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05-17-2013, 07:09 AM
Wallace Witasick, I have a challenge for you. I'll end my strike at High Stakes if you pick any opponent to face me. If I win, I get the money you owe me that you threw away, quadrupled to equal $1,000,000. I also get you, alone and handcuffed on the following Wednesday Warfare. If you win, you get the girl. This will be no ordinary match, however. On one corner will be a pole and on that pole will be a key. Next to the ring will be a cage that is unlocked using thy key. Inside holds your...my daughter, Lacey Witasick. Whoever gets her first, wins. That's my proposal. Eric Rex vs. an opponent of your choice in a Daughter on a Pole Match. I mean, what higher stakes are there than a child's future?
Sebastian Duke
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05-17-2013, 07:18 AM
Just for the record, I'd almost be willing to put up the million myself. Someone does need to slap that bitch Wallace Witasick back down to Earth.
However, you should change it to a Wallace Witasick on a Pole Match. I'm sure he'd love to physically sit on top of a pole.
Win or lose, Eric Rex, get your hands on that asshole. Beat that bitch down. By the way, why worry about the million, when you could have 10,000,000 in cold hard untraceable cash?
Eric Rex, you are the first to the plate. Take down Wallace Witasick, and that money is yours.
I don't know about you, Eric, but I am exhausted from our match Wednesday Night.
Wallace Witasick
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05-17-2013, 08:27 AM
It's funny how both of you actually think I care if you wrestle or not? It's the two of you who look like fools and disappoint the XWF fans. Not me. I also find it hilarious how many insane stories you like to come up with to try and threaten me?
Those terms are horrendous because all they do is favor you. If it were my daughter and I already abandoned her then what makes you think I would want her back now? You really are stupid...
This is the XWF and not the Maury Povich show like you may like pretending to be a part of.
As far as I'm concerned your paycheck is gone so whether you wrestle on my show or not is out of my realm of caring. I have thousands of wrestlers eager to work for pennies and triscuits just to stand in an XWF ring.
Do whatever you want.
Talk all the nonsense you want.
But you'll never get me in the ring.
Challenge denied because the terms are ridiculous and don't favor me in the slightest.
Fact is; you chickened out of the match because you knew you couldn't beat Duke and that's all there is to it.
I'm done wasting my time with these two rejects, so you two can keep badgering over this subject, but I have more important things to deal with than fantasy land where Eric Rex lives.
Not only that, but nobody wants to wrestle you anyways. Who would want to show up for a PPV and have their opponent chicken out of a match?
The only thing you both have successfully done is ruin your own reputations.
Don't go down to the woods tonight.
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05-17-2013, 08:48 AM
I told you, I don't work for free. You want the deal sweetened before you stop being a coward? I lose, I work the next 5 years, for you personally, with no pay, and you get me and Sal, cuffed, in the middle of the ring on Wednesday.
Don't go down to the woods tonight.
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05-17-2013, 08:54 AM
Lacey says she really wants to meet you, by the way.
Sebastian Duke
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05-17-2013, 09:20 AM
I can't disagree with one point you made, Wallace. Eric Rex probably was afraid to face me. I mean, could you blame him?
Let that not distract us all from the real goal.
Cleansing the XWF of the scum that is Wallace Witasick. Whether its Rex, myself, or someone else, I don't give a shit. As long as you get your walking papers.
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05-17-2013, 09:36 AM
Honestly, I still wouldn't accept. If she was, and I'm not saying she is, your illegitimate daughter, then why would he put so much other than her, he is very desperate.
Wallace Witasick
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05-17-2013, 09:36 AM
(05-17-2013, 08:48 AM)EricRex Said: I told you, I don't work for free. You want the deal sweetened before you stop being a coward? I lose, I work the next 5 years, for you personally, with no pay, and you get me and Sal, cuffed, in the middle of the ring on Wednesday.
REX -- Don't care if you don't wrestle, you are a nuisance anyways.
Don't care about sweetening the deal. You working for me for five straight years sounds more like a punishment to me anyways. How about you just get an opponent for High Stakes and prove your worth by winning the match. Instead of resulting to childish antics like you and your flea bag lawyer are known for. This is WRESTLING not REALITY TV!
Don't care if you call me a coward. I'm not some ruthless hooligan gladiator like many of you think you are. I'm an intellectual business man, name calling and threats don't phase me because I'm smarter than some testosterone fueled gorilla.
DUKE -- Where do I even start? The copycat champion himself. Congratulations on reiterating the same story I did a few weeks ago? You must have been taking a nap in the locker rooms like your usual lazy self when I put a hit out on Shane  or are you really that stupid and stale for promo cutting abilities lately that you thought you had to copy me?
This is why you are not only an unworthy champion but a boring one at that. The reason why KnightMask must become the new champion is simple. Everyone is bored of Sebastian's monotonous and copycat drivel. Get your own ideas Duke, quit stealing mine...
Jason E Smith
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05-17-2013, 11:45 AM
Mr Witasick, your making so many enemies and its easy to tell you will make more
Wallace Witasick
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05-17-2013, 11:55 AM
(05-17-2013, 11:45 AM)Jason E Smith Said: Mr Witasick, your making so many enemies and its easy to tell you will make more
You say that like I came into this business to make friends... HA!
Maybe you, Duke, Rex, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler, and Ross can all sing campfire songs and play duck, duck, goose in the middle of the ring next week on Warfare?
I came in to the XWF for the power and the money, and I got it all girls... I got it all...
Sebastian Duke
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05-17-2013, 01:04 PM
The thing is, people fear the Black Circle. Any move on its leader and I assure you, there would be hell to pay. Not only for the man responsible for causing pain to Shane , but also Wallace Witasick for ordering the hit.
Yes, they all fear the Black Circle. They all fear what might happen to them if they'd try. No one fears you, Witasick. NOBODY! Not now, not ever. There will be plenty more folks willing to try their hand at taking you out, then Shane .
Lazy champion? Damn right! When I first got wind of your desire to steal my title, I decided I'd only do the bare minimum. I'm only going to defend when contractually obligated to do so! Why? Because I can. And there is not one God damned thing you can do about it!
Think about it, Double U, why would I intentionally put myself into more situations to risk losing my title? The more chances I give you, the better the odds are that you'll actually come up with a plan that'll work.
Sorry. Not today. Not tomorrow. Look at my contract Witasick! See those championship clauses on minimum monthly title defenses? Yeah.
Where did you get your business degree? University of Phoenix online?
Peter Fn Gilmour
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05-17-2013, 01:58 PM
Jut fire him wally.
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Sebastian Duke
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05-17-2013, 02:49 PM
HA! It'd be a blessing! Yeah! Fire me, Wally!
Peter Fn Gilmour
the man with the SUPER DICK
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05-17-2013, 05:53 PM
Not u duke I meant Rex
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Sebastian Duke
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05-17-2013, 08:53 PM
Hmmm. Maybe you should have made that more clear, Gilmour! Anyhow, still. Fire me.
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05-18-2013, 07:33 AM
Tell you what Eric. Face me in a match. I win, you cut out this crap with Wallace. You win, I won't kick your ass every chance I get, so basically, I leave you alone. You up to the challenge, or are you nothing but a mercenary's b****. Your choice.
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MrVyper (05-18-2013), Wallace Witasick (05-18-2013)
Don't go down to the woods tonight.
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05-18-2013, 08:38 PM
For fuck's sake, Rick. How many times do I have to drop you on your neck?
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05-19-2013, 07:23 AM
It might take a hundred times, why don't you keep trying