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Monday Night Madness 12.08.2014
Author Message
Kirk MacClay Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-09-2014, 01:12 AM

[Image: J4ZYCXe.jpg]

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December 8, 2014
Verizon Arena
Little Rock, AR

Duncan B. Deadly
- VS -
Tommy Wish
Dog Collar Match

Frodo Smackins
- VS -
Joey Hawkins & Ferrari Punk
Handicap Match, One Fall

#1 Contender's Match for Television Championship
- VS -
Ghost Tank
Casket Match

Justin Sane
- VS -
'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane
Singles Match, One Fall

Television Championship
'The Aerial Knight' Johnathan Heartsford ©
- VS -
Singles Match, One Fall
As per Television Championship rules,
The Champion may post two RPs a day.
The Challenger may only post one RP a day.

Pyro! Ballyhoo! MADNESS is live before a hellacious audience!

JOEY STYLES: Welcome to MONDAY NIGHT MADNESS! I am your commentator for the evening, Joey Styles! You may remember me from ECW, but I’ve been in the XWF for a while now. Tonight we have an excellent card for you wit-

JOEY STYLES: Well it looks like we’re going to start things off with none other than our newest Madness GM! Kirk MacClay! Oh, well I guess it’s Mr. MacClay now. I better get used to that…

Strutting and jiving down to the ring is the pudgy General Manager, Kirk MacClay. Walking behind him, keeping his eyes straight ahead and moving like a walking plank, is his associate, Benjamin Fieldler. Mr. Fieldler is carrying a clipboard. The two men step up into the ring and have microphones in their hands.

Wwwwwelcome to Monday Night MADNESS! This here is Fieldler and I’m Mr. MacClay. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a new sheriff in town and his name isn’t Ozymanblowus, Paul E. Hymen, Jeff Fuckfield, or Miranda Titses. You know what? It’s time to change some shit around here. As you know, I got rid of that useless ring announcer last week. Now, it’s time to bring out Monday Night Madness’ newest ring announcer… JUSTIN ROBERTS!

JOEY STYLES: Whoa! He just left the WWE! XWF just swiped up Justin Roberts!

The handsome and friendly Justin Roberts comes out of the curtains and walks down the ramp. Mr. Roberts climbs the stairs and enters the ring as the crowd cheers him on.

Now, Mr. Roberts. I want this audience to hear your smooth vocals. Please, as your first assignment, announce my name.

Mr. MacClay slaps Fieldler on the back who looks at him with shock. MacClay urges him on and Fieldler hands his mic over to Justin Roberts. Justin Roberts clears his throat.

Intrrrrrrrrroducing THE SOLE General Manager of Monday Night Maaaaaadness! Mrrrrrrrrrrrrr. MacClayyyyyyyy!

Mr. MacClay snaps his fingers and laughs.

Now that’s an introduction! Thank you, Justin Roberts.

Justin Roberts hands the mic to Benjamin and exits the ring to ringside.

Now, let’s get down to business. What’s on tap for tonight, Fieldler?

Well we have a title match between Knight and-

Ohhhh it doesn’t matter who he’s against. The Aerial Knight. Sounds like a goddamn super hero! Our fearless champion! The savior of the mundane! The Aerial Knight! What else do we have?

Well we also have the big Casket match between Sc-


Uh… okay. There also is a match between ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane and-

‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane! You know that’s a lad that hasn’t gotten what he rightfully deserves. Here he is busting his ass week after week after week. What does he get? Has he gotten a title match? Hell no. Oh no he did get some tag team opportunities. He’s a goddamn singles talent and he’s being wasted in partnerships! Hell no, no more. ‘Loverboy,’ Knight. Come on out.

Aerial Knight walks down to the ring and climbs in smiling as he pats his title belt. Loverboy is out next and looks pumped up to be out in front of the audience. The two wrestlers look at each other with a little confusion before focusing on MacClay.

Loverboy. Would you say that you’ve been… overstepped when it comes to title matches?

Yes I would.

Now, would you say that you feel as if you’re on par to fight Theo Pryce… for the Universal Championship?

The crowd erupts!

No, I wouldn’t MacClay.


Nope. I’d say I’m ABOVE PAR to fight that grease-monkey!

The crowd erupts even louder this time! MacClay laughs to himself and nudges Fieldler in the ribs with his elbow. He points at Loverboy with a smirk on his face.

Very good, Loverboy. You see… I see good things for you two. With me by your side, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish. You see? I’m tired of seeing talented wrestlers get nothing for hard work. So Knight, I wanted you to be the inaugural TV Champion under the new rulings. Because you fucking deserve it. Loverboy, you deserve something too. I’m going to line you up to be the NEXT Universal Champion. Why? Because you fucking deserve it. Now boys? Let’s go watch the show from my office.

MacClay’s theme song hits and the four men exit the ring and head up the ramp. MacClay is the last to leave. He turns around and smirks before leaving.

"Burn Your House Brown" by The Cardiacs plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Atlantis and weighing in at 285 lbs.... DUNCAN B. DEADLY!

Duncan B. Deadly emerges from the curtains and slowly moves towards the ring with an intimidating aura. He enters the ring and looks poised to compete.

"Mos Def & Prefuse 73" by Wylin Out plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Brooklyn, New York and weighing in at 299 lbs... TOMMY WISH!

He walks through the crowd and enters the ring. He stands on the turnbuckle to pose to the fans and gets down from it and waits for his opponent to enter.

Duncan B. Deadly
- VS -
Tommy Wish
Dog Collar Match

The referee wraps the collars around each man's throat and pushes them over to the corners of the ring. The chain snaps upwards when the two can't spread apart any further and the ref calls for the bell. They start by tugging on the chain, trying to pull the other off their feet and it's the bigger Tommy that gets Duncan down on the mat! Duncan falls to his knees and slides over to Tommy's corner. Tommy steps to the fallen Duncan and lays in a couple of stomps on his shoulders. Duncan powers up to his knees and tugs hard at the chain, knocking Tommy off his feet as well. With the two men now on their knees, they exchange fists, lefts and rights each knocking the other around. Then, Tommy blocks a left and hits a headbutt that knocks Duncan off balance but he puts his arm out to keep himself on equal footing. He comes back with a wild but huge elbow that clocks Tommy right in the jaw, spinning him around and knocking him onto his side. Duncan pushes himself up to his feet before coming in with a big kick to the ribs that clocks Tommy in the ribs! Tommy rolls over, and keeps on rolling until he slides out of the ring. Duncan comes along for the ride, catching himself on the bottom rope.

Tommy gets up to his feet and tugs hard on Duncan's legs, but he isn't budging! Duncan kicks Tommy in the shoulder, shoving him off and onto his ass. Tommy tugs hard on the chain and Duncan allows himself to be pulled, landing on his feet and rushing over to pull Tommy up to his feet. He whips Tommy into the steel steps and follows it ups with a running dropkick that flattens Tommy between the two. The air is knocked right out of his lungs. Duncan peels Tommy's body up to his feet and gives him a big flapjack onto the steel steps! Tommy spits out blood across the step and falls over onto his side. Duncan pulls Tommy up once more and slides him into the ring before stepping up the steps and dropping a leg across his opponent's throat!

Or nah! Tommy slides into the ring and Duncan lands ass first on the apron. He clutches his ass and falls over outside of the ring. Tommy tries with all his might and pulls on the chain, hoping to drag Duncan back into the ring. He gets Duncan up to his knees. He lets out a breath that splatters droplets of blood on the mat and slides the back of Duncan's head onto the apron. Duncan lurches forward and pulls Tommy face first into the bottom rope! Tommy's head snaps back and then forward, onto the mat as Duncan slides into the ring under the bottom rope. He pulls Tommy up and...

The Eye in the Pyramid (Cradle Piledriver)!

He goes for the pin!




JUSTIN ROBERTS: And the winnerrrrr issssssss..... DUNCAN B. DEADLY!

"Untouchable" by YtCracker plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following contest is a handicap match for one fall. Introducing first from Clawson, Michigan and weighing in at 150 lbs... FRODO SMACKINS!

Frodo walks down to the ring accompanied by his two kids, Joseph-Gordon, and Katie, and managers Crack, and Mrs. Frodo Smackins, Sarah. As Frodo walks down he waves at the crowd as if he were royalty. Once in the ring he removes his hoodie, hands it to Katie and climbs the turnbuckles pumping the crowd up.They seem unimpressed, so Katie just shoots them a smile.

"Believe Me" by Lil Wayne plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Henderson, Nevada and weighing in at 257 lbs... JOEY HAWKINS!

Joey Hawkins walks slowly to the ring, throws his hat into the audience. Once in ring, he climbs the turnbuckle and flexes his arm muscles.

"Lifestyle" by Young Thug plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing his tag team partner from Bakersfield, California and weighing in at 150 lbs... FERRARI PUNK!

Ferrari Punk pulls in with a beautiful red Ferrari Italia 458. He gets out of his Ferrari, takes off his shirt, and charges to the ring.

Frodo Smackins
- VS -
Joey Hawkins & Ferrari Punk
Handicap Match, One Fall

The bell rings and Frodo immediately runs passed Hawkins and kicks Ferrari Punk in the stomach, knocking him off the apron. Hawkins grabs a hold of Frodo from behind and suplexes him backwards. Frodo lands on his head and Hawkins goes for a quick cover...


Twaaaaa Kickout by Frodo!

Frodo gets up and jumps high into the air to kick Hawkins across the head. Frodo drops down and begins laying punches into Hawkins as Ferrari Punk jumps into the ring and attacks him! The official in the match stops Punk from doing too much damage and forces him back out of the ring. Frodo gets up from straddling Hawkins and drags him up as well, Irish whips him into the ropes, Hawkins recovers and grabs ahold of the top rope... He takes a few steps forward and clotheslines Frodo down to the mat! He tags in Ferrari Punk!

Punk climbs into the ring and grabs Frodo by the back of the head. He picks Frodo up and slams him down to the mat and follows up with a big jumping elbow drop! He raises back up to his feet and drops another! Punk raises up and picks Frodo up by the head. Frodo begins to fight back with a couple of punches to the gut, but punk puts a stop to it with an elbow to the top of Frodo's head! Frodo doesn't seem stunned by it. He shakes his head 'No!' as Punk delivers another one! Punk gives up and tags Hawkins back in the match, Hawkins looks confused by the action, but is then drug into the ring by Frodo! As Ferrari Punk goes to leave, Frodo grabs him by the back of his pants and pulls him back into the ring. The three men look at each other for a moment.

As the two men go after Frodo, he does a half split and grabs both men by the balls. As Hawkins and Punk are stunned for a moment, they gather their senses and both wind up for a big punch on Frodo's face. Frodo manages to duck, and hits Hawkins with the Shayoukin out of nowhere! Hawkins flies back into the air and lands on his back! Punk grabs Frodo in mid air after delivering the deadly uppercut and throws Frodo aside with a big belly to back suplex! The official is irate that Punk is still in the ring and shoo's him away! Punk slowly goes to leave the ring and is stopped again by Frodo! The official doesn't know what to do! Frodo throws punk into the turnbuckles and races behind him, steps up the turnbuckle, and grabs Punk by the throat! He hits him with the BRB! Both Hawkins and Punk are laid out in the ring and Frodo remains standing alone over both of them. He covers Hawkins!!



Hawkins kicks out at the last second!! Frodo springs up and begins running circles around the ring. Hawkins is on his hands and knees watching him while Ferrari Punk is still downed from the big top rope chokeslam. Hawkins gets to his feet and starts watching Frodo makes large circles around him and his partner. Frodo stops dead and Hawkins too. Hawkins moves in to tie up with Frodo but gets kicked in the nuts and drops to his knees! Frodo springs off the ropes and hits the Shining Wizard on Hawkins! He goes for the cover!!!



Punk stops the count!!! As he grabs Frodo by the head, Frodo swings it away and headbutts Punk right in the nose! He kicks him in the junk as well and sets him up for a powerbomb!!! Frodo picks Punk up and slams him down with a powerbomb on top of Hawkins! Frodo sits on Punk and places a foot on Hawkins pinning both men!




JUSTIN ROBERTS: And the winnerrrrr issss.... FRODO SMACKINS!

Kirk MacClay, Benjamin Fieldler, ‘Loverboy’ Vinnie Lane, Roxy, Aerial Knight, and Cambot are sitting/flying in MacClay’s spacious office laughing as the previous match has concluded. Well, all of them except Loverboy and Roxy. They look bored with the Frodo match.

That little guy has something. What that something is, I have no idea. ‘Loverboy’ are you not a fan of his?

Uh no. To say the least. That little troll has been injecting himself into far too many of my fights.

Well we’ll have to put an end to that now won’t we? Roxy, baby darling. Whoa! What a nice ring you have there. Some blonde haired chick give it to you?

Loverboy reaches over and slugs Kirk on the shoulder. They all laugh.

Knight! You shithead come have a seat.

Fieldler who is sitting next to him looks at him in confusion. Kirk grabs Ben by the collar and flings him up. Knight walks over and plops down next to Kirk. Kirk slaps him on the knee.

I hope you’re ready to kick some ass tonight, Johnny. I want to see you kick that pretender’s ass!

Not a doubt in my mind, Mr. MacClay.

Oh pish posh. Aren’t we friends, Johnny? You can call me Kirk.

But Kirk you ne-

Fieldler, my name is Mr. MacClay. Got that fucking straight?

…yes sir.

Benjamin begins walking for the door.

Where the hell do you think you’re going, Fieldler?

To the bathroom sir?

Loverboy stands up and walks to the door as well.

Yeah I actually have to go take a Justin Sane.

Wait you’re going to fucking bathroom together? Fucking women…

He laughs as they leave the room.

So Roxy, got any friends that like balding rich men?

He smirks at her as she seems uncomfortable. A loud rapping on the door breaks their silence. MacClay yells…

Come on in!

A stagehand enters the room wearing a headset.

Hello, Mr. MacClay. You have a delivery here.

From who?

I’m not sure sir. They just told me to deliver it to you.

MacClay takes the gift which is a bottle with a note that reads, “Drink up, Mr. GM.” MacClay chuckles and raises the bottle!

Now Loverboy knows what I like!

MacClay opens the top, sniffs it, sighs in happiness, and takes a swig! He makes a face and bellows out before taking another swig.

Now that’s a drink!

The camera changes back to the ring.

"The End Scully Has Spoken" by Scully plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following contest is a CASKET MATCH! Introducing first from Birmingham, England and weighing in at 225 lbs... SCULLY!

The arenas lights go red and "The End Scully Has Spoken" by Scully blares out of the P.A System. After about 40 seconds The Scull Meister finally steps out on to stage. The fans begin to boo as Scully looks around and smirks. Mr. Untouchable, slowly walks down the ramp with a cocky stride not giving a dam about the fans reaction or so it seems. Scully stops at the bottom of the ramp and lifts both arms in the air. He then puts both thumbs down and boos the fans which gets a louder reaction. He walks up the steps, walks along the ring apron and turns to look at the fans with a smirk across his face. He then jump over the top rope in to the ring. Scull then walks over to the far turn buckle, climb to the top. Holds his hands in the air and puts both thumbs down again. The Scully Meister then jumps down and pulls the top rope ready for his opponent. His music fades out.

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Chicago, Illinois and weighing in at 323 lbs... GHOST TANK!

The lights dim, and crimson fog fills the entranceway as Hysteria walks out. "The Asylum" flashes on the X-Tron, as the crowd boos, though there is a smattering of cheers and applause. His voice rings out through the arena,

SIIIILENCCCCE, FOOOLSSSS! Rise to your feet, bow your heads, and let us say our prayer to the Higher Power!

Hysteria would then read from a passage of the book he holds, as the lights then begin to get brighter and brighter, then dimmer and dimmer. The lights continue to do this for a few seconds more, before the light darkens, and a strobe light begins its dance as Ghost Tank begins to walk out, and the sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. At the top of the ramp, he lets out a primal roar, and begins to beat his chest. Hysteria looks over to Ghost Tank, and his voice cuts through the air

The Higher Power givessss unto you, Ghost Tank, the poweeeerrrrr to break your bondssss! NOW BE UNLEASHED AND CLEANSE OUR ENEMIES IN THE NAME OF THE HIGHER POWER!

Ich Tu Dir Weh starts at 1:39 as Ghost Tank's arms fold across his chest, and then as the drums quicken at 1:43 he throws his arms out hard, making a lowercase t with his body, and the bonds break apart. He then bends over, and rips the shackles off his ankles. Once free from his bonds, he runs to the ring, jumping from the ground and up to the top rope, which he grabs, using his power and agility to hold him straight upside down on the rope, then flips himself around, landing in the ring, onto his feet and facing the entrance while he lets go of the rope, standing tall with his fists once more thumping against his flesh.

#1 Contender's Match for Television Championship
- VS -
Ghost Tank
Casket Match

The bell rings and Scully and GT go face- to- face, having a stare down. Scully, being 6'1, is having to look up at the much taller Ghost Tank, being 6'8. Scully looks to be talking some smack, while GT is staring at him, stony- faced.

Scully, feeling as though his words aren't having effect on the New Breed of Beast, smacks him! Ghost Tank goes red in the face! Scully backs up a few steps and laughs, only to be met by a big shoulder tackle from a charging Ghost Tank! Scully pops back up, looking a little dazed by the shoulder tackle, gets slammed by a body slam! GT looks towards the entrance, as if waiting for the hooded men from the Real Higher Power to come on down.

Scully, having that bit of a moment to catch a reprieve, gets back up and locks a Cobra Clutch on Ghost Tank! He's pushing Ghost Tank near the ropes, where the casket stands!

As soon as the duo get to the ropes, Ghost Tank latches onto the ropes and shrugs Scully off of him. GT turns around only to meet a T- Bone Suplex from Scully!

The New Breed of Beast gets back up after a few seconds and starts manhandling Scully with a bear hug. It's almost as if an actual bear is just squeezing the life out of Scully. Ghost Tank charges to a corner to shoulder thrust Scully into it, but Scully reverses it, DDTing Ghost Tank on the second turnbuckle!

Ghost Tank runs out of the ring to catch his breath while Scully taunts. Ghost Tank, feeling enraged, shows his strength and throws the casket inside! The Scullymeister, obviously shocked, runs out of the way just in time!

Ghost Tank goes underneath the ring to look for some weapons. He pulls out... a ladder! A kendo stick! A guitar! Ghost Tank is pulling out all kinds of weapons and is throwing them into the ring! Brass knuckles! A rope! A rubber dildo! Scully, sensing opportunity, bounces off the ropes. Ghost Tank comes out from under the ring with his final weapon of choice, a steel chair, and gets a casket baseball- slided onto him by Scully! As Scully laughs at Ghost Tank, Ghost Tank ferociously pushes the casket right under Scully's legs, putting him inside! Ghost Tank charges inside to close the casket, but no! Scully leaps out onto Ghost Tank, tackling both of them to the ground, grabs the nearby rope, and starts strangling the life out of Ghost Tank! He's reeling.... reeling.... holy shit, Ghost Tank is unconscious!

Scully finally lets up his maniacal grip with the rope. He gets up, and stares for a moment at the open casket and the three hundred and twenty- seven pounds of dead weight in front of him. He struggles to push Ghost Tank up, but finally does that. With a quick push at the unconscious GT, the New Breed of Beast is inside the casket and is in trouble! Before Scully can close the casket, however, Ghost Tank comes to life at the last moment and shoots his hand towards Scully's throat! Ghost Tank pops back up, not letting his grip on Scully fade, and performs a one- handed chokeslam on the Scullymeister!

The fans are delighted at the action they are witnessing and start pounding their feet in unison while still handing out boos. Ghost Tank stays on the attack by picking up the ladder, and placing it on Scully. He climbs up the corner... and flawlessly performs a Corkscrew 450 Splash!

That looked to hurt Ghost Tank as much as it did Scully. They are both lying on the ground limply, neither one seeming to be getting up anytime soon.

After all this punishment, Scully finally crawls up on all fours. He slowly but surely crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up. Ghost Tank, meanwhile, is clutching his ribs and is pulling himself up with aid of the casket. Scully charges at Ghost Tank but gets met with a hip toss! Scully pops back up only for Ghost Tank to catch Scully with an Irish Whip to the corner! Ghost Tank with a big- time splash! Scully groggily gets out of the corner... Irish Whip into the ropes... Big Boot by GT! Ghost Tank effortlessly picks up Scully…

When all of a sudden on the X-Tron there's a huge flash of light, and then a booming voice hits:

"Ghost Tank, oh Ghost Tank."

Ghost Tank and Scully stop and turn towards the stage.

Jacob appears on the X-Tron

"Just thought I'd let you know that I'm not out there to interfere in your match.
Just thought I'd let you know that you are free to continue.
But know this always look on the bright side of life
and always watch you back.
Because at any time The Real Higher Power can will attack you.
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not Wednesday
Maybe not next week.
But there come a time."

Jacob starts laughing. And then the X-Tron went back to normal.

Ghost Tank kicks Scully in the gut and powerslams him into the casket! Ghost Tank about to slam the casket shut- NO! Scully saving himself by throwing a last- ditch kick right to Ghost Tank's face!

Ghost Tank staggers back a bit out of shock. Scully quickly climbs out and takes to brawling with GT. Scully with a few right hands. Ghost Tank is staggered against the ropes. Scully slips on the brass knuckles... huge haymaker to Ghost Tank! He tumbles to the outside.

Scully curses at his luck, then goes outside. He starts dragging Ghost Tank in, only for Ghost Tank to elbow him in the neck. Side headlock by GT... huge Irish Whip into the steel steps! Scully over- sells that shit by flipping over the steel steps. Tank runs back into the ring and throws out the casket! Tank rushes out of the ring only to be blasted by the still- brass- knuckle wearing Scully! Ghost Tank is stunned, but doesn't fall. Scully starts going after Ghost Tank's leg with a couple of low kicks.

Ghost Tank- having lost his center of strength- crumples. Having an opportunity to take out Ghost Tank's entire offense, Scully locks on the Scull Lock (Ankle Lock)! Ghost Tank is crawling and howling in pain, looking to find some way to get Scully off! You can start to see a little cut slowly oozing blood on Ghost Tank where Scully hit him with the brass knuckles.

Ghost Tank goes under the ring, trying to find anything to get Scully off. He pulls out... a sledgehammer! Sledgehammer shot to Scully's cranium! He relinquishes the hold, dazed, while Ghost Tank slowly limps to the barricade to pull himself up, still holding on to that sledgehammer. Scully going to continue his attack to Ghost Tank's leg with some low kicks! While Ghost Tank is reeling, Scully gets the steel chair Ghost Tank dropped earlier.

He hits the chair on Ghost Tank's leg! He crumples in an instant! Scully with another chair shot!







7! Seven chair shots to Ghost Tank's leg!

Scully takes the sledgehammer from Ghost Tank and drops it. He takes the casket door and lays it on the barricade. Scully, using all the strength he can, pushes Ghost Tank onto the casket door, his leg right in the middle. Scully takes the sledgehammer... Don't do it, Scully! He swings towards Ghost Tank's leg!

No! Ghost Tank moved out of the way just in time! The sledgehammer shot broke off the casket door! Scully stares in disbelief as he tries to formulate a plan to get Ghost Tank in the casket. But, there's no more time left, as Ghost Tank uses a lot of his remaining strength to pull himself onto the ring apron. Scully turns around... Missile Dropkick from Ghost Tank from the ring apron! Ghost Tank brings himself back up... He picks up Scully... Fallaway slam to Scully, sending him tumbling into the casket. Ghost Tank scrambles to the casket, trying to close the door, but he realizes the casket door is broken off!

What's Ghost Tank doing? He's going over to the side of the casket... He places both hands underneath... I think he's going to try and flip the casket! He's pushing... pushing... No! Scully saves himself with a well- placed elbow to Ghost Tank, sending him reeling from the casket! Scully comes on out... The End (Cross Rhodes!) The End from Scully hits! Scully realizes the end could very well be near, as Ghost Tank is down, and possible out!

Scully goes to the casket. He's rolling the casket to the entrance stage, and leans it on one of the walls there. Scully walks down the entrance ramp where the injured Ghost Tank lies. He starts rolling Ghost Tank up, all the while humming the Ghostbuster's theme to himself. Scully reaches the casket. He's going to try and dead lift the New Breed of Beast into the casket! Scully tries lifting him up... No dice. Again? Nope. Scully's back is starting to hurt from all the heavy lifting. Scully just decides to wait for Ghost Tank to get up.

He's waiting...

Still waiting...

Jeez, Ghost Tank must have had a few drinks before the match, because he's still not getting up! Scully, being fed up, goes over to Ghost Tank to slap him awake, but it seems as though Ghost Tank was playing possum! He takes Scully's legs! Ghost Tank gets to a standing position! Ghost Tank, showing an amazing feat of strength with an injured leg, puts Scully up on his shoulders! He might be looking for Tank Tracks (Triple Powerbomb into Sitout Powerbomb)! He hits the first powerbomb! Ghost Tank brings Scully back up... second powerbomb! He brings Scully back up...

Ghost Tank, looking to lift Scully up for Tank Tracks powerbomb number three... Ghost Tank runs over to the casket, still having Scully in powerbomb position! Sitout powerbomb to Scully, sending him into the casket! The casket tumbles to the ground! There's no casket door though! Scully broke it off!

Ghost Tank, trying to right his past mistake in this match, places both hands underneath the casket. He's lifting with everything he's got! Veins are bulging everywhere on his body! He did it! He lifted the casket over! The open side is facing the floor! Scully is trapped inside! Does that mean Ghost Tank wins? The officials are talking it over... Yes, Ghost Tank wins!

JUSTIN ROBERTS: And the winnerrrrrr issssssss…….. GHOST TANK!

The camera returns to MacClay’s office.

MacClay is turning a shade of green.

Loverboy and Fieldler enter the room and take their seats. Loverboy kisses Roxy before they bundle in each other’s arms.

MacClay turns and points at him.

What… you give me… to drink?

Drink? I didn’t give you a drink…

MacClay’s eyes grow large. He looks at the bottle and looks at Benjamin. He nearly falls over, but Benjamin catches him and lifts him up. MacClay smiles faintly and then projectile vomits all over Fieldler! Fieldler backs away disgusted and nearly hurling himself. The door creaks open and Miranda Tigris enters. She points at MacClay and bursts out laughing.

How’d you like that bottle of gin, you overweight loser? Maybe next time you’ll think before you drink.

She files out the door still laughing.

The camera fades back to the ring as it zooms in on the sickly face of MacClay.

"Undead" by Hollywood Undead plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following match is for one fall. Introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 265 lbs... JUSTIN SANE!

The opening riff of "Undead" by Hollywood Undead hits the PA system. The stage fills with a low-covering layer of smoke as the main lights dim and are instead replaced with flickering sapphire blue and white lights centrered on the stage and entrance ramp. Justin Sane slowly walks out from behind the curtain, hands at his sides, clenching and un-clenching his fists whilst rolling his next. He approaches the top of the ramp and looks out and the crowd with a smirk on his face. After gazing around the XWF arena, his gaze lands upon the ring in front of him. He makes his way down the ramp, eyes solely on the ring, a look of intent and purpose in his eyes. He slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope and paces a couple of circles around the ring. Just as the chorus of "Undead" is about to kick in, he strides to the corner, grabs the top rope and pulls himself up to the second turnbuckle before throwing both arms out 90 degrees at his sides and letting out a loud war cry. He jumps down from the turnbuckle, unrivaled intensity in his eyes and stares out at the crowd as "undead" begins to fade and the lighting returns to normal.

"I Wanna Rock" by Twisted Sister plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Tampa, Florida and weighing in at 230 lbs... 'LOVERBOY' VINNIE LANE!

The high pitched wail of Dee Snider pierces the air as the Twisted Sister classic pumps through the PA system. As two big pyro towers shoot off on either side of the stage, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane spins out of the entrance ramp, wearing his favorite t-shirt, a cutoff Faster Pussycat screen print, long silver tights and shining silver boots. The crowd pops as Loverboy struts down the aisle,strumming the air guitar and leaping into the air with a jumping split. As he hops onto the ring apron, he swings around, facing the crowd, and pumps his fist along to the music, singing along and inciting the crowd to do so as well.

Justin Sane
- VS -
'Loverboy' Vinnie Lane
Singles Match, One Fall

Lane rushes at Justin with a clothesline, but Justin sidesteps it, throws out a foot, and trips Lane. Lane goes down to the mat, and Sane jumps up to the top rope, rope, not turnbuckle. The man has some incredible balance. Lane gets to his feet, just as Justin launches off for a Moonsault. It connects, to Lane’s arms as he grabs, and Justin with a Death Valley Driver. He hooks the leg for an early pin.



Sane pops up to his feet and gives Lane a Spinning Heel kick for his pin attempt. Lane ducks, and retaliates with a knee to Sane’s stomach for his trouble. Lane lifts Justin, Suplex! Sane goes down, and Lane goes for another pin.


Roxy screams loudly from the top of the ramp and Lane breaks to pin up to see what’s going on. He bounces up to see Pest dragging Roxy to the ring by her hair, she’s kicking and screaming. Lane rushes to the ropes and begins to call for her, giving Sane the chance to grab Lane from behind, and make him take The Pledge of Insanity (grabbing for the Death Valley Driver, then transitioning into a Tombstone Piledriver.) Lane goes down while Roxy screams for him. Pest makes his way down the ramp and over the ring. Lane is scrambling to his feet. He gets back at the ropes and begins to yell for Pest to let go, he wants Lane, here he is. Pest pulls a pair of handcuffs out of his backpocket, and cuffs Roxy to the barricade before sliding into the ring. He kicks Lane in the stomach, and walks over to Sane. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a Chicken sandwich, which he hands to Sane.

Sane begins to eat the sandwich and watch as Pest lifts Lane up, and smash him with a The Eye in the Pyramind (Cradle Piledriver). He picks Lane up, and drags him over to the ropes, before pulling out another set of handcuffs. He cuffs Lane’s hands behind his back, and to the ropes, before sliding out of the ring, and delivering a series of boots to Roxy’s face. Pest undoes her cuffs and throws her into the ring. Roxy rushes over to Lane, but Pest grabs her by the hair. He drags her to the turnbuckle, and rips the padding off. Lane is fighting to get free, so Sane walks over and kicks him in the face. Pest begins to slam Roxy’s face into the corner, repeatedly. She’s bleeding now. The ref rushes to break it up, so Pest picks Roxy up over his head and tosses her onto the concrete outside the ring, before turning and punching the ref in the face. He then lifts the Ref to his feet and hits an Another Way to Die (front flip piledriver), with the ref down. Pest walks over to Lane, sticks his hand down the front of Lane's pants, feels around for a minute before coming up with a massive tuft of blonde pubes. He pulls a thin of super glue from his pocket, covers the pubs in it, then glues them to the front cock of the crown, and tosses the keys to Sane before slides out of the ring, kicks Roxy in the face one last time, and then rushes off to the back.

Sane undoes Lane’s cuffs, and he gets up and rushes to check on Roxy, but not before Justin gets ahold of him for a double underhook backbreaker. He hooks a leg for the pin.



Lane gets a shoulder up. He gets to his feet, hits Justin with a Black label driver (vertebreaker), and then slides out of the ring to check on Roxy. Sane is just lying there as Vinnie helps Roxy to her feet and over to the Announcer’s table. Right as she’s about to take a seat there, Justin comes flying from the ropes with a High Arc Moonsault from the top rope and smashes Vinnie into the table. The ref gets up and begins to count out for them to get into the ring.


No one is stirring.


Lane is on his feet, and making his way to the ring.


Sane is up. He throws a chair at the back of Lane’s legs to stop him


Lane goes down, and Sane begins to kick Lane in the back of the head.


Justin begins to move for the ring.


Both men are touching the ring, climbing in.


They throw each other on the ground trying to keep the other out.


Both men get to their feet.


They ignore each other and get in the ring at the same time.

The pair lock up again, but Lane gets the upper hand due to being quicker than Sane. He grabs Sane by the back of the head, throws a knee to the gut and goes for a DDT. Sane goes down, but not for long. Vinnie goes for a pin, but Justin kicks out before the count of one.

The two men get back to their feet and the crowd begins chanting. Just-in Saneeeee… Loverboy… The dueling chants continue as the two men nod their head. They begin circling around once more. They tie up, but Loverboy yanks Sane to the mat by his shoulder. Loverboy grabs the arm and forces it into a wrench. He places his knee on the back of Sane’s head and drives his head into the mat with the Bad Medicine Knee-Driver! Sane’s face is smashed into the mat. Loverboy rolls him over.



Th-NO! Sane just barely kicked out.

Loverboy pulls him back to his feet, but Sane hits a low punch. Loverboy backs away holding his instruments. Sane nails the Screws Loose superkick! Loverboy bounces back into the corner. Sane rushes forward and nails a high knee strike! Sane takes Loverboy to the top rope and goes for the Superplex! Loverboy returns the low blow and Sane is suspended standing on the top rope! Lane pulls him down and flips over him! Sunset flip into a powerbomb! Sane is dropped into the mat hard! Loverboy walks over and stomps on Sane’s face with fury! Several strikes as Sane tries to cover up! Loverboy drops to the mat, flips Sane over, and locks in the DRAGON CLUTCH SLEEPER! Sane is in immense pain! Sane begins slowly crawling to the ropes! Loverboy stops this by squeezing on the hold even harder. Sane is wincing in pain. His hand is reaching everywhere until… it finds something. Lane is clenching his eyes shut as he applies more pressure.


Loverboy is smashed in the head by the handcuffs from earlier! Sane grabbed them and swung up nailing Lane in the temple. Lane falls off of him holding his head. Sane rolls over, but is really stiff from that hold. Lane comes after him, but Sane kicks him in the balls again before rolling to his feet. Lane looks pissed off as he charges forward. Sane ducks his clothesline and nails him again in the face with a clenched punch around the metal. Blood is gushing from the blow sustained. Lane looks out on his feet. Sane nails another Screws Loose superkick! Lane bounces off the ropes and comes back into…


Justin Sane’s swinging neckbreaker destroys ‘Loverboy’! He covers him as the referee is just barely coming to!




JUSTIN ROBERTS: And the winnerrrrrrr isssssssss…. JUSTIN SANE!

"Sentry the Defiant" by Coheed and Cambria plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall... and is for the TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first from Baltimore, Maryland and weighing in at 179 lbs... the Television Champion... 'THE AERIAL KNIGHT' JOHNATHAN HEARTSFORD!

The acoustic strums of a guitar can be heard as the spotlights point directly at the ramp and everyone becomes dead silent. The acoustic strums repeat for a second time as fog begins to seep out of the ramp and towards the ring itself. Just as the song becomes heavy, the Aerial Knight bursts through the curtains and takes a good look at the crowd and the ring. Once the lyrics hit, he slowly walks to the ring, slapping the hands of the fans to his left side as he passes them by. As soon as he gets close to the ring, he stops and looks up at the ring, where the referee (and if he enters second, his opponent) are waiting for him. He smirks at them and circles the ring as the song continues to play, even as the chorus plays out. After annoying the referee and taking a good chunk of air time out of the show, he climbs the stairs and hops over the top rope. Once inside, he then hops to the top rope of his respective corner and waits for the bell to ring. All the while, he has a cocky smirk on his face.

"Symphony of Destruction" by Steve Tushdar plays

JUSTIN ROBERTS: Introducing next from Battle Creek, Michigan and weighing in at 220 lbs... the challenger... MAVERICK!

Symphony of Destruction starts to play, and smoke pours into the arena, giving an ominous feeling. Maverick comes out, taunting the crowd every step of the way. After Maverick hops into the ring, he relaxes on a turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start, going on a turnbuckle facing his opponent.

Television Championship
'The Aerial Knight' Johnathan Heartsford ©
- VS -
Singles Match, One Fall
As per Television Championship rules,
The Champion may post two RPs a day.
The Challenger may only post one RP a day.

The bell rings and the clock starts.


The two men wrap up. Maverick pushes him towards the corner. The referee pulls them apart, but Maverick rushes forward and pokes Knight in the eye. The referee gets in the face of Maverick telling him not to do it again. Maverick smirks and grabs Knight. He hits an amateur takedown and locks in an armbar. Knight rolls so that Maverick’s shoulders are pinned to the mat and the referee counts!


2… Maverick releases the hold!

Knight stands over him and leaps to the second rope hitting a springboard missile dropkick! Maverick hits the ground. Knight climbs to the top rope makes a rolling motion with his hands and leaps for a moonsault! Maverick rolls out of the way though! Knight gets up slowly and is met by a Lights Out spine-NO! Knight elbows him in the side of the head. They separate and Maverick looks pissed. He rushes towards Knight who catches his arm for an arm drag. Knight then proceeds to lock on his own armbar. Maverick reaches through and connects his arms. Knight cannot seem to break the hold. Knight kicks the hands two times and the hold breaks! He wrenches back on the arm as he notices the clock for the first time.


Maverick squirms around and manages to get his foot under the bottom rope! The referee begins the count, but Knight rolls out of it not wanting to be dishonorable! Maverick gets to his feet and charges at Knight and catches him with a clothesline. He mounts Knight and goes for a punch, but Knight decks him first! Maverick bounces off holding his face as Knight gets to his feet. Knight rushes forward, but Maverick flicks his wrist forward hitting Knight in the stones. Before Knight can react, Maverick grabs his head and drives him into the mat with a DDT. Maverick examines his jaw before climbing the top turnbuckle. Knight kips up to his feet and rushes over to the corner! He leaps to the top rope and nails an enzuigiri! Maverick loses his balance and falls outside on the thin mat! Knight glances at the time.


Knight looks at the slowly recovering Maverick and devises a plan! He leaps to the top rope, flips around, and leaps for a moonsault! WAIT! He caught him on the way down and delivered a massive tornado DDT! Excalibration nailed to perfection. Maverick is out like a light. Knight rolls back in the ring and glances at the clock.

11: 21
11: 20
11: 19

The referee begins to count…


3… Some life in Maverick!



6... Maverick has a hand on the apron.

7… Maverick pulls himself into the ring!

Knight rushes across the ring and begins stomping a mudhole in him. Maverick punches him square in the testicles as the referee is behind Knight! Knight backs away as he complains to the referee. The referee gets in Maverick’s face again. Maverick apologizes and the referee backs down. Knight goes for a dropkick, but Maverick avoids it.
Maverick is now starting to get the upper hand as he starts landing right hand after right hand on Heartsford, beating him into a corner. He turns him around, face facing the steel ring post. Maverick then leans Heartsford up as if he wants to do a back superplex.

Mav climbs up after Heartsford...


Mav weakly crawls over to Heartsford, rolls him over, and drapes an arm over his chest for the pin.



NO! Heartsford kicks out!

Maverick uses the ropes to get up quickly. Knight balaces himself on his hand and pushes off the ground propelling himself forward with a huge punch! The punch nails Maverick right on the chin! He falls down hard! Knight covers him!



Th-NO! Maverick just barely kicked out. Knight glances at the clock.


Knight picks Maverick up and Maverick nails him with an uppercut! Maverick hits two punches to the chest. Knight retaliates with a huge chop! Mav hits a punch to the temple. Knight returns it! The two men are slugging it out here! Knight catches Maverick with an elbow strike that disorients him! Knight backs up and nails The Knighting! The Shining Wizard drops Maverick to the ground. Knight raises his arms and leaps to the top rope. He begins fiddling with his boot as if it wasn’t fitting right for a moment. He finally gives up on it and he motions for the big finish! Knight leaps from the top rope for his finisher!


It connects… to Maverick’s knees! Knight rolls off in some serious pain. Maverick goes for the cover!



Th-NO! Knight kicks out just in time.

Maverick pulls Knight up and nails the Lights Out spinebuster! He moves away and awaits Knight to get up. Knight groggily gets to his feet and turns around into Maverick. Maverick kicks him in the gut and sets him up for THE AGE OF PERFECTION! The Falcon Arrow back suplex into front suplex smashes Knight into the mat! Maverick leaps for the cover!



Three… NO! Knight just barely kicked out!

Maverick looks tense. He gazes up at the clock.


He begins scrambling he stomps on the legs of Knight. Knight is grimacing in pain as he reaches down for his leg. Maverick motions for the PURE PERFECTION! He grabs the boots to flip and, when he does, he pulls Knight’s boot off! Maverick seems confused by it at first. He drops the shoe and turns around to receive a punch to the cranium! Knight smirks as he leaps into the air and pulls Maverick’s head facefirst into the second turnbuckle with a hurricanrana! TOTAL HONOR!


Maverick hits that turnbuckle and bounces up groggily. Knight grabs him from behind and rolls him up!





Maverick looks irate as he's been once more screwed. As Heartsford is celebrating, Maverick turns him around and hits him with the Age of Perfection! And it seems as though he's not done yet, either. He throws Heartsford out the ring, and follows after him. Maverick sets Heartsford up on the barricade.

Maverick nails Heartsford with a few shots. He's backing up, gearing up for a sprint... I think he's going to destroy the barricade!

Before Maverick can hit that spear, he's stopped by... MAVERICK?! Maverick #2 with a swift kick to the jaw of Maverick #1, sending him reeling. Maverick #2 grabs a microphone, and says, "Nice of you to masquerade as me for over six weeks now, but I'm afraid its going to have to end. You're not throwing my career away anymore by throwing my matches."

And this weird twin of Maverick seems furious! He low blows Maverick before spearing Heartsford through the barricade! Once Mav comes back to normal time. The unique twin of Maverick is trying to escape!

Suddenly from out in the back come the Kings. John Madison, John Samuels and Theo Pryce. They catch the fake Maverick as he was attempting to retreat towards the entrance way. Samuels and Madison grab fake-rick by the arms and drag him towards the ring. Pryce slides into the ring and just as the real Maverick is turning around he gets blasted with Pryce's patented False Flag(Spear.)

Knight is sitting up in the corner catching his breath. Pryce looks at him for a moment but then turns his attention back to Maverick. Both of them while also taking a microphone out of his jacket.

"So let me get this straight, last week the bitch with the sledgehammer wasn't the real Maverick, it was some imposter? Honestly I should have known, it was right in front of us the whole time, what with the guy seemingly learning how to wrestle almost overnight. But alas it was not meant to be. The real Maverick is back which means the bottom of the barrell got one more monkey back to be used as cannon fodder. Fellas, toss the fake Maverick here."

The two John's do as Theo asks and toss fake Maverick at him only for fake Maverick to be met with a superkick right to the jaw. Fake Maverick goes down in a heap.

"Gentlemen if you please."

Madison and Samuels grab fake Maverick by the arms and lift him to his knees and then bend him over into a forward crouching position just in time for Theo to smash fake Maverick's face into the mat with a curb stomp that he calls the Bang and Burn.

"That was for last week you little shitstain."

Theo turns his attention back to the real Maverick who is just now getting to his feet. He doesn't see Pryce behind him which is unfortunate as Theo grabs Maverick around the neck and yanks him down courtesy of the Dead Drop(jumping reverse bulldog). Maverick is sprawled out in the middle of the ring staring up at the ceiling. Theo stands over Maverick and looks down at him.

"And that's for letting some asshole run around as you while you were doing God knows what else for a month and a half. Seriously, what the fuck were you doing for 6 weeks while this guy was pretending to be you? Do you not have a TV or access to the internet? Fucking idiot. Now, I have it on good authority that next week right here on Madness you are going to be facing my buddy John Samuels, well...consider this your warm up."

Theo backs away with a massive grin across his face and leans up against the ropes next to John Madison. John Samuels then steps up, grabs Maverick up by his throat and just as quickly slams him back down to the ring with his two handed choke slam(Welcome to Texas Mother Fucker.) Samuels then walks around, grabs Maverick by the legs and in one quick motion puts Maverick in the Longhorn Lock(Texas Cloverleaf). Maverick screams out in pain as Samuels pulls back with everything he has as if he is trying to rip Maverick's knees apart. Samuels takes a glance backwards and sees Maverick's face turning red. He pulls back one last time for good measure before letting go. Theo pats him on the back and the Kings exit the ring and head towards the back amidst a hoard of cheers. Who knew, the Kings actually getting cheers.
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-09-2014, 01:50 AM

After his match, Ghost Tank can be seen, getting his ankle and leg looked at, but aside from some severe bruising, and his ankle having been twisted until it was sprained, there was no real damage done. Medics wrapped up his ankle, and he looked towards the cameraman, gesturing for him to get closer. His face slightly bloodied from the cut and already beginning to bruise nicely. His contacts in, his blackened teeth still in. Once the cameraman was close enough, he spoke,

"Scully, you didn't call the Corporation down on me. I applaud you for that. You fought like a man, and you gave me some wounds. However, I told you this would happen, didn't I? You didn't pay the proper attention to me. You didn't train enough for our match.

This goes out to all of you in the locker rooms!"

He began to shriek out his words,


He laughed, then grinned wide before speaking 'normally' which had a slight growl to his voice,

"Heartsford, Knight. Prepare yourself. The Monster that broke you at War Games, is now in a prime position to take your title away. I will be coming for that title...

His grin widening further to almost Joker-like proportions before he growls deeper as he speaks,


He laughed his signature laugh as the camera faded to black.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-09-2014, 08:10 AM

"Like a little ray of sunshine peeking out through a dissipating storm cloud, Vinnie Lane's mediocrity outshines his bold claim of being 'above par.'"

"God, Lane, you're fucking awful. You don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as ANY of the Kings. You'll never be champion."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-09-2014, 08:21 AM

Mr. WGWF:Oh, you liked that, John? When I went down there for pubes, there were no testicles, though. No dick, no balls, no vagina, just flatness. I guess the baby isn't his.
AerialKnight Offline
The Knight that Fights with Honor

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

12-09-2014, 08:35 AM

(12-09-2014, 01:50 AM)Ghost Tank Said: "Heartsford, Knight. Prepare yourself. The Monster that broke you at War Games, is now in a prime position to take your title away. I will be coming for that title...

His grin widening further to almost Joker-like proportions before he growls deeper as he speaks,


He laughed his signature laugh as the camera faded to black.

"Bold words from a man that can barely walk. I've seen those chair shots to the leg. You better hope you get that thing healed up before you even bother to face me. Even then, I'll try to make those fifteen minutes the most arduous and painful in your life."

The knight laughs confidently before pointing straight at the camera.

"Next week."

Singles Win/Lose/Draw

Tag Win/Lose/Draw

“Knighthood lies above eternity; it does not live off fame, but rather deeds.” - Dejan Stojanovic

[Image: Kb8kiu6.png]
[Image: Mr262Fx.png?1]
[Image: Qmzdsrs.png]
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-09-2014, 09:49 AM

(12-09-2014, 08:35 AM)AerialKnight Said: "Bold words from a man that can barely walk. I've seen those chair shots to the leg. You better hope you get that thing healed up before you even bother to face me. Even then, I'll try to make those fifteen minutes the most arduous and painful in your life."

The knight laughs confidently before pointing straight at the camera.

"Next week."

Ghost Tank chuckled,

"Just call me Wolverine. My body heals quickly. Wednesday rolls around, I'll barely break a sweat during my match, and by Thursday, I'll be as good as new, and resuming my free running exercise. See you Monday, Champ, and make sure that belt is shined up nice, so when I take it from you, you'll be able to see the look of defeat upon your own face.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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The Blue Tango Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-09-2014, 03:50 PM

(12-09-2014, 09:49 AM)Ghost Tank Said: Ghost Tank chuckled,

"Just call me Wolverine. My body heals quickly. Wednesday rolls around, I'll barely break a sweat during my match, and by Thursday, I'll be as good as new, and resuming my free running exercise. See you Monday, Champ, and make sure that belt is shined up nice, so when I take it from you, you'll be able to see the look of defeat upon your own face.

"Is that why you took a month off after you fought Calypso in a Meat hook match?"

"Hey question, what kind of running exercises do you do, bruh? I do some running out in my own private drive down in South Carolina. It's a time share I got hooked up with for a great price from a dude that just called me outta the blue. I usually take a few weeks during the summer and take a break from the bustle of the big city. One of my favorite ways to relax is taking a nice, long jog through the forest. I also do some conditioning exercises like calf raises, walking lunges, some pistol squats... Ya know. The basic stuff. Sometimes I walk around my entire studio apartment on my heels just to build up my calves while chilling at home! I've got a few tips for some deep conditioning if you're interested."

"Oh and I also play a little b-ball on the side for stamina and endurance. No one owns the free throw like......"

[[[ Calypso waves his hands in front of his face...... very mystically...... ]]]

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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-09-2014, 04:24 PM

(12-09-2014, 03:50 PM)Calypso! Said: "Is that why you took a month off after you fought Calypso in a Meat hook match?"

"Hey question, what kind of running exercises do you do, bruh? I do some running out in my own private drive down in South Carolina. It's a time share I got hooked up with for a great price from a dude that just called me outta the blue. I usually take a few weeks during the summer and take a break from the bustle of the big city. One of my favorite ways to relax is taking a nice, long jog through the forest. I also do some conditioning exercises like calf raises, walking lunges, some pistol squats... Ya know. The basic stuff. Sometimes I walk around my entire studio apartment on my heels just to build up my calves while chilling at home! I've got a few tips for some deep conditioning if you're interested."

"Oh and I also play a little b-ball on the side for stamina and endurance. No one owns the free throw like......"

[[[ Calypso waves his hands in front of his face...... very mystically...... ]]]


"Calypso, I did not take a month off. I originally planned to be gone a week. However, I lost someone very dear to me, the very Sunday after our match. She died, and I almost killed myself through starvation and dehydration. So, I took one more week off, so I could get back to tip top shape. I was healed from my wounds via our match, and from that fucking piano at the Shove-It, around Thursday, that first week after our match.

Also, free running is another way of saying I practice Parkour. If you still don't know what that is, I can have Alvald send you a link to what it is. I can train you, if you want. So long as you do one thing for me: Mess with Jacob of The Real Higher Power. Whatever ways you want. Just butt in to whatever he's doing, and I'll help you become leaner, and meaner. It will make your current training regimen look like a child came up with it.

Do we have a deal?

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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The Blue Tango Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-09-2014, 04:32 PM

"Isn't there an 'Anti-Bullying Policy' here in the XWF? Goddamn. Sure, Ghost Bitch. Calypso can protect you from this Real Higher Power-dude that's not really the Higher Power, cuz you worship the real Higher Power... Damn, that's confusing. But yeah, like I said, you can count on me for protection, bruh."
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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

12-09-2014, 07:16 PM

(12-09-2014, 04:32 PM)Calypso! Said: "Isn't there an 'Anti-Bullying Policy' here in the XWF? Goddamn. Sure, Ghost Bitch. Calypso can protect you from this Real Higher Power-dude that's not really the Higher Power, cuz you worship the real Higher Power... Damn, that's confusing. But yeah, like I said, you can count on me for protection, bruh."

"I don't want your protection. I don't need your protection. I am offering to train you, so long as you annoy the fuck out of Jacob of The Real Higher Power. You will become a leaner, meaner, more attractive man, to bring in the ladies. It will probably help you out with getting that Maria woman you're hounding. Maybe. Can't guarantee that. All you have to do, is bug the fuck out of Jacob. Simple as that. Any time he decides to talk shit to someone, any time he looks for a fight, you just do what you do best, and be..."

Ghost Tank mimics Calypso's hand gesture


He holds out his right hand,


[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins Offline
Big Dick Playa

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

12-09-2014, 07:25 PM

(12-09-2014, 01:12 AM)Kirk MacClay Said: Punk stops the count!!! As he grabs Frodo by the head, Frodo swings it away and headbutts Punk right in the nose! He kicks him in the junk as well and sets him up for a powerbomb!!! Frodo picks Punk up and slams him down with a powerbomb on top of Hawkins! Frodo sits on Punk and places a foot on Hawkins pinning both men!

"Hey, look. I can powerbomb Ferrari Punk. Oh, and Lane, before you claim to be above Theo, try to actually win a match. Hashtag just sayin'."

[Image: ZXX7HJw.png?1]

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