Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII
CCWF Goddess
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08-29-2015, 05:09 PM
(08-29-2015, 03:14 PM)"Mr FN Dominance Said: (08-29-2015, 01:08 PM)Goddess Sitre Renenet VIII Said: (08-29-2015, 11:26 AM)"Mr FN Dominance Said: Oh shit you got me, I walk around with a hot female valet to hide my homosexual tendancies
"Thank you for your honesty. I know it's honesty because you're just too dense to know what sarcasm is." ~playful wink and kiss~ "And by the way you might want to be careful what you wish for when you call out my name in your promos because you've got a lot of cleaning up to do of your, ehem, 'trax talking' before you're ready for someone like me, you adorable play toy. Pretty sure I'll leave your lips needing crutches by the time I'm done shoving your stupidity right back down your throat with the most graceful of ease. Byyye!"
Accuses me of being dense because you think I fail at detecting sarcasm when in actuality I can pick up on it just fine, thus ironically revealing themselves to be the dense one by failing to detect my flippancy. Splendid. I don't do anything without careful consideration Ms Revenant, and upon such consideration, I'd say you've got a bit more "cleaning up" to do in the under card division before you can step up and be ready for me, so enjoy beating up two no names in a filler match. I look forward to beating you and Abigail somewhere down the line with a, as of yet unknown, future partner to retain the tag titles I'll be prior retaining this upcoming Monday.
~Deep breath~ "Hun, let me explain a couple things to you just this once but don't expect me to keep coddling you after this, mmkay?"
"First, I very obviously stripped the rest of your 'flippant homosexual tendencies' saying out just so I could mess around with you; how was that not obvious? And that easily you're running through a maze like a rat thinking you know where the exit is? I wasn't saying you failed only to detect sarcasm; I was playfully implying that you're incapable of understanding its meaning entirely, thus your homosexual tendencies remark must be true, because there was no way you could be delivering sarcasm in that line if you don't know what it is! Sheesh." ~motioning to calm down~ "But don't worry. Again, I was just playing with you anyway. You know, as in joking around? Since that's what you are? Hi." ~waves vigorously~ "Redundancy seems to be a requirement when addressing you because it's like your mind falls asleep every couple seconds and misses a few words. Oh and hey, redundancy seems to be a requirement when addressing you because it's like your mind falls asleep every couple seconds and misses a few words. You're going to be so much fun to work when we do face off."
"Now, as far as all your 'careful consideration' goes, do you regularly pronounce my last name incorrectly because it's intended to be an insult or just because you're an imbecile?" ~rolls eyes~ "Hint: I'm not literally asking you to answer that with some predictable contradiction about how I don't matter enough to know my name even though I matter enough to be mentioned in your promos on a regular basis; I'm just letting you know you're an imbecile but you'll still likely answer it because, well, you're an imbecile… Imbecile."
"Carefully consider this, however - Here you are; a man who has to tell other people he's the best talker around on a regular basis and… wait, you know what? I'll expand on what that truly reveals about you and oh so much more when and where it counts - yet another thing you have yet to learn, bright eyed one. You and I will find our names across from each other soon, Trax, even if you do manage to lose those tag titles. Flippancy? Please, try flagrancy, or I guess if I want to be nice; piquancy, because I can tell you're going to be delicious, and I'm going to sink my teeth in and savor every moment once you earn your way onto my plate." ~bubbly laughter and sparkling white teeth through that smile~ "Now hurry up and grab that sleeping mind line I used twice - prove to me you heard it once."
Bjorn Felhammen
Merrily merciless.
XWF FanBase: Kids, women, some teens (fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)
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08-29-2015, 05:16 PM
(08-29-2015, 04:58 PM)Maverick Said: (08-29-2015, 04:52 PM)Bjorn Felhammen Said: This brings even more laughter in my gut. To garner assistance in bringing down a woman, Ha. No amount of liquid bliss will deter these moments from my memory.
He fills his cup and orders a stagehand to pour one for everyone.
"Rather presumptuous of you to think less of a group who needs to band together to bring down a woman, especially since said woman holds a championship, and is currently undefeated."
Maverick takes a large swig of the blöd he had filled earlier in the day.
Be that as it may friend, but if his skills were as he said they were, than why bother stooping to the depths of cowardice. I'd like to see him be a man of his word and not one of desperation. Seeings how he jumped at the opportunity, he doubts whether or not his abilities can hang. *hic*Oh my, where did that come from? Any who, hand over that bottle of blöd, it mixes well with the stout I've brougt with me. Here, have a taste.
He hands his mug of stout ale to Maverick.
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.
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08-29-2015, 05:22 PM
Mav quickly shook his head at TJ Wallace. . . but he did have a point. Heading into a match with a hangover, like his father- err, mind- father said, a hangover would basically equal an insta- loss. He looks back at Bjorn and hands him the blöd.
"Going to have to respectfully decline that offer for the ale. I've drank too much already."
1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
Bjorn Felhammen
Merrily merciless.
XWF FanBase: Kids, women, some teens (fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)
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08-29-2015, 05:23 PM
A Samarkandian, what a surprise. Come drink and enjoy the show.
Bjorn Felhammen
Merrily merciless.
XWF FanBase: Kids, women, some teens (fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)
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08-29-2015, 05:30 PM
More for me then.
With a hearty smile he turns his attention toward Godess Renenent. With his speech showings of impairment, he manages to muster up a collected, yet slurry sentence.
HEY Goddess Tenement, wrest your attention away from that man, and come rest yourself on my lap.
Mike Emerick
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08-29-2015, 09:54 PM
"Hello again you idiots! I've just come back to ask one question, where's Game Girl? Many hours ago I called her out and in that time met a bunch of you pathetic excuses for wrestlers, joined the Dangerous Alliance, and even challenged for the 24/7 title, but their has been still no response from Bit-Bitch herself! If this isn't proof that Game Girl is just an coward without her game powers and knows she can't wrestle a normal match to save her life, then I don't know what is! She is SCARED of M.E, and she's the Intercontinental Champion! If I'm wrong about your lack of courage Paige, then step up and say something about it! Mark my words Game Girl, you WILL see that it's all about M............ wait for it................ E!"
The end is nigh
Bjorn Felhammen
Merrily merciless.
XWF FanBase: Kids, women, some teens (fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)
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08-30-2015, 08:01 AM
There's a shark that goes around playing games and hacking people to death?
Ooc: Gold finger for ps1 was better
TJ Wallace
Trusting gets you killed.
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)
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08-30-2015, 08:35 AM
(08-29-2015, 09:54 PM)Mike Emerick Said: "Hello again you idiots! I've just come back to ask one question, where's Game Girl? Many hours ago I called her out and in that time met a bunch of you pathetic excuses for wrestlers, joined the Dangerous Alliance, and even challenged for the 24/7 title, but their has been still no response from Bit-Bitch herself! If this isn't proof that Game Girl is just an coward without her game powers and knows she can't wrestle a normal match to save her life, then I don't know what is! She is SCARED of M.E, and she's the Intercontinental Champion! If I'm wrong about your lack of courage Paige, then step up and say something about it! Mark my words Game Girl, you WILL see that it's all about M............ wait for it................ E!"
"Will you please shut the fuck up? Fuck man, that shit is annoying.."
"I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity." - Nadezhda Mandelstam
Mike Emerick
XWF FanBase: Teens, some men, few kids (booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)
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08-30-2015, 09:59 AM
(08-30-2015, 09:11 AM)Lux Lyden Said: "That's common. You'll realize that trying to pick a fight here, is about as likely as TJ Wallace doing something relevant. I've been employed with this company for over a month now and I haven't seen it happen. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume, it's never happened within his whole career here either. I mean look at him. He's clearly the guy they bring out every couple of months to toss to their supposed 'top' talents. His 'job' is to lose and enforce the lie that they're superior, when beating him would be like slapping around a special needs child, with no limbs. This is why he, himself finds it annoying that you're actually trying to set up a match. He's been beaten into this mindset that, that simply isn't how things are done around here and to challenge it, is both wrong and strange. My advice to you. Have fun with it and don't give up. I held onto a piece of fruit and they still want to take that as face value!"
The only reason I'm calling out Game Girl is because she says she can beat M.E and yet hasn't set up a date for our match, hasn't had the decency to ask me about having a match, and she hasn't even told me to fuck off about MY CHALLENGE. I'm only going to stop talking when etier she accepts or finally admits she doesn't want to risk losing to M.E. Thank you for your support Lux, but if anyone wants M.E to stop barking up Bit-Bitch's tree, they're going to have to make M.E stop! I'm going to bring a wave of change to XWF and show you all its all about M......................... Suck it TJ..................... E!
The end is nigh