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WAR GAMES 2015: Part 1
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-14-2015, 01:27 PM

Part 1 of 3

Live from the Castle of ,
where no form of law, man made or otherwise, may be guaranteed
Exact Location Unknown, England?

Wrestlers and fans will be transported to the location the day of the show

Morbid Angel
Surprise Entrant = Bobby Zi!
Bjorn Felhammen
GGTX (God's Gift To XWF) = Dimallisher!
Reverend Tholomew Plague
- vs -
Christopher Isles
Robbie Bourbon
Alexander Aries
Mike Emerick
5 on 5, 1 fall
Double ring surrounded by a cage
HINT: This cage is completely wrapped in the barbs, hooks and talons of Christ; allowing for serious flesh wounds and blood loss to opponents if the right steps are taken!
Just outside of the cage, there appears to be a gateway or portal of some kind, which Shane is sitting next to in a throne made of the bones of exiled XWF stars of the past.

The fans are on their feet as War Games kicks off with none other than the owner himself... SHANE !

Shane's already in the ring and receiving a much greater reaction than he does most weeks. War Games seems to have attracted an interesting group of fans this year.

Shane: Thank you, thank you! Welcome to my castle!

The fans cheer like crazy for a while as Shane even seems shocked at how loud they're getting. One of the fans in the front row is tying off and shooting up. Another fan a few rows back can clearly be seen doing lines off of a circular mirror that his friend is holding for him. There are blunts and joints lit throughout the castle, and even a few scattered naked people. There's even somebody wearing the classic Mr. WGWF Dildo Crown that the XWF used to sell back when that was still a thing!

Shane: Thank you! You guys seem like a great crowd! We've got to get right down to business though and the first thing we need to take care of is the official crowning of our new Universal Champion, Trax!

His name gets a mixed reaction from the fans.

Shane: I'd like to call Trax out here so we can get this underway and make it all official. Get out here, you thief!

The fans cheer Shane's comments as he waits, but Trax doesn't appear...

A minute or so goes by and suddenly through the crowd emerges Trax with a group of security guards. He grins smugly as the fans continue their mixed reaction toward him and enters the ring with security.

Shane: Well it looks like you're not taking any chances today. I can't imagine why. What could you possibly have to worry about during an opening segment that I'm leading? Don't be so paranoid.

Trax stands in the ring with his arms crosses, just staring at and saying something under his breath. He motions for to get on with it...

Shane: Yeah I'd be in a hurry too if I were you. There's probably gold laying around in this castle for you to steal.

That's not why you're here though. You see that title around your waist? That's the CCWF/IWGP Universal Championship belt! And we have a bit of a dilemma on our hands...

It's like this, Trax. When you cashed in your briefcase, it was an XWF briefcase and was good for a shot at XWF gold. That title around your waist right now IS NOT XWF gold. That's problem number one.

Problem number two is that the IWGP governing body who negotiated with me to introduce that championship in the first place, DOES NOT recognize cash ins as a legal means of acquiring that championship!

The fans are cheering Shane and chanting like crazy at Trax...

Fans: Give it back! Give it back!

Shane laughs as Trax looks disgusted by what he's hearing from Shane and these crazy fans.

Shane: Well it's not that easy. The briefcase was cashed in, and there IS a such thing in the XWF as the Universal Championship. So after meeting with other executives who shall remain nameless on this matter, a decision has been made...

Trax, you ARE the official XWF UNIVERSAL CHAMPION!

But that's not the belt that represents that championship.

THAT is!

Shane points at the portal that's standing at ringside and the old XWF Universal Championship belt comes through it, being held out by a druid. The druid carefully reaches up and hands Shane the title before going back through the portal and disappearing.

Shane: THIS is your championship, Trax. Now hand over the one you have no right to be wearing...

Trax is looking around, ready for any and all surprises as Shane just smiles and holds the XWF Universal Championship in front of him. Trax removes the CCWF/IWGP Universal Championship from his waist and throws it down at Shane's feet, spitting on it!

Shane just laughs and tosses the XWF Universal Title at Trax who catches it and examines it for signs of feces or other disgusting things.

Shane: Oh come on, Trax. It's clean! It just came through the portal!

Trax can't find any feces, semen or anything else that seems questionable on the belt. He sees that it does in fact say XWF right on it. Everything seems legitimate so he raises the title high in the air as the fans give another very mixed response.

Shane picks up the CCWF/IWGP Universal Title and asks for a rag from somebody at ringside, which he uses to wipe the spit off of.

Shane: This just goes to show how filthy and disgusting YOU are, Trax. Here we were supposed to have an even exchange and you were given a perfectly clean title while the one you gave me back was desecrated. Nasty!

Now with that order of business out of the way... I'd like to go right ahead and make a major announcement! You'll want to stick around for this one, Trax...

Ladies and gentlemen! Due to the regulations that have been set forth regarding the CCWF/IWGP Universal Championship...

Allow me to introduce to you...

STILL, your CCWF/IWGP Universal Champion of the... universe!


The fans pop as Vinnie Lane comes down the ramp, soaking in the cheers of this very unique crowd. He wastes no time getting into the ring and quickly grabbing the championship from Shane before the two of them embrace with a nice, long hug. And the fans LOVE it!

Trax is rolling his eyes and shaking his head, motioning at them like they're a couple of homos or something and wondering what's wrong with these fans. Shane helps Vinnie put the championship on and he secures the snaps of the belt for Vinnie who is holding his arms out absorbing the cheers from the fans. A big tittied woman in the front row rips her top off and reveals her gigantic breasts which have "Loverboy" painted across the tops of them in hot pink.

Shane: That's right, XWF and CCWF! We've officially got TWO Universal Champions!

The rematch between you two just became that much more important, because when it happens, there will be ONLY ONE champion leaving the ring that night!

The fans roar their approval as both Trax and Loverboy stare each other down with Shane between them. A loud chant breaks out through the arena...

Fans: Thank you Shane! Thank you Shane!

Shane and Vinnie Lane slowly exit the ring and head toward the back as the fans continue cheering this ground breaking announcement. Worlds... or more appropriately, UNIVERSES will truly collide when Trax and Lane finally face off! Will there be anything left when it's all said and done?

Morbid Angel
Surprise Entrant = Bobby Zi!
Bjorn Felhammen
GGTX (God's Gift To XWF) = Dimallisher!
Reverend Tholomew Plague
- vs -
Christopher Isles
Robbie Bourbon
Alexander Aries
Mike Emerick
5 on 5, 1 fall
Double ring surrounded by a cage
HINT: This cage is completely wrapped in the barbs, hooks and talons of Christ; allowing for serious flesh wounds and blood loss to opponents if the right steps are taken!
Just outside of the cage, there appears to be a gateway or portal of some kind, which Shane is sitting next to in a throne made of the bones of exiled XWF stars of the past.

As Team Victory Forever II stands and waits for the match they speak not a word to each other. Bobby stands in the corner facing the wall in a self time-out as Bjorn slowly rubs his nipples while thrusting his hips to the sounds of no music what so ever!

Bobby Heenan: That man has issues, Ross.

Jim Ross: Every now and then there are times I have no choice but to agree with you, Brain. This is one of those times.

Morbid Angel walks towards the group, a little pale from being a zombie and all that, forced to wear clothes for the match. He put on a black Bikini bottom so small his dead and partially blood crusted testicle is falling out of the side. He is also wearing Peter Gilmours rotting cock around his neck.

Bobby Heenan: Then again, maybe Bjorn fits right in.

Jim Ross: We're 2 for 2, Brain. This truly is a strange night.

Morbid has something in his hand. Bjorn looks at Morbid and smiles like a snake! Morbid lunges, jamming his hand down the front of Bjorn's pants grabbing his manhood and using his other hand to jerk down his spandex bottoms revealing the cock and balls of a traitor!

Morbid Angel-"You sold us the fuck out!"

Bjorn-"No! I had nothing to do with it, I swear!"

Morbid Angel-"LIES!"

In one swift motion, Morbid Angel chops off Bjorn's cock and holds the 4 incher up for the entire team to see!

Jim Ross: By gawd! Look at the size of that thing!

Bobby Heenan: I can't even see anything. Is Morbid holding something in his hand?

Morbid Angel-"This is the second time there was a snake in my group! Last year it cost Harrison his life and this year it cost Bjorn his cock! YOU ARE ALL WARNED!"

Jim Ross: I think Morbid has lost whatever part of his mind he still had left.

Bobby Heenan: You think?

Morbid adds the 4 incher next to Peter Gilmours cock and walks off towards the ring!

There is a unified moment of silence shared throughout the audience for Bjorn's dick, but that literally lasts less than a second before the a.d.h.d most fans of the XWF seem to have, kicks in and they're all back to screaming for blood again. Luckily, that is a desire that will be fulfilled to a capacity that even these maniacs will enjoy. With a battle ground as horrific as the one everyone is standing in, the chances for carnage and mayhem not happening, just isn't possible!

Outside, Shane sits within his bone throne, watching and waiting for chaos to ensue. A sadistic smirk worn on his face as he nods as confirmation to the official to ring the bell and this frightening excuse for torture, masquerading as a match... begins.

Since everyone is within the double ring, this fight immediately turns into instant, ultra violence! With Abigail targeting Bjorn Felhammen with a series of roundhouse kicks that send the man spinning around like a human top! He's being pelted so damn much, he literally can't stop spinning from the repeated assault and blood is spraying out from where his cock used to be! Abigail is unphased by this... Her feet of fury keep him going until he crashes right into the wall of the cage, face first! Once this occurs, Abigail hits him from behind with a Spear, just to really push Bjorn into those barbs, hooks and talons of Christ! Blood pours out of his open wounds and he screams in agony as Abigail wrenches his neck back and delivers an epic Back to Belly Suplex. Bjorn Felhammen collides with the ring and Abigail is right after him, greeting his face with a series of stomps and kicks, furthering the already terrible damage that's been inflicted.

Bobby Heenan: Good grief, this isn't Bjorn's day!

Meanwhile, Reverend Tholomew Plague and Alexander Aries are trading blows. Plague catching Aries with a hard right, followed by a left hook and a Clothesline that puts Alexander, straight to the mat. Yet, not for long, as Aries quickly hops to his feet and charges at The Reverend. Tholomew Plague dodges to the side and grabs Alexander from behind, but Aries swings his elbow back and it smashes right into Plague's nose, immediately busting it wide open. Plague screams and his hands fly up to his injured nose as he backs up but Aries has no pity or remorse and he turns around with a mighty Uppercut that actually causes Plague to become airborne! Reverend Tholomew Plague soars up into the air and smashes into the wall of the cage. His back catching all the damage before he flops to the ring, only to be ripped up be the back of his hair by Aries, who delivers a devastating German Suplex!

Jim Ross: Aries almost just broke that poor kid in half with that devastating German!

Bobby Heenan: Good!

Morbid Angel is tending to matters with Mike Emerick as that goes on and Emerick is seeing the best... eh, worst of this situation. Angel pummeling Mike with rapid fire left and rights that turn Emmerick into a human punching bag, before Morbid winds up and delivers one "super punch" that also sends Mike flying up into the air!

Bobby Heenan: These guys must be really eating their spinach, what with all these mighty punches going around here.

Jim Ross: Yeah, or steroids in Morbid's case.

Bobby Heenan: He EATS steroids?

Jim Ross: ...

Anyway, Mike is sent in the air, only for Morbid to grab him by the ankles and twirl him around in a circle before tossing him, right off into the ropes! Ouch! Running after him like a speeding hate train, Morbid catches Mike against the ropes and presses him through them and straight on against the hooked cage wall as he starts screaming! Which is weird, because Emerick also starts screaming but for a different reason! However, the pain fuels him to kick Angel right in the nards! Morbid Angel falls to his knees and Mike cracks him with a Double Axe Handle that drops Angel to the mat!

But here comes Dim to the rescue! Running in with a Swinging Neckbreaker! Emerick goes down and Dim greets the man with an Elbow Drop to the face! From there, Dim jumps to his feet and drags Mike with him by the back of his head! Sending him straight back down shortly after with a Powerbomb! As this happens, Morbid Angel has climbed to the top of the turnbuckle. Standing at the top, like a mighty demon king of the mountain, Morbid Angel throws up some devil horns and reaches into his crusty undergarment. He fishes around and pulls out a...


Jim Ross: Oh my god! Can it be!?

Bobby Heenan: This hasn't happened in ages, what would possess this man to revert back to such a strange tactic now?

Jim Ross: It's War Games, bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone in the entire arena heard Jim Ross screaming that loud, completely uncharacteristically of himself with that comment. The brief moment of complete shock and silence turns into a wild outburst of cheering and hollering! Ross is blushing from getting so caught up in the moment but Heenan is laughing his ass off.

Back in the ring, the BANANAR is in full play! Morbid is diving off the top turnbuckle with it held high in the air! Like a tasty yellow spear of doom!

During this momentous occasion, Dim holds Mike's mouth open and Morbid lands, shoving the bananar right down into his mouth! Emerick gags and Morbid jams the fruit in further, screaming - "BANANAR!" at the top of his lungs while he's doing it! Mike flounders about like a fish out of water and thrashes around wildly but with the dynamic duo of Morbid and Dim working together, there's no chance here for him and soon the poor man is covered in mashed bananar, completely unconscious.

Which Dim soon rectifies by punching Mike in the stones and he shoots right up! Just to get punched in the face by Morbid Angel and then he goes, straight back down!

While this happens, Robbie Bourbon seems to be targeting Bobby Zi. Bourbon sweeps Bobby Zi's legs and grabs them, as if he's ready to swing. He swings Zi as hard as he can into the cage wall! Bobby Zi bursts open with blood! Bourbon slams him into the wall a second time! The cage swings wide open to the side of one of the rings! The fans are going nuts about this! Suddenly, Bjorn Felhammen runs up and hits Robbie with a double axe handle, causing him to break the leg hold on Bobby Zi. How that man got away from Abigail and is also able to still run, is anyone's guess. However, he doesn't run for long because Robbie grabs Bjorn by the head and throws him like a rag doll, into the wall of the cage!

Bjorn actually hits the wall with such a great force, that the hooks lodge into his body and they dig in deep enough, to cause him to stick there. In place and profusely bleeding, Bjorn yells in pain and Bourbon kicks him right in the missing dick hole!

Bobby Heenan: Oh, come on, Robbie. You don't kick a man while he's... uh, without his dick.

Another torture bellow from Bjorn and Robbie yanks the man off the cage, lifting Bjorn over his head and spinning around like a helicopter, before he throws Bjorn to an awaiting Side Kick from Abigail. Bjorn flops to the canvas a bloody mess and lays there, motionless.

Abigail admires her handiwork with a slight hint of what might be a smirk but she can't enjoy what she did for long, before Dim has her by the back of the neck! From there, Dim starts choking her while he punches her in the head, AT THE SAME TIME!. Abigail tries to ward him off by throwing elbows back, but to no avail. Eventually, she hangs limp in Dim's hand as he reaches down his pants and rubs his already swollen member. Oh my god! What is this sick bastard going to do? Dim shoves Abigail against the wall of the cage and the pain wakes her up, just in time to see...


He aims it like a knight wielding a javelin and looks like he's going to attempt to ram it right through Abigail's pants in order to violate her! That's how much faith he has in his throbbing man meat! He thinks it's strong enough to penetrate through clothes!

Bobby Heenan: Do it, Dim! Do it!

Jim Ross: You're sick, Brain! This ain't right!

But wait, Christopher Isles springs into action! Isles leaps in the air and and catches Dim with a Dropkick to the back of the head! Dim stumbles forward and Abigail hits him with a Spinning Back Kick to the jaw that sends the pervert teetering back. Right into a Russian Leg Sweep from Isles! Dim drops and Abigail makes her getaway.

Straight into a Clothesline from Bobby Zi!

Abigail cracks into the canvas and Bobby Zi is in pursuit. Mounting the magnificent maiden and serving up several shots to the face! Taking the hits like a champ, Abigail manages to swing her legs up behind Bobby's head and wrap them around his neck. Then with her mighty thigh power, she chokes him till he stops moving and throws him off her as she flips into the air. Somehow landing on her feet after all that while Bobby gets a face full of hooks! Impressive! And very painful. Zi tumbles to the canvas after that, a bloody mess.

As this goes down, Mike Emerick has gotten out of the huge brawl somehow and is climbing to the top of the cage! As he climbs up the structure the thorns of Christ penetrate his hands and wrists, causing him to wince and scream in pain, but he keeps on climbing! Everyone is too busy in the huge brawl below to notice.

Bobby Heenan: What is that idiot doing?

Jim Ross: I don't know, but whatever he's planning, something tells me it won't be good.

Bobby Heenan: I don't know what's going to get him first J.R, the altitude sickness he's going to get from climbing that high, or the blood loss he's getting from the thorns! It's like a waterfall of blood up there!

Finally Mike Emerick gets to the top of the cage. He looks very woozy from the bananar incident, but also has an deranged look in his eye. He looks right at Shane , screams "M. E!", and does a moonsault from the top of the cage, through an open hole in the cage roof, onto the pile of bodies below! He crashes into everyone, even the people on his own team, before finally landing on the ground with a sick *THUMP*!



Bobby Heenan: And to think J.R, this is only the opening match, and we might already have a contender for spot of the night!

Jim Ross: I agree Hennan, what a way to make your debut! But seeing that impact from the moonsault, Mike Emerick's first match might be his LAST match!

Back in the ring, everyone is down on the ground. Some of them are struggling to get to their feet, but Mike Emerick isn't moving at all. He is completely out of it from the combination of the blood loss and the fall from the cage. Medics arrive and get Emerick out of the cage, but as they put him on a stretcher and wheel him out, he puts his fist up in the air.

Bobby Hennan: Wow, even near death he's still a cocky bastard.

Jim Ross: It's amazing he still has strength to raise his hand! But let's go back to the action inside the cage.

Bobby Zi has actually climbed on TOP of the cage!

Jim Ross: Oh my! Bobby Zi is crazy! The former X-treme champion living up to his legacy!

Bobby Heenan: I don't know about that, Ross!

Robbie Bourbon climbs the ropes by the open side of the cage, and hoists himself up on top of it! Bobby Zi calls for Bourbon to bring it on, and Bourbon charges in with a clothesline! Bobby Zi counters with a drop toe hold, causing the whole cage to shake with fury as the weight of Bourbon came crashing down on top of it. Bourbon gets shredded up by the barbs on the ceiling! It begins to rain blood below Bourbon!

Bobby Heenan: Shove his fat ass through the opening, Bobby!

Bobby Zi continues to pound on the back of Bourbon's head! Robbie throws a back elbow knocking Bobby Zi off of him. He's almost gushing blood into the ring below as he makes his way painfully to his feet. Bobby Zi scrambles to his feet, narrowly dodging the barbs as he was knocked back! Bobby Zi comes in with a forearm smash, NO! Bourbon kicks him in the stomach! Robbie lifts him up, and the fans go wild as he ready a Robbiebomb! He hurls Zi down for maximum impact, and BOBBY ZI GOES CRASHING THROUGH THE CEILING OF THE CAGE TO THE RING BELOW!

During that, it seems that Dim has gotten back to his feet and is now rushing towards Chris with his bull cock out. And its STILL erect somehow!

Jim Ross: What the hell is that guy on? I need some of whatever it is.

Bobby Heenan: Have you been living under a rock? He's on that TBC. It's not a tool or an accessory... it's a pill you take!

Dim looks ready to penetrate like no penetration has ever been done before... BUT ISLES COUNTERS IT WITH A DROP TOE HOLD!


Chris sees Dim stuck inside the cage while he tires to force his abnormally large cock out of the cage. Chris takes advantage of this and tells Dustin to grab something to punish Dim. The manager nods and looks over the barricade for some sort of weapon.

Bobby Heenan: When the hell did Chris' manager get out here?

Jim Ross: Hold on, Brain, I'm on the phone with the TBC people.

Bobby Heenan: Order me a bottle too. I'll pay you back.

Dustin ends up grabbing something that we can't see before bringing it into the camera's view.


Dim's still too busy trying to pull his dick out as Dustin switches out the blade. The manager jumps up...




Jim Ross: You'd be screaming too, Brain!

Chris laughs at Dim's misery and slowly walks over to him. He grabs Dim by his hair and slams his face into the cage! He's out!

Paramedics start rushing over to him and attempt to figure out how to get his dick out of a thorny cage!

Yet, here comes Reverend Tholomew Plague with a Spinning Backfist right to the back of Isles' head! Chris crashes forward but retaliates with a Back Kick. Plague stumbles back as Isles gets to his feet. turning about quickly, he gets Tholomew with a Leg Drop followed by a Cross Face. But the Reverend grabs the ropes for a break. Isles rises and Tholomew Plague gets to his feet as well, the two trading rights and lefts until Chris serves a quick Headbutt. Plague stumbles back and Christopher sends him further with an Enziguri! He crashes into the ropes and Isles is after with a Spear! Tholomew is sent through the ropes and he slams into the cage wall covered in barbs, hooks and talons of Christ!

From there Isles grabs the back of Plague's head and grinds him into the cage, shredding his face and body open in several places. Chris then climbs up onto the ropes and lifts Tholomew with him. Pitching Tholomew up and over his own head, and casting Tholomew to the canvas before following him with a Moonsault! Isles connects with pin point accuracy and is back to his feet in seconds. Yanking Plague up with him, only to deliver - The Ides of March! (Double Arm DDT)

Christopher Isles covers Plague for the pin!

Jim Ross: Finally someone attempting a conventional pin here.


Bjorn staggers from wherever he's been laying and bleeding out profusely and rushes to break up the pin!

Bobby Heenan: Get in there, Bjorn!

Bjorn looks determined but Bourbon is right on top of the situation as he catches Bjorn by the throat...


Through the ring!


Jim Ross: The Chokeslam was delivered with so much force, Bjorn broke through the canvas and is now laying in a heap, unconscious, under the ring!


Team Isles pulls off this spectacular win as Christopher Isles raises his arms high in victory!

Jim Ross: They went through hell tonight but this outcome was well worth it! Kudos Team Isles! You did it!

Bobby Heenan: Uh oh! What the hell is Shane doing?

Shane who has been watching quietly the entire time from his throne, appears to be giving Abigail some sort of signal...

She grabs Robbie Bourbon from behind, using all of her strength to whip him into the side of the cage as those barbs and hooks penetrate his flesh! The cage is starting to raise slowly and Robbie is stuck to it!

Just before Isles or Aries can intervene, The Hired Gun slides into the ring with an industrial sized can of black spray paint and sprays Isles and Aries in the eyes. He kicks Aries in the groin to bring him down to his knees just in time for... BAM! Aries is caught from behind by a Boma Ye strong style knee strike from Goddess Sitre Renenet!

Jim Ross: Boma Ye! Boma Ye! Boma Ye!

Hired Gun spins Christopher Isles around and shoves him toward Abigail, who jumps onto his shoulders and spins around as if doing a head scissors take down, but with great strength or defying of gravity she swings back up and releases him with the momentum spinning Isles head over heels, allowing Abigail to catch him with a code breaker!

Bobby Heenan: One Way To Die! I'll never understand how she pulls that one off with such ease.

Shane applauds the efforts of Hired Gun, Abigail and Renenet as the cage continues to rise higher and higher. Shane points up at the cage... it looks like Robbie is about to fall from high above!

The fans scream as Robbie's weight pulls him free of the hooks and he falls straight down... into a code breaker from Abigail!

The fans go nuts!

Fans: Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!

The impact sent both of them crashing THROUGH the second ring after the first already had been destroyed by Robbie's choke slam earlier.

Hired Gun and Sitre use all their strength to pull Robbie up out of that hole, rolling him over onto the canvas as Abigail climbs out.

Bobby Heenan: How the heck isn't she squished like a bug?

Shane is rallying the fans who are loving every moment, and he leads them in a surprisingly loud CCWF chant!

Jim Ross: This is disgusting, Brain. These fans are straight out of Bizarro World.

Bobby Heenan: CCWF! CCWF! CCWF!

Jim Ross: Oh stop it.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

09-14-2015, 01:50 PM

I told ALL of you idiots ALL WEEK LONG that I was the champion. Trax and the rest of his little cronies all want to try and correct me, but look at what I've got around my rock hard waist... the greatest prize in professional wrestling, the CCWF/IWGP Universal Championship!

And all YOUR champion has is that worthless scrap metal the XWF bought at a flea market.

Look at the former champions like Morbid Angel, falling over his own ass and getting beat by a bunch of nobodies... THAT is why I'm too good for your title. THAT is why not a single one of you deserve to even grace the same ring as ME, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane!

Sit back and relax through the intermission known as Team Trax versus Team Eli, and you'll see yet another former "XWF Champion" get put out to pasture.

Then, when you're ready for it, I'll collect my royalty check to show up and take out holder of THREE DIFFERENT TITLES in your federation all at once.

You call yourselves champions... but you haven't seen a champion yet. You will.


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Mia Dim Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-14-2015, 02:20 PM

shut the fuck up u stupid queer , no one gives a shit about u or yer gay pride belt

im suin this fuckin company fer lettin that atheist isles handle my bull cock. peter give me the number to yer lawyer

[Image: image-146.png]
I hate people who look different
and if u dont like it then u can leave                                                                                   

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Mia Dim Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-14-2015, 02:25 PM

by the way in jesus name we pray-- my cock is fully healed and now bigger than ever

Dim pulls out his cock and strokes it to the heavens.

Because god loves me and hates

[Image: image-146.png]
I hate people who look different
and if u dont like it then u can leave                                                                                   

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Alexander Aries Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-14-2015, 04:26 PM

The sting in his eyes hasn't subsided much. Neither has the splitting headache brought on by the knee from the Goddess. In fact, he is legally blind at the moment. But this Assassin knows a sight beyond sight. He hears the footsteps as the come up beside him of none other than Steve Sayor. He sniffs the air.

"Steve Sayor, XWF Backstage Interviewer. Five feet ten inches tall, two hundred and fourth five pounds. Size nine men's shoe-" He sniffs the air again. "-and dude, that after shave is atrocious."

Sayor stood there quietly for a moment, rubbing his smooth chin. He had just shaved right before the show. Needless to say, The Assassin's senses were surprising though. He cleared his throat.

"Mister Aries, you're correct on all fronts. However, I am just here to congratulate you on Hardcore Force's win against Team Victory Forever II. Some consider this win a huge upset..."

"Really? Look chap, far as I'm concerned this match was a forgone conclusion of me being on the winnin' side. You know what though? Let's look past that free win. Let's look at these red peepers of mine an' those cock jockies who caused em'. The CCWF. The CCWF-" spits up blood on the floor. "-weren't a group I even had on my radar. Sure, I knew Abby was one of em' and I knew to expect somethin' like this."

"So do you have any plans as it pertains to the CCWF Competitors? You must have vengeance on your mind at this point."

He sat there for a moment, then started slowly shaking his head, a smile forming on his face. "An assassin's target never truly knows they are a target until they take their dyin' breath."

[Image: Vct9GC9.jpg]
Win-Loss: 5-0
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-14-2015, 07:04 PM

one way or another u both will lose to me!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Mike Emerick Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

09-15-2015, 07:18 AM

Backstage in the Medical Area we see Mike Emerick. He looks to be in bad shape, with bandages all over his arms and wrists and stiches on his face. He also is attached to a blood pack due to all the blood he lost during the match. He also looks very, VERY, pissed off, looking down at the floor while using his bloodstained towel to wipe the blood from his face, muttering curses to himself. Suddenly XWF's Official Interviewer, Steve Sayors, enters into the room. He looks at Mike Emerick in shock for a bit, then gets right back to business, turning to the camera and saying,

"Hello XWF universe it's me, Steve Sayors, and I'm here backstage with a man who truly put himself through hell tonight, Mike Emerick. Care if I ask you a few questions Mike?"

Mike Emerick looks up, he then responds in a way that shows he's holding something back, "Sure, got nothing better to do here besides get my blood replenished,"

"Thank you Mike, so please tell me, what made you preform that moonsault off the cage?"

Suddenly Mike Emerick grabs the mike from Sayors, "Sorry Steve, but I got something to say! Shane , I should have known you where a dickless coward, heck, your even more dickless then Bijorn is at the moment! It seems like you we're trying to send a message to the XWF universe, the only message I got is that the CCWF are a bunch of pussies! I don't care about Isles or Aries, but what you did to Rob is what's getting you on M.E's bad side! Good job beating up The Man of The People, after he was just in a hellacious cage match! You attacked a man who was probably almost dead already, wow, you're SOOOO tough! First Fortanna and now Robbie Bourbon, It seems you think the Dangerous Alliance is a threat, and you're trying to take us out one by one. And you know what Shane? You're right. We ARE a threat, it's in our goddamn name, but if you think we're just going to take what you did to Rob or Fortanna lying down, you're more then Scully and Dim combined! You want a war? You got it! Hired Gun, not sure how you survived your neck being broken, maybe you're a zombie like Morbid Angel. I hope you're enjoying your life so far, because the Dangerous Alliance will bring it to an end! Goddess and Abigail, I believe in equal opportunity, a woman should get the chance to do as well as a man, BUT I also believe that if a woman believes in that they should be willing to take the same hits a man would! Abigail, I should have taken you out in that cage when I had the chance, and I don't mean on a date, but don't think for a second you or Goddess are safe! Finally we have the holder of the CCWF/IWGP Universal Championship, "Loserboy" Vinnie Lane! Wow, what a long name for a fake title, are you trying to make up for something? I know you sat backstage, injected some Heroin into your arm, and laughed while your cronies beat up people who were already beaten up like a pack of hyenas on a wounded lion! Well guess what, you might have something with Trax right now, but you also got something with M.E! If you have any balls, put your title on the line against M.E and I'll beat your Van Halen wannabe ass and throw that title in the dumpster where it belongs! When? Anytime, anywhere Vinnie! Name the date and I'll kick your ass on it, Unless you're going to chicken out like Game Girl did! So in short, CCWF stands for Cunty Crap-eating Weak Fuckers, and they will be destroyed by M............ wait for it............ E AND the Dangerous Alliance! That's all,"

He forcefully hands the mike back to Sayors, "Well.....Mike Emerick everyone!" Sayors then quickly walks out of the room. Mike Emerick then makes sure his blood pack is still attached and continues mumbling curses to himself.

The end is nigh

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Mia Dim Offline

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

09-15-2015, 02:03 PM

What a

[Image: image-146.png]
I hate people who look different
and if u dont like it then u can leave                                                                                   

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Mike Emerick Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

09-15-2015, 10:06 PM

(09-15-2015, 02:03 PM)Dim The Professer of Insanety Said: What a

"Takes one to know one Dim, you truly live up to your name! Now shut the fuck up before you end up like Bijorn and get your joke of a cock ripped off by M.E,"

The end is nigh

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