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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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No Way Out
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11-16-2016, 04:32 PM

Gabe sees McBride and nails him to a crucifix where he can’t possibly raise his shoulders, he tips it over and calls the ref over. Just then he has a cement truck pull up as he carefully cements McBride’s shoulders down. A pipe wielder emerges from the side with his mask down and soders the entire crucifix to McBride with moulton hot metal. Reno talks to the ref while it all dries and McBride screams in pain. Finally it dries.

[Image: c3500ecc5bc0cb2586325be5d07e2bb7.jpg]

Reno gestures as a Circus conductor leads a large elephant with a party hat named "McBride's End", in from the right, instructing it to sit on McBride's chest. Reno climbs to the top of the elephant and signals for the ref.

The ref then...

Signals to a marching band that stomps in from the left and begins sitting on any open leverage point McBride could have while playing "I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt" in perfect instrumental key.

[Image: 28.gif]

Reno yells as the ref gets down and starts to count.

The change Reno dropped from his pocket climbing up the elephant.

Reno hollars to the back as five of fhe world's strongest men come out to ensure McBride's shoulders stay down.

The ref finally begins to count...

The change adds up to $2.43.

Armed guards if the highest possible trained calibur emerge to hold watch over any possible secnarios of intruders with heavy artilery, much heavier than any Irishman would have available.

The ref's hand hit the ground for the one...

Thing that he forgot to do before he left to come. He calls his wife... shortly after she arrives in a van with most of their kids soccer team, they all climb up with Gabe to add pressure. She drives the van over to a rig and carefully parks it as a failsafe teetering above the elephant then boobytrapping it so if McBride's shoulders move it will fall onto them.

[Image: 20140715_125234_0.jpg?itok=HyxsBXq2]

Reno signals for the pin.

The ref counts.



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