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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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What sort of RP do YOU prefer?
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

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(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

04-16-2013, 06:25 AM

This is just a question in general....

I was interested to find out what sort of RP everyone prefers?

E.g, comedy, intense, descriptive, shoot, dialogue, description... etc etc... you get my drift....

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

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KnightMask Offline
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04-16-2013, 06:59 AM

Well, I like a lot of different styles. I like story-type RP's in general better than promo-based ones, I suppose. Of course, the good thing about promo-based ones is that it gives people something they can easily respond to, since people wouldn't necessarily be aware of what is going on in a character's personal life as detailed in a storyline-based RP.

I personally don't really prefer RP's to be too heavily dependent on obscenity or, especially, racism. For me, its just not fun to read. Also, I guess, I don't really enjoy it when people seem to make OOC criticisms in their in-character RP's or get into another poster's spelling, grammar or writing ability in their posts. It seems too much like breaking the fourth wall to me. I also don't really like it when it seems to be alluded to that wins or losses are RP dependent. Insult-based RP's, I'd prefer to be done in such a way where it seems to be one wrestler insulting another, not one e-fedder ripping another e-fedder's writing.

So I guess, breaking the fourth wall isn't my cup of tea. Although, I think it could probably be done in a way that was funny, presuming it was purposeful.

[Image: index.php?ftpserver=localhost&ftpserverp...oMaker.jpg]
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04-16-2013, 07:03 AM

All of the above if it is well written. Personally, I enjoy many styles if its descriptive because that's what makes it creative writing. Sometimes comedic rps rely more on good dialogue (IMO) but details really bring a story to life.

Not to get sappy but I have not RPed in over 10 years. I searched Google for efeds because I wanted to get back in the game and stumbled upon this site. The main page's layout and color scheme kept my attention for more than a minute lol so I investigated the site it further. This fed has terrific writers. I commend all you veterans on here for your talent to paint a picture. You do it in your own way and I like how of all your styles are so different from one another. Kudos to everyone!

The most important thing to realize is if you join an efed to develop a character, create a story and have fun, you will not only succeed but more importantly you will have a great time. If you come on here to keep track of W's and L's, it will be more trouble than it's worth.

[Image: picture1ms.png]
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04-16-2013, 07:06 AM

(04-16-2013, 06:59 AM)KnightMask Said: I personally don't really prefer RP's to be too heavily dependent on obscenity or, especially, racism. For me, its just not fun to read.

Agreed. I love reading people playfully going back and forth with insults in the OOC and 24/7 threads but in the main RPs it takes away from the writing. I find it to actually be distracting when there is too much obscenity. I tend to stop reading. It's not offensive, it's just not fun to read as you said.

[Image: picture1ms.png]
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

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Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

04-16-2013, 07:22 AM

See, I have this issue where I enjoy painting a picture with description, but am maybe struggling developing my characters story. Thankfully, I have received some advice on how to improve this problem I have been having.

Shoot RP's for me work well. I like the idea of being able to send a direct message to the crowd, audience, reader, and opponent. However, a story is the real way to get someone attached to what your character is going though.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

04-16-2013, 08:04 AM

I also just made myself a new signature, opinions?

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

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Mr. Rockwell Offline
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04-16-2013, 08:33 AM

I like shoot style too, just preference. You can still develop a character through the emotions. It all depends on your style. I prefer to keep the story more based in a wrestling world (setting, dialogue, etc) while some people can write about their character getting a divorce on the moon. It doesn't necessarily develop the character any more, what matters is what is fed to the imagination. I find a fed to be like a Justice League of wrestlers, some are based more in realism than others but as long as the RPs aren't a rewash of the same thing every week than you are making steps forward.

I definitely like the sig.

[Image: picture1ms.png]
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C Y R E N Offline

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04-16-2013, 08:39 AM

I like White Lion RP's and only White Lion RP's.
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Shocker Offline
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04-16-2013, 08:47 AM

I've always been more prone to doing more promo-type RPs but at the same time I'm looking more into doing something more narrative-driven. I've never felt that creating a story-based RP was something that would go in a RP for a match. I think having an RP more along the lines of a shoot or promo for the shows is better, and having story-based ones in the character dev board. Then again, that's just me and everyone does a great job regardless
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Steve "KingSlayer" Davids Offline
Steve Davids

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

04-16-2013, 09:17 AM

I think it's from my previous federations that I get this idea that the audience needs to be seeing the RP. I think I will try something more obscure in future weeks though, it will be interesting to try something out of my usual comfort zone. Thank you for the responses, it's one of those things I have been interested to know since I joined. Hopefully a few more people will responsible.

[Image: Gtfmgih.jpg]

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Wallace Witasick Offline
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04-16-2013, 10:12 AM

Just to clarify on a few points in this thread.

Breaking the fourth wall or kayfabe is walking a fine line in the XWF.

Sure, a few OOC pot shots that are humorous and not overtly offensive can still go over as acceptable.


There are many instances where crossing this line could get you docked points or disqualified from your match. If it is severe and frequent enough you could end up getting banned. (It HAS happened in the past) Basically if you think it's questionable, don't do it.

Small infractions would include but are not limited to:

--Referring to the promo as an RP
--Mentioning Pic bases
--Referring to an "RP" or promo strength as reference to how you 'win' matches
--Discussing word counts or rp limits in the match.

More severe infractions might include, but are not limited to:

-- Using someone else character(s) in a role play without their permission.
-- Discussing recent events or drama in the fed that happened OOC in an RP.
-- Directly attacking someone OOC through the use of IN CHARACTER material. (We WILL NOT allow someone to spread hate speech on our boards designed specifically to offend another member.)

There is a fairly wide discrepancy on this subject sometimes.

The rule of thumb to always go by is this...

If you thinks it's even remotely questionable, don't do it....
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WhiteLion Offline
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04-16-2013, 04:26 PM

(04-16-2013, 08:39 AM)C Y R E N Said: I like White Lion RP's and only White Lion RP's.


[Image: bannerfans_7052788.jpg]
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Sweet Cheapshots Offline

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04-16-2013, 04:36 PM

You also have to be a fan of the White Lion camel toe.

[Image: 3169gerjpg_zpsb0cc2993.png]
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04-16-2013, 04:46 PM

I like when people try to touch on all of those styles that you mentioned. Some people are funny/intense/descriptive and don't even realize it.
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BigBadLeroy Offline

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Monster Heel

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04-16-2013, 05:19 PM

(04-16-2013, 04:46 PM)John Madison Said: I like when people try to touch on all of those styles that you mentioned. Some people are funny/intense/descriptive and don't even realize it.

Like Die Hard...or Big Trouble in Little China.


[Image: bfnrkb0.jpg]
[Image: bannerfans_7149387.jpg]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
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04-16-2013, 09:49 PM

i like story-line bassed or promo based

[Image: yPandTo.png]


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IntemporaliterScelestus Offline

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04-17-2013, 10:41 AM

(04-16-2013, 04:26 PM)WhiteLion Said:
(04-16-2013, 08:39 AM)C Y R E N Said: I like White Lion RP's and only White Lion RP's.


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