Oh hai Drezdin, U bitch. U call yoursel a BFG? Bitch Plz! U R not a BFG (Big Friendly Giant) U R a BFG (Big
Giant)! Everythign about you is shit. Ur roster page is shit, ur name is shit (Drezdin? Moar lik Jizzdin LOL), heck, even ur promo was shit! U R a bigger piece of shit then Maverick's shit, and that was an actual piece of shit! U might B 7'2, but that's God compensating for giving U a tiny dick! Ur dick is so small, Caitlyn "
" Jenner think's ur a transvestite. My dong expanded to feature length is bigger then u, so when U sux my cox 4 merci it will go right tru ur thick skull and impale ur tinier then ur dick brain! #skullfucked
I won't become ur bitch @ Warfare, bcuz bitches can't have bitches! #Roasted
And U R teh beegest bitch of dem all! Ur not even a sexxxy bitch lik mah army of waifus, U R an ugly bitch who should kill urself! In fact, let me show U how it's done U

If U R too much of a pussy 2 kill urself, don't worry. I will kill U bi myself! I'm not over mah head here m8, U R. When I git mah hands on U, I will tear off ur tiny dick and feed it to ur mother, then I'll gte mah army of hentai chicks to hold Ur fatass down while I whip U with mah feature long Cox, then I will make U SUX MY COX and fill ur butt with my love #Shrekislove #Shrekislife, then I will rip U in half, causing hyperealistic blood to spray everywhere and scare the kids #3spoopy5me, then, for a small loan of a million dollars I will answer a Patreon request to do something nasty with ur corpse! U don't believe me, well, git ready to #getgud and #getrekt by the "Meme Machine" himself, Max L. Green.
C ya later, ya beeg fat cunt, and git ready 2 SUX MY COX.
>I wake up in teh morning feeling lik P Diddly
>2day is going to be gr8
>Le mom enters teh room
MOMMA GREEN: Son, I am dissapont. U left ur dank memes in teh living room!
>I is shocked
>I put dem in the interwebs
>How did dey escape?
MIKE L. GREEN: Wat? How can dis B?
MOMMA GREEN: I dunno LOL, but I'm Sirius.
>My mom turns into Sirius.
MOMMA SIRIUS: Bcuz son, the memes R causing chaos n shit. Dey will tear part teh world with ther dankness!!!!!1!!!!!
MIKE L. GREEN: O Fuck. I must track down teh memes and banish dem back in2 teh interwebz b-4 dey destroy teh earth.
MOMMA SIRIUS: Yes. But b-4 you go, you need sum thangs.
MOMMA SIRIUS: Here, take these.
MIKE L. GREEN got x1 body pillow
MIKE L. GREEN got x10 Pizza rolls (Restore 10 HP each)
MIKE L. GREEN got x1 Cosby Sweater (+1 Strength, +2 Speed, +1 Toughness, +1 Charisma, +5 Rape)
MIKE L. GREEN got x1 Horse Head (+3 Charisma, +5 Dankness. +1 Neigh)
MIKE L. Green got x1 Mountain Dew Kickstart (Restores 50% of HP)
MIKE L. GREEN got Dank Meme Summoning Book (Allows you to summon captured Dank Memes at will, at different levels of Dankness)
MOMMA SIRIUS: And of corse, don't forgetti
MIKE L. GREEN got +1 Ban Hammer (+9000 Damage, +100 Toughness, +21 Dankness, Allows you to summon an army of waifus)
Strength: 6
Speed: 7
Toughness: 101
Charisma: 9
Dankness: 26
HP: 50/50
LVL: 10
MIKE L GREEN: G Thx Mom. I won't fail U. The memes will beh captured by meh.
MOMMA SIRIUS: B-4 U go, I have to tell you something important.
MOMMA SIRIUS: If U don't capture teh memes in 69 days, I will be Sirus forever.
>I am frighten
>I don't want mah mom to be Sirius
>Bcuz Harry Potter iz 4
like Drezdin
>Mah mom iz not a
MIKE L. GREEN: I promise U, dat won't happen.
MOMMA SIRIUS: Gud, now GTFO and begin ur journey!
MIKE L. GREEN: Aw yiss.
MOMMA GREEN: May teh Dankness b with you, and may U and ur hentai bitches live long and prosper! (R.I.P Leonard Nimoy)
>I walk out le door and look around teh great outdoors.
>I have a large journey ahead of me
>Almost as large as my Cox that Drezdin will have to sux.
End. (Part 2 DLC: $69.99)