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Wrestlemania betting!
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-05-2014, 11:05 AM

WM betting time! Wheeeee!

Here are the questions to answer!

Who will win between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar?

Will somebody bleed in the Taker/Lesnar match? If so, who, or both?

How many F-5s will Undertaker kick out of?

Who will win between HHH and Daniel Bryan?

How many Pedigrees will HHH do in total, all night?

Will Batista get a reaction?

Will Orton deliver a punt kick at any time during WM?

If Bryan wins the title, will it be done in a way that makes him look weak somehow? For instance, will somebody else get involved in the match and lay out one of his opponents near the end? Or maybe the match will have to be "re started" after it finishes, and THEN he finally wins the restarted match? Or maybe Batista or Orton finishes the other person off and then Bryan ends up pinning that person after sneaking out of nowhere and having been forgotten about for several minutes? This is a YES or NO question but you're welcome to guess the specifics if you like!

Will Bryan come out of WM looking like he cleanly and convincingly defeated HHH and Batista/Orton, or would his popularity skyrocket too high and make McMahon's head explode if they allowed that all in a single night?

Who will leave the building as the WWE/Heavyweight champion? (knowing WWE, this could end up being anybody lol)

Who will win the Andre Memorial Battle Royal? (keep in mind there are some mystery entrants we don't know yet!)

If RVD is one of the surprise entrants of the battle royal, will he be given a miserable and degrading performance where he is allowed to hardly do any moves and gets eliminated rather easily? Or will they finally allow RVD to actually shine in the spotlight of a major WWE PPV for the first time in what feels like an eternity?

Will the big Diva invitational clusterfuck feature any wardrobe malfunctions? For example: will there be a slipped nip? Will somebody's ass get pulled out? With all those Divas... so many possibilities! (this is a yes or no question but you can specify which diva and which body part for bonus points! yay!)

Who wins between John Cena and Bray Wyatt?

If Cena loses, did they make it look like he was cheated or was it a clean loss?

If Cena wins, will you riot?

How many Attitude Adjustments will Cena deliver during WM?

How many times will Cena kick out of Bray's finisher?

Will there be a point where Cena delivers a DOUBLE Attitude Adjustment to two of the Wyatts at the same time?

Will Cena do a hurricanrana?

Who wins between the Shield and Kane/New Age Outlaws?

If the Shield wins, does Kane take the pin to continue his miserable WM record?

If the Shield loses, does Dean Ambrose take the pin to continue making the US Champ look like the weak link?

How many spears will Roman Reigns deliver?

Will Seth Rollins slip up at all during his high flying and flipping activities, or will he deliver them all flawlessly?

Will Cesaro do the Cesaro Swing? If so, how many full rotations will he get, going by the number the crowd yells? (not going by reality)

Will Cesaro and Swagger be heavily cheered during their big 4 way tag match with those other guys?

Will Swagger do that thing where he catches somebody's leg in mid air and drops them into an ankle lock?

Will Zeb slap Swagger or Cesaro at all during the show?

Which match will make Administrator the most sick? That's right! You know I'm going to be disgusted by a couple of the matches on the card but which match will be the one to make me want to throw up the most? (look up the card if you don't know the matches!)

Whoever comes the closest to having every answer correct will receive $5,000 X-Bux and will receive a title shot of their choosing! If somebody gets EVERY single answer correct, they win that title shot in the form of an actual 24/7 briefcase they can cash in or use to schedule a shot.
disclaimer: x-bux are not yet available and have not been announced; nobody knows wtf they are

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Ambrose Helios Offline
Forever Trapped.

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

04-05-2014, 11:16 AM

Who will win between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar? Undertaker

Will somebody bleed in the Taker/Lesnar match? If so, who, or both? Neither.

How many F-5s will Undertaker kick out of? Two

Who will win between HHH and Daniel Bryan? Daniel Bryan

How many Pedigrees will HHH do in total, all night? Two

Will Batista get a reaction? Slight booing.

Will Orton deliver a punt kick at any time during WM? No

If Bryan wins the title, will it be done in a way that makes him look weak somehow? For instance, will somebody else get involved in the match and lay out one of his opponents near the end? Or maybe the match will have to be "re started" after it finishes, and THEN he finally wins the restarted match? Or maybe Batista or Orton finishes the other person off and then Bryan ends up pinning that person after sneaking out of nowhere and having been forgotten about for several minutes? This is a YES or NO question but you're welcome to guess the specifics if you like!...... NO

Will Bryan come out of WM looking like he cleanly and convincingly defeated HHH and Batista/Orton, or would his popularity skyrocket too high and make McMahon's head explode if they allowed that all in a single night? Yes

Who will leave the building as the WWE/Heavyweight champion? (knowing WWE, this could end up being anybody lol) Daniel Bryan

Who will win the Andre Memorial Battle Royal? (keep in mind there are some mystery entrants we don't know yet!) The Big Show

If RVD is one of the surprise entrants of the battle royal, will he be given a miserable and degrading performance where he is allowed to hardly do any moves and gets eliminated rather easily? Or will they finally allow RVD to actually shine in the spotlight of a major WWE PPV for the first time in what feels like an eternity? Uh yes to number one.

Will the big Diva invitational clusterfuck feature any wardrobe malfunctions? For example: will there be a slipped nip? Will somebody's ass get pulled out? With all those Divas... so many possibilities! (this is a yes or no question but you can specify which diva and which body part for bonus points! yay!) No but if a clitoris were to slip out I would be over the moon

Who wins between John Cena and Bray Wyatt? Bray Wyatt

If Cena loses, did they make it look like he was cheated or was it a clean loss? Not a clean loss.

If Cena wins, will you riot? Na, rioting is a criminal offence

How many Attitude Adjustments will Cena deliver during WM? Three

How many times will Cena kick out of Bray's finisher? Twice

Will there be a point where Cena delivers a DOUBLE Attitude Adjustment to two of the Wyatts at the same time? No

Will Cena do a hurricanrana? i fucking hope not... NO.

Who wins between the Shield and Kane/New Age Outlaws? The Shield

If the Shield wins, does Kane take the pin to continue his miserable WM record? No.

If the Shield loses, does Dean Ambrose take the pin to continue making the US Champ look like the weak link? Yes.

How many spears will Roman Reigns deliver? Four.

Will Seth Rollins slip up at all during his high flying and flipping activities, or will he deliver them all flawlessly? Flawless bitch.

Which match will make Administrator the most sick? That's right! You know I'm going to be disgusted by a couple of the matches on the card but which match will be the one to make me want to throw up the most? (look up the card if you don't know the matches!) - The Divas match.

Will Cesaro do the Cesaro Swing? If so, how many full rotations will he get, going by the number the crowd yells? (not going by reality) 16

Will Cesaro and Swagger be heavily cheered during their big 4 way tag match with those other guys? Yes

Will Swagger do that thing where he catches somebody's leg in mid air and drops them into an ankle lock? Yes

Will Zeb slap Swagger or Cesaro at all during the show? No

[Image: QQEmwiZ.jpg?1?3692]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-05-2014, 11:18 AM

Another few questions...

Will Cesaro do the Cesaro Swing? If so, how many full rotations will he get, going by the number the crowd yells? (not going by reality)

Will Cesaro and Swagger be heavily cheered during their big 4 way tag match with those other guys?

Will Swagger do that thing where he catches somebody's leg in mid air and drops them into an ankle lock?

Will Zeb slap Swagger or Cesaro at all during the show?

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

04-05-2014, 11:55 AM

Who will win between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar? The Under Duker

Will somebody bleed in the Taker/Lesnar match? If so, who, or both? Both

How many F-5s will Undertaker kick out of? 2

Who will win between HHH and Daniel Bryan? HHH

How many Pedigrees will HHH do in total, all night? 2

Will Batista get a reaction? Yes

Will Orton deliver a punt kick at any time during WM? Yes

If Bryan wins the title, will it be done in a way that makes him look weak somehow? For instance, will somebody else get involved in the match and lay out one of his opponents near the end? Or maybe the match will have to be "re started" after it finishes, and THEN he finally wins the restarted match? Or maybe Batista or Orton finishes the other person off and then Bryan ends up pinning that person after sneaking out of nowhere and having been forgotten about for several minutes? This is a YES or NO question but you're welcome to guess the specifics if you like! Bryan will lose because Shawn Michaels will show up. DX in da hizhouse!!

Will Bryan come out of WM looking like he cleanly and convincingly defeated HHH and Batista/Orton, or would his popularity skyrocket too high and make McMahon's head explode if they allowed that all in a single night? Bryan can not succeed.

Who will leave the building as the WWE/Heavyweight champion? (knowing WWE, this could end up being anybody lol) Sting

Who will win the Andre Memorial Battle Royal? (keep in mind there are some mystery entrants we don't know yet!) Diesel

If RVD is one of the surprise entrants of the battle royal, will he be given a miserable and degrading performance where he is allowed to hardly do any moves and gets eliminated rather easily? Or will they finally allow RVD to actually shine in the spotlight of a major WWE PPV for the first time in what feels like an eternity? RVD won't do shit.

Will the big Diva invitational clusterfuck feature any wardrobe malfunctions? For example: will there be a slipped nip? Will somebody's ass get pulled out? With all those Divas... so many possibilities! (this is a yes or no question but you can specify which diva and which body part for bonus points! yay!) Titties

Who wins between John Cena and Bray Wyatt? Wyatt

If Cena loses, did they make it look like he was cheated or was it a clean loss? Cheated

If Cena wins, will you riot? I will burn at least 2 couches and overturn 1 car by myself.

How many Attitude Adjustments will Cena deliver during WM? 2

How many times will Cena kick out of Bray's finisher? 2

Will there be a point where Cena delivers a DOUBLE Attitude Adjustment to two of the Wyatts at the same time? Yes

Will Cena do a hurricanrana? Yes

Who wins between the Shield and Kane/New Age Outlaws? Ladies and Gentlemen Boys and Girls, children of all ages...

If the Shield wins, does Kane take the pin to continue his miserable WM record? Why not.

If the Shield loses, does Dean Ambrose take the pin to continue making the US Champ look like the weak link? Yes.

How many spears will Roman Reigns deliver? All the spears.

Will Seth Rollins slip up at all during his high flying and flipping activities, or will he deliver them all flawlessly? Flawlessly slip up.

Will Cesaro do the Cesaro Swing? If so, how many full rotations will he get, going by the number the crowd yells? (not going by reality) 25 rotations

Will Cesaro and Swagger be heavily cheered during their big 4 way tag match with those other guys? Maybe

Will Swagger do that thing where he catches somebody's leg in mid air and drops them into an ankle lock? Probably

Will Zeb slap Swagger or Cesaro at all during the show? Yes

Which match will make Administrator the most sick? That's right! You know I'm going to be disgusted by a couple of the matches on the card but which match will be the one to make me want to throw up the most? (look up the card if you don't know the matches!) Under Duker

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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Anonymous Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-05-2014, 12:05 PM

Who will win between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar? The Under Duker

Will somebody bleed in the Taker/Lesnar match? If so, who, or both? Both

How many F-5s will Undertaker kick out of? 3

Who will win between HHH and Daniel Bryan? Bryan, but BOTH will end up in the main event

How many Pedigrees will HHH do in total, all night? 4

Will Batista get a reaction? Yes

Will Orton deliver a punt kick at any time during WM? No

If Bryan wins the title, will it be done in a way that makes him look weak somehow? For instance, will somebody else get involved in the match and lay out one of his opponents near the end? Or maybe the match will have to be "re started" after it finishes, and THEN he finally wins the restarted match? Or maybe Batista or Orton finishes the other person off and then Bryan ends up pinning that person after sneaking out of nowhere and having been forgotten about for several minutes? This is a YES or NO question but you're welcome to guess the specifics if you like! I think it will be a fatal four way and Bryan will end up pinning clean

Will Bryan come out of WM looking like he cleanly and convincingly defeated HHH and Batista/Orton, or would his popularity skyrocket too high and make McMahon's head explode if they allowed that all in a single night? Yes

Who will leave the building as the WWE/Heavyweight champion? (knowing WWE, this could end up being anybody lol) Daniel Bryan

Who will win the Andre Memorial Battle Royal? (keep in mind there are some mystery entrants we don't know yet!) Big Show, or Rousev if he debuts

If RVD is one of the surprise entrants of the battle royal, will he be given a miserable and degrading performance where he is allowed to hardly do any moves and gets eliminated rather easily? Or will they finally allow RVD to actually shine in the spotlight of a major WWE PPV for the first time in what feels like an eternity? RVD won't do shit.

Will the big Diva invitational clusterfuck feature any wardrobe malfunctions? For example: will there be a slipped nip? Will somebody's ass get pulled out? With all those Divas... so many possibilities! (this is a yes or no question but you can specify which diva and which body part for bonus points! yay!) No

Who wins between John Cena and Bray Wyatt? Bray Wyatt

If Cena loses, did they make it look like he was cheated or was it a clean loss? Cheated

If Cena wins, will you riot? Probably.

How many Attitude Adjustments will Cena deliver during WM? 2

How many times will Cena kick out of Bray's finisher? 0

Will there be a point where Cena delivers a DOUBLE Attitude Adjustment to two of the Wyatts at the same time? Yes

Will Cena do a hurricanrana? No

Who wins between the Shield and Kane/New Age Outlaws? Shield

If the Shield wins, does Kane take the pin to continue his miserable WM record? Yeah

If the Shield loses, does Dean Ambrose take the pin to continue making the US Champ look like the weak link? No

How many spears will Roman Reigns deliver? Two

Will Seth Rollins slip up at all during his high flying and flipping activities, or will he deliver them all flawlessly? Flawlessly

Will Cesaro do the Cesaro Swing? If so, how many full rotations will he get, going by the number the crowd yells? Yes, 15

Will Cesaro and Swagger be heavily cheered during their big 4 way tag match with those other guys? Cesaro will

Will Swagger do that thing where he catches somebody's leg in mid air and drops them into an ankle lock? Yes

Will Zeb slap Swagger or Cesaro at all during the show? Yes

Which match will make Administrator the most sick? That's right! You know I'm going to be disgusted by a couple of the matches on the card but which match will be the one to make me want to throw up the most? (look up the card if you don't know the matches!) Tag Team Match

[Image: 8l5h8A9.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-05-2014, 06:15 PM

Who will win between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar? TAKER 22-0

Will somebody bleed in the Taker/Lesnar match? If so, who, or both? BROCK WILL BLEED

How many F-5s will Undertaker kick out of? 1

Who will win between HHH and Daniel Bryan? BRYAN

How many Pedigrees will HHH do in total, all night? 2

Will Batista get a reaction? NOPE

Will Orton deliver a punt kick at any time during WM? YES to Boretista

If Bryan wins the title, will it be done in a way that makes him look weak somehow? For instance, will somebody else get involved in the match and lay out one of his opponents near the end? Or maybe the match will have to be "re started" after it finishes, and THEN he finally wins the restarted match? Or maybe Batista or Orton finishes the other person off and then Bryan ends up pinning that person after sneaking out of nowhere and having been forgotten about for several minutes? This is a YES or NO question but you're welcome to guess the specifics if you like! NO

Will Bryan come out of WM looking like he cleanly and convincingly defeated HHH and Batista/Orton, or would his popularity skyrocket too high and make McMahon's head explode if they allowed that all in a single night? I think he will barely beat HHH or get hurt after winning cleanly then overcome the injuries and the odds and win it all

Who will leave the building as the WWE/Heavyweight champion? (knowing WWE, this could end up being anybody lol) BRYAN

Who will win the Andre Memorial Battle Royal? (keep in mind there are some mystery entrants we don't know yet!) BIG SHOW

If RVD is one of the surprise entrants of the battle royal, will he be given a miserable and degrading performance where he is allowed to hardly do any moves and gets eliminated rather easily? Or will they finally allow RVD to actually shine in the spotlight of a major WWE PPV for the first time in what feels like an eternity? RVD will go nuts and hits a 5 star splash and maybe the van terminator

Will the big Diva invitational clusterfuck feature any wardrobe malfunctions? For example: will there be a slipped nip? Will somebody's ass get pulled out? With all those Divas... so many possibilities! (this is a yes or no question but you can specify which diva and which body part for bonus points! yay!) YES.. I say we see Natalia's boobs

Who wins between John Cena and Bray Wyatt? BRAY

If Cena loses, did they make it look like he was cheated or was it a clean loss? Clean

If Cena wins, will you riot? YES

How many Attitude Adjustments will Cena deliver during WM? 3

How many times will Cena kick out of Bray's finisher? 2

Will there be a point where Cena delivers a DOUBLE Attitude Adjustment to two of the Wyatts at the same time? NO

Will Cena do a hurricanrana? lets hope not

Who wins between the Shield and Kane/New Age Outlaws?SHIELD

If the Shield wins, does Kane take the pin to continue his miserable WM record?i think Gunn will take the fall

If the Shield loses, does Dean Ambrose take the pin to continue making the US Champ look like the weak link? yup

How many spears will Roman Reigns deliver? 3

Will Seth Rollins slip up at all during his high flying and flipping activities, or will he deliver them all flawlessly? he will perform them perfectly

Will Cesaro do the Cesaro Swing? If so, how many full rotations will he get, going by the number the crowd yells? (not going by reality)yes and he will give it to los matodores. id go with 20-30 times

Will Cesaro and Swagger be heavily cheered during their big 4 way tag match with those other guys YES

Will Swagger do that thing where he catches somebody's leg in mid air and drops them into an ankle lock? yes

Will Zeb slap Swagger or Cesaro at all during the show? probably during the match

Which match will make Administrator the most sick? That's right! You know I'm going to be disgusted by a couple of the matches on the card but which match will be the one to make me want to throw up the most? (look up the card if you don't know the matches!) Divas Title Invitational

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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