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I'm not completely sure what you guys look at but if we go by making an impact, winning when booked, building heat, winning the top championship, and the lot; I'd have to honestly say Shades. It's hard in my opinion to top the guy who came in with guns blazing, shocked the world by cashing in successfully on Eli James, and has been more than vocal about taking on all comers. Maybe I noticed those things more since I have been working closely with him, but they're all true.
Loverboy is good, and I like his work. I enjoyed his mention of the Nash/Adjective blunder in one of the RPs I saw of his and I like his ability to stay relevant with wrestling, but if memory serves right he lost matches and lost the x-treme title, and ducked challenges for cash vs cash matches. That's all fine and all, but not really sotm material in my humble opinion. And being close last month doesn't really apply to this month; it just means he lost last month. I'm totally not trying to sound like a dick here, btw. Just being honest about what I've seen.
I'd definitely, however, agree the other name worth mentioning is Doc Dville as he's been very solid and I think he won most of his matches. If you look at who was active for the full month from start to finish, Doctor D should probably get it. If you go by my earlier points, it's probably Shades. Is there clarification posted anywhere as far as what's actually looked at for sotm?
Vincent Lane
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You aren't very good at "not sounding like a dick."
If winning the Uni Title was what did it for you, then we wouldn't really need to have this thread, right? It's OOC. We're asking who people think did the best work. Not knocking Shades' ability, but he didn't do a lot, since he wasn't here the whole time.
That said, while Shades return was impactful, I'd not really consider it SOTM caliber. He's always good when he's around so that's not really that surprising. I'm sure others may build a case in his favor and that's fine by me.
Solid work week in, week out is what we look at mostly. In my own opinion, it goes to D'Ville.
I have slacked this month because of work and other shit so I don’t feel I can vote properly enough to make it count or make an appropriate call on the deserving parties.
Shades did come out of left field and take the XWF by storm, Loverboy has been consistent and hardworking and in fact held 2 titles this month and D’Ville is a name that will rise eventually.
This has been a very good month and from the looks of it we gained some really good talent. Best of luck to those voting and those wanting SOTM…
(I edited because I knew so little I fucked up...I am not worthy enough to vote!)
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(09-30-2014, 10:24 PM)Paul Heyman Said: It's never judged by wins and losses.
I apologize if I misunderstood what this was then. So what you're talking about is most consistent RPer of the month? Not star of the month.
If that's the case, then yes it's Dville obviously. He was here all month and roleplayed great during that time. He's probably one of the best writers here, if not the best. I just could swear in other threads when I've been around that I've seen actual wins and title victories coming into play in these discussions as if they do matter.
The thing I always like to say (but some months I forget to come in and say it again) is that anybody who names a person needs to actually supply reasons and, as Heyman said, kind of build a case for that nominee. This is why yes you've seen wins and titles get mentioned before just like being consistent or even doing something incredibly rare and entertaining has been mentioned in past months. In fact, we HAVE HAD guys nominated in the past who showed up at the end of the month and did ONE ROLEPLAY only... but it was seen as so good that they got nominated, because it also contained a shocking reveal that then continued to play out in the results for that show. Everything matters.
Names that get mentioned without reasons backing them up will usually be ignored by us when the winner is chosen. If somebody has done well by RPing consistently AND won all their matches all month, you should mention both of those things because they both matter. If somebody successfully defended a title or won a title, it can be mentioned along with other reasons. If somebody has been great at attracting attention and getting themselves noticed, that's another reason you can add on.
Example 1: I think Wrestler A should win because they opted in for every show this month (one reason) and won all their matches (that's two reasons) and because their RP about molesting whales was the most amazing thing I ever read and was never done before (that's three reasons).
Example 2: I think Wrestler B should win because they won this or that title (one reason) and they made themselves an instant household name by generating heat even though they weren't here at the start of the month (two reasons) and they are really good at sucking my dick (three reasons).
Example 3: While Wrestler C lost some matches this month and didn't win any major titles, they delivered the most sheer effort by RPing more than anybody else WITHOUT allowing their RPs to seem watered down or forced at any point that month. (one reason, but a very strong one)
It's up to YOU guys to tell us what things stood out to you as far as why you're naming the name(s) you're giving us. This is something I've explained in the past and this will always be how it works. EVERYTHING MATTERS, and there may even be times where we take into account certain points that you guys didn't notice because you don't look at it from a staff/judge perspective. The purpose of these threads is to tell us (staff) everything you can think of just in case we missed something or something didn't stand out as much to us. This is not a contest to see who can get mentioned the most in the thread... it's a call for a complete list of reasons why each person has been named, etc...
Also, if you're seen telling people on skype to go vote for a certain name for the sake of getting that person mentioned more than a guy you don't like, you just pretty much killed your personal favorite's chances of winning. Don't do that. This isn't a popularity contest, and the staff isn't stupid.
(09-30-2014, 10:24 PM)Paul Heyman Said: It's never judged by wins and losses.
I apologize if I misunderstood what this was then. So what you're talking about is most consistent RPer of the month? Not star of the month.
If that's the case, then yes it's Dville obviously. He was here all month and roleplayed great during that time. He's probably one of the best writers here, if not the best. I just could swear in other threads when I've been around that I've seen actual wins and title victories coming into play in these discussions as if they do matter.
What I failed to say is never judged SOLELY by wins and losses. You're welcome to make a case for anyone you like, Evertrust.
EDIT: Then of course, I post my reply under the wrong account just to make things more confusing. I need sleep.
(09-30-2014, 11:41 PM)Shane Anonistrator Said: Also, if you're seen telling people on skype to go vote for a certain name for the sake of getting that person mentioned more than a guy you don't like, you just pretty much killed your personal favorite's chances of winning. Don't do that. This isn't a popularity contest, and the staff isn't stupid.
Wow they actually did that? Can I ask who the disliked person was? I can only assume Shades because of the manner in which my mention of him was turned around to vilify me by Loverboy, so that must mean vote against Shades now. *Sigh* If that's true, that's a real shame and I guess I owe Shades an apology for costing him his chances by pointing out facts that revealed Loverboy to not be a valid nominee and offending Loverboy's fan club. That said; I'm hoping my reasons for supporting Shades and Dville are taken seriously by the unbiased people here and by the admins.
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Shades, I don't think there's anything wrong with you or your writing ability.
I think if you get voted for that's totally fine. Never once was it my point to suggest otherwise, I only responded in kind to what was said.
What I didn't appreciate was being compared negatively. I don't think it's needed, for instance, when voting for someone to point out why someone ELSE doesn't deserve it. That's rude, in my opinion. I gave two people who I thought did a good job, and others did the same thing. When Frodo posted that he voted Peter, he didn't also say why it shouldn't be Doc or me or anyone else.
I think you're good. I've never seen anyone say otherwise, nor have I said otherwise. All I said was you didn't do a lot of work, comparatively. I don't think that's an insult, but if you think it is then I apologize.
Again, man, I didn't think saying that you hadn't done as much as someone else was an insult. And obviously quality counts more, but putting out more quality of equal standing matters too. Hell man, I know how much planning goes in to stuff, but that clearly can't be something that people judge, nobody knows how much effort or time you spend but you. All we see is a finished product or an end result. There are guys on here who RP every single day, sometimes more than once a day, but they didn't get mentioned. Why? Because people didn't think their quality was up there.
And, like I've said more than once now, I have absolutely no issue with you get nominated. I had an issue with being denigrated in comparison and having it suggested that I had some sort of "fan club" who did my bidding. It's insulting to me, insulting to those people, and it devalues the sentiment that they showed. I felt it deserved a response, and I was just using the same comparatives that were being presented to me.
I'm not "downgrading" it. I said I think it's good, and that you getting votes is fine by me. It's not my vote, and it wasn't the vote of others, and I don't like that being suggested to be anything less than sincere opinion. That's it. It got suggested as something other than opinion, and only then did I say why I'd pick someone else over you.
Again, not at all trying to be disrespectful or insulting.
Is he really doing that? I can't see his posts now because I put him on my ignore list. Sounds like he's doing the same thing he does IC though. Hypocritical mind games. Yawn. I guess it's not just an IC tactic after all.
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Dude, I don't know what else you want me to say - I apologized to you.
Do you need me to say I learned a lesson? Come on, man. Why can there not be a dialogue about something without it being considered whining or bitching or complaining? I'm just giving you my opinion on the matter.
I know his record this past month, it's pretty good.
But that's doesn't matter.
What matters to me is how consistently active he has been throughout the month. He's in matches what seems like everyone week, maybe even twice a week.
He hosted a Shove It earlier in the month and did a fine job there as well.
He has continued to improve every single week he has been here and I really enjoyed the hell out of his work this week. So my vote is for him.
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From the time I've been here, I would've voted for Maverick. However looking back on the whole month, I would vote for D'ville because his rps have been consistently good.
I vote Loverboy and Harrison. Since I've joined the XWF at the beginning of August, they're always on the card, they always have tough competition, and I've gone head to head with them both and know what I've seen. You dudes rock.
For Dr. Louis D'Ville, he's a very solid and consistent roleplayer, not to mention he's won some big matches like against Loverboy. Without a doubt, I can see him going for some titles soon.
For LH Harrison, he made a big comeback after losing his initial 4 out of 5 matches, pulling off exciting RP's, and doing masterful work against the likes of Heartsford and Enigma. Like D'Ville, I can see him going for some titles.
And as for Loverboy, though he has been out of luck in losing some matches, like against D'Ville, I loved the rivalry against Pest, not to mention him and Diesel were just flat- out hilarious. Not to mention, no matter how brief, he did hold the X-treme Championship.
Other candidates include Shades and Gator.
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I would like to put up my vote officially for either Doctor D'Ville or Shades.
Doc - I feel like he was consistently the best from September 1-30. He won some big matches and lost a close one to Gator. But his story has flowed beautifully.
Shades - Shades came in and dropped the XWF on its head when he revealed himself to be Angel Eyes and cashed in on Eli. Plus he won another match the following week as well as prepared for his title match this week.
Yeah I feel like I should expand a bit on my vote.
Loverboy has been consistently entertaining since he got here, one of the best new RPers we've got here and he's helped out a lot behind the scenes. Also, the Fatal 4 Way with him, me Luca and LH, he put up some of his best stuff yet and helped produce my favorite match here to date.
D'Ville, gave one hell of a good match against Gator. I barely won that one, he's the only person here were I've compared my RPs to his and felt like I did a terrible job, D'Ville's an incredibly talented writer, and, like Vinnie, he has also helped out with writing matches and other stuff.
Also, looking back LH Harrison also deserves a mention, due to the same reasons above and just how much better he becomes each week. Always improving, and it's awesome to see.
I do think Shades would be a good choice too, he did make an impact when he came in and his work is amazing, but I just feel it'll be a little unfair to the others who have produced some of their best work this month, week in and week out for Shades who came in halfway through the month to take the SOTM title. Plus, Shades is doing so well he could get SOTM the next month, or the month after if he carries on doing what he's doing.
EDIT: Sorry, Shades was here for 3 weeks, I honestly thought he was here for a shorter time. Stiil, I think Shades is a good choice, but I still think the other 3 names are more deserving.
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Quote:Ozymandias pretty much confirmed that you guys should only be looking at people who were active for an entire stretch of a month, so there's that. Thank you for confirming.
I did no such thing. Not even close. At no point did I ever confirm or deny that a person has to be here for the entire month or 50% of the month or 33% of the month to be eligible for SOTM. Nor did I even hint as much.
What I did confirm was that being here for 16 days out of 30 means you were here for 47% of the month. That's all. If you want to make a wild leap that's fine but please don't attribute the conclusions you draw from those leaps to me when I did nothing to push you in that direction.
(10-01-2014, 04:31 PM)Shades Said: I kept wondering why you guys continue to say "half the month" for me, even Face saying it,
Sorry about that. I get where you're coming from now. Still though I find it questionable that a person's accomplishments have to be thinned out over a full month. It shouldn't matter if I said you were here only a quarter of the month. A star in the sky can be the brightest without literally spanning over the entire sky in size. Above all else I'd like to apologize for my actions if they've somehow turned things in the wrong direction here. I just didn't find it fair that people were nominating someone who clearly didn't outperform the others he had faced throughout the month. I'm allowed to state that, and I will continue to do so, even next month if it happens again. Get used to it. Don't like it? Block me.
(10-01-2014, 05:10 PM)Ozymandias Said: I suppose the sarcasm of my post was lost.
Quote:Ozymandias pretty much confirmed that you guys should only be looking at people who were active for an entire stretch of a month, so there's that. Thank you for confirming.
I did no such thing. Not even close. At no point did I ever confirm or deny that a person has to be here for the entire month or 50% of the month or 33% of the month to be eligible for SOTM. Nor did I even hint as much.
What I did confirm was that being here for 16 days out of 30 means you were here for 47% of the month. That's all. If you want to make a wild leap that's fine but please don't attribute the conclusions you draw from those leaps to me when I did nothing to push you in that direction.
Thank you.
You are on the staff and you just took the time to point out that a person wasn't even here for half of the month. You did more than hint, sir. You pretty much confirmed you guys are looking at longevity through a month's time above what actually was accomplished by a solo party at any point within that time.
(10-01-2014, 05:10 PM)Ozymandias Said: I suppose the sarcasm of my post was lost.
Quote:Ozymandias pretty much confirmed that you guys should only be looking at people who were active for an entire stretch of a month, so there's that. Thank you for confirming.
I did no such thing. Not even close. At no point did I ever confirm or deny that a person has to be here for the entire month or 50% of the month or 33% of the month to be eligible for SOTM. Nor did I even hint as much.
What I did confirm was that being here for 16 days out of 30 means you were here for 47% of the month. That's all. If you want to make a wild leap that's fine but please don't attribute the conclusions you draw from those leaps to me when I did nothing to push you in that direction.
Thank you.
You are on the staff and you just took the time to point out that a person wasn't even here for half of the month. You did more than hint, sir. You pretty much confirmed you guys are looking at longevity through a month's time above what actually was accomplished by a solo party at any point within that time.
Again, I confirmed no such thing. I can't speak to what guys look at when making their votes. I can tell you what it appears they look at when making their votes, in this case it appears they are looking at the scope of the entire month. I can also tell you what I look at which is not that. I also take into account other things thing non staff are not privy to such as help behind the scenes with judging or match writing as well as other things.
There is no written rule as to the scope of what is to be look at when making a vote and ultimately Shane is the one to decide based on the votes and supporting evidence provided.
(10-01-2014, 05:27 PM)Ozymandias Said: I can tell you what it appears they look at when making their votes, in this case it appears they are looking at the scope of the entire month.
Precisely, you see what's happening and as staff you've done nothing here to deter that error in judgement. You can clearly see they're going by full months, so you come in and point out that somebody was here less than half of a month. Should I explain this in baby words, or are you done?
At the very least I feel you guys need to rename it something other than star of the month, because it's obvious nobody here goes by that ideology if they're naming Loverboy. It should be called "most regularly consistent RPer of the entire month, regardless of wins." I'm not knocking that idea, but please call it what it really is or correct these people on how they're looking at it ffs. Is there a single person here who can understand why that difference matters, and why this current system is so flawed? Shades and I can't possibly be the only ones that see this. It's right there. Speak up, people. Ask it to be named according to how you're looking at it, or adjust your views to fit its current name. There is no way Loverboy should be getting named even as an afterthought here if you guys are looking at this unbiased.
(10-01-2014, 05:27 PM)Ozymandias Said: I can tell you what it appears they look at when making their votes, in this case it appears they are looking at the scope of the entire month.
Precisely, you see what's happening and as staff you've done nothing here to deter that error in judgement. You can clearly see they're going by full months, so you come in and point out that somebody was here less than half of a month. Should I explain this in baby words, or are you done?
You don't want to get into an argument with me I promise you, and addressing me in a disrespectful will surely do just that. Especially when I have shown no such disrespect towards you.
(10-01-2014, 05:40 PM)I - Evertrust Said: At the very least I feel you guys need to rename it something other than star of the month, because it's obvious nobody here goes by that ideology if they're naming Loverboy. It should be called "most regularly consistent RPer of the entire month, regardless of wins." I'm not knocking that idea, but please call it what it really is or correct these people on how they're looking at it ffs. Is there a single person here who can understand why that difference matters, and why this current system is so flawed? Shades and I can't possibly be the only ones that see this. It's right there. Speak up, people. Ask it to be named according to how you're looking at it, or adjust your views to fit its current name. There is no way Loverboy should be getting named even as an afterthought here if you guys are looking at this unbiased.
I agree there is a big discrepancy between the actual name of the accolade and what it is people take into consideration when making their votes.
Superstar Of The Month by it's very name should take into account basically the things that Shades mentioned previously, wins, accolades, generating heat, things of that nature.
However in the year that I have been here that has never been what SOTM has been about. That's not to say that those things didn't matter before, maybe they did. I can only speak to the last year.
The way most people look at it now is that wins shouldn't matter, it's about consistent effort. I don't recall anyone ever saying that you can only look at someone who was consistent for the whole month though that does seem to be what people are looking at.
You are right, staff is not correcting this train of thought and I can't speak for all of the staff so I won't. I will speak for me an say that while I agree that the name is misleading I have no issue with the notion of rewarding someone for effort because at the end of the day this place is supposed to be about having fun regardless of how much you win or lose and that seems to be what the award is rewarding people for while things like titles reward people for how good they are.
If anything this has made it obvious that a further discussion should be had about what this award is and is not and making sure that all the rules are known by those voting for it.
(10-01-2014, 05:48 PM)Shades Said: Since this partially arose from my name being mentioned and all, I feel the need to nicely ask you guys to just stop. Is that fair of me to request here? Your champion has spoken! (hehe)
Fine by me. I'm not the one getting screwed here in this thread anyway. I tried.
From this point forward this thread will go back to it's intended purpose which is to nominate people for SOTM and the reasons for why you are nominating them. Anyone else who wishes to discuss or debate anything other than that in this thread will be banned.