
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Kid Kool Offline
#WarGames [#bPrepared]


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-26-2016, 08:21 AM

Kid Kool is playing a crane game outside a Vegas supermarket. He grimaces as he accidentally drops the Tamagotchi he was looking for JUST as he was about to go home a winner. Suddenly, KK feels a tapping on his shoulder. He turns around to find a woman with a huge rack and ruby red lips.

Girl: Hiya, I just drove into town, looking to try my luck... you sure are a handsome devil if I do say! What would you think about heading to a casino with me? I could always use a lucky charm!

The Kid smirks to himself, wondering what trouble the two could rile up...

KK: Sure hun, I'll accompany you! You're not a bad sight yourself. You and I could tear up the town for sure!

Girl: Oh thank you, sweetcheeks! We'll head off to Caesars Palace and rock it!!

KK: Oh, you know it babe. Let's take my Corvette!

Girl: You got it! But first thing's first...

The broad takes control of the machine, and easily drops the Tamagotchi down the chute, to Kid's surprise....he smiles ear to ear as the gal hands over the game. He speaks ecstatically, "You do not know how much this means to me... reminds me of my childhood! Thanks, dollface."

Girl: Not to worry, I love your smile. All the thanks I need.

The two head for the car, and once there KK pulls the door open, letting the woman take the passenger's side. He gets in, revs up the engine, cranks up some Def Leppard, and turns to the chick.

KK: So, I never caught your name?

Girl: The name's Tesla. Tesla VonJovi. Nice to meet you!!

KK: Nice to meet you too, dollface. Let's roll!!!

The two tear off into the night, as the scene transitions..

- - -

We reopen to the inside of Caesars, where Kool and Tesla are at the craps table, Tesla shaking up the dice before tossing them out on the table... lucky number seven!!!

Tesla: Oh my GAWD!!! [she turns to KK] You really ARE a good luck charm, THANK YOU sooo much!!

KK: Hey Tes, no problemo. Always of service, sweet thang.

Tesla: I'm taking home a decent wad of cash and it's all thanks to you. If you want anything from me... and I do mean ANYthing, just ask. ;)

Kool is about to open his mouth, when--

Christina Nash: THERE you are! I could have sworn I'd find you at some rip-off casino! Now, we've got two weeks before WildCard, and I could REALLY use some time with you. There's this club on the corner that you'll love. PLEASE come with... wait, who in the hell IS that, anyway?

KK: She's just a friend I met outside a store not too far away. She just wanted me to act as a lucky charm. Nothing to get worked up about, Christy...

Nash: Fine, I understand I guess. But now that she's got that truck load of chips, maybe we can blow this place off and get down... maybe down a few strawberry daquiris?

KK: ........[looks at Tesla] Tes, sorry but I gotta run. Was nice spending time with you though. Seeya 'round?

Tesla glares at Christine...speaking to KK. "Sure, sweetie... thanks for the help. Run along, you might have to sleep on the sofa. Take care, hun."

Kid Kool scampers away with Nash, who stares daggers Tesla's way, right before the scene fades on Christine heading out with Kool.

- - -

We return once again, finding Nash and Kid dancing on the trance style floor. Kid smiles, arms wrapped tightly around his woman, as Nash pecks him on the cheek.

KK: I love you to heaven and back.

Nash: To the moon and back, baby.

KK: So, ya think I got a shot against that garbage monkey, Joshua?

Nash: You mean Josh.0? I think after WildCard Weekend, he'll be downgraded to the unemployment line!

KK: I wouldn't doubt it! So I guess you caught my first promo, with Joshua's 'moniker'.... whad'ja think?

Nash: You brought the heat, honey, you really have a shot at making a tremendous impact in your ppv debut.

KK: Well, once I'm finished with Mister First Name Only, I won't settle for anything less than a title shot.

Nash: You know it, baby, break that bitch down and show the XWF the heat!

KK: Hot fire, honey, nothing less than the best! I love you, cutie pie.

Nash: I love you more than I love cocaine!

KK: Hell yeah!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!

Nash: Let's get wild and take some heroine.

KK: ............ maybe that's pushing things a bit too far.

Nash: Yeah.

- - -

Josh, let's cut to the chase shall we? I'm good. You're not. I came into this company to spread the wildfire I unleash on the mic and in the ring, and buddy, trust me...... I AM The Heat. You on the other hand are about as white bread as it gets, and I'll let you in on a little secret... you're blood is flowing. Your head is throbbing. Your eyes are dazed and your limbs are twisted from every submission in the book. This is what I see in your future after I incapacitate you from crown to sole. #WatchOut

I started this thing hot out the gate, and I'm rolling down the line till I arrive at the 9th of December, with you in my crosshairs. Once you step up? You WILL fall, I guaran-gawddamn-TEE it, you cunt-faced gremlin!!! I'll rip you apart, piece by piece, till not a single person on Earth will be able to sew you back together. You look a lot like an XWF main stay; Maverick. Well, if I don't drive you out, Mav will. So choke on them biscuits why don't ya!!! Man, I get to display how much I've improved since my hiatus, and I've found JUST the crash test dummy for the job.


[Image: darren%20gardella.png]

5x HeavyMetalWeight | 1x Federweight | #YourOnlyHope | #HeroOfTheDay | #80s4LIFE
@kool_beanz_123 (on forum) | "I'm 2 cute for this shit." ~ Hunter Payne | W/L -- 3/11 | @kool_beanz_123 (on twitter)
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