Griffin McAlister is seen eating some tobacco sandwich that they make down yonder in Mississippi. Most consider them disgusting and really rank but some kinds of hill folk seem to like them. Nothing says delicious like Peach flavored Chaw, Mayonnaise and an entire leaf of tobacco all together on a sesame seed bun!
Morbid was sitting across the diner eating his 20oz steak…rare. Morbid is considered a classy gentleman if you ignore all the evil, racism and complete rudeness that comes with being an egotistical, maniacal steroid junky with a rough case of micro-penis. He looks up from his large mean and see’s Griffin shirtless eating the tobacco sandwich with a cigarette in each nostril to ensure proper nicotine ingestion. Morbid leaves his table and sits next to Griffin. Griffin looks at Morbid while eating and Morbid looks at Griffin while reaching for Griffin’s Freedom Fries at the edge of his plate. Without breaking the stare Griffin sticks Morbid Angel in the hand with a fork…Morbid does not look away but returns the hand to his mouth with a couple of fries…and a protruding fork.
Morbid Angel-”Enjoying my title? I would think you are enjoying it more than you should considering it is MINE! And to think that after all this time you still can’t realize why I keep coming after you…perhaps it’s like a safety issues I have or perhaps my inability to lose…you are familiar to me in such a way that can only be described like…a shoe…and not just any shoe…a Wal-mart shoe that billions are sold each day so you can only imagine that you are far from one of a kind…actually you are far from being the most original. I, Morbid Angel have more originality in my nut sack than you haven in your entire body. I know you are the 23/7 champion and technically I should attack you and try and take it…it has crossed my mind but…I just have to know one thing and I am only wondering because of the erection you were sporting in our match kept poking me.”
Morbid then runs his hand up his thigh heading for his crotch to grab the goodies.
Morbid Angel-”I say 23/7 for snack breaks…and other things that contribute to nocturnal emissions…am I right? Is this what you wanted? My muscles drive you to the point of insanity? I have that effect on people…”
Morbid Angel grabs a handful of Griffin McAlister cock and balls and gently holds it.
Morbid Angel-”So what do you think I should do? “
Griffin says nothing and just Looks at Morbid Angel. His calm face quickly changes at Morbid Angel clamps his fingers shut around Griffin’s genital region hearing popping which were most likely the testicles. Griffin passes out from the pain.
Morbid rolls Griffin’s unconscious body onto the floor and steps on him for the pin 1.…..2.……
Morbid Angel looks around as the staff try and help Griffin but Morbid Angel pulls out his trusty handgun and started pointing it around making everyone get on the floor.
болезненное ангел!
Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014